150Filed-- .........3.........190. :�.... ...... I ...................... . ......... ......City Cleric k I State o_"' C�ilifornia, ) i ss County of Oren re . ) e-, --n o' f County, bein - first ({ul;r sworn, Ai .I'i _ .. that he, i.. r citizen of the Unitec< ata.tes, o e�� t :entT; -one �reaa.�c of �'� aP~e; that he is the Of the Orange Cou.ntIT n ordinance amending Section 15 of Ordi anee No. 94, entitled "An ordinance concern - kg of enses and presortbing penalties therefor etheCityofAnaheim,". Playn Dealer, a ?;e�l�ltr nei- sL�^a-oe ".' Jt'lnte 1, i�libjl`i l - The, 4"rd 4f TrusWs of the City of Anaheim. If - - )ordaln as SECTION 1 khat Be�tion 15 of ordinance No. L, entitled An ordinanceconeerningoffenses Aa!itl d: ,; nh&ord hila rr62ic runt, tha r:;eo ed anu cireulatec_ in the Cn r' �c.;.1�._ Lnmt of 0i =r E 1 Hoard of Trustees of'the City;of Anaheim on September 26th, 1893 be and the same is hereby amended to lead as )011ows: sec. 15. $very'.person who violates any of tha`prgvisiona of tbisordinaneesball bedeem- ed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof st+ait be punished therefor by a fine of not -less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not ex- ceeding thlrty days in the city jail of Anaheim or by both'stu.h•flue and imprisonment. Soc. 2 The Gity Clerk sha11°certify to the pahaga of th`[s ordin nce and Cause the, same r.. ha innhliximed an in the Oranee County ;hereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be fn 3uil force. (Seal) J. J. 9CHNEIDER, Pres+dent of the Board of Trustees of the CitS of Auaheir�. Trustees of the City bf Anahei}n held on the 9th day of Junes, 1903, -and that it was duly parsed at.a regular meetl`ng of said Board of Trustees held on the 23rd day of June, 1908, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Schneider, Rust, Berdrow, Fletcher+, Wdisel. Noss,, .Nouse. That thea widen of said Board of Trustees signed'"the neon t e2.ird day of June, 1903. EDWARD B. MERRITT.- . Clerk of the City of Anaheim. th«.t Ordinance No. to • of the Cita ofln�eim, of �.hich the annexed is a printed Copy, was publish- ed in said newspaper once, to -wit: in the re ;alar issue thereof published on the 2 daft C.- 1903. "1903. Subs cri d and sworn to before ria this G ?� clay of 1903 hotar7,r Public in cnc for the County of Oran, --e State of California. L.►._s.. Ai .I'i _ .. Subs cri d and sworn to before ria this G ?� clay of 1903 hotar7,r Public in cnc for the County of Oran, --e State of California. n-�II-r7A-Y1r7 "Y0 p+ An ort i nanoe ali.ending SectJ_on 15 of xx Ordinance No. 94, en— titled "An ordinance concerning offenses and prescribing penalties therefor in the City of Anaheim." The Borad. of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as f o l l o,.�rs : Section 1. Than Secti.o�-. 15 of Ordinance No. 94, entitled "An ordinance conccrninn, offenses and presca:�ibing penalties therefor in, the City of Anahr-.im, ll passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Arshein on September 26th, 1393, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Se(,,. 15. .very person who violates any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deer_ ed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convictiol, flhereof shall be puni sh(�d therefor by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by il.lpris— on.lent not exceeding thirty days in the City Jail of Anaheirl, or by both such fine and i,,,,pTi soi-ment . Tile, City Clerk she!! -certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be publ shed once in the Orange County PlaincIealer., a. nei-,rspapPr printed, published and circulated in the, City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect anc'. be in full force. Pr ,/i ent of the Board. of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance eras introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the C,,.ay of Jure, 1903, and that it was duly passed at a reUular rmeeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 3 day of 19039 by the follmring vote: Ayes: �� aG-r, / L- / 14 o e s • � _ That the President of said Board of Trustees signed the same on the �L3 day of —1903. 4���,,��/✓ Clerk— of Tie City of Ananeiff a