295ORDINANCE NO. '29b. 4- Affidavit of Publication In the Superior Court of the County of Orange State of California VS. Plaintiff Defendant STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange, ss. being first duly sworn, deposes ays and <T�t all times hereinafter mentioned .he was a citizen of the Uni ed States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, print- ed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dis- semination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general char- acter, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year precedin the fi st publicattiion of the notice herein mention- ed ; that the . et1liE .... ....... ........... ............ .............................................................of which the annexed is a_printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least.....(/... ........................... e and ending on the • ••• ••• ....... .., o days inclusive, and as often during said time as said newspaper was regularly issued; that is to say, on the following dates, to -wit: W2, . 6....�..... �'9.. �''......... . t ORDINANCE NO., i AN ORDINANCE TO PRO n.vT. T.T0FNCTNC1. FOR ii .. }yr♦gip •oad 3o swxc u0111izIU,891 r S UBSCRIBED .11 N SWORN toa4J; WPM me this ..... da" ....191 ..... ...... .. ....... Notary Public in and • i license thereon, and deliver aucn ucen=e to the City License Collector for collet- 25th day of July, dill, 11-1 ou a� •••� word "hotel" as used in this ordinance,. s ORDINANCE NO. 295 I gaged in such trades, callings, proles- occupations, to -wit: other than a temporary lunch counter, stand, or carON t or wagon, $1.25 per month. I signs or goods, everyauct AN emerchandise ln sell within who keeps aI stallion or jack an8. For d perm is the HE LICENSING, NSINGerson T FOR THE PVR- In or city at public auction, $25.00 per same to be used fdr the purpose of prop - POSE OF REVENUE AND RI$GULA- said OC- month or $2.50 per day if license is pro- agation for hire, $5.00 per quarter. so- TION OF PURSUITS, TRAD CUPATIONS, AVOCATIONS, 4G M: any period less than one month erson IiC�Engrfor business houses, ION 29. For rpersons, firms PLOYMENTS AND BUSINESS, CITYFA- -for SECT inessrwithin said havingno upon ]which aul - IRIEIM AND FIXING THE EATES REIM seer, for© ne teller, Clairvoyant, medium wno demands or cense has been paid as arovided by this F'OR AND PENALTIHl9 FOR AND ualist or spirit receives a fee for his or her services, or ordinance, $15.00 per month, provided this so- THE VIOLATION THEREOF , REPEALING ALL ORDINAN S IN IONS gives an exhibition at any place where an admission is charged, $1 els month; section shall not apply to persons from established business houses within CUNFLICT WITH THE PRO OF THIS ORDINANCE. I '$2.60 per day, snap ssued Por: any less than one month. for, said c SECTION 30 For every person, firm or THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE AS period provided that eddler or hawker,ON $ 5.000 per month,every stor�aroyse or [warehouse' for conducting or month. CITY OF ANAHEIM DO' URb4iN selling or offering for sale, vege- merckiandise, for hire, $1.25 per firm FOLLOWS: persons taiTle, farm or garden products, raised or SECTION 31. For every person, municipal, vending, SECTION 1. It shall be un for whether as grin- produced by themselves, shall be exempt from the of this ordinance. or corporation, not selling, supplying or furnishing water for any person or persons, cipal or principals, agent or agenls, clerk or employees, either provisions SECTION 11. For every person, firm corporation engaged in the business domestic purposes, $5.00 per month. SECTION 32. For every bakery estab- $1.25+ or clerks, employee for themselves or for any other person bodies corporate, or other- or' of bill posting, $25.00 per annum, pro- vided that the provisions of this section lished and conducted in said city, per month; for every person, firm or cos- I or persons or wise, or as .officers of corporations, to profdssion, or shall not apply to any person, firm or corporation regularly licensed to transact poration selling wares or soliciting or- t esti dere for any baker or bakery noy 00 carry on any trade, calling, occupation in this ordinance specified, having procured s license business within the City of Anaheim, wlio shall use bill -boards or posters in lished or located within said city, $ t per month, except bona fide grocers, car- s bakery, as without first from said City of Anaheimso to do, and advertising his, their or its business, oc- rying the products of any such € of their stock of merchandise. E each and every day or fractional part of day that said trade, calling, profession, cu [tion or calling. gICTION 12. For every butcher shop a part SECTION 33. For every person, firm or i in the business or 1 a or occupation in this ordinanc apeci- fled is conducted or carried on without or stall, $1.25 per month. SECTION 13, For every person, firm corporation engaged manufacturing or selling confectionary, ices or sherbets within said such license, shall constitute a'violation son or or corporation engaged in the business a bowling or pin alley or ice cream, city, $1.25 per month. 1 of this ordinance, and such persona, agent or agents, clerk clerks, of; conducting bed, 51.25 per month. SECTION 34 For every person, firm s or corporation, engaged in the business employee or employees, who ilha11 for for any other p3rsan or )SE&ION 14. For every person con- ducting a billiard, bagatelle or pool ta- of distributing circulars or samples, ad - themselves, or persons, or body corporatte o other- ble, excepting only such as are used in table 50 cents vertising or promoting goods, wares or merchandist or other commodities or ar- wise, conduct or carry on any sun trade, calling, profession or occupation afore- private houses, for each per month. And in fixing the amount of titles of commercial value for or on be - firm or corporation,' said, without first having procured a ii- li$ense to be paid by any billiard, baga- be the duty half of any person, not conducting a regularly established cense, shall for each violation of this ordinance be deemed guilty of ii misde- tells or ppool room, it shall of the City Clerk to count and charge a place of .business within said city, $25.00 meanor, _and upon conviction by any thersof, shall license for each and every table standing hall or room, whether the said per year: SECTION 35. For every person, firm court having jurisdiction be fined therefor in a sum not less than In said table be used or not, $2.50 or corporation engaged in the business of cleaning, dyeing or renovating articles. ten dollars and not exceeding one hun- SECTION 15. For every hotel, of personal apparel and having a per-', dred dollars, or be imprisoned fair a ter? i, days, or -duff- onth. ding and lodging manently established place of business not exceeding fifty shall fer both such fine and imprisoftment in house, $1.50 per m . ,_and for ev- �pe within said city, $1.25 per month; and firm or' corporation so - the discretion of the court, and the license shall be deemed cry lodging house $1.26 nvntk that the rate herein pre- every person, Belting or taking orders for cleaning, dye - - amount of such a debt to the said City of Anaheim, and provided scribed for a hotel license shall not in- ing or renovating such articles of, per "and not 'having; a Perman- such person, agents, clerks, employees, and bodies corporate, or either of them, elude the privilege of selling, vending, serving or giving+ away any malt, vinous, sonal''appa+r"el, i ntly established place of business with-, in said city, $15.00 per month. shall be liable to an action in the name City of Anaheim, in any court of sppirltuous, mixed, or other intoxicating liquors, but such selling, vending, serv- For every laundry situated within said for of the competent jurisdiction, for the amount of in6, pro- I�1g or giving away ;of any such liquors by the provisions of city, $25.00 per year; every person, firm or corporation soliciting and deliv- the license of such trade, ca fesaiohe shall or they n or occupation, as shall be governed Ordinance No. 244 of the City of Ana- ering for any laundry situated outside of said city, $5.00 per month for every wag - may be engaged in, with costs of suit. may' be the duty oP helm, entitled. An ordinance providing the licensing ;and regulating of the on, automobile or other conveyance used It shall the City Clerk to issue a license under to for business of selling. liquor in the City of ordinances in making such deliveries; for every sand or agency for any laundry located out- this ordinance to each person liable Anahelm, and repealing all duly signed by with the provisions of this side of the city of Anaheim, per a license hereunder, In conflict p>'Y ._ +1, omnunt of n a,. e o .,Acted and adopted on the tag month, for every Birch stand or agency. license thereon, and deliver aucn ucen=e to the City License Collector for collet- 25th day of July, dill, 11-1 ou a� •••� word "hotel" as used in this ordinance,. tion, taking his receipt, for the amount shall be construed to mean a public inn thereof, and the City Clerk, in fixing the containing not leas than ten rooms for rate of license, shall grade the same ac- his best information and the use and accommodation of patrons and having in the same build - cording to knowledge, and for that purpose may or guests Ing, or in a building conected therewith, a confer with persons in interest, and may her af- $1n, g-rooM,. or room in which meals are served to the public The words require any person to file his or he or she may, eguurly lrBoarding house" as the same are used fidavlt as to which class belong; provided, that in no case shall' in this ordinance, shall be construed to any mistake by the Clerk in, fixingthe mean a house where the business of keep - amount of said license, prevebt, the col- ing boarders generally, is carried on. The lection of what shall be actualrry due, with words "Lodging house" as used in this all costs, against any one tarrying on ordinance, shall be construed to men a less said trade, calling, professoian pation without a license, or or occu- refusing,.so *USA' .or building containing not `than five nor more than ten rooms for pay such rate so fixed by t0�- City the use of patrons or guests for hire, provided that any person renting not to Clerk.t It shall be the further d - y of the exceed five rooms to patrons or guests City Clerk, immediately aftf the de- shall be exempt from the provisions of linquent list has been deliver d to him, this section. to make an entry -.of the .de, nquent It- SECTION 16. For every rope or wire tenses and the amount then f, and to dancer, magic' or theatrical entertainment deliver the same back to"tT City Li- or concert, other than a moving picture cense Collector, whose duty t be shall show, menagerie or circus, or sideshow to at once proceed to tolls the a conducted In conjunction therewith, or in his discretion.. by suit or otherwise- under the same management, $3.00 per Nothing herein, however, shall prevent day; provided that if the same Is given by a criminal prosecution as provided in or under the direction of local manage - Section 1, for any violation of the pro- spent, the rate of license shall be $1.50 v SEons of CTION 3is oArdi anceea shall be paid per day, provided further, that if the same is given exclusively by and under In advance in lawful money of the United the direction of local talent, for the ben - States to the City License Collector, and efit or advantage of any organization, a separate license must be obtained for society, church or lodge within the City each branch, establishment or separate of Anaheim; no charge for license shall pplace of business, which license author- izes the party obtaihing it to carry on, be made. pursue or conduct only that trade, call- SECTION 17. For every moving pic- ing, profession or occupation described ture exhibition, where the price of ad - in such license, and anly at the loca- mission does not exceed twenty cents; tion or place of business which is indi- '$1.25 per month; where the price of ad- cated thereby. mission exceeds twenty cents, the rate of The monthly license in this ordinance license shall be the same as provided in provided shall be due and payable to the Section 16 of this ordinance. City of Anaheim on the first of each Provided, however, that if any lewd, month, in advance, for all persons, ag- ettts, firms or corporations who have for obscene or improper picture shall be shown or exhibited in any such exhibi- the previous month been licensed to carry tion, the Marshal of said city shall pre - on any such trade, calling, profession or emptorily revoke the license theretofore occupation, and forall persons, agents, Tissued for such exhibition, and the money firms or corporations who have not been itheretofore paid for said license shall be licensed for the previous month for the iforfeited to said City. same trade, calling, profession or occu- g SECTION 18. For every street exhibl- pation, the license shall be due and pay- tor, for pay or to attract customers, and able and must be procured by such per -for every vender of wares and merchan- son before carrying on such trade, call- dise, who shall sell or offer for sale such ing, pro essIon ,ox, occupatialL or for wares. or merchandise by public outer) street in said city, ex - T" ";e$hs1Wa payable quarterly, the period of three months in this or- on any public cept as provided in Section 20 of this or- dinance provided shall be due and pay- dinance, ten dollars ($10.00) per day. Fol able to the cit on the first days of every person who conducts doll racks boards or other SECTION 36. For every person,- nrtm or corporation engaged in the business of selling fire -works, flags, banners horns and novelties and having a_ reg- ularly established place of business with- in said city, $1.25 per month, and for every such person, firm or corporation, not having or maintaining a regularly established place of business within said city, or who shall be engaged in selling or vending any such fireworks, flags, horns, banners or novelties upon the pub- lic streets of sald city or from any cart, stands or temporary structure, $5.00 per day. SECTION 37. For every person, firm or corporation, engaged in the business of selling automobiles or other motor vehicles or accessories thereto, and for every garage, $1.25 per month SECTION 38 For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling hay or grain, ice, wood, coal or ,other fuel or either or any of them, and ;having and maintaining a regularly es- ,tablished place of business within said city, $1.25 per month. SECTION 39. For every milk depot, or wagon $1.25 per month. SECTION 40. For every person, firm for corporation engaged in the business :of selling oil or gasoline or either or both ,of thbin, $1.25 per month. SECTION 41. For every _plumber, hav- ing a regularly established place of bus- iness within said city, $2.00 -per month; ,for every plumber not having a regular- ly established place of business, $5.00 per month. SECTION 42. For every bona fide sec- ond-hand store having a regularly estab- lished place of business within said city, $1.25 per month. SECTION 43. For every undertaker, embalmer or funeral director, $1.25 per month. SECTION 44. For every vending ma- chine $1.25 per month. SE&ION 45. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling or installing electrical wir- ing, appliances or apparatus and having a regularly established place of business in said city, $1.25 per month, and for ev- ery person, firm or corporation so en- gaged, not having a regularly establish- ed place of business in said city $5.00 per month SECTION 46. For every lumber" yard in said city, $2.00 per month. SECTIOIN 47. For every Flying -horse or so called Merry-go-rodnd, $15.00 per moth, or 2.50 per day, when the li- In a tion iii•" place -v. cated thereby, The monthly license in this ordinance mission exceens twenty lw.. provided shall be due and payable to the license shall be the same as provided in SEC1 i�No so. City of Anaheim on the first of each Section 16 of this ordinance. embalmer or funeral director, month, in advance, for all persons, ag_ Provided, however, that if any lewd, month. ants firms or corporations who have for obscene or improper picture shall be SECTION 44, For ever vending the previous month been licensed to carry shown or exhibited in any such exhibi- chine, 1.25 y g n on any such trade, ca tion, the Marshal of said cit shall $ Per month. occupation, and for allpersons, profession s, emptorily revoke the licenseytheret fore SEC pIoration en a ed ON 45. For cin the s busin veagents, or corporation g g firms or corporations who have not been issued for such exhibition, and the money of selling or installing electrical w licensed for the previous month for the theretofore paid for said license shall be g, appliances or apparatus same trade,:, calla forfeited to said Cit m ace and haul ng. profession or occu- Y• la regularly established place of busin+ Dation, the license shall be due and pay- toSECTION 18. For every street exhibi- in said city, $1.25 Per month, and for e able and must be procured by such per. Pay or to attract customers, and cry person, firm or corporation so N son before carrying on such trade, call- for every vender of wares and merchan- gaged, not having a regularly establi8 Ing, profession or occupation. dise, who shall sell or offer for sale such ed place of business in said city $5.00 1 The licenses payable quarterly, or for wares or merchandise by Public outcry month. the period of three months in this or- on any public street in said city, ex- SECTION 46. For every lumber ya dinance provided shall be due and .Pt as provided in Section 20 of this or- in said city, $2.00 able to the city on the first days dinance, ten dollars ($10.00) per day. For SECTIOIN 47. For everyhFlyfng-hot January, April, July and October, and all every person who conducts doll racks, or so called Merr such licenses for three months shall end shooting galleries, ring boards or other month, or $2.50 y-go-rotind, $15.00 With the last days of March, June, Se devices for contests of skill or for the Per day, when the e tember and December of each P- taking of chances, three cense shall be issued for any period le When the license herein Year. ($3.00) dollar- than one month, provided that no lyin, provided is Per day, for every such doll rack, shoot- shall be issued for any such Flyin per week, the same shall be due and pay- ing gallery, ring board or other device. horse or Merry-go-round, able each week in advance. SECTION 19. For eve thin to be erect When the license herein r3' conducted air en- or operated within the fire limits of sa provided is tertainment, or those conducted in tents, city. Per day, the same shall be due and airdomes or transient enclosures, except SECTION 48. For every skatin able each day in advance, and where as otherwise provided in Section 18, 20 $10.00 grin such license is per year, the same shall and 21 of this ordinance, where the obs per month, or $1.00 Per day whe be due and ject is advertisement or the license shall be issued for any pe. Payable to the city at the the gain (whether iod less than one month. time apecffied in the ordinance provid- fees, gain collections, ivcontributlthrouonsadfortune S every on 4 firm or corporation engag ing the same," and when not so specified,ever on the first day of December of each telling, or any other means,) having a ed in the business of hauling or trans year. seating capacity of not more than one Porting goods, wares, No greater or less amounts of mons thousand, $25.00 per day, and having a freight or ba merchandis Y seating capacity of less than one thous- Y is hereti a fixed iandtestablishe shall be charged or received for license said cit so issued than is provided in this °r_ and $10.00 per day. as follows, to -wit: For every vehicle use dinance, and no license shall be sold or g in said business, drawn by horses Issued for an SECTION 20. For every travelin or Y period of time other than transient physician or person who adver- mules, $12.00 per annum; For every ap is provided in this ordinance. tises or vends medicine on the streets, tomobile truck used in said business, haO SECTION 4. In all cases where the or on open lots, or in tents or transient amount of license to be enclosures, or from latforms or wagons, Ing a two tons, 20.00 rating of not to ev paid by any p ceed two tons, Person, firm or corporation is based upon or in halls, $10.00 per day g ery automobile truck pused nnn said ,bus the„ amount, quantity, or value of a stock SECTION 21. For every circus or men - iness having a manufacturer's rating o of gds, wares or merchandise on hand, agerie having'a seating capacity of not not less than two, nor more than fou; at the time that the amount of such li- and than ha n one thousand, $50.00 per day; tons, $30.00 per year; For every auto. cense shall be established, as provided g a seating capacity of less than mobile truck used in such business, hav by the terms of his ordinance, the City one thousand, $10.00 per day. For every Ing a manufacturer's rating in excess d Clerk shall, prior to the time when such side-show conducted in conjunction with four tons, $40.00 Per annum. license shall become due and payable, ap- a circus or menagerie, or under the same SECTION 50. For ever Praise: ai�Y such -tock of goods, wares management, 5.00 y, or corconducting, person,gfirni or merchandise at its reasonable market $ Per da or operating carr in ON value, and for the with orlwithout animalery t organ grinder Derating autom�b�ises for carryingfor thl+ value. May require Purpose of fixfirm oring such cry travelin or transient musicianfor , acro_ carriage of passen corporation, or any officerrsor' member bat or entertainer, exhibiting upon the bile stage line, to, from hi through on, thereof, conductingan such business, city, and operating one vehicle in the coni y public streets of said city, other than as duct of such business $5.00 per quarter; St furnish and render to him a sworn provided in Sections 19 and 20 and for every person, firm or corporation statement in writing, made and certi- ordinance, $2.00 per day. fled before some officer, authorized by SECTION 23. Ever operating more than one vehicle in the the laws of the State of California, to firm or ebrporation ery person, offering afor conduct c such business, $2.50 per quart - administer oaths and affirmations, show- sale, trade or exchange company, er for each vehicle in excess of one. Ing he reasonable market value of such goods or merchandise, advertised or des-waresmeausedn he is section shalle construed operating stds "stage line" as the ne are business of merchandise, and in case such ignated as sheriff's, assignee'sn creditor's, mo a iautomobiles, caOf rriages onother ver business is conducted in several depart- consignee's, bankrupt's, trustee's, re- hides for the carrying of menta or wares or m case several lines of goods, ceiver's or special sales or special bar- hire and operating on schedule time to exhibited forraale,dsaid City 1d, kkpt or gain sal s of damaged o e stocks Y g Passengers for require such statement showing reason- license tax therefor in the sum of says or from designated Points w:ihin s;yid able market value of each of said sever- enty-five dollars Pay a city, al departments or each of said several that this section shall apply all stocks in saidTciOtN 51. For every livery, or Peed lines of provided stable or horse -market conducted with goods, wares or merchandlae so of goods, wares and merchandise in the SECTION $2.50 The oath. le and re- sold or kept or exhibited for sale, b per month. such person, firm or corporation,y any City of Anaheim that are not assessed tail establishments, stores and places of vided, that such sworn statement hall section shall not ca 1 trade not be binding or controlling upon said or merchandise twhich are actually goods, a ares where articles of every find and description not PP Y to goods, wares otherwise enumerated in this ordinance, City Clerk in fixing the reasonable mar- good faith under the control of the Sher- sold as a business, personal property shall be and they are kat value of such or any such stock of iff or any assignee, trustee in bankrSher- hereby divided ass, hell be wad they ere goods, wares or merchandise, but is in- or receiver of any court of the United and the owners or tended to aid him in determining such States or Orange County or any •nth• r the same shall Value. County r California; or to Persons engaged in SECTION 5. Any person, firm or cor- C merchandise which have goods nsdamaes specified for eachpr spectivthe e class as fol- poration, or any member or officer of any ed within the City of Anaheim and which does nota 1 Such firm or corporation who shall, upon are being disposed of in Provided, however, that this section demand of such City Clerk, decline, nes close out the same. apply to the sale oP spirituous, mixed gleet or refuse to render or furnish any. SECTION 24. For every�emporary ice ofnirst lass. lt r of e liquor. airy a mar - such sworn statement as Y First Class. Those who carry a stock Section 4 of this ordinance, shall be deem- lunch counter or stand, or temporary soda a license of 1.25 Provided b cream counter or stand, every temporary kat value of less than $10,000.00 reasonable pay ed guilty s a misdemeanor and shall be counter stand and every temporary bazar, Second f $1 2 punished as in this ordinance provided. one dollar and fiftycents _1350 $ Per month. SECTION 6. The conviction andThose who carry a ishment of an n- or six i$6.00)._dollrs ) Pe -r day, stock of merchandise of the reasonable Y Person for tlling tin or For every temporary fruit stand, two shall per week. market value of not less than $10,000.00, sionagorg occupation mins, dollfiftars and fifty cents pay a license of 2.50 ($15.00) dollars($2.b0) per day, or The reasonable market value Ofer the shall not excuse or exempt such person every person engaged inthe business for of ofidhe timenwhensthe be c amountpofesu h d as from the Payment oP any license due or selling tamales, lunches o: can ioviches, license shall be established. unpaid at the time of such cpnViction. ice cream or candy from wago,i r 1 and It shall ll the duty SECTION 7. The City License Collec- carts upon the public streets ]u said city, within five days for of said city shall on or before the Six dollarsprior o the the City Clerkst day , second Monday in each month, deliver to wagon or hand-cartntprovodedV�however, stock in trade, 'Ineverysuchiresta establish - uncollected the City Clerk the delinquent list of lis that the location on the y ueh each month, to make an appraisement of store cense- uncollected by him for the pre- the said stand, counter, bazar, wagon or the City Clerk shall thereupon compute 1 vious month, and also a list of all P Y and ornwho he believes nothat have come tupon theolcense entunder Streets andl et tforthhe uinrthenli- providedethat if the market value of per- and -cart the in this secOf tion referred to shall the amount of such license, in accordance list, charged with the Provisions of this ordinance; list, and shall Payment of lis cense. the TT pay over to the City SECTION 25. For everstock of merchandise in any such estab- t ,assurer all licenses collected by him gallery or studio established Photograph thitP cireasedtortdecreasedctohsUcheaneextent In said month, and report the amount City of Anaheim, $2.50 per thereof to the Board of Trustees, togeth- every traveling or transientphotograph-quarter-, er with the amount delinquent, at the ev not having r established for as to effect the amount of license to be first meeting of said Board in Paid for such business, then and in that month. each business within said City, $2.50 Place oP event the said City Clerk shall not be Section 26. For every artist,pagent or the 53.akAllslicen es SECTION S. The rate of license for the canvasser solicitingq PPraisement. trades, callings, professions and occu a- enlarging, Painting, retouching, der this Ordinance or any section thereof, tions hereinafter named shall be and traits Of any description, except as g pictures or poo are granted and accepted b all the same are hereby established for and vide$5.00 in Section 26 of this ordinance, derstanding that the Board of Trustees Within the City of Anaheim, and the $5.00 per day. Pro- receiving licenses with the express�un- same shall be paid by all persons en- SECTION 2?• may revoke the same at any time u sat - For every restaurant, isfied that any of the conditions of the I ii THE FRUVIKINi > NCE. MUST d DO t RD f AS all be unia.ws for is, whether &#in- ;ent or agent gplerk or employeez,oher ,r any other son corporate, or er- of corporaIt to ailing, prof or ordinance s fled, procured a' nae aheim so to and or fractional tart of carried on ithout institute a dation rid such pion or mts, clerk dfelerks, ees, who hall for ny other p or arporatte o .other - 7 on any sulk trade, r occupatiotafore- aving procudd a lt- h violation*f this guilty of 0118de- ,onviction any ction there(, shall a sum not las than exceeding toe hun- nprisoned fd a term (lays, or sill suf- md imprisoibent in he court, ad the rise shall bi deemed ity of A,nehpim, and in tkis ordinance and payable to the the first of each )r all persons, ag- tions who have for en licensed to carry Ming, profession or JI persons, agents, who have not been ,ous month for the profession or occu- tll be sue and pay - cured by such per - ,n suck trade, call- upatien- e quarterly, or for nonths in this or - I be due and pay - the first days of rid October, and all e months shall end March, June, Sep - r of each year. eer,vfortune teller, clairvoyant, spirit- ` ialist or spirit medium wno demands or eceives a fee for his or her services, or ;fives an exhibition at any place where .n admission is charged, $10.00 per month; ,r $2.50 per day, when license is issued or any period less than one month. SECTION 10. For every peddler or Lawker, $15.00 per month, provided that )ersons selling or offering for sale, vege- able, farm or garden products, raised or rroduced by themselves, shall be exempt rom the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 11. For every person, firm tr corporation engaged in the business tf bill posting, $25.00 per annum, pro- vided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm or ;orporation regularly licensed to transact lusiness within the City of Anaheim, vho shall use bill -boards or posters in tdvertising his, their or its business, oc- ,upation or calling. SECTION 12. For every butcher shop )r stall, $1.25 per month. SECTION 13. For every person, firm )r corporation engaged in the business A conducting a bowling or pin alley of* sed, $1.25 per month. SECTION 14. For every person con- ducting a billiard, bagatelle or pool ta- ale, excepting only such as are used in private houses, for each table 50 cents per month. And in fixing the amount of license to be paid by any billiard, baga- telle or pool room, it shall be the duty A the City Clerk to count and charge a license for each and every table standing In said hall or room, whether the said table be used or not. SECTION 15. For every hotel, $2.50 per month. For - every boarding and lodging house, $1.50 per month, and for ev- ery lodging house $1.25 -per month, provided that the rate herein pre- scribed for a hotel license shall not in- clude the privilege of selling, vending, serving or giving, away any malt, vinous, spirituous, mixed, or other intoxicating liquors, but such selling, vending, serv- ing or giving away of any such liquors shall be governed by the provisions of Ordinance No. 244 of the City of Ana- heim, entitled "An Ordinance providing for the licensing and regulating of the business of selling liquor in the City of Anaheim, and repealing all ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance," passed and adopted on the 25th day of July, 1912, provided that the word "hotel" as used in this ordinance, shall be construed to mean a public inn containing not less than ten rooms for the use and accommodation of patrons or guests and having in the same build- ing, or in a building conected therewith, a dining -room, or room in which meals are regularly served to the public The words "Boarding house" as the same are used in this ordinance, shall be construed to mean a house where the business of keep- ing boarders generally, is carried on. The words "Lodging house" as used in this ordinance, shall be construed to mean a house or building containing not less than five nor more than ten rooms for the use of patrons or guests for hire, provided that any person renting not to exceed five rooms to patrons or guests shall be exempt from the provisions of this section. SECTION 16. For every rope or wire dancer, magic or theatrical entertainment or concert, other than a moving picture show, menagerie or circus, or sideshow conducted in conjunction therewith, or under the same management, $3.00 per day; provided that if the same is given by or under the direction of local manage- ment, the rate of license shall be $1.50 per day, provided further, that if the same is given exclusively by and under the direction of local talent, for the ben- efit or advantage of any organization, society, church or lodge within the City of Anaheim; no charge for license shall be made. SECTION 17. For every moving pic- ture exhibition, where the price of ad- mission does not exceed twenty cents; $1.25 per month; where the price of ad- mission exceeds twenty cents, the rate of license shall be the same as provided in Section 16 of this ordinance. Provided, however, that if any lewd, obscene or improper picture shall be shown or exhibited in any such exhibi- tion, the Marshal of said city shall pre- emptorily revoke the license theretofore issued for such exhibition, and the money theretofore paid for said license shall be forfeited to said City. SECTION 18. For every street exhibi- tor, for pay or to attract customers, and for every vender of wares and merchan- dise, who shall sell or offer for sale such wares or merchandise by public outcry on any public street in said city, ex- cept as provided in Section 20 of this or- dinance, ten dollars ($10.00) per day. For every person who conducts doll racks, shooting galleries, ring boards or other devices for contests of skill or for the taking of chances, three ($3.00) dollars per day, for every such doll rack, shoot - mess within said city upon which a If - cense has been paid as srovided by this! ordinance, $15.00 per month, provided this section shall not apply to persons so- liciting from established business houses within said city SECTION 30 For every person, firm or corporation, managing or conducting a storehouse or warehouse for grain of, merchandise, for hire, $1.25 per month. SECTION 31. For every person, firm or corporation, not municipal, vending, selling, supplying or furnishing water for domestic purposes, $5.00 per month. SECTION 32. For every bakery estab- lished and conducted in said city, $1.25 per month; for every person, firm or cor- poration selling wares or soliciting or- ders for any baker or bakery not estab- lished or located within said city, $b.00 per month, except bona fide grocers, car- rying the products of any such bakery, as a part of their stock of merchandise. SECTION 33. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business or manufacturing or selling confectionary, ice cream, ices or sherbets within said city, $1.25 per month. SECTION 34 For every person, firm or corporation, engaged in the business of distributing circulars or samples, ad- vertising or promoting goods, wares or merchandist or other commodities or ar- ticles of commercial value for or on be- half of any person, firm or corporation, not conducting a regularly established place of business within said city, $25.00 per year. SECTION 35. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of cleaning, dyeing or renovating articles of personal apparel and having a per- manently established place of business within said city, $1.25 per month; and every person, firm or corporation so- liciting or taking orders for cleaning, dye- ing or renovating such articles of per- sonal apparel, and not having a perman- ently established place of business with- in said city, $15.00 per month. For every laundry situated within said city, $25.00 per year; for every person, firm or corporation soliciting and deliv- ering for any laundry situated outside of said city, $5.00 per month for every wag- on, automobile or other conveyance used in making such deliveries; for every stand or agency for any laundry located out- side of the city of Anaheim, $2.50 per month, for ergo such stand or agency. SECTION 36. For every person, r-rm or corporation engaged in the business of selling fire -works, flags, banners horns and novelties and having a reg- ularly established place of business with- in said city, $1.25 per month, and for every such person, firm or corporation, not having or maintaining a regularly established place of business within said city, or who shall be engaged in selling or vending any such fireworks, flags, horns, banners or novelties upon the pub- lic streets of said city or from any cart, stands or temporary structure, $5.00 per day. SECTION 37. For every person, firm or corporation, engaged in the business of selling automobiles or other motor vehicles or accessories thereto, and for every garage, $1.25 per month SECTION 38 For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling hay or grain, ice, wood, coal or other fuel or either or any of them, and having and maintaining a regularly es- tablished place of business within said city, $1.25 per month. SECTION 39. For every milk depot, or wagon $1.25 per month. SECTION 40. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling oil or gasoline or either or both of them, $1.25 per month. SECTION 41. For every plumber, hav- ing a regularly established place of bus- iness within said city, $2.00 per month; for every plumber not having a regular- ly established place of business, $5.00 per month. SECTION 42. For every bona fide sec- ond-hand store having a regularly estab- lished place of business within said city, $1.25 per month. SECTION 46. For every undertaker, embalmer or funeral director, $1.25 per month. SECTION 44. For every vending ma- chine, $1.255 per month. SECTION 45. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling or installing electrical wir- ing, appliances or apparatus and having a regularly established place of business in said city, $1.25 per month, and for ev- ery person, firm or corporation so en- gaged, not having a regularly establish- ed place of business in said city $5.00 per month. SECTION 46. For every lumber yard in said city, $2.00 per month. SECTIOIN 47. For every Flying -horse or so called Merry-go-round, $15.00 per month, or $2.50 per day, when the li- cense shall be issued for any period less than one month, provided that no license shall be issued for zny ;;:ch Flrif],-- horse or Merry-gu uunci, to b,-, license. or 'te>Pm$"of this ordinance have al been vipla o>a" that the license was ab- falned'bv^�tidulent representations, or aF that same der, And I' fu of the ,l2k an holder thereof an op- tr before the Board of win behalf. on of the ` license, no r in the hands of the hail be returned, but iAli be forfeited to the Wherever the word in this Ordinance, re- %bte to pay license tax, ded an shall be con- . afad include a firm, rporation carrying on ehleh license must first d not separate Or inaivtauat If any "section, subsee- i, clause or phrase of this Aani a#�aeon, held to be ou ,decision shall. .not ty �of the remaining por- act L of Trustees of the City of aby Oo laces that it would his ordnance and each see - ton; sentence, clause or di irrespective of the fact s L or more other sections, sentences, clauses or the M tr<e City of Ananelm" pass- ' t pted on the 22nd day of Aug- ,nd all ordinances amendatory i l supplementary thereto and °es and parts of ordinances in ; 1 th.:the provislons of this or- re hereby r�pealed. 64. • The City Clerk of the j !rhesus shall certify to the pas- 'ordinance and cause the � � pttblfshed once in the "Ana- ! i tte" and from and after the danuGry, 1916, the same shall an be iii fuh . force, ftiltg Ordinance is signed, alt r attested by me this 26th day er, J. H. COOK, f the Board of Trustees of the t3'"lY, NIof Anaheim. E. f C tssy Clerk of Id• 'hereby 'eertify pante was intrb- re Board of Trus- isIM, held on the 916, and that the looted at a regu- tard of Trustees November, ' 1916. Stark, Hamler, Trustee Sehnei- hat the President sea of said City t the 28th day of ivovemper, hili. IN W1TNI6SA WHPREOF I have here- unto set my hand and affixed the teal of •said City this 26th day of November,' 1916. (Seal) HOWARD o13. •MERRITT, City Clerk..of the City of Anaheim, 1 ORDINANCE No. 295. 2 AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE LICENSING, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REV- ENUE AND REGULATION OF PURSUITS, TRADES, OCCUPATIONS, AVOCATIONS, 3 M2LOYIZNTS AND BUSINESS CARRIED ON IN TIM4 CITY OF ANAHEIM AND FIX- ING THE RATES THEREFOR AIM PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF, 4 AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. 5 6 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TO CITY OF ANARE111 DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 7 SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, 8 whether as principal or principals, agent or agents, clerk or 9 clerks, employe or employes, either for themselves or for any 10 other person or persons or bodies corporate, or otherwise, or as 11 officers of corporations, to carry on any trade, calling, pro - 12 fession, or occupation in this ordinance specified, without first 13 having procured a license from said City of Anaheim so to do, and 14 each and every day or fractional part of a day that said trade,. i 15 calling, profession, or occupation in this ordinance specified is 16 conducted or carried on without such license, shall constitute- a 17 violation of this ordin:ance, and such person or persons, agent or, 18 agents, clerk or clerks, employee or employees, who shall for 19 themselves or for any other person or persons, or body corporate 20 or otherwise, conduct or carry on -any such trade, calling, pro - Z! fession or occupation aforesaid, without first having procured a 22 license, shall for each violation of this ordinance be deemed 23 guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction by any court having 244- jurisdiction thereof, shall be fined therefor in a sum not less 25 than tan dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be im- 26 prisoned for a term not exceeding fifty days, or shall Buffer both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court, and the 28 amount of such license shall be deemed a debt to the said City of ZG Anaheim, and such person, agents, clerks, employees, and bodies 30 corporate, or either of them, shall be liable to an action in the 31 name of the City of Anaheim, in any court of competent jurisdic- tion, for the amount of the license of such trade, calling, pro- 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1S 19 20 Zi 22 23 24 25 Z6 27 29 29 30 31 52 fession or occupation, as he shall or they may be engaged in, with costs of suit. SECTION 2. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to issue a license under this ordinance to each person liable to pay a licenso hereunder, duly signed by him, and to fix and state the amount of license thereon, and deliver such license to the City License Col_, lector for collection, taking his receipt, for the amount thereof,: and the City Clerk, in fixing the rate of license, shall grade the same according to his best information and knowledge, and for that purpose may confer with persons in interest, and may require any person to file his or her affidavit as to which class he or she may belong; provided, that in no case shall any mistake by the Clerk in fixing the amount of said license, prevent the collection of what shall be actually due, with all costs, against any one carrying on said trade, calling, profession or occupation without a license, or refusing to pay such rate so fixed by the City Clerk. It shall be the further duty of the City Clerk, immediately after the delinquent list has been delivered to him, to make an entry of the delinquent licenses and the amount thereof, and to deliver the same back to the City License Collector, whose duty it shall be to at once proceed to collect the sane in his dis- cretion, by suit or otherwise. Nothing herein, however, shall prevent a criminal prosecution E as provided in Section 1, for any violation of the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 3. All licenses shall be paid in advance in lawful money of the United States to the City License Collector, and a separate license must be obtained for each branch, establishment or separate place of business, which license authorizes the party; r obtaining it to carry on, pursue or conduct only that trade, call z ing, profession or occupation described in such license, and only! at the location or place of business which is indicated thereby. 2 .. 1 The monthly license in this ordinance provided shall be due and 2 payable to the City of Anaheim on the first of each month, in ad - 3 vance, for all persons, agents, firms or corporations who have for 4 the previous month been licensed to carry on any such trade, call - 5 ing, profession or occupation, and for all persons, agents, firms 6 or corporations who have not been licensed for the previous month q for the same trade, calling, profession or occupation, the license, 8 shall be due and payable and must be procured by such person, be - 9 fore carrying on such trade, calling, profession or occupation. 10 The licenses payable quarterly, or for the period of three 11 months in this ordinance provided shall be due and payable to the 12 city on the first days of January, April, July and October, and 13 all such licenses for three months shall end with the last days 14 10 16 1'7 18 19 20 22, 22 23 2 e.. 25 26 2s 28 29 30 of March, Julie, September and December of each year. When the license herein provided is per week, the same shall be due and payable each week in advance. When the license herein provided is per day, the same shall be due and payable each day in advance, and where such license is per year, the same shall be due and payable to the city at the time specified in the ordinance providing the same, and when not so specified, on the first day of December of each year. No greater or less amounts of money shall be charged or re- ceived for license so issued than is provided in this ordinance, and no license shall be sold or issued for any period of time other than is provided in this ordinance. SECTION 4. In all cases where the amount of license to be paid by any person, firm or corporation is based upon the amount, quantity, or value of a stock of goods, wares or merchandise on hand, at the time that the amount of such license shall be estab- lished, as provided by the terms of this ordinance, the City Cler$ 31 shall, prior to the time when such license shall become due and 3 payable, appraise any such stock of goods, wares or merchandise at 3 .. its reasonable market value, and for the purpose of fixing such p value, may require any person, firm or corporation, or any officer 3 or member thereof, conducting any such business, to furnish and 4 render to him a sworn statement in writing, made and certified 5 before some officer, authorized by the laws of the State of Calif- ornia, to administer oaths and affirmations, showing the reason - 7 able market value of such stock of merchandise, and in case such 8 business is conducted in several departments or in case several 9 lines of goods, wares or merchandise I -s -sold, kept or exhibited 10 for sale, said City Clerk may require such statement showing reas- 11 onable market value of each of said several departments or each 12 of said several lines of goods, wares or merchandise so sold or 13 kept or exhibited for sale, by any such person, firm or corpora - 14 tion, provided, that such sworn statement shall not be binding or 15 controlling upon said City Clerk in fixing the reasonable market 16 value of such or any such stock of goods, wares or merchandise., 17 but is intended to aid him in determining such value. 18 SECTION 5. Any person, firm or corporation, or any member or 1g officer of any such firm or corporation who shall, -upon demand of 20 such City Clerk* decline, neglect or refuse to reiader or furnish Zi any such sworn statement as provided by Section 4 of this ordin- 22 23 ZZ 25 ZG 27 28 29 30 31 52 ance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and sh&11 be punish-' ed as in this ordinance provided. SECTION 6. The conviction and punishment of any person for transacting or engaging in any trade, calling, profession or occu- pation without a license, shall not excuse or exempt such person from the payment of any license due or -unpaid at the time of such conviction. SECTION 7. The City license Collector of said city shall on or i before the second Monday in each month, deliver to the City Clerk the delinquent list of licenses uncollected by him for the previous month, and also a list of all persons that have come to his know- - 4 - 1 2 ledge or who he believes not upon the license list, charged with the payment of license, and shall pay over to the City Treasurer g all licenses collected by him in said month, and report the amount 4 thereof to the Board of Trustees, together with the amount delin- 5 quent, at the first meeting of said Board in each month. 6 SECTION 8. The rate of license for the trades, callings, pro - F fessions and occupations hereinafter named shall be and the same 8are is hereby established for and within the City of Anaheim, and they 0 4, f' same shall be paid by all persons engaged in such trades, calling, 10 1 professions or occupations, to -wit: i 11 For every auctioneer, engaged in selling goads, wares or mer - 12 s chandise within said city at public auction, X25.00 per month or 13 1' $2.50 per day if license is procured for any period less than one; 14,' month. 15 SECTION 9. For every astrologer, seer, fortune teller, clair- 16 voyant , spiritualist or spirit medium who demands or receives a r 17 fee for his or her services, or gives an exhibition at any place 18 where an admission is charged, 410.00 per month; or 42.50 per dayl 1 4! when license is issued for any period less than one month. x 20 SECTION 10. For every peddler or hawker, $15.00 per month, 21 ;I provided that persons selling or offering for sale, vegetable, 22 ;ifarm products, sj g � p raz�d or produce d by themselves, shall -`'en ` r 2. 9 SECTION 11. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in 25 °i s the business of bill posting, 425.00 per annum, provided that the' 26 ` provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm or 27 3 corporation regularly licensed to transact business within the 28 ii City of Anaheim, who shall use bill -boards or posters in adver- 2a S S tising his, their or its business, occupation or calling. t i 30 SECTION 12. For every butcher shop or stall, 4.25 per month.' 31 firm o corporation SECTION 13. For every personjengaged in the business of con- on- 52 8 z� ductinga bowling or EE g pin alley or bed, 1.25 per month. I i _ 5 w 4 5 I SECTION 14. For every person conducting a billiard, bagatelle , or pool table, excepting only such as are used in private houses, for each table 50 cents per month. And in fixing the amount of license to be paid by any billiard, bagatelle, or pool room, it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to count and charge a license� 6 for each and every table standing in said hall or room, whether 7 the said table be used or not. 8 G SECTION 15. For every hotel, X2.50 per month. 9 For every boarding and Lodging house 41.50 per month, and for to every lodging house, 41.25 per month, provided that the rate here - 11 in prescribed for a hotel license shall not include the privilege 12 i; of selling, vending, serving or giving away any malt, vinous, 13 Gr spirituous, mixed, or other intoxicating liquors, but such sellinj 14 rl 13 vending, serving or giving away of any such liquors shall be gov- 1515 erned by the provisions of Ordinance No. 244 of the City of Ina- 16 11 heim, entitled "An Ordinance providing for the licensing and reg - 17 elating of the business of selling liquor in the City of Anaheim, 18 P and repealing all ordinances in conflict with the provisions of 19 this Ordinance", passed and adopted on the 25th day of July, 19121 20 provided that the word "hotel" as used in this ordinance, shall b 21 construed to mean a public inn containing not less than ten rooms 22• for the use and accommodation of patrons or guests and having in 23 the same buillLing, or in a building connected therewith, a dini ng 24 room or room in which meals are regularly served to the public. i 25 i The words "Boarding house" as the same are used in this ordinance 26 is it shall be construed to mean a house where the business of keeping I 27 boarders generally, is carried on. The words "Lodging house" as 2S used in this ordinance, shall be construed to mean a house or 2' building containing not less than five nor more than ten rooms I 30 for the use of patrons or guests for hire, provided that any p 8 r_31 son renting not to exceed five rooms to patrons or guests shall 1 be exempt from the provisions of this section. 6 1 SECTION 16. For every rope or wire dancer, magic or theatri- 2 cal entertainment or concert, other than a moving picture show, 3 menagerie or circus, or sideshow conducted in 69njunction there - 4 with, or under the same management, X3.00 per day; provided that 5 if the same is given by or under the direction of local manage - 6 ment, the rate of license shall be $1.50 per day, provided fur - 7 they, that if the same is given esclusive',y by and under the i 8 direction of local talent, for the benefit or advantage of any o 9 ganization, society, church or lodge within the City of Anaheim; 10 no charge for license shall be made. 11 SECTION 17. For every moving picture exhibition, where the s 12 d. �£ price of admission does not exceed twenty cents; 01.25 per month; 13 where the price of admission exceeds twenty cents, the rate of 14 license shall be the same as provided in Section 16 of this or - 1,5 dinance. 16� 6! Provided, however, that if any Ikewd, obscene or improper pictu 17 shall be shown or exhibited in any such exhibition, the Marshal 1S 1 I t of said city shall peremptorily revoke the license theretofore la issued for such exIibition, and the money theretofore paid for 210 said license shall be forefeited to said City. zi Fi i SECTION 18. For every street eXhibdter, for pay or to attract; 2f' customers, and for every vender of wares and merchandise, who shad 23`' s 13 sell or offer for sale such wares or merchandise by public outeryp 24; on any public street in said city, except as provided in Section 25 ! iy rs doTri 20 of this ordinance, te� 0.00) per day. For every person who! 26 �} conducts doll racks, shooting galleries, ring boards or other de -a 27 9 vices for contests of skill or for the taking of chances, three 2S iii (43.00) dollarse r day, ay, for every such doll rack, shooting gal- 21 1� o� lery, ring board or other device. + on3130 SECTION 19. For every open air entertainment, or those con- 31 ducted in tents, airdomes or transient enclosures, except as other- S� 1! wise provided in Section 18, 20 and 21 of this ordinance, where i! 7 i 1 the object is advertisement or gain (whether the gain is derived 2 through admission fees, collections, contributions, fortune tell - 3 ing, or any other means, having a seating capacity of not more 4 than one thousand, �25.00 per day, and having a seating capacity 5 of less than one thousand <'10.00 per day. 6 SECTION 20. For every traveling or transient physician or per - 7 ton who advertises or vends medicine on the streets, or on open 8 lots, or in tents or transient enclosures, or from platforms or 9 wagons, or in halls, 4')10.00 per day. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 27 28 29 30 31 32 SECTION 21. For every circus or menagerie having a seating capacity of not less than one thousand per day; and hav- ing a seating capacity of less than one thousand, - E - per (1, a5 For every side-show conducted in conjunction with a circus or men age rie , or under the same management,, per day. r SECTION 22. For every organ griiider with or without animal i exhibits; for every traveling or transient musician, acrobat or entertainer, exhibiting upon the public streets of said city, of than as provided in Sections 19 and 20 of this ordinance, 42.00 per day. SECTION 23. Every person, company, firm or corporation sell- ing or offering for sale, trade or exchange any wares, goods or merchandise, advertised or designated as sheriff's, Assignee's creditor's, consignee's, bankrupt's, trustee's, receiver's or special sales or special bargain sales of damaged stocks of goods, by fire, water or otherwise, shall pay a license tax therefor in the sum of seventy-five dollars per quarter, provided that this section shall apply to all stocks of goods, wares and merchandise in the City of Anaheim that are not assessed or taxed in said city; provided, that this section shall not apply to goods, wares or merchandise which are actually and in good faith under the cont of the Sheriff or any assignee, trustee in bankruptcy or receiver of any court of the United States or -Orange County or any other - 8 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Iii County of California; or to goods, wares or merchandise wl ch bave been damaged within the City of Anaheim and which are being dispoB, A ed of in good faith, to close out the same. SECTION 24. For every temporary ice cream counter or stand, Il every temporary lunch counter or stand, or temporary soda counter stand and every temporary bazaar, one dollar and fifty cents (�lkl) per day, or six (`6.00) dollars per week. For every temporary fruit stand, two dollars and fifty cents 02.50) per day, or fifteen ("45.001 dollars per month; for every person engaged in the business of selling tamales, lunches or sand* wiches, ice cream or candy from wagon or hand -carts upon the publi6 streets in said city, six dollars per month, for every such wagon 13 or hand -cart. Provided, however, that the location on the public! 14 streets of the said stand, counter, bazaar, wagon or hand -cart in 15 this section referred to shall be -under the control of the Super - 16 intendent of Streets, and set forth in the license. 17 SECTION 25. For every photograph gallery or studio established' within the City of Anaheim, X2.50 per quarter; for every travel - 19 ing or transient photographer, not having an estaftished place of 20 business within said City, X2.50 per day. 21 SLOTION 26. For every artist, agent or canvasser soliciting 2 painting, retouching, enlarging, or furnishing pictures or por- 23 -traits of any description, except as provided in Section 26 of thils 24 ordinance, 05.00 per day. 25 SECTION 27. For every restaurant, other than a temporary lunch; U counter, stand, or cart or wagon, $1,25 per month, 27 SECTION 28. For every person who keeps a stallion or jack and 28 permits the same to be used for the purpose of propagation for hire, 29 $5.00 per quarter. 30 SICTION 29. For every person soliciting for business houses, 31 persons, firms or corporations, having no place of business with- i 52 in said city -upon which a license has been paid as provided by this 1 ordinance, 15.00,Aprovided this section shall not apply to persons business 2 i soliciting from establishedhouses within said city. 3 SECTION 30. For every person, firm or corporation, managing or 4 conducting a storehouse or warehouse for grain or merchandise, for r � 5 hire, 91.25 per month. g SECTION 31. For every person, firm or corporation, not munici- 7 pal, vending, selling, supplying or furnishing water for domestic E 10 18 19 20 zi 22 23 24 2s 26 27 28 29 30 31 >2 purposes, X5.00 per month. SECTION 32. For every bakery established and conducted in said city, Q�,1.25 per month; for every person, firm or corporation sell- ing wares or soliciting orders for any barer or bakery not estab- lished or located within said city, $5.00 per month. except bona fide grocers, carrying the products of any such bakery, as a part of their stock of merchandise. S.CTION 33. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business or manufacturing or selling confectionary, ine cream, ices or sherbets within said city, $1.25 per month. SECTION 34. For every person, firm or corporation, engaged in the business of distributing circulars or samples, advertising or promoting goods, wares or merchandise or other commodities or ar- ticles of commercial value for or on behalf of any person, firm or, corporation, not conducting a regularly established place of bus- . , iness within said city, 425.00 per year. i SECTION 35. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in i the business of cleaning, dyeing or renovating articles of person4 i apparel and having a permanently established place of business within said city, x;1.25 per month; and every person, firm or cor- poration soliciting or taking orders for cleaning, dyeing or reno- vating such articles of personal apparel, and not having a perman- ently established place of business within said city, X15.00 per month. - 10 - 1 2 3 4 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 if 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 52 For every laundry situated *tthin said city, 0;,25.00 per year; for every person, firm or corporation soliciting and delivering for any laundry situated outside of said city, 0 5.00 per month for every wagon, automobile or other conveyance used in making such deliveries; for every stand or agency for any laundry located' outside of the city of Anaheim, $2.50 per month, for every such stand or agency. SECTION 36. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in i the business of selling fire -works, flags, banners, horns and novelties and having a regularly established place of business within said city, X1.25 per month, and for every such person, firm or corporation, not having or maintaining a regularly established `j place of business within said city, or who shall be engaged in selling or vending any of such fireworks, flags, horns, banners or novelties t upon the public streets of said city or from any j� cart, stands or temporary structure, � 5.00 per day. SECTION 37. For every person, firm or corporation, engaged in I the business of selling autinobiles or other motor vehicles or 1 accessories thereto, and for every garage, 01.25_ per month. , SECTION 38. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling hay or grain, ice, wood, coal or other fuel or either or any of them, and having and maintaining a regu- larly established place of business within said city, X1.25 per month. SECTION 39. .For every milk depot or wagon, y 1,25 per month. i SECTION 40. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling oil or gasoline or either or both of them,; i $1.25 per month. SECTION 41. For every plumber, having a regularly established place of business within said city, ;2.00 per month; for every i plumber not having a regularly established place of business, 05.00 per month. it 1 SECTION 42. For every bona fide second-hand store having a 2 regularly established place of business within said city, 41.25 3 per month. 4 jSECTION 43. For every -undertaker, embalmer or funeral directorj* 5 -41.25 per month. 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 zi 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 52 SECTION 44. For every vending machine, Q1.25 per ino 0 SECTION 45. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling or installing electrical wiring, applian- ces or apparatus and having a regularly established place of bus- iness in said city, $1.25 per month, and for every person, firm of corporation so engaged, not having a regularly established places of business in said city $5.00 per month. SECTION 46. For every lumber yard in said city, $2.00 per month. SECTION 47. For every Flying -horse or so called Merry-go-round, 415.00 per month, or X2.50 per day, when the license shall be is- sued for any period less than one month, provided that no license shall be issued for any such Flying -horse or Merry-go-round, to b erected or operated within the fire limits of said city. SECTION 48. For every skating -rink, X10.00 per month, or 41,00 per day when the license shall be issued for any period less than one month. SECTION 49. The rate of license for every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of hauling or transporting goods, wares, merchandise, freight or baggage within* to or from said city is hereby fixed and established as follows, to -wit; For every vehicle iksed in said business, drawn by horses or muleE 412.00 per annum; For every automobile truck used in said busin- ess, having a manufacturer's rating of not to exceed two tons, $20.00 per annum; for every automobile truck used in said busin- ess having a manufacturer's rating of not less than two, nor more than four tons, $30.00 per year; For every automobile truck used - 12 - 1 in such business, having a manufacturer's rating in excess of 2 four tons, lj'�AO.00 per annum. 3 SI&CTION 50. For every person, firm or corporation, conducting, or 4 carrying on,/operating automobiles for hire for the carriage of 5 passengers, or any automobile stage line, to, from or through said 6 city, and operating one vehicle in the conduct of such business 705.00 per quarter; and for every person firm or corporation op - 8 erating more than one vehicle in the conduct of such business, 9 92,50 per quarter for each vehicle in excess of one. 10 The words "stage line" as the same are used in this section 11 shall be construed to mean the business of operating one or more 12 F automobiles, carriages or other vehicles for the carrying of pas s 13 engers for hire and operating on schedule time to or from desig- 14 dinated points within said city. 15 SECTION 51. For every livery7stable or horse -market conduct - 16 ed within said city, 17 SECTION 52. The wholesale and retail establishments, stores 18 and places of trade of every kind and description not otherwise 19 enumerated in this ordinance, where articles of personal property 20 are sold as a business, shall be and they are hereby divided int 21 the fo"Llowing classes; and the owners or persons engaged in the ,22 same shall pay the license herein specified for each respective, 23 class as follows; provided, however, that this section does not 24ap ply to the sale of spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed liquor;-. I 25 First Class: Those who carry a stock of merchandise of the 26 reasonable market value of less than $10,000.00 shall pay a 14- 27 license of #,-to per month. 28 Second Class: Those who carry a stock of merchandise of the Pi 20 reasonable market value of not less than 40,000.00, shall pay a license offt per month. 31 The reasonable market value of the said merchandise shall be 32 computed as of the time when the amount of such license shall bel established. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 224:• 25 26 211, 28 29 It shall be the duty of the City Clerk, within five days prior to the first day of each month, to make an appraiseiient of stock irl trade, in every such establishment, store or place witdLin said city -upon compute the amount of such li- and the City Clerk shall there cense, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance; pro - v ided that if the market value of the stock of merchandise in any such establishment, store or place has not been increased or de- creased to such an extent as to effect the amount of license to be, paid for such business, then and in that event the said City Clerk shall not be required to make such appraisement. SECTION 53. All licenses granted under this Ordinance or any section thereof, are granted and. accepted by all parties receiving! licenses with the express understanding that the Board of Trustees may revoke the same at any time if satisfied that any of the condi-, i tions of the license or terms of this Ordinance have been violated I or that the license was obtained by fraudulent representations, ori that the holder of license is an unfit person to be trusted with the privileges granted by said license; provided, however, that no! license shall be revoked without giving the holder thereof an op- portunity to appear before the Board of Trustees on his own behalf, On the revocation of the license, no part of the money in the hands of the City Treasurer shall be returned, but such license fe� shall be forfeited to the City of ,Anaheim. SMiCTION 54. Wherever the word "person" is used in this Ordin- ance, referring to those liable to pay license tax, the same is tended and shall be constructed to mean and include a firm, assoc ation or corporation carrying on the business for which license must first be procured, and when the terms used in this Ordinance designated the principal, the same shall be construed to mean and 30 include the clerks, agents, servants, representatives and employeso 31 i�' of such principals. It being the intention hereby to license the ;!"business" and not separate or individual acts. 14 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Zi 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SECTION 55. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or I Ili phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be anconsti, tutional, such decision shall not effect the validity of the re- maining portions of this act. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, sub- section, sentence, saa4iea or phrase thereof; irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, subsections, sentences,l clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 56. Ordinance No. 170 of the City of Anaheim, entitle "An Ordinance providing for the licensing of business carried on in the City of Anaheim" passed and adopted on the 22nd day of August, 1995{ and all ordinances amendatory thereof and suppl tary thereto and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in con- flict with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed, SECTION 57. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall certJ fy to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be p -u lished once in the "Anaheim Gazette" and from and after the 1st day of January, 1916, the same shall take effedt and be in full fo roe. The foregoing Ordinance is signed, approved and attested by this day of November, 1915. P'Fesid";V of the Board of Trus- tees 6,f the City of Anaheim. At t e s,t,, City Clerk of fhe City o? Anaheim* - 15 1 3 4p S I 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 �. STATE, -OF CALIFORNIA, � COUNTY OF O RANGE , ) 3S. C I TY OF ANAHE IRI. ) I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the / day of November, 1915, and that the same was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees Lt. held on the <, day of November, 1915, by the following vote: AYES, Trustees �7c►YiL c f?1,��.fC f�c�£fi ��a� ��c icu NOES, Trustees Absent and not voting, Trustee4_� ,And I further certify that the President of the Board of Trustees of said City signed said ordinance on the Z6 day of November, 1915. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said cit)r this z6-tlt7 day of november, 1915. ., City Clerk of the Gitv 'Of Anghal - 16 r