231��« L � � aC �� dC. f� �,-1-� . �t�l4.r,.-..� c: � - c<<--. �c, Affidavit of Publication. In the Superior Cou t o th County of Orange, Stat of2ali rnia. dRalANCrE."I tx Zai. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE. I � . .. ........ ..... , being first duly sworn, deposesand says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned..he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at, and during all said times the printer, publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intel- ligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of pay- ing subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular .intervals for more than one year preceding the first publi- cation of the notice herein mentioned; that the .......................... ..........................of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least...... ,_�%1� ........................ dayx, c on the .....day of... /,w� 1. ' ......19V/1 e ...... . ..... dMY_r4... ......................... 1 e, that is to say, on the following dates, to -wit: ..Z,. ....... /� .� ./.�............................................ ' �ltlaifEitn, to -wit: i+Cnter from - A_dams8tree# .to. t11e ; f06m `EBtree# to ©range 4tr� Month' RpsC .Street, from Ceti Street to . Cypress street Nq, Vine Street from Center Street, Cypress 'Street,; Broadway 4 tri from Wafnpt 3tree#, to, the W+ limits of the City; ;Chestnut Stri from Palm Street to the Weft ti of the;, Etrtrprise Tr -act; and. fel West _ Street -_� Walnut, . Stree County .1toad from 'West Street. the VYitstt #f�ni•„of” the City; Can flop Avenue #riom Peat f ent Cori #toad. shd West, .Stra from „center Streek NorthS" ORDINANCE NO. 231. An, ordinance est,a,blishing.•the grade of certain points in, the following described streets in, the City of Anaheim, to -wit,: Center Street, from Adams Street, to, the West limits of said City; Cypress Street from East, Street, to, Orange Street; North Rose Street from Center Street, to Cypress Street; North Vine Street from Center Street to Cypress Street; Broadway Street from Walnut, Street, to, the West, limits of the City; Chestnut Street from Palm Street, to the West line of the, Enterprise Tract, and from West Street, to Walnut Street.; County Road from West Street to. the West limits of the City; Carle- ton Avenue friom Pearl Street, to County Road, and West, Street from Center Street to, North Street. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section 1. Throughout this ordinance the Northeast corner shall be under- stood to mean the junction of the North and East curb lines of the intersecting streets; the Northwest corner shall be understood to mean the junction of the North and West curb lines of the inter- secting streets; the Southeast corner shall be understood to mean the junction of the South and East curb lines of the intersecting streets, and the Southwest corner shall be understood to mean the junction of the South and West curb lines of the intersecting streets. Sec. 2. The grades in this ordinance shall be understood to be the distance in feet above a datum plane 152.03 feet below a standard bench mark on the iron door plate at the Northwest corner of the Metz Block as heretofore estab- lished by Ordinance No. 98 of the City of Anaheim, entitled "An ordinance es- tablishing a Datum Plane and designat- ing Bench Marks therein." Sec. 3. The grade of Center Street from Adams Street to the West limits of said City of Anaheim is hereby estab- lished as follows: At the intersection of Center Street and Adams Street the Southeast corner shall be as already es- tablished by Section 7 of Ordinance No. 160 of said City; the Southwest corner shall be 128.80; the Nortty curb of Ce.- -- ter Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Adams Street shall be 129.10; the North curb of Cen- ter Street at the West limits of said City shall be 128.75; the South curb of Center Street at the West limits of said City shall be 128.45. Sec. 4. The grade of Cypress Street from .East Street to Orange Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Fast Street and Cypress Street the Southwest corner shall be 164.05; the Northwest corner shall be 164.20; at a point 151.65 feet West of the West line of East Street the North curb of Cypress Street shall be 162.00 and the South curb opposite thereto shall be 161.80; at the intersection of Cypress Street and North Rose Street the Southeast corner shall be 161.20; the Southwest corner shall be 161.00. At the intersection of Cypress Street and North Vine Street the Southeast corner shall be 160.00, and the Southwest corner shall be 159.80. At the intersection of Cy- press Street and Orange Street the Northeast corner shall be 159.30, and the Southwest corner shall be 159.10. Sea 5. The grade of North Rose Street from Center Street to Cypress Street is hereby established as toitows: At the intersection of North 'rose Street and Center Street the Northeast Burner shall be 161.10, and the Northwest cor- ner snail be 160.85; at a point 3Ull feet South of the South line of Cypress Street the East curb of North. Rose Street shall be 161.80, and the West curb opposite thereto shall be 161.60_ At the intersection of North Rose Street and Cypress Street the grades shall be as established by Section 4 of this ordi- nance. Sec. 6. The grade of North Vine Street from Center to Cypress Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of North Vine Street and Center Street the Northeast corner shall be 159.80 and the Southwest corner shall be 159.65. At a point 300 feet South of the South line of Cypress Street the East curb lineof North Vine Street shall be 160.60, and the Nest curb op- posite thereto shall be 160.40. At the in- tersection of North Vire Street and Cy- press Street the grade shall be. as es- tablished by Section 4 of this ordinance. Sec. 7. The grade of Broadway Street from Walnut Street to the West limits of said City is hereby established ?" fol- lows: At the intersection or 13rt dw."Y Street and Walnut Street the Northeast corner shall be 133.80; the Southeast cor- ner shall be 133.80; the Southwest corner shall be 133.60, and the Northwest cor- ner shall be 133.60. At the intersection of Broadway Street and Cherry Street the Northeast corner shall be 122.90; the Northwest corner shall be 132.60; the South curb of Broadway Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Cherry Street shall be 132.75. At the intersection of Broadway Street and Thalia Street the Northeast corner shall be 130.55; the Northwest corner shall be 130.35; the South curb of Broadway Street at its intersection with the ex- tended center line of Thalia Street shall be 130.45. The Northcurb of Broadway Street at the West limits of said Citv shall be 128.90, and the South curb of Broadway Street at the West limits of said City shall be 128.90 Sec. 8. The grade of Chestnut Street from Palm Street to the West line of the Enterprise Tract as shown on a map recorded in Book 4 page 89 of Miscella- neous Maps, Records of Orange County California, is hereby established as fol- lows: At the intersection of Chestnut Street and Palm Street the Northeast corner and the Southeast corner shall be as established by Section 10 of ordinance No. 160 of said City; the Southwest cor- ner shall be 143.15 and the Northwest corner shall be 143.25. At the West line of said Enterprise Tract the North curb of Chestnut Street shall be 140.75 and the South curb opposite thereto shall be 140.60. Sec 9. The grade of Chestnut Street from West Street to Walnut Street is tat ersec mr, o an' Street the Southwest corner shall be 135.60, and the Northwest corner shall be 135.80. At the intersection of Chest- nut Street and Walnut Street the North- east corner shall be 154.70; the South- east corner shall be 134.50; the West curb of Walnut Street at its intersec- tion with the extended center line of Chestnut Street shall be 134.30. Sec. 10 The grade of County Road from West Street to the West limits of said City is hereby established as fol- lows: At the intersection of Vilest Street and County Road the Southwest corner shall be 136.60, and the Northwest cor- ner shall be 136.90. At the intersection of County Road and Carleton Avenue the Northeast corner shall be 134.70; the Northwest corner shall be 134.50; the South curb of County Road at its inter- section with the extended center line of Carleton Avenue shall be 134.60. At the intersection of County Road and Villa Place the Southeast corner shall be 132.05; the Southwest corner shall be 131.90, the North curb of County Road at its intersection with the extended line of Villa Place shall be 130.85. At the intersection of County Road and Thalia Street the Southeast corner shall be 131.00; the Southwest corner shall be 130.50, the :io'rth curb of County twat at its intersection with the exienaed cam., ter line of Thalia Street shall be 131;.65. At the West omits of ,,aiu Ci,y -n North curb of County Road shall be 129.90, and the South curb opposite thereto shall be 129.90. Sec- 11. The grade of Carleton Ave- nue from Pearl Street to County Road is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Carleton Avenue and Pearl Street the Northeast corner shall be 135.60; the Southeast corner shall be 135.50; the Southwest corner shall be 135.30 and the Northwest corner shall be 135.40. At the intersection of Carleton Avenue and Diamond Street the North- east corner shall be 135.00; the South- east corner shall be 135.00; the South- west corner shall be 134.80 and the Northwest corner shall be 134.80. At the North line of the alley 135 feet South of the South line of Diamond Street, the East curb of 'Carleton Ave- nue shall be 135.40 and the West curb opposite thereto shall be 135.20. At the intersection of Carleton Avenue and County Road the grade shall be as es- tablished by Section 10 of this ordin- ance. from Center Street to North Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Vest Street and Center Street the Northeast corner shall be as established by Ordinance No. 160 of said City, and the Northwest corner shall be 136.70. At the intersection of Nest Street. and Comity load the grad- es shall be as established by Section 10 of this ordinance. At the intersection of West Street and Diamond Street the Southwest corner shall be 137.30; the Northwest corner shall be 137.30; the East curb of West Street at its inter- section with the extended center line of Diamond Street shall be 137.60. At the intersection of West Street and Pearl Street the Southct est corner shall be 136.30; the Northwest corner shall be 136.30; the East curb of West Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Pearl Street shall be 136.60. At the intersection of West Street and Sy- camore ycamore Street the Northeast corner shall be 138.70; the Southeast corner shall be 138.70; the West curb of West Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Sycamore: Street shall be 138.50. At the intersection of West Str^et and Burton Avenue the South- west corner shall be 136.50; the North- west corner shall be 136.80; the East curb of West Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Bur- ton Avenue shall be 137.00. At the in- tersection of West Street and North Street the Southeast corner shall be 138.80 and the Southwest corner shall be 138.80. Sec 13. All ordinances or parts of or- dinances in conflict with the provisions ify to the passage of tins ordin .. shall cause the same to be pub-Tished once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation print- ed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. C. O. RUST. President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing or- dinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 23rd day of Feb- ruary, 1911, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 9th day of March, 191.1, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Lust, Gates, Stark. Stock and Nebelung. Noes: None. I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the 9th day of March 1911. EDWARD B. MERRITT, Clerk of the City of Anaheim. (Seal.) - 0rdinPe No. a.3.' An ordinance estpblishing the grade of certain points in the following described streets in the City of Anp..heirri, to—wit: Center Street from Adms„Street to the Fest limits of said City; CyPress S reef ror:'. T,'nst ,.,treet to Orange Street; North Rose, Street frora ",enter Street to ",yprpss Street; Alort�: G`iT�e Street from Center Street to cypress Street: Broadway Street fmom walnut Street to the test limits of the Oily; "hes.tnut Street from Palm Street to the west lisle of the Enterpri,veIr _ , ?rid. frorr`i ?!Test street to vrRlnut Street; 'Iounty Ros.d. from West Street to the west 1:'raits of the City; Tarle— ton Avenue from Pearl St --opt to "ol i.ty Road, and '!est S$'reet from I.entar Street to North Street. lows: The Board. of Trusteefi of the f7it.Y of Araheirq do ordain as fol— Section 1. Throughout this ordinance the 14ortheast corner shall rye aindPrct��od to mean the junction of the North and Fast curb lazips of the intersecting streets; the Northwest corner shall e under— stood to mean the jun^tion of the North and West curb lines of the vtrePts; the Southeast corner shall be understood to mean the junction of the South and Nast curd; iiites of the intersect— n_! strf'Pts, and. the South rst e orrier : h211 be understood to viepn mzrb the jun^ti.on of zl.n jol:ith and .,Test^lines of the intersecting street,,:. Sec. P. The grades ir: t lis ord.ina;.ce shall be tznc?.erstooc.1_ to be the distance in feet above a datum plane 152.0 feet below a stPn— d.ard bench r^ark ori the iron Boor pl=ate nt the Northwest corner of the Vetry Block, as heretofore established by Ordinnnoe No.98 of the o' Ani+heim, entitled "An ordinance establishing a Tatum Plane aT:d desi natiTlg Bench barks therein.11 Sec. 3. The grade nf Center Street from Adams Street to the Nest limits of said City of. Anaheim, :i.s )-v rpby established as fol— lows: At the intersectio.: of Center Street and Adams Street the Southeast tiorner RhAll 're aG alrpaoy established by Section 7 of. 0*dinPT.^.e No. 160 of said city; the Southwest corner shall be 11P8.80; the North enii,b of Center Street qt it st intersection with the extF na- r ed gent er 'Line of. Adams Street shall be 129.10: thf. Aiorth ^,urb of ,,;enter Street at the weet l:Lmits of said City .ihPll „e 1P8.75; the South curb of renter Street Pt the r"lest limits of said City shall bF //++ V J .�. lJ ' 1 Z t SPP. 4. The grade of Cypress Street from East Street to Orange Street is hereby established as follows: P.t the irtersention of Fast Street and Cypress Street the Southwest corner shall be 164.05; the vortil'.t turner shall be 164.0; at a point 151.65 feet :{rest of the !gest line of Fast Street the north euro' Of Cy=,rPr9 Street shall be 1e?.00 9nd the South curb op-osite thereto shall be 161.80; at the intersection or "jTprosr, Street and North Rose Street the. South- n.E:-.>t corner shall be 161.020; th1P Southwest corner shall be 161.00. At the inter: ection of Cypress Street ar.d T Orth Vine Street the Southeast Corner shall be 160.00, =,rai tfie SouthwRrt e orr.r;r s11.a11 be 159.80, At the intersection of C'tpress Street ?nd Orange, Stref:-t the ,ortIle,--st cor.n?r shall be 159.30, and. the South"st corner sha.11 be 159.10. Sec. 5. The grade of Boltz, Hese Street fro?" ^enter Street to Cypress Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersect4Lon n f 1`orth. Rose Street sn(i ",enter Street the Northeast corner shall be 161.10, qnd the Northwest corner L=1i,311 i)e 160.85; at a_ point 300 feet South of the. South line of Cypress Street the Fast curb of North. Ivor>e treet shall be 161.80, ?nd the west curb opposite thereto arhall be 161.60. At the intersection of North Rose Street and ^yrres« Street the grades cha11 be aF Slvvody established by Section 4 of this ordiria_n^e. Sec. 6. The grade of North Vine Street frorl Ceniter to Cypress Street is hereby established as .fol-O'r,v : At the. intersection of ,North Vine Street and renter. Street the Northeast -Iorner sha11 be 159.80 a.'.d M-ne north -rest corner shal.1 be 1x9.65. At a point 3001 f6et South of the South line of Cyfiress StrEet the East Curb line of ,?orth eine Street shall be 160.66, and the west curb opposite thereto shall be 160.4G. p,t the intersection of ,North vine Street and. 'ypre:,s Street the grade shall be as establish e -C by serct:i.c.•rn 4 of this ordinance. Sec. 7. The grade of ;roadway Street fro:a �,;rslnut Street to the a ,Rree t lira:Lts o1 pig (litis he.reby established as follows: At the ir.tf­rsection of Broadway Street ar�d Walnut Street the Nortlle!m.st ^,orner shall be 1:3.80; the Southeast ^orner shall be 133.80; the Southwest ^orner shall. be 13'.60. _,nd the Northwest corner shall be 133.60. At tale intersection of Brondway Street and Cherry Street the PiorthPnct corner shpll be 132.90; the North~Alest ^orner shall be 131'.60; the South ^,i rb of Broad7vny Street Pt its i;ltersection -rith the extended ^enter l;ne of Cherry Street sh?11 be 132.75. At the. of Broodway Street and Thalia Street the North— east corner shp11 be 130.55; they Northwest cornier cthpll be 130.35; the South e curb iixam of Bropdwpy Street at its intersection with the extended conte-, -L -ne of Th^lip Street shall be 130.45. The Forth ^urb of Broadsqpy Street pt: the !Nest limits of said City shall be 128.90, Rnd. the South curb of Broad-.7.,,—y Street pt the West 11mits of said �Iity shall be 11:8.90 vac. 8. Tt.r' grpde of Chpstniit Street from Palm Street to the 11!est rine of the Enterprise Tract ps ::iso.:*2i on p ra,,)p re^ord.ed in Book 4 Page 89 of Visaellane:ous kPPs, i3enords of Orange County, Califorr.i^, fsE„°eY��T est�bli: hpd as follows: At the intersection of Chestnut Street and Pali! Street the Northeast corner and the Southeast ^orner shall be as estsblishpd by Section 10 of kkia or— dinan^e No 160 of said Sity; the Sou.thrept eorner shall be 143.159 and. the northwest corner shall be 112x&I 143.25. At the West line of said Enterprise Trp.^t the North ^urb of Chestnut Street shall bF; 140.75 nr,(i the South ^urb opposite; thereto sha11 bP 140.60. Sec. 9. The Zrade of Chestnut Street from gest Street to Walnut Street is hereb;;r Pstablished as follows: st the intersection of Chestnut Street ^nd West Street the Soutain*e t, corner shall be 135.60, a.nd. the Morthwest corner shall be 135.80. At the intersection of Chestnut S`t,root ^n6 111plvit Street the. Plorthpast corner shell be 134.70; the Southeast corner ;-hpil be 134.50; the West ^t�rb of nTalrnat Street Pt its intersection 17ith t,hE, extended center lire of J� t nu t Street sh P 11 b e; 13 t. -30- Sec. 30- 10. The ­rade of County Road from -,%Pst Street to the Test of sp.irj. "ity IS. hereby Ps, foliows, gat the, inter - r^ -tion of "Vest St -'Pc=t and "ounty Eond the Southwest oorner shall 136.60. !nrl the North,vpst -ornpr rhpll be 136.90. At t"rI.e inter— Fention of r"Ounty norld qn(I Phpll be I34.70; the North�.rtrn-c:t -.Ihpll be; 134-150; the' 'Suftlth iurD of i,Wrid )` i.Merl ,Pr'tion ion �-th t'he #-xtPll ed, renter line of ("Isr"Letoll AvPnue SIIIall be At the intersect.iol-'. of rourty Fopd pnd vii1p Place the Southeast noTnp-- shall be 132-05; the South est norner shp.11 be 131-90: the North r-,rrb of county POP.M. at its the extended line of Villa P1,4ne shaii be 130.8! . At the intersection of county Road and Thalia Street the Southeast corner shall be 131-00; tile Southrest (=ner shall be 130.80; the. North curb klxn of County Road at its intersection with the extended ,,entf�r lire of ThRlf.,i StrOPt f!?jp1l be 130.85. At the ,Ve,E;t limits of said_ City the North curb of "J'oul-ItY RORd shall be, I IV Ir" 9 j.?9.90, the .13outh enirb opposite, 0 shall be l' 9. 0. Sec. 11. The f-rtide. of Carleton AVenur-, from Pearl St-rPPt to County Road, is herel),,ir f�StPblished as f011O-,T1s : Pt the intersection of Carleton Avel"Ile, vrLd pep.ri Street the. Northeast corner shall be 175.(io; th(, southe-pst -,ornp,-r slipll be 135-50: t1i.p. southwest ('-.Orner 11 shall be 135-30 and the North,1('!st iorner shell be, 1355.40. At the interse-Ition. of Carleton Avr!nue qnd Diamond Street the Northeast ,,orner shell be 1,35-00; the Southeast ^o-rner shall be 135-00; the Southwest corner shall be 134.80 a.nd. the Northwest corner shall be 4,ialley feet South of the south 134.80. At the North line Of UII ,p 1� 17F, line of Diamond Street, the Fast curb of Carleton Avenue shal-Ii. be 17E,,.40 r-nd the ,,Tpst iurb Opposite thereto shp,11 be 135.000. At the inters,tior of, Carleton Aven-ie and p I oi,4,nty Ropd the -r9dP shplll be .qs established by SeItiol! 10 of this ordinance. Seo. 1,111. Thp grade of -t street frfromrenter Street to North Street is hereby established as follO.9s: at the interne^tion of Pe�;t Q,tro,-,t, and ^enter Street the Northeast corner shill bc: as es- tsblished by Ordinance No. 160 of said City, nn(I the lJorthwest cor- ner shall be 136.70. At the intvrseetion of "Pest Street and County load the grades shall be a.s Pstablished by Section 10 of this or- dinance. At the intersection. of 'Arest Street and Diaslond street the so,a.th'rnst corner shall be 137.30; the Lorthwest Corner shall be 137.30; tha East curb of 1a7ent Strr--et -t its intersection with the extended center line of Diamond Street shall be, 137.60. At the in- tF n,-ection of ,xrf,,s.t Street and. Pearl Street the southwest Corner shall be 136.30; the North�^Test {!ornrr sha11 be 136.30; the Fast curb of. Test Street at its intersection with the extended center line of P,ail Street sha11 be 136.60. At the intersection of Frest Street and Sycamore Street the Northeast cor:ie'r :-?gall be 178.70; the So?.ztheast corner shall be 138.70; the Test ^urb of T" st Street at its intersection with thF! eyterded. center line of Sycamore street shni—L be 138.0. At tYi,=+ inti--rse^tion of '#last Street 'ilnc Bi'rton Av eniie the southwost corner shall be 136-80; the Yorthwest corner shill be 136.80; the rlast clzri of '"rent ;treat ot its inters-�etion with the extended center line of Burtol: Avenue shell be 137.00. At 11:0 int ersPctioil of nIFst street and. North Street tY1F Southe8st ',Or- ner sli?11 be 138.80 -id the South i F -!f t 7ornr-r shall bp 11,28.80. ^P^. 13. All ordinances or parts of ordinai,ces in conflict with the provisions of this ordinanne are hereby repealed. Sec. 14. The City C1Prk shall certify to the passage of this orn i.n<`-n(7,e hnd. Chill cal.lse the same to be published onoe ii -,L the Ana- hein, Gazette;, a weekly newspgrer of t;f;nf''i '1 ,,irculation printed, published and ciriulatPd in said City of Arialieim, and thereupon and thereaftfr it shall bF- in fiz.11 force, a.nd effect. Prf°sidt>nt of the Board of Trustee.-, or the Cite of Anaheim. J T hereby ^ertify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the city of Anaheim, held on the 2 3�d day of February, 15119 and that it was duly Passed. at, a regizlar -meeting of c^ick_ Board. of Trustees held or, the �— �lA L day f'y, 1511, by thf- fi'olio;7inn vote: Ayec : Trustres I further certify that the Pr(,PidPnt of. said Board. of Tru^tees rig.ed said ordinance on the day of gt-4MI±=9 1911. Ilerk of the lity of Anaheim.