0798Affidavit of Publication OF AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) R chard F-is-ohl-e of said county, being first duly sworn, says—that he is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- terest in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that he is the Pr-* c.le-.r..�. -- -- ------------_- --- of the An. _helm_ _. 3u1:'-atln....... - .... _---- -- -- ---- _... . a dally newspaper printed, published and circulated In the said County of Orange that said An ,helm :'iulle'tin - - -----.. .--------------------- - ---- - -_----------- is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter; that if is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it has been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the O rG. i n -.n c e. N-c-�...--7 y.8------------ - - .... .... --- ------------------..-.--.. of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in 77 One issue said newspaper at least-_--, _-.... n- .__.......... -................. ....... ......... commencing on the-- . 151h ... day, of _March 19 5-2 and ending on the ----------------day of ...... -.-...--- -- -- 19 ...... and that said -.-------Notice was published on the following days; i� arch 15, 1952 - - -- -- - -- - - -- ----- -- I ........ .... ............................... -- .- ..J ....-....- �tivscri ed and sworn to before me this-/S-/�-day of � .......-1 9 G - ------ii...---..... --... Notary Public. LEGAL N(" -'CE ORDINANCE N AN ORDINANCE OF7 OF ANAHEIM AP THE ANNEXATION, CITY .OF ANAHEIM E., A$ FOLLOWS: �y�a ++an.wo, vni,+naty SECTION 1: That the City COUR- ell of the City of Anaheim di $ 'on the 11th day of 'Janus;y,'1952, ra, ceive a written petition asking that certain new and uninharkited terri- tory described 'in said .petition `be annexed to the City of Anaheim. That said territory proposed to+be annexed to said City Of Anaheim is situated in the County of Orange, State of California, and is coxitigli- ous to the City of Anaheim and is uninhabited territory. That said pe- tition contained a description of said territory in words iand figures ,. as hereinafter in this Ordinance de. scribed. r,.:. _ :4s.,. That the City Couneff duly assem- bled at a regular meeting of said City Council held an the .22nd day of January, 1952, did find that said petition at the time it was filed .aad' received was signed by the owners of not less than one-foilrth of -thi area of the land in sush.territory and represented not less than one= Anaheim, Cot fourth. of the assessed value of aaid of California, territory proposed to be annexed Register, a : I according to_ the last. preceding circulation, pa oQualized assessment "It of the carps Ana, Ce County of Orange, State of Califor- nia, in which said territory Is sit- tion Was caus uated and that said territory did said '.City Cil not form a part 'of Any municipal 'gulletin and; `i corporation and did find that said territory is contiguous to the City directed. , of Anaheim and is unf'nt*bited ter- That on the ritory. , . place s '05elfiq - That on the 22nd day'of January, NO 1 Pt it 1962, at a regular meeting of said of Fs, tI City Council of the City of Anaheim, 8 y00 oyc P,: the boundaries of the territory so X19 heir proposed to be.annaxed`to.the City of Anaheim and designating such 'WALLACFq pros test territory as MONROE E. not ANNEXATION and gloving notice o such annexation and fixing the 26thtor - day of February, 1952, at the hour ing of 8:00 o'clock P.M. at ' the City roll Council. Chambers in the City -Hail of E In the City of Anaheim, as the day, hour, and place when and' where St person owning reb.1 property of any within, such territory so proposed hour to be annexed and having objections LAC to the proposed annexation might ticul appear .before the City Council of wit: the City of Anaheim and show cause A why such territory should not be an annexed to -the City of Anaheim and wi directing- the City Clerk -to publish ' W or cause to be published''a - copy of on said Resolution at least once a week Bc for two ahrccessive weeks prior tobit February 26, 1952, in the Anaheim Ity; Bulletin, a newspaper of --general of circulation, published In_the _City nt rn 2. of'. In day '-described as: Affir] atr;t r.� D�_1_1� _ • sitaasnis roll of California,and proved •head . Asim- t*ristr from and after its .... Ssiarela ltifiakcb � ; i81l2 _ , i!e+rutS�, , ar4d mors:: particularly, tory ,is hereby anhsxsdL, to and 1A- shall be in full iota* acid sifYiet eti:ri]�efl as follows:, aorporated'in.the Citi of ,Anahetm, was apprated 4`-d ,IS¢Z.- t3 i1$ .at. a.. point on the County of Orange. State ,of Califor- tills 11th day of Marob' int uo�therly city, line, of h • :gity of Anaheim, said point nta, and is hereby designated' as 1 WAI:LACE AN- Cli)JIB. vA IEARSAl�T= Maydr oiiff. 4 Cifr. of s0X:Akthl}n heti�g om the monumented cen- ter >ine of ON Street the 11jfYNROE. E. NEXATION to the City of Anaheim. (SEAL) . ,Fant 4.1491431 feet easterly from center, line of : mast- SECTION .3: That from and after '"the effective date of thio Ordinance ATTEST: CHARLI+.S E (d>,tI VIT -H Clbck,of Ct 4f AR04111t r&ii�onumented Lest'Streeti thence r Galoifg the-monumented and the filing of a certified. copy thereof with, the Secretary of State City .the STAT94)r .FORA' 7N01 ,y r}tdp^ 1f e'• of said East SYca- of the State of California the an, cftTgT• -, as .co ',Street to a point of inter iarr with the easterly line nexation of the territory herein described shall be, deemed to-be•and C;Ty_tjh' . AMt ) (R 'FilH.•,City of Uqt.1' of Tract No. 1" (other- shall be complete and thenceforth "be, T, CHARLES'. Clerk of the CttY of. Awai►et%4. -de known , as the Monroe E. c .such , annexed terrttorlY *hall to hereby Certify. that, the fore�toin ' 1F$ aCe Subdivision) as shown cla.':a ma thereof recorded in itoois 11,„Pae 48,.Miacellaneoua . all intents and purposes a part of the City, of Anaheim,. and from and after the effective date such Ardiriance ryas intro4 1tt •a iY$.• alar meating, oKA#6'Csltg eouftil of the City :of AndYietrns'it� n the i pstr Iteddr * of Orange Coun- tyr duced• t%ce Northward- line of ,of annexation, all property therein shall be subject to .taxation squally the, City 26th day: of $'ebr�a�ie ' 7,Y7. "an4 thaE the "same a*Wt A sisd ad - ° tho y., alil7ig said Easterly with the property within opted at a reSu%ar of i-3 of Tract No. 763 produced of Anaheim and shall be taxed to City Council helR on; th dal' `tile easterly line of Lot 3 line pay its proportionate share of the liability of March, ig62, :by, t 13e'�►triH Lot -1 to the. southArly tp 'East IA Palma AYenu existing' Indebtedness and acid, City of Anaheim contracted vote of the merilbete ther�wt: : {othokw'ise'; known as East of prior to or existing JAdebtedness ATM: C(YLJN IiaaIEIS P.ealien. Heying,. Honey- altd 'i�a� iYorth Street); thence 'West- waw o g said southerly and -liability of said City of Ana: helm. contracted prior to or, existtn(k Wi#ser� Wagoaen, dins La Palma Avenue at the 'time of such annexation pur- NOM. COV orNb ` NT: CbV_ N i"io-0. ^, dit8s}�oat of'636.46 feet—more Pr lig, to a paint on the Pres'- suant to the written consent of the owners of property in said annexed ABS NP I P*iiRiHEI4 C2,$"IFT>� Lust exit00limit line of the City pix �r€aheiin, sad ane also being "of 1adoption territory filed with the Clerk of the- City of Anaheim pglor to the Ordinahce, the Mayor of the Olty of Anahei04 signed . a apisrovecl eatd. •Ord - en #fie lltit dei!, of ra , the, wresterly lin* said ,Lot thenee South— of this nance 1%52 4t'V. rAct No 1b3t tVaxdl3 along Liffe ptesent^ city- I SECTION 4:' The City•Clerk shall certify •the passalre of this Ordi- ,1JNk„ &; � sitaasnis roll of California,and proved •head . Asim- t*ristr from and after its 1 AN ORDINJOTCE OF THE CITY OF,174AHE�IM APPHOVIYG THE IERHT ANITEXA- J.TORY KNOWN Pili? TO THE CITY 01' AYAHEIIJ OF TIE,, T 2 TIES TGINATLET; AS E. W.LLT_LtCE, _'JT!-,E7.iiT:T(j-1T. ^T %.,I 3 THE CI` t"'OUNCTIL 0Z TPa; .,.TY OF JUTAHEII.- .,)OE.'--, O1,DAIY A" FOLLOWS: ;I - 1,, 4 S E 0 T I,01'� 1 T�h,� t ]1, �)f t-" e i ty of Anahe m n id on the 5 11th day of January, 19-2, rece;_ve r. written petition aekii),,;,r that, cert-J_r. np%-� t - - (--f 6 ard uninhabited territory deserl-bed in said. petition be annexec to the `�.ty 8 'That said. terr-itory proposed to be airexed to said City of Analieiw, 9 is situated the Count.7 of Orange, State of CalliforDia, R1,j(1 is contiguo-us to 10 the City of Aneheir, a -i -A! J_,s uninhabited. territory. That said petitler. contained 11 a description of sc.-J_d territory LA words and f-:,,,,,;ures as hereinafter in this 12 Ordinance desci-1bed. 13 That the City Council duly assembled at a regular meetirg_ of said 14 City Coui.cil held on the 22nd. day of January, 1952, did find that said. petition 15 at the time it was fileei received was signed by the owners of riot less than 16 one-fourth. of the area of the land irsuch territory and. represented not 'Jess 17 than one-fourth of the assessed value of s::J_d territory 1)roposoj to be annexed. 18 .2 --cording to the last precedi.,ie equalized. assessment roll of t"oe Cou.,ty of 19 OranL;e;, State of California, in which said territory is situated and that said 20 territor'r did not form a part of any municipal corporation and did find that 21 said. territory is contiguous to the City of Anaheim ajid is uninhabited. territory. 22 Tkat on the 22nd day of January, 1952, at a regular meeting of said 23 City CdUjjC4_l of the. City of Anaheim, Resolution No. was 6uly passed 2Z. -It 24 bdopted. specificall.,, describir,.- tl-e boundaries of the territory so proposed to 25 be annexed to the City of Anaheim and designating such. territory as 1,WTIP0,11, '.S% 26 WALL; CE AITITEXAT710Y and notice of such annexation and f icing the 26th day 27 of February, 1952, =�t the dour of 8:OC o'clock P.M. at the City Council Chambers 28 in the City HL11 in the City of Anaheim, as tilie day, hour, a-1-6. place when alid 29 where any person owning real property wlLhir such territory so proposeo, to 1)e 30 annexed and having objections to the proposeC_ ;annexation mi , -ht appear before the 31 Cit.- C01ArCil Of the Cit.r of Anaheim and show cause wl,.y such territory should not 32 be ;;).nnexed -to t -e City of Anaheir;i nr d. d.recti.,LL the,, Cit.r Clerk to T,;ublish or -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 M 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 c fuse to be ?i copy o: sail(? R ,sOJ otiosl. --t 10,as t oicE a i.'eek for two s F.' r-1 19 in tete Anel eim Bullet:i.n A news- ucc_usive ,reeks prior a,o tebr-part , ! y54.:, , paper of gt y eral ci rcul Aio2i, pub ., s -eo ir. tha:'. Cl.ty of Ana.hein, Cola»ty of State of Californ'.a., ar:.d in the Santa Ana Register, a ne.,7paper of general circulatt4-0n, published in tt)e City of Santa Ana, County of Orange, St!:.te of California.. That said Resolut i.oi. was ca.i�sec to be publishes by s air'. City Clerk it said Anaheim tulle t in a A Santa Ana Register. as .-dirLated. That on the hour, day and at the place specified in said Resolution No. , to -wit, on the 26th do.y cf Februari, 1952, at the i�_our of :00 o'clock P.M. in the City CQuncil Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Anaheim California, the Cit, r Council of tine City of Anhheim did, meet and assemble a is proceed to iaea.r asld pass _>n all protests. That written protests were r_ot mace by e old er or o hers o` one-half of tine value of the territory proposed tc be euinexed according to t rE last equalized=..esess:rnterit roll of tt;e Coiaity of Orange, State of California. SECTTOI 2: T:cl A the anneY.atIo.� of the territory i.rcluded within the boundaries of the MONROE E. WALLACE ANITEXATIOY and more particularly ti.escribed as follows, to -wit: A tract of land. including bots 1 and 3 of Tract 170. 153 (otherwise known as the Monroe E. Wallact3 Subdivision) as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 11, Page 46, Miscellaneous Naps, Records of Orange County, and also including a portion of East Sycamore Street in the County of Orar,L;e, State of California, and more particularly described. a�? follows: Be; -inning ata point or the present northerly cit., lifie of the City of Ana.'aeiri, said point being on the nonumented center line of East Sycamore Street a.tid 1091.73 feet easterly frog the monumrnted center lime of North East Street; thence Eastwardly along the worumented center line of said East Sycaucre: Street to a point of intersection with Vae easted•ly lifi.e of Lot 3, of Tract Mo. 153, (otherwise knotim as the Monroe E. Wallace Subdivisioit) as show::t on aw map thereof recorded in Book 11, pate isce11:3ueous IPaps, Records of Or:ande County, produced; thence North- wardly aa.lon�- said easterly lin.e of Lot 3 of Tract No. 153 pro_luced and the easterly line of Lot 3 and Lot 1 to the southerly line of East La Pala Avenue (otherwise known as East North Street); thence West- wardl., a.lon.g s(a.i:i southerly line of East La. Palma Avenue a (Usta.nce of 536.46 feet, more or less, to a poi-r_t on ties city l i.nit line of the City of Anaheim, said li.­e also being the westerly line of said Lot 1 of Tract No. 153; thence Southwardly along the present city limit line of the City of Anaheim and the westerly line of Lot 1 and Lot 3 of saa.id Tract Yo. 153 and the westerly line of said Lot extended. to tke point of beginning. is hereby approved and sziAO territory is hereby annexe(z to and incorporated in -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 the City of A!.,ehe im, Couutzr of 'Drttr-e , .State' of 0alifornia is Hereby ies- i,fiih-ted as the MONROE E. IVIALIAC,AN=UTIWj to the Cit,r of Analheiw- Mi alld aft ez- ;,,he f-fff?ctive (if this Oa-6-.-Ilarkce tile, ffl'J,,� of a, cert l.flet' vIAIA "',io (:if State of t.he State of Callforr_ift, the annexp tion. of the territo.t-"-, ln�:reii, describe0. sh.P.13 be deer et'. to be arid. shall be c.omplet,, a: -i() thenceforth suc"I annexed tt.;rritcry shall be, to all intaxits purposes, a part off t''ne of an.d. fro -,k and af t( el -e - 11 - x -Ir the e-`e:�t! Ve az-At7� of ani��,ot�on, pre,-,ert-,�, t`!ereiis'h!;.I', be si.folect to taxation equally with tfle properttr lvlthltr, tne City of Anaheim and, shall be taxed to pay Its proportionate share of the exiptin�_,- indebted.ress and liability of saij tiIity of lix-,ahei.-.i contra cteo prior to ur existin- at the time of such annexat4o% ,Purs,aant to tie v-rittei-i consez,t of the owiiers of pro,?erty in sa."�.d w.,--tzxe,,d territory flle(i. w--*t)-i the Clerk of the C`--ty of Anaheim prior to the adoption of t1lis Urdinau-cu. SECTION 4-. Ti -.,e Cit;,- Clerk shall certif-y- to the pass,&Ze of thl.s cause thc sFxie to be 1)ublijYed once in the Anaheim Ballet.Tii, a dail.v newsj:aper prii ted, publishe6. wid circulated it the City of Anaheim, Cowity of Orajqe, State of Cp-liforr)--a, azJ thirty (30) (lays from and after its final_ passage it shall be in full force an(I effect. THE FOREGOIYG ORDINANCE was approve(_ and signed by me t-lils- I ('),iy of March , 1952. ATTEST:. - C ITY CIaRY CF 7=- OF ArIATMIM -3- VAPOR OF THE CITY OF P2TAT9111" STATE 0-F (,.U,TFORITTA GOT)ITTY OF GNANGB CITY OF AF-AT],IM 3 T, C19 --0= K, E. CPTLF77TH, ljt�, C,7-rl�: )' tho Cl -t- of Aiahwirt, do hereby � 11 -, . U., 4 that t' -.e f,-�ire;;oirjL Ordl-.-iance t a.e iutroriucee�. at a remlar meeting of 5 the City Coi-u!ci",- of the City of A---ahein, '-el.rl on 426th day of Fe' --- AE.r-,-, 1952, 6 and that the same was passe,'.. a.nd- a6optw r.t ;.-e,,ular meetiy,t; of the Cnt;, Council held oiL the 11th dey of Mprc;h, 13 2, b, t',Ic- following, vote of the members 8 thereof: 9 AYES: COMIGILM-i: Pearson, Wieser, Keying. Bonny and Van Wagoner. 10 NOES: COUNCILMEN: lone. 11 ABSENT: COIJNCIII,'MT: Keno, 12 AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed 13 ;-in(! approved sa'-1 Oruinance on the 11 day of March 1Q52. 14 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my ivmLd and affixed the seE,."L 15 of the, City of Anaheim this 11th any Of. YArch -, 1952- 16 17 Orty C* - of the CieeyAf Anaheim 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32