0786AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) Richard Fischle -- ------ .. of said county, being first duly sworn, says—that he is a finale citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- terest in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that he is the Principal clerk.._.: -.- - -.-.--- of the Anaheim Bulletin a..dalY ---- --- newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said Anaheim Bulletin is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it has been p7-inted and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the Ordinance.-- fila -,-1$6-- --------...--- ------ _----_-------------_--- of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper at least----. --- _one issue - -------------- commencing on the .... �ra..... day of _- Pet ober 19 3.Lrid ending on the ----------------day of _.-------- - ---- T3otice 19 ------and that said --------------- -- ----- -------- -- ___ - - was published on the following days: October 3, 1951 -- - ---- -- - Subscribed d sworn to before me this...�J� /l.day of - - -- ----- - No tar iblic. r My Couirnissluli i xp-Jires Aug. 8, 15.3 Wednesday, October 3, 1951 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 7S6 AN ORDINANCE; OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CREATING, ES- TABLISHING AND ;ADOPTING A CODE OF T TY OF ANAHEIM FOR ARD- ING PER OPER- TY AND PROM G THE WELFARE OF THE PUBLIC. CREATING THE OFFICE OF CITY ELECTRICIAN AND PRESCRIBING HIS QUALIFI- CATIONS, DUTIES, RIGHTS AND AUTHORITY! ESTAB- LISHING STANDARDS FOR iWLECTRiCAL EQUIPMkU%T, AND FOR ITS INSTALLATION REQUIRING C O N F O R M ITY THEREWITH. MAKING IT UN- LAWFUL TO UNDER'T'AKE - T$E IINSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL E Q U I P M E NT WITHOUT A PERMIT THERE- FOR, EXCEPT AS OTHER- WISE PROVIDED; PROVID- ING FOR THE COLLECTION OF INSPECTION FEES. REIN- SPECTION AND THE ISSU- ANCE OF CERTIFICATES;' PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THF VIOLATION OF THIS CODE AND REPEALING ALL CODES OR ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF CODES OR ORDI- NANCF.S IN CONFLICT WITH THIS CODE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF aANAHEIM DOES OR- DAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The provisions of this code shall apply to all install- ations of electrical material, fitt- ings, devices, appliances, fixtures and apparatus hereafter referred to as "Electrical Equipment" within or on public and private buildings, structures, and premises and with the following general ex- ceptiOns: -- (a) The provisions of this code shall not apply to installations in ships, railway cars or automotive equipment. (b) The'provisions of this code shall not apply to installations used by electricity supply or com- munication agencies in the genera- tion, transmission or distribution of electricity, or for the operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence in the exercise of their function as such agencies and lo- cated outdoors or in buildings used exelusively for that purpose. (c) The provisions of this code shall not apply to electrical equip- ment used for radio transmission, other than electrical equipment for radio transmission in amateur ra- dio transmitting stations, and all electrical equipment used for power supply to transmitting .equipment. CITY ELECTRICIAN SECTION 2: The City Council of the City of Anaheim shall appoint a,.Qlty ,MigA.i ice �r . .. LEGAL; NOTICE dera of the State of California, ani with approved standards for safet: to life and property. Listing or la beling as conforming to the Stand ards of Underwriters' Laboratories Inc., as approved by the Unite4 States Bureau of Mines, the Amer scan Standards Association, th, United States Bureau of 1Standards or other similar institutions of rec ognized standing, shall be prime facie evidence of conformity wit] approved standards of safety to lif, and property. (c) USED MATERIALS: Preva ously used- material shall not b, re -used without the written ap. proval obtained in advance Iron the Electrical Inspector. (d) DOCUMENTS ON FILE: Three Copies of the Electrical Safety Or dera are on file at the office o the City Clerf and are hereby in corporated by reference and made a part of this code in accordanc With the laws of the State of Cali fornia. (e) NAMEPLATE: The maker's nameplate, trademark, or other identification symbol shall be plac ed on the outside where it is vis this at time of inspection on at electrical materials, devices, e.pplt• ances, fittings and equipment uses or installed under the provisions of thiscode. f). Electric wiring installed it or on structures identified by the Uniform Building Code under "A' to "H" occupancies, inclusive. Seo table of groups of occupancy it Section 31. Electric wiring enelo. sures shall be approved rigid meta: conduit or electrical metallic tub. ing. Flexible metallic conduit mas beused, but must be concealed from mechanical injury and at Tic time can It be installed in: the open or in concrete floors or walls. (g) Electric wiring to in or on buildings or structures w defined by the Uniform Building Code under '.I" and "J" Occupan- cies shall be any method approved by safety orders. (h) Galvanized- or sheradized rig- id metal conduit shall be required .in concrete or masonry floors, un- derground and outside of building$,, or where exposed to the weather., (1) Electric Metallic Tubing (E.M.T.) may be` used in hollow masonry wails. ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS SECTION 6: (ai) Alterations or extensions to, and alterations and renewals of existing installations shall be made in compliance with the provisions of the code. (b) In locations where metallic conduit is required, but the exist- ing installrution was lawfully in. stalled according to any other lova' ordinance, code or order, the exist- ing type of installation may bi used provided such addition or ex. tension doom not exngedfjftX er, l: k Wednesday, October 3, 1951 ANAHEIM M LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 796 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CREATING, ES- TABLISHING AND ;ADOPTING A CODE OF T TY OF ANAHEIM FOR ARD- ING PERSONS OPER- TY AND PROM - G THE WELFARE OF THE PUBLIC. CREATING THE OFFICE OF CITY ELECTRICIAN AND PRESCRIBING HIS QUALIFI- CATIONS, DUTIES, RIGHTS AND AUTHORITY: ESTAB- LISHING STANDARDS FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, AND FOR ITS INSTALLATION REQUIRING C O N F O R M ITY THEREWITH. MAKING IT UN- LAWFUL TO UNDERTAKE - TIIR IINSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL E Q U I P M E NT WITHOUT A PERMIT THERE - FOB, EXCEPT AS OTHER- WISE PROVIDED; PROVID- ING FOR THE COLLECTION OF INSPECTION FEES, REIN- SPECTION AND THE iSSU- A NCE OF CERTIFICATES; - - PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS CODE AND REPEALING ALL CODES OR ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF CODES OR ORDI- NANCES IN CONFLICT WITH THIS CODE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ,ANAHEIM DOES OR- DAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The provisions of this code shall apply to all install- ations, of electrical material, fitt- ings, devices, appliances. fixtures and apparatus hereafter referred to as "Electrical Equipment" within or on public and private buildings, structures, and premises and.with the following general ex- ceptibns: - - (a) The provisions of this code shall not apply to installations in ships, railway cars or automotive equipment. (b) The'provisions of this code shall not apply to installations used by electricity supply or com- munication agencies in the genera- tion,transmission or distribution of electricity, or for the operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence in the exercise of their function as such agencies and lo- cated outdoors or in buildings used exclusively for that purpose. (c) The provisions of this code shall.not apply to electrical equip- ment used for radio transmission, other than electrical equipment for radio transmission in amateur ra- dio transmitting stations, and all electrical equipment used for power supply to it transmting .equipment. CITY ELECTRICIIAN SECTION 2: The City Council of the City of Anaheim shall appoint a City Electrician for the City of Anaheim, who shall hold office during the pleasure of the' City Council, whose compensation shall be fixed by the City Council by res- olution and ma0y be changed by them' at their discretion in the same -manner. The City Electrician shall have the management and control of the municipal light and power system of said city, together with the street lighting and fire ailarm sys- tems and, all appurtenances there. to, sub't to the supervision of the CitecCouncil of the City of Anaheim: ,DUTIES Or THE CITY ELECTRICIAN SECTION 3,: It shall be the duty of the City. Electrician to enforce the provisions of this code. He shall, upon' application, grant per mita for the installation or aatera- tion of electrical equipment, and shall make inspections of electri- cal installations as provided in this code. He shall keep complete rec- ords of all permits issued, Inspec- tions and reinspections made, and other official work performed in ageordance with the provisions of this code. It shall be unlawful .for the City Electrician or any of his assistants to engage in the business of the sale. installation or maintenance o LEGAL NOTICE ders of the State of California, and with approved standards for safety to life and property.. Listing or la- beling as conforming to the Stand- ards of Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., as approved by the United States Bureau of Mines, the Amer- ican Standards Association, the United States Bureau of standards, or other similar institutions of rec- ognized, standing, shall be prima facie 'evidence of conformity with approved standards of safety to life and property. (c) USED MATERIALS: Previ- ously used- material shall not be re -used without the written ap- proval obtained in advance from the ,Electrical Inspector. (d) DOCUMENTS ON FILE: Three copies of the Electrical Safety Or- ders are on file at the office of the City Clerk and are hereby in- corporated by reference and made a part of this code in accordance with the laws of the State of Cali- fornia. (e) NAMEPLATE: The maker's nameplate, trademark, or other identification symbol shall be plac- ed on the outside where it is vls- ibis at time of inspection on all electrical materials, devices, appli- ances, fittings and equipment used or installed under the provisions of thiscode. f) Electric Wiring installed in or on structures Identified by the Uniform Building Code under "A" to ,H" occupancies, inclusive. See table of groups of occupancy in Section 31. Electric wiring enclo- sures shall be approved rigid metal conduit or electrical metallic tub- ing. Flexible metallic conduit may be used, but must be concealed from mechanical injury and at no time can it be installed In, the open or in concrete floors or.walls. (g) Electric wiring installed in or on buildings or structures as defined by the Uniform" Building Code tinder "I" and "J" Occupan- cies shall be any method approved by safety orders. (h) Galvanized' or sheradized rig- id metal conduit shall be required .in concrete or masonry floors, un- derground. and nderground.and outside of buildings., or where exposed to the weather.. (1) Electric Metallic T u'b i n g (E.M.T.) may be used in hollow masonry walls. ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS SECTION 6: (al) Alterations or extensions to, and alterations and renewals of existing installations shall be made in compliance with the provisions of the code. (b) In locations where metallic conduit is required, but the exist. ing installrution was lawfully -in- stalled according to any other local ordinance, code or order, the exist- ing type of installation may be used provided such addition or ex. tension does not exceed fifty per- cent (5011o) of the connected load to any circuit or circuits. (c) Where such additions, &Iter- ations or extensions are due to damage by , fire, any.part repaired, altered to or extended shall be of a type required by this code, pro- videduch damage exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the airea of the structure. (d) Old sequence meter install- ations In service porches or rooms and on outside of house,- shall be changed to new sequence when additions to structure require addi- tions to circuit or circuits. Outside' WOO SECTION 7: No open wiring re- n one s -et of knobs oi ivatt more a rinsulators each circuit shall be installed on the outside of build- ings. Knobs or insulators shaill. be of solid. type, .and nails or spikes shall not be considered as adequate support for such knobs or insula- tors. All open wiring shall have the minimum clearances as con- tained in the State Electrical Safe- ty Orders. SIZE OF SERVICE CONDUIT SECTION 8: The minimum size concealed service wiring shall not be less . than one (1) inch trade size. When electric range outlet is included in rough wiring, then one and one quarter (1%) inch shall be LEGAL NOTICE supply general lighting circuits only. (c) Twenty (20.). ampere circuits sh911 supply general appliance cir- cuits outlets and, convenience out. lets only. (d) Each single family dwelling or each occupancy of a multifa- mily dwelling shall have not less than one . (1) 9.e n e.r a I lighting branch circuit. (e) Each single family dwelling oreach occupancy' of a1 multi-fa- mil ulti-fa mily shall have not less than one (1) general appliance circuit rat- ed at twenty (20) amperes on which not to exceed eight (8) ap- pliance outlets may be installed. In occupancies, general appliance branch circuits which supply out- lets in any kitchen, laundry; pan- try. dining room, and breakfast room, shall not supply ony other outlets unless there are less than eight (8) outlets ,in any one oc- cupancy. (f) Each single family dwelling or each occupancy of a multifa- mily dwelling having, over five hundred (500) square feet of floor area in any one. occupaincy shall have at least one twenty (20) am- pere convenience outlet circuit supplying current to outlets as required elsewhere in this code with twelve (12) convenience out- lets per circuit. (g), In all residential occupan- cies, convenience outlets and re- ceptacles shall be provided and in- stalled in each and every service porch, sun room, breakfast room or nook, dining room, bathroom, bed- room and living room, located so that at no point on any wall shall it be a greater distance than twen- ty (20) feet measured horizontally along the base from convenience outlet to convenience outlet. In addition an appliance outlet shall be provided and installed at the lo- cation of every range, refrigera- tor, washing machine or laundry tray or ironing board. (h) Each and every livable room shall have at least one (1) general lighting outlet rated at not less than required elsewhere in' this code. Living rooms and bedrooms may be excepted, provided one (1) or more outlets required as conve- nience are provided send controll- ed by an accessible wall switch. Drop cords shall not be installed in any closets. (i) Not more than twelve (12) lighting outlets shall be installed on any one circuit. (j) Every livable room shall halve provided and installed the minimum outlets as required by this code. (k) No wiring to be installed until plumbing is installed, no ex- ceptions. (1) Rigid conduit, electric met- allic tubing (E.M.T.) or Ilexible conduit (flex.) shall be installed in all multi -family dwellings. m) All branch circuit conduc- tors installed at outlets shall be safely said mechanically spliced so that not more than the required. number .of conductors shall be at- tached to any electrical "device. (n) Fixture type splicing con- nectors shall be used for fixtures Only. NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS IN A BOX Boxes shall be of sufficient size to provide free space for all con duc0rs enclosed therein. The msx- imum number of conductors, ` not counting fixture wires, permitted in outlet• sind-.junction boxes, shall be -aa in the tables of the National ;Electric Code, (3709). TOUCH PLATE INSTALLATION'S SECTION 14: (a) All secondary wiring shall be installed in a workmanlike mariner. Wires shall not be run in exposed locations in such mainner that they will be sub- ject to mechanical injury. Wires shall be securely fastened in a suitable manner at least every 4% feet and within 12 inches of each outlet and shall be instailled under the same conditions as provided in the code for non-metallic wiring installations _ except where other requirements are specifically men- tioned in the following rules._ LEGAL NOTICE five (35) amperes per conduct( Heavy duty heater branch circus may be two -wire derived frc either a 115-230 Volt single-phai or a 230 Volt three-phase sour( or they may be three.phase thre wire derived from a three-pha 230 Volt source. The tap from su, circuit to the heating applian shall in no -case be less than N 12 A.W.G. wire nor over eig teen (1811) inches - in length. p ungrounded - conductors shall switched at each heating applian( Only; those conductors supplying fixed heater shall enter a heat enclosure, all such conductors site enter through the bottom of su, enclosure. This sub -division she not be construed to permit heate for different apartments or oce pancies being connected to t] same circuit. WATER -HEATERS, SPACE. HEATERS. AND AIR- CONDITIONING SECTION 18: Demand facto may be applied to reduce the ed of service, and sub -feeders dwellings . and apartment hous supplying the following type load: Water heaters, spore heate and air-conditioning devices of 20 Watts or over as follows: No, of Units % Demand 1- 2 100 31- S 86 6- 10 70 11- 20 60 21- M 50 36. 60 40 61-100 35 Over -100. 30 DEMAND FACTORS FOR ELECTRICAAL RANGES SECTION 19: Theva�lues in t table below apply to obs or mo cooking and baking appliances b are not applicable to other app. ances. Column I Column Il No. of Ranges over Ranges Ov Ranges 1650 Watts 3500 'Wati Iso 80 2 75 65 3 70, 55 4 66 50 5 62 45 - 6 59 43 7 56 40 8 53 36 9 51 35 10 49 34 Unless statements sire filed writing from the owner or authc ized agent stating capacity - ranges, each range shall be figur at not less than 10 K.W. CALCULATION OF LOAD - SECTION 20. The branch circ( load for .lighting and applian( shall be computed in accordan with "the provisions of this sectio Where in normal operation, t maximum load of a branch circ( will continue for a long period time; such as store lighting a similar loads, the minimum III loads specified shall be Increas by twenty -fives per cent (25%) order that the wiring system in have sufficient branch circuit a: UNIT LOADS AND, FI Cd Unit Per. Types of Occupancy (R ARMORIES and AUDITORIUMS BANKS 13ARBER SHOPS and " BEAUTY PARI,.ORS CHURCHES CLUBS . COURT ROOMS DWELLINGS SINGLE FAMILY 'DWELLINGS MULTI -FAMILY (Other than hotels) GARAGES -COMMERCIAL (Storage) HOSPITALS HOTELS Including apartment houses without provisions for cook- ing by tenants. INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL (LOFT) PUILDINGS LODGE ROOMS OFFICE BUILDINGS cal. Installations as provided in this code. He shall keep complete rec- ords of all permits issued, inspec- tions and reinspections made, and other official work performed in accordance with the provisions of this code. It shall be unlawful for the City Electrician or any of his assistants to engage in the business of the sale, installation or maintenance of electrical equipment, either direct- ly or indirectly, and they shall have no financial interest in any concern engaged in such business In the City of Anaheim at any time while holding such office as here- in provided. He shall hold membership in the International Association of Elec- trical Inspectors, and may attend all activities and serve on any Electrical Committee of the Asso- ciation to which he may be ap- pointed and may be allowed the necessary expenses in connection with such activities. The City Electrician shall have authority to designate one or more of his assistants or employees to perform the duties of Electrical Inspector or inspectors. :AUTHORITY OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR SECTION 4: The Electrical In- spector shall have the right, dur- ing reasonable hours, to enter any building or premises in the dis- charge of his official duties, or for the purpose of marking any in- pection, reinspection, or test of the electric equipment contained there- in, or its installation, provided, however, no reinspection shall be made in any dwelling while the same Is occupied thereof. When any electrics) equipment is found by ,the Electrical Inspector to be dangerous to property or to per- sons because it Is defective or de- fectively installed, the person, firm or corporation responsible for the electrical equipment shall' be noti- fied in writing and shall make any changes or repairs as required by this code or other laws to place such equipment in safe condition, and If such work is not completed within fifteen (15) days or longer periods as may be specified by the Electrical Inspector, said Inspector shall'"Mave authority to disconnect or; order the discontinuance of electrical service to said electrical equipment, and ally person, firm or corporation, utility; or political subdivision ordered to discontinue such electrical service shall do so within twenty-four (24) hours and shall not reconnect or allow it to be reconnected until notified. to do so by the Electrical Inspector.' (aj) In cases of emergency, where necessary for safety of persons, or of Property, or where electrical equipment may Interfere with the work of the Fire Department, the Electrical Inspector shall have the authority to immediately discon- nect or cause disconnection of"any electrical equipment. (b) The Electricad Inspector may delegate any of his powers or du- ties to any of his assistants. (c) In cases where the rapid de- velopment in the application and uses of electricity or new --and spe- cial or unusual methods of build. Ing construction create problems or conditions which are not clearly contemplated in the making of this code and make literal application or the rule or rules impracticable, the Electrical Inspector is hereby empowered to make interpretations In the form of his own rules where ever there is a question as to mo- tive or method or manner in which the material shall be installed. STANDARDS FOR THE INSTALL- ATION OF ELECTRICAL E@UIPMENT SECTION 5: (a) INSTALLATION:- All electrical installations (indus- trial, commercial and residential) In the City of Anaheim shall be in conformity with the provisions of this code, the Electrical Safety Or- ders of the State of California, and with approved standards for safe- ty to life and property in every case where no specific type or class of material, or no specific stand- ards of installation are prescribed in the Electrical Safety Orders or by this code, as approved by the American Standards Association. shall be prima facie evidence in conformity with approved stand- ards for safety to life and proper- ty. b) MATERIALS: All materials! devices, .appliances, fittings 'and equipment installed at, used in the above described city, shall be In conformity with the provisions of this code, the Electrical Safety Or-. the minimum clearances as con- tained in the State Electrical Safe- ty Orders. SIZE OF SERVICE CONDUIT SECTION 8: The minimum size concealed service wiring shall not be less _ than one (1) inch trade size. When electric range outlet is included in rough wiring, then one and one quarter (1%) inch shall be installed. The minimum size exposed serv- ice wiring conduit shall not be less than that required for the size of service conductors installed there- in. The minimum size service con- ductors shall not be less than No. 8 A.W.G.R.C. or T. wire. Service entrance switch on any commercial or industrial building shall not be smaller than • sixty (60) ampere. Fifty (50) ampere breaker may be used. METHOD OF INSTALLING SERVICE SECTION 9: ;Every service shall be installed in rigid metal conduit and in accordance with rule Num- ber 8 of this section, and all serv- ice equipment conduits and fittings' installed on the exterior of any building shall be listed and appro- ved by a recognized testing labor- atory as rain tight. TWO AND TREE WIRE SERVICE All single phase lighting loads of less than 3500 watts or not more than two (.2) circuits may be ser- ved by two (2) wires where an Installation has been wired and arranged for three wire service, no two wire energy supply or two wire service shall be connected thereto without the written appro- val obtained in advance from the Electrical Inspector. LOCATION OF SERVICE HEADS SECTION 10: Service heads shall be located on that wall nearest the utility company lines or poles, not less than ten (10) feet above ground or grade and not less than three (3) feet from any door or window, even with or slightly above the -second floor ceiling line, but not to exceed twenty-five (T,8)4 feet and/or to a Iocation approved' by the serving utility. In addition there shall not be less than eigh- teen (18) -inches of - wire extended from service head for utility com- pany attalchment. SERVICE SECTION. 11: (a) _ In buildings served at not over 150 volts to ground, a single set of service en- trance conductors ma+y be run to, not to exceed six (6) sets of serv- ice equipment on a residential oc- cupancy and not to exceed four (4) sets of service equipment on any other occupancy, if grouped at the point of entrance. For any other occupancy, or installation in- volving more thain these or sup- plied at over 150 volts to ground, the - entire current- shall ,be taken throughone main service switch. No service switch shall be located more than six feet six inches (6 ft. 6 in.) to the handle in the on po- sition above the floor or ground level. Not to exceed twenty-five (25) feet of unfused service con- ductors shall enter or be.run.with- in any occupancy, (b) Installastions in single fa- .tmily dwellings: In .the case of single family dwellings, from one to six (but not exceeding six) sub- divisions. of load may be .served by one set of service conductors with- out' a master :aervice switch ` pro= vided that the voltage to ground 'does not exceed 150'volts, and Pro- vided further, that all subdivisions of load are protected by non -tamp arable cut-outs installed in a single dead -front cabinet at the nearest readily and safely accessible point to where the service conductors .enter the building. The top of such cabinet shall be less than five (5) feet above the floor. VOLTAGE DROP SECTION 12: Every interior sys- tem of wiring for light and heat Installation . shall be so installed: as not to exceed three (3) percent voltage over all and for power .installations, not to exceed. five (5) percent voltage drop over all. based on allowable load.. Yard lighting installations may be ')n? atelled so as not to exceed five (5), percent voltage drop over aM BRANCH CIRCUIT REQUIRE. MENTS smerION 13: (a) Each single family ,dwelling and each ocoupdn- cym of a multi -family dwelling sup- plied with electric lighting shall have at leslst one (1) fifteen (15) ampere and one twenty (20) am- pere, circuit. (b) Fifteen (15) ampere circuits Ject to mechanical injury. Wires shall be securely fastened in a suitable -manner at least every 4% feet and within 1.2 inches of each outlet and shall be installed under the same conditions as provided in the - code for non-metallic wiring installations except where other requirements are specifically men- tioned in the following rules. (b) Secondary wiring shall have approved insulation for not less than 300 volts. No wire smaller than 18 A.W.G. shall be used. (c) In figuring the size of boxes required, each relay shall be fig- ured as reouiring a minimum of 3 cubic inches in addition to the size needed for the number of wires in the box. If the relay is larger than 3 cubic Inches, the size of the box shall be increased accordingly. (d) Low voltage switches used to operate the relays shall be of opproved type and shall be secured to a plaster ring or in approved box or by some other suitable means. (e) The relays shall be adequate- ly fastened to the outlet box in which it is installed and in such a' manner that it may readily be re- moved and reinstalled after the, outlet box containing same is con- cealed without removing plaster or the finish of the building. (f) If desired, relays in an ap- proved box or cabinet may be plac- ed in attic space where there is a minimum vertical clearance of 3 feet and walkways are provided. Where the space is less than 3 feet, relays shad be installed within one foot of scuttle. (g) Where an approved assem- bly consisting of relay, transform- er aired converter and/or current limiting transformer is used, it To ay be installed in an attic where there Is a minimum .vertical clear ance of 3 feet and walkway is pro- vided. Where the clearance is less than 3 feet, such assembly and/or current limiting transformer shall be installed within one foot of scuttle. (h) Transformers of the non- current limiting type and second- ary fuses shall be located at the service -entrance lir- -in--some other, readily accessible location (not in attic space). (1) Relays shall not be installed in. fluorescent fixture or recessed fixture unless such fixture is ap- proved by some recognized testing laboratory with relays installed. (j) Where uninsulated staples are used to fasten low voltage conductors in place, such uninsul ated staples shall fasten a single conductor only. Where insulated staples are used, or other approv- ed method, such staple may fasten or support more than one conduc- tor. (k) The low voltage conductor may be Installed in the same con- duit or raceway with the other wires of the circuit provided the low voltage conductor has an in- sulation equal to the conductors of the circuit. CIRCUIT RATINGS IN DWELLINGS SECTION 15: On a two -wire and on each side: of a three -wire gen- eral lighting branch circuit, the total connected load shall not ex- ceed fifteen (15). amperes. On a two -wire and on each side of a three -wire convenience outlet and/or appliance circuit, the total convenience load shall not exceed twenty (20). amperes. MINIMUM WIRE SIZE SECTION 16: - For the supply of current- to general appliance and convenience outlet circuits, no con- ductor smaller than No. 12 A.W.G. wire shall be installed. No conve. nience outlet or appliance shall be installed or operated on a general lighting branch circuit at any time in any occupancy, HEATING APPLIANCES IN DWELLINGS SECTION li: Any heating ap- pliance in a dwelling, rated at more than 165.0 Watts, shall be wired for not less than 200 Volts, the con. doctors to such heating appliances shall be installed in a metal pro- tected system. If such heating ap- tacle pliance ioa table capacitte y hallbe suitable . In dwellings and apaatment houses. two or more fixed air heating ap- pliances, rated at not less than 1650 Watts each, and operating a2 not less than 230 Volts. may be in- stalled on a heavy .duty heater branch circuit, protected by a single set of overload protective devices, provided the total con- nected load does not exceed thirty - HOTELS Including apartment houses without provisions for cook - Ing by tenants. INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL (LOFT) PUILDINGS LODGE ROOMS OFFICE BUILDINGS RESTAURANTS SCHOOLS STORES WAREHOUSES STORAGE If any of the above occupancies except Single-family dwellings and individual apartments of multi -family and dwellings: ASSEMBLY HALLS and AUDITORIUMS HALLS, CORRIDORS, CLOSETS STORAGE SPACES e For sub -feeders to areas Hospitals and Hotels where anti lighting is likely to be used at o time; ar, in operating rooms, be rooms, dining rooms, etc., a c mand factor of 100 per cent sh be used. (b) SMALL APPLIANCES. T small appliance load as specified sub. -paragraph B-1 and the co: l9uted brakich circuit load for ( ceptacle outlets in other th dwelling occupancies for which t allowance is not more than : amperes per outlet, may be inclu ed with the general lighting a subject to the demand factors paragraph (a) of this section. DWELLING OCCUPANCIES In single-family dwellings, in i dilidual apartments of multi -i mily dwellings having provisio for cooking by tenants, and in ea hotels, suite having a serving pa try. a'feeder load of not less th 1,500 watts shall be included i small appliances (Portable app ances supplied from receptacles 20 ampere or less rating), in di Ing room, kitchen and laundry, the Ioad is subdivided through t� or more feeders, the computed le for each shall include not less tb 1,500 wants for small applianc In no case shall the feeder Supp Ing an occupancy 'be smaller tb No. 10 A.W.G. wire. COMMERCIAL, STORE AND MARKET BUILDINGS SECTION 22:' Commercial a store buildings shall be wired general lighting as requiring minimum of 3 watts per squa foot of floor space in salesroor display rooms, offices and ot) rooms devoted to similar purpos All other spaces shall be wired requiring 1 Watt per square to In addition' to the apove, circ p caacity shall be provided to accessible location at each st+ window, for 200 Watts per lin foot of glass measured horizonta at the base of the window. An application circuit shall run to the front of each st+ building and outlets located in near all show windows or fr+ openings, not to exceed four such outlets shall be installed any one circuit. A convenience outlet circuit sb be provided and convenience o lets_ installed..not.to exceed oil (8) such outlets shall be instal on any one circuit. Where there are no show - w dows. extra circuit capacity sb be provided at the panel for sh window circuits. A sign circuit shall. be provi( and installed to an accessible caltion. at the front of all comnj sial and store buildings occupi cies. The sign circuit and/or o let shall be controlled by a mai al or automatic switch. Not to exceed four (4) tra+ formers of..1650 V.A. shall be a nested to . any such circuit. transformers shall comply w Section 28. LOCATION OF BRANCH CIROI PROTECTIVE DEVICES SECTION 21( (al Branch circ protective devices,shall be instal In and for each occupancy. I thing contained in this code at be deemed or construed to peri the installation of amy electri device outlet or circuit in any supancy, the control of or the p taction of which is , not. accessI to the occupant at all times parts of any circuit shall sup electrical energy to more than + (1) occupaincy. SECTION 24: All outlets shall left exposed and/or uncovered. ) Perron. firm or corporation eov 11 BULLEM LEGAL NOTICE feeder capacity to insure safe pp. eration. (a) GENERAL LIGHTING FOP GENERAL ILLUMINATION. In the occupaincies listed in the Table it Secion 31a load of ,not less tnar. the unit load of Column "A" shall be included for each square foot of floor area. In determining the load on the "Watts per square foot" basia, the floor area shall be com- .puted from the outside dimensions of the building, apartment, or area involved, and the number of floors, not including open porches, gar- ages, in connection with dwelling occupancies, nor unfinished spaces in basements or attics of dwell. ings. All convenience outlets of twenty (20) ampere or less ranting in single-family and multi -family dwellings and in guest rooms of hotels (except those connected to he appliance circuits specified may be considered as outlets for general Illumination. No additional load sed be included for such outlets). (b) OTHER LOADS. For light- ing other than general illumination and for appliances other than mo tors, a load of not less than the unit load specified below shall be iincluded for each outlet: !Outlets - supplying Amp. rat. *Pecific appliances , Ing of and other loads appliances 'Outlets supplying j heavy duty lamp holders ..........................5 Amps. ke• Other outlets ..............1% Amperes +• NOTE; This provision not appli- cable to receptacle out- lets provided for the con- nection of fixed lighting units to facilitate serv- icing and replacement, (c) EXCEPTIONS. The mint - mum loads for outlets paragraph "b" shall be modified as follows: 1. RANGES. For household else- 'tric ranges, the branch cricuit load ,may be computed in accordance Iwith Table 19. 2. SHOW WINDOW LIGHTING: For show window lighting, a load of not less than 200 Watts per lin- ear foot of show window, measured horizontally along its base, may be allowed in lieu of specified load per outlet. L&,3 MULTI OUTLET ASSEMB- S: Where fixed multi -outlet as- semblies are employed,, each five feet or fraction thereof of each separate and continuous length !shall be considered as one outlet 'ofe less tham 1% amperes capacity; except in locations where a num- Iber of appliances are likely to be used simultaneously, when each :one foot or fraction thereof shall 'be considered as one outlet of not less than 1ih amperes. FEEDERS SECTION 21: CALCULATION OF LOAD: The computed load of a feeder shall not be less than the aeum of all branch circuit loads sup- plied by the feeder. (a) GENERAL LIGHTING: The demand factors specified in this paragraph may be applied to the computed branch circuit load for general illumination: ER DEMAND FACTORS 4-. COL. B ,d Load to Which Ft. Demand Factor Demand k) Applies (Watts) % Factor Total Wattage 1000/0 Total Wattage 100% Total Wattage, 100% Total Wattage 100% Total Wattage 1000,10 Total Wattage 10050 Total Wattage 100% 2500 or less 1000/0 Over 2,500 30% 3,000 or less X100% Next 117,000 35% Over 120,000 250/0 Total Wattage 10000 50,000 or less 40010 Over 50,000 20016 20,000 or less 500/0 Next 80,000 40% Over 100,000 30% Total Wattage 1000/0 Total Wattage 100% 20,000 or less 100% LEGAL NOTICE GROUNDING If water line is not available for grounding, a driven ground is per- missable if the driven ground is not smaller than 3/4 inch galvan- ized pipe or approved ground rod driven to a depth of eight (8) feet. The neutral ground shall not be smaller than No S. A.W.G. wire en- closed in % inch rigid conduit. All nipplies entering switch case including service conduit shall be bonded by use of bond bushing and No, 8 A.W.G. wire to the ground pipe in switch. RECEPTACLES Receptacles used shall be of a three -wire polarized type and if for 110 volt or 220 volt shall be of a type that is not interchangeable. COMPUTATION OF LOAD CURRENTS SECTION 28: Current `carrying capacity for various voltages shall be computed as follows: Line volt. age between 100 and 125 volts; shall be computed as 120 volts; line voltage between 210 and 250 volts hall be computed as 240 volts. Three phase 4 wire lighting shall be computed I,LO-208 volts. . GASEOUS TUBE LIGHTS AND OTHER DEVICES SECTION 29: Each fluorescent fixture, transformer -type welders, mercury vapor fixture of high volt- age gas tube light or sjgn shall be Provided with a fixed nameplate, legible after installation, which shall correctly state the manuf c - tures' name or trade mark, and the voltage, total watts and power fac- tor. No such equipment shall be Installed in which the power factor is less than 90 per cent. All above .isted equipment shall have under- writers laboratory label or recog- nized testing laboratory, label. Every such light or sign shall be effec- tively grounded, either by a per- nanent and approved metallic con- nection to a grounded circuit sys- tem, or by a flexible approved cord, one conductor .of which shall be a ;rounding conductor connected to t separate blade of a polarized at- tachment cap In such mariner that a grounding connection is made vhen such cap is inserted into a >olarized plug. EMERGENCY AND E-xrr LIGHT• ING REQUIREMENTS SECTION 30: (a) EXIT ILLUM. [NATION: Exits shall be i'.lurnin- tted at all times with light, hav- ng an intensity of not less than one foot candle at floor level. (b) EXIT SIGNS: Every exit loorway from an area: v"1h an )ccupant loaa of more than one zundred (100) persons shall be narked with an exit sign. Exit =ign letters shall be green at least) TABLE OF GROUPS Group' Occupancy Division k ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS S 1—ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS 2—ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS 3—ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS LEGAL NOTICE five (5) inches high. (c) ILLUMINATION OF SIGNS. Exit signs in every Group "A" Oc- cupancy, Group "B", Division 1 and 2 Occupancy, Group "D" Occupan- cy; Group "F Occupancy with an excess of 1,000 persons; and Group "H" Occupancy with an occupant load pf more than 1,000 pessons, as defin d by the Uniform Building Code, shall be lighted with two (2) separate lamps of at least 20 Watt capacity on separate circuits, one such circuit being separate from general lighting and supplied by an emergency lighting service of group classes required by the au- thorlty enforcing this code. (d) EMERGENCY SERVICE: 1. Group "A" Occupancy Emergency Service shall mean a separate and independent service used exclusive- ly to supply emergency lights, exit lights, or emergency equipment re- quired by this Code, or any Code, Ordinance or ' Order, and which service is supplied by one of the following methods: (a) By a different serving agen- cy than that supplying the general lighting or equipment. (b) By different primary mains from the same or different sub- station than the mains supplying the general lighting or, equipment. 2. Group "B" Occupancy Emerg- ency Service shall mean an appro- ved storage battery used exclu- sively to supply emergency lights, exit lights, or emergency equip- ment required by this Code and which compiles with the following requirements: (a) Has capacity to supply all such lights and equipment for an (1) hour ,and still have terminal voltage of notless than one and three quarters (1 3/4) volts per Cell. (b) Is connected to a trickle charger located on the same pre- mises which will maintain maxi- mum charge when battery is not supplying energy. (c) Is connected to a generator or rectifier located on the premis- es which will fully recharge it to terminal voltage of one and three quarters (1 3/4) volts in not to exceed sixteen (16) hours. (d) Is maintained to comply with the foregoing requirements as long as it supplies such lights and equip- ment. 3. Group "D" and "E" Occupan- cy Emergency Service shall mean a branch or tap from a main service and connected thereto on the sup- ply side of every service switch for such main service and which branch Dr tap is used exclusively to supply emergency lights, exit lights or emergency equipmnet required by this Code SECTION 31: OF OCCUPANCY Seating Capacity Stage , in Any One Room Yes • 1,000 or more Yes Less than 1,000 No 300 or more. No Less than 300 4—STADIUMS, REVIEWING STANDS and AMUSEMENT PARK STRUC- TURES not included within Group "A" and Divisions 1, 2 and 3 of Group "B" 1—TAILS,'PRISONS, REFORMATORIES, HOUSES OF CORRECTION and build- ings where personal liberties of in- mates are similarly restrained, 2 --NURSERIES for children under six, HOSPITALS, SANITARIUMS and 'similar buildings (each accommodating six or more persons) KINDERGARTENS. PUBLIC GARAGES, PAINT or PETROLEUM S.fORAGS, Z)RY CLEAN- ING PLANTS using flammable liquids, PAINT SHOPS, and SPRAY PAINTING ROOMS and SHOPS. PLANING MILLS, BOX FACTORIES, WOOAWORKING and MATTRESS FACTORIES• STORAGID of hazardous and highly flammable or explosive materials and liquids. WHOLESALE and RETAIL STORES, OFFICE BUILDINGS, RESTAURANTS, UNDERTAKING PARLORS, PRINTING PLANTS, MUNICIPAL POLICE and FIRE STATIONS. GASOLINE FILLING and SERVICE STATIONS, FACTORIES and WORKSHOPS using materials not highly flammable or combustible. STORAGE and SALESROOMS for combustible goods, ICE PLANTS, POWER PLANTS,: PUMP CE - _- - Pete 34W44 LEGAL NOTICE able Title to ans property in the City of Anaheim used exclusively for Single*Family residence, to al- ter, repair.or install any electrical wiring or equipment in or on build- ngs or premises in connection with such residence or accessory build- . ings, provided that said electrical work is done by himself, or a mem- ber of his household (b) No electrical work for which a permit is required shall be com- menced in or on any building or Premises until a permit to do such work shall have been obtained for the owner's occupancy. (c) No electrical equipment shall be installed within or on any build - Ing, structure or premises publicly or privately owned, nor shall any alteration .or addition be made in anv such existing equipment with out securing a permit therefor from the Electrical Inspector, except as - provided in this Section and except that no permit will be required to execute any of the classes of elec. trical work specified in the follow. ing paragraphs 1 to & inclusive: 1. Minor repair work, the re- placements of lamps or the con- nection of portable electrical equip. ment to suitable permanently in- stalled receptacles. 2. 'The provision of this Ordi- nance shall not apply to installa tions used by Electricity Supply, railway or communicata)on utill• ties in the exercise of their func- tions as a utility. 3. The installation, alteration or repair of electrical equipment In- stalled by or for an Electricity Supply Agency for the use of such agency in the generation, trans- mission, distribution or metering of electricity, (d) Application for such per. mit, describing the work to be, done shall be made In writing to the Electrical Inspector by the person, firm or corporation installing the work. The Application shall be accom panied by such plans, specifications and schedules as may be necessary . to determine whether the in.-talla- tion as described will be in con- formity with the requirements of this Ordinance, and of the Electti- Cal Safety Orders of the State of California. If' it shall be found that the installation as described will conform with all legal re- quirements, and if the Applicant has complied with the provisions of this Ordinance, and of the Elec- trical Safety Orders of the State of California, a permit for such in- stallation shall be issued. No de- viation may be made from the in- stallation described In the permit without the written approval of the Electrical Inspector. (e) In lieu of an individual per- mit ermit for each installation or altera. tion, an annual Permit shall, upon application therefore, be issued to any person, firm' or corporation regularly employing one or more registered Maintenance Electrici- ans, electricians for the purpose of Installing, altering or maintaining electrical wiring or equipment in or on build?ngs or premises owned or occupied by the Applicant for the Permit. The application for this annual permit shall be made in writing to the Electrical Inspector and shall contain the name and registration number of each Main- tenance Electrician employed and the legal descriptionof the pre- mises on which the work is to be done under the permit. (f) In the event that more than one Maintenance 'Electrician is em- ployed, the employer shall desig- nate the Maintenance Electrician who shizll supervise the work of the others. (g) The Maintenance Eiectriet- an shall currently keep an accur- ate record in duplicate :of all elec- trical .work which has been done under the annual permit during the preceding calendar month, and such current record shall be.accessible to the Electrical Inspector. (h) Within fifteen (15) days fol- lowing the end of each calegdar month, the person, firm or corpora- tion to which an annual permit has been issued shall transmit to the Electriea.i T--+- Total Wattage 100% Total Wattage 10050 20,000 or less 1000/0 Over 20,000 705o Total Wattage 1000/0 15,000 or less 10050 Over 15,000 5050 Total Wattage 100% 12,500 orless 100% Over 12,500 50% Total Wattage as specified for the specific occupancy Ing, any outlets in any building shal, at their own expense locate and uncover such outlet, or out- lets and shall repair all daimage in locating such outlet, or outlets. TRANSFORMERS SECTION 25: Bell, furnace or low voltage control transformers shall be installed in a grounded metal can or in al separate com- partment of a distribution panel located at the distribution center on a separate circuit, or on the appliance branch circuit sand pro- vided with an isolating switch. All secondaries of transformers rated fifty watts (50) or twenty-four volts (24) shall be safely provided with overcurrent .protective devi- ces. Y TRAILER PARK WIRING SECTION 26: Demands to be used for service and sub -feed cad- culations: 0 - 10 Trailers..................100% 11 - 25 Trailers .......... :._.... 800/6 26 - 50 Trailers ......... .„.... _ 60010 61 - or Over ..................... 50% OVERCURRENT PROTECTION Each and every trailer shall be. ,protected by a fifteen (15) ampere multi -breaker. Special permission may be granted by the person en. forcing this code when the need for greater loading is demanded by the size of the trailers. OVERHEAD WIRING Overhead wiring supported on poles to trailer areas shall be main- tained at a minimum height above ground. of twelve (12) feet where no vehicles can be driven under the wires, and at a minimum height of sixteen (16) feet over driveways and private roadways. Sub -feed on poles to multi -break- er locaitlons shall be enclosed in rigid conduit. All other equipment shall be of an approved rain tight type. GROUNDING Unless a ground conductor is carried with the overhead wire as- sembly for the grounding of con- duit system on trailer poles, a sep- arate ground shall be used at each location of conduit system that is within eight (8) feet of ground level. COMMUNIITY BUILDINGS AND LAUNDRY LOCATIONS Calculations for feeders or serv- ice for above buildings shall 5e based on the table in Section 21 of this code. No more than two (2) convenience outlets per circuit at ironing board locations. TE:IIPORARY SERVICE POLE AND EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION POLE SECTION 27: Minimum size pole shall .be 4" x 6" x 20' pole shall be erected in a plumb position bottom four fourt shall (4)ground. reoted and buried(4) feet Service cap and conduit shall ex. tend to a height of sixteen (16) feet above ground level. Conduit shall not be less than % inch trade size. Service conductors to lin side of switch shall not be les than No. 8 A.W.G. Wire in size. Conduits shall be encased in fibre conduit or wood moulding starting just down poleicforaa distance and no eight (8) feet. SERVICE EQUIPMENT All service equipment such a meter cans, snitches, panels an receptacles shall be of a type class- ed as 'approved rain tight equip meat. comoustioie goods. G ICE PLANTS, POWER PLANTS, PUMP- ING PLANTS, COLD STORAGE and CREAMERIES. FACTORIES and WORKSHOPS using incombustible and and non -explosive materials. H 1—HOMES for aged, ORPHANAGES, DORMITORIES for children over six (each accommodating six or more persons). 2—HOTELS, APARTMENT HOUSES, DORMITORIES, LODGING HOUSES. CONVENTS, MONASTERIES (each accommodating 10 or more persons). I DWELLINGS J 1—PRIVATE GARAGES, SHEDS and MINOR BUILDINGS used as Accessories only when not over one thousand (1,000) square feet in area. 2 --FENCES over six (6) feet high. TANKS and TOWERS. DEFINITION OF TERMS SECTION 32: For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following words, terms and phrases are hereby de- fined as follows, and shall be con- strued as in this section defined: (a) MASTER ELECTRICIAN. The Master Electrician may be the Pro prietor, Employeee or Corporation Officer, but in all cases be the per- son who is directly responsible for the physical and mechanical man- ner in which electrical material, equipment and devices are placed or installed. A Master Electriean shall countersign all applications for electrical permits, and shall supervise all electrical work au- thorized by such permit. The Name of the Master Electrician, author- ized as such, and the name of the person, firm or corporation for whom Permit Applications are to be countersigned shall be set forth In the Certificate of Competency, and it shall be unlawful for any Master Electrician to countersign any Permit Application for any person, firm or corporation other than the person, firm or corpora- tion by whom or which he is em- ployed or with whom or which he is associated or connected. (b) MASTER ELECTRICIAN, C- 10 Classification. A bonafide pos- sessor of a valid registered license to install electric wiring issued by the State of California, and identi- fied by the classification C-10' may be granted a Master .Electrician's Certificate of Competency by the Electrical Inspector. (c) SIGN ELECTRICIAN. Any individual, firm or corporation en- gaged in the installation or main- tenance of any Gas Tube Sign, whe- ther fixed. or portable. (d) MAINTENANCE ELECTRI- CIAN. Anv person other than a Master Electrician, who is regal- arly employed to install, alter, maintain 'or repair electrical wiring or equipment in or on buildings or premises. owned or occupied by his employer, but who does not furnish any materials or supplies in the execution of such work. (e) OWNER. An owner to deem- ed to mean the bona -fide owner of the legal' or equitable title to any property. (f) PERSON. The term "person" wherever used in this Code, shall extend to and be deemed to include any person, firm or corporation. (g) WIRE SIZES. A.W.G. where - ever conducter or wire sizes are referred to or specified by number in this Ordinance, such number shall be construed to mean the number or gauge of such wire ac- cording to Standard American Wire Gauge Specifications, abbreviated herein as A.W.G. (h) KVA. The letters "KVA" wherever used in this Code, shall be deemed to mean Kilovolt Am- peres. MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN SECTION 33: No person shall in. stall, alter, maintain or repair elec- trical wiring. or equipment in or on s buildings owned or occupied by 'his employer without first having ob. tamed a Certificate of Competency from the Electrical Inspector of the City of Anaheim.' extend - trig OF COMPETENCY S.ECTION 34: All Certificates of Competency issued under this Or- dinance shall be valid, unless re- s voked or suspended, for the term d of the fiscal Year of their issuance, and shall, in every case, expire on the 30th day of June following their Inssuanee, All license fees shall be payable in advance to the Electrical Inspector of the City of Anaheim and shall be chargeable for each year or portion of year in the following amount: MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN— the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year or any portion thereof. CANCELLATION OF LICENSES SECTION 35: The City Council of the City of 'Anaheim may sus- pend or revoke the License of any Electrician licensed hereunder for any violation of this Ordinance or for incompetency. DUTIES OF MASTER ELECTRICIANS . SECTION 36: It shall be the duty of every Master Electrician to com- ply om ply with all requirements of this 1 and all other Ordinances of the City of Anaheim as well as all laws of the State of California, appli- cable to Electrical work. SPECIAL'INFOR.MATION REQUIR- ED OF SIGN ELECTRICIAIn SECTION .37: Before hanging or installing any Gas Tube Electric Sign, it shall be the duty of the Sign Electrician hanging or in- stalling the same to file with the office of the Electrical Inspector on a form furnished by such office foe the purpose, the following .in- formation respecting such sign: A. Manufacturer's name and address; B. Underwriter's label num. ber; C. Purchaser's name and ad- dress-, D. Location of sign; E. Number of transformers and kilovolt amperes (KVA) rating of total. No fee shall be charged for the filing of such information. The Sign Electrician, as such, shall not connect or cause to be connected any sign to any source of electri- cal supply. Acceptance tests shall be made by the City of Anaheim on all Gas. eous Tube Fixtures and Signs, to determine V they conform with Section 29 of this Code. Except those Fixtures or Signs that must be assembled at place of installation, the City of Anaheim will test such devices at place of installation. Acceptance tests shall be made at 518 South Los Angeles Street, except those fixtures or signs that must be assembled at place of in- stallation. DUTIES OF MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN SECTION 38: (a) It shall be the duty of every Maintenance Elec- trician to comply with all require- ments of this and all other Ordi- nances of the City of Anaheim as well as all laws of the State of California, applicable to electrical work. (b) It shall be the duty of any Person employed as a Maintenance Electrician to keep a detailed and accurate - record of any and all electrical work connected with ex- isting or new installations which is done by him personally or under his supervision. Such record shall be available to 'the Electrical Inspector on request. PERMITA SECTION 89: (a) No electrical permit shall be issued by the Elec- trical Inspector to any parson who is not the Legal Possessor of a valid Master Electricians' Certifl. nate of Qualification, provided that the .Electrical Inspector may issue to the owner of the Legal or Equit- tion to which an annual permit has been issued shall transmit to the Electrical Inspector a duplicate copy of the maintenance Electrici- an's record of electrical work done. (i) Submission of a false state- ment shall constitute sufficient cause for revoking any electrical Permits issued under the authority of this section. FEES FOR PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS SECTION 40: . Before any permit Is granted for the installation or alteration of electrical equipment, the person, firm or corporation making the application for such permit shall pay to the Electrical Inspection Department of the City, or Anaheim a fee in such amount as is specified below: FEES For issuing permits ............$ 1.00 For inspection of ten or less outlets or fixtures- 1.00 For wiring outlets at which current is used or controlled except serv- ices, sub -feeders and meter outlets .................... .05 ea. For fixtures complete with sockets or other lamp holding devices .._.. .....s. .05 ea. For the re -location of each meter outlet ...................... .50 ea. For each Electric Range.... 1:00 For each Electric Sign .. 1.00 All neon outline lighting._ LG0 For each Electric Water Heater ................................ .25 a&. For each 'Electric Heater. 25 ea. For each Electric Fan .. 45 ea. For each Special Outlet (220) Volts) .15 ea. For heaters over 1650 Watts, each K.W. shall be considered as 1 H.P. in a motor. For each X-ray unit and its appurtenances ............ 2.00 For each Rectifier and Synchronous Converter. perK.W. ............................ .25 For each Projection Ma- chine or Stereopticon .. 1.50 es. For each Mercury Are Lamp and equipment ... 1.50 ea. For each Generator, trans- former or welder each K.V.A. shall be consid- ered as 1 H.P. in a mo- tor. For each Motor -Generator set or Frequency Charg er, fee charged shall be 751/o greater than for motor alone. For each moving of Mo. tors, Generator, Trans- formers or Welders, up- on which a final certifi- cate has been issued by the Electrical Inspector, a fee equal to 75% of the fee required for the installation of new equip- ment is required for equipment reinstalled on the same premises. For each extra inspection made necessary by de- „ fective workmanship and materials ............................ 1.00 For inspection of any elec- electrical equipment for which no fee is herein Prescribed, for time con. sumed.................................. 2.00 per Hr. With minimum charge of 1.00 For working lights in buildings in course of construction or under- going repairs, or where temporary lighting is to be used: 100 lamps or less ... .50 101 lamps and not aver 300 ..................... ..... ._.. .715 301 lamps and not over • 600 .......................:........ 1.25 601 lamps and not over 11000 .......................... 2.00 MOTORS For motors of not more than 1 H.P. _ ... ..... _ .... ...... .50 es. For motors of more than 1 H.P. 'and hot more than 3 H.P......................... 1.00 ea. For motors of more than 8 H.P. and not more than 71A H.P. .................... 1.50 ed. For motors of more than 7% H.P. and noti more than 15 H.P. ..................... 2.00 ea. (Continued on page 8) Page Eight ANAHEIM i DON WINSLOW OF THE NAVY— ;I WINSLOW.. WHAT NAPPEN'ED' YOU TWO Fig SEEN IN A WRECK all freshmen, sophomores, jimiors, and seniors. ..The new system, in- itiated this year for the first time, RIGHT, _ SIR. M. Young. Mrs. John Lucas was the ial meeting of the Student Execu- treasurer. tive Board, were student officials of the judicial branch of Fullerton Teachers' Club union high school government - �✓ � yI' d I i ) the Student Court. Elected as Chief Justice for the current sch3oi Elects Officers year was Art Takido, with associ- ate justices named as Bill Foster, LEGAL NOTICE For motors of more than 15 H.P. and not more than 50 H.P. .................... 5.00 ea. For motors of more than 50 H.P. andnot more than 200 H.P. .................. 7.50 ea. For motors of more than 200 H.P. and not more than 500 H.P. .................... 10.00 ea. For motors of more than 500 H.P. and not more than 1,000 H.P. 15.00 ea. For motors of more than 1,000 H.P. .......................... 20.00 ea. Upon failure to make applica- tion and take out a permit by the second work day after commen- cing work, permit fee and inspec- tion fees shall be twice regular amount. No permit shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation or po- litical sub -division unless all fees are paid in full. Separate permits and separate inspections shall be required for wiring and for fix- tures. Failure to take ort a permit and pay fees therefore -within 72 hours after commencingwork shall be deemed evidence of violation of provisions of this Code. A fee of. $10.00 shall be paid for each annual Maintenance Electri- cian Permit at the time when such permit is issued. Fees for all new work installed under such permit since date of last previous inspec- tion shall be paid, according to the above schedule, at the time when :itch work is inspected, these fees shall be in addition to fee paid at the time when Annual .Permit is issued. RESPONSIBILITY 'SVCrTIO11T-"41 r'1%1s Code shall not be construed to relieve from or lesson the responsibility of any party owning, operating, controll- ing or installing any electric wir- Ing, electric devices or electric ma- terial for damages to person or property caused by any defect therein, nor shall the City be held as assuming any such liability by reason of the inspection authoriz- ed herein, or certificate of inspec- tion issued as herein provided. INTERPRETATION SECTION 4.2: The language used In this Code and in the State Elec- trical Code, which is made a part of this Code by reference, is in- tended to convey the common and accepted meaning familiar to the Electrical Industry. The Electrical Inspector is here- by authorized to interpret and de- termine the intent and meaning of any provision of this Code. Such Interpretations and determinations :hall be made In writing and a rec- ord kept, which record shall be open to the public. PENALTIES SECTION 43: Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this Code shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be pun- ishable by a fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment in the city jail for a period of not more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. BEFORE THE CRASFt I RECOGNIZED NIM.. IT WAS DOCTOR SKELL. GREAT SCOTT! 6CCRPIAts NATCNET MAN! ITS LUCKY YOU ESCAPED WITH YOUR LJVES..BUT �r,�WHERE'S ,County OLIVE WILLIAMS, Editor Phone 2251 First Student Congress Officers Elected at Fullerton H igh School FULLERRTON — Student govern ment at Fullerton union high school began functioning in all divisions last week following election of rep- resentative students to Student Congress from,, required classes for all freshmen, sophomores, jimiors, and seniors. ..The new system, in- itiated this year for the first time, provides a "representative" in Congress for every student at 1 ---- school. Also selected last week, at a spec- M. Young. Mrs. John Lucas was the ial meeting of the Student Execu- treasurer. tive Board, were student officials of the judicial branch of Fullerton Teachers' Club union high school government - the Student Court. Elected as Chief Justice for the current sch3oi Elects Officers year was Art Takido, with associ- ate justices named as Bill Foster, Jim Gardiner, Susan Weisel, Diane CYPRESS—With the hub -bub of Juneau, and Ann Barrington. the starting of school gradually dy- Among responsibilities of the Stu- int 'Court to try- an", oge all ing down, the Cypress Teacher's .ul cases of campus misconduct brought Association have resumed their to its attention by members of the monthly meetings and elected offi- Executive Board or Student Con- c Selected to head th athe group gress. Also the Court interprets was `'Mrs. Lethia Mylius with Wes - ley Visel in charge of grades 6, 7 the school constitution when re - quested, and may declare any rule and 8, Miss Norma Harding, grades unconstitutional passed by the Ex- 3, 4 and 5, and Mrs. Blanche ecutive Board or Congress. Stauffer, grades 1 and 2 and kin - Function of the new Student Con- dergarten, as vice presidents; gress, meeting for the first time treasurer, Mrs. Emily Glover; and last Friday, is to maks rules gov- secretary; Miss Mary Jean Lambert. ernmg student activities or con- Miss Elizabeth °Dickerson, school duct, excepting finance. Meinbers superintendent, reported on the are empowered to summon students who violate rules about the grounds. Among new members of the Con- gress at Fullerton union high school are Barbara Allen, Jack Andrews, Nancy Arnold, Jim Broyles, Walter Caplinger, Jeanne Cloer. Hal Con- rad, Dick porrell, Don Curtis, Judy Curb, Ja et Darsey, Howard El- liot, Dean Foresgren, Dick Poster, Pete Francis, Earl Gibson, Ronald Gouger, Dick Harmony. Also in the Congress are Peggy Hart, Bob Hemmerling, Joar_na Henson, Hiromi Kariya, Linda Keel, John Lam, Charles Ledbetter, Tony Lombard, Helen Martinez, Glen Me- Cov. Jim Montgomery, Robert annual meeting of the trustees -ad- ministrators which tookplace in Fullerton recently. Outstanding was the talk given in the evening by Dr. Alexander J. Stoddard, super- intendent of Los Angeles City schools. In discussing his topic "Schools in the P"resent Situation", he compared the similarity of prob- I" in Orange and. Los Angeles counties. Alandtos Church to Show `38th Parallel' by Frank V. Marlin PENNINGTONS IN TqE uOSPITAL BADLY HURT, ADMIRAL ..AND..COMMANDI WINSLOW 5 BRIEF CASE WAS STOLEN! Art Students' Work To Be Sent Oversea GARDEN GROVE—Three en Grove High School stu have had their art work toll for showing to boys and. gir Japan and Yugoslavia. They Richard Peck with his pencil c ing entitled "Old Chicken EE and Jeannine Peters with painting "Lobster". Their worl. be sent to Yugoslavia. Cliff nenberg with his pencil dra of the "Local Grain Mill" wi included in the exhibit to Jap These exhibits of student include all grade levels in Or County, and represent the* student art work. The County ordinator of art, Evadna K. F representing the County Se, Office, has aided in collecting organizing the student's exhib art work for shipment oversea Many Attend YMCA Breakfast BUENA PARK The Y, breakfasts, which had been dis tinued for, the summer months sumed again last Sunday mor with a large attendance of men boys. These meetings are hel the Congregational church s hall. A notes of regret was eviden farewells were said to Arch A who is leaving soon to begin work with the "Y in Sacram after serving as the efficient popular executive secretary North Orange County YMCA the past five years. Fred R. (Pop) Dukes, presi of the local board, welcomed group and introduced Carl E. pert, who spoke of Allen's in once over the youth of the c muntiy, Dr. Albert R. H. M voiced the appreciation of !hurches for Allen's work. Jerry Rayburn briefly revie ;he season with the YMCA soft ;ea;m in Fullerton on which he seen serving as pitcher. The breakfast was prepared served by Arch Raitt and F hikes Jr. SECTION 43: Any person, firm or corporation, violating' any of the provisions of this Code shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be pun- ishable by a fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment in the city jail for a period of not more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. VIOLATIONS SECTION 44: Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the Provisions of this Code shall be deemed guilty of a separate of- fense for each day or portion thereof during which such viola- tion continued and shall be pun- ishable therefore as herein provid- ed. PROHIBITIONS SECTION 45: It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, either as owner, architect, contrac- tor, artisan or otherwise, to do or knowingly to cause or permit to be done any electrical wiring as defined in this Code in such a man- ner that the same shall not con- form to all of the provisions of this Code. REPEAL OF CONFLICTINGr ORDINANCES SECTION 46: All ordinances or parts of ordinances which are in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. VALIDITY SECTION 47: If any section, sub- section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason held to be unconstitutional or leg- ally ineffective, such decision shall not 'affect the validity of the re- maining portions of this ordinance. The City Council of the City of Anaheim declares that it would have adopted this ordinance and each section, sub -section, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespec- tive of the fact that any one or more. sections, sub -sections, sen- tences, clauses or phrases be de- clared unconstitutional or legally ineffective. SECTION 48: The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) $days from and after its passage in the Anaheim Bulletin, a daily newspaper, printed and published In the City of Anaheim, California, and thirty (30) days after its fi- nal passage, the same shall take effect and be in full force. THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE Is signed and approved by me this 25 day of September, 1951. CHAS. A. PEARSON Mayor of the City of Anaheim (SEAL) ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Anaheim R. TH STATEHES OF LCALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Coun- cil of`the City of Anaheim, held on the 11 day of September, 1951, and that the same was passed and ad- opted at a regular meeting: of said City Council held on the 25 day of September, 1951, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Bonet', Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Heying AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Ordi- nance on the 25 day of September, 1951. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City of Anaheim this 25 day of September, 1951. (SEAL) BUENA PARK—The first `come - CHARLES E. GRIFFITH as -you -are" breakfast given by the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim local YWCA Council Was held last week with good response. The un- suspecting guests were taken to the social hall of the Congregational church where fruit juice, waffles, bacon and - coffee were awaiting them. The committee in charge were Mrs. Edwin A. McGee, chairman; Mrs. William Singer, Mrs. Earl P. Garlitz, Mrs. Harold Nelson, Mrs. John Porter, Mrs. Howard Webber, Mrs. Houston Collier and Mrs. 0. liot, Dean Foresgren, 'Dick Poster, Pete Francis, Earl Gibson, Ronald Gouger, Dick Harmony. Also in the Congress are Peggy Hart, Bob Hemmerling, Joanna Henson, Hiromi Kariya, Linda Keel, John Lam, Charles Ledbetter, Tony Lombard, Helen Martinez, Glen Mc- Coy, Jim Montgomery, Robert Montgomery, Ray Moreno, Claud- ina Neale, Joe Newkirk, Leon Ow- ens, Joleta Penn, Joyce Phette- place, Jerry Putnam, Gluck Pyrcn, Don Rilea, Charles Rust, Phillip Schuyler, Don gcrogo;% Harriet Sherwood, Arthur Suarez, Sharon swift, Kenngth Uyemori, Don Val- enzuela, Pat Van Dervoort, Earl Wells, Claudia White, Merilyn Wil- son, Kenny Woody. YFW Auxiliary Plans Courtesy Night CYPRESS—Final plans for cour- tesy night scheduled for Oct. 15 were made by the VFW Auxiliary when they met on' Monday night in VFW hall. The regular meeting place being too small to accommo- date the expected large attendance, permission has been granted to use the utility room of the Cypress school. Each officer will invite the corresponding officer from some other auxiliary in the district to be her guest. Past district president, Leafy Marie Giles of Riverside, who assisted in the institution of the Cypress auxiliary will be a spe- cial guest. It was voted to send $1 per mem- ber for the health and happiness fund of the National home for wid- ows and orphans at Eaton Rapids. Members were asked to assist in the decoration and operation of the booths to be sponsored by the aux- iliary at the White Gold Day cele- bration next Saturday. Betty Knauss is chairman of the project. The hamper of linens will be giv- en away at the monthly potluck supper scheduled .for Oct. 27. Fol- lowing supper, bingo will be played and refreshments served. Appoint- ed on the delinquent committee were Delia Priddy, chairman; Jean Kreissler, Ann Wedeking, Virginia Sewell, Ruby Goodman and Doro- thy Smith. The group will meet in the Kreissler home next Monday evening to plan their program. Seasonal refreshments of hot spiced cider and doughnuts were served after adjournment by Beth Kroesen, Dorothy Smith and Ruth Pugh. `Come -As -You -Are' Breakfast Served BACKS CAMPBELL KAULBARS Mortawv 261 N. Lemon Pilo, 18AO counties. Alamitos Church to Show `38th Parallel' GARDEN GROVE — Korea, land of conflict and crisis, will be seen In the new sound -color motion pic- ture entitled "38th Parallel" which Is to be shown at Alamitos Friends church, Sunday evening, October 7 at 7 p. m. "38th, Parallel" is the thrilling story of God's deadline in Korea. Short days before the South Korean countryside flamed with war; this 47 -minute documentary film was photographed by Dr. Bob Pierce who was in Korea to assist the re- vival movements which were sweep- ing the country. Actual war scenes of American forces in action have been released by the War Dept. to Dr. Pierce and have been inecrpor- ated into the film. Dr. Pierce, vice-president of Youth -for -Christ International and former director of the Lov Angeles Youth for Christ Jubilee, is famed for his earlier film "China Chal- lenge". ° 3$th Parallel" gives in- timate glimpses of the home life, occupations, street scenes and cus- toms of the people of Korea and the heartbreak of Korea's orphans and lepers. The real burden of the picture centers around the vigor of spirit- ual life of the Christian population and it's heroism in the face of persecution. Shown also are the scenes of dawn prayer meetings, stadium rallies attended by thous- ands of persons, and Gil Dodds, champion miler, both running and speaking. Narration throughout is by Bob Pierce. Friends Gather for Barbecued Steaks CYPRESS — Barbecued steaks, augmented by many other tasty potluck dishes were enjoyed at Ir- vine park on Sunday by a group of friends of the Charles Knauss' why are soon to move to West Palm Beach, Fla. Knauss, U. S. Army Air Force, is being transferred from March Field to Florida and will report there on Oct. 6, with the family planning to join him in No- vember as soon as living accomo- dations can be obtained. Hiking, boating and bicycling fur- nished' the diversion after lunch. Enjoying the day were the Knauss' and their two daughters, Sandy Sue and Bobbie Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Don Wedeking and sons, Gary and Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Kreissier, Mr. and Mrs. Frawc Buzzo, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Blake, Ur. and Mrs. Ted Priddy and children, Marcia, C. J. and Gary, Mr, and Mrs. Leon Sewell and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Daniel and children, Clau- dia and David, Mrs. Cass Rogers, Mrs. E. E. Goodman, Miss Judy Montgomery, Patsy Raidy,t Jack Junker and Capt. Guy Rheinhart, Bufletiin�n Want Acis + Jerry Rayburn briefly revievi the season with the YMCA softt team in Fullerton on which he ] been serving as pitcher. The breakfast was prepared served by Arch Raitt and F Dukes Jr. Sands Meets G'lson In Bout Tonight , CHICAGO, Oct. 3 (U,P.)—Aust: ia's Dave Sands, who is ranked the No. 1 contender for Ray Rol son's world middleweight char ionship, was a 13 to 5 favorite make- a successful American de tonight by beating Carl (Bobo) son of Hawaii. The widely -televised bout scheduled for 10 rounds, two than the bout in Sydney, Austra in March, 1950, when Sands wol split decision over Olson. Troy Drills Against Huskie Air Attack I LOS ANGELES, Oct. 3 (UA) -7 accent was on defense in the U. versity of . Southern Califon training camp today as the Troji drilled for their crucial conferee test against the Washington Hl kies Saturday. Coach Jess Hill tried his deft sive squad against Washingi plays and tested his aerial defe] on the assumption that the Hi kies, even without the great L Heinrich, pack a potent passing tack. Optimists to 'Host Ladies at Dinner A dinner meeting especially ple ned for Optim-Mrs and their gue will take place next Thursday, ei ning at Lum's cafe. Ethel Jacobsen, noted magazi writer will be the speaker for t evening. She is well-known ] her many stories that have appeE ed in the Saturday Evening Post. Members are urged to make rest vations with Harwood Larson, cl president. ITCH Don't Suffer Another Minute No matter how many remedies yol have tried for itching ok eczema psoriasis, infections, athlete's foo or whatever your skin trouble mai be --anything from head to foot— WONDER SALVE and WONDEE Medicated SOAP can help you. Developed for the boys in the Army—novo for you folks at hom WONDER SALVE is white, greaseless antiseptic. No ugly appearance. Safe to children. Get WONDER SALVE—result or money refunded. A truly wosderfu Preparation. Try it—today. For recta troubles, get PYLO%, white, greaseless. No stain. Pain relieving. Large tube with applicator and key. Sold In Anaheim by Heyings, Jael son, and McCoy Drug Storer; i Four h.etown druggist. ORDINANCE NO. CCS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CREATING, ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING A CODE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR SAFEGUARDING PERSONS AND PROPERTY AND PROMOTING THE WELFARE OF THE PUBLIC, CREATING THE OFFICE OF CITY ELECTRICIAN AND PR 3CRIBING HIS QUALIFICATIONS, DUTIES, RIGHTS AND AUTHORITY; ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, AND FOR ITS INSTALLATION REQUIRING CONFORMITY THF MATH. MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO UNDERTAKE THE INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT WITHOUT A PERMIT THEREFOR, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED; PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF INSPECTION FEES, REINSPECTION AND THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS CODE AND REPEALING ALL, CODES OR ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF CODES OR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH THIS CODE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The provisions of this code shall apply to all installations of electrical material, fittings, devices, appliances, fixtures and apparatus here- after referred to as "Electrical Equipment", Within or on public and private build- ings, structures, and premises and with the following general exceptions: (a) The provisions of this code shall not apply to installations in ships railway cars or automotive equipment. (b) The provisions of this code shall not apply to installations used W electricity supply or communication :agencies in the generation, transmission or dis- tribution of electricity, or for the operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence in the exercise of their function as such agencies and located outdoors or in buildings used exclusively for that purpose. (c) The provisions of this code shall not apply to electrical equipment used for radio transmission, other than electrical equipment for radio transmission in amateur radio transmitting stations, and all electrical equipment used for power supply to transmitting equipment. CITY BLECTRICIA14 SECTION 2: The City Council of the City of Anaheim shall appoint a City Electrician for the City of Anaheim, who shall hold office during the pleasure of the City Council, whose compensation shall be fixed by the City Council by resolu- tion and may be changed by them at their discretion in the same manner. The City Electrician shall have the management and control of the munici- pal light and power system of said city, together with the street lighting and fire alarm systems and all appurtenances thereto, subject to the supervision of the City Council of the City of Anaheim. DUTIES OF THE CITY ELECTRICIAN SECTION 3: It shall be the duty of the City Electrician to enforce the provisions of this code. He shall, upon application, grant permits for the in- stallation or alteration of electrical equipment. and shall make inspections of -1- rA electrical installations as -provided in this code. He shall keep complete records of all permits issued, inspections and reinspections made, and other official work performed in accordance with the provisions of this code. It shall be unlawful for the City Electrician or any of his assistants to engage in the business of the sale, installation or maintenance of electrical equip— ment, either directly or indirectly, and they shall have no financial interest in any concern engaged in such business in the City of Anaheim at any time while hold— ing such office as herein provided. He shall hold membership in the International Association of Electrical Inspectors, and may attend all activities and serve on any Electrical Committee of the Association to which he may be appointed and may be allowed the necessary ex— penses xpenses in connection with such activities. The City Electrician shall have authority to designate one or more of his assistants or employees to perform the duties of Electrical Inspector or inspectors. AUTHORITY OF EMCTRICAI, INSPECTOR SECTION 4: The Electrical Inspector shall have the right, during reason— able easonable hours, to enter any building or permises in the discharge of his official duties, or for the purpose of making any inspection, reinspection, or test of the electrical equipment contained therein, or its installation, provided, however, no reinspection shall be made in any dwelling while the same is occupied thereof. When any elect— rical equipment is found by the Electrical Inspector to be dangerous to property or to persons because it is defective or defectively installed, the person, firm or corporation responsible for the electrical equipment shall be notified in writing and shall make any changes or repairs as required by this code or other laws to place such equipment in safe condition, and if such work is not completed within fifteen (15) days or longer periods as may be specified by the Electrical Inspector, said Inspector shall have authority to disconnect or order the discontinuance of electri— cal service to said electrical equipment, and any person, firm or corporation, utility, or political subdivision ordered to discontinue such electrical service shall do so within twenty—four (24) hours and shall not reconnect or allow it to be reconnected until notified to do so by the Electrical Inspector. (a) In cases of ,emergency, where necessary for safety of persons, or of property, or where electrical equipment may interfere with the work of the Fire Department, the Electrical Inspector shall have the authority to immediately dis— connect or cause disconnection of any electrical equipment. (b) The Electrical Inspector may delegate any of his powers or duties to any of his assistants. (c) In cases where the rapid development in the application and uses of electricity or new and special or unusual methods of building construction create problems or conditions which are not clearly contemplated in the making of this code and make literal application or the rule or rules impracticable, the Electrical Inspector is hereby empowered to make interpretations in the form of his own rules where ever there is a question as to motive or method or manner in which the material —2— shall be installed. STANDARDS FOR TIS INTSTALI.,ATION OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SECTION .5: (a) IySTALLATION: All electrical installations (industrial, commercial and residential) in the City of Anaheim shall be in conformity with t1he provisions of this code, the Electrical Safety Orders of the State of California, and with approved standards for safety to life and property in every case where no specific type or class of material, or no specific standards of installation are prescribed in the Electrical Safety Orders or by this code, as approved by the American Standards Association, shall be prima facie evidence in conformity with approved standards for safety to life and property. (b) MATERIALS: All materials, devices, appliances, fittings and equip- ment installed or used in the above described city, shall be in conformity with the provisions of this code, the Electrical Safety Orders of the State of California, and with approved standards for safety to life and property. Listing or labeling as conforming to the Standards of Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., as approved by the United States Bureau of Mines, the American Standards Association, the United States Bureau of Standards, or other similar institutions of recognized standing, shall be prima facie evidence of conformity with approved standards of safety to life and property. (c) USED MAT MIALS: Previously used material shall not be re -used with- out ithout the written approval obtained in advance from the Electrical Inspector. (d) DOCUMENTS Or, FILE: Three copies of the Electrical Safety Orders are on file at the office of the City Clerk and are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this code in accordance with the laws of the State of California. (e) 1WSPLATE: The maker's nameplate, trademark, or other identification symbol shall be placed on the outside where it is visible at time of inspection on all electrical materials, devices, appliances, fittings and equipment used or in --o stalled under the provisions of this code. (f) Electric wiring installed in or on structures identified by the Uniform Building Code under "Al' to 11H" occupancies, inclusive. See table of groups of occupancy in Section 31. Electric wiring enclosures shall be approved rigid metal conduit or electrical metallic tubing. Flexible metallic conduit may be used, but must be concealed from mechanical injury and at no time can it be installed in the open or in concrete floors or walls. (g) Electric wiring installed in or on buildings or structures as defined by the Uniform Building Code under t0I" and Vll Occupancies shall be any method approved by safety orders. (h) Galvanized or sheradized rigid metal conduit shall be required in concrete or masonry floors, underground and outside of buildings, or where exposed to the weather. (i) Electric Metallic Tubing (E.M.T.) may be used in hollow masonry walls -�3- ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS SECTION 6: (a) Alterations or extensions to, and alterations and renew- als of existing installations shall be made in compliance with the provisions of the code. (b) In locations where metallic conduit is required, but the existing installation was lawfully installed according to any other local ordinance, code or order, the existing type of installation may be used provided such addition or ex- tension does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the connected load to any circuit or circuits. (c) Where such additions, alterations or extensions are due to damage by fire, any part repaired, altered to or extended shall be of a type required by this code, provided such damage exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the area of the structure. (d) Old sequence meter installations in service porches or rooms and on outside of house, shall be changed to new sequence when additions to structure re- quire additions to circuit or circuits. OUTSIDE WORK SECTION 7: No open wiring requiring more than one set of knobs or insula- tors to each circuit shall be installed on the outside of buildings. Knobs or in- sulators shall be of solid type, and nails or spikes shall not be considered as adequate support for such knobs or insulators. All open wiring shall have the mini- mum clearances as contained in the State Electrical Safety Orders. SIZE OF SERVICE CONDUIT SECTION 8: The minimum size concealed service wiring shall not be less than one (1) inch trade size. When electric range outlet is included in rough wir- ing, then one and one quarter (14) inch shall be installed. The minimum size exposed service wiring conduit shall not be less than that required for the size of service conductors installed therein. The minimum size service conductors shall not be less than. No. 8 A.W.Q. R.C. or T. wire. Service entrance switch on any commercial or industrial building shall not be smaller than sixty (60) ampere: Fifty (50) ampere breaker may be used. METHOD OF INSTALLING SERVICE SECTION 9: Every service shall be installed in rigid metal conduit and in accordance with rule Number 8 of this section, and all service equipment conduits and fittings installed on the exterior of any building shall be listed and approved by a recognized testing laboratory as rain tight. TWO Am THM WIRE SMVICE All single phase lighting loads of less than 3500 watts or not more than two (2) circuits may be served by two (2) wires where rhn-installation has been wired and arranged for three wire service, no two wire energy supply or two wire service shall be connected thereto without the written approval obtained in advance from the Electrical Inspector. LOCATIOY OF SERVICE MOS SECTION 10: Service heads shall be located on that wall nearest the utility company lines or poles, not less than ten (10) feet above ground or grade and not less than three (3) feet from any door or window, even with or slightly above the second floor ceiling line, but not to exceed twenty—five (25) feet and/or to a location approved by the serving utility. In addition there shall not be less than eighteen (18) inches of wire extended from service head for utility company attachment. SMVI CE. SECTION ll (a) In buildings served at not over 150 volts to ground, a single set of service entrance conductors may be run to, not to exceed six (6) sets of service equipment on a residential occupancy and not to exceed four (4) sets of service equipment on any other occupancy, if grouped at the point of entrance. Fo_r any other occupancy or installation involving more than these or supplied at over 150 volts to ground, the entire current shall be taken through one main service switch. No service switch shall be located more than six feet six inches (6 ft.6 in. to the handle in the on position above the floor or ground level. Not to exceed twenty—five (25) feet of unfused service conductors shall enter or be run within any occupancy. (b) Installations in single family dwellings; In the case of single family dwellings, from one to six (but not exceeding six) subdivisions of load may be served by one set of service conductors without a master service switch, provided that the voltage to ground does not exceed 150 volts, and provided further, that all subdivisions of load are protected by non—tamperable cut—outs installed in a single dead—front cabinet at the nearest readily and s4fely accessible point to where the service conductors enter the building. The top of such cabinet shall be less than five (5) feet above the floor. VOLTAGE DROP SECTIOP3 12: Every interior system of wiring for light and heat installat— ion shall be so installed as not to exceed three (3) percent voltage over all and for power installations, not to exceed five (5) percent voltage drop over all, based on allowable load. Yard lighting installations may be installed so as not to exceed five (5) percent voltage drop over all. BRAYCH CIRCUIT REQUIREMENTS SECTION 13: (a) Each single family dwelling and each occupancy of a multi—family dwelling supplied with electric lighting shall have at least one (1) fifteen (15) ampere and one twenty (20) ampere circuit. (b) Fifteen (15) ampere circuits supply general lighting circuits only. -5- (c) Twenty (20) ampere circuits shall supply general appliance circuits outlets and convenience outlets only. (d) Each single family dwelling or each occupancy of a multi -family dwell- ing shall have not less than one (1) general lighting branch circuit. (e) Each single family dwelling or each occupancy of a multi -family shall have not less than one (1) general appliance circuit rated at twenty (20) amperes on which not to exceed eight (8) appliance outlets may be iplstalled. In occupancies, general appliance branch circuits which supply outlets in E tchen, laundry, pantry, dining room, and breakfast room, shall not supply any oth&r outlets unless there are less than eight (8) outlets in any one occupancy. (f) Each single family dwelling or each occupancy of a multi -family dwell- ing having over five hundred (500) square feet of floor area in any one occupancy shall have at least one twenty (20) ampere convenience outlet circuit supplying current to outlets as required elsewhere in this code with twelve (12) convenience outlets per circuit. (g) In all residential occupancies, convenience outlets and receptacles shall be provided and installed in each and every service porch, sun room, breakfast room or nook, dining room, bathroom, bedroom and living room, located so that at no point on any wall shall it be a greater distance than twenty (20) feet measured horizontally along the base from convenience outlet to convenience outlet. In add- ition an appliance outlet shall be provided and installed at the location of every range# refrigerator, washing machine or laundry tray or ironing board. (h) Each and every livable room shall have at least one (1) general light- ing outlet rated at not less than required elsewhere in this code. Living rooms and bedrooms may be excepted, provided one (1) or more outlets required as convenience are provided and controlled by an accessible wall switch. Drop cords shall not be installed in any closets. (i) Not more than twelve (12) lighting outlets shall be installed on any one circuit. (j) Every livable room shall have provided and installed the minimum outlets as required by this code. (k) No wiring to be installed until plumbing is installed, no exceptions. (1) Rigid conduit, electric metallic tubing (E.M.T.) or flexible conduit (flex.) shall be installed in all multi -family dwellings. (m) All branch circuit conductors installed at outlets shall be safely and mechanically spliced so that not more than the required number of conductors shall be attached to any electrical device. (n) Fixture type splicing connectors shall be used for fixtures only. NUIZER OF CONDUCTORS IN A BOX 10 Boxes shall be of sufficient size to provide free space for all conductors enclosed therein. The maximum number of conductors, not counting fixture wires, permitted in outlet and junction boxes shall be as in the tables of the National Electric Code, (3709). TOUCH PLATE INSTALLAxIONS S30TIOII 14: (a) All secondary wiring shall be installed in a workmanlike manner. Wires shall not be run in exposed locations in such manner that they will be subject to mechanical injury. Wires shall be securely fastened in a suitable manner at least every *� feet and within 12 inches of each outlet and shall be in- stalled under the same conditions as provided in the code for non-metallic wiring installations except where other requirements are specifically mentioned in the following rules. (b) Secondary wiring shall have approved insulation for not less than 300 volts. No wire smaller than 18 A.W.G. shall be used. (c) In figuring the size of boxes required, each relay shall be figured as requiring a minimum of 3 cubic inches in addition to the size needed for the number of wires in the box. If the relay is larger than 3 cubic inches, the size of the box shall be increased accordingly. (d) Low voltage switches used to operate the relays shall be of approved type and shall be secured to a plaster ring or in approved box or by some other suitable means. (e) The relays shall be adequately fastened to the outlet box in which it is installed and in such a manner that it may readily be removed and reinstalled after the outlet box containing same is concealed without removing plaster of the finish of the building. (f) If desired., relays in an approved box or cabinet may be placed in attic space where there is a minimum vertical clearance of 3 feet and walkways are provided. Where the space is less than 3 feet, relays shall be installed within one foot of scuttle. (g) Where an approved assembly consisting of relay, transformer and con- verter and/or current limiting transformer is used, it may be installed in an attic where there is a minimum vertical clearance of 3 feet and walkway is provided. Where the clearance is less than 3 feet, such assembly and/or current limiting transformer shall be installed within one foot of scuttle. (h) Transformers of the non-current limiting type and secondary fusee shall be located at the service entrance or in some other readily accessible location (not in attic space). (i) Relays shall not be installed in fluorescent fixture or recessed fixture unless such fixture is approved by some recognized testing laboratory with relays installed. (j) Where uniasulated staples are used to fasten low volte.ge conductors -7- in place, such uninsulated staples shall fasten a single conductor only. Where in- sulated staples are used, or other approved Method, such staple may fasten or support more than one conductor. (k) The low voltage conductor may be installed in the same conduit or raceway with the other wires of the circuit provided the low voltage conductor' has an insulation equal to the conductors of the circuit. CIRCUIT RATI1 GS IN DWELLINGS SECTION 15: On a two -wire and on each side of a three -wire general light- ing branch circuit, the total connected load shall not exceed fifteen (15) amperes. On a two -wire and on each side of a three -wire convenience outlet and/or appliance circuit, the total convenience load shall not exceed twenty (20) amperes. MINIir1 M WIRE SIZE SECTION 16: For the supply of current to general appliance and convenience outlet circuits, no conductor smaller than No. 12 A.W.G. wire shall be installed, No convenience outlet or appliance shall be installed or operated on a general light- ing branch circuit at any time in any occupancy. HEATING APPLIANCES IN D113LLINGS SECTION 17: Any heating appliance in a dwelling, rated at more than 1650 Watts, shall be wired for not less than 200 Volts, the conductors to such heating appliances shall be installed in a metal protected system. If such heating appliance is portable, the receptacle shall be of a suitable capacity. In dwellings and apart- ment houses, two or more fixed air heating appliances, rated at not less than 1650 Watts each, and operating at not less than 230 Volts may be installed on a heavy duty heater branch circuit, protected by a single set of overload protective devices, provided the total connected load does not exceed thirty-five (35) amperes per con- ductor. onductor. Heavy duty heater branch circuits may be two -wire derived from either a 115-230 Volt single-phase, or a 230 Volt three-phase source, or they may be three- phase three -wire derived from a three-phase 230 Volt source. The tap from such circuit to the heating appliance shall in no case be less than No. 12 A.W.G. wire nor over eighteen (180) inches in length. All ungrounded conductors shall be switched at each heating appliance. Only those conductors supplying a fixed heater shall enter a heater enclosure, all such conductors shall enter through the bottom of such enclosure. This sub -division shall not be construed to permit heaters for different apartments or occupancies being connected to the same circuit. WATER -HEATERS, SPACE-EEATERS, AND AIR-CO,1DITIOUING SECTION 18: Demand factors may be applied to reduce the size of service, and sub -feeders in dwellings and apartment houses supplying the following type of load: Water heaters, space heaters and,air--conditioning devices of 2000 Watts or over as follows: NO. OF UNITS - 8-6 N0. OF UNITS 1- 2 3- 5 6-10 11-20 21-35 36-60 61-100 Over -100 DEMAND 100 85 70 60 50 40 35 30 DEMAND FACTORS FOR ELECTRICAL RANGES SECTION 19: The values in the table below apply to one or more cooking and baking appliances but are not applicable to other appliances. Unless statements are filed in writing from the owner or authorized agent stating capacity of ranges, each range shall be figured at not less than 10 K.W. CALCULATIOP? OF LOAD SECTION 209 The branch circuit load for lighting and appliances shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of this section. Where in normal opera- tion, the maximum load of � branch circuit will continue for a long period of time, such as store lighting grid similar loads, the minimum unit loads specified shall be increased by twenty-five per cent (25%) in order that the wiring system may have sufficient branch circuit and feeder capacity to insure safe operation. (a) GENERAL L16HTIFG FOR GENERAL ILLUMINATION. In the occupancies listed in the Table in Section 31, a load of not less than the unit load. of Column "A" shall be included for each square foot of floor area, In determining the load on the "Watts per square foot" basis, the floor area shall be computed from the outside dimensions of the building, apartment, or area involved, and the number of floors, not including open porches, garages, in connection with dwelling occupancies, nor unfinished spaces in basements or attics of dwellings. All convenience outlets of -9- COLUMN I COLUMN II N0. OFRANGES RANGES OVER 1650 WATTS RANGES OVER 3500 WATTS 1 80 80 2 75 65 0 55 4 66 50 5 62 45 6 59 43 7 56 40 8 53 36 9 51 35 10 49 34 Unless statements are filed in writing from the owner or authorized agent stating capacity of ranges, each range shall be figured at not less than 10 K.W. CALCULATIOP? OF LOAD SECTION 209 The branch circuit load for lighting and appliances shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of this section. Where in normal opera- tion, the maximum load of � branch circuit will continue for a long period of time, such as store lighting grid similar loads, the minimum unit loads specified shall be increased by twenty-five per cent (25%) in order that the wiring system may have sufficient branch circuit and feeder capacity to insure safe operation. (a) GENERAL L16HTIFG FOR GENERAL ILLUMINATION. In the occupancies listed in the Table in Section 31, a load of not less than the unit load. of Column "A" shall be included for each square foot of floor area, In determining the load on the "Watts per square foot" basis, the floor area shall be computed from the outside dimensions of the building, apartment, or area involved, and the number of floors, not including open porches, garages, in connection with dwelling occupancies, nor unfinished spaces in basements or attics of dwellings. All convenience outlets of -9- twenty (20) ampere or less rating in single—family and multi—family dwellings and in guest rooms of hotels (except those connected to the appliance circuits specified may be considered as outlets for general illumination? No additional load need be included for such outlets). (b) OTHER. LOADS. For lighting other than general illumination and for appliances other than motors, a load of not less than the unit load specified below shall be included for each outlet: Outlets supplying specific appliances and other loads Amp rating of appliances Outlets supplying heavy duty lamp holders 5 Amps. * Other outlets . . . ... . . . . . . . • • 12 Amperes ** TOTE: This provision not applicable to receptacle outlets provided for the con— nection of fixed lighting units to facilitate servicing and replacement. (c) EXCEPTIONS. The minimum loads for outlets paragraph °b" shall be, modified as follows: 1. RANGES: For household electric ranges, the branch circuit load may be computed in accordance with Table 19. 2. SHOW WINDOW LIGHTING: For show window lighting, a load of not less than 200 Watts per linear foot of show window, measured 'horizontally along its base, may be allowed in lieu of specified load per outlet. 3. 1,4MTI—OUTLET ASSEP-MLIES: Where fixed multi -.outlet assemblies are em— plo,ed, each five feet or fraction thereof of each separate and continuous length shall be considered as one outlet of less than 1- ampere capacity; except in locations where a number of appliances are likely to be used simultaneously, when each one foot or fraction thereof shall be considered as one outlet of not less than lz amperea. FEEDERS SECTION 21: CALCULATION? OF LQU: The computed load of a feeder shall not be less than the sum of all branch circuit loads supplied by the feeder. (a) GMPAL LIGHTING: The demand factors specified in this paragraph may be applied to the computed branch circuit load for general illumination: _10— UNIT LOADS AND FEEDER DEMAND FACTORS —11— COL. A. COL. B. UiSTIT LOAD LOAD TO WHICH PER SQ,.FT. DEMAND FACTOR DEM&ND TYPES OF OCCUPANCY (WATTS) APPLIES (WATTS) FACTOR ARMORIES and Total Wattage 100% AUDITORIUMS 1 Total Wattage 100% BAITKS 2 Total Wattage 100% BARBER SHOPS and Wattage 100, BEAUTY PARLORS 3 Total CHU'll CHE. S 1 Total Wattage 100`h6 CLUBS 2 * Total Wattage 100/o COURT ROOIfS 2 Total Wattage 100h DWELLIATGS 2500 or less 100% SIim;GLE FAI.ILY 2 * Over, 2,500 30 Vt+TELLII~TGS 3,000 or less 10V MULTI—FAEILY Next 117,000 35% (Other than hotels) Over 120,000 25%% GARAGES—CO"TIERCIAL (Storage)2 Total Wattage 100% HOSPITALS 2 50,000 or less 40% Over 50,000 20% HOTELS 2 20,000 or less 50% Including apartment houses Next 80,000 100,000 40% 3 without provisions for cook— Over ing by tenants. IIDUS^tRIAL 0014i i CIAL Wattage 100 (LOFT) BUILDINGS 2 Total LODGE ROGi=iS 12 Total Wattage 100h OFFICE BUILDINGS 2 20,000 or less 100 Over 20,000 70 —11— UNIT LOADS AND FEEDER DEMAND FACTORS COL. A. COL. B. 1JUIT LOAD LOAD TO WHICH PER SQ. FT. DEMAND FACTOR DEMAND TYPE OF OCCUPANCY (WATTS) APPLIES (WATTS) FACTOR RESTAURANTS 2 Total Wattage 100% SCHOOLS 3 15,000 or less 100% Over 15,000 50% STORES 3 Total Wattage 100% WAREHOUSES STORAGE 4 12,500 or less 100 Over 12,500 50% If any of the above occupancies except Single-family dwellings and individual apartments of multi -family and dwellings: ASSEIGLY HALLS and AUDITORIUMS 1 Total Wattage as specified HALLS, CORRIDORS, CLOSETS for the specific occupancy STORAGE SPACES s * For sub -feeders to areas in Hospitals and Hotels where entire lighting is likely to be used at one time; as in operating rooms, ballrooms, dining rooms, etc., a demand factor of 100 per cent shall, be used., (b) SMALL APPLIANCES. The small appliance load as specified in sub -para- graph 3-1 and the computed branch circuit load for receptacle outlets in other than dwelling occupancies for which the allowance is not more than 12 amperes per outlet, may be included with the general lighting load and subject to the demand factors in paragraph (a) of this section. DWELLING OCCUPANCIES In single-family dwellings, in individual apartments of multi -family dwell- ings having provisions for cooking by tenants, and in each hotel suite having a serving pantry, a feeder load of not less than 1,500 watts shall be included for small appliances (Portable appliances supplied from receptacles of 20 ampere or less rating), in dining room, kitchen and laundry. If the Load is subdivided through two or more feeders, the computed load for each shall include not less than 1.500 watts for small appliances. In no case shall the feeder supplying an occupancy be smaller than No. 10 A.W.G. wire. 00142RCIAL, STORE AMID MARIMT BUILDINGS SECTION 22: Commercial and store buildings shall be wired for general -12+ lighting as requiring a minimum of 3 watts per square foot of floor space in sales- rooms, display rooms, offices and other rooms devoted to similar purposes. All other spaces shall be wired as requiring 1 Watt per square foot. In addition to the above, circuit capacity shall be provided to an accessible location at each store window, for 200 Watts per lineal foot of glass measured horizontally at the base of the window. An appliance circuit shall be run to the front of each store building and outlets located in or near all show windows or front openings, not to exceed four (4) such outlets shall be installed on any one circuit. A convenience outlet circuit shall be provided and convenience outlets installed not to exceed eight (8) such outlets shall be installed on any one circuit. Where there are no show windows, extra circuit capacity shall be provided at the panel for show window circuits. A sign circuit shall be provided and installed to an accessible location at the front of all commercial and store buildings occupancies. The sign circuit and/or outlet shall be controlled by a manual or automatic switch. Not to exceed four (4) transformers of 1650 V.A. shall be connected to any such circuit. All transformers shall comply with Section 28. LOCATION OF BRANCH CIRCUIT PROTECTIVE DEVICES SECTION 23: (a) Branch circuit protective devices shall be installed in and for each occupancy. Nothing contained in this code shall be deemed or construed to permit the installation of any electrical device outlet or circuit in any occup- ancy, the control of or the protection of which is not accessible to the occupant at all times. No parts of any circuit shall supply electrical energy to more than one (1) occupancy. SECTION 24: All outlets shall be left exposed and/or uncovered. Any person, firm or corporation covering any outlets in any building shall, at their own expense locate and uncover such outlet, or outlets and shall repair all damage in locating such outlet, or outlets. TRANSFORMRS SECTION 25: Bell, furnace. or low voltage control transformers shall be installed in a grounded metal can or in a separate compartment of a distribution -panel located at the distribution center on a separate circuit, or on the appliance branch circuit and 'provided with an isolating switch. All secondaries of trans formers rated fifty watts (50) or twenty-four volts (24) shall be safely provided with overcurrent protective devices. TRAILER PARK WIRING SECTION 26: Demands to be used for service and sub -feed calculations: -13- 0 - 10 Trailers . . . . . . . 100% 11 - 25 Trailers . . . . . . .80% 26 - 50 Trailers . . . . . , .60% 51 -- or Over . . . . . . . 50% OVERCURMYT PROTECTION Each and every trailer shall be protected by a fifteen (15) ampere multi - breaker. Special permission may be granted by the person enforcing this code when the need for greater loading is demanded by the sire of the trailers. OVERHEAD WIRING Overhead wiring supported on poles to trailer areas shall be maintained at a minimum height above ground of twelve (12) feet where no vehicles can be driven under the wires, and at a minimum height of sixteen (16) feet over driveways and private roadways. Sub -feed on poles to multi -breaker locations shall be enclosed in rigid conduit. All other equipment shall be of an approved rain tight type. GROUNDING Unless a ground conductor is carried with the overhead wire assembly fcr the grounding of conduit system on trailer poles, a separate ground shall be used at each location of conduit system that is within eight (8) feet of ground level. COMMMITY BUILDINGS AND LAUNDRY LOCATIONS Calculations for feeders or service for above buildings shall be based on the table in Section 21 of this code. No more than two (2) convenience outlets per circuit at ironing board locations. TEMPORARY SERVICE POLE AND EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION POLE SECTION 27: Minimum size pole shall be 411 x 611 x 201 pole shall be erected in a plumb position bottom four (4) feet shall be creosoted and buried four (4) feet in ground. Service cap and conduit shall extend to a height of sixteen (16) feet above ground level. Conduit shall not be less than 3/4 inch trade size. Service conductors to line side of switch shall not be less than No. 8 A.W.G. Wire in size. Conduits shall be eneaseciin fibre conduit or wood moulding starting just under service cap and extending down pole for a distance of eight (8) feet. SERVICE EQUIPMENT All service equipment such as meter cans, switches, panels and receptacles shall be of a type classed as approved rain tight equipment. GROUNDING If water line is not available for grounding, a driven ground is permiss- -14- able if the driven ground is not smaller than 3/4 inch galvanized pipe or approved ground rod driven to a depth of eight (8) feet. The neutral ground shall not be smaller than No. 8 A.W.G. wire enclosed in inch rigid conduit. All nipples entering switch case including service conduit shall be bonded by use of bond bushing and No. 8 A.W.G. wire to the ground pipe in switch. RECEPTACLES Receptacles used shall be of a three—wire polarized type and if for 110 volt or 220 volt shall be of a type that is not interchangeable. COIQUTATION OF LOAD CURRENTS SECTION 28: Current carrying capacity for various voltages shall be com— puted as follows: Line voltage between 100 and 125 volts; shall be commuted as 120 volts; line voltage between 210 and 250 volts shall be computed as 240 volts. Three phase 4 wire lighting shall be computed 120-208 volts. GASEOUS TUBE LIGHTS AND OTHER DEVICES SECTION 29:. Each fluroescent fixture, transformer—type welders, mercury vapor fixture of high voltage gas tube light or sign shall be provided with a fixed nameplate, legible after installation, which shall correctly state the manufactures, name or trade mark, and the voltage, total watts and power factor. No such equip— ment shall be installed in which the power factor is less than 90 per cent. All above listed equipment shall have underwriters laboratory label or recognized test— ing laboratory .label. Every such light or sign shall be effectively grounded, either by a permanent and approved metallic connection to a grounded circuit system, or by a flexible approved cord, one conductor of which shall be a grounding conductor connected to a separate blade of a polarized attachment cap in such manner that a grounding connection is made when such cap is inserted into a polarized plug. EMERGENCY AND EXIT LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS SECTION 30: (a) EXIT ILLUMINATION: Exits shall be illuminated at all times with light, having an intensity of not less than one foot candle at floor level. (b) EXIT SIGNS: Every exit doorway from an area with an occupant load of more than one hundred (100) persons shall be marked with an exit sign. Exit sign letters shall be green at least five (5) inches high. (c) ILLUMI1ATION OF SIG]IS: Exit si-gns in every Group "A" Occupancy, Group "B", Dividion 1 and 2 Occupancy, Group "D" Occupancy; Group "F" Occupancy with an excess of 1,000 persons; and Group "H" Occupancy with an occupant load of more than 1,000 persons, as defined by the Uniform Building Code, shall be lighted with two (2) separate lamps of at least 20 Watt capacity on separate circuits, one such circuit being separate from general lighting and supplied by an emergency light— ing service of group classes required by the authority enforcing this code. -15- (d) EMERGENCY SERVICE: 1. Group "A" Occupancy Emergency Service shall mean a separate and independent service used exclusively to supply emergency lights, exit lights, or emergency equipment required by this Code, or any Code, Ordinance or Order, and which service is supplied by one of the following methods: (a) By a different serving agency than that supplying the general light- ing or equipment. (b) By different primary mains from the same or different sub -station than the mains supplying the general lighting or equipment. 2. Group "B" Occupancy Emergency Service shall mean an approved storage battery used exclusively to supply emergency lights, exit lights, or emergency equipment required by this Code and which complies with the following requirements: (a) Has capacity to supply all such lights and equipment for one (1) hour and still have a terminal voltage of not less than one and three quarters (1 3/4) volts per cell. (b) Is connected to a trickle charger located on the same premises which will maintain maximum charge when battery is not supplying energy. (c) Is connected to a generator or rectifier located on the premises which will fully recharge it to terminal voltage of one and three quarters (1 3/4) volts in not to exceed sixteen (16) hours. (d) Is maintained to comply with the foregoing requirements as long as it surplies such lights and equipment. 3. Group "D" and "E" Occupancy Emergency Service shall mean a branch or tap from a main service and connected thereto on the supply side of every service switch for such main service and which branch or tap is used exclusively to supply emergency lights, exit lights or emergency equipment required by this Code. SECTION 31: TABLE OF GROUPS OF OCCUPANCY SEATING CAPACITY GROUP OCCUPANCY DIVISION? STAGE IN ANY ONE ROOM A ASSEI•LBLY BUILDIi\sGS Yes 1,000 or more B 1 - ASSEIMY BUILDINGS Yes Less than 1,000 2 - ASSMIBLY BUILDI:uGS No 300 or more. 3 - ASSE1,MLY BUILDINGS No Less than 300 4 - STADI IS, REVIEWI1M STANDS and AMUSEMENT PARK STRUCTURES not included within. Group "A" and Divisions 1, 2 and 3 of Group "B" D 1 - JAILS, PRISO17S, REFOR1,aTORIES, HOUSES OF CORRECTION and buildings where personal liberties of inmates are similarly rebtr&Jaed. 2 - 1MSr CIES for children under six, HOSPITALS, SANITARIUMS and similar,- buildings (each accommodating six or more persons) KIMERGARTE1S . -16-- TABLE OF GROUPS OF OCCUPANCY SEATING CAPACITY GROUP OCCUPANCY DIVISION STAGE IN ANY ONE ROOM E PUBLIC GARAGES, PAINT or PETROLEUM STORAGE, DRY CLEA�ZI-?G PIAT?TS using flammable liquids, PAINT SHOPS, and SPRAY PAI- ?T I'G ROOMS and SHOPS. PiA?ING 114ILLS, BOX FACTORIES, WOODWORKING and 1,;ATTRESS FACTORIES. STORAGE of hazardous and highly flammable or explosive materials and liquids. F WHOLESALE and RETAIL STORES, OFFICE BUILDINGS, RESTAURAi?TS, UNDERTAKING PARLORS, PRITING PLANTS, 14'TTITUCIPAL POLICE and FIRE STATIONS. GASOLINE FILLING and SERVICE STATIONS, FACTORIES and WORKSHOPS usin- materials not highly flammable or combustible. STORAGE and SALESROOMS for combustible goods. G ICE PLA1741TS, POWER PLANTS, PUMPING PLANTS, COTjD STORAGE and C_IRFAMERIES. FACTORIES and WORKSHOPS using incombustible and non -explosive materials. TI 1 - HOISS for aged, ORPHAITAGES. DOMITORIES for children over six (each accommodating six or more persons). 2 - HOTELS, APARTI-ZNT HOUSES, DOR,11TORIES, LODGING HOUSES, CONVENTS,1011AST�RIES (each accommodating 10 or more persons). I DWELLINGS J 1 - PRIVATE GARAGES, SHEDS and 1.4INOR BUILDINGS used as Accessories only when not over one thousand (1,000) square feet in area. 2 - FFYCES over six (6) feet high, TANKS and 'TOWERS. DEFINITION OF TEP1,15 SECTION 32: For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following words, terms and phrases are hereby defined as follows, and shall be construed as in this section defined: (a) AUSTER ELECTRICIAN. The Master Electrician may be the Proprietor, Employee or Corporation Officer, but in all cases be the person who is directly responsible for the physical and mechanical manner in which electrical material, equipment and devices are placed or installed. A Master Electrican shall counter- sign all applications for electrical permits, and shall supervise all electrical work authorized by such permit. The Name of the Master Electrician, authorized as such, and the name of the person, firm or corporation for whom Permit Applications _17., are to be countersigned shall be set forth in the Certificate of Competency, and it shall be unlawful for any Master Electrician to countersign any Permit Applicat- ion for any person, firm or corporation other than the person, firm or corporation by whom or which he is employed or with whom or which he is associated or connected, (b) MASTER ELECTRICIAN, 0-10 Classification. A bonafide possessor of a valid registered license to install electrical wiring issued by the State of Calif- ornia, and identified by the classification 0-10 may be granted a Master Electrieianl: Certificate of Competency by the Electrical Inspector. (c) SIGN ELECTRICIAN. Any individual, firm or corporation engaged in the installation or maintenance of any Gas Tube Sign, whether fixed or portable. (d) AIAINTEITANCE ELECTRICIAN. Any person other than a Master Electrician, who is regularly employed to install, alter, maintain or repair electrical wiring or equipment in or on buildings or permises owned or occupied by his employer, but who does not furnish any materials or supplies in the execution of such work. (e) OWNER. An owner is deemed to:mean the bona -fide owner of the legal or equitable title to any property. (f) PERSON. The term "person" wherever- used in this Code, shall extend to and be deemed to include any persona firm or corporation. (g) WIRE SIZES. A.W.G. wherever conductor or wire sizes are referred to or specified by number in this Ordinance, such number shall be construed to mean the number or gauge of sunh wire according to Standard American Wire Gauge Specificat- ions, abbreviated herein as A.W,G. (h) KVA. The letters "KVA" wherever used in this Code, shall be deemed to mean Kilovolt Amperes. MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN SECTION 33: No person shall install, alter, maintain or repair electrical wining or equipment in or on buildings owned or occupied by his employet without first having obtained a Certificate of Competency from the Electrical Inspector of the City of Anaheim. CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY SECTION 34: All Certificates of Competency issued under this Ordinance shall be valid, unless revoked or suspended, for the term of the fiscal year of their issuance, and shall, in every case, expire on the 30th day of June following their issuance. All license fees shall be payable in advance to the Electrical Inspector of the City of Anaheim and shall be chargeable for each year or portion of year in the following amount$ MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN - the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year or any portion thereof. CANCELLATION OF LICENSES —18- SECTION 35: The City Council of the City of Anaheim may suspend or revoke the License of any Electrician licensed hereunder for any violation of this Ordinance or for incompetency. DUTIES OF MASTER ELECTRICIANS SECTION 36: It shall be the duty of every Master Electrician to comply with all requirements of this and all other Ordinances of the City of Anaheim as well as all laws of the State of California, applicable to Electrical work. SPECIAL INFOR1,ATION REQUIRED OF SIGN ELECTRICIAN SECTION 37: Before hanging or installing any Gas Tube Electric Sign, it shall be the duty of the Sign Electrician hanging or installing the same to file with the office of the Electrical Inspector on a form furnished by such office for the purpose, the following information respecting such sign: A. ManufacturerAs name andesaddres�; B. Underwriter's label number; C. Purchaser's name and address; D. Location of sign; E. Number of transformers and kilovolt amperes (hVA) rating of total. No fee shall be charged for the filing of such information. The Sigi1 Electrician, as such, shall not connect or cause to be connected any sign to any source of electrical supply. Acceptance tests shall be made by the City of Anaheim on all Gaseous Tube Fixtures and Signs, to determine if they conform with Section 29 of this Code. Except those Fixtures or Sins that must be assembled at place of install- ation, the City of Anaheim will test such devices at place of installation. Acceptance tests shall be made at 518 South Los Angeles Street, except those fixtures or signs that must be assembled at place of installation. DUTIES OF MAINTE!WCE ELECTRICIAN SECTION 38: (a) It shall be the duty of every Maintenance Electrician to comply with all requirements of this and all other Ordinances of the City of Anaheim as well as all laws of the State of California, applicable to electrical work. (b) It shall be the duty of any person employed as a Maintenance Elect- rician to keep a detailed and accurate record of any and all electrical work con- nected with existing or new installations which is done by him personally or under his supervision. Such record shall be available to the Electrical Inspector on request. PERMITS —19— SECTION 39: (a) Yo electrical permit shall be issued by the Electrical Inspector to any person who is not the Legal Possessor of a valid Master Electric—. cans' Certificate of qualification, provided that the Zleetrtcalilnspedtor. mpy: issutc to the owner of the Legal or Equitably; Title to any property in the City of Anaheim used exclusively for Single—family rosidence, to alter, repair or install any elect— rical wiring; or equipment in or on buildings or premises in connection with such residence or accessory buildings, provided that said electrical work is done by him— self, or a member of his household. (b) No electrical work for which a permit is required shall be commenced in or on any building or premises until a permit to do such work shall have been obtained for the owner's occupancy. (c) Yo electrical equipment shall be installed within_ or on any building, structure or premises publicly or privately owned, nor shall any alteration or add— ition be made in any such existing equipment without securing a permit therefor from the Electrical Inspector, except as provided in this Section and except that no permit will be required to execute any of the classes of electrical work specified in the following paragraphs 1 to 3 inclusive: 1. Minor repair work, the replacements of lamps or the connection of portable electrical equipment to suitable permanently installed receptacles. 2. The provision of this Ordinance shall not apply to installations used by Electricity Supply: railway or communication utilities in the exercise of their functions as a utility. 3. The installation, alteration or repair of electrical equipment installed by or for an Electricity Supply Agency for the use of such agency in the generation, transmission, distribution_ or metering of electricity. (d) Application for such permit, describing the work to be done shall be made in writing to the Electrical Inspector by the person_, firm or corporation in— stalling the work. The ADIVieation shall be accompanied by such plans, specifications and schedules as may be necessary to determine whether the installation as described will be in conformity with the requirements of this Ordinance, and of the Electrical Safety Orders of the State of California. If it shall be found that the installat— ion as described will conform with all legal requirements, and if the Applicant has complied with the provisions of this Ordinance, and of the Electrical Safety Orders of the State of California, a permit for such installation shall be issued. No deviation may be made from the installation described in the permit without the written approval of the Electrical Inspector. (e) In lieu of an individual permit for each installation or alteration, an annual permit shall, upon ag_,lication therefore, be issued to any person, firm or corporation regularly employing one or more registered Maintenance Electricians, electricians for the purpose of instilling, altering or maintaining electrical wiring or equipment in or on buildings or premises owned or occupied by the Applicant for the permit. The application for this annual permit shall be made in writing to the Electrical Inspector and shall contain the name and registration number of each ..20— Maintenance Electrician employed and the legal description of the premises on which the work is to be done under the permit. (f) In the event that more than one Maintenance Electrician is employed, the employer shall designate the Maintenance Electrician who shall supervise the work of the others. (g) The maintenance Electrician shall currently keep an accurate record in duplicate of all electrical work which has been done under the annual permit during the preceding calendar month, and such current record shall be accessible to the Electrical Inspector. (h) Within fifteen (15) days following the end of each calendar month, the person, firm or corporation to which an annual permit has been issued shall transmit to the Electrical Inspector a duplicate copy of the maintenance Electric— ianis record of electrical work done. (i) Submission of a false statement shall constitute sufficient cause for revoking any electrical permits issued under the authority of this section. EELS FOR PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS SECTION 40: Before any permit is granted for the installation or alteration of electrical equipment, the person, firm or corporation making the application for such permit shall pay to the Electrical Inspection Department of the City of Anaheim a fee in such amount as is specified belowt FEES For issuing permits. $ 1.00 For inspection of ten or less outlets or fixtures. 1.00 For wiring outlets at which current is used or controlled except services, sub --feeders and meter outlets .05 ea. For fixtures complete with sockets or other lamp holding devices. .05 ea. For the re—location of each meter outlet .50 ea. For each Electric Range 1.00 For each. Electric Sign 1.00 All neon outline lighting 1.00 For each Electric Water Heater .25 ea. For each Electric Heater. .25 ea. For each Electric Fan. .25 ea. For each Special Outlet (220 Volts) .15 ea. For heaters over 1650 Watts, each K.W. shall be considered as 1 H.P. in a motor. For each X—ray unit and its appurtenances 2.00 For each Rectifier and Synchronous Converter, per K.W. .25 For each Projection Machine or Stereopticon 1.50 ea. For each Mercury Are Lamp and equipment 1.50 ea. For each Generator, transformer or welder each K.V.A. shall be considered as 1 H.P. in a motor. For each Motor—Generator set or Frequency Charger, fee charged shall be 75% greater than for motor alone. —21— FEES (continued) For each moving of Rotors, Generator. Transformers or Welders, upon which a final certificate has been issued by the •Electrical. Inspector, a fee equal to 75'/"V- of the fee required for the installation of new equipment is required for equip— ment reinstalled on the sasae premises. For each extra inspection made necessary by defective workmanship and materials. 1.00 For inspection of any electrical equipment for which no fee is herein prescribed, for time consumed. 2.00 per Hr. With minimum charge of 1.00 For working lights in buildings in course of construction or under— going repairs, or where temporary lighting is to be used: 100 lamps or less .50 101 lamps ^nd not over 300 •75 301 lamps and not over 600 1.25 601 lamps and not over.1,000 2.00 MOTORS For motors of not more than 1 H.P. .50 ea. For motors of more than 1 H.P. and not more than 3 H.P. 1.00 ea. For motors of more than 3 H.P. and not more than 72 H.P. 1.50 ea. For motors of more than 7';l H.P. and not more than 15 H.P. 2.00 ea. For motors of more than 15 H.P. and not more than 50 H.P. 5.00 ea. For motors of more than 50 H.P. and not more than 200 H.P. 7.50 ea. For motors of more than 200 H.P. and not more than 500 H.P. 10.00 ea. For motors of more than 500 H.F. and not more than 1,000 H.P. 15.00 ea. For motors of more than 11000 H.P. 20.00 ea. Upon failure to make application and take out a permit by the second work day after commencing work, permit fee and inspection fees shall be twice regular amount. No permit shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation or political sub—division unless all fees are paid in full. Separate permits and separate in— s-oections shall be required for wiring and for fixtures. Failure to take out a permit and pay fees therefore within 72 hours after commencing work shall be deemed evidence of violation of provisions of this Code. A.fee of $10.00 shall be paid for each annual Maintenance Electrician Permit at the time when such permit is issued. Fees for all. new work installed under such permit since date of last previous inspection shall be paid. according to the above schedule, at the time when such work is inspected, these fees shall be in addition to fee paid at the time when Annual Permit is issued. RESPONSIBILITY SECTION 41: This Code shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any party owning, operating, controlling or installing any electric wiring, electric devices or electric material for damages to person or —22— � s i property caused by any defect ther�;in, nor shall the City be held as assuming any such liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein, or certificate of in— spection issued as herein provided. I ?T2RPRETATION SECTION 42: The language used in this Code and in the State Electrical Code, which is made a part of this Code by reference, is intended to convey the common and accepted meaning familiar to the Electrical Industry. The Electrical Inspector is hereby authorized to interpret and determine the intent and meaning of any provision of this Code. Such interpretations and de— terminations shall be made in writing and a record kept, which record shall be open to t' -ie -public. PENALTIES SECTION 43: Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the pro— visions of this Code shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or by i„mrisonment in -the city jail for a period of not more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. VIOLATIONS SECTION 44: Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the pro— visions of this Code shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each day or portion thereof during !which such violation continued and shall be punishable there— fore as herein provided. PROHIBITIONS SECTION 45: It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, either as owner, architect, contractor, artisan or otherwise, to do or lmowingly to cause or -permit to be done any electrical wiring as defined in this Code in such a mapper that the same shall not conform to all of the provisions of this Code. REPEAL OF C017FLICTIRG ORDI11ANCES SECTION 46: All ordinances or parts of ordinances which are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. VALIDITY SECTION 47: If any section, sub—section, senter ce, clause or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional or legally ineffective, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council of the City of Anaheim declares that it would have adopted this ordinance and each section, sub—section, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, sub—sections, -23- sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional or legally ineffective. SECTIOU 4.8: The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days from and after its passage in the Anaheim Bulletin, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the City of Anaheim, California, and thirty (30) days after its final passage, the same shall take effect and be in full force. THE FOREGOIITG ORDI11AFICE is signed and approved by me this _,2,_jE day of 1951. 14AYOR. OF THE CITY OF A11AHEIVIr ATTEST: L CI CLERri OF THEY OF AKA1 IM STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTTY OF ORAi1GE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM I, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the // day of r= -T—,1951, and that the same was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the day of 1951, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMIL1317.6/.�� 'ell 1TOES: COMMILIMN: ABSW,,T: COUNCILIMT: � f U%'the Cit of Anaheim approved and AID I FtJRTHE�. CERTIFY that the Mayor o signed said Ordinance on the day of , 1951• IFI WITFIESS MREOF, I have hereunto, set my and and affixed the seal of said City of Anaheim thisday of '. , 1551• (SEAL) -24-