695 . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION ST A TE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) .Rl.c.ha~d...~.1.s.Ql.ll.~.._.__.........................................._....._..._ of said county. being first duly sworn, says-that he i8 a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of CalI- fornia, over the age of eighte en years; that he has no in- terest in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that he is the Principal clerk ....... ..........~......... ...................... ........... _.............. . ..... .... ...._.........._... ot tha .An ahe.1m..J~u.ll.e.t.1.tl_..................... .............................._...... a...da1.1:v..-..... newspaper printed, published and circulated in the saiCl County of Orange that said ..Anah.e.lm. ..~ll11.e.t1.n... .........................................._...._...._ is a newspaper of general cir culation with a 11st of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and g.eneral news and intelligence of a general char- acter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class, profession, trade. calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it ha~ been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Or,ange, Stat e of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the ..O.r.d1nance....~~.o..__...69. ~.........................................._..........._ of which the annexed is a printed copy, was pub11shed in one issue sa i d new s pap er at least............ ..............._.........................................._ commencing on the..l.Z.1i.h.... day of J~.QY'.~nfQ.~.r..........__ 1934:; and ending on the................day of ................_...._...._... 193__...., an d that sa id .m.........hi o.tic.e....m.............................._- was published on the followl ng days: ...No :v:emb.eI!.ml.7-.yu...l$45--... ........ ..........................................- . ~ ...- --...... -- - -....-.. .......-----.................---...........------.-...:.--..-. ....._..~._.__.~._....._._--_.- ..: :..~.~.. .... .:........- ~. .~~.... :.~.~. ..................- ...;::. ..:.~ ;:::..~~:~...:.--:....._- Subscribed and sworn to before me tbis....I..f.........4&'Y of ..... ....... _:: :11.uR-::1l::....__ ....................19 iI:/~_ -.., ........-..-i2~~f!.:.~~'::T::Ji...::.~J~~tf;,:~iifi.f-- ~' LEGAL NOTICE I i . I i 0."1 ~I \t ORDINANCE NO. .81 Ir AN' ORDINA.NCE AMENDING o ~INANCJt N~ ' THE CITY COUNCIl.. OF THE CITY il OF AN AlIEIM DOES ORDAIN AS 1, FOJ...LOWS: " ~t Section 1. Tha.t Sec.tion 3 of Or- I dina,nce No. 644 of the' Clt)~ -af Alla-1 heim, entitled "An Ordinance of the City ot .Anaheim. ereatln<< a ma-I ' jor'disaster emergency 'Plan for the .f safelJuardlng of Ute. health and r property," adopted and passed June 10, 1945. be and the same Is hereby. a.mended to read as follows: I i Section 3. For the purpose of expedltinR' and facUitating the performance of the dutjel!l here- in contemplated during BUO~ an emergency, there Is hereby cre- . ated Tbe Anaheim, Emergency Relief Committee. which com- mittee shall consist of the fol- lowing city officials and other citizens of the City or Anaheim: (1) The Chief of PoUce, who IIhall be in charge ot all police work in conneetion with the emergency. (2) The Chief of ~the.Fire De- partment. who snan be in charge of all fire ftghUnl' and prevention in connection with the emergency. (3) A chief medical officer to be named by the Mayor of the City ot Anaheim. (4) The ,City Engineer, who IIhall be in charge of the pres- ervation of p.anttar)~ conditions .. in the. City and of keeping I .tre.ets clear and passable. ('5) the Dll!1aster Chairman of the Anaheim Chapter ot the : i American National ned. CroBB, repreRenting the .Am~rlr.an Na- tional Red Cro.... Which Is & duly recognized natlollwide Dil- aster Relief Agency. shall be . responlllble tor I'ener.at relief to disa.ter Ruffererll. t:ncludtnl' food. clot.hin~ and IIIhelter, wel- fare. reglRtration and tnCluir)~ ler.vicE". (6) The City Clerk, who .hall be in charge of communications, publicity and intl)rmatlon. (7) The City Attorn@)", whq shall act a. legal advi.or to an committee members. ' (8) The Superintendent of Light. Water and Power. who IIha11 b-. in charge of mainten.. a ance of'!' water and electrical .. ! uti1itle8~' .. ! (D) The Chairman of the Pub- He Aatety Committee, who IIhall be In r.haJ'C'e of ~11 tran.porta- tion equipment which may b. required. (lO~ The Chairman ot t.he Finance Committee of the City Council. who shall be I1t charge of the -. :pu,.chaslng 4e:partment and' provldinllt d.t.trlbutlCMl and rationing of IU'Ppltes othe,. 1 than tho"e supplied by .a'd Dlpster Chatr.man of thlll Ana- hello 'Chapter of American Na- Uona 1 Red Croell. (11) The' Mayor of the City ot Anaheim shall b, Chairman of this Oommlttee. and in the event that he .hall be unable to 10 act, the Chairman .sbaH be .. COu;ftlcllman. .elected. by the City. Coancll. . t . . It J. con,em:&t'd, that. each a..partment 'of' -.. CI~y o~'--AnR.- h"1IJ. ..Ill, ,,:-fa .. '* ,,_~et,ielll., fQJlQ.tioa aft' o_rat.. ~*,er t.h. .ecttlt;JiJ. a1\. ..1.\I4ail~ of it. tle-.. Itln.llt hu.4. .. ' "... ~. '. ,. b mefi\be' of. '.-th. .mer- . . .. ..ller ' . tt... :'.hall . .~. tb. . _", . ~ .to.... ',~. anC :: : .po.ln.~ Ii,n'" ..1 ..t~. 'WI1o~Hall tlte. .bll~.c., t ar.Ctih lrl~be-r, . =_. t~~ ,~W. ':: ' of :~u~.!" tn~m.... . ''the City ;Co"teil. .&7:..t ~JlY ~_ remove atly 'p'tIOJl '.from ..i4 'commltte. &ft' ....'.a. him. -Mth &I\(ttber. ...... .an4 may . it ...y time e ..~~.rth.: futl.. '11 &n.y' ,eolDmlt '.' ':',.1'Iie Olty' of' .... at 'eolar... !jt'lt baa talt;:' ... ~tt"enc. 'I' . '. ~lie wllll.p '.'Pf1 ~'btllt.Y of. i .,:'Veter.u.o .' f~1' .war. et I . ...'.-t1nlte4. ,lItatlN! fo..,teIld-.... atd. . i . . .4..' a.liilltance Jin t~ e...eat of .' ,"_..ency"~' &n4 tberetol'" de- i . eta,._ that. It lit tt. >tntlftUon to . _U', uPlMi 'all vet.... or....dBa- . . tlGll. to Nrnl... Ute. neee.lary ri.,!oljio' qt. m+po"'4! to .alllt.t la. _rrFlnc. out ',the J:uft~tl'D. ef I'Ov..mmellt In. ~I\t evlnt 'of aft em'feency. ' . . I . .ft. City of ''~''J1l.1001t. to the. American' J.l'aSoaal Red , Cro.. for '"hailitatlOa of. tn~l. ,,14Q&I. aD4 ta . IU.. .1\."1. dll" . ...""..;eau..d n. ed.. . :.-..tlon I" Thtr "It.,. 'Clerk Ihall certify to the pa.'....: of tJtlI orell- DUCI ail4 Ihall .,..u.. tile ,aD'l' to "" . p~int;d ..n4 :>>utitf*h4t<< "once in tb. ',A".helm' Bunetln, .... n.....p..p.r I .ot':..".r.at .clrculatlo)!. r.lWlntl4, pub- ! I1l1lea &~4 circulate<< in _ latd City,: "nt. thirty lIa:f1l from an,4 after Itl ft,,&1 p*..age _ t"t. .hall t..ke effeet aftd' be 1ft tull. toree.. ". . The forecolnc Ordlaance was ap- I proved, sl<<ned aa4' -att.lted th I. 13~ 4"7 of N~!jt.ftber.. 1.1U~ C~I. A.' PIJAJtION, I . .:Mayor of the. City ot Anaheim I ; Atte.t.:. ...,' I I ,CHARLES E. GRIl'J'lTH. : City. Clerk ()f tlae"Cl\y of Anahelin . :By .RUTH DAOtJ8T~ . I I ~~ep.ut~ C~ty ~'., . . I ITA T~ OJ' CALU'OIU'YA. , I COtrNTY 0.. OR.\NfI. ).1. CtTY 01' ANAHSIk ) . .1. Ch..rle.. ~. 9rU.tttb, ~ltT Clerk . . of tb.: City of Ani,1\4t,f.1'QP. ,do her~by certify that the. tor...!l'!' O?4lnallc. ' wa. . '.1nt~duced at .t'.. &4jourited : ""t"r'.me'tlnll' ot'1'-1 :C~t, Council . Of. th. ,City,. of A~~1Jl, . held on 1 : tb. IUI" clay' .of MGy~'r, 1'45, and . . that. .-the " .ame,' w.iI.~, ,....4 aDd I. "~tecl ....t a ruuJalf _ . wt,.tt.nl" ot I ...-I4.City Councf.f Ji"- o~ .the 13th I j d.y \ of N()vttmbe" 1~.... ~~,.. .the. tpl. 11 lottWlng vot.. vt .. t1* ..miter. I 'lIereof: '. _ ; I I ..f-PS: COll~C1LJl_, ;P84R80N, I ~I!r . W 4G~n.llf',. JtON... Y. mERI,- 'NO'z-::d 'c.:J~o1LMiJ.; ~.~. ~ne. I 1"",,:iAB8~NT: COUMCI~"N: None. i I .And I furtber certify that the! l\f&:y~r ot the 'City of 'Anahelm tdl'n- i ... and approved .NIll.OrClaane. Oil ! t1W. s'8th 4ay -of Ko,!~___~, .146. ; ..IN WITNESS W~O:r.. I have h..er"Ul'lto let my b.:_a ."'.. affixed th.. 'tlal ot aatd. Clt" . of . Anaheim till" 13th day of '~o"'~I.r. 1'4&. : .. CHAItr.,.a, E. GRIFFTTH, ; . City CJ.rlc. 'of the City of 1\' .. Allatu~tm lIY RUTH D4~Uft. 'Ih." 'M'...~ t.?:p~t~cottr. Q1~tk. l! r J S 1- e ~ l 1- 1 V i 'f' tl -1 \i~~,"";~;;~";;~~'d;momlIui'tion, or of any number tnereoI; It it ha~ he en printed and published in the City of Ana- im, County of Orange, State of California tor more than e year next preceding the first day of the publication l'eto attached; that the ,:'1 \' CltY--Of - .inahebn. . (4). The.pit,. Enclneer, who ! . .h..n be in "ellar..e ~t tbe pre.... ervaUon of. iI_It..ty eoncUtton8 .. in the, ott.y. ...n4 of keeplnc streets clear and p...liable. ('5) the nt.a.ter Chatrman of tb.e Anaheim Chapter of the Amer.loan' N&tlOllal.~ Reel' Cro.., l."epreaentl'lil". the ~m'r\~&n N.... tlonal 1\ea Cro..... 'Which is .. dUly 'r_gDt.e4 natl9Jlw1de Dis.. aster 'Bellef ,AceDct'. shall be . r.sponll"'e for .e"et.al re1ief to dll&.... sufferers,.. tnelu41nl' toot!. cloUd". &ltd .helter, 'Wel- fare. re*l.tratlon . aDd inquiry ..r.vlce, ~, (8.) TII.'Clt,. Clerk, who shall .... . irt. cJtW' 'of oommunl~atlons, publloltY',,"Dd information. . ('I'" '..'fh:.' CI~y 'Attorney, wh~ l shall '''~'''' l.Pol aelvlsol." to all ) com milt.. ".m.mlen. . . . (I). . 1Jh. . 8U"terint6ndent of 7 Lil'~t. ':W.t.,. and power, who . ahlalJr', .' 'char.. of malnten-' , I .nc.....;, ,"ter anel electrical I "tit. '.,"' . " . , i . I .. ".< ;:Chalrman of the pub- . :,' llc, ..' . ,,: Commltt.., who ,hall I)' . '''e ..11t:;. , "r.. .of .,11 trall,porta.. l :10. '.;. " ..iIl.~t ,which m~Y be '/.' .. ;.8' '.;~ - . .... 'ellatrma. Gf' the , 1.1l~:. Committe. of the City , ':O_.U, 'Whe_,lh&n be \11 char.. . . '. t: ~"~_:~.Ih.~cb~i'n..' a.pattment a". '......l4tllllf . elt.tl"llJuttOll aD4 'I'IV:' of lu,pUe... other 1 E'; ::' ..tJlo" .upplled.' by liai4 . . . CbatrmaJl .Gf'. thfll' Ana- i, .',. ....:.. .laPter .of Ameriea:n N&- . :' 1. ,a.. .Crol., . . . " ":; "(~'rh""K&:vor of" "~he" City 1ttf .:' ..lID .Iull 'be. Cbalrman ".f . . ,~'.'~..l~t.e, ana.. in the .': ea.f.. 0... .:.lie:' .han. b. ,. una.bl. . '. 0, .;., OhaltmaD ,It.ll b' .". "~." '. r..~..'.,_'~... ''eit?,' .,unetl. ' . ;:. .It. t..~ con"JJ1plat,a, th.t each ,::.aepiI" ..._ 'tt the. City. Qf 'Au,,"- ill. " ll1' .@~"ar... t. p.ct.lec~. /, f\l.a ..d oPerate 'UDler the :. .l~ .- it. a'Det, IUlti.lIct G!-~tl 41-' . t.'i&t.t-~.' h... · '. . ,", '..,elf. '.,'II\1Mr of. the ]pm...- . :.', ...it .:: ..U.t' ColllnUtte. Ih.n . . : lla~. ~h.,. p'~"e~' to _am.. ana : ..,: .&P"tht '.I,D &l1'lta~t, wl'o' .Hall :: h,,,.the,"abllel\ce ,of' ..ch member~ -< h",.,~, ,ower.' ~t !lUC~ me..-.. . _er. '. .. " The City Cou.~cl1 ~ay. at i.~y, timet. remove allY, perllon frGm 1&14. 'Ci01Dmltt.. anll r.place him . , wIth _DOt"er' p.r.~Jl and 'inay at aIlt.. tl~e cit...".ef"' t~e. elutl.. I of' ail, .eGlD-.stt.~ft. '.1... :1l'1I. .aty: of . Anahel. 4eclaw..~" ,I that it haa 'falth ..d confidence \' Sa the wUUnpe,1 -aDd a)IUt~ of:' , th_ .,.,t.taa.. of fo~er war.. of " tb. -tnllteel. St..... to reDder: al4 . I a~~.' a..tltance. 'bJ the event of . ' tP'l:,rpney" ~ and therefore 4e- . \ clare., t~.t. It ii....!!. hiteatIGn tG .' . call-. Upo,a.1 all. .v..t"'fttt, or..."I.a~ . ' tloftl ,. ~~. fq~ftl.., tb~, ilece....ry, r...rjolJ"'.f lD&tl.power to alsl.t I 111 a"~F.IIlC, oJlt ,tile tuneti(>>1l1 of . , pv.rtamlllt S., .tll.. ....Ilt of &11 .lfttrt,l'lCY. .. . , '. , Th' City of '.A.nue.lm took. .to th. Amerleall' Nattoa&l Rea , Croll. for'reha\)IUtatlou' of ,IDdl.. vlclua1. &D4 families h.vln.l' 411i- ..ter~c"ult4. needs. . lI_tien I. The' City Clerk ."an certify ,to the p......... of th,ll ordl.. nane. and ..halt cau.. 'th. .amt to b. l'ri)sted' &n:4 DubUsbed onel ,in tb. \Allal\elm _unetln. a' Il....-.p..per I .,1:, .e".rat .clreul..Uol!- lJrlnt.., pu.b-. lilh,a . au... clJ'culateo 'ID _ ...14' Clt1, j -.ft4. 1:1t~rt.,.. ta711: from ..n4 a~'r 'tJ flpal ,.aft. It '.hall tak, effect. and .b. '*' tul1lorel. .... '! . The fote.olnc Ordlll&1\c, was a,- \ proved. .slJ[!led Ul'el att..teel tilt. 13t~ 4aF o~ No,.eftlblr,~ 184&. .," i , '. . ClUB. A. PBAUON, ' ; . .111.)"01" of the:, Cit.Y' of A.n~etlll I ; Attellt.:' ,', I . CHARL- B. G1UFPlTJI.. ,: , . City Clepk ~f. thefClty of Aftahil,~. ' By ,B~~, P"OU8'1', ' I I)eput,,, City Clwk~ . , IITA~.'~oi'-c.u.;NJA ,. , ..~ \ COtnPl'Y' 01'. OR4NGB '.1. CITY.: 01'. .ANAHEIM:) .' I. Cllarl,s. 1'C. Gl"lIfltb, C1W ,QlRk' ,! . of tbe!' City' ot Ani.h,I1'Q". .40 het..I)".. eert.,,, tb~t tl\~' fore.OlftC'.01'tl~~ ' owal .,1Atl"04uce4 . at ,all -.4.tou.... : "nt~, ;,m.etlftl ,or. th. ,C~t,. ~~11. i of.. .tbt:...Clt7~, .of, '41J4;t,~. ul~r:~.~ 11 tb.. MIA. 4&1.' ;of !f.~. It, lMI, ...;.., tllat' 'tile'" ....-.r~ ~:.w.. .", .paI.... ",,!_a ~: "~Md ..~.:..t..":.. r'.uIJ.I'~~: 1il"'~'f .f~ .' lala;}Ctty'. ~1illqn-.liell.~ ~-.~fl..,.l*_ I \ 4ay. of Novem:bt!', 1'4', b.., .the .t~l. ' I lowlnw ,,_, v~t!. o~. . t~~ !1le~ _ . · iil94~.Y' .'~ \" ~a-:,~..; \ \ ,'.. ,A:"~'!:' Cet1NCILV.lI.~ ..,... , .1ic1 1 . turu.. certify tJ\I;t the 1Iay~r ot the'elt;" of .~tl..h_ ""ll" \ e4"'ana approved. "a14 Or4'_n.. Oil t~:.'Itl\ 4.&1' ~f' Jfoveinber, -lt~l~ ' .: :"IN. WI'f.M1CU wUaBQ .' 1 bve "j1",ul'lt& ..t my' ha\\,el ali ;:-afflxe! tll" . I..al of. .~~t4. ct~,,' ot.-.'. -+1'111., tit'" lltW Uy ..f.::.,Novtm '.. I..' .; " ," . ~r;.:fJ- ",e')" Of" . , :87 .1tuD' \., . ': -. -De_tV, ClV' .' ~,,~ )fo~~~. {7, ,;1.41..' . 0:. . '. ',.', .'... - T" ).r.d1nan.ce....!tQ...m.69.~..... ... -. - -.-. -........----.-...... ..........--......- which the annexed is a printed copy, was published In , one issue Id newspaper at least......... ,.... ......... _.. .......__...........-u.....--..........u.- mmencing on the_.l.l_t.h....day of J,tQY.~mQ.~.X:.......m_- 34:~ and ending on the...... ..........day of ............. .........-......... I 3.. _ ..., an d that s,a id -. m...__...1. o.tic.en..........-...-_uu.................- as published on the following days: blov.emb.eI!....1.1.y...nl~-ij.5.---.,.. ..... ..m.' ......- ...........................- - ~_.... ~.--_..... . ~-..-..-..... .................---...........--....... -...... ........................................................................... . -.. --... .......... ........... ................... .......... .........-...... ..... .._..~......-. ...... .~...........-..........._- ~'. ~:~:... _~..f ~~. ~.;. ~~~ ~-L~1.. ;~~ ....... u....u. _.. ~__:-:::~:~ 2:~.~..:~...:~~.~.......- Subscribed and sworn to before me this_u.L.~......--dB.J' of m.._.....~.I.1...#::1t!":::................_u..... ..19li:;:)..-" ~.. h.' , r$ I'? , /' t <<;1..(;. =1. .... ;.. . ..pif,_. (t...' .... .~ ...._....._.._..._,.._.._.:..f..._.:.:..._.::..~oi8.-iY.j;ublfii:--- fillS Ii SCHUTZ AiIInm ., LAw cu.c..... UP AIBICA lUll. ~". CAU....IA ..... 3& 1 2 ORDINANCIq,NO. 895 AI OR~INANCE AMENDIJlG ORDIJ.lNCE NO. 844. 3 THE CITY COURCIL OF THE Cln or ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIR AI 4 fOLLOWS: 5 6 7 8 Section 1. !hat Section 3'ot Ordinance No. 644. of the 01tl ot Anahe1m, entitled IAn Ordinance ot the Cl"ty ot Anahe1Dl cre- ating a major d1saster emergency plan for the sateguard1ng ot life, health and property., adopted and passed June 10, 1945, be and the .ame 1s hereby amen4ed to read as tollows: ' Sectlon 3. For the purpose ot expediting and faoilitating the perror.an~. of the duties herein contemplated during such an emergency, there 1s hereby oreated The Anahe1B Emergency Rellef Committee, which committee .hall CODsist of the fol- low1ng city officials and other c1t1zens ot the City ot Ana- 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 helm: (1) !he Ch1ef of Police, who shall be 1n charge ot all police work 1ft oon~ect1on with the emergenc7. (2) The Chief ot the Fire Department, who shall'be 1n ( charge of all fire fighting and preTention in connectioa With! the emergency- (3) A cl1et medioal otficer to be named b7 the Kafor 19 20 21 22 23 of the C1ty ot Anahelm. 24 (4) The City Engineer, who shall be in charge ot the 25 preservation of sanitary conditions in the C1t7 and ot keepln 26 streets clear and passable. 27 (5) the Disaster Chairman ot the Anaheim Chapter of the 28 American NatleDfl Red Cro.., repr...nt1ng the A~er1can Batio' 1 29 Red Cross, whlch 1s a duly recognized nationw1de Disaster Re- 30 l1et agency, shall ~e responslble,tor general relief to dla- 31 aster sufferers, 1ncluding tood, clothing and shelter, weltar , 32 registrat10n and inqu1ry service." 1 . ...-r.... ..-. .......... .................... ......... ... ........ "___. ~_ ....._...... .............._...... ..._.-.....r..............___. 1 (6) The .Oity Clerk, who shall be 1n charge of commun1ca 2 tioDe, publlc~ty and information. 3 (7) The City Attorney, who shall act a. legal adv1sor 5 4 to all comm1t~8e members. (8) The superintendent ot L1ght, Water and Power. who 6 shall be in charge ot Maintenance ot water and electrical 7 uti11ties. 8 9 10 1111 12 j 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 I 30 I I 31 i' 32 FRIIS" SCHUTZ An.m lIT Law caz-CII4 IfIl II' .l8Im ILDG. AI_. CAUPIIIIIIA T..-- 34SS (9) The Chairman ot the Public Safety Comm1ttee, who shall be in charge of all transportat1on equipment whioh may be required. (10) The Cha1rman of the Finance COlllllttee of th~ City Council, who shall be in charge ot the pur4has1ng depar*ment and providing distribution and rationing ot supplies other than those supplied by se.id Disaster Chairman ot the Anaheim Chapter of American National Red Cross. (11) The Mayor ot the C1ty ot Anahe1m shall be Chairman of this Committee, and in the event that he shall be unable to so act, the Cha~rman shall be a Councilman selected by the City Council. It is contemplated that each department ot the City or Anahe1m w1ll, 80 far al is practical, funct10n and operate under the direction and gu1dance of its department heaA. Each member or the .....'.07 Relief Committee shall have the power to name and appo1nt an a.slat.ant who shall 1n the absence or suah member, have the powers or such member. The City Council maJ at anl time remove any person fmom sa1d comm1ttee and replace h~ with another per.on and may at any t~e change the duties of any committeeman. The City ot Anaheim declares that it has faith and contl denoe 1n the willingness and ability of the veterans ot forme wars ot the Un1ted States to render aid and .ss18tance in the event ot emergency and therefore declares that it 18 it. 1n- tent10n to call upon all veterans organ1zat1ons to furnish . ...... --.. ,~. .-.....,._.....>-,...~-_... . -~._-_.- ....- .,,~. .. -,-~... ............... .., ._._..,~,~--~,.....,-~"......_~.__......----- 8 Ii 91 10 I nil 12 I 131 14 15 16 17 18 1911 20 I .'1 21 I 22 I 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I 32 flUS.. SCHUTZ ~IIrLA.. 4az-4111 __ .. A_lEA aDG. ftll~. tIlUftalft ..... 34S& 1 2 the neoessary reservo~ of manpower to assist in carr71ng out the functions or goverament in the event of an emergeno7. The City of Anahe1m looks to the Amerioan Nat10nal Red Cross tor rehabilitation of individuals and tamlile8 having' dls&ster-caus.4 needs. 3 I 41 51 6 Section I. The C1tr Clerk sball cer~1t7 to the passage of th1s ordinance and shall cause the same to be prlDte~ and pub- lished once in the Anahe1m Bullet1n, a newspaper ot general. oircu- lat1on, printed, published and c1rculated in said City, and thirty days trom and atter its f1nal passage it shall take etfect and be 7 :,.' :~ 1n tull force." The foregoing Ord1nance was approved, signed and atteete." thi8 13th day of NOY8mber, 1945. Ma10r ot AT!!ST: ~'.. ., - f1tt e.~ ot ~n. . ." "., ot "nah.1m 3 . . h_....". ............. .-.,.....'1'....... _..I"o"~., . ..... . "o".~. _ ..~.:. _ .. _........ ~ ._ ~.................. .........""""'--..--....._.... r "- 1 I ftA!rE 01i' CALIfORNIA; ) I CJ)UITY or O!WfGE . ) 2 I cln: or AWIIDt ) 3 ,I 41: II 5 II I : II 811 SSe I, Charle.. E. Grlrrlth, City Clerk or the C1tl ot Anaheim, do hereby certify that the toregolng Ordinanoe was lntro- tuced at an adjourned regular meet1ng ot the City Council ot the Oity of Anaheim, held on the 6th day of November, 1945, and that the same was passed, and adopted at a regular meet1ng ot said City Oouncil held on the 13th day ot November, 194e, by the tollowing 9 vote of the members. thereot: 10 AYES: 11 NOES: COUNCILMENt PJ:ARSOR , VAl .A.GOBleR, BORn, 8DRIDAI and HEYIIG COUNCILMEN: lORE. fillS.. SCHUTZ IInaans /Ir LIlw CU.CH..... UP A-.cA ILD, A.......II. CIW...." ..... 34S& 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I 32 &8sa,: COUICILlIEIl: BOlE. And I further oertify that the Mayor of the Oity ot I I Anaheim signed and approved said Ordinance on the 13th day ot Novemt ber, 1945. IN WITNES8 WHEBlDF, I have hereunto set my hand and at- tixed the seal ot said City ot ~ahe1m th1s 13th day ot November, 1945. , ~<~~-tf . City . "8:E- ot t '.,.., 0 Anahe1m By ~G6~~ eput7 1 1 ark 4t ....,.. .. -............ ..... ...,........_ _... . .......... . .~.,....... .". ..... .". ..a.,. .:~~"".I ...... ."_ _..~.w.:r....,_..,....,..I......_......._ .:__.......~~................ .,;,...............-..-.~...-... .......