33402 RDINANCZ NO. _3 3 H. G. Ames CITY ATTORNEY ANAHEIM, - CALIFOR Y u Y r Affidavit of Publication In the Superior Court of the County—of Orange State of California S STATE OF CALIFORNIA, . County of Orange, ss. ....................being flrf sworn, deposes and says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned .l a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a r( of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publish proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation ed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim,in said County of C State of California; that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times_ mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for t] semination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a genera deter, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that said times said newspaper had been established, printed and 15ublished said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals fo. than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein m 3 ed; that the ... C .a'` .c't .. .+. c� 4. V .....................................of wh. annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspa least ... 4f!` `h -..i'{!! !^ • • • • • • • • • • • • :.dglam, commencing ..............day of ............................191.., and ending .............day of ............................191.., both days in( and as often during said time as said newspaper was regularly issue( is to say, on the following dates, to -wit: � J 1 8 UBSUR11iED Y/1JV D AN W"U-U./V- to beforeme this .••••••r,T••'•••••••••.day of ............:..191' . . F-1( �rZ N > C / CCC /let- r ORDINANCE NO. 334 AN -A4 DINANCE AMENDING SEC- Tf)Nj EIGHT QF ORDINANCE NO. 2 F THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, E TLED, "AN ORDINANCE PRO - V FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A CITY ELECTRICIAN AND DE- FINING HIS DUTIES; REGULATING THE MANNER OF INSTALLING, CONNECTING, WIRING OR OTHER- VVISE PUTTING IN PLACE ELEC- TRIC WIRES, CONNECTIONS, AP- PLIANCES, FIXTURES OR APPA- RATUS: FOR TUE INSPECTION THEREOF AND FOR TI� ISSU- UANCE OF A PERMIT THERE- FOR." PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE �$�.,��RD.OF TRUSTEES OF SAID CWY ON THE 14th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1911. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That Section, 8 of Or- dinance No. 236 of the City of Anaheim entitled, "An Ordinance providing for the -appointment of a city electrician at defining his duties; regulating the man- ner of installing, connecting, wiring or otherwise putting in place electric wires, connections, appliances, fixtures or ap- paratus; for the inspection thereof and for the issuanW of a permit therefor," passed and adopted on the 14th day of December, 1911, be and the same is here- by amended to read as follows: When, upon application, inspection is made of the wiring or equipment in or Mout any building in the City of Ana- heim, the person, firm or corporation in- stalling such equipment, shall, before the certificate is Issued pay the said City Electrician of said- City, for such in- spection as follows: namely, For permit ..........:..........$ .25 For each outlet in which cur- rent is controlled or used, for four lights or unser ........ .05 For each outlet in which cur- rent is controlled or used, for over four -lights .............. .10 For, eacah are lamp ............ .50 When Wiring for Motors For motor of one horse power or less .50 For s— than of more an one and not more than eight horse power • .. ! ................ 1.00 For motor of more than eight horse For more 1.50 than two inspections of " any equipment or any part thereof an additional fee for any additional inspection, per hour,,,,c,,. .... ......... .75 For switches and fix%tres in buildings where tha wiring has already been inspected th fees shall be orae -half the at ount a above stated. i Motors For Notors up to and not more than'.a H. P. .25 Generators For each generator of not more than '1 K. W. -. .. ..... .. .50 i. For. each generator or more than + 1 IL W. a,tad not more than 3 K. W. .... .75 For each generator of more than 3 K. W. and not more than 8 K. W. ..... 1.00 For each generator of more than • 8 K. NY• and not more than 15 K. W . ........................ 1.50 For each generator of more than 15 K. W . ..................... 2.00 Motor Generator Seta, For motor generator sets charge will be maae for instal- lation of motor ons._,__ _ Electric kanges For the inspection of each rangte Installation ................... .25 Electric Sipes For electric signs containing 5 lamps and not more than 10 tramps .. ..................... .25 For electric signs containing 11 lamps and not more than 25 lamps ... ..... ... ... .. .50 For electric signs containing more than 25 lamps, for each lamp in excess of 25 .......... .u2 For the inspection of each mer- cury are rectifier and equip- ment ..................... l.00 For inspection of electrical wir- ing or apparatus for which no fee is herein prescribed, the -City Electrician shall charge a fee not exceeding $ .75 per hour for the time actually consumed in making the inspection. The City Electrician shall settle with the clerk on the first Mongay of each month for all fees collected by him dur- ing the preceding month arl shall im- mediately pay the same to the Treas- urer of said City on the' order of the Clerk therepft and au money so de- posited , wKh the Treasurer shall be credited to the general fund of saiu City. SECTION 2. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with the pro- visions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3., The City Clerk shall cer- tify to the passage of this Ordinance and cause the samne to be published once fn the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly news- paper of general circulation printed. published and circulates in the City of Anaheim, and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage it 'shall take ef- fect and be in full force. The foregoing Ordinance is signed, ap- proved and attested by me this 11th day of July, 1918. J. J. DWYER. President of the Board of Trustees, of the City of Anaheim. (SEAL) Attest EDWARD B. MERRITT, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County- of Orange )ss City of Anaheim I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk' of the City, of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of th Board of Trustees of the City- of Anahim held on the 27th day of June, 1918, and that the same was duly passed and 'adopted at a reg- ular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 11th day of July,., 1918, by the following vote: AYES, Trustees: Dwyer, Stark, Backs,: McFadden and Gibbs. NOES, Trustees, None. Aibsent and not voting, Trustees, None. And I further certify that the -President of the Board of Trustees, of said City of Anaheim signed and approved said Or- dinance on the 11th day of July, 1918. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here- unto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City, this 11th day of July, 1918. ( SEAL) EDWARD B. MERRITT, City Clerk of the"City of Anaheim. 3 4 5 a 7 a 9 10 11 is 13 14 30 31 32 'i, , ORDI111�0TC�j Yo. J09 T 1, C 71 TO. 236 OF THE ORDI 3-�MIOEI --J-LGF.T 0= P_ OVIDII, G 0 _I -T CITY' OF ANAHMY, 12-TTITLM, "All ORDTLIANC.�', - R I FOR ! IL� _Law ROINT1,111INT OF A CITY _&L=TRICIAN .ND D.&FINING HI,.� DUTI'j3-. T LUQ TH& PIATIMM OF INMZLING, CONi'JECTI11G, VIIRI_T'" OR OT =171IS2 PUTTING IN PLACEt !Z:IICTRIC WIR33, CON.114CTIONS, L.P?IJANC&S, FI ST '-" 8 A. OR APPARATUS-: FOR TU ITTISPECTION TF.2�_R'!ZP 10D i'01� H�_` ISSUI NC"' OF A Pil!FJIIT TMIILK�240R." PASSTID AND ADOPT -E0 BY T111 -2i BOi) 0-14, '2RUIS-1i".&S O.F SAID CITY ON '21114TH DAY OF 1911. The Bloard of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: 3 -2A' C T I . ON le That Section 8 of ordinance JTo. 236 of the City 16 Anaheim, entitled, 11.&n Ordinance providing for the appoint.." ment of 17 x. 18 his dutias: regulating the L VI 20 four lights ........... #10— 21 .50 When wiring for motors-. 2,2 For motor of one aorse power or less. .50 For motor of more than one and not 24 1.00 2or motor of more than eight horse- power . .......... 1.50 28 For more than two inspections of any 27 Z}, 2" al inspection, per hour......... .75 29 30 31 32 'i, , ORDI111�0TC�j Yo. J09 T 1, C 71 TO. 236 OF THE ORDI 3-�MIOEI --J-LGF.T 0= P_ OVIDII, G 0 _I -T CITY' OF ANAHMY, 12-TTITLM, "All ORDTLIANC.�', - R I FOR ! IL� _Law ROINT1,111INT OF A CITY _&L=TRICIAN .ND D.&FINING HI,.� DUTI'j3-. T LUQ TH& PIATIMM OF INMZLING, CONi'JECTI11G, VIIRI_T'" OR OT =171IS2 PUTTING IN PLACEt !Z:IICTRIC WIR33, CON.114CTIONS, L.P?IJANC&S, FI ST '-" 8 A. OR APPARATUS-: FOR TU ITTISPECTION TF.2�_R'!ZP 10D i'01� H�_` ISSUI NC"' OF A Pil!FJIIT TMIILK�240R." PASSTID AND ADOPT -E0 BY T111 -2i BOi) 0-14, '2RUIS-1i".&S O.F SAID CITY ON '21114TH DAY OF 1911. The Bloard of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: 3 -2A' C T I . ON le That Section 8 of ordinance JTo. 236 of the City of Anaheim, entitled, 11.&n Ordinance providing for the appoint.." ment of a city electrician and defining his dutias: regulating the manner of installing* connecting, wiring or otherwise 'Putting in place electric wires, connections" appliances, fixtures oji appar" atus: for the inspection thereof and for the isom therefor." passed and adopted in the 14th do, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows#" When, upon application, inspection is made of the wiring or equipment in or about any building in the City of Anaheim, tht' person, firm or corporation installing such equipment shall, before the certificate is issued pay the said City Alectrician of said CityW for such insoection as follows: namely, For permit .25 For each outlet in which current is controlled or used, for four lights or under ............. For each outlet in which current is controlled or used, for over VI four lights ........... #10— For each are lamp .................. .50 When wiring for motors-. For motor of one aorse power or less. .50 For motor of more than one and not more than eight horserower.....6 1.00 2or motor of more than eight horse- power . .......... 1.50 For more than two inspections of any equipment or any -part thereof an additional fee for any addition- al inspection, per hour......... .75 For switches and fixtures in buildings wiaere the wiring has already been inspected the fees shall be one- half the amount above stated. 1 2 3 4 5 s 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 W-10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 j Motors. For motors up to and not more than 1/2 H. Y. .... .25 Generators. I For each generator of not more than 1 K. W...... ..50 For each generator of moire: then' and not more than 5 K. W. .75 For each generator of mors than 3 K. Fl. and not r.;ore than 8 K. Wo 1.00 For each generator of more than 8 K. and not more than 15 K."T. ....... 1.50 Foar each generator of more than 15 K. ,T......... 2.00 Motor Generator Sets. For motor generator Sets a charge will be made for in- stallation of motor only. 'electric Hanges. For the inspection of each range installation .25 .electric signs. For electric signs containing 5 lamps and not more than 10 lamps........... .25 For electric signs containing 11 lamps and not more than 25 lamps........... .50 For electric signs containing more than 25 lamps, for each lamp in excess of 25 .: ............ .. ... .02 For the inspection of each mercury arc rectifier and equipment ................. 1.00' For insrection of electrical wiring or apparatus for which no fee is herein prescribed the City Slectrician shall eharbe a fee not exceeding .75 per hour for the time actually consumed in making the inspection. The City Electrician shall settle with the clerk on the first ITIonday of each month for all fees collected by him during the preceding month and shall immediately pay the same to the Tres- surer of said City on the order of the Clerk thereof; and all money so deposited with the Treasurer shall be credited to the general fund of said Cita. ti�;CIIIIOIT 2, All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances to Coni► . flict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SCTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, 2 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 published and circulated in the City of jinaheim, and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage it shall take effect and be in full force, The foregoing Ordinance is signed, approved and attested by O me this e on- ^$ July, 1918. i I S� edtnt o e 4olrd o 1'rus- of the City 3naheim. Attest: c r z.,-,, -Z -13, 2� My ler . o- - e City 'TAT'1 OF COUTtTY 02 01 -PI GE, ) 33. CI "Y 02 ANAF; IM. ) 1, Edward B. 11arritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim., do herbby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board. of 11rustees of the City of anaheim held... on the 27th day of June, 11-18, and that the Earne was duly passed and adop- ted at <i, regular meeting of said 3oard of Trustees held on the 11th day of July, 1918, by the following vote: AYSS, Trustees ��� %3ue�l�, iYta�L��,`'' e�',�. LION, Trustees: Absent and not voting, Trustees: And I further certify that the resident of the Board of Trustees of said City of .inaheim sij7ned and approved said ordinance on the 11th day of July, 1918. IZI I" TT, '3 8 3THilil-J0T', I have hereunto set r,�y hand and affixed the seal of said City this 11th day of July, 1918. `i3 City ler_ 0 _y _o s£4 lin ahe i m. - 3