223Filed..*ua' ---- �`.` ........18:t Ct!': ;!,�3:....City Clerk .. e F I{t Richard Melrose ATTORNEY Anaheim, California Ordinance No. 223`. An ordinance? roviding for holding a@ts I N THE SUPERIOR COURT on municipal ection in the City 10 Anaheim on the second Monday in April, City The Board of'Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Section 1. That a general municipal elec- tion be held in the City of Anaheim on Mon- day, April 11th, 1910, for the purpose of elect- ingg the followigg officers of said city, to-wit: --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------ I. Three members of the Board ofTrustees for the term of four years. 2. One City Clerk for the term of two years., ----------------------------------_______-__-__-__-_____ 3. One City Treasurer for the term of two ------------------- ---------- years. 4. One City Marshal for the term of two -------------------------------------------- ____ ______________ years. - Sec. 2. That for the purpose of said election there are hereby established two election pre- cfgcts in said, City, to be known as Precinct ---------------------------------------------------------------------- No, 1 and Precinct No. 2, the boundaries of which precincts are hereby fixed as follows: State of Cali f or ta, 1 Precinct No. 1. Beginning at a point where Jr Center Street Intersects the Eastlimits of said unty ran s' ity . and rtta ks� thetice South ate Y aloe. _____ _____ _____________ 6-XM _ ------------- being first duly Street, and thence East er_ong"C M**"b► 11-. the piece of beginning. sworn, oses and says: That at al imes hereinafter mentioned he Precinct No. 2. Bexinn nx at a tsoint where Center Street intersects the bast mita of -said` was a citiz n of the United States, ove t e age of 21 years, and a res- City and running thence North along the East line of said City to the Northeast corner of ident of id ounty. and was at and during all said times the principal said City limits; thence Westerly along the North line of said City to the Northwest @OF- clerk of t p 'nter and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a ner thereof; thence Southslong-the West line newspaper 0 of said City to Center Street, and thence East general circulation, printed and published weekly in the along Center Street to the place of begins uKe Sec.3. That the following named•persona City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Baa respective anted a sBoards of tecta said eletr' Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a tionasrequiredbylaw; newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination PRECINCT NO. t. Inspectors: George E. Dutton—Thomas Die- of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, trick.Judges. Frank H. Fox—Wm. 3.Moatgom having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said cry Clerks: Max M. Boege—William O, times said newspaper d been established, printed and published in the Schwenckert. Ballot Clerks; L. N. Wisaer+*Ioseph M said City of Anah m, in sal ounty and State at regular intervals for Backs, Jr. more than one ye r preceding t first publication of the notice herein n'ppp* Fired PRECINCTer—J. J. Schneider. NO. 2. ' y- 3 Clerk fSacar H. T. Rennerr—Fed MA Backs, RIM- mentioned; • that Ballot Clerks: HansV• iVcisel—Fred G.RtaE,� Pan. Sec. 4. The compensation of said election officers is hereby Fixed at three dollars each ________ ______ __________ _ _ __ ____-_-_of which the See. S. Thefollowin ling places for said election aarre i gy ea In Paetfact�0'`i.'at t#te1, �IaB, Pyr annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper East centerfitreet. _ In Precinct No. 2. at 125 North Los Angeles -------__- street, Backs Block. at least ----t------------- -. __------ commencing Sec. 6. Said election Shall beheld and cou7 ducted in accordance with the'generhi etectipti laws of the State of California, so farm the On the______ ye.l d + same may be applicable. '--------- ay of19_ °__-- Sec. 7. The polls trust he opened of sIx - ------ ------ o'clock of the morning of the said Ilth day of, . April, 1910, and must be kept open until six and ending on the *y_ __ __________day of--_ o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, — N when the polls shaft be closed. IIII Sec. 8. The publication of this ordinance required by law, after its passage, ahall be 19__ -o___, both days inclusive, and as often during said ti a as said news- deemed to be aneandanffictetttno�ice tot Iqualified electors of said City of the calling said election. pape was regularly issued. That th es on w ich sa�Publloation Sec. 9. The City Clerk shoo certify t0 tie passage of this ordinance and cause the ta�13 was made were as fotlows: to in published once a the Orange general t � I Plain Dealer, a wee]�ly newspaper ed general d OW circulation hpubli elm, an ane, circulated in � � City of Anaheim, and thereupon it ahail be'in> I full force and effegt. ----------------------- C:O:RUST, ---------------------- �- ------------ ----------- President of the Board of Truatee�! , of theXity of Anaheim. ---------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------- Iherebycertifythattheforego�ngorI int --- ----- --------- was. introduced at • a meeting of the Boa O _ Trustees of the Cit of Anaheim heitF.,rru ----------------------------------------------- 10th day of March. 1:910, and that it waa ---------- passed at a regular Meeting of aaid Board on the 2 th day of Matclt,11 0, by the f ing vote: Subscribed and sworn to before me this-_ ///' d Acr Trustees Rust, Gates, ICraegeFf ? /� ay Of StAbsent and not voting, Trustee ----- " 1914 I ofu certify that said et�m Ce a J !� Board ITruatees;di �f said 24th day of March, 191#. =------------------------------[Seal] EDWARD B. MElklkrfT City Clerk of said Ctty of Anah « Notary Public in an for Orange County, California. __ Ordinance No. x? 3 An orrdinance providing for holding a general municipal election in the City of Anaheim on the second Monday in April, 1910. logs: The. Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as fol - Section 1. That a general municipal election be helot in the City of Anaheim on Monday, April 11th, 1910, for the purpose of electing the following officers of said city, to -wit: 1. 'Three members of the Board of Trustees for the term of four years. 2. One City Clerk for the term of two years. S. one City Treasurer for the term of two years. 4. One City Marshal for the term of two years. Sec. 2. That for the purpose of said election there in hereby established two election precincts in said City, to be known as Pre- cinct No. 1 and Precinct Ido. 2, the boundaries of which precincts are hereby fixed as follows: Precinct No. 1. Beginning at a. point where Center Street inter- sects the East limits of said City, and running thence South along the East line of said City to the Southeast corner of said City It limits; thence Westerly along the South line of said City to the Southwest corner of said City's limits; thence Northerly along the West limits of said City to Center Street, and thence East along Center Street to the place of beginning. Precinct No. 2. Beginning at a point where Center Street inter- sects the East limits of said City and running thence North along the East line of said City to the Northeast corner of said City limits; thence Westerly along the North line of said City to the Northwest corner thereof; thence South Mong the West line of said City to Center Street, and thence East along Centee Street to the place of beginning., Sec. 3. That the following named persons are hereby appointed as Boards of Election in said respective precincts to conduct said election as required by lair; Precinct No. 1. Inspectors z, ;, <,,at,. (�x_. ;�;`t";.:� Judges: . '.z. c,.,� Of. l}(� - r�, ala �'i rrz cr Clerks: ..Z ( ��., ..t�_ 7 tYr -w-2 c�� Ballot Clerks: , ` .. .. %R '. e. o Q 4L a.j Precinct No. 2. inspectors: Judges: Clerks: Ballot clerks* 3t, r'; i'' i Sec. 4. The compensation of said election officers is hereby fixed at three dollars each. Sec. 4, The following polling places for said election are hereby established: aaxIff In Precinct No. 1 , at the City Hall, No. 208 East Center Street. ' In Precinct No. 2. at Sec. k. Said election shall be held and conducted in accordance with the general election laws of the State of California, so far as the same may be applicable. 'See. T The polls must be opened at six o'clock of the morming of the said 11th day of April, 1910, and must be kept open until six o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, when the polls shall be closed. Sec. 9. The publication of this ordinance as required by law, after its passage, shall be deemed to be due and sufficient notice to the qualified electors of said City of the calling of said elec— tion. Sec. Q. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance ILand cause the same to be published once in the Orange County Plaindealer, a weekly newspaper of general circulation pub— lished and circulated in said '"ity of. Anaheim, and thereupon it shall be in full force and effect. President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on the 10th day of March, -910, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 24th day of March, 1910, Dy the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Z)%ela�1 Noes: i further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on said 24th day of March, 1910. City Clerk of said City of Anaheim. ( seal )