096i NO, .................... r Superior Court, County of Orange, State of i California. Plaintiff vs. Defendant --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Received copy of within this ....... ----:. dayof ------------------ --------------- -------------------189--------- ---------------------------------------------- ...... ----------------------- Attornevfor. ....................................................... H. W. CHYNOWETH. Anaheim, Cal., Attorneyfor ......... ------------------ ..._....................... Ordin 96 in 91 KraT Ali -u- ' I D AVI "-' OF UATI ()N. 0- GAiiforn.ia, )ss. of Orant e, ) first Iily s,vo-ri Janosps an -I —/ u — 13E?irit. 5' YS "Pha e an t !, is d wfie as at all e tii-ies mentioned , ierein, a male citizm o-',.-tne United States ove- the are of twenty one years" Tr,,it k -,e is, t.ne Printer of tyle Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper printed,pilblisho-I and ei-culated, weekly in the City of Anaheim, CoLuity of Orinp,:e, St�te of California, tnat the ordinance of t--Ote w1licii the annexed is at printed ropy wAs published in sai,-.' nelvs- ap te r once, to—vit on tll-ie ............. day of -INover,--.,ber I393. Subscribed :�.nd sivorn to before, r,ie tnis day of Noveinber 10393. Notary Public in and for CranEe County, California. Ordin'49009w, 96 An Ordinance to provide for the Eradication and Removal of Grass, Weeds and other Veg- etation from the Street& of the City of Anaheim. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section 1.—It is hereby mad an par- son or persons who ownsI of Ana- heiin to keep the 0 ftieli 6 hich the real property is lGeAftel move all grass, weeds or v ter edge of such street or etre ;property up to the center line of an Section 2.—If any perso fail to keep such portion of any -corporate limits of the City of Ana , weeds and vegetation, as provi one of this ordinance, the Board of V of Ana. heim may authorize the. otify such person croons to visions of this r ordinance and er all grass weeds and vegetati( n of such street or strests t I property owned or controlle persons, to - wit: All that portion of sue street or streets be- tween the outer edge adjoining such real property up to the center line of such street or streets. Section B.—When the Board of Trustees shall au- thorize the City Clerk to give the notice mentioned 1. Section Two of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to give such notice in writing and serve the same by depositing. said notice, postage paid, in the United States postoffice, in the City of Anaheim, directed to the person or persons who own or control such real property. Such notice shall specify that if the provisio of Men One of this .O ga.ce are 3: not compliLtin ten days from the time of the service of Wol notice that the City of Anaheim will eradicate and remove all grass, weeds and vegetation from much street or streets at the expense of the owner of said real property. Section 4 --If the person or persons who owns or controls such real property do not eradicate and re- move such grass, weeds and vegetation within ten days after the service of the notice as prescribed in Section Three of this ordi"nas, the Board of Trus- tees gball order such graweeds and vegetation to be eradicated and remo' I-, same manner as other work on the publilc e performed. The cost of much work shall be ascertained and the City Clerk shall demand in writing from the person or persons who own or control-socioh property that the same be paid forthwith., I Such demand shall be made by depositing the $a**: tU the postoffice, post- agepaid, addressed to sudlfp6rsom or persons liable for such work. Section 5. —If the cost of eradicating and remov- ingsuch grass, weeds and vegetation be not paid be. fore the second Monday in August next succeeding the performance of said w&kjW shall become a lien U u such real property A$ -�VVU$t be collected In 9 ! time as municipal t same manner and at tr*#Al 0 taxes are collected. Section 6—The City Clerk 4 shall certify to the passage of this ordinance *n 4*,poo the same to be _ published once in the GAZITTE and there- ud thereafter it shall take effect and be in full force, WM. A. WITTE, President of the, Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim. I hereby certify that thefore oll ig ordinance was introduced at a meeting of le _ rd of Trustees of ,the, City of Anaheim held do the 24th day of October' 1898. That it was duly passed and adopted at a reg- ular meetifur of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on the 14thtiq"W-NovemUer, 1893, by the,following vote: Ayes—Trustees Witte, Pellegrin, Rust, Conrad and Schindler. That the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim signed the same on the 14th day of November, 1893. M. NEBELUNG, Clerk of the City of Au sheink . Al i,-)A'� - i L" 0 F F _� -T I 10 J. T I'l W .cit; a i t i; S Y 1 10 d e r e i n' --I I Lted Stat'�?.q ovt�" G I t"'fe'nity one I'lt'e-1, 014'' t, ­.e An-.."-,eirc�, a -'A iv,:,ckly in City ol' Ste to Calii'crni-it t_ ­_at orii-..,anuc- of t:�L*,, btJ t w j IT W. .r ':e . . . . . . . .. . . v Jay 01 l'oVe, -TI f, o b e?: tll e I Nwt­_;i:hur 13��3. X A a 0RDI ,]A,1GJ'; TiTElL ISR An G-,-iinanct to pr'oVide f'l . Ta:i!: ",ra.lication; and Pemoval o2 Lr'ass,14yee_ts and other veCetation,_11t"om the :streets of tree City of Anaheit.l. Thr.: Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section, I. ----It is r7eraby 11,1,-ide the :duty of any .1'e -son or persons owns or controls any real property wit_nlin the Cor- o 1 orate liniits,of tyle City of Ananeirn, to keep the street or streets 1,1porl vi.ilic t.hte real pr-cpe,-ty, is located f-ee from,:in:i rei,move Ail j; -ass j11ee:1:i, o ve et titlYt, "roiTi t,ne o'. ter, jd{;e of Silch street, or Streets, i-ZjGini"IL slv''2 real p-o—perty,'ip to t?it� center line,of such stroot or streets; Stsction,I3.--- If' any person or persons 1 sh.illl rail 'o keep suc:l portion of any Streot within tyre corporate liiiiits of the City of Anaheim,free frori grass, 1Ye+'ds -in, vef etatiori, as provided for in see` -,ion one of this or:linince, t:'ae oaf' i of' Trustees of the City of Ananeiiil, ::iay alitn.Urize the Cit J% Clerk, to notify suen person or persons,to comply with the provisions of this ordinance,anl erad- icates amt rertioVe all ,t-,rass,weeds inl veFetation,fro>>L that portion of such street or str„ets tnzit, -adjoins the real property; owned or controlled Ny such person or persons,to-wit: all tnat portion of Suc:i street Ur streets between tre outer e:i{"e adj oininC such real pronerty,up to the center line,of such street or streets; Section I I [ .- "'hen th _=soar l of Tr�istees shall authorize the City Clerk, to Live the notice :rientioned, in section two of This ordinance) it shall je the duty cf the City Clerk, to trine axxhxmki r7 -, ( � " r, --, - ,�, a ��7 o canter I-) y al Se,c Vrnen the -()a -J of 7 I tees shall autlio ri ze the City Cie -k, to Eire tne notice i,itm-tiuned, in section two of this ordinance, it shall 'fie the duty ()f the City Clekkq to give RREhn(SIRLi sllr;h qotice- it writ -J&6 4nd st.fve the sae by depositi\ said notice posta,e in tee Unite, States post -office, irl tae City of 5 r' inaneim,direc'teA to t! -ie persun,ci.r persons vvno own or control such real property, sucii notice shall specify that if the provisions Di' section one of this ordinance, are not cur plied with in .�. . days froth the tire; c,{' the service of said notice,tYa:It the City of Anaheiroa,wil.l eradicate aril rer.iove a:ll, f _ass, :refeds rjnl ver tation from suc i ,3tre( t,o_r stre(;ts at the a�riRX;ch(Knxx expense of the owner of said real property; Section IV.---- If the �>erso z or persons wiio owns or controls szch real property do not eradicate anal remove such grass,weeds and vez;etatiori,witiiin ...k lays sifter the service of the notice as prescribed in section three Of this ordinarice t^e Board of Trustees, shall, order such grass, .needs and ver etat ion to be eradicated, arij reuiovel in ttie saiF:e runner as other work on tree public streets is per; or.iied; The cost of' such we rk shall be as- certained -ind the City Clerksrall demand in writin[; from the per- son or persons who own or control such property,trat the same be paid,forthWitri; such der,Ianl shall be made by depositing; the same in the pest -office postage paid, addlressed to such person or per- eons li ib e for such !vork; Section, V.--- ,If tie cost of eradicating; arid removing such t rass>we,:;ds Arid ve-etation,be not paid before the second ?Monday in AuEust next s;zcceedinC the perf'ormarce, of said work, it shall be- come a lien upon such real property and must be collected in the sal=ie manner and at the sarj:e t i:ne as _VA4**r iirani c ip al taxes are co 1- lected; Section, VI. ----The City Clerk small certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheiii, Gazette and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in full force. Secti011, VI.----Tne City �;:1erk shall certify to the passaLe of tnis ordinance and cause the same to ;be published once in the Anaheiiri Ga:�ett,e anti t.neraupon and thereafter it shall. take :affect and be in f Ul force. j e Presi:lentJOf tns 30ar.1 of Trus,ees c;f the City of Ananeir.l. • I hereby certify that the fore€roinE ordinance was introduced at a meetin.c.; of the Boar.l of Trustees of the City of Anal-ieim neld on the day of .. I393, that it was duly passed anal adopted at a reL7zlar ineetinE of the Board of Trustees of the City of Ananeita,heli or; the . J... day of �:'. Lic93, by the follow - int; vote: c Ayes, That the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim signed the same on the day of .. ..... 13 '-',3 C erk of the Ci of Anaheim. J