0763AFFIDAVIT OF. PUBLICATION' STATE OP l`.AI.IF0 1-INIA ) ) ss. County of Orange ) . ................ .... .... .............. ._ ... of said county, being first duly sworn, says—that lie is a finale citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- terest in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that he is the �. ................. ..... .... ._ ---•- ................... of the _. .. .. ...... ... ..a ...4 ................ ....... ...................... .......... . a .......... _�=.�',r......_ nes .,!taper printed, published and circulated in the said (bounty of Orange that said ................. ............. ..... ...............................................•-----_..._.---__.__..-- is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a general char- rteter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a particular class. profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it has been printed and published in the City of Ana - beim, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attachod: th;.at the ........ ............. -.......... •-•"--------••........................•.-•--•--•--•--•------............... of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said ne.vsparer at least..._ commencing on the.. ...:.: . .. ..:.:.day of .. ........_.. ........... ...:......... lA-..._.., and ending on the................day of ..... ....... .... _... . 19 ...... and that said ..._.. _.. -----• -- ------ . _ . ...-•---•-•--.._....... ... wns Published on the following days: s-� c.. ..f : ....... ........ . ...--------' Subscribed and sworn to before me this./ ... Y..../ --day of Al Notar Public. • LEGAL. - NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE No. 963 municipal uses together with IN ORDHiANCE FIXING AND thirtieth (1/36 of said indebted- LEYYIlrQ A PROPEIR,TY TAN ness, SECTION 8: That there be and ON , ALTs I'2LOpURTY WI'T'HIN hereby is. fixed -and levied a Prop - THE CORPORATE. LIMITI!1 OF erty tax for .the fiscal year 1960 TM. CITY OF ANAREUR FOIL 1051 of Six mills, four thousand: TH V18C-AL .YEl1R Y96A-1fil.� eight hundred and forty eight ten _ thousandths mills ($00.0064848) on onch One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars THE 'CITY C UO NCIL OF TIRE of the assessed valuation of all real, CI:TT OF ANAHEIM D0165 ORDAIN AA FOLLOWS: and personal property within the. SECTION e: That there �-b8 and corporate limits of the -City of AA=' aheim, except only , the prol5erti $ereby is fixed and �leta. proper- within the annexed territories app ty tax for the fiscal r 1$60-1961 described and a,nproved by Ordinan- of Fifty-five cents. one..mfll, six and. eek Numbers' 423, 435, 456, 549 and. eight hundred and fifty-eight ten .: 0.4� for the purpose of pay ng the thousandths mills (;00:6616868) o ituai interest of the Inde. dnest� each One Hundred (;100.00) Dol- "• said City incurred for `. 'a puaz�- lars o!4 aetsesged valuation of pose of the acauisitfon con - all real 'ami personal property with- struetion of additions #o� e�rt- in the corporate limits of the City tensions of the sewer. system of of Ani%bot . for the ordinary an- said b . City, together With one -this sual expeQditures of said City. beth (1/0 ) of said indebtedness. SEM. -ION 3: That there be and SECTION 9 • That t -,,.be be and 'hereby is fixed. and levied a prop- hereby is fixed and le 6rty ,for the fiscal ' year 1960- prop - 1951 of 'Qne mill and t� tee thousand 1961. tax -for the fisted; � 186 d' four hundred and sixty-two ten tare of . One cent, sigh . s and three thousand -efghtted and thousand#,h4 - .'mills (;00.0013468) on seven ten thousandths mills eacltl Qne .Hundred (;108.00) Dollars (;00.0183807) on each One Hundred of the assessed valuation of all, real ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed and penal propertywithin the valuation of all real. and personale corpor4te limits of the City ' of 'An- property within the corporate lim- ahelm, except only the property its of -the City of Anaheim, except Within . the annexed Urritories as only '(fie property within the an - described and apprgvai. Ordinan= n' territories as scribed -and cos-Nult'a 's 595, 425. 25, 466, 5411 g ed by +�ina Numbers and 67-8, for the purpose of . paying 4.2,; -4 456.: ani for the the �anntial interest of the indebted- purpose o! p the ual inter- ribei of ',said City, incurred for the est of the find nea)0 `said City purpose of the acquisition and con- incurred for ' ...'13 p of the -ac-,struction• of additiogs :to the city quisition, construction and 'comple- electiie ` light plant . together with tion by the City of Auaheim, jointly one-tw!eatleth ' (_1/80) of said - indebt . with the ' City of Santa Ana, of a, wines' joint outfall seiw►er. • together with l3ECTIOW it That .char be $nd one -fortieth (1/40) of said. indebt- here!by - is -fixed and -levied a prop- edne6s. erty tex for the fiscal y4ar 1950- *+�' -° 1961' oi. i;eve't►teen cents (;00.17) ° on SECTION 10: That be and het* h Oaw- Htiiiitdred ($100,00) DollarsJ.i� hereby is fixed and ley a `.,a prop- ri y tela- or the fiscal year 19�i0- f th aese#sia valuation of all real1 of '� wo cents, . threer mills andersonal�$aroperty within - that tiia�ee thousand three hundred limits of the City 'of Ansixty ten thousandths mills . a.heiin. for the purpose'of maintain-�0.0853560) on each One Hundred ng`this pnblit library of saidCity.00.00) Dollars of. the- assessed S (1rT 4: That there' be and valuation of all r r ad personal #:'e'rerb fixed and -. leiried a prop-Lepr°perty within t : rate lim- ty ta.7t• for the fiscal' year 1950- its of the City of 1061 except 1961 bP.-tete: c ' t, four mills and only the property in the an- thi y or . te*.:. va . only and hexed territories as described by thitty-stn torts oussndthis mills Ordinances Numbers 435, 456, - 549 1619) —"each f o—Hundred. and 678, for the purpose of paying i4l(;160 Doi' 4 A sssessad the annual interest of the indebted - Valuation— of alal' ' asd personal ness of said City, incurred for the property W thin ' the.. cw"Wrats lim- pur of Park improvements, to - pose the Pity of Anaheim, except ge r with -one-fortieth (1/40) of onlg. the Property. w+i%jn •ths• an- sal btedriess. Rexed 1irritories as dgkrtbed *nd 3MINION 11;_ there be .and Appt*d*, by p��,�iDances .Numbers he fixed and levied -a prop - 396., 418, " 43-L 451i1` 648 snd.'a78. foe -ort for the .fiscal year 1950- the- purpose Of °paying thi$:.annuall 1961 ' Nine ills. three thousand intereit of the. Ikoj lto-ane ollyseid City ®f A . 'helm three . hundr nd for five ten R$i>tcattr foir ` fibs thousandths (;OQ 5346) on puriloiMa the a�q�#isidon of a sewV .each One H ed er fssws and the �Co ruction oi" 4. C 0) DoI- seWer system, toej or with one- lark of the eased anon of . fortieth -'(1/40) of"' udebtedness. all real and personal � pro the SUCTION 6: That tlirere- b and, wa'fthfn the corporate limitei o! the ! City flf Anat}eim, except only the hare. r is 'fixed and liai�ed a props proSertp wi the annexed. ter- erty, td# for the f#s i . rear 1860• ritorle4 as bed and arOoved. 196.1.' of: One Mill, three thounan$ by prdini gnd„ t,, : ON' PUBLICATION :til: ) tL.z first dull Nv 411", 01 -it. I.e is a united St..ates, :.incl of, thu. or Cali - of eighteen years; that he has no in - party to the matter herein mentioned; ref the 1japer printed. published and cir(•cflated of Orange t.hnt :;neral ciroula�tion with a list of paid _)ublished for the dissemination of both ws and intelligence of a general char - devoted to the interests or published for f a particular class, profession, trade, mination, 02• of ftny number thereof; itiA ai,,d published in the City of Ana- nge, State of California for more than ding the first dad= of the publication t the to a Printed copy. was published in ase ._ ............day of the.. .. ........day of following clays: orn to before me this_,;... ..day of 40 c NotarkPublic. LEGAL NOTICE - LEGAL NOTICE I LEGAL'NOTICE ORDINANCR NO. r6a municipal' uses together with one- effect and bg in full force. AN ORDXWANCH FIXINGI AND thirtieth (1/$0'S of said indebted- THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE LEVYING A PROPERTY TAS' nese. was passed .and adopted by the City SECTION . 8: That there be and Council of the City .of Anaheim, on ON ALL PRAPERTY WiTSIN hereby is• fixed -and levied a .prop- the 12th day of September. 1950, THE CORPORATE. LIMITS OF erty tax for :the fiscal year 1950- and was approved. signed and at - THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR 1851 Of, Six mills, four thousand. tested by me 'this 12th day of Sep - THE FISCAL YEAR 1860-186Y.; eight hundred 'and forty eight ten tember, 1950. thousandths mills ($00.0064848) on Mayor of the City of Anaheim THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE e'�°h - One -Hundred ($100.00) Dollars CHAS. A. PEARSON, CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN of the �sicssed valuation of all real (aEAL) AS FOLLOWS: and personal Property within the ATTEST: SECTION 1 • That there be and corporate . limits of the City of An- CHARLLS E. GRIFFITH hereby is fixed and levied a proper- :Lheim, except only the property City Clerk of the City of Anaheim ty tax for the -fiscal yfiar 1Q50-1951 thin the annexed territories as STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) of Fifty-five cents. one mill. six and. described .anal q.proved by Ordinan- COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. *eeNtjrabers, 4.23; 435 456 549 and CITY OF ANAIEIMeight hundred anis fifty-eight ten.�� � thousandths mills ($00.6616858) for,the'purpose of paying the I, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City each One Hundred ($100.00) Doln.al )titerest of the indebtedness Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do laps of the assessed valuation . of said City incurred for' the Put'- hereby certify that the foregoing, personal property with- Voile; ofd the acquisition , con - all real and atruct,68 . o! additions to r.:i2te ex- Ordinance was introduced at a reg- ia the corporate limits of the City ular meeting of the City, Council of Anaheim, for the ordin ' - tensions of the sewer system of of the City � Anaheim, held on ary 'an o4d . City, together with one -thin- the 22nd day of August, 195.0, and Huai expenditures of said City. tieth (ht 0) of said indebtedness. that th® same was- passgd- and -ad- SECTION ,$: That there be and 419 - 8: That th be and opted. at a re hereby is fixed. and levied a prop- hereby fixed and lev `'�a, prop- regular meeting -of said erty tax for the fiscal year 1960- City Council held on the 12th day 1961 of 'One mill and three thousand esti �_ for the fiscalx: 1950- of September, .1950, by the follow - lour hundred and. sixty-two ten 18 1 ef' Oahe cant, eigh' s and Ing vote: three ..#.h t - .. d eight red and AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson. thousandths 'mills . ($00.0013468): o»- i,.• eaclt One Hundred (;100.00) Dollars sa ;pit .." ten thousandths mills Wimbr,- Hey_ing, Boney 'and Van of the assessed valuation of all, real ( '0. $$107) oil each One Hundred Wagoner; and .personal property within the ( 021 Dollars of the assessed NOES: COUNCILMEN: :None. v dation of all reap and personal ABSENT: COUNCILMEN• None. corporate Blit only the City - of •An- priperty trithin. the corporate lim- AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that aheim, theexca only the property: the .City of .Anaheim,. except the Mayor of the City of Anaheim wit>r<in the anaeitld tbrritordes ss a property within the -an approved and apprgved by Ordinaa3 approved and signed said Ordt- ces Numbers 395,' 428, 456, 466, 64i-itorfes as described •and nance on the -12th day of September, sad. 678, for the by. dina�tt :. Numbers 1950., n�irposa of . paying 4 466 aai�; for the IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have the .annual int of the indebted- p ops :off the ' Lial inter- hereynto set my hand and. affixed mess of said C incurred for ebb est of . the in nee " ` 'said City, -the seal of said Ci of Anaheim purpose of the �isition and aoa f>elirrefl for 9.• im struction of arts to the a purpo of the -ac- this 12th day of 890tember, 1950. electric light pi� t t together. 4 ftlon,, construction and- 'comple- (SEAL) t ht tile. City of Anaheim, jointly City -Clerk: of the jolty of naheim ode -twentieth (1 sa) of said indibt•: .h #bp. City. or Santa Ana, o! a; CHARLES ,E:' -ORIF. �TH eda4as. $a t outfall sewer,, together with kPub. -Sept. lb; 195% SECTiOlQ !t Tl�lpt there h! �: o : :#die}li �(Y�40) o! ae►id indsbt- 't Neftby is fixed'. d. -levied a. pfd ' 4� • ,. arty tax for the fiscal year � 8qP CTIM 10: That `t. ,,,,, ...be and eaC of Bev, t cents ($00.17). Mill. "' eb$ 4s;>8ixed and rev V--.jL prop - ea One H ($100.00) pedlars xr y t the fiscal . year 19�50- +o! the asse ' � _ uation of 91.1.,>: � 1 .. �• o. cents:, .three mills and personal• rty within = t, thousand three hundred corporate liiigi. '•.oi• the City q$ �A>�� si V. ten thousandths mills aheim. for the 'pi'pose of maw " #la " 483380)' oD each One Hundred Ing the mablie' Iibtary of asigd ty:• 00.00). Dollars o .the assessed SECTION 4: That there be . rthd valuation . of � all r _ d personal hereby is fixed arias levied $" prop- property withlu th rate lim- erty tat for . the fiscal year 3. 50. Vim, except 1961 0# -Ohe. � its o!• the City of !our mills sad- aRly the property in the ran - two thousand; . e hundred anis hexed territories as described by thirty-six t ousandthp YAlifp• Ordinances Numbers 435. 456, ' 549 ($00:0142536) Oach One, UL180e4. and 678,. for the purpose of paying (;100.00) Doll ..of the ., the annual interest, of the indebted - valuation of ai and pess0 neon of said City, Ancurred for the property within'. the corporAL." . Ilmi- purpose of Park improvements, . to - Its of the ibity 6f Anaheim, . ezi pt:' get with. -one-fortieth (1/40) of only the property within tat• sef btedttess. Hexed territori descri� 8 11 That there be and approved by ances Numbari� her fixed and levied : a prop - 895, 4.28, 43L � � -549 and '•�7'X ' 1be ort Y for the . fiscal year 1950 - the• purpose ying thio: 1.9f i Nine ills. , three thousand Interest of the : sbtedneap . three, hung: nd fort !five ten City of Ane.hei :,incurred f . thousandth ; s - ($00, . 3846.) on purpose of the ti isition of ILA .each One ed C$1 0) Dol- er #arta and the:, _ onstrueitiort:;•d . lars.. o! - the es�sed uation of sewer system, ether with ' osi- iklt , real and personal ' propert,v fortieth (1/40) cid indebted SECTION 6:" rie�t*;thtit the: corporate limits of the hat there b d, :City o#.: Ana lin, except only the hereby is fixed and levied a 1.... vro.9470r the annexed ter- erty tax for the fiscal Year ' ritorfe6 as ed: and approved 1951 of One Mills three tie. by Ordin � psi:. umbers . 435, 456, and eighty-five ten the uf l� . 6,#1. and. 6 8. `ha purpose o! pay - mills ($00.0014086) on eata ; - ' inR the antrruaT interest of • the, in - Hundred ($100.00) Dollara:.,'aha debtedaess +of, 'said City, incurred- atesessed valuation. of all r for th•e'• purpose,- of. the completion• personal property within t>:. of the Clt Hall, together with.. one-, orate limits of #)ie•. t✓ity Q! :: l4eiirtfetii (1/40); �:.aaid in�iebtedne: 6xclept only the property wlf't tri' SECTION 1$: That there ba and annexed territories as deacri and hereby is fixed and levied a prop - approved by' Ordinances: �# ertytax- . #or the fiscal year- 195,0- 395,-423, 4360 456.:549.- and i'f$',:'fe 195 of Three. cents, • seven millq. the purpose'of. 'ps)►ing the:- &,40" isx I am dad thre,2 tliqueand three. hundred Interest of the i>rfdebtednerl at.::4i and . seventy-seven . ten thouandths.• City, Incurred- ler, the pu tni>iis • ($06:0373.377)- on each One.. the aoquisitiolt of fire a ids ' Hundred'.. ($100.00),; Dollars of the for said City, togeth W. ' tris aaseseed valuation. of all' real and fortieth ti%40) of saidndeb(isii� personal property 'within the. cor- BECTIONT $: That tilers. �' a,hd' pgrata:. limiter of they: City. of ' Ana- irerebv is fixed- and lervied a prop- heimr except, only the- property erty tea for tile': #fiscal year 1860= :within. the annexed, territories.' as 1951 of Two cents, lfvs. nulla. and described and approved by._Ordfnan- two thousand one -hundred :ixhm' ees: Numbers 436 456, 549 and 67L. ty-three -ten thousandths-' `mills for .the purpose of paying, the.- - n-' (;00.0852183) on each, One t, red.. >au'aI:. taterest• 6g the - indebtedness ($100.00) Dollars of . the. sal ipastled o! said. -City. •inkurred for the puri valuation of all. real, and pe el ' pose of. .joint; '.viewer construction property within the corporaOte- together' "with. one -fortieth: Its of the City of Anaheiti `except• :of said'. IndebtednesiL only the property within the sa- $ECT -169 IS:,.- That there be' and 'Hexed territories as described. and- bereby-.1 .; fixe¢ and.•-• levied. as prop- ePproved by (Ironances NU1040r4 -erty' -:tax, for- the fiscal year 1950- 483, 435, 466, 9" and STS.- Ar the -1861 of- Two. cents.. five mills', ' and - purpose of DW1w.r the annuaollwter• :one: tkousatid. - .and' eighteen ten eat of the indebttedness 6f said'i�ity .thousandths•- mills ($00:0251018) on Incurred for the purpose oll.'a+e+ati'l* : each One Hundred ($100.00`) Dol! sition -and oknepletion by ti)e .. Cit* lays of the &messed valuation ,of of Anaheim or a public pa, .. to- all real and personal - property with- gether with one -fortieth _ (T/ 0) of in the corporate limits of the Ctty' said indebtedness.. of. Anaheim, except only. the pfop- fiMCTION 7: That there- be and drty within. the annexed territories hereby --to fixed -and levied a -prop" as described an$ approved by Orrdf- erty tax for the -fileal year 1950- nances aNumbers• 45.6, 549 and - 678. 1951 of One cent, sit miller; and for the' purpose 'of. paying the an - two thousand one' hundrW4 apd nual - interest of the indebtedness. twenty-one ten' thousandths ]mills of said'. City, .incurred for the 1ur-' ($00.0162121) ort; each On6.,K"dred pose ; -of: extensions and- improve - ($100 -00) Dollars of the" aiss�pese4 Ment' tc�., � the : ;'water works of � said valuation of all- real: • and• persomel City,- to-- ether..gith three one -huh- I property within the corporate • liln- sped teh-•tenths �(3/110) o! said in - its of fie. City. of Anaheim,. bzeept debtedness.-' only the property within r'-hii , -an- SECTION , 14 : • The City Clerk of' sexed territories as, described ' %d the City of Anah-eim' shall certify:. approved by Ordinance Numbers to - the passage -of this Ordinanbe,, 423, 435, 466. 649 • and 678, for the and. cause the same, to be publishdd purpose Of paying the .annual, in- once 'in: the ."ANAHEIM BUrrI..E- terest of the Indgbtedness of said TIN",1 a newspaper. of general ' cir- City, incurred. for the purpose of culatiop; printed, published and cir- acquisition and completion by the culated in' said City, And therefrom City o! Anaheim of a building for and thereafter the same shall take 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 All OBDIZW= SIXUR AND LWYM A PRQTAX OR ALL PWPZH= WIMM MM MB'PORL21 LIXIU 01? UM Cifr OF AXUsIN roc MM PISUL M woe --3951 'M CITr C©NCIL 0I' TEN CITY OI' AIUMIg D0=S OMM19 AS P©LIDWS: S=CT101T 1: That there be and hereby is f Ived and levied a property tax for the f Local year 1950-1951 of Pif ty-five cents, one mill , six and eight hundred and Ifift3r--*L&t ten theu-sondths sills 000.5516858) on each 4me Dmdrad ($100.00) Dol- Lars of the assessed valuation of all real 9zA personal property withia the corpor- ate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the ordinary annual mWenditures of said Cit SZCSIO= 2: shat there be and hereby is fixed and leviedL a property vas for the fiscal year 1950-1951 of One mill and three thousand four bmndred and slzty-tvo ten t%ev anllthe mills ($00.0013462) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of r i e the City of Anaheim,earaept only the property within the snneacad to r tori s as de- scribed and approved by Ordinances Iabers 395, 423, 4351, 456, 5" and 678, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said City, incurred. for the purpose of the acquisition and construction of additions to the city elec- tric light plant, together with one -twentieth (120) of said. indebtedness. S=CTION 3: That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for Ithe fiscal year 1950-1951 of seventeen cents ($44.17) on each One ad&.red ($100.00) I Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real wA personal property within the co 1porste limit$ of tho City of Anaheim, for the purpose of maintaining the public library of said City. sUT1411 4s 2bat there be wA hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1950-1951 of One cont, f amar mills and tiro tMusand five Imadred. I I-tUrty-eft ton tboa.�tn. Bills ($00.0142536) on eoh one sn�ra ($100.00) no I of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate I limits of the City of Anaheim. except only the property within the amazed terri- torics as described and approved by Ordinances Nmbers 395, 423s 4359 4569 549 and Jriaid 678, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness City of Anaheim, incurred for the purpose of the acquisition of a sewer fare cad the con struction of a surer system, together with one -fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness S]6CR'IO= 5s 2hat there be and hereby is fized and levied a property tax for -1-- r• 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 the fiscal year 1950-1951 of One mill, three thousand and eighty-five teas► thousandth mills ($00.0013085) on esah One 8vndred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valeation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anahe14, except only the property within the anaesed territories as described and approved Ordinames Nmbers 395, 423, 435, 456, 549 and 6?8, for the purpose of paying the anneal Interest n est of the iadebtedness of said City, in=red for the purpose of the acgaisition of fire apparatus for said Cid, together With oas-fortisth (1/40) of said ind.ebteftoss. SWIGS 6: That there be cad hereby is f tared and . levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1950-1951 of Tvo cents, five mills and two thousand one hundred eightyrthree ten thousandths sills ($00.4252183) on each One &indred ($140.40) Dol. lars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corpor- ate limits of the City of Anaheim, except onlay the property within the annexed, territories as described and approved by ordinances Naubers 423, 435, 4569 549 &sad 1678, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said City; incurred for these of acquisition and purpocompletion by the City of Anaheim of a lic park, together with one -fortieth (1 f 40) of said indebtedness . SUTION 7s Tbat there be and hereby is fired and levied a property tam for the fiscal year 195044931 of One cent, six mills, and two thosssand one hundred and Itwatr-on. ten t,hou.aaftb..siia (#oo.0162121) an each One BaadreQ ($100.00) no �of the assessed valuation of all real and pessons3, property within the oorporato 22 113LIMto of the City of Anaheim, swept only the property within the d terri- 23 tortes as described and approved by Ordinances Nw&ers 423, 435, 4.569 549 and 6?89 24 for the purpose of paying the annn al interest of the indebtedness of said city Sn- 25 11curred for the purpose of acquisition and completion by the City of Anaheim of a 26 2? 28 29 for uuniaipal uses, together with one -thirtieth (1/30) of said iadebt 820TION 8: 'That there be and hereby is fiord and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1950"1951 of Six mills, four thousand eight bmdred and forty-eight ten thousandths mills ($00.0064848) on each One Nandred ($100.00) Dollars of the 30 assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of 31 the City of Anaheia, exeept only the property within theanneored territories as de - 32 scribed and approved by Ordin ancon Nunbers 423, 435, 456, 549 and 678, for the -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 purpose of paying the anmal interest of the indebtedness of said City incurred for the purpose of the acquisition and construction of additions to the extensions of the sewer system of said City, together with oae-thirtieth (1/3e) of said. I=Mbted- aess. 5202101 9: shat there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the f fiscal year 1950-1951 Of One cunt, eight sills and throe th®usaad eight ban MA seven ten thousandths sills ($00.01B3807) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dol hof the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, swept only the property within the anneoced terri- tories as described and approved, by Ordinances Ambers 423, 4359 44569 549 and 6780 for the purpose of paying the anconal interest Of the indebtedness of said City, purred for the purpose of the acquisition, construction and completion by the City of Anaheim, jointly with the City of Santa Ana, of a joint outfall sewer, together with one -fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. I` M21011 10s that there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for i the fiscal year 1954-1951 of 'moo cents, three sills and three thousand three bond and sixty ton eusandths mills ($40.0233360) on each one Handred ($100.40) ]colla of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of llnsheis, except only the property within the unmated terri- tories as described by Ordinances N=%ers 435, 456, 5499 and 678, for the purpose pgiag the aarmal Interest of the Indebtedness of sapid 01tys laansreid for the pur-- pose of Part Improvements, together with oaNtortisih (1/40) of said Indebtedness* 3M6TI01 lit 'ibat thyro be and hereby is fined and levied s property tax for the floe" year 1950-1951 of ]Fine mills, three tbmeand three hmndred and forty- five ten thousmills ($44.0493345) on each One Hromdred ($144.04) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate list of the City of Anaheim, ezaept only the property within the anne:ed territories as described and approved by Ordinances ]umbers 435, 456, V* and 678, for the purpos of paring the annmal interest of the indebtedness of said City, incurred for the purpose of the completion of the Citi Hall, together with one -fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SM11031 12: 'khat there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tam for 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Iths tisoa]. year 1950-1951 0! Three cents seven sills and three three hnaLred end seveatp-seven tem the 'ills ($90.0373977) oz each One Rand- ($100,00) nad ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property with- in the corporate limits of the City of Anaheiu, swept only the property within the annessd territories as described add approvs& by 4rMnancso fibers 435, 456, 549 and 678, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said City, 3aRearred for the pun miss of joist *ever coastraction, together with one- fortieth (1%40) of said. indebtedness. SNOT101 13 s Shat there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1950-1951 of Sip cents. f iwe sills, and eas thousand aad eighteen tea thowsaaths sills ($04.0251©18) on each One Saadred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate knits of the City of Anaheim, eaaept only the property within the AMixe1 territories as described and approved by Ordinances Numbers 456, 549 and 678, for the pwrpose of paying the annual interest of the 3.adebtaftess of said City, incurred for the puz%. 1poso of extensions and impr©iemento to the water works of said City, together with three one-h=&&red temp -tenths (3/110) of said Indebtedness. SECTION lot The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim sbah certify to the pass - 94;9 of this Ordiamoe, and oanse the sane to be published once is the eAMMIX BUMATU ' , a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in said City, and therefrom and thereafter the was shall twice effect and be in fall force. MM NOMMOM ©NDMICE was passed and adopted by the City Commil of the City of Anaheia, on the 12th day of September, 1950, and was approved, *loud and attested by as this 12th day of September, 1950. -4W r of the City of Anaheis 1 2 3 4 8 Fj 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 p 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 STATS 07 ClIL11ORBIA } ted 11 1 07 ORl IGIR CITY 0 AK,iH' N } I, CBdRM 1. dR3191 H, City Cleat of the city of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance eras introduced at a regular meeting of the City Common of the City of Anahefaa, held on the 22nd day of Amgast, 19509 and that the sane teas passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Connall held on the 12th dsy of September, 19,50, by the following rotes AMM: 00'UNOIIM; Pearson, Wieser, Keying, Boney anc. Van Wagoner. 10318: OOINOIlti I bone ADMT s 001NOXIM s bone AND I 7'IIR'3 CSthat the lteyor of the Citi of IaaMin appx+s,po'! and signed said Ordimass on the 12th day of Septmber. 1930* IN WISM XS MI, I have beromto set my haat and affixed the seal of said City of Ana ala this 12th day of Septmber, 1950. (ULL)