158�� 23 so /9Dtf. ------- --- ORDINANCE NO, 158.- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION An ordinance ealling a gea'er4 1 election in the city of Anaheim, eigp a r r+ polling place; app iutinga Board of_Election STATE OF CALIFORNIA and providing that notice of such election be 1 SS given: The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim COUNTY OF ORANGF,, doordain as follows: Section 1. That.a general munieipal elec- tion be in the City of Anaheim, on Mon- day, being sworn, deposes the 11th-day of April, 1904, for the purppose ... .+......... .... .. ......... .. ..... g y ) p of electing two members of the Board of Trna- tees of the said City of Anaheim for the term an a , that at all the m s mentioned herein, he was a citizen of of four years; one City Clerk,.'who shall be ex- otticio Assessor; one City Treasurer; one City th Unit d States over thea of twenty-one years; that he is the. pub- Marshal, who shall be ex-officio Tax and Li- cense Collector. Section 2. That the entire eity shall consti. usher of the Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper published, tute a single precinct, with one polling place for said election, and that said polling place printed and circulated weekly in the Citof Anaheim and County shall be at the City Hall on Center Street, in said Gity of Anaheim. Section, 3. That the compensation of the of Orange, State of California; that the.. ...of which members of the Board of Election shall be three dollars each, and the following-named the annexed is a printed copy, was published �4-Q . time.... in said persons, qualified electors of said City of Ana- heimare hereby appointed a Board of Election to act respectively as Inspectors, Judges,- newspaper, to-wit: oil the.� , 'il. ,,. day of.... .. Clerks and Ballot Clerks Inspectors: J. B. Reay Fred Mlckle. Judges: J. S. Hattield,°Fran,k J,:=Xowet�..., ._. Clerks: W. H. Spake, F. C. Spencer. ... ....... ............ .... Ballot Cl,,rks: Ralph S. Hunter, Charles A. Boege. "Siubscribedainid Section 4. That the polls of said electionvVst be opened at six o'clock of the morningto before me this. �... of said 11th day of April, 1904, and must be kept open until five o'clock in the afternoon of the SEAL same day, when the polls shall be closed. Section 5. That the voters at' said election v v day Of............ ... . . . . . I . ..... . be requested to express; by their votes their i �— )��J'^ desires to the matter of compelling liquor sa- loons to close on Sundays in said City, and that .... there be printed on the ballots used at said Notary Public in for Orange County, C.). elections the following, to-wit: For Sunday closing of Saloons—Yes. — — For Sunday closing of Saloons—No. Section 6. That the City Clerk shall give no. tice of said election in the manner prescribed by the Political Code of the State of California. Section 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordipance and shall cause the same to be published in the Orange County Plain Dealer, a weakly newspaper of general circulation,printed,published and circulated in said Cityof Anaheim, and thereupon and there after it shall take effect and be in full force. J. J. SCHNEIDER, President of the Board of Trustees. of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the' 23rd day of February, 1904, that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the Sth day of March, 190!^; by the follov�lAg.yote - Ayes':"Vustees Schneider, Rust, Berdrow, Fletcher, Weisel Noes: None. I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on said 9th day of March, 1904. EDWARD B. MERRITT, Clerk of said City of Anaheim. Ordinance No. An ordinance c ll _r� ^. g(m.nnral mmi^..ipal election in the City Of Araalleifl, establishing a polling, place, appointing a Board. of -Election and providing that notice of stich elf:�ction be given, The Board of Trustees of the City of Ann4eim do ordain as f011ows : Se^tion 1. That a general mimii-Q)al ele,',tion be held in the City of Ana.heir--a on Hon(lay, the 1,#th da r of April, 1904, for t: ie purpo: e of eln.eti ng t Aio menbers of the Board of Tr-agt: •es of the 8q.id lit\,T or Anaheim for tine term of four years; one City Clerk, who shall be ex—officio Asoe8,„or; one C ity `^r_Fasilrer; one City Pvliarshnl, rho s .ryll be ex—officio Tax and License Collector. Sec. P. That the ?lith(' cit -r shall constit?ite a single pre— ^i not, ;=ritii one polling place for said election, �.nd. that said pol l i.tig -91nne sha.11 bp at the City Hall on ^enter Street, in saki. ,City o.�' Anaheim. Sec. 3. That the oompen:,ation of the members of the hoard of '11eit ion shall be three dollars each, and the naqed per— sons, nii.alified electors of said City of Anaheia, are hereby ap— pointed a Board of Election to act respectively as Inspectors, Judges, Clerks Riad Ballot Clerks: m-. Inspectors: -79. Judges' _ -- �1Prks: Ballot Clerks:�- Sen. 4. That the polls at said election must be opened at six o' cloc-�k of a_hn morning of said l#ti,: �- av' of ti )ri i, 1904, and must be kept open until five o'rlo �k in the afternoon of the sa.:ne day, when tine -)oils s':La11 be closed. Sec. Jo That the voters at i-'%?'_'-(`. filc'(',�i� QYj :) t', re'gUeStr-d_ t0 express,by their votes,!,heir desires in the ..latter of compelling liquor saloons to close on Sundays in said City, and that there be printed on the ballots used at said elections the follouring,to For Sunda.r c1osing of S --,-loons. Yes. 'Tor Sunday closing of Saloons. No. Sec. 9. That the City Clerk s1aall give notice of said election in the manner prescribed by the Political Code of the State of i California.. Sec. -7. The City Clerk shall certify to tine passage of this ordinance and shall cause the see to be published in the Orange: County Plaindealer, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and hhereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in full force. Pr.esi ent of the Board of Trustees of the City of AnaiieiM. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance ,TTas introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held i on the 23d day of February, 1904; that it was duly passed at a regular r..eeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 8 day of March, 190L, by the following vote: Q Ayes: V astPc's'XC4n ,�cc��z�� Noes: I further certify that the Presi(J.ent of said Board of Trustees signed said ordJLnan^e on said day of March, 1904. �d Cleric of said City of Anaheim.