159AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ,)TATE OF CALIFORNIA, SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE, ...................being duly sworn, deposes i that at all times mentioned herein, he was a citizen of and ay the United States over the age of twenty-one years; that he is the pub- lisher of the Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper yublished, printed and circulated weekly in the City of Anaheim and County of Orange, State of California; that the......of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published...... time.... in said newspaper, to -wit: on the..,'At.day of.. ..c �..............., d.. S SubScrlb d angworn to before me this....... SEAL 0 S day of ............. ..................... i... .... Gir4............ . Notary Public in for Orange Countv, Cal. i ORDNANCE NO. ir,9. An oro anee ranting to IV 7, Porterfield a' franchise to "I'd4t, maintain I&I *operate poles and wires With 411 the necessary Said auxiliary' ! fixtures hereolA ovfa cb��ld along the streets, a1 leys, lane,, highitvays and public places of the City of Anaheim; to transmit sounds signals Fifth : Said grantee, or his assigns, during the life of this franchise shall pay to the (i of Anaheim States of Am, in lawful money of the Unite erica, two per cent. on the gross annual receipts of such grantee, or his assigns, :rising from the use, operation or possession of this franchise fu said City of Anaheim. N'o percentage shall be paid for the first five years after the date of this franchise, but thereafter sgch percentage sha31 be paid aririvally. The amount of the gross annual receipts of, the conversation and intelligence through and said grantee of this franchise, or his assigns, over said wires by means of electricity to arising from his or its use, o getlier with the right to construct, operate arc' %%% 7 Aeration or posses- sion of this franchise shall be deemed and un - maintain all necessary other , service -wires, .� derstood to be the total gross earnings collect horse connections and other apparatus and ap- ed or received, Orin any manner gained or tie - as in connection there lith as may be rived, bythe grantee of this franchise, or This �tures, uecesary for the nmpoee of sufficiently oassigns, from telephone or telegre:ph charges t ng and^lnatintaining saidpolc , wires and fix- or rentals, and fromrentingor leasingof Lines, arid carrying ori ageneral telephone aril pules or conduits insaid'City of Anaheim. And 1 telegraph business by means thereof it shall be the duty of the grantee of this fran- The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim chfse, or his assigns, to file wi'h the City Clerkdu ordeiiu as follows: - - of the City of Anaheim at the expiration of six Section 1 The Board of Trustees of file City Of Anaheim hereby grant to NV. L. Porterfield ,. the right and privilege to erect, maintain and ; operate poles and, wires with all thenecessary r arid auxiliary fixtures thereon, over and along' that streets, aLleys,laries, highways and public Places of the City of Anaheim; to transinit sd1unds, sighals, conversation and intelligence through and over said wi•es by means of elec- trfcity; together with the right to construct operate and m„intain all necessary feeders, service wires, house connections and'other ap- paratus and- appliances in connection there- witii as may be nceesary for the purpose of , lcientl� operatin and maintaining -said' - poles,wiresand fixttiics, 'and_carrying on a general telephone and- telegriph business by means thcraof. Such right and privilege to ha upon the j terms and condition, hereinafter contained to; First:, Tile work ofeonstrueting, installing an l equipping s,01 telephone and telegraph system shall be comriience.f in good i'a.ith with- in not more than four nionthsfrom the date , f the ptissage of this ordinance, granting said franehi,e, and shalt he continuously prosecu- ted thereafler in good faith, aria shall be com- pleted not more than three years after the pas- sage of this ordinance.' The grantee of this franchise: or his assigns, shall in good faith layout and expend foe labor used and 'performed in the erection of said poles, and in the construction and installation In connection therewith of wires, switch-boardF tel phonic and telegraphie anoaratas and ap- years from the date of granting of this fran- chise, and at the expiration of each and every year thereafter, a statement, verified by the oath of said grantee, or his assigns, or by the oath of the managing or presiding officer of said grantee, or his assigns, stowing the total' gross receipts and gross earning$ collected or received, of in any manner gained or derived by said grantee; or his assigns, during the pre- ceding, twelve months, from the teleplione or telegraph charges or rentals, or from renting, leasing or letting of dines, pole e or condoitsfn - the city of Anaheim. And within ten days af- ter the filing of the aforesaid statement, itshall be the duty of said grantee, or his assigns, to pay to the City Treasurer of the City of Ana- heim, the aggregate sum of said percentage . upon the amount of said gross annual receipts arising from the use, operation or possession of ' this franchise in the City, of Anaheim, deter- mined and computed in the manner he einbo- forerovided. And any neglect, omissiou or refu 1 on the part of said grantee, or his as- signs to file such verified statements, or to pay such percentage of such gross annual receipts, " at the times and in the manner hereinbefore provided shall work the forfeiture of this fran- chise at# all the rights thereunder to the City of Anaheim, at the option of the Board of Trus- tees of Said City. Sixth: Said grantee shall within five days from the passage of this ordinance file with the Board of Trustees a Bond running to the City W Anaheim in the penal sum of five hundred dollars, with at least two good and sntheient Buret#es to b, approved by tile -said Board of Trustee conditioned tY said granter ,will pliances, thefollowing sums within the peri- well and truly obserT` fulfill And perform ea "1 ods hereitraiter mentioned iespei tively: aniq��uec)c-s<*_r *`t:ondition oitinsfranchise, _ One thousand dollars ($1,0(Nl,00) within eight - wrtrCYiat in case of a breach of any- conditions - months after tbegranling of this franchise; a _ of said bondthe whole of the penal sum there- ' further and additional sum of one thousarlYl in named shall he taken and deemed to be the dollars ($1,000.00) within twelve months after - tiuidated damages, and shall be recover bl said grant: a further and additional sum of circ thousand dollars ($1,000.00) icithin efglite2n months after saki grant and a further and ad ditional sum of one tai llland_ dollars ($1000.(0) 1 within twee ty-four me iths alter said grant; ( - mau ki.ng a total of four thousand do�.iars (s4, f - � 000.00) to be expended within twery foNir months after said grant And it shall be the duty of the grantee of this franchise, or his a4- f signs to file with fhe City Cleik of the City of i Anaheim, before or wit nn ten ds-ys after the expiration of ..aid period oreight, tw'elveeight- _ eon and twenty-four 11otit.hs after the grant of thisfranchise, asl,�tement verified by the oath of said grantee or his assigns, or by the oath i of the nianaLing or presiding officer of aid, grantee or his ass4lois. howing the sum ex. pended for said material -and labor by said, grantee, or his assigns, during the ,preceding) , period of eight, twelve, eighteen or-twenty four months, as the case may be. And any fail pre or omission to pay out or expend for said '- labor or material the full stun hereinbefore required to be expended within any of the re- spective e spe.ctive periods described, or any refusal to file within the times hereinre i p ser. bed any of the prescribed verified statements .hail work? the forfeiture of this franchise, and all the rights thereunder to tile City of Anaheim, al. the option of the Board of Trustees of said City. Second: That the poles to be erected and maintained unde*this franchise shall not be ' less than twenty-two feet in height, and shall be painted. Said poles shall be located ai such places as shall be directed by said Board of Trustees, and tinder the direction of the Super- intendent of Streets of said City, and the said Board of Trustees shall have the right to cause sain grantee or hisassigns to move the loca- tion of said pole or poles whenever said Board shall determine that the public interest or con- venience requires the location of the same else- where, the expense of such removal to be paid by said grantee or his assigns. Third: That the grantee of this franchise, or ' his assigns, shall within thirty days after the date of the commencement of the operation of said telephone business furnish to the City of Anaheim two telephones and' connect -rime with the telephone system of said grantee or his assigns, and thereafter maintain and keep the some in good repair and working order ditring the term of this franchise without ex- pense or charge to the said City of Anaheim; and no .charge will be made for the full a%d unlimited use of said telephones, except for communication had with points outside of said City. Andthatsaid grantee, or his assigns, shall if required by said City, furnish and al- low toit(luring the term of this "franchise, for a fire alarm and police telegraph system of said City, the free use of four ,pins on the. _top of the top cros- arm oir each of the poles erected orinnt aiafned - from the principal and sureties upon aid hordEl e If said bond is not sq filed; the award of this franchise shall be set aside and any money paid therefor shall be fprfeited, and this fran- eh,ise shall at the discretion of the Board of alesine the mafor nnera idai nd a the sauce re- strictions as hereinbefore provided. I Section 2. Said grantee, or his assigns„ may I i make all necessary exdavattons in any of the streets, alleys, lanes or public places of the City of AnAheim, for the' purpose of erecting (and maintaining poles or other supports for ;said wires or conductors, or repairing the same or for placing conduits and the repair ' thereof, and said work shall be done in com- pliance with the rules, regulations, ordinances — or orders, which may during the continuance Of this franchise, he adopted from time to time by the Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- atisfaet'oniof ssnid Board aid work shall of bTrustees. e (lone u8ad poles, wires, conductors and conduits Shall be placed artid maintained so as not to interfere t with travel on any of the said streets, alleys, lanes or public places of the said City ofXiia- heim, and said grantee; or his assigns,' shall hold the said City of Anahei in free and harm- less for all damages arising by reason of any negligent use ofsaid privileges by,safd grantee or his aSsigrls, Sotrorl3. Nothing in this ordinknee shall be construed a$ in any way to prevent the ' proper authori tie s of the said Cityof Anahcim firom sewering, grading, jluving,- repairing orn altering in any wise, any of said streets, lies, alleys, or public places mentioned herein. The right ;fuse herein given shall riot be exclu- ive and the I of Anaheim reseryard of Trusts of th es the power to grant is lidCity rk > ight of wayto anyother telegraphor telephone i f f company, the same however not to interfere f II!'JP_ yo with the reasonable and proper exercise of the privileges herein granted, Section 4. This franchise Shall continue and beinforce for aperiod Offiftyyears from. and after the passage of this ordinance. f .Section 5. That should said grantee, or his assigifs, cease or fail to maintain and operate a I telephone exchange in said Citv of `Aifheim, . then said grantee, or his assigns, shall remove said lines, �yires, conductors, conduits and poles from t}ik streets, alleys, lanes and public P of said City of Anaheim, within pixty days from the date that said grantee or his as - Ci$ cease"or fail to mainf�iin or operate a.�.. hone eacclraiigge in sato pity. RtitinC! Shonld.saidgrantee,orhisassigns,� far deet or refuse to eow.ply with ang pro- visit*0 eentained in this ordinance; then and 1 fn that event, ali'the rights and privileges hereby granted to said grantee, or his assigns, -sirUll be forfeited and this grant shall be null I and void. sdunds, signals, eonveranti nani 'intelligence tbrouKh and over said wi-es by means of elec- trieity; together with the right to constrcct; I o0rate and mnintain all necessary feeders, service wires, house connectiona-and other ap- paratus and appliances in connection there ,Stiff as may be necessa%v ` for the purpose of sufficiently operating avid ilia lntalning said poles, wfres,and fixtures, end carrying on a I general telephone and. telegraph business by means thereof. Such right and privilege to pP upon the terms and co"editions hereinafter contained to wit: First: The work of constructing, installing and equipping said telephone and telegraph system shall become ienee+l in good faith with- ' in not more than four months from the date f tire pfissage of this ordinancegranting said fi,tnchrse,and shallbe eontinuousi,v prosec.- toil thereafter in good faith, and shall be corn- pleted not more thnar three years after the pas- snge of this ordinance.' The grantee of this franchise; or his assigns, shallingood faithlayoutand expendforlabor ! used and performedinthe erection ofsai+l" poles, and in the "construction and installation In connection therewith of wires, switch-board,c telephonic and telegraphic auparatus and ap- pliances, thefollowing sums within the peri- ods hereirrafier mentioned iespertively: One thousand dollars ($1,000.00) within eiht n months after the granting of this frac•his gn further and ndditional sum of one thongs hi dollars ($1,000.00) within twelve months offer said grant: a further and additional sum of one thousand dollars ($7,000.00) within eighteen months after,sai.d grant; and a further grid ad ditionalsum of one th tusnnd_ dollars {$1000.(0) , within twenty-four roonths after said giant; making a total of four thotisnud do Tars ( 4, 000.00) to be expended within twenty four' months after said grant And it sball be the " duty'of the grantee of this franchise. or his ft signs to file with the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, before or within tell drys after the expiration of said periodsoteight,twelveeight- een and twenty-four months after the grant of this franchise, a st;;temcml- verified by the oath of said grantee,, or his assigns, or by the oath of the managing or presiding onie,er of said grantee or his as ns. showing_ the sura ex= pended for said material and labor by said j grantee or his assigns, during the preceding, . period of eight, twelve, eighteen or _twenty ; four months, as the case may be. And any fail-, are or omission to pay out or expend for said labor or material. the full sum hereinbefore required to be expended within any of the re- spective periods described, or any refusal to filewithin the times herein prescribed, any of theprescribedverified statements shall work the forfeiture of this franchise sad ail the rights thereunder to the City of Anaheim, a., the option of the Board of Trustees of said CS cond That the pots to be erected and maintained under this franchise shall not,be less than twenty -"two feet in height, and shall be painted. Said poles shall be located at such places as shall be directed by said Board of . Trustees, and under the direction of the Super- intendent of Streets of said City, and the said Board of Trustees shall have the right to cause said grantee or his assigns to move the lova- tion of said pole or poles whenever said Board shall. determine that the public interestor con- venietice requires the location of the same else - i where, the expense of snob removal to be paid by said grantee or his assigns. Third: That tare grantee of this franchise, or his assigns, shout within thirty days after the date of the commencement of the operation of said telephone business furnistj to the City of Anaheim two telephones and connect same with the telephone system of said grantee, or his assign, and thereafter maintain and keep the same in good repair and working, order ditring the term of this franchise without ex- pense orchargeto the said City of Anaheim, and no ,charge will be made for the full a+wd unlimited use of said telephones, except for communication had with points outside of said City. And'that said grantee, or his assigns, shall if required by said City, furnish and al- low to it during the term of this frnnchise, for a fire alarm. and police telegraph system of said City, the free use of four ,pins o 1 the top of the top cross - arm on each of the poles erected or-Tmiaintained under this franchise during the whole term tpereof;, provided, however, that sa'd City shall in its use and maintaivance of slid cross - arms, comply -with the reasonable rules and regulations rJ said grantee, or his assigns, so that there sha'1 be a minimum danger of con- taet. Fourth: That all telephone lines construct- ed'or operated under this franchise shall have full mctalli-e circuits; that the rental charge 1 for fulPunlimited metallic circuit telephone servieo in the system established or maintain- ed under this franchise shall not exceed thirty- nine dollars per annum for a telephone install. ed in any buspi -ss office or premises within a. radius of one mile from the intersection of Center and Los Ange)es Streets. Aa additional charge of not to exceed $6 per annum for each additional mile or fraction thereof; and a 1 charge of not to excead twenty-seven dollars perannumfor telephone installed in private i ,residence for residence use, within a radius' of, One mile from the intersection of Center and ' Los Angeles streets; an additional charge of not to gxceed six dollars per annum for each additional mile or fraction thereof, provided, however, that an additional charge of six dol- lars per annum may be made on all telephones installed when the total number exceeds five hundred. And further additional charge of sik dollars per annum on all telephones in- stalled in like manner on each additional five hundred or fraction thereof. received, or in anymanner gained Or derived by said grantee, or his assigns, during the pre- ceding twelve months, from.the telepimone or telegraph charges or rentals, or from renting leasing or letting of lines, poles or - eondnf tsrn ` the City of Anaheim. And within ten days of - ter the filing of the aforesaid statement, it shall'• 6 be the duty of said grantee, or his assigns, to pay to the City Treasurer of the City of Arta heim, the aggregate sum of said percentage upon the amount of said gross annual receipts arising from the use, operation or possession of ' this franchise in the City( of .Anaheim, deter- mined and computed in the manner he•einbe- fore pppprovided. And any neglect, omission or refusl on the part of said grantee, dT. his as signs to file such verified statements, or to pay such percentage of such gross annual receipts, at the times and in the manner hereinbefore' provided shalt work the forfeiture of this fran- chise aulrl ran-chiseatrd all the rights thereunder to the City!' of Anaheim, at the option of the Board of Trus- tees of said City. Sixth: Said grantee shall within five days from the passage of this ordinance file wifh the Board of Trustees a Bond running to the City of Anaheim in the penal sum of five hundred dollars, with at least two good and suH3cfeot surer es; to b, approved by,Ihe said Board of sTrustees, conditioroed -tk+`' soJii grdn ,will well and tnrl3 obse ray` Sul.fill prTd perform enLii and "evevva , t•ouditiono77this franchise "ZI, ofSsa bonidcase the whole OfcthefPenal sumlthiere- in named shall be taken and deemed to be the 1rquida'ted damages, and shall be recoverable from the pried pal and sureties upon said bond. If anfd bond is not so -filed ; the award of this franchise shall be set aside and any money paid therefor shall be forfeited, and this fran- chise shall tit the discretionof the Board of Trustees be advertised and again offered for sale in the manner and under the same re. strictions as hereiubeforeprovided. I Section 2. Said grant=ee, or his assigns urav make all necessary ex lavatlons fn ally of the streets, alleys, lanes or public places .of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of erecting and maintaining poles or other supports for said wires or conductors, or repairing the same, or for placing conduits and the repair thereof, and said work shall be done in com- pliance with the rules, regulations, ordinances or orders, which rhayduring the cont➢nuance _ of this franchise, $e adopted from time to time by tire Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim, and the said work shall be clone to the satisfacton of said Board of Trustees.. Said poles, wires, conductors and conduits shall be I placed -and maintained so as not to interfere with travel on any of the said streets, alleys, lanes or publie places of the said 'Clay of, dna- heim, and said grantee; or his assigns, shall hold the said City of Anaheim fGpe and harm- less for all damages arising by reason of any negligent use ofsaid privileges by,saidgrantee I or his assikus. Section 3, 'Nothing In this ordinhnee shall be construed as in any way to prevent the " properauthorities Of the said City of Anaheim rom severing, grading, paving; repairing or altering in tiny wise, any of said streets, lanes, ' alleys, or public places mentioned herein The Sight of use herein given shall not be City sive and the Board of Trustc@s of the said City Of Anaheim reserves the power to grant a like right of way to anyother telegrapher telephone company, the same however not to interfere I with the reasonable and proper exercise of the privileges herein granted. Section 4. This franchise shall continue and _ be in force for a period of fifty years from. and after the passage of this ordinance. Section 5. That should said grantee, or his assigns, cease or fail to maintain and operate a telephone exchange in said City of Anaheim then said grantee, or his assigns, shall remove said lines, wires, conductors, conduits and poles from ilk streets alleys, lanes and public places of said City of Anaheim, within .►ixty days from the date that said grantee or_Ili$ as- _ s ns cease or fail to said or operate a to ephone exchange iii said City. $eeton d. fail, neglect Should said grantee, or his assigns, v,sions contained in this oror tefuse to eo-,dinance then and III that event, all *the rights and privileges. hereby granted to said grantee, or his assigns, shAll be forfeited, and this grant shall be null I and void. Section 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the some to be published once in the Orange County - Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circula- - tion, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim. Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be fn force from and after its passage and pubruntecofan il 11v ditional acceptance l p anc e thereofsaid in the office ' of the Clerk of the City 4f Anaheim: - [Sea]] J. J, SCHNEIDER, 1, [Sea]] of the Board of 1'rustees of the dity ' of Anaheim. 11 hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of +naheim, held on'?larch - 8th, 1904, and that it+was duly pasted at a regu- lar meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 2211d day of March, 1904, by the following ; vote: - y Ayes: Trustees Schneider, Bust, Berdrow. Noes: None. I further certify that {l,e President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on said zed day of March, 1904, EDWARD B. MERRITT Clerk of said City of Anahei, - m. Or(iinance No. S'q An Ordinance granting to I. � • PU,- L/ a franchise to erect .riiaintain q.nd operate poles and wires with all t",e 'cli1xi-liarY :r-.iX- tures thereon.over and along the strppts.,ciliel.rsvianesgli-i-glitpiqys and public places of the City of Anaheim; to transruit 1,11 ounds 9 s, ignal s conversation and intelligence thrnury,',i and over said i,;ires by i,,eans of electricity; together with the to knonstruct,operate, and maintain all necessary fePders,servi(',(- coni-P.otions and other apparatus and appliances in connection therewith as *W be 'L -,r -, 1 AC, of f.,,jjffj(,,-jejjt aessary for the purpose operating, and mainta-11 I -A- a I pqjos,,w�res and fixtures, And (,,rryiii�, on a gP.ner, telpplione t h business by Yripans thereof Me0 ru of ste." ps of the I t.,r of AnRhoiri do c)rdn alas P NO g pq; n I. The. Board of Tru -steps of the (1,ity of Anaheim hereby is J" pop .it, and privilege riz�' t�e to erect, intain and operate poles rind hire all the 1-ie(3'F!S1.3'Rry and A �gXUjary' f'4KtnrPs thereon, over and along the street salleys lanes, Ix ... j '�)►ays. and publ�c places of ty of' AT'laheiPI to t t b4 P r anti 0 J on and inte th 01-19'1 , n L ov -,r -Is ignals conversat.- he 1,11 t to A r4�s, by means of PlentrI -.-Ity; togrt".Pr t ) -q Q erat.e and. i alntain all neoessa.ry feederstservic�p -1,72.rcs, t#:p. qactions and other apparatus and appijanCPs in connection may be necessar. for the purpose of wiffinientlY 0IP- 6 , r4 _4 mint aI p. ii in, said poles wirs A J'f ixtil.res and carr" -In', "S . L> sanL er&I telephone and telegraph business by Tie,ans thereof. k right and priv-111 eZe tr ;)P, ji.pon tli(-, teres n-n(7and itlores hereinafter container f4 -:quippinsaid tel- i� :-,The. work of Jn­ P.nd e tio..'aaid..tWaraph system shall be, -in good faith t�'Js o an four months from the dato of the passage of ordinano�%, BRid frRrj(�,7Aj_,cjeI and b�, Pro- seclito,(I t,ereafter in good faith, and shall be (,oiyri)l(-t(-,,d riot , thdo three YPqrS after t -P DasSa"P, o f this ord. In anc% e The grantee of this frRI-1011J se OrN?.S:-3i;ns, shall in good faith la -.,r olit and expend for labor 11seci ,�-,ld perforrod 1 jj�L the erection of said pales, and in the, nonstruRrA ntion tal"La- tion in thRTe'ITj.tj, 0j, and telegraphic apj)RrRtus and foilowin," Sums vTith2LI-i "u1ne, Periods hereinafter Inf�nt,ioned One tjiouF,,and d;-1,11firs (X1000.00) witjjijl eight months after the granting of this franchise; a further ard, additional siufl of One, thousand dollar 8 (�61000-00) wit Ili t,,7elve months a fter said grant; a furthf--�' and additional s,Lm -)f o dollars $100 cine Viousand do I rs ( , 0.00) within P.,*­rhteen months after said grant; and !:I. fiiTther and additi- onal siLpi of one thousand dollars 01000-00) With'-; twerity-fo-ur months after said grant; making P, total of frWL t",,.ousand dollars, (44000.00) to ',)P, expended ,,Tithin t,,vnrity-four 'montlis after said ,f) p t,, L p ra -it ep e , djjty oj, tiip ; a, of this fr nhis grant. And it shall 4 it Pr of he t0 file lith tl,-, y Y. or assigns, City of Analleill,10PfOre or within ter' days ,After ta,.e expiration of said periods of ,and tvienty—four vi()nths Pft(,,-r the grant of this _Franchise, R statement Ale-rified b ;V t*(-', oath 0 s,or by the oath of the said granteef'bh;����� OTA ss, g n managing or presiding officer of said A4:4 oraBsi6nsjsII0w:iI'4_11 the siuq expended for said i­iaterial and 1,,i -,,)Or "o-ov A said 6rantee,I'W_'_; Q-*-- 44 9 or the prece,dlnc-, period of or twenty-four i,,,onths, as t'A'i(m, c',10,0 may be. And ariy fci-11-ure or o,qivcion to pay out or expend -for sa-If, labor or zqatr?rl tile, full_ suri hereinbefore, required to be, expe-11.nde within arty of the respective periods described9or. aill. r refusal to file within the times here -in Prpscribp(J.., jry )f the Vref,,-ribeld v(,r- ified st,',ItP'('(-,ntF3 Shall work the f(,,rfnjtjjre of thi,,,> franchise all the r_!t;ht,9 t"Pr(�,'!MdPr t0 t' ­P 'IJty of p.t tile. option of the 'loard of Trusters of said C"11ty. .S`nc,ond:—Th at t _w pole�> to Int P-I'el-tf)d and Maintained undn.- th?_:> fr, - ctd se shai?_ not be less than, twenty—two feet jr) hr-;'!Zi1tA and shall ',,e painfaPd. Said po?_e}s s hal?_ ')(z lor.satHd at 811.011 1r; R(IeS ,is shall 00 directed by said Board o�' TrisstPf-�s, }nd a>no(�r the firection of the Superintendent of StreptSnf said City; ard. tinea Said vr_rd of Trus— tees Mall have, the: right to Cause said grante(; to move the: location of scaid pole or poles wnenerer s aia Bo€3:t:d shall de°tEarininp 1;111at 'tli e public inte.,rest, or convRnience regalire s the. looa.tl,')I1 of the sarle eIsPUTrlwr. ;, thE> expense's of removal to be, paid by said grantee. F �` Third:— That the* grantees of this fr.callo'lis�e l)ti �- z- a"p" ommc= or s -LvsA asci ns7 ,,hall it ithin thirty days after er tale date Of' t ],e col,utsencement of the operation of said tPlepnone Mis,:inesss furnish to ths� City of Anaheim two telephones and eorinpct salylp with the telephione systern Of Said �;r.antPe,irs�.� or assigns, and thereafter I maintain and keep the name in good repair 'arid workinZ order during the terrrl of this franchise without e�xpensP or charge to file said City o Y � .� Anaheim, and no crlar;;� will 'r.>e made for the Hill ond itn.:� _.► ited. use of said telephones,except, for communications had. -,,+lith points outside of t, n"ity. Ansi that said �raIitee;,1 - 0 s 4144 or� s 7igns,;zhall _i_,= required b -y spa i_ci. City,fiirnish and allow to it Buri n- the term of ti:is franchis3e,f or a fire alarm and plolirFa te;le— tr8M, SYSt,e'Prl of said (11_tyt tile f'rpr-, iise of four pins Or: the top of the top faces-arr!1 on o4fthe Poles e9rec.te3d or maintained llnfl.e'r ti-Ast frano'hise dairinE the whole tFrlq thereof; provided.,ho,vever,tha.t said City shall in .its itse; cznc+. nraintainance of said Ply with with the reasonable Tulei, and reEul:1.t.Lons of ,,ain. or assi ns, so that there. srlal! 1_?P a l li rii^ a dan— ger of contact. Fourth:— Thpt Rll telephone lilies,, constraact�d or operated asnder this franfli ise shall have full rletRl lie. c)i rcizits; that the rental charge 4or full ttn'?mit,ed lnwt,a?.:_ie. circuit tole>phone, service in the System east-ab:i-{ shed or mrlintainnd under this frcann2lisP slha?_l r,Ot exceed thirty—nine dollars per annavn for a telephones i ns*alled. :Ln any TAsMimss office or premises within a radius of one mile fro:rl the; int orw, ot ion of Of, t, r' `711CI To- r, I St rc-,F-ts, . i�n ).T, not 11 o excepd $6.0o po'r anniur, for additioilql rltilf" or fraCltion t +.Tlere'of; qnd R of not to P- -,ty-rlp.iren dollirs per anmxlyl For telephone instRiled reSidern.p, for withiln a radius of OIIP 11-Jifft, thr, inv tersc-otior of mncl Los Anee!MS Strf-,Pts; in additional charge of riot to exceed, s dollars pr annim for "rtC-'Of; 117'(I i t i 1 .n -fr,-i n t J c n t'i f�r ,1ddJ_tJ_oy-Ia., -i per anraun 6 , o f gi x (i ol 1-,,) r,, ynp y p d e on a1_1 t(�1PPI101-1ps instAllpd �vhpn the total nlpmbpr exn-lmds five,'nundred. And a fiMrtj,(.,,r a(tr six rtall.Y; 1)r app rt1 oyj� all t(.%:Le.j)ji0nfz8 installi'd_ in 7.i key ntRnnpr on � 1 five ',mnd_rfzd or f-rantJon thpre.of. Fifth:-SaJ_d ­2mitp.e. tjj(_ �,jff- of this fran-Iciiee ohall play to ti, -f' 7,ttlr of ArRhmirqiq_ill lR',vp o -r th,' llnitpfi 'S'atPs, of IWV-ri-aj' t,,,ro per -'mnt (2-b) on the Zroslc; armlial renleipts of su-1h, 6 r R 1 it e e 9 1111 S OT=tS& 811nnesnors or froto the jjp�moperation or I par S- F esBicn of this frRY!c-h_Isf,- --in s-ilid �Jity Of ATIR]"leiM. No -.pf�rnentage Slinli i -)Rid for th(I fir.St fIvA YoRrs Rft�_r t"-"' elate' Of t11-4 paid annual1jr. 8110 q l re,,,jj._ipts of, +_,lf- SSaid�;rantee of this Tthe'ay,ioullt Of tIIP, ' 1, 1-111 k 8 01' R S lu .4 S ig S�R27 f,'I- TLL; frol'i I1 .s Or its frann.h_JseqIrP�-oC=*d= "'M 4, 'I'll III:' MA I " 'i - use,oppr-at._ion or powBessinn of th'Jz, Shall bf*s dPePled and total undprstootl, to be tIIP/,,,g2?0BI'3 mprrJ_nCr, f of lHCtpCj or rr>opilredjor ill RIMY mannmr or dfaw-0-ed,by ',hfi _sfr�4ntp.p. of tjiis i 4A&Qa4&F* or nssigi-is froN, tmlf%phc)np or telegr,"Th (')IRr9PS or A. ()"r in rpnt,nIs nnd frovi -PH'It, J."e, 02 0 10 I Jt shall bp tjjf� c1lity of tits' grRnte(l of sR j(j� 0ity ol AiiahPJrii. And 191W f this S_ 9*Q=C= or N Clity CIF'rR. 0-J, the of An2,min at trip exj,.Lrnt_J_(.n of f,,Ix r e P, r r, fro , tit- clate of E�rrnt4� o- tipfranni.seq send tt,, exJr,?, t ion Of ep(% ;)nd nvu?r- J f ie y '�P'Rr t1IprpjftprI q statj��m elit I �rfir (,I by the o,,th of L-rantmegIr-i-H -8iQ 44 or R1114.11-- t3,oi- cox t1e, t a I u, o r eh (11 o f f 0 e r 0 f s a i (I , g r R r, t n f it". 4wi ith o tIIP totalre�coipts a (I '-:r*OSS nf+d cr ved r r o 11 ed. or 'r n prl , t1- iq�� r. 8 17r 1) 1 e 1):!* P (*, f h, e— b y i d rant ti e I ti6w_ o $ft=v, r p -y-' -'t I If 3 t -';-ro I q t "!(." tom? 1 rz"-�- 11 ­nr� o--;, t, P1 P,-rapl -h or r n - j I _, L li I tals9c)-r o-,, lntt-ln�� of linots-,pol(sr or iord-,,titc tllfn Oit';r 0:7 ATiPuIP.117-1. An(s tli'fillir-,4' }.":e _0r 0 ��l t 'a t q P, n t i t s';. 11 b', t I I P d,, 11, of -1 (4,Amt 4LAI or a _J_ 2, - S p t A t71, 91 (-,f t ,j j {.'fir lf Of' ,3 anni 11 v,, I _-O, )t s JL s f '11P US P 0 F'I' R t i 0 11 01' OOF3411— F"c_-'sion 0:.r roTnmltnd in thr-, 'riplinf-r 11v-rpJ_nbn-.rr)rn P-r-017-WPc;,.. An(t Rn -y on1j.- coinn or -r-flusni on t,hn p id r-rrnt nm,. -UA filp mirth V'�-rlfi_pd Ftatnmelnts,or to 'pa',r sunh p,r-.roen- tan,e of 1,oross Rnmull rnn-i-tog nt the t•"_IriF); and in the, manrp'r -_pnovi(l�%d sh-,.R11 vr_-Y, thR of thi_;; 41'rar. n h s rn and4- -i n all MhfL� r-I.gh,ts 1*1 hrre,,md r-�r to the of nA the cipt-o of tli� Board of T-rnu;tens, of s�t_tcl (1,1 v,� Sixth— Said ,-)­antp�p witlJn five d--,rf-,, fro- tllc j)Rsoae of fi ordl. nanc n 1''i in t1he Boarld of Truste.es a —i.mr-4r,r (Iliti Annhm- , 'ir. th-1 n( -Z-11 sirr, of -fivp _LY I �' '2' at least tivo good C'Und okrfin-I.e.-A murnties to 1)6^ Paid Bon rd of Truit-es ir.nd-Lti t1of"�71�ar'tpe -gill_ and t n I 11 r o1)rl I. 13. r i 1 a2' d. yp o r r o r m r^8, h n c v f ri r y t -f­_rm :', ni c, o n -1 i t .- L n 0-i' th'; r) n 111 "12].r.1. 4' of mntid bond T.11P. -,vTt.o_1e r,-" thr, -Iner-cil viirn. th,rcin rar: ed s,'lir'1111 be -.nd to 1"r-1 tlln !ii(Ill! i�tr�t. nc� dr.-In"n. ROD- fl -011 MILO, 1�127�1111_!)Pl fmd.. upon rtnt-1.0. bc')nd. if sr-Oi_'(j br,,jr(I is not rn f.t _'�'d, thr award of this, beset aside, ani. ary monprlr i n1d t,1xP,'_r-r,,fo7r sh,s11_ 'T)� for-rpitpd., qrd this f",t thr r�f t -,p of Ty­c�,,tf- f-,S d v P, r t j. s r d �.,nft nt offt"rpd, -'or r,")j.e i1n tYr' "nd ­In(trr Par, li-reirbe,fore,- providpd. Seition 2:— Sa:M _t�r"ntee,or ­jnk!- n11 nitCgP.�-,snry ev'r-vat.011rIn 8.11Y of tilt" strp.fntsc ys , 3.,n n Fs o r 7 t)jr- t J Of AIIP'led-Mv 1'or the PU!'00'.' 0, () - I .. 3 6 poies or othF'r for said wi-rPs or nmnduntorsor re,Dairing the Sahel o'Y for (':olid'iIits 'ir'a tllr- repair tbereofq tu'A OP,-'d wo-y"r, sliall be. done, in Colriplipn(;p -,vitj, the intles, ordinances or (J',jr i Tit I i f 071ti 11',t R n ki p o f t. 111 _t�, f r a i 'i o h is e t b ex, adoptpd frorj tilr1p to tj qe by the Bocird, of Trustees of the C- tj of Anaheim -,md the ­,aidt -,rvork s L is 11 bo r, nne to !,'Ali silt"? sf R(vl t I or. of sa4d of 'Pra, "tep.g. :.')f}- id *,ird Inond'tlits so ,is not to ililtr%rfertwitl1 trpv(,1 0, Lp 7 e% ') e f q I y 0 p, Sp. j et t. -r e (.� t j q n p s cm pi ib I i , 1) 1 , c s o - the o ai.d I i t r rl, f A, : q lie, -iraend ­.a -J-d zr�_1 t e e , or ns, s J_,:r s , sl,, 9_1 holdthe t 'Le I c' --jig by , -i ), ,) f Analip-im free cmid harr. ms for , 11 da�qrl�req. aris-i reason of 7-4n�r n_(,m_rr.1iLrpnt 11ma Of s"lic". privilegef" by S"lid. CA=W431 t 01, *Lt"i-i ,,, ord 1_nan!-o, be. '(,,on­Ar11.ed (is r(ft, t ti f? propfr alithorit 1('%j Of t,,,,4- sa.irt OJAI" '1"�"y way -k,.() or nitorlilr�� ix, 01 ,,1,isp.ory of sa:icl Or IMbliO, " Mit ttined herein. Thor:iZrl".+, of hr,rpir "'ii w' sha!3. not bc,(-­%niusivp ind 4" L I - r u 1i e B o a of T r i �, i t e o t 1) e rl, - d "I I t,. o f A mi h r', ir, r p s,­ r v (�t, s t 1) ow r t'-) 6milt to like of vviv o !�,.n*, ot1,.o:r or t �Iepholn(., Y C),1'a 1 I'Y E, s -i it 11o,s; it p r not to n t r f f- r e "7:it I i t h e r p o i n, b 1 i% and p ndp -r o , 'I) e r e x 6,1 r c i '; 0 C) f t, _r-; I T 1 P, cr e,I P, T n- a r a I I t P, d . Sp.(vtion 4:— Thi,-: fiano..i:-e sh=;11 nontinue be, in force, for ,0-- e.rincj of fifty yp, c);-,-i v -r as ,jr s fr,, nd af t, e ULe pc ssage o ordinai-me. Seit-ion 5:—Tlicat 911ould. Sri id mtft:o; or 4L, a P. s i i i s a f) or Jf' a -!.I- t n i qa 1 n t a17 n. i id o 1) e a t e ca t I p 1) 11 o Y I e, r X^ tan ill Sa.id, llitv of A-1alipiltilthe-ri ""'-Iid "r ant r- (N itf-toets or 41" R113,-3J_ZnS,,'3hR_L1 -r(-*.­Jiovp sad f7 r) - th'n ancl pub17i p).anps of City of forf f,;s ted, anei t;,i s shall. mill and Void. ��nt on 1 : The'vZt?r �i!_F;7'lti. 3I1c l .. t',F'i. L ifu to tii� if#. �r"af C1 .r t"' is O_rJL:L1'"?llrveh-'_.`t' ^i�t7t", ?':;E� �':,C to 0e, ?:it{7s.JE"7lE'd an -,e in th(z cjz p " a2 eve• e.s ca t e' c? �irlllSi'�.;r Y' J_I'iClt? 7 P,t'> I tl.(rlj)`lj;f' 'a ' I)ub nhr' %�,-!d I'Cli� c "CZ in tif' 11 itY A 1.,i ? tnko t;ff,-,ct and 1)e J farce; �- f11t(L aftF'2' .P, ,(iSSa 1 Lr b�r ;rc�..c_t � r' nt efa rf an 0-n t•'nir, aft :_ F., of th}. 'Ilnrk of thy; " � AnP41Pi,i�'11' tr' t � iP, `'-?. O 1:.flat• �ir?iCl �1'c`3I1f E?P, �}'�' �4` r)!. _-.q i to y, -va n aJI-[;. )-r 'oi1a 9 a + tIt,y111 446' As o'�a.ssigns, fa1I nt',(vlt, or rP.f'-o.,e to t2aC1j7'0,r '3 t, i`. any d thi, I or_#;'[t IeI-I aIIci _n that 1-1vF!nt, ful ". tlli' vr- 'I -itis n:t? �J T`nnt pri- t.. -);,:?O.0 u7"17"i t, P'(? ._ _ OT ^ fi �un ! �_ b� .5vi1R� forf f,;s ted, anei t;,i s shall. mill and Void. ��nt on 1 : The'vZt?r �i!_F;7'lti. 3I1c l .. t',F'i. L ifu to tii� if#. �r"af C1 .r t"' is O_rJL:L1'"?llrveh-'_.`t' ^i�t7t", ?':;E� �':,C to 0e, ?:it{7s.JE"7lE'd an -,e in th(z cjz p " a2 eve• e.s ca t e' c? �irlllSi'�.;r Y' J_I'iClt? 7 P,t'> I tl.(rlj)`lj;f' 'a ' I)ub nhr' %�,-!d I'Cli� c "CZ in tif' 11 itY A 1.,i ? tnko t;ff,-,ct and 1)e J farce; �- f11t(L aftF'2' .P, ,(iSSa 1 Lr b�r ;rc�..c_t � r' nt efa rf an 0-n t•'nir, aft :_ F., of th}. 'Ilnrk of thy; City o j ��.--'------------- j�'ip' f '_.'nt, o the Board of Tru stet -19 Of t110 43". 'ht" d �" `x- 7 - yu. �u�, 7 4. u �:...