224Filed ........ ....��.. ........ lot n...... Clerk r 7 - ___ Ordinance No. 224. weekl Virein 1 I An Ordinance Calling 1► Special h '14th d d Election in the City of Anaheim, " I County of Orange, State of Cali- I he fornia, for the Purpose of Sub- was it .Board IN THEQOURT mitring to the Qualified Voters held c Wal a of said City a Proposition to In- ifig of day o OF THE UNTY FOR GE, ST E OF ALIFORNIA. cur a Bonded Indebtedness to F Pay the Cost of Certain Street Not Work in said City, the Cost of d E said H - said o Which will be too Great to be after ------------------ Paid Out of the Ordinary An- aforea - [SEA I nual Income and Revenue of -------------------- said City. "--"'----------------' "'-"""'--""-- Whereas, the Board of Trustees of the City Of Anaheim, California, did, at a regular m State of California, 1 lug thereof, held on the 10th day of Mo Jj SS. 1910, by a vote of two-thirds of all its rile C ty o f nge, Pers, dtyly.pass a resolution determining t the_pufilic interest and ;necessity dsrnand the construction and completion, o4> . ' lowing described street work in said -city. �_______ ____ __ _____ ___________ _ _____ _ _________being first duly wit: The paving of that portion of South L Angeles Street in front of the 210.41 feet sworn, eposes and says: at at all times hereinafter mentioned he frontage of land owned by'said City in vine Lot -"G3," on which land is situate the was a citizen of the United S tes, over the age of 21 years, and a res- ; nicipal Electric Light and Water Works, from the Easterly curb line of said street to ident of said county. and was t and during all said times the principal the center line of said street; also the paving of the following described intersections of clerk of the printer and publish r of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a streets, to -wit: Lemon and CentertiStreets; Clementine and newspaper of general circulatio , printed and published weekly in the Center Streets; Adelaide and Helena Streets and Center Street; Palm and Center Streets; City of Anaheim, in said County. of Orange, State of California; that said Resh and Center streets, on Northerly half of Center Street; Citron and Center Streets; Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a Ohio and Center Streets on Southerly half of Center Street; Illinois and Center Streets, on newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination Southerly half of Center Street; West and Center Streets: Walnut and Center Streets, on of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, Southerly half of Center Street: Cherry and Center Streets, on Southerly half of Center having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said Street•, Villa Place and Center Streets, on Northerly half of Center Street; Thalia -and times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the s uir St Streets; Adams Centeand enter Streets, on t. said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for In and by said resolution said Board of Trus- tees dec ared its intention to pave said inter - more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice h rein sections of slid streets, and said portion of South Los Angeles Street, with asphalt P pave- ment in accordance with Specifications No. 4 mentioned that he______ AA�k� .. • �._ 'Y � on file in th s office of the City Clerk of said S7i+t�1 7- city, which specifications were, adopted by said Board of Trustees on February 24th, 1910, and are entitled "Specifications for paving of of Which the Streets in the City of Anaheim with Asphalt Pavement." And whereas, the executive of said city, to - annexed is a prin ed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper wit: The President of the Board of Trustees thereof, did, on the 12th day of March, 1910, t duly and regularly approve said resolution; i-.i� and I at least _______________ _ __________-___-___ �_________________ COmmenCln9 Whereas, the estimated cost of said street work is seven thousand five hundred dollars, and such cost is and will be too great to be On the__ -_-_/y_- -_- _-____day of --------------- __ _ _ _ _ _ ________________19 0__ paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said city; now therefore, The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- helm do ordain as follows:': and endingOn the______ y __-______ Section 1. That a special election be and Q -da of same is hereby called to be held in the said City of Anaheim on Monday, the 2d day of May, 1910, to submit, and at which election 19 Q__, both days inclusive, and as often during said tim as said news- shall be submitted, to the qualified voters of said city the proposition to incur a bonded in - paper was regularly issued. That the dates on which said publication debtedness of seven thousand five hundred dollars in Gold Coin of the United States of ` America, for the object and purpose of paying �) ;the cost of Paving that, Portion of South Los I Was made were as follows: _______ 'Y - 4.1_ _ 1_✓ frontage es St eet i front ed by said 210.91 feet of City in Vine- yard Lot "G3," on which land is situate the Mu- ---- ---------------------------- - rks, from ----------------- ----------------------- ---------------- - niciDal - the Easterly Electric curb liine of said street to the center line of said street; and also the cost of the pav- ing of the followingdescribed intersections _______ ____ ________ _________ _________ ________ of streets. in said city to -wit: Lemon and Center Streets; Clementina and Center Streets; Adelaide and Helena Streets -' nd Center Street; Palm and Center Streets; - - - esh and Center Streets on Northerly half of Center Street; Citron and Canter Streets; %� Ohio and Center Streets, on Southerly half of Subscribed and sworn to before me th1S(7 _!tom day of inter Street; Illinois and Center Streets on out7iet'ty half of Center Street; West and *Center Streets; Walnut and Center Streets on j Southerly half of Center Street; Cherry and 1 gT� �a Street VillCenter a on Souther) half of Center -------------- ' i a 1--aandCenterStreetsonNorth- erly half of Center Street; Thalia and Center �� .!='_r// y' Streets; Adams and Center Streets on South - 2 -fitly half of Center Street. Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. Said intersections of streets, and said por- lwn of South Los Angeles Street, to be paved with asphalt concrete Pavement in accordance -with Specifications No. 4 on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, which specifica- tlons were adopted by said Board of Trustees on February 24th, 1910, and are entitled "Speci- fications for Paving of Streets in the City of Anaheim with Asphalt Pavement.' ;- And said last mentioned date is hereby fixed - As the date for holding said election; and the said proposition to incur municipal indebted- ness for the object and Purpose hereinbefore. stated, is hereby submitted to said voters for their determination at said election. J Sec. 2. That the estimated cost of said street I Work hereinbefore described is seven thou- sand five hu-i—d i -n- Ordinance No. 224.Lemon and Center Streets; Clementina and day of election, and must be kept open until Center Streets; Adelaide and Helena Streets six o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, and Center Street; Palm and Center Streets; when the polls shall be closed, except as pro- Resh and Center Streets on Northerly half of vided in Section 1164 of the Political Code of An Ordinance Calling a Special Center Street; Citron and Center Streets; the State of California. Centerand StreettIllinoise of nd erly on Sec. 5. That for the purpose of said special Election in the City of Anaheim, Southerly half of Center Street; West and election the said City of Anaheim shall be and County of Orange, State Of Cali- Center Streets; Walnut and Center Streets on the same is hereby regularly constituted and es - Southerly half of Center Street; Cherry and tablished as one election precinct to be known forma, for the Purpose of Sub- Center Streets on Southerly half of Center and designated as "Anaheim Municipal Elec- Street; Villa Place and Center Streets on North- tion Precinct," the boundaries of which pre- mitting to the Qualified Voters erly half of Center Street; Thalia and Center cinct shall be and are hereby fixed as and at, Streets; Adams and Center Streets on South- and co -extensive with, the exterior bounds - Of said City a Proposition to In- erly half of Center Street. ries of the said City it Anaheim. Said intersections of streets, and said Por- In said Precinct, to -wit: said City of Ana - cur a Bonded Indebtedness to tion of South Los Angeles Street, to be paved helm, the polls will be held in the City Hall of ' with asphalt concrete Pavement in accordance said City, in he room therein known as the Pay the Cost of Certain Street with Specifications No. 4 on file in the office chamber of the Board of Trustees of said city, of the City Clerk of said city, which s ecifica- said place being one in which elections have Work in Said City, the Cost Of tions February adopted e191U and re entitled said Board of "Spec - Usuallyustees A d been he saidee eland ection nwill be conducted by being in said precinct. Which will be too Great to be fications for Paving of Streets in the City of the inspector, judge, clerk and ballot clerk, re - Anaheim with last mentioned dathalt e is hereby fixed wi6 ively, hereinafter named as follows, to - Paid Out of the Ordinary An- as the date for holding said election; and the Inspector, Fred C. Rimpau. Huai Income and Revenue of said for psition the object and incur municipal indebted- Judge, Max M. Boege. stated, is hereby submitted to saidose voters fore for Ballot Clerk, Fred Hans V. eA flacks, Jr. said City. their determination at said election. Sec. 2. That the estimated cost of said street cera o conduct said eleons are ction�and dsuch constitute Whereas, the Board of Trustees of the City and five ed d llars, a d such cost id is seven s and tion Boardou- spid ds id Election; and shahs ',and hall lane Of Anaheim, California, did, at a regular meet- will be too great to be paid out of the ordina- hereby directed to conduct said election as by Ing thereof, held on the 10th day of March, rY annual income and revenue of said city, this ordinance and by law provided, and to pers d a vote of two-thirds of all its mem- Sec. 3. That If the proposition to incur said canvass the votes given and Bast at said special the pens, duly pass a resolution determining that indebtedness in said sum of seven thousand election, and to make and deliver atsal returns the publi ruction and completion of demanded ofor the object and five hundred purpose gold coin as aforesaid, thereof to said Board of Trustees. lowing described street work in said city, to- shall be accepted bu thee above mentioned, Sec. 6.n The ballot to be used at said special wit: The paving of that portion of South Los said city as in this Ordinance qualified law prof election shall be printed in the following form; Angeles Street in front of the 210.91 feet of vided, then and in that case bonds of said city frontage f land owned by ald City in Vine- to the amount of $7500.00 gold coin as afore- MUNICIPAL TICKET. yard Lot "G3," on which land is situate the said, for the payment of the coat of the munic- Municipal Electric Light and Water Works, Pal improvement aforesaid shall issue as fol - Said bonds shall Anaheim Municipal Election Precinct. from the Easterly curb line of said street to lows, to -wit: ll be negotiable the center line of said street also the paving in form and shall be of a character known as Instuctions to Votes. Of the following described intersections of serials and spall bear the rate of interest and be To vote on a proposition stamp a cross (X) streets, to -wit: paid as hereinafter provided. Lemon and Center Streets; Clementine and The bonds authorized to be Issued pursuant site the voting square to the right f and oppo- Cnter Streets; Adelaide and Helena Streets to said election shall bear interest at the rate site the answer you desire to give. ALL aResh nd Center Street; Palm and Center Streets; of five per cent per annum, payable semi -an- MARKS EXCEPT THE CROSS (X) ARE Center Street Citron s and Center Northerly lf s. bonds hall b theprincipal inand Gold interest Coin of the FORBIDDEN, ALL DISTINGUISHING bonds shall be AND MAKE ERASURES ARE FORBIDDEN IF Ohio and Center Streets on Southerly half of United States of America in the manner fol- YOU WRONGLTHE Y STAMP, TEAR OR DE - Center Street; Illinois and Center Streets, on lowing, to -wit: Not less than one -fortieth FACE THIS BALLOT, return it to the DE - Southerly half of Center Street; West and Pert of the whole amount of the principal of FACE" f election and obtain another. Center Streets: Walnut and Center Streets, on said indebtedness shall be paid each and every Shall the Ci Southerly half of Center Street: Chem and Year on a day and date and at a Place within indebtedness of $7500.00 Anaheim incur a bonded , Center Streets, on Southerly half of Center the United States to be hereafter fixed b said Street; Villa Place and Center Streets, on Board of Trustees of said city, together with to pay the cost of pav- Northerly half of Center Street; Thalia and the interest on it sums unpaid at such dates; Ing that portion of YES Center Streets; Adams and Center Streets, on Provided, that the interest on said bonds shall South Los portion St.in Southerly half of Center Street, be paid semi-annually,so that there s all be a front of the land on In and by said resolution said Board of Trus- payment of interest oall sums thn 'ilii which is situate the Mu - tees declared Its intention to pave said inter- in each had every half year, one of .aa semi nicipal Electric Light NO sections of said streets, and mid portion of annual Payments in each year being at the and Water Works, and South Los Angeles Street, with asphalt pave- date of the payment of he annual installment the cost of paving certain street intersections ment in accordance with gp���fications No. 4 of the principal of such indebtedness as afore- In said city, asset forth in Ordinance No: 224 on file in the office of the City Clerk of said said• and provided further, that said interest of the City of Anaheimt city, which specifications were adopted by shall be evidenced by the proper coupons at- Sec. 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the said Board of Trustees on Februa24th, 19 f tached to said bods, a separate coupon being passage sa puof this ordinance a and eek for se the eeka same and are entitled "Specificedoes fol g attached to each bond for each semi-annual once tw Streets in the City of Aiiaheitn with Asphalt Payment of the interest to become due on the Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper Pavement." such bond. And it -is further ordered that he oI general circulation printed, published and And whereas, the executive of said city, to- total indebtedness authorized to be created at circulated in said Ci of Anaheim, and pub - wit: The President of the Board of Trustees said election shall be represented by bonds fished less than six days in a week, to -wit: thereof, did, on the 12th day of March, 1910, payable in the manner aforesaid, and thatsaid weekly and thereupon it shall take effect and duly and regularly approve said resolution; bonds shall be issued in such denominations be in full force. and as the Board of Trustees of said City of Ana -I hereby approve the above ordinance this Whereas, the estimated cost of said street heim shall determine, and that said bonds shall 14th day of April, 1910. work is seven thousand five hundred dollars, be known as Street Improvement Bonds. C. O. RUST, and such cost is and will be too great to be Sec. 4. That the manner of holding said President of the Board of Trustees of the B paid out of the ordinary annual income and special election and of voting thereat for and City of An revenue of said city; now therefore, against incurring said indebtedness shall be as I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- Provided in this ordinance, and that in all par- was introduced at a regular meeting of the heim do ordain as folloWR: ticlars not recited herein, such election shall Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, Section 1. That a special election be and be held as provided by law for holding munic- held oiathe 24th day of March, 1910, and that it the ams is hereby called to be held in the said i al elections In said municipality. Said elec- was duly passed and adopted at a regular meet - City, of Anaheim on Monday, the 2d day of tion shall be conducted by the Board of Elec- ing of aid Board d Trustees held on the 14th May, 1910, to submit, and at which election tion, consisting of one inspector, one judge, day of April, 1910, by the following vote - shall be submitted, to the qualified voters of one clerk and one ballot clerk, whose duties Ayes: Trustees Rust, Gates, Kroeger, Stock said city the proposition to incur a bonded in- and Powers shall be the same as those of and Fiscus. ddollars in Gold Coin of the United ebtedness of seven thousand five hundred Boards of Election and of such election offi- Noes: None. under the overning America, for the bject and Purpose of paying municipal elections, and in particularaw s not cov- And I further certify that the President of the cost of paving that portion of South Los ered by such law, then under the general elec- said Board oaordof r the 14tbpro ed and signed frontage of reet tandin front of the owned by id Cit 91 feet e- the meon mbers of saf the id Boa dte of aliforn her inafter named after the passage and adoption tof hereof as g y in Vine- yard Lot "G3," on whici land is situate the Mu- fail to attend at the opening of the Polls on the aforeaid nicipal Electric Light rrpd Water Works, from morning of said election, the electors of the [SEAL) EDWARD B. MERRITT. the Easterly curb lineof said street to the center precinct present at that hour may supply the City Clerk of said Citv of Anaheim. line of said street also the cost of the pav- Place of any such absent member by appoint- ing of the follow' g described intersectiops ment as Provided by said general election of streets, in said ty to -wit: laws. At said special election the polls shall �Y� be opened at six o'clock of the morning of the Ordinance :�o. ? 2 An ordinRnce calling a. special election in the City of Anaheim, �:Iounty of Orpzige. State of Cal forziia„ for the Purpose of r lbritting to the quelifi.ed voters of said city a proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness to pay the cost of certain street work in Caid city, the cost of which will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said city. Whereas, the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, Califor- nia did, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 10th day of Uarch, 1910, by az vote of two-thirds of all its members, duly pass a resol- ution determining that the public interest and necessity demanded the comstruction and completion of the following described street work in said city, to -wit: The paving of that portion of South Los Angeles Street in front of the 210.91 feet of frontage of land owned by said City in Vine- yar4 Lot "G3," on which land is situate the Municipal Electric Light and Water Works, from the Easterly curb line of said Street to the center line of said Street; also the paving of the following described intersections of streets, to -wit: Lemon and Center Streets; Clementine and Center Streets; Adelaide, and Helena Streets and Center Street: Palm and Center Streets: Resh and Center Streets, on Northerly half of Center Street; Citron and Center Streets; Ohio and -Center Streets, on Southerly half of Center Street; Illinois and Center Streets, on Southerly half of Center Street; West andI Center Streets; Walnut Center Streets, on f Southerly hakf of Center Street; Cherry and 11 Cerner Streets; on South Btlg halt"of G enter �- Street; Villa Place and Center Streets, on Northerly half of Center Street; Thalia and Center Street Adams and Center Streets, on E In and by said resolution said Board. of Trustees declared its intention to pave said intersections of said streets, and. said. por- tion of South Los Angeles Street, with asphalt pavement in accord- ance with Specifications No. 4 on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, which specifications were adopted by said. Board of Trustees on February 24th, 1910, and are entitled "Specifications for Paving of Streets in the City of Anaheim with Asphalt Pavement." Arid whereas, the executive of said city, to -wit: the President of the Board of Trustees thereof, did, on the 12th day of March, 1910, duly and regularly approve said resolution; and 1hereas, the estimated cost of said street work is seven thous- and five hundred d.olInrs, 9.W. such cost is and will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of, ea: ,- ,6 ;f , now therefore, w ;aa&a§ The $oprd. of Trustees of the, City of Anaheim do ordain as follo,wrs : Section 1. Viet a special election be and the same is hereby called to be held in the said, City of Anaheim on „�,�,��; the day of 1910, to submit, and at which elec- tion :--h,-ll be subi7iitted, to the qualified voter;, -of said city the proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of seven thousand five hundred dollars in Gold. "oin of the United. States of America, for the object and purpose of paying the cost of paving th^t portion of. South Los Angeles Street in front of the 210.91 feet of frontage of land owned by said City in Vineyard Lot "G311, on which land. is situate the R-unicipal Flectric Light and Water Torks, from the F.Pst- erly curb line of said. street to the center line of said street; and also the cost of the paving of the following described intersections of streets in said.^,ity, to -writ: S^id intersebtions of streets, and said portion of South Los Angeles Street, to be paved with asphalt concrete pavement in ae- cordan-ln --lfith SPecif_ iations No. 4 on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, ,vhich specificatior:s were adopted by said uN �4 q1n nd are entitled Merl 3o?.r. d. of Tract Pes on , Zf�O®, `I Ss>ecifications for Pavir:g of Streets in the City of Anaheim with Asph?lt 10MVPA" Pavement -11 And. said last mentioned date is hereby fixed as the date for hold.ing said. election, Pnd the said proposition to incur municipal for the object and purpose hereinbefore stated, indebtedness ks hereby c,!iabm.ittod to said voters for their determin- ?tion at said election. Sec. 2. That the estim=,ted lost of said street 1rTork hereinbe- fore described `.s, seven t rioi.z:;anr. five hundred dollars, and such o -,n! of I' -f - i C t o of 1, r i y 0 f A n 'I P, ..i.... 0 r" Tlw?t 9 �,.)n bell., t"'In ­q;"e ,)Y to be held I"; t' ,(-. 01" the C)f 1,11? (A to vub,,rit, end at elon,- ll; c,­o,jtj-,)n to -L I- �i­rir r) b o nd. l--:� v r 1, h (j U oil n, I o IL a r. 0 T, I -i 4 t t + c) f fo- Lp'j j ( t6301 .o� o, + Ai� f ­r i 1 `'lent o1" ' 0 J 1 t of of QJ o G,, 2 1!7� 1, t. 1), t t 7'orks, f P t I; o f t e t 'Arcet to t 1-�e PI _L o ^0 ;1. -)-r• !7 tom, of the 0,T. -'1 -4 I -It I _):�Vin,,­ Lemon Lemon and Center Streets; Clementine and enter Streets; Adelaide and Helena Streets 2d Center Street; Palm and Center Streets; esh and Center Streets on Northerly half of enter Street, Citron and Center Streets; 1hio and Center Streets, on Southerly half of and anda-03enter Streets, on Southerly utherly half of Cen- ter Street; Cherry. and Center Streets, on Southerly half of tenter Street; Villa Place and Center Streets. on Northerly half of Cen- ter Street. Thalia and Center' Streets-, Adams and Center Streets, on Southerly half of Ce,,, - ter Street. i 1 : t 6 ' 'r e b t L 0 r, 0j .ats, n., I p o - r- t o; of Soil t I -. L o s -,t e t it ol! 7-6.tE= pqv t on -0 or, file in the offiie of T'le of JL t y 0 by id _2 �_ On J%m Q* n, t i 0 1 i}1' 7, j of lm.nJipirn 'lith t t 1, r 1-"Y Y, (1�� r) e t e, ..'OI' t to in -u1 ai 01, 0,L)J c, t r t -,) t e, . 11 'o voter,, fo-r t! -,CJ ­ c),, reet 1-rork t tlif� o­�;ti` I 11 f 711,1 1 -,. t'.1,­­­�—Al I - ", I.- ''a -`V -ost it arc vT.il be too Ureat to be paid out of the ordin,rlf Snrual inCi)f1 ` ""'d revenue of said ^. ity. Sec. 3. That if the pr<)position to incur said indebtedness in s^id sum of sever. thousand. five hundred dollars, gold coin as afore- said, for the object and purpose above mentioned, shall be accepted by the qjlalified voters of said city ns in this ordinance and by la,.,r provided, then aTie in that nPSe bonds of :)aid city to the amount of ; rO0.00 gold. coin ^s aforesaid, for the payment of the cost of the municipal ir_lprovement aforesaid shall issue as follovis, to- vit : Said bonds shall be negotiable in form and. shall be of a character knoArn at. :,erials and shall bear the rate of intf�rest and be paid as hereinr�ftPr provided. The bonds authorized to be issued pursuant to said election :hall bear interest at the rate of five; per cent.per annum, payable .Terni- lnnivally, and the principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable in Gold. Coi11e United, States of America in the mann- er folio'.,Q . nZ. to -grit: �re-forrtt ,eth part of the whole amount of the principal o:f said indebtedness shall be paid each and evert year on a day and date and at a place within the United States to be hereafter fixed by said Hoard of Trustees of said city, together Tith the interest on all sums unpaid at such dates; provided, that the interest 6n said bonds shall be paid semi-annually, so tiia.t there shall be a p2yment of interest on all sums then unpaid in each and eVery half year, one of such semi-annual payments in each year being; ^t the date of the payment of the annual installment of the principal of such indebtedness as aforesaid; Pnd. provided fur - then, that said interest :hall be evidenced by the proper coupons �IR.a attached to said bonds, a separate coupon being a.tta^hed. to each bond for each semi-pnnunl payment of the interest to bPcome due on such bonri. And it is further ordered that the total indebtedness authorized to be created at said election shall be .represented by bonds payable in the manneraforesaid, and that said bonds shall be issued, in such denominations P.s the Board of Trustees of said City of AT-1�hrl-Jr-a shall xrrthoxixR c_F;terr.!ine, nnd. that said bonds shall be Rno-rrrx ..as Street Irnprovement Bonds. Se^.. 4. Tl.^.t the manner of hold.inZ said special election and of voting thereat for and ^.amain it incurring swirl indebtedness shall be as ;provided in thic, ordinance, and t7�at in all particulars not recited herein, such election shall be held as provided by lair for holdinZ municipal election;; in ^ict. rnunicipality. ;a.id election shall be conducted by the Board of Flection, consisting of. � in- spectort, 44�Ajud.ge�,, ^ lerkK ,and. t*weAballot cvlerkp(, hose ctuties and po°Tver:� sh^.11 be the same as those of Bo?rds of Flection and of ru^h election officers,respectively, under the 1pw governing muni- cipal elections, and in particulars riot covered by such law, then under the general election lai±vs of the State of California. If any of the members of said Board hereinafter named fail to attend at the opening of the poll -S) on the mo.rnin, of said election, the Plec- tore of the precinct present at that hour inay supply the place of any unll ai�sent member by ap�z�ointment aU provided by saica e:4 r?1 election laws. At said special election the polls shali be opened at six o'clock of the morning of the cagy of election, and must be. kept open until six o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, when the polls shall be closed, except as provided in section 1164 of the Political Code of the State, of California. Sec. 5. That for the purpose of said special election the said City of Anaheim shall be and the same is hereby regularly constituted and established as one election precinct to be known and designated as "Anaheim:1,unicipal Flection Precinct," the boundaries of 7hich Precinct shall be and are hereby fixed as Pnd at, and co -extensive with, the exterior boundaries of the said City of Anaheim. In said precinct, to -wit: said. City of Anaheim, the polls V"Till be held in the City Hall of said City, in the room therein known as the chainber of the Board of Trustees of said city, said place being one in which elections have usually been held, and being i,, --i said Drecinct. And the, said election will be conducted by thR in <pectorQl, jud,; 4, clerk and ballot clerk, respectively, hereinafter hatred as follows, to—wit: tlC. G. 45 Ballot C1� x°k to Sai(I persons are hereby sunh O`ri 1 ^?r." to conduct said election and ^onstitute said Board. of F,1Pction; and said Board of. Election and said. of'fi^.rrs shall conduct, and are hereby dirct�d to ^ondu^t,.id. rlection as by this ordinance and by lav provided, and to canvass the votes 4iven and. ^ast at said f:peciel election, :end to make and deliver returns thereof to said Board of Trtlnt Fes. Sec. 6. The ballot to be used at said special election shall be printed. in the following form: t�un2^gip`+1 'i`�^ket . Ana:.eitn Iy.;unicipal �11Pct _on Precinct. Instruction;; to Voters. To vote or n proposition stl�inj, a �yrosf� (::) in the voting square to the rz.,;ht of and onpos ite the ?nsl7er you desire to five. ALL MARKS EX"IRPT THE CROSS (Y.) AI T, FORBIDI`EN . ALL DISTINGUISHING i•, ARKS OI?,? ."L P, ,S AFP' ^ORBIDDFN AMD MAKE THE BALLOT VOID. IF YOU WRONGLY STA?,'P, TI,AR OL DR,"FACE TRIS ?ALLC ', rnt,I rn it to the inspector Of election and obtRin another. Shall the City of Anaheim incur a bonded indebtedness of $7500.00 to pay the cost of paving that portion of South Los Angeles Street in front of the lend on 1,lihich is sittrste the Municipal Electric Light and tArate'r ,?.orks, and the cost of paving certain street it r.secti.ons, in icl, city, a.s set forth i*,- Ordinat-:ce No. x of the lily of Anaheim? Yes Ho sec. 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and C WSe the same to be published once a week for two weeks in the orange County Plaindealer, a newspaper of general cir— culation printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and published less than six days in a week, to—wit: weekly, and thereupon it shall take effect and be in full force. I hereby approve the above ordinance this 14 day of %-1 v, 1910. President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of AnaheiMq held on the 24th day of March, 19109 and that it was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 14th day of April, 1910, by the following vote: a Ayes: Trustees /t..- Noes: i,.-Noes: And I further certify that the President of"said. Board of Trustees approved and signed said ordinance on the � day of April, 1-9109 after the passage and adoption thereof as aforesaid. City Clerk of said City of Anaheim. seal)