105I ---------- - --------- - --- -- --- ------------Joj -,fau.To44V r HIHMOXA-H7 'AA- 'H Now -................. hfatrso}}� ------------- -- ---_-_------------ ....... --- --------- 681- -- ------ - - -- _ ------_ -....Io ZC ep .. -,.__. SIL[} UTg4j-NL Jo :Cdoa pa1LTaDag }uepuaja(j ------------------ ............ ...... ........................ -......... .......-----_- SA JJ1}uiEia •E1USo�T1E� jo a} -u45 `a2uujo Io S}unoo zxrnoo xolxaa.ns .....................................ON be}ng duly sworn deposes ,s ani says:----- That he is a citizen of the United States, over the age twenty one years "a' t ne is th, P -inter of the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, that the ordinance of which the annexed is a printed copy was published, once in said newspaper, to -wit : on .. .. day o.� t.ta � f � li .. .. ... ........ I894. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of .December I894. Notary Pub in and for Ura nge County California. is Ordinance No. 106. All Ordinance to Provide for the 1 Issnan�e of M11,' ' Improve - ment Fonds i whatever, and to repeal t 9, 1885, entitled an -Y rpose 1 i act tb corporations ofthe Sf i arch arch more AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION.. inhabitants to to obtarn peal an eet approved i usand to act authorizing the - by cities, towns an re- led an ` dnees j incorporQted under tations, amended by an act te," as All act approved Mar 1491, by arch 1, 18W nance roved1Numbe 1W't duly passed to Ord% 1 a, and aAnaheim July, 1894, stud O I I nth dap of S $ 4 Passed and adopted August, 1894, and two-thirds 101, duly k 3 first dap of 0 1 Orange, voto of ore than a r s1gB �rez�'.ori; . B at a spe_ snoae e1.0' be}ng duly sworn deposes ,s ani says:----- That he is a citizen of the United States, over the age twenty one years "a' t ne is th, P -inter of the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, that the ordinance of which the annexed is a printed copy was published, once in said newspaper, to -wit : on .. .. day o.� t.ta � f � li .. .. ... ........ I894. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of .December I894. Notary Pub in and for Ura nge County California. f tV .�• Ordinance No. 1 06. An Ordinance to Provide for the Issuance of Municipal hnprove- ment Ponds.'`' The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows:�'H> > i Section I. -That whereas, pursuant to law anA A.f' - - DAV1 P L7 C' P t i i1 TSI ti ATI to ordinances heretofore passed, the qualified ° electors of the City of Anaheim, did at the 'PC— tial election held therefor in the said City of Anaheim, on the twenty-seventh day of October, 1894, vote as required by law, in favor of the is - 1 nuance of municipal bonds to the amount of seven thousand dollars, and all the steps re-quired by law to authorize the issue of said bonds have been duly and legally taken. Section 2 -That said bonds, together with ne- cessary interest coupons attached, shall be sub- ; S S o stantiallyin the following form, with appropri- ate border and engraving: {) ran rr s INo.—. State of California, Municipal Im- provement Bond of the City of Anaheim. Know All Men By These Presents, that the i City of Anaheim, in the County of Orange, State of California f P received, hereby prom- r ( ises to pay to the &r,-th�mld i out, hu ! go CO 11 ot the�- UndretedStatesand nof America, OR tie fist day of ��-r)� 7 T2 `,1� `r Sl^ 1 d'�%(? g Ag and says:-- ,. That December, A. D ............. at the office of the City Treasurer of said City of Anaheim, County inhabitants, to obtain `w to re- '- of Orange, state of vettror,.in, Pe interest thereon from date at the rate of six cent per in like coin, semi -an tilt` Ur j t �� C.,t t � V , 3 , fa g O V .� r• t i C 3 n ,• twenty t r e JY e annum gold payable nupl l of the City Treasurer of said city 661 act authorizing t >n 1 tedness o , n „ y G n e years at the office Anaheim, on the first day of December and June by cities, towns and' rations, I incorporated ander th o tb if ate," as in each and every year on presentation and sur- reThis t, int w „• +' J ^ i G' !1C' AnaYi.. ffl (i 37 !,• t C a weekly bondeis one of a series of forty bondseof s � � 3 °'lk s newspaper even date and tenor and numbered consecutive- _ "- — I duly passed and ad f:� ;tenth day of July, 1894, and Ord Nu 101, duly ly from one to forty, both numbers inclusive, amounting in the aggregate to seven thousand is issued in of Act an r c U L a+, M 3 i rl t n�! C, i t An dollars, and pursuance an of the State California, y Of' an e i fel t ph a t t P 9 r the Legislature of of ap- proved March 19, 1889, entitled, "An Act author- ., izrng the incurring of indebtedness by cities, towns and municipal corporations, incorpor- the laws of this State, for the con- l +iild annex -_,d is a P-inted copy Was Pub! ishel ated under struetiou of waterworks, sewers and all neces- and declared that all the terms and provisions of said act have been duly complied with and therein, and that the sary public improvemen rpose whatever, and to repeal t :March 9, 1985, entitled an act tis icipal 3l) A r s t } w U "y i + + O.: t t� '1 ! e . +r . .d a `r O t' r corporations of the fifth more - • • • •• • • • . " than three thousand an ousand inhabitants, to obtain `w to re- peal an act approved filed an act authorizing t >n 1 tedness by cities, towns and' rations, I incorporated ander th o tb if ate," as I amended by an a a B$er0laf 1891, by Ian act approved Marc $� an act ap- March 1, 1893; t to Ordi- s � � 3 °'lk proved ranee Number 100,"Anaheim, _ "- — I duly passed and ad f:� ;tenth day of July, 1894, and Ord Nu 101, duly rn +.0 bf f ,•e t - G �'l i ffi passed and adopted oa-,the twenty+l9rst day of August, 1894, and authort8 ;by more than a two -third vote of all t B-- a voting at a spe- c cial election of the quail Red eleators-of the said City of Anaheim, held on the twenty-seventh day of October, 1894, and it is hereby certified and declared that all the terms and provisions of said act have been duly complied with and therein, and that the i 1 / performed as required debt of said City of Anaheim incurred by the issue of said bo -,ds is within the limitations of — — — - indebteduess provided for in said act. ab l i G in ani f•G'." G a n,,--- . Inwitness whereof the said City of Anaheim by ordinance has caused its corporate seal to be y C al i f'ty ern i a s hereto affixed and this bond to be signed by the President of the Board of Trustees as executive of said city, and its Treasurer,.. and counter- j signed by its Clerk this first day of December, A. D. 1894, President of the Board of Trustees as Executive of said City of Anaheim. ............................... Treasurer of the City of Anaheim. Countersigned by ..................... ...... Clerk of the City of Anaheim. The interest coupons shall be substantially in the following form: $............ The City of Anaheim will pay to bearer .................... dollars in United States gold coin, at the office of the City Treasurer, on the first day of....................A. D........... being six months interest on Municipal Im- provement Bond No ................ .. Treasurer. Section 3. -That said bonds and the interest thereon shall be payable at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Anaheim. Section 4 -That the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, the City Treas- urer and the City Clerk, be authorized and they are hereby autrized and directed to issue said bonds in the mahonner and by the aforesaid act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved March 19, 1889. Section 5. -The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause it to be published once in the ANAHE1M GAZETTE, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, and thereupon and there- after the same shall take effect and be in full force. C. O. RUST, i President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City- of Anaheim, held on the 28th day of November, 1894; that it was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the i—A... r".o hnr lAod hythefnllmvinnvntP- i eac an every . ,nder of the interest coupons hereto attached This bond is one of a Serres of forty bonds of " i.,,+, r U i, T i l y t+� rl;� t; A i fCl v 7 } `s yen date and tenor and numbered consecutive' v from one to forty, both numbers inclusive, mounting in the aggregate to seven thousand lollare, and is issued in State of eCaliforn a, ap I ciYl :� C �^ � j + a W of tk j y n „,� sp ap e r he Legislature 01 t c __ is d. r! 1 i O 1 t V O f' An` ne )roved March 19,188, , entitled, d n Act author, a 1 i7' that t Jh e zing the incurring of indebtedness by cities, ,owns and municipal corporations, the c or- t ited tinder the laws of this State, for the con- ;tructiou of waterworks, sewers and all ur ose ann a X'* i COPY Was Published' ;ary public improvements 'S4 March I whatever, and to repeal thl4� icipal 1,1885, entitled an act to g more f } . corporations of the fifth Housanii I t) r +' U 91i+ e e e e f than three thousand an4 t to re- }' U — • e : ; ; y `� inhabitants, to Obtain w r i itlto an e peal an act approved Admit .- ' madness act authorizing tho fnaurrjy�`dfi;to by citios, towns and;mtinic+ipol. cd rations, incorporated under the 109' 011bi M91, by amended by an act agp�tarad' ➢T"re an act ap- proved ' an act approved Marchh;r>} t to Ordf- proved Ifarch 1, 1893OtAnaheim, -� y nance Number 10111'&W .#tenth day of duly passed and adaW, July, 1894, and Ordi*,W \umber lot, duly _ passed and adopted oa she twentmore than t August, 1894, and autborfzed �by Z �O b f°?U -A L`i" t q i s two.thirds vote of all the voters voting at a spe- cial election of the qualified electors -of the said City of Anaheim, held on the twenty-seventh ` day of October, 1894, and it is hereby oerttfiod In and declared that all the term' end rwfiiia_lld e of said act have been duly complied with and_ performed as required .naheim incurred by the and that, the debt of said City t. issue of said be ds i9 within the limitations of indebtedness provided `_'ar in said act. In witness whereof the said City of Anaheim fo— ra n,7e by ordinance has caused its corporate seal to be t n an .f ._ { hercio affixed and this bond to be signed by the President of the Board of Trustees as executive ii+� 1 f it Y'tl l o said city, and its Treasurer, and counter - of I signed c its Clerk this first day cf December, i A. D, 1894. President of the Board of Trustees as Executive of'said City of Anaheim. Treasurer of the City of Anaheim. j Countersignod by .......... . . • • . • . Clerk of the City of Anaheim. The interest coupons shall be substantially in 11 the following form: The City Of Anaheim will pay to bealer ........••.-• dollars in United States gold coin, at the office of the City Treasurer, on the Rrst daY of.i..................A. D........... being six months Interest on Municipal Im. provement Bond No ................ Treasurer. I Section 3.—That said bonds and the interest thereon shall be payable at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Anaheim. Section 4 —That the President of the Board of Trustfies of the City of Anaheim, the City Treas- urer and the City Clerk, be authorized and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue said bonds in the manner required by the aforesaid act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved March 19, 1889. Section 5 —The City Clerk sball certify to the passa a of this ordinance and shall cause it to I be published once in the ANAHEIM GAZETTE, a ted the City Of or and he�reuponand iand atherein after the Sam$ shall take effect and be in full force. C. O, RUST, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 28th day of November, 1894; that it was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 11th day of ]December, 1894, by the following vote: Ayes—Trustees Lewis, Ile msen, Conrad and Mewill)ams. That the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim signed the same on the 12th day of December, 1894. M NEBELUNG, Clerk of the City of Anaheim. ORDINANCE NUrRBER. /0 46 , ° Cl o S An Ordinance to provide for the issuance of Municipal Improvement Bonds, The Bo;-tnd of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows; Section I---- That whereas, pursuant to law and to ordinance's heretofore passed,the qualified electors of the City of Anaheim, .id at the special election held therefor in the said City of Anaheirl,on the twenty seventh day of October 1894,vote as required by lar►,in favor of the issuance of Municipal Bonds to the amount of seven t,nousand dollars, and all, the steps required by law to authorize the issue of said bonds have been -duly and legally taken; Section 2----- That said Bonds together with necessary interest coupons attached shall be substantially in the following form with appropriate border and end raving: No ------State of California, Municipal Improvement Bond,of the City of Anaheim; Know Ail Hen By These presents, that the City of Anaheim,in the Counter of Orange, State of California, for value received hereby promises to pay to the bearer the sum of one hundred and seventy five dollars,in Gold Coin of the United States of America, on the first day of December, A.D. .,,....... at the office of the City Treasurer of said City of Ansheir_i, County of Orange, State of Cal- ifornia, with interest thereon f-om date at the rate of six per cent per annum in like gold coin, payable semi annually at the office of the City Treasurer of said City of Anaheim, on the first day of December and June in each and every year on presentation and surrender of the interest couponds hereto attached; This Bond is one of a series of forty bonds of even date and tenor and rrambered consecutively from one to forty, both numbers inclusive amounting in the aggregate to seven thousand dollars, and is issued in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California,approved March I9, 1889, entitled,"AN Act authorizing the incurring of indebtedness by cities, towns, and municipal corporations, incorporated under the laws of this State,for the construction of waterworks, sewers, and all necessa- ry public irV—overiants,or for any purpose whatever and to repeal the act approved March 9, I885, entitled an Act to authorize mu- nicipal corporations of the fifth class, containing more than three thousand and less than ten thousand inhabitants, to obtain water- works, also to repeal an Act approved March I5, I887, entitled an Act authorizing the incurring of indebtedness ,by cities, towns and municipal corporations, incorporated under the lags of this State," as amended by an Act approved March II, I89I, by an Act approved March I9, I891, and by an Act approved Murch 1,1893; and also pursuant to ordinance Number 100, of said City of Anaheim duly passed and adopted on the tenth day of July I894, and ordi- nance number I01, duly passed and adopted on the twenty first day of August I394, and authorized by more than a two thirds vote of all the voters voting at a species± election of the qualified electors,of the said City of Anaheim, held on the twenty seventh day of. October I894, and it is hereby certified and declared that all the terms and provisions of said Act have been duly complied with and performed as required therein, and that the debt of said City of Anaheim incurred by the issue of said bonds is within the limitations of indebtedness provided for in said Act; I, In witness whereof the said City of Anaheim by ordinance iow has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and this bond to be signed by the President of the Board of Trustees as execu- tive of said city, and its Treasurer and countersigned by its Clerk this first day of December A.11.I894; President of the Board of Trustees of as Executive of said City of Anaheim Treasurer of the—City of Anaheim. --_Countersigned by —_- -----_—,— ----- ___ Cleric of the City of Anaheim. The interest coupons shall be substantially in the fallowing form: $............ The City of Anaheim will pay to bearer .............. dollars in United States gold coin at the office of the City Treasurer on the first day of A.D............ being six months interest on Municipal Improvement Bond Treasurer. _ — — — Section 3------ That said Bonds and the interest thereon shall be payable at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Anaheim; Sectivn 4---- That the President, of the Board of Trustees of the Cit; of Anaheiru, the City Treasurer and the City Clerk,be au- thorized anti t.zey are hereby authorized and directed to issue said bonds in the manner required by the aforesaid Act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved March I9, 1889; Section 5, ----The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause it to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter the same shall take eff -:at and be in full force. C -t i" l ► A ' Section 5, -----The City Clerk shall certify to th-- passage of this ordinance and shah cause it to be publis.ged once in the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in the Cit- of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter the same shal:L take off -.at and be in full force. President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I, hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim hell on the . fzj�- day Of 4"4*Y-1894, that it was duly passed and adop-- ted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the day of December 1894, by the following vote, Ayes, Trustees_ �-- L -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - That the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheirti signed the same on the /-�-."gday J�x of Decez,.iber 1894. Clerk of the Cit;- Anaheim.