069Affijavit of Publication. Stave of Califonnia, County of being dyly, sworn deposes and says as followaS--- That he is a citizen of he United S aucs.and at all the times heneinaftor montioned was ove- the age of it eighteen years, That he is tho proprietor of the Anaheina Gazette, a weekly newspaper prin.ad,publishod,and circulated weekly in the City of Anaheim Co,�-Litv of Orange State of Califor- T'M 'V,t-ho 01dinanco of which M ail: oxed is a printed copy W --t-E Is &a once said newspapor zo-wit on the 25th day of qubscribed ana sworn to beforo me, this da -,,,r of 7t'tr/ be a Of Santa Ana irtherlp line of ii -1 a atatance-: of ;foot from -anY. wilding or be and it is hereby made un- r&r'uae' aay':ponable notin Within that -portion of the City 7d and described in section one a"dy or other highly corn- cept, unless such light. be se- r@. be and it is hereby made un - or parsons to ifulte or cause to or to explode' or setoff, any arecrackers or other explosives 3aby gun,pjdtol,snvil orcanonn thp0i6lof Anaheim described n one of this ordinance, except hen written permission must Rt Ica# throe m6mbers of the ioh swtd. Aarntiaaien _ahall fix I rea'det', the manner, in which Man Maybe had. be and it is hereby made un - )T Per—, firm or corporation stored, or keep, place or ut any kind within that Portion n described and bounded in rEltna-oe;hnless the same be tin a buildings barnor ware - n ggantit a*'not exceeding 10 hay and 20 tens in welght of le unlaw- ,ration to bin said I ssetion is or any Is unless er quan- in hail be and it is hereby mada.unlaw- a_or persons, firm or corporation to a ,Trage' ef, or keep 'within said T oofr Atxahatm t gibed and bound- +axsum enau De deemed guilty -6koseut-Awl to W►y *Vm t+ot esoeeding t4ree- hundred ;dol- iit tfiety; Bot to based .' fq rr �ntl►aafined wgd:inPrisonodat. liff ► fi &a� vi, leg of`tbis ordi- oontinttes alialf be conaidered clad construed as to oOonae ►nd be punished as in this sectien Ou *'LThe City Clark shall cause, this ordi- ca to ba publis$ad enoeia the AWARMI [ GAsMTa, Pnbiiheheti in tbb city of Anaheim, and `and tharelrpon it $hall takeoffect and be • oreo' ' THEODORE REISER, of the Beard of Trustees of the City of �; Jtnitheiva. vua Avtegwug oroinance was dtUoVV%t�__a.tnk �Board of Trustees of nsh�eim' held On: the *h dsy of June, xas d xt9 passed apd adopted at �lar meeting of the Beard of Trustee! of the ef. Anaheim held on tate 24th,day of June, bf The following vete: '45ru00" ':Reiser, L -Littlefield, 'Witte 'and None.. t the President of the Board of Trustees of the of A`nahelm sklftp enaeo 2n th_e (t}t AUY of r 1M9i 14� - 1,U'gG ®, Clerk of the City of Anaheim, .0 --mac. _ k3 — �� �c� �i C e -rte --t--L ti2 f r7 a C"l-�Pll ow 471 -d LC. -C _ a` % �L L �!/->- p�"2� � �X � '� ��[� �zti•z.-CI�-C�c ,-v �J`?�i%�-C-�-itiz• ��.,�c.. Gtl7"1���� _�22"r �ic�-�_�-tS�c ��zt u.��i-L o -� f i zt� ol !'{/Y �1f2s1rriz¢J c2Zzz 1 j� iki2 _�lY� z 'Z ia z2 Ll�tivv -lay uzQc AzAof 6/- rk Cc_r,vL--r u/zc/ -i� � U rc.., �C e i / 67 71 /L C Q o- A— 44-1 r I - "l / r e a� z lY �yvr - f _ u - L ZA [_ c. --7` v(/ (/Y u --t(. 4�/iY�-7%r(/ a Lc_ct cc-� Gl L2,t U 11—la .2 �L2t �Z�(/-�-(�- Al t7'7 -c _� � � /,.c : a z 2�z e Y Cry c C Gririt,u /c L .wac e� _ ffiCGccvu�� -- s �� c �t-24 s L -1- -Z /-Z z -tie - GZ.2C_ 7.y I 01 -e X M-' A allv_ 6,4-1,14