0799Affidavit of Publication OF IN THE O` AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) Ric -.hard Fischle ._... --------------- of said county, being first duly sworn, says—that he is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- terest in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned: that he is the rr.iniiii�al. clergy.---- -- ---------- ---------_-- of the n i ei: i 3ul let in i a_... :. �.l '-----newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said Ani he im Sul Ie t in - is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it has been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the Ordinance i'o- 'l`>') (Do_ S) --- -------------- -- - ------ --"------------------------------------ --------------. .... ........ of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper at least__,_----- . i SUe commencing on the ( t day of 1 --r-ch t' 19 �.2 and ending on the. ............... day of.. 19 and that said 1' `-- 1 C P. was published on the following days: --- -- - - . . �j Sub ed and sworn to before me ...day of �'No ry Pu ic. My Con',!, . . Uu every owner or harborer. of dogs required to be licensed, and from every person, firm or corporation managing, conducting or operating a kennel within the City of Ana- heim. To each person paying the. required license, other than a ken- nel license, he shall issue a tag for - each dog licensed. Upon such tag shall be stamped words and num- erals showing the license year for which the same is issued. Such tags shall also be serially number- _ ed. Duplicate of lost license tag may be procured from the City _ Treasurer upon' exhibition of or!g- anal and payment of twenty-five cents. The City Treasurer shall keep a register in which he shall enter the name of the owner or harborer of each dog for which a license is paid, together with the date and number of the tag issued. SECTION 4: It is unlawful for any person owning, harboring or having charge or control of any LA NOTICE dog, to keep, maintain or allow such dog to be within the City of Anaheim unless there be attached ORDINANCE NO. T" THE, CITY`OF to such dog a collar on which there shall be ORDINANCE.OF tNAHEIM IMPOSING AN AN- attached a tag for the then current license year, obtained from 11JAL LICENSE ON DOSIS WITH- THE CITY OF, ANAHEIM AND the City Treasurer upon the pay - ment of the license levied this N 'ROVIDING FOR THE COLLEC- by Ordinance. PION THEREOF, REGULATING PHE,KEEPING AND CONTROL St It is unlawful for )F DOGS WITHIN THE CORP' OF SAID, CITY, any any person to attach an current license tag to any dog other than an )RATE LIMITS )ECLARING DOGS RUNNING AT'I the dogr. the dog for which such tag was BARGE OR TRESPASSING UP- PROPERTY. OF "AN- issued, SECTION 6: It is unlawful for i N THE )THER A PUBLIC NU14ANCE ?ROVIDING FOR THE IMPOUND- any person other than the owner to I remove from any dog any tag at - NG OR DESTRUCTION 'OF CER- tached to such dog under the pro. VAIN DOGS, FIXING FEES .FOR rHE RELEASE THEREOF, PRO- visions of this Ordinance, or for any person to counterfeit or imitate I VIDING PENALTIES' FOR THE any tag, or attach a counterfeit or VIOLATION OF SAID, ORDI- imitation tag to any dog, or to pos- vANCE AND; REPEALING ALL )RDINANCES OR -PART$ Or OR- seas such to . It is unlawful for or harborer of any dog DINANCES IN, CONFLICT HERE- any owner over the age of three months, to WITH. THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN fail or neglect or refuse to obtain a license for such dog. It is unlaw- firm j CITY AS ,FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Deftnitiogs.- ful for any person, or corpor- ation conducting, managing or op- lj erating a kennel to fail, neglect or Whenever in :this Oraiifii$Cethe terms are used; they' shall refuse to obtain a license therefor following be deemed and construed to have as herein provided. SECTION S: It is unlawful for ' the meaning ascribed .to- them, in' it is aApaxent any owner, harborer, or person in this .section unless from the .context thereof that some charge of or in control of any dog, to permit such dog to run at large other meaning 14 intended. in any public park or upon any DOG:- " Any do$, whether . rale, school grounds. unspayed or spayed female dog. SECTION 9: It is unlawful for ' VICIOUS DOG:: ,Any-, doi which has bitten a person or aififbal with- any person• to interfere with, op- { pose or resist the City Treasurer or out •provocation or whiclt has a:dis- the Chief of Police in the perform - position Or propensity e,attack' or I ance of his duties herein provided bite any person or aninta7 -without SECTION 10: The City Pound is provocation, or which; `habitually hereby created and shall be main - I runs after moving -includ- tained by the Chief of Police in a ,vehiclelt. ting bicycles, or- which ' h0l0ally clean and sanitary manner, subject does any other act.`which.r, nably to such rules and regulations as the endangers the' coptfort,' 'q*lth or City Council, by resolution, may safety of any person, lD which'; ha- from time to time prescribe. The bitually injures or destroys ' prop- City Pound shall be open at all erty, is hereby declared to' be a vi- reasonable times to inspection by cious dog. - the public. The City Pound shall LICENSE YEAR A ltcense year I be maintained at its present loca- shall .-commence ori Ju Y ASt Of. each tion until changed by direction of year and -shall end ** Janne 30th of the City Council. The City Council the next `succeeditrg year KENNEL: Any lot 3fuild�ng, struc- sha11 have the right to place such City Pound at such place as it shall I tune, enclosure or: prry, Jse whereon from time to time designate. Pound or-whereln four (#) :rapr6•.dogs fees for the keeping of dogs are are kept or maintat ed =or the pur- hereby fixed at the rate of $2.00 plus pose of breeding,raistng ;or the $.50 per day for each day or fraction market. or, boa n� d thereof that each dog is impounded. LEGAL NOTICE QUARANTINE. The isolation of dog or any other domestic asci tnal In a substantial enclosure so that such dog or domestic animal can- not be subject to contact with other animals or unauthorized per- sons. CHIEF OF POLICE: The Chief of Police of the City of Anaheim, his deputies and all members of the Police Department of Anaheim. THE CITY TREASURER: The City Treasurer of the City of Ana- heim and his deputies. CITY HEALTH OFFWER: The term City Health Officer shall be deemed to include any such per- son, and his deputies, appointed by the City Council, and also the Or- ange County Health Officer and h14 deputies. SECTION 2. r ieeixse Veen, (a) There is hereby levied an annual license of $1.00 upon every male dog over the a.ge of three months, $1.00 upon every spayed female dog over the age of three months, and $2.00 upon ever7, un - spayed female dog over the see of three months, owned or harhored within, the City of Anaheim. Every person owning or harboring any dog over the age of three months ,with- in the City of Anaheim shall pay such license fee. "Che o. iii. license fee shall be due and payable on the first day of July of each year. Any person who fails or neglects to pag the said license fee on or before the first day of August of each year as said license fee becomes due, shall be deemed delinquent under the foregoing provisions and shall pay a 100110 penalty in addition to the prescribed license fee for said license. Any person who comes in= to ownership of or commences to harbor a dog over the age of three months within the City of .Anaheim after the 1st day of July of each year shall, within thirty days after such time, obtain a license as here- in provided for the remainder of the license year In the full amount as ),000 76-7712, provided in this Section. Any per- son who fails or n'eglecis to obtcin an.. a license within the said tl-irt;, days, shall be. subject to the same LEGAL NnCE LEGAL NO'r..* penalty as hereinbefore provided. Before any license shall be issued — under the provisions of this Ordi- Pound fees for other animals im-' sent of or to the, annoyance of such such nance for a spayed female dog, a pounded shall be those fixed by the person or persons, are hereby de- sum( certificate in writing signed by a City Council from time to time. clared to .be a nuisance and any rabic person duly licensed to practice SECTION 11: 'It is hereby =made such dog dogs found to be run- wall veterinary medicine or surgery-, de- the duty of the Chief of Police to. -or ning at large or being upon any been scribing such dog and certifying take up axrd impound all dogs found public street, alley or public place Pres that such female has been -payed. in the streets, alleys, or public within the City or upon, private-,imal shall be exhibited and approved in places within the City of Anaheim, 'property, contrary to the provisions four writing by the City Treasurer, un- without a tag as provided in this of tats Section, may be impounded been less the City Treasurer is otherwise Ordinance, and to keep each such , in the City Pound and disposed of (f satisfied that such female dog has dog so taken up and impounded for under the provisions of this Ordi- feet' in fact been spayed. In the event not less than seventy-two (72) hours, nance.' If a current tag issued by the haul that a dispute should arise over the in the City Pound, unless such dog the City Treasurer of the City of slog age of any dog, the owner or ha)- be sooner redeemed by the payment Anaheim, from which the owner of borer of such dog shall furnish the of all pound fees incurred, together said dog can be ascertained, is I or a l City Treasurer with documentaryof with the production of the required found on the collar of the dog, such mal proof of the age of such dog, and tag. Pound fees for the keeping of owner shall be notified Immediately anti until such proof is "furnished it dogs are hereby fixed at the rate of in writing that said dog has been F shall be presumed that such dog is $'2.00 plus $.50 per day for each day impounded. such su of an age requiring it to be licen- or fraction thereof that each dog At the expiration of said three The sed, to -wit: over the age of three is Impounded. At the expiration of dare, if said dog or doge are not ing months. . 11 seventy-two (72) hours from, the redeemed, the Chief of Police shall of t (b) Any person, firm or corpor- time a dog is impounded, unless it be' deemed to have acquired the City ation owning, conducting, m..nag- has been redeemed as heretofore Jurisdiction over such animals and able ing or operating any clog kennel, provided, it shall be humanely kill- Is hereby authorized to destroy,,or keel except kennels kept for veterinary ed by the Chief of Police, provided. to' sell or to otherwise dispose of care, in the City of Anaheim, shall however, that said Chief of Police e and an the samy proceeds derived S1 pay for the privilege of maintain- is hereby authorized to sell any un- therefrom shall accrue to said City any ing, conducting or operating such redeemed dog upon the purchaser to be deposited in, its General Fund. u to r kennel, in lieu of the individu 1 dog paying all accruing pound fees to-whi In lieu of seizing and impounding Pou license provided for herein, an an- gether with a license for such dog any dog or dogs found to be run- mia nual license on such kennel as fol- for the current license year; pro- ning at,large in or upon any pub- to lows: vided further that upon such sale lie street, sidewalk, alley or public i Sl For any such kennel containing a license shall not be required if place, or trespassing or being upon ann more than three dogs and less than the dog is immediately removed any private property to the annoy- anis eleven dogs, the sum of Eighteen from the City of Anaheim. ance of any person or persons, or Dollars ($18.00) per year or frac- SECTION Its Neither the` City kept or maintained in violation of S' tion thereof; for any kennel con- taining more than ten dogs and nor any of its officers, employees or agents shall be liable for any injury any the pprovisions of this is- gChief of Police mayy 's- any kee less than twenty dogs, the sum of suffered or disease incurred by any e's, ensaid , sue acitation -to the owner or har- the Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) per dog while ,taken up and/or im- iborer of any such dog or dogs, fix- pla year or fraction,thereof: for any pounded. ing a time and place not more than in kennel containing more than nine- SECTION 13s It Is unlawful fordwr five days from the date of Issuance00) teen dogs, Fifty Dollars ($50.per any person to kill or, maim any an- , of said citation, directing such own- by year. imal which is kno*n,'to have'bitten er or harborer of any such dog or dw, Such kennel Iicense shall be due any person or animal unless the dogs to appear before the Judge of owl and payable on the first day of July permission and consent so to do has the City Court or the Judge of any dis of each and every year. been granted by the Chief of Po; other co%rt of competent jurisdic- suc In any case where during any lice and the City Health Officer. tion is the City of Anaheim, to show hat year the number of do;;s in any Nothing in this Ordinance shall cause w.hy such person should not doc licensed kennel is increased to a be construed to prohibit the killing be punished as provided in this suc number in excess of the nuttrber of a dog or other domestic animal Or for causing or permitting mo for which a kennel license shall where such destruction is necessary °such dog or dogs to run at large or suc have been issued the firm, person to the protection of life a.nd limb be on Hvate p property contrary to mo or corporation conducting, manag- or for the purpose of preventing a p the provisions this Ordin or c ing or operating such kennel shall further attack, vi for aAy other. violation of this Or- his ani obtain a new license therefor, such One of the purposes for the enact -est dinance, and to show cause why new license to cover the increased Ment of this-seetioxv is to enable such dogs should not be destroyed kei number of dogs therein, and upon the Chief of Police and the., City unless such owner, or harborer of the surrender to the City Treasurer Health Officer to observe all wdogs makes' adequate provision' for the or of the unexpired license for such and other animals which have bit- control of said, dog as required by car kennel the City Treasurer shall ten any person or animal, in: order the provisions of this Ordinance, hw cancel such unexpired license and to determine whether the same are Upon a third offense, any such dog h shall allow as a credit on the new infected by rabies or other disease. or,dogs. may be ordered to be sum- in license the amount originally paid SECTION 14t Whenever a dog merrily destroyed. If such citation for such cancelled license. Every suspected of being vicious is. re- is issued a result of a complaint Iotl o ]o n person, firm or corporation who es- ported, the Chief . of Police shall ,as made by any person, firm or corp_ tahlishes or commences conducting, .investigate .the conditions. of the .oration 6tfainet .:the owner or ha—i lis' 1 LEGAL NOTICE .'Y. OF OR CES IN, CONFLICT HERE 'ITY ` COUNCIL OF TIt- ANAHEIM DOES ORDAI ming Is, intended. Any dog, whether male, or spayed female dog:. S DOG: ,Any dot which a. person or aniltlal with - person or on, or w P moving'. ties, or a: era the ' comrort, '. he'alth or of any person; or'whieh ha - r, injures Or destroys prop - i hereby declared 'to' be a VI - dog., RINSE YEAR: A license year Commence on: July `fat of. each end - shall end ,on June 20th of axt succeeding year WEL: Any lot, building, strut- inclosure Or remises whereon ereln four 4) or mors. dogs ,Pt or maintained for the pilr- of breeding, raising for the t,;ar• boa;rdt& Sy.�v.vv,r Year. Fc Such kennel license shall be due and payable on the first day of July of each and every year. Iry any case where during any year the number of dogs in any licensed kennel is increased to a number in excess of the number for which a kennel license shall have been issued the firm, person or corporation conducting, manag- ing or operating such kennel shall obtain a new license therefor, such new 'license to cover the increased number of dogs therein, and upon the surrender to the City Treasurer of the unexpired license for such kennel the City Treasurer shall cancel such unexpired license and shall allow as .a credit on the new license the amount originally paid for such cancelled license. Every person, firm or corporation who es- tablishes or commences conducting, managing or operating a kennel after July 1st of any year, shall immediately pay the kennel license for the remainder of the license year in the full amount provided in this Section. Each kennel lic�se shall show maximum number of dogs which may be kept in such kennel under authority of such license. SECTION 3: The City Treasurer shall, and it is hereby made his duty, to collect such licenses from every owner or harborer, of dogs required to be licensed, and from every person, firm or corporation managing, conducting or operating a kennel within the City of Ana- heim. To each person paying the. required license, other than a ken- nel license, he shall issue a tag for - each dog licensed. Upon such tag shall be stamped words and num- erals showing the license year for which the same is issued. Such Lags shall also be serially number- ed. Duplicate of lost license tag may be procured from the City Preasurer upon exhibition of orig- .nal and payment of twenty-five ,ents: The City Treasurer shall keep a •egister in which he shall enter he name of the owner or harborer )f each dog for which a license is )aid, together with the date and lumber of the tag issued. SECTION 4: It is unlawful for my person owning, harboring or raving charge or control of any fog, to keep, maintain or allow •uch dog to be within the City of tnaheim unless there be attached osuch dog a collar on which there hall be attached a tag for the then urrent license year, obtained from he City Treasurer upon the pay- nent of the license levied by this )rdinance, N N l: Definitions. 'er, - I. this Ordinance? this terms are used, they.,shill ,d and construed to 'have ging ascribed .. to -them, i on unless' it is,-appa,rent context thereof that some SECTION S: It is unlawful for L any person to attach any current Ice tag to any dog other than i the dog for which such tag was or- iginally issued. SECTION 6: It is unlawful for 1 I any person other than the owner to - remove from any dog any tag at- - tached to such dog under the pro - t visions of this Ordinance, or for any person to counterfeit or imitate r, any tag, or attach a counterfeit or imitation tag to any dog, or to pos- sess such tag. SECTION 7: It is unlawful for any owner or harborer of any dog I over the age of three months, to E fail or neglect or refuse to obtain a license for such dog. It is unlaw- ful for any person, firm or corpor- ation conducting, managing or op- s erating a kennel to fail, neglect or refuse to obtain a license therefor as herein provided. n SECTION S: It is unlawful for any owner, harborer, or person in mcharge of or in control of any dog, to, permit such dog to run at large in any public park or upon any school grounds. SECTION 91 It is unlawful for any person• to interfere with, op- pose or resist the City Treasurer or .the Chief of Police in the perform- ance of his duties herein provided. SECTION 10: The City Pound is hereby created and shall be main- tained by the Chief of Police in a clean and sanitary manner, subject to such rules and regulations as the City Council, by resolution, may from time to time prescribe. The City Pound shall be open at all reasonable times to inspection by the public. The City Pound shall be maintained at its present loca- tion until changed by direction of the City Council. The City Council shall have the right to place such City Pound at such place as it shall from time to time designate. Pound fees for the keeping of dogs are hereby fixed at the rate of $2.00 plus $.50 per day for each day or fraction thereof that each dog is impounded. r. r o kill or maimany an- ve days from e date of issuance inial which is known to have bitten of said citation, directing such own - any person or animal unless the er or harborer of any such dog or permission and consent so to do has dogs to appear before the judge of been granted by the Chief of po: the City Court or the Judge of any lice and the City Health Officer. other court of competent juriadic- Nothing in this Ordinance shall' tion. in the City of Anaheim, to show be construed to prohibit the killing cause why such person should not of a dog or other domestic animal be punished as provided in this where such destruction is necessary `.Ordinance for causing or permitting to re - such dog or dogs to run at large or t�rotection of life and limbbe on private property contrary to or for the purpose of preventing a the provisions of this Ordinan further attack, fce or or any other violation of this Or - One of the purposes for the enact- Or- dinance, and to show cause why ment of this section is to enable such -dogs should not .be destroyed the Chief of Police and the , City unless such owner or harborer Health Officer to observe all dogs rnakes adequate provision for the and other animals which have bit- control of said dog as required by ten any person or animal, in order the provisions of this Ordinance. to determine whether the same are Upon a third offense, any such dog infected by rabies or other disease. or dogs_ may be ordered to be sum - SECTION 14: Whenever a dog madly destroyed. If such citation suspected of being vicious is re- is issued as a result of a complaint ported, the Chief of Police shall_ made by any person, firm or corp - investigate the conditions of the oration against the owner or har- dog's behavior and if he finds that borer of any dog, a notice in writ - such dog has done any of the acts ing may also be given to the per - or shown a disposition or Propen son; firm or corporation making city to do any of the acts declared such complaint, notifying them to In this Ordinance to constitute a appear at the time and place stated vicious dog, he shall deliver in inl w�said citation to verify said eom- riting to the owner plaint. of such dog a statement of the facts In the event that the owner or and 'circumstancesconcerning the harborer of any dog found running dog's behavior. He shall also order at large on the public streets, alleys the owner or harborer of such dog or other public places in the City to keep such dog In a substantial of Anaheim or upon private enclosure or securely held upon a erty, to the annoyance of an prop-` chain, or other adequate control, or son or Y per - if this `restraint is Impossible or Persona, cannot be ascertain ifca after due diligence and said dog. .impracticable, such dog. shall be cannot be seized by ordinary means impounded in the City Pound until so that it may b- impounded at the such time as the owner or harborer City- Pound, then such dog may be of such 'dog Shall make provisions summarily destroyed by the Chief satisfactory to the Chief of Police of Police. for the restraint of said dog either in SECTION 17: It is unlawful for a substantial enclosure or uponany person, without the consent of a chain or other adequate control. the owner thereof, to hold or re - In the event that such owner or tain possession of any dog of which harborer shall fail to make provi- he is not the owner, for a Ion sion for adequate restraint or con- period than twenty-four hours un- trol of said dog within a reasonableless such person shallwithin such time, such dog may be destroyed or twenty-four hour period report the otherwise disposed of in a manner possession of such dog to the Chief NO that he will not be a menace of Police, giving his name and ad - within the City of Anaheim. dress and a true descf•iption of them Whenever any such dog has .a, dis- dog. position or propensity to :attack or bite any person or animal without SECTION IS: It is unlawful for provocation, the Chief of Police the owner or harborer of any vici- I; shall order the owner to post .and ousdog to cause or permit or allow keep posted upon the premises such dog to be at large after he has l where such dog is kept under re- been notified by the Chief of Police straint as herein provided, in plain that such dog is vicious, or when , and conspicuous view, a notice in he 'knows or by the exercise of reas- letters not less than two inches in ouable care should know that such height which shall contain. the dog is a vicious dog. words "6FWARE OF tiICIOUS SECTION 19: It is unlawful for DOG". Failure to obey :such order, the owner or harborer of any un - in any respect as herein provided spayed female dog to cause or per - shall render such owner liable to rrlit or allow such dog to stray or prosecution for violation of this run or be at large in or upon any Ordinance and shall render .such public place while such dog is in vicious dog subject to summary de- heat or, breeding condition. struction• if 'found at large.. SECTION 20: It is unlawful for SECTION 15e lh the event that anyperson, firm or corporation, — person owns or harbors any dog � co e. from himself y agent, to re- anyy which bites or attack's or threatens' move. from the City Pound or any to bite or attack any meter reader, veterinary hospital al from anyl Inspector, officer or employee of other place any animal which has the Public Service Department or beS1t op mint n of without the con - of the Department of Light, Power Officer. City Health Of the and Water of the City of Anaheim, SECTION Of while in the performance of his du- Rabies.ties as such, the Public Service De -(a) It is the duty of the Chief partment shall have the right to of Police to immediately quaran- cut off all electric and water sery tine for observation any dog or ice to the premises where, such dog other animal infecteIrwith rabies, is kept and not resume the same or believed to be infected with ra- until such dog is disposed of or con- bies, lined in such manner as to insure (b) If, upon examination, the, that it will not thereafter menace City Health Officer shall determine' such meter reader, inspector, officer that any dog or any animal is of -1 or employee. flitted with rabie-4, he may cause SECTION 161 It shall be unlawful' such dog or other rnimal to be im- for any person, firm or corporation mediately destroyel; provided, how - owning, keeping, harboring= or hay- � --ver, when any dog or animal shall ing control of any dog or dogs tobe known to have Litten, scratched cause or permit such dog or dogs or otherwise exposed any person, to run at large upon any public it shall be kept under observation street, alley or any ekher public until the death of such dog or ani - place within the City of Anaheim, mal, or for fourteen days. and it shall be unlawful for any (c) It shall be the duty of the such person, firm or corporation to Chief of Police to promptly notify permit any such dog or dogs to be the City Health Officer of the loca- upon any public street, alley or tion and description of the dog or other public place within the City other animal having, rabies, or sus - of Anaheim unless such dog or dogs Pected of having. rabies; also to are kept under the control of the scrPPIY said City .Health Officer person or Persons owning, harbor with the names and addresses of ing or having charge or control of the person or persons who have the same.. - - been bitten, scratched or had other It shall be unlawful for any per- contact with the suspected animal. son, firm or corporation. ,owning, (d) No dog or other animal. keeping or harboring any dog or which has had an illness which was dogs to cause or permit the same suspected of being rabid shall be to trespass or be upon. any private released from quarantine except up - property of any person or persons en the written authorization of the[ without the consent of or to the Chief of Police and the City Health annoyance of such person or per- I Officer. sons. Any dog or dogs caused or ( (e) Any dog or other anima -1 Permitted. to run at large or be up- having. been bitten or presumed on the public streets, alleys or on to have been bitten by a rabid ani - any public property in the City of mal, or any animal bittenby an Anaheim, not under the control of animal which presumptively was some person or persons, and any rabid, shall be quarantined by the dog or dogs trespassing or being Chief of Police for three month& upon private property of another Provided, however, any animal, the person or persons without the con- owner of which is not known, when LEGAL NOTICE , ing or-operating such kensnnel shall obtain a new license therefor, such new license to cover the increased number of dogs therein, and upon the surrender to the City Treasurer of the unexpired license for such kennel the City Treasurer shall i cancel such unexpired license and shall allow as a credit on the new license the amount originally paid I for such cancelled license. Every person, firm or corporation who es- tablishes or commences conducting, managing or operating a kennel after July 1st of any year, shall immediately pay the kennel license for the remainder of the license year in the full amount provided in this Section. Each kennel lic'te'llse shall show maximum number of dogs which may be kept in such kennel under authority of such license. SECTION 3: The City Treasurer shall, and it is hereby made his duty, to collect such licenses from everyowner or harborer, of. dogs requiredto be licensed, and from every person, firm or corporation managing, conducting or operating a kennel within the City of Ana- heim. To each person paying the required license, other than a ken- nel license, he shall issue a tag for - each dog licensed. Upon such tag shall be stamped words and n_um- erals showing the license year for which the same is issued. Such tags shall also be serially number- ed. Duplicate of lost license tag may be procured from the City Treasurer upon exhibition of orig- inal and payment of twenty-five cents, The City Treasurer shall keep a register in which he shall enter the name of the owner or harborer of each dog for which a license is Paid, together with the date and number of the tag issued. SECTION 4: It is unlawful for any person owning, harboring or having charge or control of any dog,to keep, maintain or allow such dog to be within the City of Anaheim unless there be attached to such dog a collar on which there shall be attached a tag for the then current license year, obtained from the City Treasurer upon the pay- ment of the license levied by this Ordinance. SECTION St It is unlawful for any person to attach any current license tag to any dog other than the dog for which such tag was or. issued. THE CITY COUPICIL VV a ser: 'ITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN male, •ty, Is- hereby declared to be a vi- ous -dog.. , LICENSE • YEAR. sit. license year ;all zcommetteo .o)a, tiiaily .lar of, eacb ear and shall iirA ,94"Jure'sAtli 01 to 'next suci eking�g yearn KENNEL: Ari lgh rtlldifir:''struc• I re, enclosure it rrrlpips w'bereorl wherein folic41 •os morn doga .-e kept or r the L vur- )se ,of tire , raising W thi arkat•;or' iwa�•t3� ; , SECTION 0: It is unlawful for any person other than the owner to remove from any dog any tag at- tached to such dog ander the pro- visions of this Ordinance, or for any person to counterfeit or imitate any tag, or attach a counterfeit or imitation tag to any dog, or to pos- sess such tag. SECTION 7: It is unlawful for any owner or harborer of any dog i over the age of three months, to fail or neglect or refuse to obtain a license for such dog. It is unlaw- ful for any person, firm or corpor- ation conducting, managing or op- erating a kennel to fail, neglect or refuse to obtain a license therefor as herein provided. SECTION 8: It Is unlawful for any owner, harborer, or person in charge of or in control of any dog, to permit such dog to run at large in any public park or upon any school grounds. SECTION 9s It is unlawful for any person• to interfere with, op- pose or resist the City Treasurer or the Chief of Police in the perform- ance of his duties herein provided. SECTION 10: The City Pound is hereby created and shall be main- tained by the Chief of Police in a clean and sanitary manner, subject to such rules and regulations as the City Council, by resolution, may from time to time prescribe. The City Pound shall be open at all reasonable times to inspection by the public. The City Pound shall be maintained at its present loca- tion until changed by direction of the City Council. The City Council shall have the right to place. such City Pound at such Place as it shall from time to time designate. Pound fees for the keeping of dogs are hereby fixed at the rate of $2.00 plus $.50 per day for each day or fraction thereof that each dog is impounded. Me rTrrrD1FF--B­r prevent ng a, further fite the provisions of this Ordinance or purposes for the enact- One of the P for any other violation of this Or- dinance, and to show ment of this sectiory is to enable', cause why, such dogs should not -be destroyed the Chief of Police and the , City ;unless such owner or harborer Health Officer to observe all dogs and other animals which have bit- makesadequate provision for the control of said dog as required i ten any person or animal, in order by the provisions of this Ordinance. to determine whether the same are Upon a third offense, any such dog infected by rabies or other disease. or ,dogs- may be ordered to be sum. SECTION 14: Whenever a dog marily destroyed. If such citation suspected of being vicious is, re- is issued as a result of a complaint ported, the Chief of Police shall made by any person, firm or corp-' Investigate the conditions of the oration against the owner or har. dog's behavior and if he finds that borer of any dog, a notice in writ - such dog has done any of the acts'ing may also be given to the per - or shown a disposition or propen- sonj firm or corporation making dany the res intyto thisaeit uch complaint, notifying them to Ordinance toons te appear at the time and place stated .vicious dog, he shall deliver in in said +;itation to verify said writing to the owner or : harborer plaint, corn - of such dog a statement of the facts In the event that the owner or and circumstances concerning the dog's behavior. He shall also order harborer of any dog found running the owner or harborer of suchdog at large on the public streets, alleys or other public places in• the City to keep such dog in a substantial of Anaheim or upon private pro- enclosure or securely held upon a ­ erty, to the annoyance of any per- 1 chain,or other adequate control, or if this `restraint is impossible or son or persons,cannot be ascertain - ed after due diligence impracticable, such dog shall be k'Ympounded irr the City Pound until and said do cannot be seized by ordinary mea p. l such time as the owner or harborer 'dog so that it may be impounded at the City Pound, then such dog may be of such iihall lnake provisions satisfactory to the Chief of Police summarily destroyed by the Chief r of Police, t for the restraint of -said dog either in a substantial enclosure or upon SECTION IIs It is unlawful for n any.pereon, a chain or other adequate control. without the consent of s the In the event that such owner or owner thereof, to hold or re- r tain possession of any dog of which t harborer shall fail to make provi- he is not the owner, for a longer s sion for adequate restraint orcon- period than twenty-four hours un- n trol of said dog within a reasonable less such person shall within such f time, such dog may be destroyed or twenty-four hour period report the otherwise disposed of in a manner possession of such dog to the Chiefa so that he, will not be a menace of -Police, givtrtg his name and ad- p within the City of Anaheim. dress and a true description of the O Whenever any such dog has .a diel- dog. 11: • position. or propensity to .attack or bite any person or animal without SECTION 18: It is unlawful for t provocation, the Chief of Police the owner or harborer of any vici- I shall order the owner to post and our dog to cause or permit or allow o 'dog keep posted upon the premises such to be at large after he has a where such dog is kept under re- been notified by the Chief of Police o straint as herein provided, in plain that such' dog is vicious, or when o and conspicuous view, a notice in he 'knows or by the exercise of reas- t letters not less than two inches in onable care should know that such n height which shall contain. the "BEWARE dog is a vicious dog. o SEC'T'ION 19s It is unlawful for v words OF - VICIOUS DOG". Failure to obey :such order the owner or harborer of any un- d in any respect as herein provided spayed female dog to cause or per- c mit or allow such dog to stray or shall render such owner liable to prosecution for violation of this run or be at large in or upon any d Ordinance and shall render .such public place while such dog is in d heat or, breeding condition. vicious dog subjectto summary de- structiorr if 'founddat large. SECTION 20: It is unlawful for d t . SECTION 15: ht the event that ant, Person, firm or corporation, b either by -himself or agent, any person owns or harbors any dog- to re- o move from the City Pound or which bites or attack's or threatens' any a veterinary hospital oil from to bite or attack any meter reader, any f other, place any animal which has inspector, officer or employee of . the Publie Service Department or been quarantined, without the con- b of the Department of Light, Power sent of the Chief of Police and the i City Health Officer. and Ni'ater of the City of Anaheim, C while in the performance of his du- SFICTION 21: Itabiea. o ties as such, the Public Service De- (a) It is the duty of the a Chief t partment shall have the right to of Police to immediately quaran- f cut off all electric and water sery- tine for observation y� any dog or d lee to the premises where such dog other animal infecteQ with rabies, o Is kept. and not resume the same or believed to be infected with ra- P until such dog is disposed of or con- bles. It fined in such manner as to insure that it will not thereafter menace such meter reader, inspector, officer l or employee. SECTION is: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning, keeping, harboring or hav- ing control of any dog or dogs to cause or permit such dog or dogs to run at large upon any public street, alley or any (Other public place within the City of Anaheim, and it shall be unlawful for any such person, firm or corporation to permit any such dog or dogs to be Upon any public street, alley or other public place within the City of Anaheim unless such dog or dogs are kept under the control of the person or persons owning, harbor- ing or having charge or control of the same. It shall be unlawful for any per- son, firm or corporation, owning, keeping or harboring any dog or dogs to cause or permit the - same to trespass or be upon any private property of any person or persons) Without the consent of or to the annoyance of such person or Per- sons. Any dog or dogs caused or. permitted to run at large or be up- on the public streets, alleys or on any public property in the City of Anaheim, not under the control of some person or persons, and any dog or dogs trespassing. or being upon private property of another person or persons without the con - (b) If, upon examination,' the City Health Officer shall determine that any dog, or any animal is af- flicted with rabie% he may cause such dog or other animal to be im- mediately destroyel; provided, how- ever, when any dog or animal shall be known to have Litten, scratched or otherwise exposed any person, it shall be kept under observation until the death of such dog or ani- mal, or for fourteen days. (c) It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to promptly notify the City 'Health Officer of the loca- tion and description of the dog or other animal having. rabies, or sus- Pected of having. rabies; also to supply said City Health Officer with the names and addresses of the personor persons who have been bitten; scratched or had other contact with thesuspectedanimal. (d) No dog or other animal. which has had an illness which was suspected of being rabid shall be released from quarantine except up- on the written authorization of the Chief of Police and the City I3ealth Officer, (e) Any dog or other animal having been bitten or presumed to have been bitten by a rabid ani- mal, or any animal bitten by in animal which presumptively was rabid, shall be quarantined by the Chief of Police for three months. Provided, however, any animal, the owner of which is not known', when is �6 n P tl t a e ii u P ti d a, fi IF 2 LEGAL NOTICE LE"L NOTICE .such animalhas been bitted or pre- C11. held on the 86 day of March; aux}ted to Have .bean bitten by' 1988, by this followin` vote of the rabid aninutl or'when h anh'nj members 00'roof: was- bitten ; o'r llreauntad to h"$' AYES: C�CILMEN• Pearson, been bitten by'^an animal •which Wieser; Bonet'y� acrd Van Wagoner. presumptively was .rabi such att- No E$g C�IIJNCILMEN: None. }mal shall be doatroy .after s ' NSENT: C 'UNCILMEN• Haying..! fourteen day quarantine' period has AND F F HER CERTIFY that been observed.the Mayor of>the City, of Anshetra 1. (f) All 'gparant ne shall, be of- approved and signed said Ordinance' fective ' either on the premises of on the 86 day oY March, 1968. the owner or harborer,' or person I IN WITNE WHEREOF, I have having custody,, control or posses hereunto set my hand and affixed stun, of such• animal, if .practicable, the seal of said City of Anaheim or at the City Poun&,' the Chief this 26 day of. *arch, 1968. • Of Police determines that: such ani- (SEAL) mal can be beat ob ervgd in' quay- CHARLES E. GRIFFITH antine by being plaedt the Coun- City Clerk of the City of Anaheim ty Pound he may tranef#r:^and keep (pub, March. 2T, 1968) such animal, in the C(pnty;.'Pound. The owner, harborer, ob`Veradn hay. Ing custody, control ori;poseesetoa of any animal thus ad In the City or County Pbuln�all be 11= able for all costa h ktrred in 'th'e keeping of such anima. i zVnON =2 It' is, unlawful for ' any person to retnod* or attempt to remdve any dog •or other animal which, is impounded' in the 'City Pound without first ' eiuing per- mission from; the ChI4 ( 91 Police so to do. - SECTION 3st' .It Is unlawful to annoy or rnolestan dogs or other an'ima's in the Cyt! qu,d. - J_ 9EC'I'tON Sit .It Is ittlawful for any peraoi , firm or -corporation to keep more than throo doge, over the age of six monthM each, 1n any place in the City .of Auaheim,'with in two hund{ed fifty, fest of any. dwelling house' in use, or occupied by humaa beings a#her than the dwelling 'hernseY- bal4het tg to�e owner of such,:do#s. "Should ani dispute arise as to. trite age of any such"dogs, t`he Iyj'0 as owning' or. harboring: the saeYst.phalT' produce documentary av dt_4, to •prove any ' .such dog to be 'uttdex the age of. six •� months. anti} Aja` Ao.,to do eat' such dog shall be ' resumed to " be more than eiit inentt old. SECTIONI` Sot .It: is unlawful for , any person, .firth or 'corporation to - establish, Resp or maintain anV or astabi#aa R , far'. the medical care and tr - of dogs and other domsstlo 1's: Within fivt hundred feet of ¢wel}ittg house 1n, uss or oCcupisd y..laumatt beings other than the 4*0417tg house be- loagingto the oar or operator of Milan'' ksartel..Igl{ tal or estab< lishment, SUCTION Blit license and f pound fess Cal set" ppurauaat; to thb Lerma of thla't}rdinanee shall(' be paid into Ci�eperal Fund of the C�it yof BZet7TI4AT gt'r ir'her de- clared totitiaaody card it shall be unlawful, is sip, maintain 'or an yanima l#' t on �or P householdrdel-o) land, pate which by'P sotd, or. cry shall disturb t p. comfort of any, of terfere with my'per irEnsonabl u►d ti 4omfor sno round fees collected pursuant. toy' the terms of this Ordinance shall. be paid into the General Fund of the City of Anaheim. SECTION 271 It is" hereby de- clared- to be a nuisance and it shall be unlawful to keep, maintain or 11 permit on any lot or parcel. of land, any animals or household pets which by any sound or cry shall disturb the peace and comfort of' any neighborhood, or interfere with any person in the reasonable and comfortable enjoyment of life or property. It is hereby declared to be a nui- sance acid, shall be , u'nlawfulto make, cause or suffer or permit to be made or caused upon any pre- muses, any unnecessary noises or I sounds which arephysicallyannoy- ing to persons of ordinary sensi- tiveness or which aro so harsh or 1 so prolonged or unnatural or un- usual in their use, time or place as to occasion physical discomfort. SECTION 2S: The Chief. of Police and all police officers and other persons employed to perform any of such duties are hereby author- ized and empowered to take up and impound any animals running at large in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, and to keep such animals confined at the City Pound or at such other place as the Chief of Police may provide, for not less than three days unless such ani- mals be redeemed by the payment of Two ($2.00), pound fee, together with the cost incurred of $.50 per day to cover the Impounding and care of said animals. At the expiration of the said three days, if said animals are not re- deemed, the Chief of Police shall be deemed to have acquired jurisdic- tion over said animals and is here- by authorized to destroy or to sell or to otherwI" dispose of the same and any proceeds derived there - from shall accrue to said City, to 4 be. deposited in its General Fund. SECTION 291 Any person violat- ing any of the provision's of this Ordinance shall be deemedguilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine of -not more than Three Hun- 1 dred. Dollars ($300.00) or by impris- onment in the County Jail for a period of not more than three (3) months; or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION :IO: Ordinances Nos, 653, 677, 727, 790, and all other Ordi- nances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby re- pealed. SECTION 311 The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall certify to the passage of this -Ordinance l and cause the- same to be publish- ed at least once within fifteen days in the Anaheim Bulletin, a daily newspaper of general circulation. printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, and thirty (30) days from and after its final pass- age it shall take effect and be in full force. THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE is signed and approvedby me this 26 day of Itarch, 1952. CHAS. A. PEARSON Mayor of the City of Anaheim (SEAL) ATTEST: CHARLES E. GRIFFITH City Clerk of the City of Anaheim STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) C'OUN'TY OF ORANGE ) ss, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, CHARLES F. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a reg- ular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the li day of March. ]952, and that the same was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Coun- j•EGAL NOTICE cll held on the 2b da 19b2, b Y of March. Y the following vote of the LAYS ra thereof: AYE$: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wlaaer, Boney'and tr.- Ithe Ma or oft'he, CERTIFY�thaf Y of the JOn the 2 igne City of Anaheim and sd said Ordinance othe 2B day of March, 1962. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have 'hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City of Anaheim this 26 day Of arch, 1 0 • (SEAL) CHARLES R. GRIFFITH City Clerk of the City of Anaheim {Pub. March 27, 1962) -- 2 it 3 iI 4 5 6! 7, $ it I� 9 10j 11 12i i 13 14� 15 16, i 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 CITY OF ANAHEIM ECTION PAGE 1 1 2 2-3 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 7 4-5 g 5 9 5 104 5 11. 5-6 12 . 6 131 6 14 6-7 15 7 N,' W 16 8-9 17 10 18 10 19 10 20 10 21 10 - 11 122 11-12 INDEX ORDINANCE NO. 799 Definitions i License Fees Collection of License Current year, dog tag Unlawful to switch dog tag. Counterfeit dog tags Unlawful to neglect or refuse to obtain a license. Unlawful to run at large, on public parks - school grounds. Unlawful to interfere or oppose Chief of Police in per- formance of duties. City Pound and Pound Fees. Impound dogs without tags, pound fees and disposition. City and Employees shall not be held liable for injury or disease to dogs. Consent of Police Department and Health Officer to kill any animal. Vicious Dogs - Keeping of, Chief of Police shall investigate May order dog chained, or enclosed. Promises must be posted. Dogs, menace to Light, Power & Water employees engaged in their duties. City may cut off services until danger is removed. Unlawful to run at large on public street/alleys or public places. Dogs must be keder control. Unlawful to permit dogs to trespass on private property of another person. Dogs running at large are declared a nuisance. Owners shall be notified if tagged that dog impounded. Owner may be cited in City Court. Unlicensed dogs may be destroyed. Must report to Police Department possession of any dog of whi h he is not the owner. Owner shall not permit vicious dog to run at large. Unlawful to permit unspayed dog to run at large at certain periods. J I Unlawful to remove from City Pound or Veterinary Hospital where quarantined without consent of Chief of Police or Heajt Department. i Rabi6S- Must be quarantined, if determined, dog must be destr Unlawful to remove impounded animals wxcept by permission of Chief of Police. i� 1 IsECTION Liu 2 24 12 3 dogs over 6 months limit. Unlawful to keep more than 3 dogs within 250 feet of any dwelling other than ownerts. 25 12 Kennels: Veterinary Hospitals. Unlawful to establish with - 4 in 500 feet of other dwellings. 5 II i� 26 12 Fees and General Fund. ✓ 6 27 12 Household Pets shall not disturb neighborhood by barking and continued disturbances. 7 28 13 Impound any dogs running at,large in violation of Ordinance. 8 Pound fees $2.00 plus 50¢ per day costs. 9 I j 29 Penalty 10 i 30 Repeals a11. -pkevious .ordinances. 11 i! 31 Publication I 12 l i 131, I. 14 i 15 ! 16� 17 18 19 �I ) 20 i1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 i 30' 31 II 32 it ORDINANCE INTO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM IMPOSING AN ANNUAL LICENSE ON DOGS WITHIN THE, CITY OF ANAHEIM 2 AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF, REGU- LATING THE KEEPING AT'D CONTROL OF DOGS WITHIN THE 3 CORPORATE LIMITS OF SAID CITY, DECLARING DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE OR TRESPASSING 7PON THE PROPERTY 4 OF ANOT___FR A. PUBLIC NUISANCE, PROVIDING FOR THE IMPO"NDING OR DESTR:CTION OF CERTAIN DOGS, FIXING 5 F-TTES FOR THE RELEASE T.HIERFOF, PROVIDING PENALTTES FOR THE VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE' AND R-77PEALING 6 ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HFREWTTH. 7 8 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 9 SECTION 1: Definitions. 10 Whenever in this ordinance the following terms are used, 11 they shall be deemed and construed to have the meaning ascribed to 12 them in this section unless it is apparent from the context thereo: 13 that some other meaning is intended. 14 DOG: Any dog, whether male, unspayed or spayed female dog. 15 VICIOUS DOG: Any dog which has bitten a person or animal 16 without provocation or which has a disposition or propensity to 17 attack or bite any person or animal without provocation, or which 18 habitually runs after moving vehicles, including bicycles, or 19, which habitually does any other act which reasonably endangers the 20 21 comfort, health or safety of any person, or which habitually in - 22 jure s or destroys property, is hereby declared to be a vicious dog LICENSE YEAR: A license year shall commence on July 1st of 23 24 each year and shall end on June 30th of the next succeeding year. 25 KENNEL: Any lot, building, structure, enclosure or prem- ises whereon or wherein four (4) or more dogs are kept or maintain 26 27 for the purpose of breeding, raising fo-r the market, or boarding. 28 QUARANTINE: The isolation of a dog or any other domestic 29 animal in a substantial enclosure so that such dog or domestic 30 animal cannot be subject to contact with other animals or unauth- 31 orized persons* 32 CHIEF OF POLICE: The Chief of Police of the city'of Anahei his depuypes and all members of the Police "department of Anaheim. 1 CITY TR'EASMM:- The .City.:,Tr.eattrer-of.,.:the-GitF- f Anaheim and= h1i deputies.. 211 CITY HEALTH OFFICER: The term City Health Officer shall be 31' deemed to include any such person, and his deputies, appointed by 4'� the City Council, and also the Orange County Health Officer and 5 his deputies. 6�SECTION 2. License Fees. 71 (a) There is hereby levied an.annual license of $1.00 upon 8 every male dog over the age of three months, $1.00 upon every 9 j spayed female dog over the age of three months, and $2.00 upon 10 every unspayed female dog over the age of three months, owned or 11 !harbored within the City of Anaheim. Every person owning or har- 12 !boring any dog over the age of three months within the City of 13 Anaheim shall pay such license fee. The said license fee shall be 14I due and payable on the first day of July of each year. Any person 15 1who fails or neglects to pay the said license fee on or before the � 16 I!!first day of August of each year as said license fee becomes due, 17 shall be deemed delinquent under the foregoing provisions and shall �, 18 pay a 100% penalty in addition to the prescribed license fee for 19' said. license. Any person. who comes into ownership of or commences 20ilto harbor a dog over the age of three months within the City of i 21 (Anaheim after the 1st day of July of each year shall, within thirty 22E days after such time, obtain a license as herein provided for the 23 remainder of the license year in the full amout.t as provided.in 24i this Section. Any person who fails or neglects to obtain a license 25ilwithin the said thirty days, shall be subject to the same penalty 26 as hereinbefore provided. Before any license shall be issued under 27 the provisions of this Ordinance for a spayed female dog, a certi- 28,ificate in writing signed by a person duly licensed to practice 29 veterinary medicine or surgery, describing such dog and certifying 30 that such female has been spayed, shall be exhibited and approved 31 in writing by the .C*it,:-Tr"sUz-ein <> yc, unless the is 32 otherwise satisfied that such female dog has in fact been spared. CITY OF ANAHEIM R04 E. CENTER ST. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 1 j — a+ 1' In the event that a dispute should arise over the age of any dog, the owner or harborer of such do shall furnish the Cit r're"uj-er.. < x` 2 g Y ' 3! with documentary proof of the age of such dog, and until such proof 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 r 26 r, 27 28 29 30 31 32 CITY OF ANAHEIM 204 E. CENTER ST. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA is furnished it shall be presumed that such dog is of an age re - i, quiring it to be licensed, to -wit: over the age of three months. (b) Any person, firm or corporation owning, conducting, man- aging or operating any dog kennel, except kennels kept for veter- inary care, in the City of Anaheim, shall pay for the privilege of maintaining, conducting or operating such kennel, in lieu of the individual dog license provided for herein, an annual license on such kennel as follows: For any such kennel containing more than three dogs and less !than eleven dogs, the sum of Eighteen Dollars ($18.00) per year or i !fraction thereof; for any kennel containing more than ten dogs and ;less than twenty dogs, the sum of Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) per !year or fraction thereof; for any kennel containing more than nine- Iteen dogs, Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per year. Such kennel license shall be due and payable on the first day of July of each and every year. In any case where during any year the number of dogs in any licensed kennel is increased to a number in excess of the number for which a kennel license shall have been issued the firm, person or corporation conducting, managing or operating such kennel shall obtain a new license therefor, such new license to cover the in- creased number of dogs therein, and upon the surrender to the t :-�' e sai az�� of the unexpired license for such kennel the C3t4 Traciurer "-e='-r•-t shall cancel such unexpired license and shall allow as a 'credit on the new license the amount originally paid for such can- celled license. Every person, firm or corporation who establishes or commences conducting, managing or operating a kennel after July 1st of any year, shall immediately pay the kennel license for the remainder of the license year in the full amount provided in this Section. -3- 1'I 2i 4 5' 6, 7. 8 9 101 11' 12 13' 14 15 I, 16! 17 18 19 20 21 22 °5,23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 CITY OF ANAHEIM 204 E. CENTER ST. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA Each kennel license shall show maximum number of dogs which may be kept in such kennel under authority of such license. SECTION 3: The C`'fiW,Treasurer , L;e shall, and it is hereby made his duty, to collect such licenses from every owner or harbo er of dogs required to be licensed, and from every person, firm or corporation managing, conducting or operating a kennel within the City of Anaheim. To each person paying the required license, other I than a kennel license, he shall issue a tag for each dog licensed. i i Upon such tag shall be stamped words and numerals showing the lic— ense year for which the same is issued. Such tags shall also be serially numbered. Duplicate of lost license tag may be procured I from the upon exhibition of original and payment of twenty—five cents. The ftt# rcrreasuie .-.-� shall keep a register in which he shall enter the name of the owner or harborer of each dog for which a license is paid, together with the date and number of the tag issued. SECTION 4: It is unlawful for any person owning, harboring or having charge or control of any dog, to keep, maintain or allox, such dog to be within the City of Anaheim unless there be attached to such dog a collar on which there shall be attached a tag for the then current license year, obtained from the it�Traaer.v : upon the p&yment of the license levied by this Ordinance. SECTION 5: It is unlawful for any person to attach any current license tag to any dog other than the dog for which such stag was originally issued. SECTION 6: It is unlawful for any person other than the owner to remove from any dog any tag attached to such dog under the provisions of this Ordinance, or for any person to counterfeit or imitate any tag, or attach a counterfeit or imitation tag to any dog, or to possess such tag. 990TION 7: It is unlawful for any owner or harborer of any —4— 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Idog over the age of three months, to fail or neglect or refuse to obtain a license for such dog. It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or operating a kennel to fail, neglect or refuse to obtain a license therefor as herein provided. SECTION 8: It is unlawful for any owner, harborer, or per- son in charge of or in control of any dog, to permit such dog to 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 i 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2811 29 30 31 32 CITY OF ANAHEIM 904 E. CENTER ST. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA run at large in any public park or upon any school grounds. SECTION 9: It is unlawful for aU perpon to i4terfere with, i oppose or resist the �ityM1,TreaGsurr :ort �fi'Ci,�' a:PffiCe ::ice ; tom` pe�f�ormance ,,:of'; their. _duties heToii ,' pxoyided. SECTION 10: The City Pound is hereby created and shall be maintained by the Chief of Police in a clean and sanitary manner, subject to such rules and regulations as the City Council, by res- olution, may from time to time prescribe. The City Pound shall be open at all reasonable times to inspection by the public. The City Pound shall be maintained at its present location until changed by direction of the City Council. The City Council shall have the right to place such City Pound at such place as it shall from time to time designate. Pound fees for the keeping of dogs are hereby 40 f ixed at the rate of `.2 A.. o_;n_ it , for each day or fraction thereof that each dog is impounded. Pound fees for other animals impounded shall be those fixed by the City council from time to time. SECTION 11: It is hereby made the duty of the Chief of ?olice to take up and impound all dogs found in the streets, alleyso Dr public places within the City of Anaheim, without a tag as pro- vided in this Ordinance, and to keep each such dog so taken up and Cmpounded for not less than seventy-two (72) hours, in the City ?ound, unless such dog be sooner redeemed by the payment of all ?ound fees incurred, together with the production of the required tag. Pound fees for the keeping of dogs are hereby fixed at the ^ate of . $2.00 plus .$. -50 per iW -5- 11 for each day or fraction thereof that each dog is impounded. At 2! the expiration of seventy-two (72) hours from the time a dog is im- 3pounded, unless it has been redeemed as heretofore provided, it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18, 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 29 30 31' 321 CITY OF ANAHEIM 204 E. CENTER ST. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA shall be humanely killed by the Chief of Police, provided, however,' that said Chief of Police is hereby authorized to sell any unre- deemed dog upon the purchaser paying all accruing pound fees together i with a license for such dog for the current license year; provided } further that upon such sale a license shall not be required if the dog is immediately removed from the City of Anaheim. I SECTION 12: Neither the City nor any of its officers, em— ployees or agents shall be liable for any injury suffered or disease incurred by any dog while taken up and/or impounded. .SECTION 13: It is unlawful for any person to kill or main zany animal which is known to have bitten any person or animal un- less the permission and consent so to do has been granted by the Chief of Police and the City Health Officer. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to prohibit the jkilling of a dog or other domestic animal where such destruction is necessary to the proteotion of life and limb or for the purpose of preventing a further attack. One of the purposes for the enactment of this section is to enable the Chief of Police and the City Health Officer to observe all dugs and other animals which have bitten any person or animal, in order to determine whether the same are infected by rabies or other disease. SECTION 14: Whenever a dog suspected of being vicious is reported, the Chief of Police shall investigate the conditions of the dogts behavior and if he finds that such dog has done any of the acts or shown a disposition or propensity to do any of the acts declared in this Ordinance to constitute a vicious dog, he shall deliver in writing to the owner or harborer of such dog a statement of the facts and circumstances concerning the dogIs behavior. He -6- 111'shall also order the owner or harborer of such dog to keep such dog 2i in a substantial enclosure or securely held upon a chain or other 3i adequate control, or if this restraint is impossible or impractica- 4 I ble, such dog shall be impounded in the City Pound until such time 5 as the owner or harborer of such dog shall make provisions satis- 6 factory to the Chief of Police for the restraint of said dog either 7in a substantial enclosure or upon a chain or other adequate contro: 8 In the event that such owner or harborer shall fail to make 9 provision for adequate restraint or control of said dog within a 14 reasonable time, such dog may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of 11 in a manner so that he will not be a menace within the City of 12 Anaheim. 13 Whenever any such dog as a disposition or propensity to 14 attack or bite any person or animal without provocation, the Chief 15 of Police shall order the owner to post and keep posted upon the 16 premises where such dog is kept under restraint as herein provided, 27 in plain and conspicuous view, a notice in letters not less than 18 two inches in height which shall contain the words "BEWARE OF 19 VICIOUS DOG". Failure to obey such order in any respect as herein 20 provided shall render such owner liable to prosecution for viola- 21 tion of this Ordinance and shall render such vicious dog subject 22 to summary destruction if found at large. 23 '. SECTION 15: In the event that any person owns or harbors 24 any dog which bites or attacks or threatens to bite or attack any 25 meter reader, inspector, officer or employee of the Public Service 26 Department or of the Department of Light, Power and Water of the V City of Anaheim, while in the performance of his duties as such, 28, the Public Service Department shall have the right to out off all 29, electric and water service to the premises where such dog is kept 30 and not resume the same until such dog is disposed of or confined 31 in such manner as to insure that it will not thereafter menace 32 such meter reader, inspector, officer or employee. I CITY OF ANAHEIM 204 E. CENTER ST. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA -^J- ], SECTION 16: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or 2 corporation owning, keeping, harboring or having control of any i 3'! dog or dogs to cause or permit such dog or dogs to run at large 4i1 upon any public street, alley or any other public place within 511 the City of Anaheim, and it shall be unlawful for any such person, 6 7' 9, 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19� 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 271 28 R&*Z 30 31 32' CITY OF ANAHEIM 204 E. CENTER ST. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA firm or corporation to permit any such dog or dogs to be upon any i public street, alley or other public place within the City of Anaheim unless such dog or dogs are kept under the control of the person or persons owning, harboring or having charge or control j of the same. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation !owning, keeping or harboring any dog or dogs to cause or permit !,the same to trespass or be upon any private property of any person or persons without the consent of or to the annoyance of such person or persons. Any dog or dogs caused or permitted to run at large or be upon the public streets, alleys or on any public prop- erty in the City of Anaheim, not under the control of some person or persons, and any dog or dogs trespassing or being upon private property of another person or persons without the consent of or to the annoyance of such person or persons, are hereby declared to be a nuisance and any such dog or dogs found to be running at large or being upon any public street, alley or public place with- in the City or upon private property, contrary to the provisions of this Section, may be impounded in the City Pound and disposed of under the provisions of this Ordinance. If a current tag issued by the Clt;Treasurez a,u of the City of Anaheim, from which the owner of said dog can be ascertained, is found on the collar of the dog, such owner shall be notified immediately in writing that said dog has been impounded. At the expiration of said three days, if said dog or dogs are not redeemed, the Chief of Police shall be deemed to have ac- Iquired the jurisdiction over such animals and is hereby authorized } l to destroy, or to sell or to otherwise dispose of the same and any Ir 21proceeds derived therefrom shall accrue to said City to be deposited; 3,in its General Fund. vl 121 13'' 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 221 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 34 31 32 In lieu of seizing and impounding any dog or dogs found to be gunning at large in or upon any public street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or trespassing or being upon any private property to the annoyance of any person or persons, or kept or maintained in violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, said Chief of Police may issue a citation to the owner or harborer of any such dog or dogs, fixing a time and place not more than five days from the date of issuance of said citation, directing such owner or har— borer of any such dog or dogs to appear before the judge of the City Court or the Judge of any other court of competent jurisdictioi in the City of Anaheim, to show cause why such person should not be punished as provided in this Ordinance for causing or permitting such dog or dogs to run at large or be on private property contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance or for any other violation of this Ordinance, and to show cause why such dogs should not be destroyed unless such owner or harborer makes adequate provision for the control of said dog as required by the provisions of this Ordinance. Upon a third offense, any such dog or dogs may be ordered to be summarily destroyed. If such citation is issued as a result -.of a complaint made by any person, firm or corporation nst the owner or harborer of any dog, a notice in writi%:'_. so be given to the person, firm or corporation making such com— nt, notifying them to appear at the time and place stated in said citation to verify said complaint. In the event that the owner or harborer of any dog found ng at large on the public streets, alleys or other public s in the City of Anaheim or upon private property, to the yance of any person or persons, cannot be ascertained after due ligence and said dog cannot be seized by ordinary means so that CITY OF ANAHEIM 204 E. CENTER ST. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA �A- 1 it may be impounded at the City Pound, then such dog may be summ 2� arily destroyed by the Chief of Police. 3„ SECTION 17: It is unlawful for any person, without the 4�jconsent of the owner thereof, to hold or retain possession of any 5 dog of which he is not the owner, for a longer period than twenty- 6 four hours unless such person shall within such twenty-four hour 7 period report the possession of such dog to the Chief of Police, 8 giving his name and address and a true description of the dog. 9 SECTION 182 It is unlawful for the owner or harborer of 10 any vicious dog to cause or permit or allow such dog to be at large 11 after he has been notified by the Chief of Police that such dog is 12 vicious, or when he knows or by the exercise of reasonable care 13 should know that such dog is a vicious dog. 14 SECTION 19: It is unlawful for the owner or harborer of 15 any unspayed female dog to cause or permit or allow such dog to 16 stray or run or be at large in or upon any public place while such 17 dog is in heat or breeding condition. T8 SECTION 20: It is unlawful for any person, firm or corp- 19 oration, either by himself or agent, to remove from the City Pound 20 or any veterinary hospital or from any other place any animal which 21 has been quarantined, without the consent of the Chief of Police 22 and the City Health Officer. 23 SECTION 21: Rabies. 24 (a) It is the duty of the Chief of Police to immediately 25 quarantine for observation any dog or other animal infected with 26 rabies, or believed to be infected with rabies. 27�� (b) If, upon examination, the City Health Officer shall l 28 determine that any dog or any animal is afflicted with rabies, he 29 Imay cause such dog or other animal to be immediately destroyed; 30 'provided, however, when any dog or animal shall be known to have 31 bitten, scratched or otherwise exposed any person, it shall be kept 32 under observation until the death of such dog or animal, or for CITY OF ANAHEIM 2046. CENTER ST. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -10- 8' 91 101 11 12! 13', 14, 151 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 231 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I CITY OF ANAHEIM 204 E. CENTER ST. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA fourteen days. (c) It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to promptly; notify the City Health Officer of the location and description of the dog or other animal having rabies, or suspected of having babies; also to supply said City Health Officer with the names and addresses of the person or persons who have been bitten, scratched or had other contact with the suspected animal. (d) No dog or other animal which has had an illness which Iwas suspected of being rabid shall be released from quarantine e acept upon the written authorization of the Chief of Police and the City Health Officer. (e) Any dog or other animal having been bitten or presumed to have been bitten by a rabid animal, or any animal bitten by an animal which presumptively was rabid, shall be quarantined by the Chief of Police for three months. Provided, however, any animal, the owner of which is not known, when such animal has been bitten or presumed to have been bitten by a rabid animal, or when such animal was bitten or presumed to have been bitten by an animal which presumptively was rabid, such animal shall be destroyed after ,a fourteen day quarantine period has been observed. (f) All quarantine shall be effective either on the prem - ices of the owner or harborer or person having custody, control or possession of such animal, if practicable, or at the City Pound. -If the Chief of Police determines that such animal can be best observed in quarantine by being placed in the County Pound he may transfer and keep such animal in the County Pound. The owner, har- borer, or person having custody, control or possession of any ;animal thus placed in the City or County Pound shall be liable for all costs incurred in the keeping of such animal. SECTION 22: It is unlawful for any person to remove or attempt to remove any dog or other animal which is impounded in the City Pound without first receiving permission from the Chief of -11- I I Police so to do. 2I SECTION 23: It is unlawful to annoy or molest any dogs or I 3l�other animals in the City Pound. r 4� SECTION 24: It is unlawful for any person, firm or corpor- 5 ation to keep more than three dogs, over the age of six months each 6 in any place in the ;City of Anaheim, within two hundred fifty feet 7 of any dwelling house in use or occupied by human beings other than 8 the dwelling house belonging to the owner of such dogs. Should any 9 dispute arise as to the age of any such dogs, the person owning or 10 harboring the same shall produce documentary evidence to prove any 11 such dog to be under the age of six months, and failing so to do 12 any such dog shall be presumed to be more than six months old. 13 SECTION 25: It is unlawful for any person, firm or corp - 14 oration to establish, keep or maintain any kennel, as defined in 15 SECTION 1 of this Ordinance, or -any hospital, or establishment for 16 the medical care and treatment of dogs and other domestic animals 17 within five hundred feet of any dwelling house in use or occupied 18 by human beings other than the dwelling house belonging to the 19 owner or operator of such kennel, hospital or establishment. 20 SECTION 26: All license and pound fees collected pursuant 21 to the terms of this Ordinance shall be paid into the General Fund 22 of the City of Anaheim. 23 SECTION 27: It is hereby declared to be a nuisance and it 24 shall be unlawful to keep, maintain or permit on any lot or parcel 25 of land, any animals or household pets which by any sound or cry 26 shall disturb the peace and comfort of any neighborhood, or inter - 27 fere with any person in the reasonable and comfortable enjoyment 28 of life or property. 29 It is hereby declared to be a nuisance and shall be unlawful I� 30 I to make, cause or suffer or permit to be made or caused upon any 31 premises, any unnecessary noises or sounds which are physically 32� annoying to persons of ordinary sensitiveness or which are so harsh CITY OF ANAHEIM 404 E. CENTER ST. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA -12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 281 29 30 31 32 CITY OF ANAHEIM sw E. CENTER ST. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA or so prolonged or unnatural or unusual in their use, time or place as to occasion physical discomfort. SECTION 28: The Chief of Police and all police officers i land other persons employed to perform any of such duties are hereby authorized and empowered to take up and impound any animals running at large in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, and to keep such animals confined at the City Pound or at such other place as the Chief of Police may provide, for not less than three days sunless such animals be redeemed by the payment of TWO o 4050 .10er 4e, to cover AL U0. pound fee, togetbot cost i.4curred .. the impound- ing and care of said animals. At the expiration of the said three days, if said animals are not redeemed, the Chief of Police shall be deemed to have acquired jurisdiction over said animals and is hereby authorized to destroy or to sell or to otherwise dispose of the same and any pro— ceeds derived therefrom shall accrue to said City, to be deposited in its General Fund, SECTION 29: Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon (conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of not more than three (3) months; or by both such fine and imprisonment. 7 ?' SECTION 30: Ordinances Nos. 653, 677, 727, and all other Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby jrepealed. SECTION 31: The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be published at least once within fifteen days in the Anaheim Bulletin; a daily newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage it shall take effect and be in full force. -13- i THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE is signed and approved: by me this 25th 2 ' day of March �. 1952. 3 41 51 6� 7 i 8� 9) 10 11 12 1 131 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 i 29 30' 31 32 CITY OF ANAHEIM 204 E. CENTER ST. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA Mayor of the City of Anaheim ATTEST• City Clerk of the Cit im STATE Of CALIFiIA } Comm or ) sa. CITY Of ATAKUM, ) 1, MIAM S '1I. , QA=TH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was intreduced at a regular meeting of the City Ooqual . of the City of Anaheim. Uld on thelltlt- _ day of March . 1952,, and that the ..saga was.' passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council hold on the, 25._th day of March r 1952, bZ the following rote of - the- mentors , Vwreof s AXAS: COUNCI f: Pearson, Wieser, Boney And Van Wagoner.. HOES: GO IENU: None:: ABSEWT: CODgCILMU: HeyiA 11 AND I PUROM CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Ordinance on the 25th day of March , 1952. IN WITEM WEE=, I have hereunto set `my band and affirmed the seal of said City of Anaheim this 25th day of March , 1952. City Cleric. of the#, Anaheim —14 -