270SCA 'L% o ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State ---------------------------------------- State of California, ss. CoUnI7 f Or, ) -�_ d __________being first duly s sworn, deposes and sa hat at all times t einafter mentioned he was a citizen of the Uni ed States, over the age o 21 years, and a res- ident of said county, and! was at and during all said times the principal clerk of the printer"'nd publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in ty and State at regular i tervais for more than one year pre di the;st�u�Iicalione no ce herein mentioned; ,that she-- - ----- ------ ---- - S t- --------- -U- o ______of which the annexed is printed coov. was published and nrintad in said newana.nar at least --- Z --- ----------- Ls- -------------------------- commencing on the------- ---r.---------day of--------- -- -3,c - ------------------- 19 -4 - and ending on the -------1--------------- of---------- ,p,�_� _ __9_____-______ 19A"\__, both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said news- paper was regularly issued. That t e Ptes on which said publication 3\""- was made were as follows: _kk__ rfir_ L --- - ----- - -- - - -------- S bscribed and sworn to before m this___-2��___ day of ------------- --------- --- ----- 19/ F '�'" - ------ ---------i--------------- Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. ORDINANCE NO. 270. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR HOLDING A GENERAL`MUNICI- PAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, ON THE SECOND MONDAY IN APRIL, 1914. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana - beau do ordain as foiiow's: ticctiun r. That a general municipal elec- tion, be held in the City of Anaheim on the ,,,could Monday in, Apri:, 1914, to -wit: on the _3th day of dpril, mi -I, for the p-arpose of e ecting the following officers of the said city, to-•,i•,t: i. 'lhree members of the Board of Trustees for the term of four years. _. One City Clerk for the term of two ycars- One City Treasurer for the term of two years. Section z For the purpose of said election dte:e are hereby cstabnshed eight election there hereby established eight election precincts in said city, to be known and desig- �,at"I as "Precinct Number r," "Precinct Number 2," "Precinct \umber 3,' "Precinct NumLcr 4," "Precinct Number 5," "Precinct Number 6," `,Precinct Number y' and "Pre dict Number 8." The boundaries of said precincts are fixed and established respective - !y as follows: Precinct Number i. Commencing at the -Northwesterly corner of said city and run- ning thence Easter.y along the Northerly boundary line of said city to the center line of Korth Pafm Street, produced Northerly to add Northerly boundary line; running thence ,oatlteny a:ong the center line of North Paim �trect to a point where the center ime of North Pain Street intersects the center line of by est Cypress Street in said city; running thence Easterly along the center line of West cypress Strect to a point where the center True of Yt est Cypress Street intersects the center line of North Ciemeutine Street; thence Southerly a;oug the center line of north Clementine Street to a point where the said center line of Ninth C:cmentine Street intersects the center line of West Center Strcet; thence �6estcrly along the center line of West Center Street to the West boundary line of said city; thence _North along the said West boundary line to the point of begin- ning. Precinct Number 2 Commencing at a point \,.here the center line of North Palm Street, produced Northerly, intersects the Norther y boundary line of said city; thence Southerly along the center line of North Palm Street toa point where the center line of North Palm Street intersects the center line of West Cypress Street; thence Easterly along the center ine of West Cypress Street to a point tchere the center line of West Cypress Street intersects the center iine of North Clementine Street, produced Northerly across said West Cypress Street; thence Southerly along the center line of North Clementine Street to a point where the center line of North Clem- entine Street,produced Southerly, intersects the center line of West Center Street; thence Easterly along the center line of West Center btrect to a point where the center line of West Center Street, produced Easterly, in- tersccts the center line of North Los Angeles Street, produced Southerly; thence Northerly along the center line of North Los Ange'es St-CCt to the Northerly boundary line of said, city; thence Westerly along said Northerly buundary line to the point of beginning. Precinct Number 3. Commencing at a point where the center line of North Los Angeles Street, produced Northerly, intersects the Noriber-y boundary !ine of said city; thence '?asterly along said Northerly boundary line ro a point where said Northerly boundary line intersects the center line of _1 orth Olive Street, produced northerly, to said - Northerly boundary line: thence Southery along the .:etiter line of ,`forth Olive Street to a point where said center iine of North Olive Street Intersects the center line of Fast Sycamore street; thence Westerly along the center line of East Sycamore Strcet to a point where the center line of North Philade'phia Street, pro - faced Northerly, intersects the center line of East Sycamore Street; thence Southerly along the center line of North Philadelphia Strcet 10 a point where said center line of said North Philade phi, Street intersects the cen- ter line of East Center Street; thence West- erly along the center line of East Center ctreet to a point where said center line of Fast Center Street, produced Westerly, in- tersects the center line of North Los 'An- ,veies Street, produced Southerly; thence Nor- therly a'ong the center line of North Los ,Angeles Street to the point of beginning. Precinct Number 4- Comul vicing at a point %,here the center- line of North Olive Street. produced Northerly, intersects the Northerly boundary line of said city; running thence Easterly along the Northerly boundary line of said city to the Northeaster'y corner thereof; thence Southerly along the Easterly boundary line of said city to a point where the center line of East Center Street, pro- duced Easterly, intersects the said Easterly bottndary line of said city, thence Westerly along the center line of East Center Street to a point where the center line of East Center Street intersects the center line of North Philadelphia Street, preduced,Southerly across said East Center Street; thence Northerly along the center line of North Philadelphia Street to a point where the center line of North Philadelphia Street, produced Norther- . . . .. ,.......,.- 1;_ „f Faat Svca- as Center Street; thence Southerly along lie center line of South Clementine Street tc a point wehere the center line of South C,ementine Street, produced Southerly, intersects the center line of West Santa _lila Street; thence Westerly along the center line of West Santa Ana Street to a point where the center line of West Santa --Ina Street in- tersect, the center line of South Palm Street; thence Southerly along the center line of South Palm Street to the Southerly boundary line of said city: thence Westerly alongthe Southerly boundary line of said city to the center line of South West Street; thence Southerly along said center line to the Sou- therly line of Lot 31. Anaheim Extension; thence Westerly along said Southerly line to the East line of Walnut Street; thence South :along said East line to the center line of Pall Road; thenceWest along said center line to the West boundary line of saidcity: thence North along said boundary line to place of beginning. Precinct lumber 6. Commencing at a point ��-here the center line of South Clementine Street, produced Northery, intersects the cen- ter line of West Center Street; running thence 4outherl-v along the center line of South Clementine Street to a point where the center l ne of South Clementine Street, produced Southerly, intersects the center line of West Santa .Ana Street; thence Westerly along the cei,tcr line of West Santa Ana Street to e point where the center line of West Santa :Ana Street intersects. the center line of South Palm Street; thence Soatherly along the cen- ter line of South Palm Street to the Southerly 1•oundary line of said city: thence Easter v along the Southerly boundary line of said city to a point where the center line of South Los Angeles Street intersects the Southerly bonn&iry line of said city: thence Northerly along the center line of South Los Ange'es Strect to a point where the said center line of South Los Angeles Street, produced Nor- ther'v, intersects the center line of West ('enter Street; produced Easterly; thence W cclorly along the center line of West Center Street to the point of beginning. Precinct Nuihber 7. Commencing at a point ,.there the center line of South Los Ange'es Street. produced Northerly, intersects the cen- ter line of East Center Street, produced West- erly; Tinning the—e Southerly along the center line of South Los Angeles Street to the Southerly boundary line of said city; thence Easterly along the said ' Southerly boundary line of said city to a point where the c—ter li.,e of Smith Olive Street inter- sectsthethe said Southerly boundary line ofsaid city: thence Northerly along the center line of South Olive Street to a point where the center line of South Olive Street intersects the center 'tine of Fa=t Santa :Ina Street; thence Westerly along the center line of East Santa Ana Street to a point where the center Of Fast S --+t', y^ St,-eet intersects the center line of South Philadelphia Street. pro- duced Southerly: thenoe Northerly a'.ong the center line of South Philadelphia Street to a point where the center line of South Phila- delphia Street, produced Northerly, intersects the c—ter 'ine of East- Center Street- thence Westerly along the center line of East Center Sty. -tet to th,, point of beginning. Precinct Number S. Commencing at a point „here the cente,- line cif South Philadelphia Street., produced Northerly, intersects the center line of last Center Street; running then^e tiouther'v along the center line of South Philadelphia Street to a point "here the center line of South Philadelphia Street, r„-o-t„ted contherly, intersects the center line of East Santa Ana Street; thence. Easterly wrong the center '--ine of East Santa Ana .Street to a point where the center line of Last Santa Anq Street intersects the center 'ine of South Olive Street: thence Southerly along the center line of South Olive Street to the Southerly boun9ary line of said city: thence Easterly along the Sontherly boundary line of said city to the Southeasterly corner thereof: thence Northerly along the Easterly boundary line of said city to a pont where. the center line of East Center Street. pro- duced Easterly, intersect!: the said Easterly Loundnry line of said city: thence Westerly aionn the center line, of East Center Street to the point of beginning. Sect;on I. That the following named per- sons are hereby appointed as' Boards of F'ee- s'on of said ,-esnecti,-e precincts. to serve in the capacity herein designated and to conduct said cicction as required by law. PRECINCT NUMBER t. T—hectors—Martin J. Ilerzler, George H. Waidler. Indges—T. ferry Kowski, B. Fisher. Clerks—Elmo L. Calkins, Samuel C. Newnes. PRECINCT NUMBER z. inspectors—WV illiam Lavin. Judges—Gardner W' Teary. Clerks — Hugo E. Tausch. Duckworth, John D. Closson, George . W. PRECINCT NUAll>ER ;. Inspector;—Ai- ill iam L. Iircuscher, Freder ick A. ) ungbluth. ludges—henry M. :Adams, Oris A. Alul'inix, C1erks—Cy2% F. Webb, Earl R. ,Abbey. PRECINCT NUMBER 8. Inspectors—John Al. Henry, Charles 1I. Newcombe. judges—Roger C. Dutton, Adolph Rimpau. Clerks—Albert D. Erickson, H. C. Inskecp. Section a. The compensation of said per- sons composing said Boards of Election is hereby fixed at five dollars ($5.00) each. Section 5. That the forlowing polling places for said election are hereby established: The poling' place in and for Precinct Num ber i shall be at the Anaheim Union High School. Building, at number yi5 West Center Street in said city. Ihe po'.ling place in and for Precinct Ntun- ber 2 .shall be at the Pacific Inip'ement Com- pany's Store, at number 2o9 North Los An- geles Street in said city. The poling place in and for Precinct Num- ber 3 shall be at the Central School Building, at number 3o9 East Chartres Street in said city. '] he poling place in and for Precinct Num- ber 4 shall be at the Opera House Building at number 413 East Center Street in said city. 7 -he poling place in and for Precinct Num- ber 5 shall be at the Fremont School, at number 554 West Center Street in said city. The pot ling place in and for Precinct Num- ber 6 shall be at the Anaheim Public Library, at number 219 South Los Angeles Street in slid city. 'I he po ling place in and for Precinct Num- ber- 9 will be at the City Hall, at number 202 Fast Center Street in said city. l he poling place in and for Precinct Num- ber 8 will be at the Primary School Building, at number Oro Fast Broadway Street in said city. lection 6. Tliat said election shall be held and conducted in accordance with the gen- ual election laws of the State of California, in so far as the same have been_ made app'i- cable to suchmunicipalities. Section y. 1, hat there be submitted to the qualified electors of said city at such election the question whether the several members of the Board of Trustees of said city shall re- ceive the sum of twenty dollars ($2o.00 per mouth each for their services as such mem- bers of the Board of Trustees of said city. and that there be printed 6n the bal'ots used at such election the following in addition to other matter required by law to be printed thereon, to -wit: "Shall the several members of the Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim receive the sum of,twenty dollars ($20.o0) per month each as compensation for their ser- vices as such Trustees?” And there shall be printed opposite such question on said ballots, on separate lines, the word "Yes” and the word "No." If an elector shall stamp a cross (X) in the voting square after the printed word "Yes" his vote shall be counted in favor --bf' the --adoption, off --+,Yell question: if he shall stamp a cross (X) after the word "No" his vote shall be counted against the adoption of the same; and if a majority of such electors voting at such election shall vote in favor of such clinestion, from and after the first day of May, 1914, the several members of said Board of Trustees shall receive such compensation. Section 8. At such election the- polls must Ile opened at six o'clock in the morning of said 13th day of April, 1914, and must be kept open until seven o'clock in the afternoon of said day, when, the polls shall be closed, except as provided by Section 1164 of the Political Code of the State of California. Section 9. Notice of said election shall be given by the City Clerk of the said city by publishing a notice thereof in "The Orange County Plain Dealer," a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in said city, for two successive weeks prior to said election, which said notice shall state the character of said election. the names of the officee to be voted on and filed at such election, the question to be submitted to the soters at such election, the number and loca- tion of the several precincts, places where the polls shall belocated, the names of the pper- sans composing the several Boards of F.!ec- tion, the day when said election shall be held and the time when the polls shall be opened m and the tie when the polls shall be closed. Section in. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance, and cause the same to be pubished once in "'rhe Orange County Plain Dealer," it weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the said City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. The foregoing ordinance is signed, ap- proved and attested by me this -16th day of hebruary, 1914. M. NEBELUNG. Strodthoff, ],rank A. President of the Board of 'Trustees of the City of Anaheim. PRECINCT NUMBER 3. Inspectors — Fred C. ' Rimpau, Frank G. Mauer. STATE OF CALIFORNIA,) Tndges—J. Frederick Ahlborn, William W. County of Orange, )ss Conklin. City of Anaheim, ) Clerks—H. E. W. Barnes, Jr., Albert E. Griggs. AECINCT NUATBER 4. Inspectors — Burleigh L. Goodrich, Innes Henry. Judges—Henry W. Braden, I'red R. Hud- son. Clerks—Edwin C. Schlueter, Norman B. I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meet- ing of the -Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 13th day of February, 1914, and that the same was regularly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 26th day of r .. 1y Treasurer for the term of two years. Section 2. For the purpose of said election there are hereby established eight election there hereby established eight e,ection Piccnlets in aid city, to be known and desig- nated "Precinct 'N'umber 1," "Precinct Number mss," "Precinct Number 3,' "Precinct Number 4," "Precinct Number 3,' "Precinct Number 6," "Precinct Number 7" and "Pre-, cinct Number 8." The boundaries of said Precincts are fixed and established respective- ly as follows: Precinct Number 1. Commencing at the -Northwesterly corner of said city and on ling thence Easter.y along the Northerly boundary line of said city to the center line of Korth Paim Street, produced Nortlltl y to said _northerly boundary line; running thence :,outlicny a,ong the center line of North Pa,nu Dtrect to a point where the center line of North Paan Street intersects the center line of West Cypress Street in said city; running thence Easterly along the center line of West u-ypress �trect to a pofut where the center line of `,Gest Cypress Street intersects the center line of North Clementine Street; thence Southerly a;@ng the center line of North Clementine Street to a point where the said center line of North C',ementine Street intersects the center line of West Center Atrcet; thence Westerly along the center line of West Center Street to the West boundary line of said city; thence North along the said !%est boundary line to the point of begin- ning. Precinct Number 2. Commencing at a point where the center line of :North Palm Street, produced Northerly, intersects the Northery boundary line of said city; thence Southerly aiong the center line of North Palm Street to a point where the center line of North Paim Jtreet intersects the center line of West Cypress Street; thence Easterly along the center ine of West Cypress Street to a point where the center line of West Cypress Street intersects the center line of North Clementine Street, produced Northerly across said West t.ypness_ SL-eet; thence Southerly along the center line of North Clementine Street to e point where the center iine of North Ciea entine Street, produced Southerly, intersects the center line of West Center Street; thence Easterly along the center line of West Center atreet to a point where the center line of West Center Street, produced Easterly, in- tersects the center line of North Los Angeles Street, produced Southerly; thence Northerly along the center line of ;North Los Ange'es Street to the Northerly boundary line of said; city; thence Westerly along said Northerly Loundary line to the point of beginning. Precinct Number 3. Commencing at a point where the center line of North Los Angeles Street, produced Northerly, intersects the ]T,orther'y boundary line of said city; thence ''aster.y along said Northerly boundary line r.o a point where said Northerly boundary line intersects the center line of North Olive Street, produced northerly, to said . Northerly boundary line; thence Souther y along the center line of North Olive 'Street to a point where said center line of North Olive Street intersects the center line of East Sycamore `itreet; thence Westerly along the center line of East Sycamore Street to a point where the �cuter line of North Philade'phia Street, pro- luced Northerly, intersects the center line of East Sycamore Street; thence Southerly along the center line of North Philadelphia Street to a point where said center line of said Noith Phfladephia Street intersects the cen- ter line of Ea -1 Center Street; thence West- erly along -the center line of East Center `-.treet to a point where said center line of East Center street, produced Westerly, in- tersects the center line of North Los An- ge'es Street, produced Southerly; thence Nor- therly a'ong the center ]file of North Los .Angeles Street to the point of beginning. Precinct Number 4. Commencing at a point «here the conte:- line of North Olive Street. produced Northerly, intersects the Northerly 1:oundary line of said city; running thence Easterly along the Northerly boundary line of said city to the Northeaster'y corner thereof; thence Southerly along the Easterly boundary line of said city to a point where the center line of East Center Street, pro- duced Easterly, intersects the said Easterly boundary line of said city; thence Westerly along the center line of East Center Street to a point where the center line of East Center Street intersects the center line of North Philadelphia Street, produced,Southerly across said East Center Street; thence Northerly along the center line of North Philadelphia Street to a point where the center line of North Philadelphia Street, produced Norther- ly, intersects the center line of East Syca- more Street; thence Easterly along the center line of East Sycamore Street to a point where the center line of East Sycamore Street inter- sects the center line of North Olive Street; thence Northerly along the center line of -North Olive Street to the point of beginning. Precinct Number 5. Commencing at a point where the center line of West Center Street, produced Westerly, intersects the West bound- ary line of said city; thence Easterly along the center line of West Center Street to a point where the said center line of West Center Street intersects the center line of South Clementine Street, produced Northerly across rreclnct dumber 6. Commencing at a point 1t'here the center tine of South Clementine .`street, produced Norther'y, intersects the cen- ter line of West Center Street- running thence Southerly along the center line of South Cleutentine $treet to a point where the center line of South Clementine Street, produced Southerly, intersects the center line of West Santa Ana Street; thence Westerly along the center lice of West Santa Ana Street to a point where the center line of West Santa Ana Street intersects. the center line of South Palm Street; thence Southerly along the cen- ter line of South Palm Street to the Southerly houndary line of :said city; thence Easter'v along the Southerly boundary line of said city to a point where the center line of South Los Angeles Street intersects the Southerly boundnry line of said city; thence Northerly along the center line Of South Los Ange'es Street to a point where. the said center line of South Los Angeles Street, produced Nor- therly, in the center line of West Center Street; produced Easterly; thence Westerh' along the ce"ter line of West Center Street to the ,point of beginning. Precinct Nnr)iber 7. Commencing at a point v here the center line of South Los Ange'es Street, produced Northerly, intersects the cen- ter line of East Center Street. produced West. erly; running the—e Southerly along the center line of South Los :Angeles Street to the Southerly boundary line of said city; thence F_asterly along the said Southerly boundary line of said city to a point where the c—ter li-e of Smith Olive Street inter- sects the said Southerly boundary line of said city: thence Northerly along the center line Of South Olive Street to a point where the center line of South Olive Street intersects the center line of East Santa Ana Street; thence Westerly along the center line of East Santa Ana Street to a point where the center Of Fast S-t, A.,, St+ -eel int -i -sects the center line of South Philadelphia Street, pro. duced Southerly: thence Northerly along the center line of South Philadelphia Street to a point where the center lGne of South Phila- delphia Street, produced Northerly, intersects the "..ter 'ine Of Fast Center Street; thence Westerly along the -enter line of East Center S,_', to the point of beginning. Precinct Number 8. Commencing at a point ""I"" the center line Of .South Philadelphia Street, produced Northerly, intersects the center line of Fast Center Street; running thence `;outher'v along the center line of South Philadelphia Street to a noint where the center line of South Philadelphia Street, n -0,1--I covtherly, intersects the center line of East Santa Ana Street; thence. Easterly along the center line of Fast Santa Ana Street to a point where the center tine of 17.9st Santa An^ Street intersects the center 'ine of South Olive Street: thence Southerly along the center line of South Olive Street tO the Southerly boundary line of said city: thence Easterly along the Sontherly boundary line of said city to the Southeasterly corner fhereOr: thence Northerly along the Easterly bouildary line of said city to a point where the center line of East Center Street. pro- duced Easterly, intersects the said Easterly l:,oundary line of said city: thence Westerly a'on" thr center- li"e Of East Center Street to the point of beginning. Sect;on 1. That the following named per- sons are hereby appointed as' Boards of Flee - 'On Of s';,I ,-e snective precincts. to serve in the capacity herein designated and to conduct said election as required by law. PRECINCT NUMBER I. T—nectors—Martin J. IIerzler, George IT. Waidler. fudges—T. Jerzy Kowski, B. Fisher. Clerks—Elmo L. Calkins, Samuel C. Newnes. PRECINCT `inspectors—William Lavin. Judges—Gardner NY Terry. C'erks — Hugo E. Tausch. NUMBER z. E. Duckworth, John D. Closson, George. W. emee um her z shall he at the Pacific l.mp'emeut Com. pany's Store, at number 209 :North Los An- geles Street in said city. 'file po ling place in and for Precinct Num- ber- 3 shall Ile at the Central School Building, at number 309 East Chartres Street in said City. Ilie 1)0'ling place in and for Precinct Num- ber 4 shall be at the Opera House Building at number 413 East Center Street in said city. The poling place in and for Precinct Num- ber 3 shall be at the Fremont School, at number 554 West Center Street in said city. The poling place in and for Precinct Num- ber 6 shall be at the Anaheim Public Library, at number 219 South Los Angeles Street in said city. The poling place in and for Precinct Num- ber 7 will be at the City Hall, at number 2o2 East Center Street in said city. 111e poling place in and for Precinct Num- ber 8 will be at the Primary School Building, at number Oto East Broadway Street in said city. Section 6. That said erection shall be held and conducted in accordance with the gen- eral election laws of the State of California, in so far as the same have been .made appli- cable to such municipalities. Section 7. That there be submitted to the qualified electors of said city at such election the question whether the several members of the Board of Trustees of said city shall re- ceive the sum of twenty dollars ($2o.00) per month each for their services as such 1riem- bers of the Board of Trustees of said city, and that there be printed 6n the ballots used at such election the following in addition to other matter required by law to be printed thereon, to -wit: "Shall the several members of the Board of Trustees of the City of Ana - beim receive the sum of,twenty dollars ($20.00) per month each as compensation for their ser- vices as such Trustees?" And there shall be printed opposite such question on said ziallot,, on separate lines, the word "Yes" and the word "No." 1f an elector shall stamp a cross (X) in the voting square after the printed word "Yes" his vote shall be counted in favor --af--the adoption -of such question: if he shall stamp a cross (X) after the word "No" his vote shall be counted against the adoption .+of the same; and if a majority of such electors votingg at such election shall vote fn favor of such' In, tion, from and after the first day of May, 1914, the several members of said Board of Trustees shall receive such compensation. Section S. At such election the- polls must be opened at six o'clock in the morning of said 13th day of April, 1914, and must be kept open until seven o'clock in the afternoon of said day, whenv the polls shall be closed, except as provided by Section 1164 of the Political Code of the State of California. Section 9. Notice of said election sha'.1 be given by the City Clerk of the said city by publishing a notice thereof in "The Orange County Plain Dealer," a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in said city, for two successive weeks prior to said election, which said notice shall state the character of said election. the names of the officee to be voted on and filed at such election, the question to be submitted to the voters at such election, the number and loca- tion of the several precincts, places where the polls shall be located, the names of the per- sons composing the several Boards of Elec- tion, the day when said election shall be held and the time when the polls shall be opened and the time when the polls shall be closed. Section to. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance, and cause the same to be published once in "The Orange County Plain Dealer," a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the said City of Anaheim. and thereupon and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. The foregoing ordinance is signed, ap- proved and attested by me this this26th day of February, 1914. Strodthoff, Frank A. M. NEBELUNG, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. PRECINCT NUMBER 3. Inspectors — Fred C. ' Rimpau, Frank G. Matter. Indges—J. Conklin, Clerks—H. Griggs. Frederick Ahlborn, William W. CTbATI% OF CALIFORNIA,) ounty of Orange, )ss E. W. Barnes, Jr., Albert E. City of .Anaheim, ) AECINCT NUMBER 4. Inspectors — Burleigh L. Goodrich, Innes Henry. Judges—Henry W. Braden, Fred R. Hud- son. Clerks—Edwin C. Schlueter, Norman B. Tedford. PRECINCT NUDIBElt 5. Inspectors—Adolph J. Backs, Fred C. Spen- cer. judges—Hugh F. Kealiker, McKee Crilly. Clerks — Herman G. Melcher, W. O. F. Schwenekert. PRECINCT NUMBER 6. Tnspectors—Richard Krastel, Robert Wilson. Judges—Simon Lybarger, Herman Benner- scheidt. Clerks—Merton W. Skinner, Bayard T. Beale; I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meet- ing of the -Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 13th day of February, 1914, and that the same was regularly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 26th day of February, 1914, by the following vote: Ayes—Trustees Nebelung, Stark, Cook and Gates. Noes—Trustees, none. Absent and not voting—Trustee Hander. I further certify that the President of the said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the said 26th day of February, 1914. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereun- to set my hand and affixed the seal of the said City of Anaheim, this 26th day of February, 1914. (Seal) EDWARD B. MERRITT, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. 2 1'01i L L1UliIC12.A-L A]AILLCTION IN t�t - il(�Oi" " THE CITY OV Oil Tia 3DIJ TD "I­0iiD LY IN A�ERIL, 1914. 4 5 The Board of Trustees of the City of "fMasieim do ordain &.s follow 6 Section 1. That a general municipal election be hold in the Gity 7 of ,1naheim on the second, 1,11onday in �pril, 1914, to-;iit: on the 13th 8 day of April, 1914, for the purpose of electing the followil-iL of- 9 ficers of the said City, towit: 10 1. Three members o-Ir' the Board of Tnistees for the term of four 11 1years, 12 2. One City Clerk for the term of two years. 13 3, One City Treasurer for the term of two years. 14 Section 2. Por the purpose of said election 10here hereby es - ' 15 tablished eight election precincts in said City, to be known and 16 designated as "Precinct ?umber I", Precinct ffUmb*r_,,26,�nRreoinat 17 Number 3," "Precinct dumber 1,11 "Precinct Number 5," "Precinct 18 Number 6," "Precinct Number 7,," aiicl "rre6in.ct Number 8," The boun- 19 daries of s�YLd precincts are fixed and established respectively as 20 follows: 21 Precinct:Number1. Cor.iiiencing at the Narthwesterly corner of 22 said city and running thence Easterly along the 11171ortherly boundary 23 line of said city to the center line of North 2alm Street, produced 24 Northerly to said 171ortherly boundary line; running thence Southerly 25 along the center line of ITIorth Palm Street to a point where the 26 center line of North Palm Street intersects the center line of West 27 Cypress Street in said city; running thence Easter along the center 28 line of lVest Cypress Street to a point where the center line of , 29 1.7vest Cypress Street intersects the center line of North Clementine 30 Street; thence Southerly along the center line of North Clementine 31 Street to a point where the said center line of North Clementine 32 IStreet intersects the center line of ',,'Vest Center Street; thence 1 esterly along the center line of ,'lest Center Street to the lest 2 o-u-ndary line of said, cityl thence North along, the said West bolln- 3 Nary line to the -point of begi--Zr ing. 4 Precinct Number 2. Commencing at a point where the center line 5 of North Palm Street, produced Northerly, intersects the Northerly 6 �,ou,nCary line of said city; thence Southerly along the center line 7 of North Palm Street to a point there the center line of ITIorth 8 Palm Street intersects the center line of ,lest Cypress Street; thence 9 aste'cly along the center line of West 'Cypress Street to a point 10 where the canter line of 'ilest Cypreze, Street intersects the center 11 line of North Clementine Street, produced Northerly across said West 12 Cypress Street; the -ace Southerly along the center line of North Clen- 13 jentire Street to a point where the center line of North Clementine. 14 Street, produced Southerly, intersects the center line of West Cen- 15, lltor Street; thence Easterly along, the center line of West Center 16 street to a point where the center line of ',Vest Center Street, pro - 17 duced Easterly, intersects the center line of North Los Angeles 18 Street, pi-oftced Southerly; thence Northerly along the center line 19 of North Los Angeles Street to the Northerly boundary line of said 20 city. thence Westerly along said Northerly boundary line to the 21 1point of beginning. 22 Precinct Number 3, Commencing at a point where the center line 23 1_ of North Los Angeles Street, produced Northerly, intersects the 24 Northerly boundary line of said city; thence Easterly along said 25 Noa,therly boundary line to a point where said 11-ortherly boundary 26 Iline intersects the center line of North Olive Street, produced 27 Northerly, to said Northerly boundary line; thence Southerly along 28 the center line of North Olive Street to a point where said center 29 line of North Olive Street intersects the center line of East Syca,-. 30 more Street; thence Westerly along the center line of Last Sycamore 31 Street to a point where the center line of North Philadelphia 32 Street, produced Northerly, intersects the center line of 49 SyC& M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 more Street; thence Southerly along the center line of North Phila- delphia Street to a point where said center line of said North Phil adelphia Street intersects the center line of East Center Street; thence Westerly along the center line of East Center Street to a point where said center 1Lie of East Center Street, produced West- erly, intersects the center line of North Los Angeles Street, pro- I duced Southerly; thence Northerly along the center line of North ,Los Angeles Street to the point of beginning. Precinct Number 4. Commencing at a point where the center line of worth Olive Street, produced Northerly, intersects the Northerl boundary line of said city; running thence Easterly along the Fort erly boundary line of said city to the _Tortheasterly corner thereo thence Southerly along the Easterly boundary line of said city to a point where the center line of East Center Street, produceq. East erl , intersects the said Easterly -boundary line of said city; V Westerly along the center line of East Center Street to a point where the center line of East Center Street intersects the center line of North Philadelphia Street, produced Southerly, across said East Center Street; thence Northerly along the center line of Fort Philadelphia Street to a point where the center line of North Phil delphia Street, produced Northerly, intersects the center line of East Sycamore Street; thence Easterly along the center line of Ea Sycamore Street to a point where the center line: of East Sycamo Street intersects the center line of North Olive Street; thence Northerly along the center line of North Olive Street to the point of beginning. Precinct Number 5. Commencing at a point where the center line of ;gest Center Street, produced Westerly, intersects the 'Nest boundary line of said city; thence Easterly along the center line of ,Test Center Street to a point where the said center line of i{Test Center Street intersects the center line of South Clementine Street, produced Northerly, across said West Center Street; thence Southerly along the center line of South Clementine Street to a --3-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 oint where the center line of South Clementine Street, produced outherly, intersects the center line of West Santa Ana Street; ence Westerly along the center line of West Santa Ana Street to a int where the center line of West Santa Ana Street intersects the -,enter line of South Palm Street; thence Southerly along the center line of South Palm Street to the Southerly boundary line of said city; thence "westerly along the Bout he rIZ:, boundary 'Tine of said tn o 4hiit Street;'tE6iice South along said Max 6'i tYA to­i'h4`1ast ins line to the center line of Ball Road; thence West along said center line to the West boundary line of said city; thence North along sa boundary line to place of beginning, Precinct Number 6. Commencing at a point.where the center line South Clementine. Street, produced Northerly, intersects the center line of West Center Street; running thence Southerly along the center line of South Clementine Street to a point where the center line of South Clementine Street, produced Southerlyt int,arseets the. center line of VVestu Santa Ana Street; thence Westerly along the center line of -west Santa Ana Street to a point where the center line of West Santa Ana Street intersects the center line of South Palm Street; thence Southerly along the center line of South Palm Street to the Southerly boundary line of said city; thence Easter along the Southerly boundary line of said city to a point where the center line of South Los Angeles Street'intersects the Southerly boundary line of said city; thence Northerly along the center line of South Los Angeles Street to a point where the said center line of South Los Angeles Street, produced Northerly, intersects the center line of West Center Street; produced Easterly; thence Viest- erly along the center line of 311est Center Street to the point of beginning. Precinct Number 7. Commencing at a point where the center line C, of South Los Angeles Street, produced Northerly, intersects the center line of East Center Street, produced Westerly; running __4__ thence Southerly alsang the center line of South Los angeles Street to the Southerly boundary line of said city; thence Easterly along the said Southerly boundary line of said city to a point where the center line of South Olive Street, intersects the said Southerly boundary line of said city; thence Northerly along the center line of South Olive Street to a point where the center line of South Olive Street, intersects the center line of East Santa dna, Street; thence Westerly along the center line of East Santa dna Street to a point where the center line of East Santa dna Street intersects the center line of South Philadelphia Street, produced Southerly; thence Northerly along the center line of South Philadelphia Street. to a point where the center line of South Philadelphia Street, pro - 13 duced Northerly, intersects the center line of East Center Street; 14 15L, 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 thence Westerly along the center line of East Center Street to the point of beginning. p Precinct Number 8. Commencing at a point where the center line of South Philadelphia. Street, produced- Northerly, intersects the center line of East Center Street; running thence Southerly along the center line of South Philadelphia Street to a point where the center line of South Philadelphia Street, produced Southerly, in- tersects the center line of East Santa Ana Street; thence Easterly along the center line of East Sante. Ana Street to a point where th center line of East Santa Ana Street-:7itersects the center line of South Olive Street; thence Southerly along the center line of Sout - Olive Street to the Southerly boundary line of said city; thence Easterly along the Southerly boundary line of said city to the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence Northerly along the Easterly boundary line of said city to a point where the center line of East Center Street, produced Easterly intersects the said Easterly boundary line of said city; thence 1,7esterly along the center line of East Center Street to the point of beginning. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E 8 9 10 11 12 thence Southerly alsang the center line of South Los angeles Street to the Southerly boundary line of said city; thence Easterly along the said Southerly boundary line of said city to a point where the center line of South Olive Street, intersects the said Southerly boundary line of said city; thence Northerly along the center line of South Olive Street to a point where the center line of South Olive Street, intersects the center line of East Santa dna, Street; thence Westerly along the center line of East Santa dna Street to a point where the center line of East Santa dna Street intersects the center line of South Philadelphia Street, produced Southerly; thence Northerly along the center line of South Philadelphia Street. to a point where the center line of South Philadelphia Street, pro - 13 duced Northerly, intersects the center line of East Center Street; 14 15L, 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 thence Westerly along the center line of East Center Street to the point of beginning. p Precinct Number 8. Commencing at a point where the center line of South Philadelphia. Street, produced- Northerly, intersects the center line of East Center Street; running thence Southerly along the center line of South Philadelphia Street to a point where the center line of South Philadelphia Street, produced Southerly, in- tersects the center line of East Santa Ana Street; thence Easterly along the center line of East Sante. Ana Street to a point where th center line of East Santa Ana Street-:7itersects the center line of South Olive Street; thence Southerly along the center line of Sout - Olive Street to the Southerly boundary line of said city; thence Easterly along the Southerly boundary line of said city to the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence Northerly along the Easterly boundary line of said city to a point where the center line of East Center Street, produced Easterly intersects the said Easterly boundary line of said city; thence 1,7esterly along the center line of East Center Street to the point of beginning. 1 Section 3. That the following nFamed persons are hereby appoin— t ted as Boards of Election of said -respective precincts, to serve 3 in the capacity herein designated and to conduct said election as q` 4 Ak f Ire qui re d by law. 5 Precinct Number 1, r 6 Inspectors, 7 Judges, Precinct number 6. 8 CI erks Inspectors, 9 Frecinct Niurber 2. 10 Inspectors, 11 Judges: , 7'r. ce 12 .-� Clerks,, 13`recincti�_n'ner 3. 14 Inspectors, \-)� h c Ct C 15 Judges, � � �'?�'�� '*� 16 p .P. Clerks, 17 Precinct Ntiunber 4. 18 Inspectors, z 19 Judges, ?� .,,. 20 21 Precinct Number 5. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -gnspectors, t e f�-;_. Clerks, ~� Precinct number 6. Inspectors, r Judges, ;5 , 47,-x� =_.r --I c ^ Clerks, �Yt �.rvc o ,y� '✓� Precinct number 7. Inspecftibrs, Judges, Clerks, ° --6-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Precinct Number S. Inspectors, Judges, C, oo — "Q t Cler!�Zs' EA-; Section 4, yjje compensation fo said persons co aid, 9�sing a " Boards of Election is hereby fixed at Five Dollars (45.00) each. Section 5. That the following polling places for said. election are hereby established: The polling place in and for Precinct Number 1, shall be at The Anaheim Union High .School Building at number 715 west Center Streel in said city. The polling place in and for Precinct Number 2, shall be at the Pacific Implement CompanyTS Store at number 209 North Los Angeles 14 Street in said city. 15 The polling place in and for Precinct Number 3 shall be at.,the Central School Building at number 309 East Chartres Street in a a id 17 city,. 18 The polling place in and for Precinct Number 4, shall be at the 19 Opera House Building at number 113 vast Center Street in said city 20 The polling place in and for Precinct Number 5 shall be at the 21 Fremont School at number 654 West Center Street in said city. 22 The polling place in and for Precinct Number 6 shall be at the 23 Anah eim Public Library at number 219 South Los Angeles Street in 24 said city* 25 The polling place in and for Precinct Number 7 will be at the 26 City Hall at number 202 East Center Street in said city. 27 The polling place in and for Precinct Number 8 will be at the 28 the Primary School Building at Number 410 East Broadway Street in 29 said city, 30 Section 6. That said election shall be held and conducted in 31 accordance with the general election laws of the State of Calif- 32 ornia, in so far as the same have been made applicable to such municipalities. --7-- 1 Section 7. That there be submitted to the qualified electors of!, 2 'said city at such election the question whether the several members 3 111of the Board of Trustees of said city shall receive the sum of twen i, 4 1Ity dollars (IW20.00) per month each for their services as such membe3 5 f 6 7' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 f 17 t 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 of the Board of Trustees of said City, and that there be printed on the ballots used at such election the following in addition to othe: matter required by law to be printed thereon, towit; "Shall the sev. eral members of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim receiv+ the sum of Twenty Dollars 020.00) per month each as compensation for their services as such Trustees?" And there shall be printed opposite such question on said ballots, on separate lines, the word "Yea" and the word "no* If an elector shall stamp a cross (X) in the voting square after the printed word "yes" his vote shall be counted in favor of the adoption of such question; if he shall stamp a cross (X) after the word "no" his vote shall be counted against the adoption of the same; and if a majority of such elect- ors voting at such electiontshall vote in favor of such question, from and after the first day of May, 1914, tJ_e several members of said Board of Trustees shall receive such compensation. Section 8. At such election the polls must be opened at six o'clock in the morning of said 13th day of April, 1914, and must be kept `open until seven OT clock in the afternoon of said day, when the polls shall be closed, except ashprovided by Section 1164 of the Political Code of the State of California. Section 9. TJotice of said elebtinn shall be given by the City Clerk of the said City by publishing a notice thereof in the "Or - tinge County Plain Dealer," a weekly newspaper of general circulat— ion, published and circulated in said city, for two successive weeks prior to said election, which said notice shall state the character of said election, the names of the offices to be voted on and filled at such election, the question to be submitted to the tioters at such election, the number and location of the sever - __8__ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 al precincts, places where the pihlls shall be located, the names of the persons composing the several Boards of Election, the day when said election shall be held and the time when the polls shall be opened and the time when the polls shall be closed. Section 10, The City Clerk shall certify to the passige of 'this Ordinance, and cause the same to be published once in the "Orange County Plain Dealer," a weekly newspaper of general cir- culation, published and circulated in the said city of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. The foregoing ordinance is signed,, approved and attested by me this 21,4:7 day of February, 1914, 77ard of Trus - President of the B Trus- tees of the City of ,Inaheim. El 1 2 3 4 STAT:: Oil C.iTlizl 021T•A+ } } County of Orange, } SS. } City of Anaheim. ) 18 1914. 20 19 20 t 21 22 I 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 c City Clerk of the City of. --10, A7zaheim. v' 6 hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a 7 meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on 8 the !achy of February-, 1914 and that the wane was regularly 9 paused and adopted at a regular meeting of said Bo&.^d of Trustees 10 held on the Jt� day of February, 1914, , by the following vote; 11 Ayes, Trustees; e.4d*•.�, `►o,rlC .,`" i 12 Noes, Trustees; -- 13 Absent and not voting, Trusteeq; 14 1 further certify th€:-t the President of the said Board of 15� Tr�zsteeri signed said Ordinance on the said U day of February:l. . IN ?"TTT."ESS 1 MMILREOF I have hereunto set my band. d af�fxa&- 17 the seal of the said City of Anaheim, this?L�day of February, 18 1914. 20 19 20 t 21 22 I 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 c City Clerk of the City of. --10, A7zaheim.