696 LEGAL NO.rlCE .. - - -...... -.. ....... ....--.. ...........................- --......................................................................- OarDAWOE KO. ... AN 0.' .. ". ciiiOF THE CITY OF e..AM' . 1PPROVING THlD AN-' NEXA. 'I'J ,. OF CIJRT AIN tJNIN- Ie CORPOR"'-'TED, .UNINH.ABITED '\- TmRRIT6~Y KNOWN AS "KIR- :w V.H ~.A.NNEXATION." a.t THE" 'CITY "'COiiNCIL OF THE ,d CITY OF ANAHEIM: DOES ORDAIN r- AS FOLLOWS: \'Y SECTION 1. The City' Cou.ncll of t- the City of Anaheim finds,: That heretofore the City Council of the City of Anaheim received a. written . petition requestinc that the unin- habited terrltory'described In SEC-1 TION J of thl. Ordlnan'Ce be an- 1 nexed to and Included within said ., City of Anaheim. That said petltton twas sicn.d by the owner. of not. les. tban one-fourth of the are.. of I 'land In ...Id territory and repr..ent. i Ine not Je.. than on.-fourth of the I a......4 value of such territory accord In.. to the la.t pr.cedlnc equ..U.ea a.....m.nt roll of. the . County of' Orange, Stat. of CaJlfor- . nla, wh.ret.n .ald territory I. situ- ated. That 8ald territory I. unin- habited and I. conU.uoul to laid City of A.Jlahel:wq..nd doe. Dot form any part of aDt ...unicipal corpora- tiOll. That'l'ui6nt to the pr-o.vi- .Ionl of &' .taM. ot the Stat. of California, de.ti'nated and hereby referre4 to ... "A;nnexat~on ot. Un- Inhabited Territory .Aet of 19SI'" as am.nde4, _141 City CouDcll a40pted it. BellOlution No. 1486 on October 30, 1841. clvlng notice of luch pro- po.ed ann.xatlon, and dellpaUng .aid territory a. KIRVEN ANNEX- ATION and fixing the hour of elcbt o'clock P. lJl. 'on November 20, 1945, at the Cou.nreiJ Ohamber. of tbe City Hall of aalel City of Anah.lm at 204 . Ea.t- Center 8fte.t. Anaheim, Cali- fornia. a8 the hour, day and place tor hearln.. of objection. to 1&ld pr.opolled ,&nne:t(tatlon. That & copy I of .ald ".solutlon wa. published In the Anaheim Bulletin, a new.paper of _eneral clrclllatlon, 'once & 'Week for two- lucc...ive weeks prior to November 20. 194:1. That & h.arlng wal betd, on Noye'Q1b.r 20,. 184&, at Eil'ht o'clock P.K. at .alcJ.... 'uncH Cham"~~ of laid City Hallt" .. Z.ald Cit,. G6~belm for the h' of objectJ....aln.t .aid prop.. . .'.aft- nexaUo~-"<<~at ,t laid heal" .. no owner of.JlI territory, nor a. '" Qt11e els. pro_.d or obj.cted to :.wald prctpo.~d anneu.tlon. . 8JCCTION'S. That the City Coun- ell of .a14 City of Anaheim -does hereby a~pro'V'e the annexation of sal4 t.rrltory too .ald City of Ana- helm: that ..id .terrltory I. her.by annflxe4 to and in'Corp~r&te4 and included in laid City of Anaheim; that lal4 territory II hereby &cce~t. .d by .a14 City ot .Anaheim a. part of laid City f;)f Anah.lm. That the Irald terrlt~ry her.tofore referre4 to. e.nd which .1. her.by Iliad. a part Gf .ald City of Anaheim. is'situated In the ,County of Orange, State of Cali- fornia, an4 that the delcrlptlon and boundarl.. of .a14 territory are all tollows: A ,ortloll of the North. on.- half (N,*) of the North one-halt (N~) 01' the Southwest quarter (SW~) of Section '8, Town.hlp Four (4) South, Range Ten (10) Welt. a B. B. 6 K.. more par- :::1 . ~,~irl{;i~ tet':... ..~ d.:..th' ;,.....t . t. :=' ,,<( '~~i ':"~:;~! (II)': . ~'Il' rtb .U t.. . tlLe.lt co' r '..".~ AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION STATE o Ii' CALIFORNIA) )S8. County of Orange ) - R 1-c.ha.:cd...F.l.~.Q.hl.~......._........__.__......................................_.._ of said county, being first duly sworn says-that he is a mal~ citizen of the Uni~ed States, and of the State of Call- forma,. over t~e age of elghte en years; that he has no in- tm'\;:st ln, nor IS he a party to the matter herein mentioned. th.at he is the · ..P.r~.~l~.~Qal clerk .. ..........n.............n........ un ._......__.. ._..........n......__.._.... of the ..A.o.a.h.e.l.m ...~ull e t in .. .........----................. --.. ----..- --....... -. ..... ......... ............................-...... a...da.11..Y....._. newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said- County of Orange that said ..All~he.l.m Bulletin .. ..... .................................. ..... .................................................-........- is a newspaper of general cir culation with a list of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of botb local and general news and intelligence ot a general char- aeter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class, profession trade, calling, race or denomination, or ot any number thereof' th~.t it hafl been printed and published in the City of Ana~ hplm. County ot Or,ang-e, State of California tor more than one year next pre<:eding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the . .. Q ~ ~~. n.. ~-~ .~.~.--.~..Q..!.....~.;t ~........_ ..... ....................................._.._ of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published In one issue sa i d n el\" spap er at least. .............. .....n..... n.......................................__ commencing on the...!:t.th......day of ..De.c.e.mbe.~........._ 1~.., and ending on the......_.........day of ................_....._..._._ . Notice 19300..... and that sa Id _n....n'Un.. .....n.n....u.uu.................................._ was published on the following days: - . ...~.~.~~. ~?~ .~.... ~.!. ....~.~.~.?.- ...... ........ .........................................- .. '...... .. ... .-.. ....... .n.... .~..... n....... n.................. ..._...,........~.................. ........ ...... .A.;. ~::(-::.....~.L_~~. ~~_ n......... ....~.-r.!.::f!-~....~.:!::.;.~:::_..._ Subscribed and sworn to before me thlS......~;t..~~~....da,. of {.z. n_m.n..._.~~'::.:~~:::~:;2;=:~=:;:=::::.~.:i~.~n..:~~_i~:rPU~i~ } , . ..... .... . ..... . . ~..:.:~ , ~r= .' ". ,: .Of . .'>, - . ...\crla;. ot.., .' . .In., to '" ..I,*.,..~- tl_':JI . the .......t .1trdlon- .&~,.'::'.t tb.'. Jlo' II... of COIb.E' al ....t;.rtb~:.....t .10....:t... ottJ' I_lit... of ...14 Cl.t, .qt.... ..'!le.," a .1.~'. tbe w..t.tt,,- _ole.... Oft .~. tbe Ilortll. 11.. ot commercial. 8treet I ua.,... . the Jlottll 111M of e Co..... al Street to the point e of . '" 'ala... c - '.. I. That tmmedlatelY UPOD t.... Ordinance becoihlq. ef- e feet Iv.. ,the Clty Clerk ot the City" ., of AIl.....lm .hall make. . Uftd.r the r ...1 of'; _14 City, auc1 tranlmlt to the ~ret.J.rJr of Staf.e . . certified t- eGpy ~ tilt. OrtJla&a... -,_..' the date' 0" :.tt. pu...... ' SmCllelf 4.' 'The' Clt,. CI...k of the Clty;o! :AJ1a1l.lm Ihall eertlfy .to the pa....... 'of thS. Or4111aDce and oau.. G. 'aalll. to be '.ubUebed in :f the ~__D'l Bulletin. . dally ne..- I J)~p.".. ctf ..n.ral clrculatlGlI, print. ed, >>ubUsh~ aa4 c'roulated In the e ~!~ :.L~~~!II!I~.I._~~.Lt~rt:r: (80) .&. " "... -...... Q.J.& U L J 14l I:iCL 1 U _....._ ......._ _.. ._.... ....__ _.. _ __..__ ..... .......... ..... ..............................._.,. Wa.s pu bUshed on the followi ng days: December 4, 1945 -.-- -...-. ..---. - -..... ..--..... .... - -... -. .. .-.............-....... -" ......-... .. . - --.......-. ....-....... -......--...-..---...................- ...'.'clOCk P.K. at sales.J!: .. u.ncil Oh-.m. . of sal4 City Hah~. ' .r..id Clt7.. .... _, '~.tm for the h . of o"Ject.' Inst's.ld pro po ,an- ._ttOlL, at a& .ald hear no o"'eJ' of"-1iJII territory, nor & -one .... 'pro~" or 0 bj.cted tf):~ 14 . ~... _.neu.tlon. ' . ~_.(:TION':. J. That the City Coun- eU.,,:~.,.' .aid City of Allahelm 40.. _.... appro",e the anllexatlon. of ..t.. rrttor,. to aid City of Ana- l.bft: tbat s..14 'terrltor,..- ts her. by ~..zecl to an4 Ineorpqra:te4 an4 laclucte.t in sal4 City of Anaheim; . _t ..4 territory t. h.reby accept- ... 1Qr':..&l4 City. of .Anaheim ... JUi.rt Of 'I&kt Clt,. of Anah.lm, That the ..l4 tmlt~r,." her.tofore r.ferre' to,' . ... wlltcJt 'Is hereby "11\&4. a part of ...14 CltT of Anaheim. .1. Idtuated in the, .eouat)" of Or&Dce. .tate of Cali- font... aael that the 4f11erlpUon and boaft.aa..l.. of .aI4. terrttory are as 'follow.,.:. .'. . A joJ'tlon of the North.. olle- .alt (Jf\li) ot the North oni-half (N"') of" the Soutbwe.t quarter ~ ." (8W'~") of &eotlon '1, Town.hlp . :1'0,,- (4). South, kale Ten (10) ". -. Il lL.B. .. x... more par- ,tie,,!...ly 4.scrlbe4' ... fellow.: . . B..IDlll~ at' a. point on th. ..st Une 0 . th. )torthw..t 'Quar- t... m:w J" ....:..th... Xortheut '. quattier ( ~). .01' tJae. South- ~ "e.t ,...aa"... (8W1A.) '. ..t. .ald ."'~~ . .~r (q",,) ,Qf' the 8out~- -..~~).:...ilartlW ..r4) of ,&14 . -.. ?II. ... . '~tiiYY '~If I . f ,~; .. t ,';, ,:": , ;~ . ,"t~ .'., ~ri .. s., ; '.." _./-~_.l .' "':1 :. o'".tb. :lC'HtItweet ~ ~ '.,,2~:..,~..:' ..' .' '_ )(-..:'.otJ~.V~~:; '.IIoti~,.'.,ll_l'.rl~..y.). of · - _hi "'tliMI ~'.. ... ---.... ,....t.ly oJ. ~. ~tlcii W',.u.. .eat"l . 1\1'. . J;t '. .. -...~ . ......~. 6~" ., It..-... · ......011: .....,....;. 'WI_ce 1 10._ '. . -.i..- . .&t...~..weatel'i,. Une. of IMU. .tre.t ...to ,._ stater..c- ttcm ."ltll the w..tetly prolon- . I'&tloll, . at the' ftOrth IIQ <<>>f CoaIlIMl-clal Stnet: tllellc......t ..10...,t1\. city limit. -lI.e: of 1&14 Cltt. o~. ba.lielm a1l4' aloll8, tb. 1teiter1jr, prolollPtlon of- the t 1I0l'th line ot Comm.rclal 8treet ap4.... ,1110111' . the . Borth lIDe of e Connntrclal Str.et to the point e of b..lnnl1ll'. , RcnON I. '!'hat tmme41atel,. C upon tbl. Ordinance becomlq. ef- _ I fectl.,... the City Clerk of the City' . t of A_ab.lm Ihall.' mall.. 'jaa4.r . the 'f 1M! .(; ..hi City, .aft. .trau..lt to th. "r.t&J7 or "Itat.... eertltle4 · ~p,.. of thl. Ordl...nc, ..svln... the date. of U. .pula.... , . 8~ON,.... 'The' City Clerk of the Clt,. . of An..taelm shall eerttty .to the p...~. 'of th", Or41..f.bce anel caa... the ..am. to be '>>ublllh.. In :I tile ~ellll Bull.Un. a Cally ae",.- PMer Qf .....ral alnulatloR, >>rID t- I e4. ..bUlh" an4 e'roulatea III the e CJ~: ..0'... ~.Im.. .&lId thirty, (30) r -.n frOm &114 at,,1' . Ita tblat pae-. ...... -1t ,hall take eff.' ael be In f.n tOl'et. . " '_ .1 TIle fore,olll" Ortlill&nc. ltI .I."ea r a.. &>>_a"64 .by. .. 'tb." 17th 4&)" , . 0'. No...'... 1.4... ". .~:' ~ . , . :.. JCHA.& eA.. PJDAlUION. -: U&J'or ef .the 0It;r . df Anaheim II Atl:et t:. .' " . .' . ..... GltII'l'lTa . : City erlt of the elty of Mabelm . ., ..~ -- .- .ftATB O~ CALIFORNIA.) , COtnfTY . 01' OJ\4NO., . )...' '. .~TY: 01' A.HAHJaI...) , '1; ,OIlatl.. .~ GPI"I~h, .'.City derk .' of the .CJty.of ~~. "~.,jO Iler.eb,. ..~"I~ .:: t_at. tbe. ";':., ... . f)r41- " ....nc. 'w... fJltl'odtic' .... at a'D' ad- Jf)ut'Jle4 rental' meetllli" 'of the City '~UDel1 of th. Clt,..- of .4n~elm. .h.tel 'on tb. .Otb, .wlt'. " M'......nr., 1'''&,:, ,lit:. ~~at t.....j.. .';:'~", ....Ied ...4 ,....tt.~ At ...:, '. ...tlne of ..ta Clt7. C.,UDC 1.\:". : . Oft the 17t".4at of No.T"~~' "', It)'. tbe (ol1ow~.. '. vote . or tIl. mem ber.. tIIereof: .'. . . ...AU.:. COlYNCllMIIN; Pear.on, ' ::-erl4.. Vail "'.~'r. BOlley, .....yl~lIf. " ' : :M.aBS: COUNCILJDIN, NODe. . .A.BBmNT: 'COUNCJ:L1QDX, None. '. ,.Aa4' I 11lrther .,.rtlfy that the ~oi' of .t..~. Clt..~ . '. '.Im II'gn- :Ir~N="'r' .' ','6,i-r,:.e .:: b...ua_.!My .. ~"'.D4 &f~xeel. , ~ 8M]... '=,y ~:~~tl:~ : p( 'Anabelni .~- "'~.,"t :1.... :. . _11i.~(:!:,;)~~..j . -.,.. ... , .__.n....n.. .... _.. ........ _.. "''''. ....... ..._...,........................._ .......... .0-. ..~... ~'!!.~;~/L:i..."'!.~~___ ...pO. .....:~~u~~:::~~..~i:_..._ .:J...... Subscribed and sworn to before me thts....................day of '\,1,", (".. , ..J/.,. .;. ...-........-., '..... ...... - ,...-"':...;.......................19":~.:.~ ......' . .. ~... .~~::~~:~~~~~:~L. .....~i......~~..~..~~~:~:.~~~.....:~-....:~~~~ . Notar,. Public. .: 51 61 I I 71 I 81 i I 91 I 10 I 11 12 13 141 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 I I: 21 I: 221; 23 24 25 261 27 28 29 . 30 I , 31 1 I I I THE CITY COUJICIL or THE OITY OF Alt.ABJ:DI DOE ORDAI. JS III roJ.LOWB : I I SEeTIOK 1. The City Oouncil of the Oity of Anaheim f1R~1 That heretofore the City Council of the City of ADaheia reoeiYed al written petition reque.ting that the untnhabited territory 48- I 8cribed in SECTION 2 of this Ordinanoe be annexed to and inoluded i within said Oity of Anabei.. That said petition was signed by the I owner. of not le8s than one-fourth of the area of land in said I territory and representing not 1es8 than one-fourth of the aase8se~ I value of such t errl tory according to the last preceding equalized I i as8essment roll of the County of OraDg., State of Oalifornia, wher,- in said territory 1s situated. That 8aid territory 18 uninhabited I I I and 18 oontiguous to said City of Anaheia and does not form aDJ I I part of any municipal oorporation. That P\1rsuant to the prov1810. of a 8tatute of the State of Oalifornia. designated and hereby re- I ferred to ae lAaneaatloD of Uninhabited Territory Aot of 1935' &8 ORDllidOJ: BO. 898 2 A.. ORDIllUOI OF THE CIt'Y or .AlAHEDI .A.PPROVING THI AlDU'1'IOIl 01' OIRTAII UlINOORPORATlDj UBIIBABITED TEBRITORY KNon AS .lCIRVD AHBEXATIOBw. 3 4 ameDded, said City Oouncil adopted its Resolution 10. 1435 on Oct ber 30J 1945, giving notioe of such proposed &nD..~atioD, and d..iS nat1ng said territory sa XIRVII ABllClATIOI and fls1ng the hour of ! I Eight o'olook P.K. on Bovember aOJ 1945, at the Oounoil Ohambers of the Oity Ball of said Olty of Anabeill at 304 East Oenter Street, Anabei., Oalifornia, &8 the hour, day and place for hearing of ob- I 3ectlon8 to said proposed annexation. That a copy of said resolu- tion was published in the Anaheim Bulletin, a D."p~er of general circulation onoe & week for two suocessive ..eks prior to Bovember SO) 1945. That a hearing was held on November 20, 1945,\." at Eight o'olock P.M. at said Oounoil Chambers of said City Ball of s&id Oity of Anaheim for the hearing of objeotions against said propose 32 annexation. That at said hearing no owner of said territory, nor fillS.. SCRUTZ JImIam AT LAY 41UZ"CIM UR II' A_ItA... I\NAlleln. CALlrDINIA T~ 34S6 1 8 9 10 't 11 12 13 141 I 151 161 171 1 18 I 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I 31 32 fIllS.. SCHUTZ ~m.. LA.. CDNlIN us UP A_ItA UG. AIIII!III. tIUJ....ItIA TIIDIIDII 3456 1 any ODe else prote.ted or objected to said proposed annexation. ,. BIOTIOI 8. That the Oity Oouncil of said City of Anabel does hereby approve the annexation of said territory to said City I of Anaheill; thai; said territory is hereby annexed to and incorpor- I ated and inoluded in said City of Anaheim; that said territory 1s hereby accepted by said City of Anahei. as part of said City of I Anaheim. That the said territory heretofore referred to, and WhiO~ 18 hereby made a part of said City of Anahei., i8 situated in the County of Orange, State of California, and that the description anA bounda~i8B of said territory are a8 follo.a: A~ortion of the North one-half (,i) of the Worth one-half (It) of the Southwest quarter (sltT of Seotion 3, TOwDShip lour (4) South. Range Ten (10) West, S. B. B. i..., aore particularly described as follows: Beg1rm1ns a.t a point on the east line of the Borthwest quar'er \lIi> of the lorthe&8t quarter (.) of the South- .est quarter (81t) of said Section Three (3), t.8n~y~t.o (2a) feet north of the Southeast corner of the North...t quarter (nt) of the Northeast quarter (nt) of the South- west quarter (Swt> of said Section 3, whioh said point of beginning 18 also. on the north line of Commeroial street and the city limit line of the Oity of Anaheim; thence north along said. city limit line and along the east line of the Northwest quarter (-w!> of the Rorth- east quarter (.zt) of the Southwest quarter (Sit) of sald Section Three (al, Three Hundred Twelve (318) feet to a point; thence west parallel to the south line of the Northwest quarter tilt) of the Northeast quarter (..t) of the Southwest quarter (sft) of said Section 3, and its westerly prolongation, to the westerly line of Lemon Street; thence South along said westerly line of Lemon Street to its interseotion with the westerly prolongation of the north line of Commercial Street; thence east along the city limit line of said Oity of Anaheim.and along the westerly prolongat.1on of the north line of Commercial Street and along the north line of Commercial Street to the point of beginning. 8EOTIOH 3. That immediately upon this Ordinanoe bec0I11n effeotive, the Oity Clert of the City of Anaheim shall .ate, UDder the seal of said City, and transmit to the SeoTetary of State a certified copy of this Ordinance giving the date of its pas.age. SECTIOR.. The Oity Clerk of the Oity of Anaheim shall oertify to the passage of this Ordinanoe and oause the same to be published in the Anaheim Bulletin, a daily newspaper of gen..a1 circulation, printed, published and ciroulated in the City of 2 3 4 5 61 7 a 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 19 I 20 I 21 I I 221 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I, 31 :j 32 fIllS. SCHUTZ Am_IS m LA.. COZ-Cf14 ... .. All!lltA ILl&. All_III. WlNDIA TUPIIIII! 3456 1 Anaheim, and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage it shall take effect and be in full force. 2 3! The foregoing Ordinance is signed and approved by me thi8' I I I 4 27tb day of November, 1946. 5 6 7 ATTEST; 8 9 STATE OF CALlrORNI~ } CCUlTY OF (]tANGE CITY or ANAHEDI I, Charl.. E. Griffith, City Clert of the Oity of Anabel J 88. do hereby oertify that the foregoing Ordinanoe was introduced at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held, on the 20th day of Novem.ber., 1945, and that the Balle was passed and adopted at a regular .eeting of said City Council held. on the 27th day of November J 1945, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUICIUlD, Pearson Sheridan, Van Wagoner, Boney, Heying NOES: COUlTCILIlD, BODe ABSENT: COUICIUlD. lone. And. I further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed and approved said Ordinance on the 27th day of .0'9' ber J 1945. II WITNESS WHIREO" I have hereunto 8e~ -1 hand and af- fixed the seal of .aid City of Anaheim this 27th day of Bovember, 1945. 3