110w, BICKNELL & TRASK, ROOMS 14, 15 AND 16 FULTON BLOCK, LOS ANGELES, CAL. .Flttorneys for ------- -- --- ------ -- ------------ _, CHkfiyi Pft1� CO. PRINT � _T w, BICKNELL & TRASK, ROOMS 14, 15 AND 16 FULTON BLOCK, LOS ANGELES, CAL. .Flttorneys for ------- -- --- ------ -- ------------ _, CHkfiyi Pft1� CO. PRINT � ce No, 110, 10jaq 9uol POA01 uOlUWA 1i I UDI) Ou sp�)")u gAorl- AV 1 01" PUBLICATION. �O I MIS r PIG 0,4 CA' c rni a, )ss. Cc), -2n+;' of 0-anee , ) — zi-ll_ _ duly s,vu-n d')j)O-Se3 Lizid saes, tnat. he -4s a.n.1 was at tiryleas in3riticlnedl I'ierein, a ci+,.-*Lz,-:,n of ti -Le (Jn--;tel States ove.- the arre, of twenty one ye,.ar� that he is C-1 . v ct' t',le Ariaheirn In-lejejj,,je!jt, aJ. k y nQxs-,pa i T. e -j i� the said City of Anaheirri,/,\ 4.hat the 'Yiicn the annexed is, a 11"i -t-3-1 copy was pub-lished (Jt1c,3 ---- or Of cl- �y -/• /' /-I ..... - - - i�' of ,��,���� - - and sllfor,i to befo—? me this ep emb e 2, 18 35. Not, :j -I" T -n - I A. -A) Y- 0 -ange County C'llifo"niat, u An Ordinance granting to The AV Southern Pacific Company a11p 01' PUBLICATION, franchise and privilege of con- structing and operating a rail- , r cl;- u,the City of Anal►eizrr, of Orange, nia, et ) r ,.la, commencing t oint at or near where the r e d track of the Soizt� c Railroad Company int-rsects Santa Ana Street, and extending thence Easterly along Santa Ana Street to a 2 (�( �L t� _ tieing duly s':Vi�?^Yl d';1)U 383 and S:�yS r point at or near the iutersec- �- tion of said Santa Ana street, with Olive street; thence ras at 1I t -he tiC_?es in:)ntion.ei he -cin, a citizen Southerly along Olive Street :ates nl; e- +.',,.e of of twenty one years, that he zs to the Southerly bunndary of� the City of Anaheim; and l also extending Easterly along _le Anaheim In-lependent, a vreekI7, newsl3ile7^ p_^inte.1 said Santa Ana Street from 4(� said point at or near the in-' C-culat e,l in the said City OI' knaheim,/\ ;hat the tersection of Santa rina Street with Olive Street to the East- .cn th,; `�nnexe-,I is a 1'Y, ,.te-1 Copy was 12u�,1isi�ed,once ern 6onndar * of the Cit of Analieim- a y p '� fee e • • r e� : The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: SFCr1ox 1. The right of way and privilege Is hereby granted to The Southern Pacific) Company and assigns to 1. 5, and construct afp� -iu:,le or double main line railroad track or tracks, and operate cars and trains thereoa by means of steam locomotives to, the purpose of I earryf g freight and passengers in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Californ- .it'tO rn to b e fi,f->-t , ia, alontt Santa Aua Street and Olive Street, as " (i' �Y7 s follows: Commencing at a point at or near where the present railroad track of the Southern Faciflc 3i ifs@ v, T 9 e Railroad Company intersects Santa Aua street - and exteI'dillthence Easter] v alongSanta Ana Street to a poutt at or near Ofive Site t where the line will leave said street oil a proper curve to reach olive Street; thence Southerly 'c along Olive Street to the Southern boundary - - of the 0ity of Anaheim; and also extending n? lb 1 i- e in an'I Easterly almg said Santa Ana street from said B point at or near the intersection of Santa Ana -r ali onniae 1 y i. Street with Olive Street to the Easterly bound- biant,l r ary of the City of Anaheim. And there is also hereby granted to said Southern Pacific Company and assigns the right to construct upon said streets fn ad-, ditiou to the main line, such side-tracks as it pray be foutld necessary to construct for depot purposes and business purposes as may be ik! necessary for the proper carry;ng on of the business of said railroad and the proper ac- commodation of the public. L` a SEC. 2. The privilege., herebygranted to'1'be Southern Pacific Company are upon the condi- tion that 1.0 constructing a railroad upon said [. streets that said road shall be so construct- ed that thetop of the rails shall conform as t near as practicable with the existing grade and. surface of said streets, and that it will at all streetcrosiugsConstruct and keep in repair s suitable erossinss the full width of the street �• on it level with the top of the rails of its rail- j, road track, switches or side-tracks; such cross- ings to be plank d the full width of the street between the rails and be. ween the tracks acrd '? fox at least two feet on each side of tlic. outside ;I rails. And provided further that eaid City re- I •rves thu right to cou;truet across under- It nea+.tb such ra,lroad tracri or tracks or switches as may be coaetrnoted tpu sa[d streets ander the provlsio,is of this ordinauo,, any gas piprs, war ditehes or pipes or sewers as may be V uoeussary for tho City so to uo for the use of the iuh-,oitauis thereof. nenU_91!•'1:?ul'!r (I,'(I,'h _ INV Ile es ,d as ulav be c i ictol un said streets ander the oroijAoeaofthis id.nauc tnv 'o; pip( -s, vvntoi or pipes or sewer as may be 'i neer, Bary for tho Cite so to oo for the use of the iubaoitanis thereof. Svc Th tt the of this frauehise, or its shall wibhiu e r,htecu months fr;un a.ed uftu! the dah' o'the of this ord:nauc-, liave a railroad complet,-d and run- e, iiiug trains thereon, and shall ol.--urate se.id j railroad w conuectio;i with and a9 I,, ,mrt of t -ie Sont.ierii l'a,,ifie Railroad dyAein. S„;c t.. 'flit thin t'_:ir,y ti"I r ane ' aayc paesa ;e e,f this ordivawa the gla ,lteu or 1?lu i�h tl e City t fe ric a "W rTttBYi itttc:cpc4rrrCP,-'6T'Lr5YI3'mR7i u t - its terms. conditions, provisl on§'tcf�`tf meats, Bind upon a failure to the silid written aceeptanoe, or of the eoi tplet.ou of send raii- road within the time as above mentioned, or to keep or perform any coiWitiori herein pro- vicled to be kept and performed by the grantee herein, this franchise and all rights and privi- leges thereunder shall iinmediately be forfeit- ed and become void. SEC. 5. The grantee herein is hereby auth- orized and empowered to buil i and lay its rail- s roan track over any water ditch, zatija, or other water conduit now existing, providing the same are left with their usefulness unimpaired. SEC. 6. That the rights and privileges here- by granted are to continue for the period of fifty years from and after the date of the pass- age of this ordinance. SEC. 7. The Clerk of the Board of Trustees shall certify to thepassage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published in the ANAHEIM INDEPENDENT and thereupon it shall take effect and be in force. C. O. RUST, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting o1 the Board of Trustees of the City- of Anaheim, held on the 3rd day of September, 1895; that it was duly Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Bo rd of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the tenth day of September, 1895, by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes, Trustees Rust, Lewis, Helmsen and McWilliams. i That the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim -igned the saint on the 1 10th day of September, 1896 NEBELUNG, Clerk of the City of Anaheim. 1 2 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 is 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDPIA1,410F, NO. Anlbrdinanoegrantirf, too . a franchise zad privilege of constructing unci op- I eratire-, a railroad in the City of Anaheim, Gounty o ' f Orange, State of Califbraia., commenoing- at, u point at or near where the pre-&mt railroad track of x"]ae Southern Pacific Railroad Company intersects Santa Ana Street, und extendiry, -thence Easterly along: Santa Ana Street t0 a point at or near the intersection of said Santa Ana Street with Olive Street; thonce Southerly along; Olive street to Ilie Southerly boundary of the City of Anaheim. And d so exi "Andi Easterly along said Santa Aria street from said point or near the intersection of Santa Ana street with Olive street to tbo Eastern boundary of the Cit}, of Anaheim. 11le Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follow: Section 1. The r '4-�ht of way andprivilegeis hereby �- ,grranted to assigns to lay and construct a single or double main line railroad track or tracks, and operate cars and trains thereen by means of steam locomotives for the purpose of carr.1Iw freight and passengers in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange., State of CU ifbraia, along Santa Ana Street and Olive Streets, as follows: Corrnencing at a point at or near -where the present railroad track of the Southern Pa- cific Railroad Conpany intersects Santa, Ana street,, and ex- tending thence Easterly ulorg-)- Santa Ana Street to a point .1 at or near Olive Street *ere the line will leave said street on a proper curve to reach Olive Street; thence South- erly along Olive Street to the Southern boundary of the City of Anaheim. And also extending masterly alon,,�' said Santa Ana Street from said point at or near the intersection of Santa Ana Street with Olive Street to the Easterly boundary 1 of =,he (%ty of Anaheim. Granted to said 2 And. there is also hereby ✓ 3 i ` p�� �:�/ f iv and assi, a the riF-I �nt to con- t 4 struot upon said streetS, in addition to vhe main line, such 5 side-tracks as it me,,y be found necessary to construct for 6 depot purposes W6 bUsinOss PuTo$es as may be necessary for 7 the propor carryiMg- on of the I)IIsirless of said railroad and 8 the pro,Per accamodation of -L-he pUblic. 9 See. 2. The privilegps hereby granted to 10 are upon the coni it, that 11 in constracti�,.� a reilroad upon said streets that said road 2tl-,&Lt t, I shall be 8D constn.icted _(!e top of,the rails shall oon- Is ie existing., grade and Sv�r- Form, as near as practicable with I 14 face of suit! streets, it, Will all all street cross - 15 ng -&m(�t and Ieef, in ropair suitable crossi S j-vjl width ofi str,-,et on a 1O.V81 with the top of the 17 rails of its railroad tracks, sv_;itohes or side-tracks; such 18)Jo t.)r, �'I je tro of t� - -et between Cro ssiAl�s t 19 1 aie tracks and, for e,, IGELst tl"VO feet L11o. rLdls and botween 20 oil 9 a.cla, of 4,11e ouiside mils. And provided fueLher 21�,O constmet across und,!�r­ i L'I c_t d d i ty r -a rve 8 22 neath Mich ridlroad track or tracks or switches as may be 23 coljstuc, ed on std stre,,ets undor "t e -1-ovisions of this 24 or pipes or slowers or di iri ari c a an -Y .IAB I")11)86, 254 as mm��, bo nocassary for the 'pity so to do for the use of Uhe 26 inhz.`Dit�nts th,' rOOf. - 27 e3irl ;rrt_nt�ee of this franchiso, or its Se. . 28 assigns hallit"11in ' v. months from and after the s 1 2 or fIT R road t :h7 1 date of the passage of this ordinance hove a railroad can - 2 , pleted and running, trains thereon, arid shall operate said 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 is 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 railroad in connection with and as a part of the Southern Pacific Railroad System. Sec. 4. That within thirty days after the paSSfige of this ordinance the grantee or his or its assigns shall file wit'n the City Clerk a written acceptance of this ordi' nance rind all of ii -s terms, conditions, provisions and ro- J LL-Ld upon a failure to file said written accept- 6 7� Me I an�ce, or of the coq)letion of paid io l rara w'thi n the ti as above mentioned, or 1,ie-i�ein pro jided to be kept a;.d p e r f ormo d by the grantee herein, this franchise end all rid hts and j privilegs uh oreunder shall im-riediately be forfeited and _.,e a CO mo vo id. 7 i� Sec. '5 . T g _,rzintee 1je ie in is he, eby authorized and rn p o,,�, r o, d to gase; its railroad -cx"k over an „rate ditch, zQ,ja, or ol,',her wctor conduit now existi-,�, Pro%,I Uind I WIP s��:,o are left �,�dth their usefulness unix aired. Sec. 03. That the rights erd. privileges hereL)y granted J, U are to continue for t'Ve period of fifty years fcom aftd aftL) s the date, of the passa,,,e of this ordinance. Sea. 7. The Clerk of '611-te 3oard of Trustees a'rjall oor- tify to the passapa of this ordinmice 44�.d cause the same to be published if, tl"-a and thereupon it shall take effect aid be in force. 91 I rl of Trust-ees President of the BO - of the City of Anarielino I !-le-e-bey ce-tifY, that the fore.E-oin-- ordinance, Was int -0- Ll duced at a Meeting of the Board of Trustees Of the City of, Anaheim & , --- 1895, that it eras di -1.1y passed ii(,,id on the .*#* jay of S�jptemb .. aiftd adopted at a red; Jlr meetinj of -.1-le Boar.of Trmste�ts ofi tree City of An:-._,-If),Lm 1-1,-ld orl the t,!nth dald, of S�,-Ptel!10er* J�S,:�5.j I by t 1',- cs foliowinC vote: Aires 71 That the Preside nt of the Board of Trustees of the City of I/ Anane-il-I signed the sw,le on ttie day of, September eL C I e f - the City 7fn -heimo