062/Ile -I e G -z r V v I I a lit7l 0-0 C�� Cei V l,_tit - U/ 0 r r , Ordinance No '`62, An Ordinance to prouide for the Licensing of Business carried on in the city of Anaheim. rd of 7Y.uslees of the city of dna •%n as fouows: MI for any person or —porate l' C) - u o f (i ;tate of Caliaoi,nia. Jeli1 __'.11 ' sn,,rom l `)f)S'�:i � � ? T` Ui U lie is a ci+,izen of"Ghe S o ' Cali 'c_.iia (', � `a -, o s 1 ,� v;.a ; i;, a .,r, i,a teS� not 8 U it tl �.t ��?"'�,.1. 't LY' I;.:.�_t, _G? �'I�s 0 �l- O,'_ V`.,at h( -J n0':i is n, 011 t. -ie 26th '� � o -f :, s; llSt cr.' -1_i3 Arna,-dim ,a.) a s u 1 ti,l_, t ,d Gazet �e,:_, 1•;�e�;l,� ��_�,,s��<,,i }' �)ri 1�E,� p tali �„_t ,��.:�.. ci"�ncul.�.�c,1 rre.0h1 in the cite of An.-,"ioi;. i w. -nit r of State of C'al- iso-',n4 a. ''1 t t l':. O1 � i i11: C of 'ctfilCl: 'v !_'__;X::C �i0' i}Y was l }:e nub i� _ 11 � 1'' ..l_ Ile',': Ti��)OY' Oi the 23-th day o- AL:L 1St � �'` Tij�lV o atiC iii Tai; p7llb' ret Y �Jfii C Cr C ON _ Ordinance Ns An Ordinance to prouide for the Licen req ©f Business carried .oh in the pity -Of _..Anaheim. The Bo&rd of Truateea of the city of And helm do ordd'n us foURws: —` Section 1. It shall beuu tiff for any person or persons to conduct or carryon wmin 6$e c-'1% orate limits of the City of Anaheim, either in the4 _ names or as agents for suy other person or persons, or body corporate, or otherwise; any vocation, trade, calling, occupation or employment in this ordinance specified, without 'first procuring from said, City of Anaheim a liesuse So to do. Any person or persona, either for themselves or as agantB; Who tliponce, vocation, trade,Acall, LV, oc upation or employment in this ordinance specified without first plocuring such license shall be deemed guilty, of a misdemeanor, and upon eenviction by any court having jurisdiction thereof shall be fined therefor in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars or be imprisoned for a teras not exceeding three months or suffer both such Ane_ and ,inironer►, and the smonnt of said license shall be doomed a debt duo to the said City of Anaheim. and all such persons, bodies corporate and their agents or either of them shall be liable to an action in thenaae of the City of Anaheim in any court of competent jurisdiction for the amount of the license of such business as he or they may be engaged in, with costs of suit. gee. 2. That the monthly rates of license for the pursuits, business, trades, occupations, avoaitiong on i employments hereinafter named be and the $a" are hereby established for and within the City of Anaheim and the same shall be paid by the owners or proprietors thereof as follows, to wtt, For every person, fire or corporation engaged 'in the business of banking, Sail For every butcher strop or stall, $2. For every person who having no butcher *shop or stall engaged in the business of selling most within the city limits, f7 50. For 'ail persons or corporations net municipal, ' vending, selling, supplying or furnishing wader for domestic, purposes, $2 50. For every peddler of goods, wares and mer0handlee per mentb, $7 50; or per day, if license is taken for one day, $2 50. For every billiard table or pool table excepting only such as are used in private `dwelling houses, $1. For every pin or bowling alloy, U. For every restaurant, $1. For every Hotel, $2 60. For ovary lived stable, $2 50. For every laun ry, $1 50. For every photograph gallery, $1. For every person carrying on the business of real estate agent or broker, $2, For every Storehouse forgrain or merchandise $1 0,01. For every brewery, $6. or per da if For every auctioneer r mlk$1r11r p y, license is taker fslr i 2 50• For-evory` cheating gallery, $8. For every person conducting and arrying on -AS a general and regular moans of livelihood the trade, calling, occupation or busineas ofpaddling in soars or wagon upon the streets of said City 'ef Auahofm any kind of vegetables, for each cart,wagan or vohlale 90 employed,one dollar per month;and every ouch cart, wagon or vehicle so used shall have a number printed f or painted theron or attached thereto in In Arabto i figures, not lag than one inch and a half In height 'and of proportionate width sud sf such eel" as to be l ; readily disWnguiahad; Such number shajl be desfgnat- ed by, the license' collector, who shall ]seep a record thereof For overy dray; Cori, wagon or vehicle, used for - the delivery of fret lit or goods in the city for hire, fifty cents; and each of said drays, carts, wagons and vehicles shall be numbered in the manner designated in the preceding paragraph. Every person who keeps a Stallion and who permits the same to be uatl& license of for the five dollars per setion ason, for hire, must paw for each stallion-: For every mloon, bar, store or place including club rooms, where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed liquors are sold or given away in quantities las thou one gallon, ten dollars per month. Provided further that ria license to keep a saloon,bar, or other place far vinous. molt or mixed liquors sarin tree t �y v... - at any time, and have power to.reveke such permit after such revocation shall have?been made by re a no ti d y ado t t e said city clerk shall issue no ,.arm t is ¢nn a said }uu L- e See. 8. The wholesale and retail establishments, stores and pLcee d trade of every kind and deserip- tion, including wood and coal yards, and places for selling lumbar within the city, where artiela of per aonol property are sold ae a business .ball be and are bgj*y. owneid,. ee{iiltsd. shall pay the liaise hereifi speidfi fejt elf tivs close montby as follows: Provided, however, than this provision does not apply to the sale of spirituous, virions, molter mfxed liquors: Ffrst-claa. Thoawhasa monthly males average ten thousand dollars or over shall pay a license Often dollars. Seoend-class, These wlfose monthly sales average five thousand dollars and lees than ten thousand dollars shall pay a license of seven dollars and fifty cents. Third-class, Theme whose monthy sales average two thousand dollars and lees than five thousand dollars shall pay a license of five dollars. Fourth -Claes, Those whose mouthy sales average flue hundred dollars and lees than two th sissand dol. I lars shall pay a license of two dollars and fifty coats. Fifth -class. All those whose monthly sales avenge j less than five hundred dollars shall pay a license of one dollar and twenty-five cents. 9eo� �.bh�d 3 I"of, to for TfElis'tier- tiont- and ve employments beret sanernomad b � andt he same are hereby established for and within the City of Ana- heim, and the seme shall be paid by the owners and proprietors thereof as follows; Far every circus or menagerie or both, per diem, twenty dollars. For every sideshow to a circus where a separate ad- mission fee is charged, five dollars. For every rope, wire dancing, magic or theatrical entertainment or exhibition where price of admission is asked, three dollars. Bee. 5. All licensee must be paid in advance. The monthly licensee in this ordinance provided for shall be due and payable on the first Monday in each month for all persons, firms or corporations, who have for the previous month been licensedto carry on any such business, avooat"rRu-or trade and for all persons, ffrme or°66tto tatlons who have not been lieenard for the previous month for the same business, avocation or employment, trade or calling, the license shall be due and payable andmust be procured by such son, firm or corporation before carrying on suck business, avocation or employment, trade or calling. the first Monday of said three monttts. w nese li- censes are per day the same Shall be due and payable each day in advance. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the License Collector to give to the City Clerk on or before the first day of each month a list of all persons doing business within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, who are liable for license. The City Clerk shall thereupon issue licenses to the persona named on sold list, and on the first Monday of each mouth shall deliver such licensee to the License Collector for collection, tak- Wie receipt for the amount thereof, and the said Clerk in filing thereto oXdfoeaiil6:tortho_ggnoral classes in this ordinance hereinbefore specified %hall -� grade the same according to his best information and knowledge and may require any person to file his affidavit as to which class he may belongi provided that in no case i"U any mistake by the City Clerk in fixing• the'amoufrt of said license prevent the ..eellec- tion of what shall be actually dire, with su ­. against ary one seliiu¢ or carrying on said business without license, or refusing to pay such rate so fixed_ ' by the Clerk. See. 7. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. See. 8. The City Clerk shell cause this ordinauce to be published once in the ANensra GAZBTTB and thereafter it shall take affect an Tblelo. iin ffull fonrce. President of the Board of Trustees of the City of -"A1Tahoim. I hereby certify that the forego3Dg ordfaanee was iatrodueeii at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the city of Anaheim,held on the 18th day of August 1890; that• It was duly passed and adopted at a regular mooting of_thc Board at Trustees of the City of Anaheim hold on the 27th day of August, 1090, by the following vote: Ayes—Trustees Reiser, Littlefield and Witte. Noes—Mone. Absent—Trustees Schindler and Benueracheidt. That the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim signed the same on the 27th day of August, 1890. M1Z NBBBLUNe, Clerk of the City of Anaheim.