266--k State of California, Count of Or e, �_ ____________being first duly sworn, deposes ands s: Tha at all times ereinafter mentioned he was a citizen of the Un ted States, over the ag of 21 years, and a res- ident of said county, and was at and during all aid times the principal clerk of the printer and blisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general cir ulation, printed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim said ounty and State at regular intervals for more than one ye preceding th rst, publication of the notice herein e--------- \ mentioned; that -- ----- ----- - ---------- #4- of which the annexed ist�a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least ______________ %______ commencing on the �� �-------da of_" y = 19 �� and ending on the\ -----'---- day of---------------- ---- �A- 19-\':4_, both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said news- paper was regularly issued. That the d es on which said publication was made were as follows: __ I\— - �_- -- - ------- t-- \- V-1---- iL) -------------------------- ------ ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ --- -------------- - --'h----------------- --' Subscribed and sworn to before me th sz_ - �T 4-- day of -------- 19/,7-- -- -- -- - --------- --- --------ri--- Public in and for O------------------------- Notaryange County, California. 6f Sicpt kir ;t in *µ Cts t£se Byer c` te'as.re flared' s aeY of dielFred A ir€slacttt�k -�l ofd ffSist , Frank a Fa 1 2T h Y a t=om Pet tlti tt ri:4.2t N he ollttwiii taa d 2cl icy �$e` regaia5t� nurar'.vfqu6ed �crocns 'sae hk-Amt tem , tors''of saidcity and thafi saga is Gori � „ C aufFic enY LR NC�W iIER$�C)R8� the 'ria Tine Cfe im a �' `""; tees"of"f$e,C 4$ � do oi&afn as ' ,In �iliti NQ;A s#lte to '0 '04 follows: "sons hate Section z. '?}tat there be and heie#iy %tsar C a special muntei-RAl clechon to be - tiger C Y held in the City of 'Ahaheim' 02 on Thursday er ,r' Eernard Mfgs„ 4 he6th day ofgz3, , November, ito of up- Pau, on the question whether the .§ le of alcohol- Section 4-- 'The, ` campetfs o { , is liquors shall, be licensed in the said Cityper composing said $oar of of Arx eirn,; iso hereby fiAed at Fi V Dollar Section 2. That ; . is ucli special municipal Section S. The fgltawin� nai>aed. gIeeilon them shall bei#oa¢r cc ption grecinc4; places for said electiAzi are hey ni said city €0 1re.,kn wn and hitmbered- as ed Precinct, Luo: x, are Tact No. 2, Precinct The, polling place in and <fcit X'rcais;G� �rto No. ' �, and, Precinct 'No. #- The boundaries r; shall be .at the Fremont School in sand city.: of said election Precincts are hereby' ' fixed :The polling -1 fn=, and; foa Pi and established respectively as follows: i shall be at t e High School fn sad qity The boundaries cif' election' Precinct No. Tl#el pollingiaoe in and for Ptacil§ t o i, shall a as follows: Beginning at_a poirrt.�3 shall be at re Central Grammar SsJiool in, where est Center ..Street iitt seats 'tie said qty, 'r Westerly boundary of said crt . an iYtnnm .'The polling place', fix and ikor Pteeinct`I'io thence SgUthey ll 1t1an8 the ilest�rl� be.. � 4s �haH be t the:�cityy aall in�s�a{d Angelestrtet to a (iosntwliergsal$ Sontti said 5th day ef-Novem$er "j9zg hod'" must ire Los Angeles' Street intersects East Center kept open-uxtil, 7, ticlocfC,in Ilse-gfterziaoii Street and West Cenfer direct in said city Of "the sante ay' cc. t'- as provlded ` in Sec• thence Wes' ray along West Center Street tloo£n ii64 of the Political Code of.,the Stale in said city ,to the point of beginning. California. = The boundaries of-, Pteeinct No. 2 are Section 8 Not'ce of 'such election shall fixed and established as follows, to -wit: Be- be given bl% the City Clerk of the City' of ginning at a point where West Center .Street Anaheim by, publishia notice thereof -'in intersects the Westerly boundary of sal The Orange County'llain 'Didler," meek- city; running thence: Northerly along said ly newspaper of a general character, -1 ted, 1 Westerly boundary of said city to the published, and cfrculaterl in sa#d c iy, 'fox Northwesterly corner thereof; thence Easter- two successive week; prior to said.:election: ly along the Northerly boundary of said which said notice shall state the ;F rktacter" city to a, point where said Northerly bound; of said election, the question "ro' be submitted' ary intersects North Los Angeles Street} .to the voters at such election, the number' thence Southerly aloxtg 'North l oa-�h�gelcs and location of the several ;prccfttcts place -- -- Street to a gbint where said No'H l os� Ani where the polls ishall be located, they'names ORDINANCE 00.266 geles 'Street intersects` East Ceniter 'Street of the persons composing the sever# xds. a arid, West Center Street in said city; thence, of Election; the day when said i leettmn' sis Westerly slang said West` Center"Street iia be held ,and the time when the polls shall l said city to 'the point, of beginning arsened and the time when the polls ..shall be AN 4i�fli ki CAS -t, I�(`a A S061s"+- That the boundaries of, Precinct 1� o. 3 are closed. IA fixed and established as f flows, to -wit: Be Section 9 The City Clerk of the City Rsf ginning at a point where orth Los Angeles, 1�naheirn shall certify to t , passage of tilts il TH"E QUESTION WHE,T#1ER THE. `,street intersects the Northerly boundary of ordinance and cause the same to be -pub lrslt said- ei • runnin thence Easta}ly along thy ed once in the The Orange Couimty Plain SALE OF`ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS 'Norther .y ,boon ary of said .( `city. to the Dealer a5weekly'rsewspaper of a gtiigtai ortheasteriy' eorlgr the oa; 'Ylinrkgltg, tbogcl 'circulation; printed; published and eircul tt BALL ,W-,LIPPOED I�1 +14' . ouyherlp along t}xe Easterly bottn<iary of .in said City, of .Anaheim andjtit.ef'euptn acid CITY, OF ANt�1H t* aid"c%ty to` puipt wbete said' .E sterly tlieYeafter it shall b in full f 1 e and; e boundary izitersccts East''' Cent treet forggoi or ariee isI$ei'eQlg' thence running We&teriy alone �t .Cerate t at bY� 4fiis, oily of WHER S syn the 2n:d day o$ SepteriiSer,1'Strec ,to a �pecoint'*htte .said: Eat ,£en#et bas, z I. , 19 3, n " oil- was filed. witty the .City Clerk antd eSoiith' .i.os Angels: Street eI said reity'� PeSident of the, Board oIf'3ETfus tE of the ty o1`, -Anaheim' in pursuance of an and running' thence Xortberly along Nortli City of Rnaheim. act of 'the ` Legislature of the State of Celt- Los ngetes Street to the point of beginning., Attest, fornia, entitled `An act to provide for the I Zha"t the boundaries of Precinetz,N011' 4 EDWARD B.- MERRITT, regulation of he traffic in alcoholic I.are hereby :fixed and established- as follows, City Clerk liquors by establishing locab option; authoTi- 'to -wit: Comm Ging 'at a point where East (SEAL) zing the fililig ''of petitions praying for elec- tions. to vote upon the question' whether the � Center Street m said city intersects the sale of alcoholic liquors < shall' be licensed Easterly boundary of said city, thence STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Southerly along said Easterly', boundary to r - County of Orange, - SS within' the territory :$e the ec in such the Southeasterly corner of said city; thence City. of Anaheim peldiu ns; providing',suelfar the calling and Westerly along the Sdutherly boundary 'of holding of such elections; making it the said -city to a point where said Southerly I Edward B. Merritt, City ,Clerk `of.-, the ` duty of the proper governing body to dc- boundary of said city intersects South Los, City of Anaheim ' 'do hereby certify That Clare such territory to re no -license territory Angeles Street; ' thence Northerly alon: tile, foregoing ordinance was introduced t, ,unless a majority of votes is cast in favor South Los Angeles Street to a 6oint wher a meeting, o the Board of 'Trustees o#` �oft b in license; providing that no license per• said South 'Los Angeles Street intersects, City of Anaheim held .on the 25th day'sa£ mita or other authority to 'sell or distributef West Center Street and East Center Skreei September,' r9ig, and that the"same was d bliee gran liquors Try no-Iicense Territory shill `in said city and thence Easterly along East' gassed and adopted at a regular, maeti be granted; forfeiting and declaring void I Center Street to the point,of beginning. said Board . of Triisteea held on the gi tidy all sueli•fie rise's or pennsits there fore fseiiBd 3•, pp o4 d 9 3,. i g Section That there shall be ;a $ r of O tober z i by the fo lowt vote and in' force; making it a .penal; offense #o of; Election in each ,of said election Precinctg Ayes, Trustees-.-Nebelurtg, Stark, l aszil sell, give --away or distribute � ale�ih ■' liquors' within -such "tertftorj, with cert n which saifl "Bosirda'of Eleetsoln shall ¢oasiet Cdnk,and (ails: exceptions; and rovicling penalties of one inspector, one judge, and two clerk,,, Noes, Trustees- None. such offenses,'! ppr6vfd, April 4, who shall conduct said election according to Absent and not voting, Tru tees -»None which said p ti was d ' by quay . d liiv and that the following named. persons be And I further certify, that the' Biszsi�, electors of-ysaf y of , elm, numb and they are hereby -appointed to 'constitute o£ the Board of Trustees of ithesaid: Pt said; Boards of Electiolx and to serve, in tha Anaheim signed said ordinance do ,fng not leas than -twenty `per cant of„Tile "several capacities herein designated in the th da . f' October z votes cast for all candidata;: fol' governor Tri 1 9 p p said }ty atthe last pretedittg elections =respective elution ptPsniicta as #j , tot WITTNE5S �RkF T'h3i�$ goveror of the State p# Calif ia, a wits f set, y ani d $ the ttg #hat �ee a xd r of �rtxst ss , In;1' acro No r fJ n faN at Pei+ oto aheim th�s 3tr3t daylVf ,4 �4n alt trio t4 foie iia �0.st� song aFe hereby aPpoirited f tomi3. whether the safe o@ ale oho� liquors s ll < ' I>kspe C+elkets, i ' Judge; 7atiie TI. E"neatl, I $CT1rARD iufEEG%, i be licensed in said City Of Anaheim,, and Clerks, Max M. Boege,-Fmk R. Fox. Cite'Clerk'of tt%e'f=ty of }L ,� WHEREAS, within ten days from'ifatt of In precinct No, z the following nameel (SEAL) j filing ;such pc?titfon, to wyiY, on :t3 a Lath ",d�sy 01'0j!:ICE Me 266, 2 02D 1.1, XE CA'"L11 G 11 EIE"TION '.' 11._U Lu OT 3 Q.TMI]STION 17,11ETHER THE S. LE T-, OF ALCOH UIC LI:UTORS SULLL BE LICENSED IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, 4 5 WHEREA.S on the 2nd day of September' 1913, a 6 with the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim in pursuance of an act 7 of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled, "An act 8 to provide for the regulation of the traffic in alcoholic liquors 9 by establishing local option; authorizing the filing of petitions 10 : praying for elections to vote upon the question whether the sale 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 of alcoholic liquors shall be licensed within the territory des- cribed in such petitions; providing for the calling and holding of such elections; making it the duty of the proper governing body to declare such territory to be no -license territory unless a ma, i jority of votes is cast in favor of license; providing that no li- censes, permits or other authority to sell or distribute alcoholic liquors in no-ligense territory shall be granted; forfeiting and declaring void . all such licenses or permits therefore issued and in force; making it a penal offence to sells give away or distrib-1 ute alcoholic liquors within suclfterritory, with certain exceptions;, and providing penalties for such offensest" Approved April 4, 1911 which said petition was signed by qualified electors of said City of Anaheim, numbering not less than twenty-five per cent of the votes cast for all candidates for governor in said city at the proceeding election for governor of the State of California; pray- ing that the Board of Trustees of said city call an election to i jvote upon the question whether the sale of alcoholic liquors Bhal be licensed in said City of Lnaheim# and WHEREAS within ten days from date of filing such petition, t wit, on the 12th day of September, 1913, the City Clerk of the Ci of Anaheim, did file in his office a certificate as required by 32 it said act of the Legislature of the State of California from which 1* 1 it appears that said petition was signed by the requisite number 2 of qualified electors of said city and that said petition is suf- 3 fioient. 4 NOW THEREFORE the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do 5 !�ordaix) as follows; 6 Section 1. That there be and hereby is called a special mun; 7 t'icipal election to be held in the City of .Anaheim on 8 ;the (b day of November, 1913, to vote upon the question whether 9 ;,the sale of alcoholic liquors shall be licensed in the said City 10 11 12 13 14 of Anaheim. Section 2. That at such special municipal election there s shall be four election precincts in said city to be known and num- bered as Precinct No. 1, Precinct No, 2, Precinct No. 3, and Pre- cinct No, 4. The boundaries of said election precincts are hereby 15 ,!fixed and established respectively as follows: 16 17 18 19 20 21' 22 23 24 25 26' 27 28 29 30 31 32 I. The boundaries of election Precinct No. 1 shall be as follows: Beginning at a point where West Center Street intersects the Fest erly boundary of said city and running thence Southerly along the Westerly boundary of said city to the Southwesterly corner of said city; thence Easterly along the Southerly boundary line of said city to a point where said Southerly boundary line of said city in. tersects South Los Angeles Street; thence Northerly along South Los Angeles Street, to a point where said South Los Angeles Street intersects East Center Street and West Center Street in said city;' thence Westerly along West Center Street in said city to the point of beginning. The boundaries of IRrecinet No. 2 are fixed and established as follows, towit: Beginning at a point where West Center Street intersects the Westerly boundary of said city; running thence Nor erly along said Westerly, boundary of said city to the Northwester corner thereof; thence Easterly along the Northerly boundary of s city to a point where said Northerly boundary intersects North Lo 2. 1 Angeles Street; thence Southerly along North Los Angeles Street 2 to a point where said North Los xkngeles Street intersects East Cen- 3 ter Street and West Center Street in said city; thence Westerly West 4 jalong said Center Street in said city to the point of beginning. 5y That the boundaries of Precinct No. 3 are fixed and establisheik 6 as follows, towit: Beginning at a point where North Los Angeles 11 7 Street intersects the Northerly boundary of said city; running then('�a 8 Easterly along the Northerly boundary of said city to the Northeast�- 9 erly corner thereof; running thence Southerly along the Easterly 10 boundary of said city to a point where said Easterly boundary in - 11 tersects Hast Center Street; thence running Westerly along East Cent. 12 iter Street to a point where said East Center Street intersects North 13 'Los Angeles Street and South Los Angeles Street in said city and 14 i.running thence Northerly along North Los Angeles Street to the poin 15 I of beginning. 1.6 That the boundaries of Precinct No. 4 are hereby fixed and estab-`,. 17 lished as follows, towit; Commencing at a point where East Center 18 Street in said city intersects the Easterly boundary of said city; 19 thence Southerly along said Easterly boundary to the Southeasterly 20 ti corner of said city; thence Westerly along the Southerly boundary 21 .'!,of said cit to a point where said Souther bMmd- of said city y P � �y 22 intersects South Los Angeles Street; thence Northerly along South 23 ;'!Los Angeles Street to a point where said South Los Angeles Street I 24 intersects finest Center Street and East Center Street in said city 25 ;land thence Easterly along -East Center Street to the point of be -- 26 11ginning. I1 Section 3. That there shall be a Board of Election in each of 27 !1 said election Precincts which said Board of Election shall consist 28 I,of one inspector, one judge, and two clerks who shall conduct said 29 11 ,election according to law and that the following named persons be 30 ,,and they are hereby appointed to constitute said Boards of Election 31 and to serve in the several capacities herein designated in the 32 !respective election precincts, as follows, towit: in precinct No. 1 ! z r; 3 1 the following named persons are hereby appointed; 2 Inspector. f 3 Judge , 4 Clerks, L.�� 5 In precinct No. 2 the fel awing named poisons are hereby appoir 6 ted: 7 Inspector,ti.� 8 Judge, 9 Clerks, o",-kA" f 10 In Precinct No. 3 the following named persons are hereby appoii 11 ted: 12 Inspector, 13 Judge, �T`-.. C ,., . l . 14 Clerks, _`�'.',,.-_,.�--- - - �...� .:��,_.�-....._ .��i� • .15 4 the follows named persons, are h by appoij In Precinct No. �' 16 ted: 17 Inspedtor,�,r�., 18 Judge, 19 Clerks, sj s v m_,, _�..< .. - �tQ 7' -•._. 20 Section 4. The compensation of said persons composing said 21 1 Bo rdw of Election is hereby fixed at five Dollars ea 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 a Section 5. The following named polling places for said electil are hereby established; The polling place in and for Precinct No. 1 shall be at in said city. The polling place in and for Precinct No. 2 shall be at -- /I in said city. The polling place in and for Precinct No. 3 shall be at the Central Grammar School in said city. The polling place in and for Precinct No. 4 shall be at the City Hall in said city. 4. 11 1 "' ` : id. election sl -,gall be held, and conducted in ac - 2 Jcord..anc°e with the pro �i � .cn_s of the law of the Cute of cali.forni_a i 3 j;japplicable to municipal elections. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Section 7. At said election the polls must be,opsAod at IIx o'clock in the forenoon of said 41� day of IlToirember, 1913 and must �be kept open until 7 o'clock in the afternoon of the same d -ay ex- 11cept as provided- in Section 1164 of the :political Code of the State hof California. Section 8. Notice of such election shall be given by the City (Clerk of the City of Anaheim by publishing a notice thereof in EE"The Grange County Plain Dealer", a weekly newspaper of a general character, printed, published, and circulated in said city, for two successive week prior to &,)I d_ election which said notice shall state the character of said election, the question to be submitted to the voters at such election, the n,,unber and Location of the several precincts, place where the polls shall be located, the names of the persons composing the several boards of Election, the day when said election shall be held and the time when the polls shall be opened and the time when the polls shall be closed. Section 9. The City Clerk of the City of Inaheim shall certi- fy to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be pub- lished once in the "The Orange County Plain healer", a weekly new paper of a general circulation, printed, published and circulated in s--iid Cit- o?- unzaheiP� anal theretrnon mid thereafter it shall be full force and effect. The foregoing ordinance is signed, approved and attested by me this_'I zday of October, 1913. ; Presid.en o. .e Trus - Attest. tees of the Ci y A.n.aheim. City Clerk. 5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange,) SS, City of AAaheim. I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on the 35th day of September, 1913 and that the same was duly passed and Ldopted at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the Iday of October, 1913 by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees Noes, Trustees- Absent and not voting, Trustees - And I further certify that the President of the Board of Tra,s- ees of the said City of Anaheim signed said ordinance on the said day of October, 1913. IN WITNESS MREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the fficial seal of the City of Anaheim this qday of October, 913* -71ty'Clerk o _eClty o a e m. 6.