104,. y 17 O...................................... .TPERIOR COURT ounty of Orange, State of California. Received copy of vvithin this day of-------- _...... -------.189 ,;r Attorney for-------- --- W. CHYNO WETH ANAHEIM, CAL. �rney' for ..._...---- _------------ ..............:....---------- n oi' � � 11%� _. finance No. 10 !-i air been r � hundred square ree�, 20- � 14—For buildin "' hundred lineal feet, 4 cee to curb, for pitch o 15 -Z he meter rate pays not t �� shall be fort one thousand gallons. Y cent a 1.'77 i's'tW'7lo3'-I the parties thereto, an"d31F�� the he offense shall r,,yA ' premises, ane " �QSTllie�...- =_»� yJ �Ve ... ...�I I water rata monr�'r [ 1�� ', 0l" loo ` 111 i AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. State of California, } )ss. County of Orange, ) "'-� =„% •= bein �f first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is a citizen of the United States, and at all the times herein mentioned, was over the age of twenty one years, that he is the printer of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper, printed published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, that the ordinance of which the annexed is a printed popy was published once in said newspaper, to -wit: on 9q �. the �[...` day of November I894. Subscribod and sworn to before ane this ��GG-- .� Z� . , . day of -November 1894. Notary Public it and for Orange County California, Ordinance No. 104 An Ordinance Establishing Watel Rates in the City of Anaheim. �n liars shall have W—Ail water rates shall be collected"liftffbe payable monthly in advance, and payment will not be received for a less period than one month. Section 2—It shall be unlawful far any person or QQrsons to use water from the city militia for . sprinkling gardens or lawns at any other time than between the hours of six to nine A. M. and five to eight P. X. For every violation of the - provisions of this section, it shall be the Mar- shal's duty to collect a fine of two dollars and fifty cents for the first offense and five d 11 1 The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: o ars or each subsequent offense so committed. If the said fine is not paid when so demanded the Mar- Section 1—The monthly rate to be collected by shal shall cut oil' the water supply from the premises of the offendiug party, and the waterlT 1 ON . the City of Anaheim, for water supplied from its Water Works, to consumers shall be as follows: shall not be turned on again until such fine,\ shall have been paid, and also the additional 1—For tenements and dwelling houses occu- enal supply of two dollars for restoring the water pied by a single family of not more than two persons, $1. Section 3—In case of a fire, necessitating the For each additional person, 10 cents. For each additional family, $1. use of water from the city mains, it shail be un - lawful for any person or persons to use water 2—For sprinkling lawns or gardens, one cent per square yard for fifty yards or less, for from said mains, for any purpose whatsoever ex. cept for the extinguishment of such fire, or the and each additional square yard over fifty yards, one-half cent per square saving of adjoining property. Any person vio. lating the provisions of this section shall be yard; no charge to be less than twenty-five cents. deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon cou- 3—For stores, saloons and other business houses and offices, fifty cents to one dollar. viction thereof shall be fined in a sum not leg= than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred 4—For one horse or cow kept for private use, including water for washing vehicle, 25 dollfirs, or be imprisoned for a period of not ex- ceeding thirty days, or be both so fined and im- cents. For each additional horse or cow, 20 cents. prisoned. s—For bath tub in hotels, boarding houses, bathing houses and barber shops, for each bath Section Section 4—The City Clerk shall cause this or- to be published Cl once al the A this or - dinaucs, tub, 4l.published 6—For livery, boarding, feed and hack stables, j a newspaper in the City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall including water for washing vehicles, for each i take effect and be in full force. horse 20 cents. 7—N4or restaurants and boarding houses, one dollar to five dollars. C. O. RUST, Presideutof the Board of Trustees of the Cityof Anaheim. s t duly 8—For hotels, tater to five , for each 9—For public water closets, for each closet, 75 1 hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance cents. we,, introduced at a meeting of the Board of Sworn, deposes 10 --For private water closets, 25 cents. Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 30th 11—For laundries, by meter rates. day of October, 1894; that it was duly passed 1 t ed States, and at all 1'l—For building purposes, for each one hu n. and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board dyed yards of plaster, 30 cents. of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 13—For building cement walks, for each one' h day of November, 1894, by the following vote: hundred square feet, 20 cents. Ayes—Trustees Lewis, Helmsen, Conrad and age of twenty one years, 14—For building cement curb for rich on I M Williams. hundred lineal feet, 40 cents. a That the President of the Board of Trustees of I5 --The meter rate shall be forty cents for each the City of Anaheim signed the same on the 17day of Novh one thousand gallons. ember, 1594. 16—For urinals and stationary wash stands for11 NF.BF.LUNG, e t t e , a use in public buildings, each t -n cents; for use Clerk of the City of Anaheim. in rivate buildi fi I rigs, ve cents. ll. — 17—Fur water required for pin not speci- �� } fled in above tariff, the rate shall be fixed by the i it a + e d i City Marshal, approved by the Board of Trus- 1 tees. 18—The Cfty will insert the tap and introduce the surface pipe to the line of the sidewalk for a, , that ten dollars. for which a receipt will be given, en- titling the holder to water to the amount of ten dollars. 19—The Board of Trustees shall have ower 'n n_ThW -i, u V-1 newspaper, printed im, County of Orange, the ordinance of which the annexed is all ca=estoascertain bymeter or otherwisen the published once 1said newspaper, tU—wit:-- 021 quantity of water consumed by any consumer. Where consumers are evidently westing water, the Marshal shall at once call the attention of the parties thereto, and in case of a repetition of No vernb e r 1894. the offense he shall cut off the water from the premises, and the same shall not be turned on Subscribed • ��• ay — --- =-�...�='"'- ����' �, %fir x"'"• ;�• • and sworn to before me this of November 1894. Notary public in~and for Orange County California. ORDINANCE NUMBER An Ordinance Establishing Water Rates in the City of Anaheim. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section, I----- The monthly rate to be collected by the City of Anaheim, for water supplied from its Water Works, to consumers shall be as fellows: I ----For tenements and dwelling houses occupied by a single .family of no -1 more than two persons $1.00 For each additional person, .IO For each additional family, I.00 2 -----Fur sprinkling lawns or gardens one cent per square yard for fifty yards or less,and for each additional square yard -over fifty yards, one half cent per square yard, no charge to be less than twenty five cents; 3 -•---For stores, saloons and other business houses and offices fifty cents to one dollar; 4 ---For one horse or cow kept for private use including water for washing vehicle, $.25 For each :additional horse or cow, .20 5 ---- For bath tub in Hotels, Boarding houses,Bathing houses and Barber Shops, �� L ��'�T U.00 5- -For Livery,Boarding, Feed and Hack Stables including water for washing vehisles , for each horse, $.20 7 ----Fur Restaurants and Boarding houses one dollar to five dollars; 8 ----For Hotels, .,.three to five dollars; c `i a ----For Livery,Boarding, Feed and Hack Stables including water for gashing vehivles , for each horse, $.2© 7 ----Fur Restaurants and Boarding houses one dollar to five dollars; 8 ----!For Hotels, ..three to five dollars; i- --For Public water closets, •75 I0---- For private water clostes, II -----For Laundries, by meter rates; $.25 12--- ­ Fur building purposes, for each one hundred yards of plaster, $.30 I3 ----For building cement walks,for each one hundred square feet, $.20 14 -----For building cement curb,for each one hundred lineal feet, $.40 15 ----The meter rate shall be forty cents for each one thous- and gallons; 16 ----For urinals and stationary wash stands for use in pub - lie buildings, each tan cents, for use in private buildings five cents; I8 ----For water required for purpose Isil not specified in above tariff, the rate shall be fixed by the City Marshal approved by the Board of Trustees; 19 ----The City will insert the tap and introduce the service pipe,to the line of the sidewalk for ten dollars,for which a re- ceipt will be given entitling the holder to water to the amount of ten dollars; 20 ----The Board of Trustees shall have power,in all cases to ascertain by meter or otherwise,the quantity of water consumed, by any consumer; where consumers are evidently wasting water,the Marshal shall at once call the attention of the parties thereto, and in case of a repitition of the offense he shall cut off the water from the premises and the same shall kx not be turned on again until a penalty of two dollars shall have been paid,in ad- dition to the legal water rate; 21 ----All water rates shall be collected,and be payable .,month- a ly in advance and payment will not be received for a less period R than one montfi; Section,2---- It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to use water from the City mains,for sprinkling gardens or lawns at any other time than between the hours of six to nine A.K.' d five to eight P.M.; For every violation of the provisions of this section, it shall be the Marshal's duty to collect a fine of two dollars and fifty cents, for the first offense) and five dollars for each subsequent offense, so committed; If the said fine is not paid when so demanded the Marshal shall cut off the water supply from the premises of the offending party and the water shall not be turned on again until such fine shall have been paid and also the additional penalty of two dollars for restoring the water supply; Section,3----In case of a fire necessitating the use of water from the City mains,it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to use water from said mains, for any purpose whatsoever except for the extinguishment of such fire,or the saving of adjoining property; Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction there- of shall be fined in a slam not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars,or be imprisoned for a period of not exceeding; thirty days,or'be both so fined and imprisoned; Sect ion, 4 ------The City Clerk shall cause this •ordinance to be published once in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J a news- paper published in the City.of Anaheim,and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in full force; President of the Board of 'Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance, was intro- duced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on the Y. ' -day of IF -M.......1894, that it was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on the day of November 1894; by the following vote,, Ayes: Trustees�G-7,�,�'- - - - -- .0 A/ /- - - - - - - - - - - - That the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim signed the same on the../'.. day of November 1894: Clerk f the a eim. City—of An e�k 0a i