1251 r ge 1 ww--- - An Ordinance Establishing oard of Health for -the City of Anaheim; P, gtees of the City of Ana - n That the rrea,v".. r- -- of Trnstees of the City of Aanqaheim s 8 f dNE said ordinano@ On the a4tM BEI+ 13Q ry, /yyj Clerk of the (}ity of Anaheim• / VIII,/ AM, An Ordinance J;stwblishir.g a >oard of iealth,for the City of Anaheim. Theoared of TruSte�s of the City of Angie-iheim do ordain as i'0110"'ss: Section, I ----A >oard of Health for .the City of Anaheim is tzereby established, said Joard of Iealth u:iall consist of five rersons, one at least of whor.i shell be a practicing; physician and a Eraduate of so me replltable school of medicine, -,,nd one if prac- ticable a civil engineer; the meiiibers of said oard of Eealth shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, the me.nbers of said board of Yiealth vzull hold t:neir offices at the Iea.sur 3 of tl•ie appointing; power; SI- ction, _----Said Soard of Health must:_ ='i rst--Supervise all matters pertaining to the sanitary con- .V 'ition of the City of Ar�ar.eim,and make s,.ch rules and regulations relative ti ereto as aro necess-iry and proper and not contrary to 1atir; cond--Report to the Sec, utary of the St ata Board of wealth ­.".,.(3raTi1'- nto at such tii os as .he State 3oard of I eA..ith.!lil`zy rp- `3 , ` quire;- (a) -The sanitary condition of their localitj (b) -T. -Io, of eatizs,':-�itr� the cause of each, as near as can be ascertained r,ithin th is jurisdiction, d? rin . the preceed- in; month; (c) -T i,o presence of epidemic or other da r- roes, co; +agious, or iiifectious disease, and s -.O. wO;thar matters within their knowl- i Ye �dce or j-irisdiction as 'lie Sc;ction, 3 -----.Said 71,oard c)_ `-ealt�h�, m by and with t',.e con - tient of '`. 7_3----Said of Trastees of the City of & .ei�",latate and establish pest douses ;and cause to be removed thereto and kept any person laavine a contagiwAs or infectious disease, and discon- tinue and. .remove the same, and :Make such rules and .regulations r?e- ,;z'I ddi-: the conduct Of S i'� P 0st- .,,o' se as are needful and proper; Section 4 ----The City Clerk s'zall certify to the passaf-;e of this ordinance, and cause the s3wze to be p,.:Coli •hed once in the Ana:_io im Cazett e a newspaper printed, Ua lis-c.^nd ci-rculated in tr.4� City of An-h.eitn,ane tl ereaft end there7v n. it slia.11 take effect dna be in full force, doP ioA_a ard of Trustees of the City of Anahei!I. I hereby certify, -that the foreEc ink; ordinance Was introduced at a ,-e--ting of the Laard of Tr'listees of the City of Anaheim, on aw o��I3 i, t'' at it ',.ras duly passed and adopted the .Z. y'�'�' �,T +�,,�,�.:��- � ti - ,,at � r APday " at a regular meeting of the 3o and of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim hall on the —� _ day of — — — _ — — , ISr� by the 'followint; vet Ayes:-- _ y------ _—�-- ----------------- �,tir�v That the President of the Board of Trustec-s of the City of Anaheim signed said ordinance on the �� � day of Cle-sk of the City