1685 E t �<-Ac� ® 1, 8 E7 State of California,( Ute• county of orange. Henry Kuchel,betng first duly sworn deposes and says; that he is a citizen of the United. Status over eighteen years of age; that lie is the printer and publisher of the Anaheim otdiunwee Not 1$8 vve kl Gazette, R. weekly newspaper Ofgeneralamenatn Section i of osee- Weekly ee- vu F y z P f y p 1 nai►ce lf�v 190, slid: agdding two new sec tions thereto. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana - lo circ ilation,printed published and Circulated heSiecti do ordain ThatSectt nsi of Ordinance No. 140, entitled "An ordinance providing for the licensing and regulating of the business of in the Cit of _Ana=.eim and. in Orange county selling liquors all ordinances ncesandhe City artsAnaof ordin, andan- ces y , � pealing all ordinances and arta of ordinan- ces in conflict therewith, ' passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim on May84th, 1902, be and the same is hereby ,t2tp of California, that the ordinance NO* amended to read as follows: Sectibn 1. For the purpose of this ordi- nanee a wholesale liquor establishment is de - 368 , of * io �;e annexed is a printed C; Glared robe ed Intolace where spirituous, a, a mold, h t � t copy malt or mired intoxicating liquors are acid, served or given away in quantities of not less than one-fifth of a gallon, and where such *' liquors are sold, served or given away not to published i shed i n said newsj)Rp er at least be drunk on the premises wh o ere so sold, serv- ed or given away; and any person who, as owner, agent, or otherwise, conducts or Bar- one week, to wit; 1n the issue rieaon,or assists ac conducting establishment, or carrying Of said 'y�aper on an such a place or eatabtiahment, the same being conducted or carried on either exciusively'or in connection with or as a part, on karoh 16th, and on March 23rd 1 05,both department occupation, of any other business V 1 � � • or occupatton, is fgqrrthe purpose of this ordi- nance declared to be carrying on the business - of a wholesale liquor dealer; provided, how- ever, that neither the provisions of this ordi- incll.isive• X shall nor any otthe deflndrug herein given � shall apply to -,the sale by druggists, for medi- cinal purposes only. upon.prescription in writ- ing givenby any re q,� rly licensed phyaI-I-, - - - �. -«,, ,... Subscribed and, sworn t') before ire, tlit s 1' tli. dRy of April, A. D.1905. --------------- -- Notary Public:%in and for Orange Co ,nty9C1RliforniR.e the q---rti- -and manner hereinafter pro- vided. --swtiou 2.' That a new section be added to said ordinance to be designated as Section S%, whioh section shall read as follows: Sea 81/. No permit shall begfiranted for the issuing or transfer of a retail liquor dealer's license f or an establishment to be conducted outside of the following described portions of the City of Anaheim, towit; First: 'On both sides of Center street, from a point one hund- red feet west of Clementfna, street to the inter- section of Center mud Claudina streets; Sec- ond: On both sides of Los Angeles street, from the south side of Center street to the south side of Chartress street.. No permit shall beggrranted for the issuing or transfer of a wholeaale liquor dealer's li- cense for an establishment to be conducted outside of the limits aforesaid, except to bona - fide wineries orbroweries. Section 8. That new section be added to said ordinance to be designated as Section 8%, which section shall read as follows: Sec S . No permits for retail liquor liven- ses in excess of, seven shall at any time be granted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. . Section 4 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published oncein d thereafter Anaheimt Gazette, add thereuponan shall take effect and be in full force. C O RUST President of the Board of Trustees of the -City of Anaheim. l.hereby certify that the foregoing ordi nance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on February, 28th, 1905, and that it was a regui.meeting. of said Board Ab"~1 24--1M.1 h; iIOS. by the fol- Ayes;10 *Iris 1W twe� st6es Rust; Darling, Berdrow, Schwenokert, Pletcher. Noes: None. And I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance * on the 14th day of March, 1906. EDWARD B.-MERRITT, lY _ Clerk of said City of Anaheim ORDINAN No . 65 An Ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinane No. 140, and adding two new -,Potions thereto. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as fol- lows: Section 1. That ae(^tion 1 of Ordinance No. 140, Pntitied "An ordinance providinZ for the licensing and regulating of the bnciness of selling ligi..i.ors in the City of. Anaheim, anti repealing all or- dinances and parts of ordinanPw in conflict/ therewith," passed by the Board of 'trustees of. the City of Anaheim or. May 27th, 1902, be and the same ie hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1. For the purpose of this ordlnanie a wholesale liquor esteblishnent is denlared to be a place'. 'Rlhere spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating 1iq'.iors are sold, served or given away in quantities of not lefts thar, one-fifth of a gallon, and where such liqttors are sold, served or given array not to be drunk or, the premises where so sold, served or given cwvRy; and any person who, as owner, agent, or otherwise, conducts or carries on, or assists in conducting; or carrying on an -,r slUIh a place or PstabliBhment, the same being; conducted or carried on either exclusively or in con— nection with, or as a part, departr..ent or branch of any other busi- ness or orcunat-ion, is for the purpose of this ordiIlance dP,nl,,?.. ed to be earryin; on the business of a wholesale liquor dealer; pro- vided, however, that neither the provisions of this ordinancenor any of the definitions herein riven, sha.11 apnlY to the sale by drugists;, for medicinal purposes only, upon, prescription. in writ given by any regularly licensed physician, of any of the articles herein enumerated, nor to any driig store licensed to sell liquors in the g1i.antiti.es and nanner hereinafter provided. Section. 2. That a new bPction be added to said ordinance to be desic, ated as Section 8 114t which section shall read as fol -7-O S : Sec. 8 1/4. No permit shall be granted for the issuing or transfer of a retail liquor dealer's-11(,for an establis?Lment to 'oe oond?z^,ted outside of the following described portions of the City of Anaheim, t.o-,.vit : p,4 rst : On both sides of Center S$teet, from a point one hundred feet Nest of (',lei-!ientijia t-TPet to the in- terfiAotion of ^enter and "Ilaii6ina. 3trePts; eaond: On both sides of Los Angers street, , 5r -on the, SolIth side of Center Str-eet to the 30i.it?i SiC�r? Of h;Rr trPS Street. No perrnit shall be gra.ntf d for the issning or transfer of a wholesale, lirr.xor dF�aler's license for an establishment to be con- du^ted outside of the lin{ ts aforesaid, except to bona -fide wineries or breweries. Section 3. That a new section be Added to said ordinance to be designRted As Section 8 1/2, which section shall read as follows: Se^. 8 1;2. No permits for retail linitor licenses in, excess Of seven shall at any time be granted by tiie Board of Trustees of. the City of Anaheim. Section 4. Tht nity Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordina.noe and. cause the same to re p?.jblished onee in the Anaheim Gazette, axed thereupon and thereafter it :sha1? tP.kP effect Pnd be in rill force. � e President -771 he B rd of Trustees Of the City of Anaheim. I hereby :certify that the foregoing ordinanoe was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, Yield on February 28th, 1905, and that it was duly Passed at a reg'TIlar meeting of said Board held on the /14k day of karch, 9905, by the following vote: Aire $° iy'r'1.stf'�'.$,,.[.v- ' ^C-.oC�coc[i, Noes:�- And I further rwertify that the President of said Beard og Trustees signed said ordinance on the 14 day of March, 1905. Clerk of said (Uty of Arah_