374 (2)i i OxRDIN"GS NO. 374 G THS } Or 2101,; OF PZU1IBING I1432SCTOR \ jp0 T CITY OF T N IRS' AND -, DIVINING HIS DUTIM AND "GU- I,A.TI1G T CONSTRUCTION AND . - INSY.10TION OV PLUMBING AND HOU84 DI AiW:" ITHIN SAID CITY. x "C mE t.A. H• Gs Amyls [ _ ANMMM, ©A MU. ------------------------- k r" qi i �,{8 . ._ry. .-t, i.,� ni.��,3���.,�... m ...«�� ... . „ �. :�•«,;.�..; :u, .. a � � � �"iTRi .�,.1=;i ,a .. ..s h t� #'^ s � AVP IDAVIT 'F PUMCAT ISN STATE OF CALIFORNIA,) County of Oe, ss. of said County, being first duly sworn, says: -that he. is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no inter- est in. nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that he is t e ........... ...... of the. a newspaper printed, published and circu- lated in the sai County of Orange; t aid is a newspaper of general eircu ation with a list of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it has been printed and published in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the 14 .........:. �?.G.. 3. .7 of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper at least ... commencing on the ... .....y of 191 , and ending on thhe� . � �• , . , . , day of. 19 , and that said Ae. C. v, �p� was published on the following dat !� t.e2�/..c ............... /..�.' ...... .............. Sgbscribbed and sworn to before me this.14, •day of `!?!��L ....... 1910 . �j ORDINANCE NO. 374, or corporation has registeredhis or and back pressure. pipe shall when Ieavil AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE Ol- its name and address in a book kept Trap shall be deemed to mean and of verticle line of wast FICE OI' PLUMBING INSPECTOR for that purpose in the office of the include a fitting so constructed as to from a"Y"branch lying FOR THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND I plumbing inspector, and has given sa,- ', prevent the passage of air or gasses from which the waste { DEFINING HIS DUTIES AND REG isfactory evidence to the plumbing In- through any pipe without materially such waste pipe, thus,f( ULATING THE CONSTRUCTION sPector that said person seeking a affecting- the flow of sewage or waste ' of forty-five degrees AND INSPECTION OF PLUMBING permit to do any plumbing, drainage water therein. pipes; or may leave AND 'HOUSE DRAINAGE lVITHIN', or gas fitting work pas paid all lic- The term house drain or drainage pipe I waste pipe at right ; SAID CITY. ense fees required by the ordinances of applies to a pipe used for conducting ; that such vent pipe sl the city, and has complied with the ;sewage or waste from any house or of at least forty-five d The Board of Trustees of the City of law's of the State of California gov- I building. i mitting the use of a ' Anaheim do ordain as follows: erning the doing of Plwnbing work. j The term sewer or public sewer ap- vent pipes leaving the Section 1. The office of plumbing Section 7. Any person, persons, firm i plies to any accepted public sewer of I low the fixture line or inspector for the City of Anaheim is 'or corporation desiring to make one the City of Anaheim. 1 not exceed six feet i hereby created, and the city manager or more connections to the public sew- The term house plumbing applies to it can be shown that , of the City of Anaheim shall be and er of the City of Anaheim, either for airy_ system of plumbing within or un-', tion could have been n he is nereby constituted ex -officio himself or themselves, or as contractor, der any house, building or structure, distance. All vent pip( agent or employee for some other per- plumbing inspector of said city, and A top fixture is defined as one whose izontal or verticle, whe ' shall hold office at the pleasure of the son or persons, firm or corporation. waste .inlet at the stack is uppermost to a main extension, Board of Trustees of said City. shall before procuring a on this—verticle line of pipe, and the tally to a point not p g permit from , He may appoint a deputy plumbing the plumbing inspector to make such discharge pipe to the inlet shall be I feet in height above t1 inspector which office is hereby creat- connectons deposit with the City- Clerk exclusive of any other waste entering fore a right angle if ed, which said deputy- Plumbing in- of the City of Anaheim the sum of at any point other than below its branch fitting to whi spector shall, hold office at his pleas- Fifty ($50.00) dollars, for the purpose ! level. vent pipe of one or r of indemnifying the said City of Ana- ure, and at the pleasure of the said The term indirect connection or sys- made. Board of Trustees, and appointment heim against any and all damages tent applies to any line of waste pipe j Section 25. Every bt shall be subject to the approval andthat is not connected permanently tot that such person or persons, firm or � tore where a water ratification of said Board of Trustees. I corporation may cause to be done or the house drain or sewer, but dis- fixture is installed or 1 The deputy- plumbing inspector shall charges its .waste into a hopper or inflicted to the public sewer of the let left so that the vi be vested with the same powers and other receiver that has a permanent said City of Anaheim, or to any other i 'line of 'pipe is carni( duties as are herein prescribed for the 1 connection through the house drain or plumbing inspector. property owned or controlled by the 'sewer. floor level, this verti'ci City or Anaheim, in making or at- of pipe shall be carrie Section 2. As compensation for his tempting' to make such connections, or j The Durham system of piping ap- in size up to the high services the plumbing inspector shall in doing anything Pertaining theretc. Plies to any system of wrought -iron roof, as governed by S( receive such stens of money at such Should any damage be done to the I or steel pipe and recessed fittings. ordinance, and every bt times as may be prescribed by Ordin- The fittmW-rtust be recessed suffi- water closet shall hat public sewer o£ the City of Anaheim. ante No. 359 of the City of Anaheim, ciently to allow for the thickness be - or to any other property of said city main vent pipe not les +entitled "An Ordinance creating the : by any Person or persons firm, or I tween the internal and external diam- { tees, internal diameter office of City Manager of the City of corporation making or attempting to eter of the pipe, which forms a should- Section internal When tw• Anaheim, defining his powers, pre- :make a connection with the pg to er so that the fitting when screwed' , scribing his duties and fixing his com- on the pipe should make up to this ings or structures are sewer of said city, the amount of suc:x j the house drain or s pensation," and which said sum there- damage shall be deducted i ont shoulder in the fitting, thus forming in prescribed as the compensation fsystem in each and ev or the said sum of Fifty ($50.00) dollars, one continuous bore or unobstructed structure shall confor said City Manager, shall include his !flow for the waste water. and thereupon the person or persons, and regulations compensation for services to he ren- ! � Section 16. Every soil pipe or `waste pipe ' g Prescr! firm or corporation who caused such I p dinance; provided, how dered as Plumbing inspector. dams e to he done to such under or inside of any building shall g public sew- a water closet is insta er or other property of said city shall Section 3. It shall be the duty of the be of cast iron, wrought -iron, or steel, _� an outlet left for a plumbing inspector to examine all ap- lead or brass All joints in cast iron lications made for plumbing permits upon being notified m the City Clerk elusively, and there is I of the City of Anaheim by written not- , Pipe whether inside of the building line not less than four int • nd permits for the Installation of gas Ice deposit with said Clerk an amount I or otherwise, shall be made with moult - pipe and gas fittings; to examine the i en lead and thoroughly caulked. When through the roof of I work to he done, and to issue permits., of money equal to the sum deducted g the lot where such clo for the payment of such damage, and wrought -iron, steel, lead or brass pipe I if the applicant for such in the event that such is used for soil or waste, no grade the vent from this wi ermit has complied with the terms ' Person or per- I sons, Yirm or corporation shall fail. I lighter than standard shall be used. be two inches in diam( and conditions of this ordinance, and i neglect or refuse to deposit such sum i All changes in direction shall be made Section 27. The ven upon receiving notice hole the person, y, no as required in Section 18 of this or- small fixture shall be I with the City Clerk of said firm or corporation doing any such dinance, and all fittings used in the the trap used for sai the making of any connection City, to such work that the same is completed and Permit shall thereafter issued for several angles, shall be standard drain- vided, that if more tha. ready for inspection, said plumbing in- public sewer b an such age fittings; Ordinary maleable or cast be vented by the sam, Y y person or pector shall, with all convenient iron fittings that are not recessed are of such pipe shall be s � persons, firm or corporation, until such peed, inspect the same and thereupon sum shall have been deposited with prohibited, and all fittings used in I For more than one, the City Clerk of said City of Ana - determine whether or not the terms, ! I Such work must be of same internal Ing two fixtures, not conditions and specifications of this heim, as herein provided, and any such diameter as pipe line upon which it is' and one-half inch venj. ordinance have been complied with xsed. 1 than two and not exce, t)crson or pensee firm 4r cox pora- anarr-:i€ so, shall issue as hete;ttaftrt tion who shall make or attempt to I Section 17. All wasfe pipe and sail Te not Tess than provided,'a certificate of final inspec make any connection with such public pipe shall be of cast-iron, wrought- pipe.. tion, otherwise he shall decline to is- , iron, steel, brasa'or lead, nut leas than Section 28. The vent sewer without having made such de- ;the standard weight and of the follow= P peer or sue a certificate of finalns inspection ! closet, slop ho posit shall be deemed guilty of a vio- � ica the terms, conditions, .and spec- � lation of this .ordinance. ! ing sizes: not be smaller than tw( ifica lied of this ordinance have been hor each bath tub, laundry tray, ur- al diameter, and where Section 8. All moneys deposited omplied with. He shall at the first with the City Clerk of the City of An - mal, wash basin or other small fix- such fixture is, vente egular meeting of each month of the ture not less than one and one-half same Pipe, its internal aheim pursuant to this ordinance, shall oard of Trustees of the said City of be as follows: 5 be deposited with' the City Treasurer inches internal diameter; for each Anaheim, submit a written report of of the City of Anaheim in the general slap sink or slop hopper where the For more than one 't 't ra nnmh�r of „ermits issued by him outlet is two .inches or smaller,.. not ..Ing four closets, or s I i•und of said city, and shall remain wind a statement of the fees collected Mess than two inches internal diam- slot) sinks, 'not•less"tl S on deposit with said City Treasurer vent pipe; if more th< hSectio• of said City of Anaheim for the eter; and if outlet is larger than two Section 4. It shall beunlawful for Pel- exceeding eight such f iod of one year after such person or inches, the waste pipe shall not be g g ny person,. firm or corporation to do, smaller than three inches internal hil than a two and one r cause to he done, or to construct Persons, firm or corporation shall have I pipe. All vent pipe an tr cause to be constructed, or to change made any connections with the public diameter; for each water closet not P P sewer of the City of Anaheim , and less than four .inches in diameter; for must be of eithe r alter any Plumbing or house dracast-iron, wrought -iron or steel- pipe standard galvanized it thereafter e said sum or whatever ; ge affecting the sanitary conditiin- thftthid on when used as a waste pipe for the dis- oil union coupling of f any house, structure or building in balance may remain to the credit of shalt not be used, main he City of. Anaheim, or to do or any such person or persons, firm or charger of one or more kitchen sinks ed in vent uu waste ause to be done any gas fitting, or 1 corporation, depositing the same shall shall not be smaller than two inches on the order of the Board of Trustees internal diameter, (trap to fixture ex- work is coviered or con o change or alter any gas fitting or and not more than two fix- Section 29. Fixtures of said city be returned to such per- cepted), fittings therein without having first I tures shall waste through a one and the plumbing of any h son or persons, firm or corporation, ;one-half inch waste pipe. btained a permit therefor from the i or any portion of th liumbing inspector of said City. after deducting whatever amount may Section 5. An I be necessary to pay said city for any Section 18. Every verticle stack, drainage system that is Any person, firm or cor- damages which may have been done I soil pipe or waste pipe shall be pro- cealed from view an( oration desiring a permit to do any lumbin or to construct any house Ito the public sewer of said city or to I vided with a brass trap screw ferrule soil pipe and every op( g any other at the foot or lower terminal of the low the top, shall be h( rainage affecting the sanitary_ con- Property owned by the City ed b t of Anaheim, as herein provided. stack and in horizontal lines where Y he person,, fire ition of any house or building in the easy of access, and not concealed or doing such work, and it of Anaheim, or to make an al- Section 9. All work done under per - in Y then be filled with wa eration thereof, except as hereinafter mit shall be subject to inspection, and to any angle where the inspector rovided, or to make any connection notice must be given in writing to the shall deem it necessary. Trap screw est point' in the systeI so disclosed must be r ith any public sewer of said City, or Plumbing inspector by the person, firm ferrules shall be of the same diameter o disconnect any system of plumbing or corporation doing said work, oi• as waste stacks or lateral pipe lines. cry defective pipe or n nom said public sewer, or t% install , causing the same to be done, immedi- I Where a waste pipe line intercepts. or kind must be renews ately after said work has been com is branched into another waste pipe with sound material. ny gas pipe or gas fitting therein, I Section 30. Gas fit' i' hall make application in writing to pleted: lme^whether^ it is perpendicular to ,, i:..,, -- t., u „ o i. i„ other eomnound shall ge affecting the sanitary condition I balance may remain to the credit of ' v� hen used as a waste pipe or e s - re kitchen sinks l shall not be used, maintained charge of one or more )f any house, structure or building in any such person or persons, firm or ed in vent or waste pipes A .he City of Anaheim, or to do or corporation, depositing the same shall shall not be smaller than two inches work is coviered or concealed. pause to be done any gas fitting, or on e thorder of the Board of Trustees internal diameter, (trap to fixture ex - o change or alter any gas fitting or cepted), and not more than two fix- Section 23. Fixtures tonne 'fittings therein without having first of said city be returned to such per- the plumbing of any house of son or persons, firm or corporation, tures shall waste through a one and or any portion of the plu >btained a permit therefor from the one-half inch waste pipe. after deducting whatever amount may drainage system that is cover, dumbing inspector of said City. be necessary to pay said city for any I Section 18. Every verticle stack, cealedgtrom view and the Section 5. Any person, firm or tor- damages which may have been done i soil pipe or waste pipe shall be pro- Joration desiring a permit to do. any !, to the public sewer of said city or to vided with a brass trap .screw ferrule soil pipe and every opening i plumbing or to construct any house any other property owned by the City at the foot or lower terminal of the low the top, shall be hermetic rainage affecting the sanitary, con- static and in horizontal lines where ed by the person, firm or c( ition of any house or building in the of Anaheim, as herein provided. doing such work, and the Section 3. All work done under per- easy of access, and not concealed or ] ity of Anaheim, or to make any al- p then be filled with water to mit shall be subject to inspection, and in any angle where the inspector eration thereof, except as hereinafter notice must be given in writing to the I shall deem it necessary. Trap screw est point in the system. E rovided, or to make any connection ferrules shall he of the same diameter so disclosed must be repairer ith any public sewer of said City, or Plumbing inspector g the person, firm cry defective i o disconnect any system of plumbing or corporation doing said work, or as waste stacks or lateral pipe lines. in pipe or fittin causing the same to be done, immedi- I Where a waste pipe line intercepts or kind must be renewed and rom said public sewer, or tq` install is branched into another waste pipe with sound material. ny gas pipe or gas fitting therein, j ately after said work has been com- Section 30. Gas fitters, c hall make application in writing to I Pleted. line whether it is perpendicular to Section 10. Notice niust be given to horizontal pipe line, or both are lying other compound shall not b he plumbing inspector for a permit in a horizontal position, the point of repairing defective fittings o do so, such application shall set I inspect both the rough and the finished An fittings or orth the number of outlets and fix- work. U to the time of inspection of intersection shall be at an angle of Y g pipes will be p ed defective and unreliable v ures to be installed and the amount work all work must l uncovered and forty-five degrees, thus forming a " -8 convenient for the Plumbing inspec_ branch. Combination "Ys" and 1-8 examination by the inspector nd character and location of the work bends are permissible for these ang- is found, and any such fitti o be done, and if requested by the we" examination, and every facility tings, or pipe shall be ren lumbinginsepetor, shall file a plan must be given the inspector to make a les but "Ts" or sanitary "Ts" are pro- hibited, except in verticle stacks. mediately upon notice so to < r drawing showing the work in de- thorough examination; that is, if any Section 31. Every tonne, ail; and such other information as the pipes are enclosed or covered with I Section 19. Every water closet, I, sink, slop hopper, bath tub, wash tray I twe'en lead piping shall be lumbing inspector shall reasonably re- i flooring, siding, lath, dirt or other ma- a wiped joint. Every conn uire, and if it appears therefrom that I terial or covered in any way whatso- or set of wash trays, ed any other ves- sel or vessels connected directly or in_ tween soil pipe and lead pi he work proposed to be done is to be ever as to tend to obstruct a thorough tween wrought -iron pipe inspection of the plumbing, drainage I directly to a sewer or cess pool must shall be made with bra; one in accordance with rules, regula- be separately, independently and ef- pipe, ions and specifications contained in system or gas pipe must fittings therein, or brass solder nipples, said obstruction must be removed up- : fecYfvely trapped, and no trap shall II and his ordinance, and that the Board of drain more than one fixture, excepting shall be wiped. Bolted or s rustees of said city has caused to be i n notice se to do from the plumbing cup or flush soldered joint: ssued for the building where such inspector before he shall he required that one trap may drain two laundry to inspect the work. In inspecting all trays. The trap must be placed as hibited in all cases. Gonne ork'is proposed to be done, a permit near the fixture as possible, and in twe,en wrought -iron or steel s required by the ordinances of said plumbing and house drainage systems cast iron fittings when th ity, then and not otherwise, the the plumbinginspector shall apply the no case farther than two feet there- g• from. S traps are prohibited. All diameter of the fitting is It water test. All the necessary tools lunger water closets, front washout lumbing inspector shall issue a per- the external diameter of tl it for such work upon the payment to and labor and assistance for such test p be connected thereto, either im of the following fees: shall be furnished by the person, firm closets, Philadelphia hopper closets, or or vent r If the permit issued is for instal- or corporation having control of or any other closet where the supply to pipe connections, all in charge of such work. When, upon the bowl or container is direct from nections shall be made by ar ation or alternation of plumbing or the street service, are prohibited from'screwed on the wrought -fico Ouse drainage as follows, to -wit: examination by the inspector, if it A fee of One Dollar ($1.00) for such appears that any such work is defec- installation or use in all instances, ex- pipe end before being calke tive, either in the construction or ma- cept as provided for in Section 35 of hub of the cast iron connec ermit, and in addition thereto, twenty- this ordinance. to prevent obstruction in five cents ($.25) for each outlet, not erial thereof, the same shall be p•emov I Section an Every water closet bowl vent pipe. xceeding twenty-five outlets, propos- ed or repaired to conform to the regu- Section 32. No safe waste d to be roughened in or provided for lations set forth in this ordinance. shall be of the one piece vitreous ware, Section 11. The contractor shall se - with trap in bowl. any fixture shall connect n the work to be done under said Section 21. There shall be a lead waste pipe but such safe cure a final certificate of inspection ermit, and fifteen cents ($.15) addi- connection at least six (6) inches in shall discharge into a wat, from the plumbing insepetor and de- ional for each outlet in excess of length between the closet bowl and soil sink or discharge outside o liver the same to the owner or his wenty-five outlets; provided. further, ` Section 33. The waste pip hat' said plumbing inspector shall agent. pipe. refri harge and collect the sum of two Section 12. If plumbing or gas fit- Section 22. Every water closet bowl refrigerator or other res tin work authorized by any permit I where set on any tile or cemet floor which provisions are stored ollars and fifty sents ($2.50) for the g be connected with a drain, s nspection of any connection proposed issued under this ordinance is not com- shall have heavy brass floor plates other waste pipe unless s menced within ninety (90) days from soldered to the lead bend or stub and o be made to a .public sewer in said I bolted or screwed to the floor with at pipe is provided with a to ity, and one dollar ($1.00) for the in the date thereof and completed and ventilated; and in every pection of any disconnection certificate of final inspection issued least four brass expansion bolts re rom_, t}iP, publir_�gewer. If _ the thereon within one (1)_ year from _tbe. screws, ,-_ watBr - __ _ t_bowls where shall be an open _tray _bet ernlit issued is for the instal- date thereof, such permit shall there- i set on cement or tile floors may have I trap and such refrigerator ation of gas pipe or gas fitting or upon and thereafter be void and be- cast iron closet bends with cast iron than four inches. or any alteration thereof, as follows, fore doing further work at the sit closet rings bolted or screwed to the Section 34. No brick, s tion designated in such permit, anew floor with at least four brass expansion earthenware or chimney Ili o -w lt:. A fee of one dollar ($1.00) for used as a sewer venti4ator ach l permit and in addition thereto, permit must be obtained and fees bolts or screws. No wooden wash ive cents ($.05) for each opening, in- must be paid as in the case of the first tray or trays, sink or sinks, shall be to ventilate any trap, dra luding fume vent. All moneys so col- permit. maintained, used or constructed inside waste pipe. ected by the plumbing inspector shall Section 13. A pluming permit shall of any building or porch. All wash No rainwater leader -or of e accounted for and paid• to the City of be required where a house is trays and sinks maintained, used or for rain water shall be com "4eim in the manner and form and disconnected from the sewer for constructed in any building or porch any soil or waste pipe. t the time provided by law and by moving or other purposes. All open- shall be of non-absorbent material Section 35. No water closet he ordinances of said city. ings in remaining sewer shall be clos- except in the case of kitchen sinks in II stalled or used in any hour Notwithstanding the provisions here- ed in an approved manner and a notice hotels and restraurants, which may be 1 Ing unless it be flushed • n contained, no inspection shall be re- of inspection filedja the plumbintg in- of wood provided, however, that such contained in a tank holds uired nor permit deemed necessary sPector's office. sinks shall be over eight inches in than four gallons of water n however, that a Flusho the case of repairing and extension Section 14. The rules and Mie". depth. f plumbing and gas fitting, in the tions set forth in this ordinance are Section 23. Every trap shall be ef- may be used, which would, ollowing case: hereby adopted as the standard fa, tbRi-Pectively vented with an air pipe of ion of the plumbing inspect The stoppage of leaks in drain, soil construction and installation of pluriAl ^diameter• not less than that of such o the requirements of this aste, service, gas orI vent pipes; pro- Ing and house drainage work affect- I trap, except in case of a, trap larger Section 36 A fixture k . ided however, that should any trap, ing the sanitary condition of all build- than two inches in diameter, in which top fixture located not mon on a vertical drain, soil waste or vent pipe, be, or ings in the City of Anaheim and for case the air pipe shall not be less than which is locat become defective and it becomes nec- the installation or alteration of any two inches in diameter, provided that feet from the inlet to sai essary to remove or replace the same gas pipe or gas fitting therein, and a single pipe may be used to vent need not have its trap rel with"new material in any part or parts, such work must be constructed, in- two traps through the same. fitting vided it does not discharl the same shall be considered as new stalled or altered in accordance there- when such fitting has effective means pipe line more than one work and a permit shall be procured with before a certificate of final in- to prevent the drainage from one trapthe level of the seal or ver and ,inspection made as herein requir- spection will be granted by said entering the other trap and is made traps shall be set true to ed; or if any plumbing fixture be di s- plumbing inspector. of one piece of metal without loose seals; bell traps are prohi connected or removed, a permit must Section 15. Definition of terms: Un- or attached parts. cases. be secured and inspection made as less another meaning is clearly appar- • All separ to vent pipes within a rad- Section 36A. Sand trap herein provided; provided further that est from the Contex, the following ius oP twXy feet may converge into sand trap is connected to no inspection nor permit shall be re- words and phrases, when used in this one pipe the size (+f which shall be cesspool it shall be constrr quired for the work of making or in- I ordinance shall have the meanings governed by the provisions of Sec- following manner: stalling any addition to, e7`,4^cion or hereinafter set out: tions 27 -and 28 of this ordinance. The walls and bottom repair of any gas pipe or fitting or Waste pipe shall be deemed to mean These vent pipes shall be extended up least three (3) inches in th any alteration or extension of. or ad- and include any pipe which received to and following the angle of the roof built of concrete. The out dition to any such gas pipe or ''itting, the discharge of any fixture except line on under side of same, and shall constructed with a combin which may be necessary for the remov- wgter closet and conveys the same not be brought to the outer air until one-eighth (1-8) bend or al or repair of any gas stove, heater, to the soil pipe or house drain. the highest point in roof has been with a clean-out in the plate or other, fixture or outlet, pro- Soil pipe shall be deemed to *mean reached. A distance of twenty-four and so placed as to permi vided that in making any such repair and include any pipe which conveys inches measured from the top edge of seal of at least four (4) 1 of, or extension or addition to any the discharge of water closets with or ridge to the lower side of vent pipe size of the trap shall be n such gas pipe or fitting rendered nec- without other fixtures to the house on the angle 6f the roof thereof will eighteen (18) inches by essary in the removal or repair of any drain,_ be deemed sufficient. No vept pipe (36) inches, and shall be n such gas stove, heater, plate or other House drain shall be deemed to mean shall terminate within eight feet of eighteen (18) inches in de: fixture, or outlet not more than fifteen and include that part of the horizontal any window, airshaft, or other Open- iron cover shall be prov feet of new or additional pipe shall piping of a .house drainage system I Ing in any building, and shall be fur- form of a grating. The be used, otherwise the work shall be which received the discharge of all ther removed if the inspector consid- rest on a cast iron ang] - . . . .. . . .__ __ _ - :, . , . a _+J_roAroinovn minas i ers it necessary for sanitary reasons. I sufficient size as to have he work proi�osed to be done is to be [one in accordance with rules, regula- ever as to tend to obstruct a thorough - - - - inspection of the plumbing, drainage directly to a sewer or cess pool musttween wrought -iron pipe a I pipe, shall be made brass ions and specifications contained in system or gas pipe or fittings therein, be separately, independently and ef- with his ordinance, and that the Board of ; said obstruction must be removed up- : fect'Ively trapped, and no trap shall4 fixture, of brass solder nipples, and it shall be wiped. Bolted or co `rustees of said city has caused to be on notice so to do from the plumbing drain more than one excepting flush ssued for the building where such inspector before he shall be required that one trap may drain two laundry I cup or soldered joints vork is proposed to be done, a permit to inspect the work. In inspecting all trays. The trap must be placed as hibited in all cases. Connect Ls required by the ordinances of said Plumbing and house drainage systems near the fixture as possible, and in tween wrought -iron or steel I aty, then and not otherwise, the i the plumbing inspector shall apply the Ino case farther than two feet there- cast iron "fittings when the dumbing inspector shall issue a per- upon water test. All the necessary tools and labor and assistance for test from. S traps are prohibited. All Plunger water closets, front washout diameter of the fitting is lar the external diameter of the nit for such work the payment to such be furnished by closets, Philadelphia hopper closets, or be connected thereto, either rim of the following fees: If the permit issued is for instal- shall the person, firm or corporation having control of or any other closet where the supply to or vent pipe connections, all e ation or alternation of plumbing or in charge of such work. When, upon the bowl or container is direct from nections shall be made by an rouse drainage as follows, to -wit: examination by the inspector; if it the street service, are prohibited from screwed on the wrought -iron A fee of One Dollar ($1.00) for such appears that any such work is de fee- installation or use in all instances, ex- pipe end before being calked permit, and in addition thereto, twenty- tive, either in the construction or ma- sept as provided for in Section 35 of hub of the cast iron connect! 'ive cents ($.25) for each outlet, not erial thereof, the same shallbe remov I this ordinance. to prevent obstruction in v xceeding twenty-five outlets, propos- ed or repaired to conform to the regu- Section 20. Every water closet bowl vent pipe. Section 3.2. No safe waste '.d to be roughened in or provided for lations set forth in this ordinance. shall. be of the one piece vitreous ware, 1 any fixture shall connect nn the work to be done under said Section 11. The contractor shall se- with trap in bowl. w )ermit, and fifteen cents ($.15) addi- cure a final certificate of inspection Section 21. There shall be a lead Waste pipe but such safe w tonal for each outlet in excess of from the plumbing insepetor and de- connection at least six (6) inches in shall discharge into a water wenty-five outlets; provided further,' liver the same to the owner or his length between the closet bowl and soil `sink or discharge outside of f .hat said plumbing inspector shall agent. pipe. Section 33. The waste pipe ;harge and collect the sum of two Section 12. If plumbing or gas fit- Section 22. Every water closet bowl refrigerator or other recep lollars and fifty sents ($2.50) for the ting work authorized by any permit where set on any tile or cemet floor Which provisions are stored, nspection of any connection proposed issued under this ordinance is not com- shall have heavy brass floor plates be connected with a drain, so ;o be made to a public sewer in said nnenced within ninety (90) days from soldered to the lead bend or stub and other waste pipe unless su4 ;fty, and one dollar ($1.00) for the in- the date thereof and completed and bolted or screwed to the floor with at Pipe is provided with a trap ' ;pection of any disconnection certificate of final inspectiox issued j least four brass expansion bolts or ventilated; and in every c< :r_om the puhlie Sewer- If the i thereon _within one (1). year from the screws, or w tgr • closet _bowls _where . shall be an open tray, beery )ermit issued is for the instal- date thereof, such permit shall there- ' set on cement or tile floors may have trap and such refrigerator of ation of gas pipe or gas fitting or upon and thereafter be void and be- cast iron closet bends with cast iron I than four inches. 'or any alteration thereof, as follows, fore doing further work at the loca- closet rings bolted or screwed to the Section 34. No brick, shee :o -wit: A fee of one dollar ($1.00) for tion designated in such permit, a new I floor with at least four brass expansion earthenware or chimney flue :ach permit and in addition thereto, permit must be obtained and fees bolts or screws. No wooden wash used as a sewer venti4ator o; 'ive cents ($.05) 'for each opening, in- must be paid as in the case of the first tray or trays, sink or sinks, shall be to ventilate any trap, drain auding fume vent. All moneys so col- permit. maintained, used or constructed inside waste pipe. -or ected by the plumbing inspector shall Section 13. A pluming permit shall of any building or porch. All wash No rainwater leader othe )e accounted for and paid.to the City of be required where a house !s trays and sinks maintained, used or for rain water shall be Gonne, knaheim in the manner and form and disconnected from the sewer for constructed in any building or porch any soil or waste pipe. it the time provided by law and by moving or other purposes. All open- shall be of non-absorbent material Section 35. No water closet sh :he ordinances of said city. ings in remaining sewer shall be clos- except in the case of kitchen sinks in stalled or used in any house Notwithstanding the provisions here- ed in an approved manner and a notice hotels and rest'raurants, which may be that !ng unless it be flushed wi contained in a tank holding n contained, no inspection shall be re- of inspection filed,14 the plumbing in- of wood provided, however, such luired nor permit deemed necessary spector's office. sinks shall be over eight inches in than four gallons of water; n the case of repairing and extension Section 14. The rules and regula- depth. however, that a Flusho-m )f plumbing and gas fitting, in the tions set forth in this ordinance are Section 23. Every trap shall be ef- may be used, which would, in 'ollowing case: hereby adopted as the standard for libe construction and installation of festively vented with an air pipe of diameter not less than that of such ! ion of the plumbing inspector, I to the requirements of this e The stoppage of leaks in drain, soil Haste, service, gas or` vent pipes; pro- plumb- Ing and house drainage work affect- I' trap, except in case of a trap larger Section 36. A fixture kno w1ded however, that should any trap, ing the sanitary condition of all build- than two inches in diameter, in which I top fixture on a vertical Train, soil waste or vent pipe, be, or ings in the City of Anaheim and for case the air pipe shall not be less than i which is located not more Become defective and it becomes nec- i the installation or alteration of any two inches in diameter, provided that feet from the inlet to said �ssary to remove or replace the same gas pipe or gas fitting therein, and a single pipe may be used to vent need not have its trap rever with'new material in any part or parts, such work must be constructed, in- two traps through the same fitting vided it does not discharge the same shall be considered as new stalled or altered in accordance there- when such fitting has effective means pipe line more than one in work and a permit shall be procured with before a certificate of final in- to prevent the drainage from one trap the level of the seal or vent " ind inspection made as herein requir- spection will be granted by said entering the other trap and is made traps shall be set true to th, gid; or if any plumbing fixture be dis- plumbing inspector, of one piece of metal without loose seals; bell traps are prohibit connected or removed, a permit must Section 15. Definition of terms: Un- or attached parts. cases. 3e secured and inspection made as less another meaning is clearly appar- -All separtte vent pipes within a rad- Section 36A. Sand trap. ierein provided; provided further that ent from the contex, the following fns of twe ty feet may converge into sand trap is connected to a ❑o inspection nor permit shall be re- I words and phrases, when used in this one pipe the size of which shall be cesspool it shall be construct mired for the work of making or in- ordinance shall have the meanings governed by the provisions of Sec- following manner: stalling any addition to, er'—sion or hereinafter set out: I tions 27 -and 28 of this ordinance. The walls and bottom shi ,epair of any gas pipe or fitting or Waste pipe shall be deemed to mean 'These vent pipes shall be extended up least three (3) inches in thiel any alteration or extensron of. or ad- and include any pipe which re*eived to and following the angle of the roof built of concrete. The outlet lition to any such gas pipe or ''itting, the discharge of any fixture except line on under side of same, and shall constructed with a combinati which may be necessary for the vemov- water closet and conveys the same not be brought to the outer air until one-eighth (1-8) bend or sa it or repair of any gas stove, heater, to the soil pipe or house drain. the highest point in roof has been with a clean-out in the end date or other fixture or outlet, pro- Soil pipe shall be deemed to mean reached. A distance of twenty-four andso placed as to permit vlded that in making any such repair and include any pipe which conveys inches measured from the top edge of seal of at least four (4) incl )f, or extension or addition to any the discharge of water closets with or ridge to the lower side of vent pipe size of the trap shall be not such gas pipe or fitting rendered nec- without other fixtures to the house on the angle of the roof thereof will eighteen (18) inches by t >ssary in the removal or repair of any drain.. be deemed sufficient. No vent pipe (36) inches, and shall be not such gas stove, heater, plate or other house drain shall be deemed to mean shall terminate within eight feet of eighteen (18) inches in depth rixture, or outlet not more than fifteen rand include that part of the horizontal, any window, airshaft, or other open- iron cover shall be provide feet of new or additional pipe shall piping of a house drainage system I Ing in any building, and shall be fur- form of a grating. The co" be used, otherwise" the work shall be which received the discharge of all their removed if the inspector consid- rest on a cast iron angle Subject to the provisions for inspec- soil,. waste and other drainage pipes ers it necessary for sanitary reasons. sufficient size as to have a tion, and the -issuance of a permit as invade the walls of any building; and Horizontal vent pipes above the fix- i inch bearing on the concrete herein provided; except that no inspec- conveys the same to the house sewer ture level shall not exceed twenty the trap. tion or permit shall be required for 2_ feet outside the foundation wall of feet in length and shall have a fall Section 37. When any wat laying or installing any service pipe. such b!rilding. of not less than one-eighth inch per sink, bath tub, basin of othe Section 6. The plumbing inspector Vent pipes shall be deemed to mean foot. maintained in any house, ; shall not issue a permit to any person and include any pipe provided to ven- Section 24. In order to prevent, building is removed and repla to do any plumbing. drainage or gas tilate a drainage and plumbing system waste water entering vent pipe, every I another such fixture, or other 'fitting work__until said person, firm of piping and to prevent siphonage branch or branch fitting, for a vent such new fixtures shall have pressure. pipe shall when leaving a horizontal i vented. boiler heater, shall be equipped will call be deemed to mean and ! or verticle line of waste pipe, be takenSection 38. Upon the renewal or al- I an outlet of not less than three-quar fitting so constructed as to from a"Y"branch lying in the direction teration of any building or upon the ters of an inch in diameter, provide he passage of air or gasses j from which the waste water flows in making of any repairs or additions further that all heaters in school hour" any pipe without materially such waste pipe, thus,forming an angle thereto, if any new plumbing fixture es, public halls or other public build. the flow of sewage or waste of forty-five degrees with the waste is placed in such building, either in lings, shall be equipped with outlett rein. pipes; or may leave such horizontal the original or in the altered, repair- having a diameter of not less that house drain or drainage pipe I waste pipe at right angles provided I ed or added part thereof, every such ! one inch. a pipe used for conducting I that such vent pipe shall have a, rise , new fixture must be properly= connect- I (b). Each boiler heater or other per- r waste from any house ori of at least forty-five degrees thus per- led with and attached to the waste manent heater shall have a three-inch I muting the use of a "T". Horizontal 'Pipes in the original part of such i vent which shall be constructed in n sewer or public sewer ap- j vent pipes leaving the waste pipe be- I building, and if any fixtures are to be such manner as to effectively carry ny accepted public sewer of low the fixture line or floor line, shall reset, either in the old or new part of I off all fumes and odors from such of Anaheim. not exceed six feet in length when such building then both such original heater, such vent may be connected :n house plumbing applies to ! it can be shown that a verticle direc- . and such additional fixtures, and any ` with a chimney flue or through the it of plumbing within or un- tion could have been made within this altered plumbing whatever must be woodwork of such house or structure, Ouse, building or structure. disiance. All vent pipes, whether hor- made to conform in all respects to the provided that such woodwork shall be xture is defined as one whoseI izontal or verticle, when converged in.. rules and regulations Prescribed in protected with a galvanized ferrule of �t at the stack is uppermost ; to a main extension, shall rise verti- this ordinance. the thickness of the wood through erticle line of pipe, and the tally to a point not less than three Section 39. Every pipe connecting which said vent passes and shall have pipe . to the inlet shall be feet in height above the floor line be- � any house or building with any cess- an air space of one inch between said of any other waste entering fore a right angle is made to the - pool or public sewer of the City of vent and ferrule on all sides thereof. point other than below Its branch fitting to which the line of Anaheim, shall be of first grade vit- " c) All gas piping shall be secured vent pipe of one or more fixtures is rified, salt glazed pipe or cast iron ,with galvanized straps or iron hooks n indirect connection to pipe made. pipe of the hub and spigot pattern, and shall be tested to ten pounds air 's to any line of waste pipe ' it connected i Section 25. Every building or strut- i and shall be not less than four inches ! Pressure to the square inch and in permanently to ture where a water closet or other in internal diameter or more than the stopping leaks, no gas fitter's cement drain or sewer, but dis- ' fixture is installed or used, or an out- j internal diameter of the "Y" at which or other inferior material shall be is .waste into a hopper or let left so that the vertical stack or I the connection is made at the se-wer. ! used. giver that has a permanent line of 'pipe is carried to the first All cast-iron pipe joints shall be made (d) All gas fitting shall be so con through the house drain or strutted that the floor level, this vertical stack or line � with molten lead and thoroughly caulk- I � gas meter shall be of pipe shall be carried undiminished ed: Each joint between sections of : placed" on the outside of the building, rham system of piping ap- In size up to the highest point in the vitrified pipe must be completely and � or under such building, if the space ny system of wrought-iron roof, as governed by Section 23 of this uniformly filled with Portland cement `thereunder is ventilated. )ipe and recessed fittings, ordinance, and every building having a' mortar of the proportions of one part (e) No gas shall be turned into any g-must be recessed suffi- water closet shall have at least one of standard grade Portland cement to I gas pipe in any building in said City allow for the thickness be- of Anaheim, until the final certificate I main vent pipe not less than four in- I two parts of clean sharp sand, and ! internal and external diam- cltes, internal diameter. ! ever of inspection has been issued b the: pipe, which forms a should- y joint must be thoroughly clean- P Y L the fitting when screwed i Section 26. When two or more build- ' ed from the inside so as not to form i plumbing inspector. rn s or structures are connected with any obstruction. Every outside drain Section 44. All domestic water heat-; pe should make up to this g- n the fitting, thus forming �� the house drain or sewer the drain ! must be water tight and have a fall ers or boilers shall be constructed of; xuous bore or unobstructed system in each and every building or of not less than one-fourth of an inch ! extra heavy metal, supported by as re waste water. structure shall conform to the rules to the foot towards the sewer or the substantial iron stand, and the same i. Everysoil pipeorwastepiipe i and regulations prescribed by this or- j cess-pool, and shall be uniform from shall be tested 250 pounds per square nside of any building shall i dinance; provided, however, that when the "Y" in the sewer to the house inch, having a working pressure of` iron, wrought-iron, or steel, a water closet is installed or used, or Plumbing except where the sewer is 150 pounds per square inch. ass. All joints in cast iron an outlet left for a yard closet ex- ! more than seven feet deep, when the Section 45. A wheel handle valve' ier inside of the building line elusively, and there is a vent pipe of 1 grade may be inade uniform from the ! shall be installed on the water service se, shall be made with moult- not less than four inches in diameter sewer to a point four feet below the 'Pipe connecting any such building with 1 thoroughly caulked. When through the roof of the building on surface of the ground, and ten feet � the water mains of said city, which the lot where such closet is distant from the sewer and uniform said valve or stop-cock shall be in- -on, steel, lead or brass pipe provided, , )r soil or waste, no grade � the vent from this water closet may- i from said point to the house plumb-stalled on or near the property line an standard shall bel*used. be two inches in diameter. Ing; but in no case shall the drain and shall be easy of access and shall s in direction shall be made Section 27. The vent pipe of every � pipes be laid less than one foot below be independent of the curb cock. d in Section 18 of this or- small fixture shall be the same size as the surface of the ground. The line I Section 46. The water supply to the trap used for said fixture, of the drain pipes shall be straight each fixture shall be equipped with nd all fittings used in the I P pro- I ;les, shall be standard drain- vided, that if more than one trap shall essary to make bends in the line "; s far as possible and when ,ver an air chamber at least twelve (12) Is.s; Ordinary maleable or cast ( be vented by the same pipe, the size 1"s'inches in length and not less in diam-i: ;s that are not. recessed are, of such pipe shall be as follows: shall be laid at such points in such I etcr than the fixture supply. and all fittings used in I For more than one, and not exceed-! manner as to give a 'clean-out'. The i Section 47. Any, person, firm or cor must be of same internal ing two fixtures, not less than one connection with the house plumbing potation who shall violate any of the s pipe line upon which it is and one-half inch vent pipe; for more I shall be made with a "Y" in such nia.r- i Provisions of this ordinance shall be' i than two and not exceeding eight fix- ! net as to give a 'clean-out', unless a (teemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and 17. All waste pipe and soil tureT, not less than two inch vent clean-out' is otherwise provided for .I upon coir✓fctioni thereof shall be'p ll-- be of cast-iron, wrought- Pipe. The connection to a "Y" in any public I ishable by a fine of not more than one brass or lead,_ than r Y Section 28. The vent from any water sewer shall be made with a one-eighth hundred dollars ($100.00) or by im- rd weight and oY the follow- closet, slop hopper oslop sink shall bend unless the location of the""in the I prisonment in the city jail in the City not be smaller than two inches intern- Iof Anaheim, for not more than fifty public sewer and the character of the I bath tub, laundry tray-, ur= al diameter, and where more than one ` house plumbing renders the use of the (50) days, or both such fine and im-, t basin or other small fix- such fixture is, vented through the same impracticable. No drain pipe Pr'isonment. less than one and one-half same pipe, its internal diameter shall shail be laid in such manner as to Section 48. Ordinance No. 237 of tho ernai diameter; for each be as follows: drain the contents of any cess-pool or City of Anaheim, entitled "An Orditx or slop hopper where the For more than one and not exceed- : open vault into the sewer, and no ! ante providing for the appointment of tuw-_inches or smaller, not ing four closets, or slop hoppers or� storm water or surface water shall I a plumbing inspector for the pf': two inches internal diam- slop sinks, not less than-a-two inchncaae­be, n,�+into -the -ee Anaheim definin his duties ail If outlet is larger than two vent pipe; if more than four and not i Each building or apartment which has Ing his compensation, regu at lig waste pipe shall not be ! exceeding eight such fixtures, not less a separate system of plumbing shall construction and inspection of pli an three inches internal than a two and one-half inch vent be connected by a separate drain pipe Ing and house drainage within for each water closet not Pipe. All vent pipe and fittings there: I with the sewer, except when necessary city, and providing for the issuing four .inches in diameter; I for must be of either cast iron or I to cross lots or parcels of land other permits thereof," passed and adopted wrought-iron or steel- pipe standard galvanized iron. Half union than that on which such work is being by the Board of Trustees of the City of as a waste pipe for the dis- or union coupling of any description I done or is proposed to be done in or Anaheim, at a meeting held on the 28th one or more kitchen sinks shall not be used, maintained or allow- I der to reach the sewer; in which case day of December, 1911, and all ordin- )e smaller than two inches ed in vent or waste pipes where the the Board of Trustees of said city may antes amendatory thereof and supple- ameter, (trap to fixture ex- work is coviered or concealed. I at its discretion grant permission for mentary thereto, and all other ordin- rd not more than two fix- Section 29. Fixtures connected with I two or more buildings or apartments ances and parts of ordinances in con- waste through a one and the plumbing of any house or buildingto connect by, a common drain pipe flict with the provisions of this ord- or an with the public sewer of said cit but mance be, and the same are hereby ch waste pipe. Y Portion of .the plumbing or A y' l 18. Every verticle stack, drainage system that is covered or con in every case a permit shall be granted repealed. r waste pipe shall be pro- cealed from view and the outlet of Section 49. The Cit for the work to be done and connection y Clerk of the a brass trap screw ferrule soil Pipe and every opening into it be- made for each house or apartment City of Anaheim shall certify to the ' L or lower terminal of the low the top, shall be hermetically seal- proposed to be so connected, and the Passage of this ordinance, and cause in horizontal lines where ed by the person, firm or corporation fees herein provided for shall be paid. the same to be published once in "The cess, and not concealed or doing such work, and the pipe shall All connections shall be made with the Orange County Plain Dealer," a tri- �gle where the inspector then be filled with Water to the high- ! sewer at a "Y" unless the character of weekly- newspaper of general. eircula- it necessary. Trap screw est point in the system. Every leak the house drainage and location of said ! tion printed, published and circulated gall. be of the same diameter � so disclosed must be repaired, and ev-i"Y" renders the same impractable, and in said city, and on the 22nd day of __—. [pa, ghouifl make up to this In- the fitting, thus forming nuous:: bore or unobstructed ho,*aste water. 6, Every soil pipe or waste piape inside of any building shall i iron,--wrought-iron, or steel, rasa, All joints in cast iron per inside of the building line Ise, shallbemade with moult - id thoroughly caulked. When Iron , steel, lead or brass pipe soil or waste, no grade ian standard shall be"used. es in direction shall be made ed in Section 18 of this gr- and all fittings used in the igles, shall be standard drain- gs; Ordinary maleable or cast igs that are not recessed are i, and all fittings used in k must be of same internal as pipe line upon which it is 17. All waste pipe and soil li be of cast-iron, wrought - d, ;brrasa'or lead, not less than &,rd" weight and of the follow - tub, laundry tray, ur- i or other small fix - An one and one-half diameter; for each >p hopper where the i" if alitlat is larger than two he waste pipe shall not be han three inches internal for each water closet not four .inches in diameter; wrought -iron or steel- pipe d as a waste pipe for the dfs- f one or more kitchen sinks be smaller than two inches diameter, (trap to fixture ex - and not more than two fix - Of waste through a one and inch waste .pipe. 18. Every verticle stack, or waste pipe shall be pro- th a brass trap screw ferrule oot or lower terminal of the xd in horizontal lines where access, and not concealed or angle where the, inspector �m it necessary. Trap screw shall be of the same diameter stacks or lateral pipe lines. waste pipe line intercepts o :hed into another waste pip ether it is perpendicular t al pipe line, or both are lying rizontal position, the point o :Loa shall be at an angle o ,e degrees, thus forming a "Y' Combination f'Ys" and 1-8 re for these ang "Ts" or sanitary "Ts" are pro except in verticle stacks. a 19. Every water closet p hopper, bath tub, wash tray ' abash trays, or any other ver sasels connected directly or in to a sewer or cess pool mus rately, independently and of trapped, and no trap shat >re than one fixture, excepting trap may drain two laundr The trap must be placed a e fixture as possible, and i farther than two feet there S traps are prohibited. Al water closets, front washou Philadelphia hopper closets, o er closet where the supply t Fl or container is direct fro et service, are prohibited aro tion or use in all instances, ex provided for in Section 35 o [finance. n 20. Every water closet bo of the one piece vitreous war 3,p in bowl. ,n 21. There shall be a lea ion at least six (6) inches i >etween the closet bowl. and so ixib ur aLrucLures are 4:un1■eULeU -La must be water tight and have a fall ers Or 001 els aus6is Ric ':- the •�� the house drain or sewer the drain of not less than one-fourth of an inch extra heavy metal, supper W a system in each and every building or substantial iron stand, and the seine structure shall conform to the rules to the foot towards the sewer or the ' shall a tested 21st pounds per s[t and regulations prescribed by this or- cess -pool, and shall be uniform from the "Y" in the sewer to the house inch, having a Working pressure. of dinance; provided, however, that when j 1 150 pounds per square inch. a water closet is installed or used, or plumbing except where the sewer is Section 45. A wheel handle valve' an outlet left for a yard closet ex- nio e than seven feet deep, when the ;shall be installed on the'water STv1G6 clusivel and there is a vent rade may be made uniform from the y, pipe of sewer to a point four feet below the pipe connecting any such building with not less than four inches in diameter surface of the ground, and tan feet I the water mains, of said city, which through the roof of the building on said valve or stop -cock shall be in - the lot where such closet is provided, distant from the sewer and uniform She on or near the property line the vent from this water closet may i from said point to the house plumb and shall be easy of access and shall be two inches in diameter. ing; but in no case shall the drain Section 27. The vent pipe of every pipes be laid less than one foot below be independent of the curb cock. the surface of the ground. The line I Section 46. The water supply ' to small fixture shall be the same size as each fixture shall be equipped with the trap used for said fixture, pro- I of the drain pipes shall he straight I an air chamber at least twelve (12) vided, that if more than one trap shall as far as possible and whenever i'wc- inches in length and not less in diam- be vented by the same pipe, the size essary to make bends in the line "Ys'. I of such pipe shall be as follows: shall be laid at such points in such .ter than the fixture supply. manner as to give a 'clean-out'. The Section 47. Any, person, firm or cor For more than one, and not exceed- poration who shall violate any of the ing two fixtures, not less than one connection with "the house plumbing j rovisions of this ordinance shall be shall be made with a "Y" in such nia.x- p and one-half inch vent pipe; for more I ' deemed guilty of a" misdemeanor,. and l than two and not exceeding eight fix- 1 ner as to give a 'clean-out', unless a 'clean-out' is otherwise provided for. upon cotr�.tYY€rezif shalt' he Fin" pure. not less than two inch vent ishsxble by >a fine of not more thaw one The connection to a "Y" in any public I is h,016 sewer shall be made with a one-eighth' hundred dollars ($100.64) or by im- Section 28. The vent from any water prisonment in the city jail in the City closet, slop hopper or slop sink shall bend unless the location of the"Y"in the of Anahelm, for not more than fifty not be smaller than two inches intern-, public sewer and the character of the al diameter, and where more than one ' house plumbing renders the use of the (�4) days• or both such fine and im- same impracticable. No drain pipe prisonment. such fixture is vented through the Section 48. Ordinance No. 237 of the shall be laid in such zlanner as to same pipe, its internal diameter shall 11 drain the contents of any cess -pool or 1 City of Anaheim, entitled ."An ,Orlin be as follows: i ante providingfor the appointment of For more than one and not exceed- open vault into the sewer, and no a plumb" itispeeltor for the City of storm water or surface water sha"11 j ' ki Ing four closets, or slop hoppers or A his duties and fix- -two nchrrfaay ise Ire-draxtted -sato- the sesver. - g , sfopvent pipe; if no moree sthan four and not Each building or apartment which has ing his ion and ti a a separate system of plumbing shall construction and drainage it pleb exceeding eight such fixtures, not less ; ing and house drainage within said than a two and one-half inch vent I be connected by a separate drain pipe I city; and providing for the issuing Of pipe. All vent pipe and fittings there- with the sewer, except when necessary ermits thereof i passed and adopted for must be of either cast iron or to cross lots or parcels of land other p standard than that on which such work is being by the Board of Trustees of the City of galvanized iron. Half union Anaheim, at a meeting held on the 28th or union coupling of any description done or is proposed to be done in or- day of December, 1911, and all ordin- shall not be used, maintained or allow- der to reach the sewer; in which case antes amendatory thereof and supple - ed in vent or waste pipes where the the Board of Trustees of said city may j mentary thereto, and all other ordin- work is covered or concealed. at its discretion grant permission for antes and parts of ordinances in con - Section 29. Fixtures connected with two or more buildings or apartments' to connect by, a common drain pipe flirt with the provisions of this ord- the plumbing of any house or building mance be, and the same are hereby or any portion of the plumbing or with the public sewer of said city, but I repealed. drainage system that is covered or con in every case a permit shall be granted Section 49. The City Clerk of the cealed from view and the outlet of I for the work to be done and connection Cit of Anaheim T shall certify to the soil pipe and every opening into it of j made for each house or apartment passage of this -ordinance, and cause low the top, shall be hermetically seal- proposed to be so connected, and the I he same to be published once in "The ed by the person, firm or corporation I fees herein provided for shall be paid. Orange County Plain Dealer," a tri - doing such work, and the pipe shall All connections shall be made with the I weekly newspaper of general circula- then be filled with Water to the high- server ata "Y" unless the character of tion printed, published and circulated est point in the system. Every leak the house drainage and location of said in said city, and on the 22nd day of so disclosed must be repaired, and ev- ,.Y•' renders the same impractable, and l April, 1920, the same shall take effect ery defective pipe or fitting of any no tap shall be made in any public p r kind must be renewed and replaced sewer of said city by means of a! and be in full force. "sleeve" or otherwise, unless the same I The foregoing ordinance No. 374 W e with sound material. is by reason of the location of such signed, approved and attested by me 0 Section 30. Gas fitters, cement or - this 11th day of March, 1920. "Y" and the character and location of other compound shall not be used in J. J. DWYER, such house drainage rendered neces- f repairing defective fittings or pipes. President of the Board of Trustees f Any fittings or pipes will be consider- sary' - of the City of Anaheim. - ed defective and unreliable when upon Section 40. Every house, building or SEAL). g examination by the inspector any split structure which is ordinarily used or I ( is found, and any such fitting or fit- j occupied by human beings within the Attest: corporate limits of the City of Ana- EDWARD $, l4iERRITT, tings, or pipe shall be removed ,in- City Clark of the City of Anaheim. mediately upon notice so to do. heim, shall be connected with the pub- STATE OF CALIFORNIA, such sewer Section 31. Ever connection be- tic sewer of said city when s I Y County. of Orange,. tweren lead piping shall be made b is provided on a street, alley or high - y I way within two hundred feet of the I City of Anaheim, ss. a wiped joint. Every connection be- I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of tween soil pipe and lead pipe, or be- I lot e, parcel of land whereon such ji the Cit of Anaheim,'do hereby certif) t tween wrought -iron pipe and lead house, building or structure is situ- y ated, except that the provisions of this that the Foregoing ordinance No. 37i pipe, shall solder made with brass ferrules was introduced at a meeting of W 1 or brass solder nipples, and its joining section shall not apply c any house, Board of Trustees of said city held oz shall be wiped. Bolted or copper bit, building or structure which is connect- the 26th day of February, 1920, and cup or flush soldered joints are pro- ed with a cess -pool the walls of which that the same was passed and adopte( hibited in all cases. Connections be- are constructed of wood, brick, con- s at a regular meeting of said Board -o1, ii tween wrought -iron or steel pipes and trete or cement, provided that the Trustees held on the 11th day of cast iron fittings when the internal same is in a good sanitary condition; March, 1920, by the following vote: I diameter of the fitting is larger than and it shall be unlawful for any per- Ayes, Trustees Dwyer,, Stark, Backe t I the external diameter of the pipe to j son or persons, firm or corporation to Mann and Gibbs. i be connected thereto, either in waste use or occupy any house, building or Noes, Trustees None. 0 or vent pipe connections, all such con- structure within said City of Anaheim, Absent and not voting, Trusteel iii nections shall be made by an increaser unless such house, building or strut -screwed on the wrought -iron or steel I ture is connected with a public sewer And0I further certify that the Pres pipe end before being calked into the : of said city when such sewer is px'o- (dent of the Board of Trustees of th f hub of the cast iron connection so as vided within two hundred feet of the City of Anaheim signed -and approves to prevent obstruction in waste, or lot or parcel of land on which said said ordinance on the 11th day o bow vent pipe. bulling is situate, except as otherwise March, o dina e, Section 32. No safe waste pipe from hereinbefore provided. And it shall be 1920. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunT any fixture shall connect with any the duty of the health officer of the ed d waste pipe but such safe set my hand waste pipe' said City of Anaheim, upon the com- said city this and affixed a March, the seal l 0 n 11th day ed shall discharge into a water -supplied plaint of any person or persons, or EDWARD B. MERRITT, it i sink or discharge outside of building. upon his own motion, to inspect any tit Clerk of the Cit of RRIT ,x Section 33. The waste pipe from any premises where it is claimed there ex- Y y i refrigerator or other receptacle in fists a cess -pool which is not in a good I (SEAL). ,n 22. Every water closet bowl g set on any tale or cemet floor which provisions are stored, shall not sanitary condition, or the walls of ave heavy brass floor plates be connected with a drain, soil pipe or which are not constructed of wood, I to the lead bend or stub and other waste pipe unless such waste i brick, concrete or cement as herein )r screwed to the, floor with atI pipe is provided with a trap suitably provided, or if he finds that such cess - our. brass expansion bolts or ventilated; and in • every case there pool is not in a good sanitary condi- _ i hnre shall be an open tray between such I tion, and if the walls thereof are not I Te trap and such refrigerator of not less constructed as herein provided, he shall in than four inches.forthwith deliver to the owner or oc- 4e Section 34. No brick, sheet, metal, cupant of such premises a written not- I nwere or chimney flue shall be ice requiring the owner or occupant tielator ox• be used I of said premises to discontinue the j .,i$t•ain. soil or use of such cess pool, and connect such Lt house, building or structure with the ubl c sewer of said City of Anaheim, soil pipe or waste pipe shall be pro- cealea xrom view and the outlet of soil pipe and every opening into it be- ! made for each house or apartment city `t*f A►phet' hall, Dc vided with a brass trap screw ferrule low the top, ' proposed to be so connected, and the eart Passage of thili-Ot!dinan; at the foot or lower terminal o£ the shall be hermetically seal - ed by the person, firm or corporation fees herein provided for shall be paid. the same >tObe•puhlished on stack and in horizontal lines where doing such work, and the All connections shall be made with the Orange Cgnnty Plain Deal easy of access, and not concealed or pipe shall then be filled sewer at a "Y" unless the character of weekly newspaper of gene in any angle where the inspector with water to the high- the house drainage and location of said tion printed, published snth' shall deem it necessary.Trap screw est point in the system. Ever leak "Y" renders the same impractable, and in said city, and on the 22 ferrules shall be of thesamediameter so disclosed must be re paired, nd ev ery defective fitting no tap shall be made in any public Aril, 1920, the same shall t' P as waste stacks or lateral pipe lines. pipe or of any sewer of said city by means of a i and be in full force. Where a waste pipe line intercepts or kind must be renewed and replaced I or otherwise, unless the same I The foregoing ordinance is branched into another waste pipe with sound material. I Section 30. Gas fitters, sleeve" reason of the location of such is by re signed, approved and sties tine whether it is perpendicular to cement or other compound shall not be in Y" and the character anlocation of d this 11th day of March, 1920.`! horizontal pipe line, or both are lying in a horizontal position, the point of used repairing defective fittings or pipes. such house drainage rendered neces- sary. J. J. President of the Board o intersection shall be at am angle of Any fittings or pipes will be consider- Section 40. Every house, building or of the City of Anaheim. forty-five degrees, thus forming a "Y" ``-'d defective and unreliable. when upon I which is ordinarily used or (SEAL). branch. Combination "Ys" and 1-8 examination by the inspector any split', structure occupied by human beings within the Attest: bends are permissible for these ang_ I "Ts" "Ts" I is found, and any such fitting or fit- tings, or pipe shall be removed im- corporate limits of the City of Ana- EDWARD " M les but or sanitary are pro- helm, shall be connected with the pub- City Clerk of the City of hibited, except in verticle stacks. mediately upon notice so to do. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Section 19. Every water closet, Section 31. Every connection be- lic sewer of said city when such sewer is ' on a street, alley or high -City of Orange, sink, slop hopper, bath tub, wash tray twe'en lead piping shall be made by a wiped joint. Every connection be- provided way within two hundred feet of the City of Anaheim, s. or set of wash trays, or any other ves- sel or vessels connected directly or in- tween soil pipe and lead pipe, or be- lot or parcel of land whereon such ri I, Edt4axd B. Merritt, City; the City of Anaheim, -do here directly a sewer or cess pool must tween wrought -iron pipe and lead pipe, shall be made brass ferrules � house, building or structure is situ- ated, except that the provisions of this that the foregoing ordinane' g be separately, independently and ef- a fectively trapped, and no trap shall with y Or brass solder nipples, and its joining section shall not apply to any house, was introduced at a meets drain more than one fixture, excepting shall be wiped. Bolted or copper bit, building or structure which is connect- Board of Trustees of said cl the 26th day of February, that one trap may drain two laundry cup or flush soldered joints are pbe- ed with a cess -pool the walls of which that tate same was passed an trays. The trap must be placed as lubited in all cases. Connections be- are constructed of wood, brick, con- at a regular meeting of said", near the fixture as possible, and in tween wrought -iron or steel pipes and trete or cement, provided that the Trustees held on the llthl;.. no cane farther than two feetthere- cast iron fittings when the internal same is in a good sanitary condition; March, 1920, by the followin from. S traps are prohibited. All. diameter of the fitting is larger than the diameter and it shall be unlawful for any per- son or persons, firm or corporation to Ayes, Trustees Dwyer, Sta plunger water closets, front washout external of the pipe to Mann and Gibbs. closets, Philadelphia hopper closets, or be connected thereto, either in waste use or occupy any house, building or Noes, Trustees None. any other closet where the supply to I or vent pipe connections, all such con- structure within said City of Anaheim, Absent and not voting, the bowl or container is direct from nections shall be made by an increaser unless such house, building or strut- None. the street service, are prohibited from screwed on the wrought -iron or steel I tune is connected with a public sewer And I further certify that installation or use in all instances, ex- pipe end before being calked into the of said city when such sewer is pro- ident of the Board of Trust cept as provided for in Section 35 of hub of the cast iron connection so as vided within two hundred feet oi' the City of Anaheim signed and this ordinance. to prevent obstruction in waste, or lot or parcel of land on which said said ordinance the 11th Section 20. Every water closet bowl vent pipe. builing is situate, except as otherwise on March, 1920. shall be of the one piece vitreous ware, Section 32. No safe waste pipe from hereinbefore provided. And it shall be In Witness Whereof, I have. with trap in bowl. any fixture shall connect with any the duty of the health officer of the Anaheim, the set my Band and affixed t' Section 21. There shall be a lead waste pipe but such safe waste pipe said City of upon com- said city this 11th day of M connection at least six (6) inches in shall discharge into a water -supplied Plaint of any person or persons, or EDWARD B. M length between the closet bowl and soil sink or discharge outside of building. upon his own motion, to inspect any I City Clerk of the City of pipe. Section 33. The waste pipe from any premises where it is claimed there ex- ((SEAL). Section 22. Every water closet bowl refrigerator or other receptacle in ists a cess -pool which is not in a good where set on any tile or cemet floor which provisions are stored, shall not sanitary condition, or the walls of shall have heavy brass floor plates be connected with a drain, soil pipe or which are not constructed of wood, soldered to the lead bend or stub and other waste pipe unless such waste brick, concrete or cement as herein bolted or screwed to the floor with at Pipe is provided with a trap suitably I provided, or if he finds that such cess - least four brass expansion bolts or ventilated; and in every case there pool is not in a good sanitary condi- scre_xYs.__ox__water •close^t howls where., shall be an open tray between such .tion, and if the walls _thereof __are not I set on cement or the floors may have itrap and such refrigerator of not less constructed as herein provided, he shall cast iron closet bends with cast iron than four inches, forthwith deliver to the owner or oc- closet rings bolted or screwed to the Section 34. No brick, sheet, metal, cupant of such premises a written not - floor with at least four brass expansion earthenware or chimney flue shall be ice requiring the owner or occupant bolts or screws. No wooden . wash used as a sewer ventilator or be used of said premises to discontinue the tray or trays, sink or sinks, shall be to ventilate any trap, drain, soil or use of such cess pool, and connect such house, building or structure with the maintained, used or constructed inside waste pipe. of any building or porch. _ All wash No rainwater leader'or other conduit public sewer of said City of Anaheim, the same is within two hund- trays and sinks maintained, used or for rain water shall be connected with Provided constructed in any building or porch any soil or waste pipe. red feet of such premises; and if such I shall be of non-absorbent material Section 35. No water closet shall be in-. owner or occupant shall fail for thirty except in the case of kitchen sinks in! stalled or used in any house or build- days from and after delivery to him I hotels and restaurants, which may be ing unless it be flushed with water i of such notice, to connect such house, of wood provided, however, that such contained in a tank holding not less ! building or structure with such public sinks shall be over eight inches in than four gallons of water; provided, sewer as herein provided, he shall be depth. ! however, that a Flusho-metervalve deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; and Section 23. Every trap shall be ef- 1 may be used, which would, in the opin- the delivery of such written notice to fectively vented with an air pipe of ion of the plumbing inspector, conform any person of suitable age and dis- diameter not less than that of such to the requirements of this ordinance. cretion upon such premises shall be trap, except in case of a, trap larger Section 36. A fixture known as a ! deemed a delivery of such notice to than two inches in diameter, inwhich top fixture on a vertical pipe line 1 the owner or occupant thereof. case the air pipe shall not be less than which is located not more than two Section 41. No privy pit or vault two inches in diameter, provided that feet from the inlet to said pipe line shall be kept or maintained in any a single pipe may be used to vent need not have its trap revented, pro- place within the City of Anaheim, two traps through the same fitting vided it does not discharge into the wherein an acepted public sewer ex - when such fitting has effective means pipe line more than one inch below fists, upon any public street, alley or to prevent the drainage from one trap the level of the seal or vent pipe. All highway in said city within two hund- entering the other trap and is made traps shall be set true to their water red feet from the premises on which of one piece of metal without loose seals; bell traps are prohibited in all j the same is €ituated. or attached parts. cases. Section 42; No new cess pool shall -All separate vent pipes within a rad- Section 36A. Sand trap. Where a be constructed, or any repairs made ins of twelty feet may converge into sand trap is connected to a sewer or to any cess pool within the City of one pipe the size of which shall be cesspool it shall be constructed in the Anaheim where an accepted public governed by the provisions of Sec- following manner: sewer exists upon any puulic street tions 27 -and 28 of this ordinance. The walls and bottom shall be at alley or highway, in said city, within These vent pipes shall be extended up least three (3) inches in thickness and two hundred feet from the premises to and following the angle of the roof built of concrete. The outlet shall be on which the same is situated. line on under side of same, and shall constructed with a combination Y and Section 43. All work of installing not be brought to the outer air until Lone -eighth (1-8) bend or sanitary T gas pipe or gas fittings in all build - the highest point in roof has been with a clean-out in the end thereof, ings in the City of Anaheim shall con - I reached. A distance of twenty-four and, so placed as to permit of a trap form to the following specifications: inches measured from the top edge of seal of at least four (4) inches. The (a): The size of gas pipe used must ridge to the lower side of vent pipe size of the trap shall be not less than vary with the length of the pipe and on the angle of the roof thereof will eighteen (18) inches by thirty-six the number of burners supplied thereby bedeemed sufficient. No vent pipe (36) inches, and shall be not less than in conformity to the following table, shall terminate within eight feet of eighteen (18) inches in depth. A cast to -wit: - any window, airshaft, or other open- iron cover shall be provided, in the Size of Pipe Length Number ing in any building, and shall be fur- form of a grating. The cover shall Allowed of Burners ther removed if the inspector consid- rest on a cast iron angle frame of • -8 inch 15 feet 2 ers it necessary for sanitary reasons. sufficient size as to have a one (1) 1-2 inch 40 feet 8 Horizontal vent pipes above the fix- inch bearing on the concrete, walls of 3-4 inch 80 feet 25 tune level shall not exceed twenty the trap. 1 inch 100 feet 45 feet in length and shall have a fall Section 37. When any water closet, 1 1-4 inch 150 feet 80 of not less than one-eighth inch per sink, bath tub, basin of other fixture 1 1-2 inch 250 feet 225 foot. maintained in any house, porch or 2 inch 400 feet 500 Section 24. In order to prevent, I building is removed and replaced with 2 1-4 inch 600 feet 900 waste water entering vent pipe, every another such fixture, or other fixtures, provided that every cook stove, hot -hl-nch or branch f;tting, for a vent such new fixtures shall have its trap plate, instantaneous heater, hot water iI i.'U. 374. It CITY U.JI Ai4iLd-:AM xi!rI) CO Iq 3-1 a U 01� 10141 X3.14 -L 1 -�' Sj� ��iL;' 10� 2 1 L-L;LL3 I -L' hu JI--` !)Z�al R G I �2 Hll,' 4 she board of 1-:rustaes of the City of .�naheim do ordain as 5 follows: "CU1014 i. The office of plaribil-1-9 inspector for the City of 7 &nahaim is hereby created, and the city manager of the ni-t-T of 8 Anaheim, shall be and he is hareb. constituted a2 -officio Plumbing 9 Ins-oactor of said city, and shall hold office at the pleasure of 10 the Board of '"-'rusteas of said City.. 11 He may &-ppoint a da-nutv plumbing inspector y hick office is 12 he iaby cia atad, which sU t d- uz7r piumbiii, ins-na ctoi shall hold 13 office at his pivasuro, and at the pleasure of trio said Board of 14 Trustees, and appointment shall be subject to the approval and ratification of said Boa;rd of Trustees. I'Itia deputy plumbing 15 1 inspector shall be vested with the same powers and duties as are 18 herein 1).L-escribod for the plumbing inspector. 17 S-�ICIION 2. As compensation for his services the plumbing k) 18 in3pector shall receive such sums of money at such tines as may 19 be prGscribed by Ordinaace, No. 359 of the UitZ? of AnaLheiri,, entitle 20 rt j;Ln Ordinance ere, the office of City kanager of the City sof ,&nahaim, defining his com-nansation.1, MIMI, 23 " Compensation for s VV4 S4 for services to S5 26 27 28 30 31 32 ............. L I L U 1 3 4 01:1;,,1.'1 d 0 0 1 Ul 111 --�o�-rd o 5 follows: ti ---uo Q:L:fiva O�i- nlaiiibili,L7 i.:.spactoi, of 7 'a _j L ii ."n�i m Ila 1, a b 77 C .1� Q 6L -L a I ci t- a I ot- + I W. U 8 3 bt t; d 116 io, 9 Of S"A`L cit �--nd S?1�-' 1 1101 o "fica v i 1,j Lsure t tj s -C1 �j a S. of 10 'U U h i�o.f ice is d -0�-IJ. o 0 1 Ca c -L IL t a J a 13 j 14 ;�L& appoiri"Ur.i6ziG sriail bu sabjact 'Ll -o tau:. ag-f)xov---1 z--..C-d O -t said 30ar01' of 2.rust,-zas. da -)UL- biYl 15 i .s-)E;c; 4or c'ial 1 ba vast -,d v.1;it 1i t,16 wi).e p owe x a end d ut ic3 a s r a 18 iic;r7ir1 y,6 s c r i b j d : L o x t hL a -,) 1 U. 1. 1 b i Ln sp a c t o I 17 "I S-81vices �ila 18 wi s c 0 I'll.) ��n 2, at 10 Or LLS i amb i r�c, 1 1i 3 a C t 0r sr1a11 r a C e i v U S U 0 ki s U o i- at SUC;_1 Li-- -, as rludr 19 0 0 4-' t16 d ba d I (�;.r i be d b Lj I d i c a 20 IT 1 j a Cra at iLLC' a offiC e 0 j ;it7,' �—� I D W 01 the ..i41. Of 21:11 r_di11i, djfinino his powers, piascribinE. hia duties azid f ix ing, ion," and which said sun thereinp reacribed as,t4 23 o o i, -T) e n, s a t i o n f o r said CitWT liana.Zax, shall include his compensation 24 foi 2,6.rvice-- to be rendered as Plumbing Inspector., 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 i 13 14 16 16 i 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 a:C I01i 3. It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector to exsmina all applications made for plumbing permits and permits for the installation of gas pipe and gas fittings; to axamine the work to be done, and to issue permits therefor, if the appli- cant for such permit has complied with the terms and conditions of this ordinance, and upon reeeivinE, notice from the person, firm or corporation doir,,�, any such work that the same is complete and ready for inspection, said plumbing inspector shall, with all convenient speed, inspect the same and thereupon determine whethe or not the terms, conditions and specifications of this ordinance have been complied with, and, if so, shall issue as hereinafter provided, a certificate of final in 19. othar'v ise he shall /nsPBcYioi7 decline to issue a4 until the terms, conditions, and speci- fications of this ordinance have been complied with. He shall at the first regular meetiLZg of aach month of Ina 3ozrd of 'r~at!rtdes Of the said Citi ofnahe irn, submit a vurit tan report of the numbs Of permits issued by him and a statement of the f -es collected therefor. S.14 1011 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to do, or cause to be done, or to construct or cause to be constructed, or to change or alter any plumbing or house drainage affecting the sanitary condition of any house, structure or building in the City of Anaheim, or to do or cause to be done any g s fittirl or to char a or altar any gas' fitting or fittings therein without having first obtuinad a permit therefor from the plumbing inspector of said city=. -2- S-Z'ACTION .155. any person, firm or corporation desiring a permit 1 to do any plumbing or to construct any house drainage affecting 2 the sanitary condition of any house or building in the pity of 3 Anaheim, or to make any alteration thereof, except as hereinafter 4 provided, or to make any connection with any public sewer of said 6 city, or to disconnect any system of plumbine- from Said public saiYer, or to install any gas pipe or gas fit t�tarein, shall IQ 7 make application in writing, to the Plumbing Inspector for a permit 8 to do so, such application shall set forth the number of outlets 9 and fixtures to be installed and the amount and character and 10, location of the work to be done, and if requested b77 the Plumbing 11 Inspector, shall file a pian or drawing showing the worm in detail; 12 and such other information as the Plumbing Inspector shui.L reason - 13 ably require, and if it appears therefrom that the work proposed 14 'to be done is to be done in accordance with rules, regulations and 15 specifications contained in this Ordin,,u-ice, and that the 30ard of 16 Trustees of said city has caused to be issued for the building 17 where such work is proposed to be done, a permit as required by th( 18 Ordinances of said city, then and not otherwise, the Plumbing, 19 Inspector shall issue a permit for such work upon the payment to 20 him of the following foes: 21 If the permit issued is for installation or alteration of 22 plumbing or house drainage as follows, to -wit: 23 24 25 Sa 27 28 29 30 31 32 M11 I it ji fee of One Dollar (VI.00) for such permit, and in addition 1 thereto, twenty-five cents(.z5) for each outlet, not excaading 2 twranty-five outlets, proposed to be roughened in or provided for 3 in the work to be done under said permit, and fifteen cents (9.15 4 additional for each outlet in axcass dif twanty-five outlsts; 5 provided further, that said ilumbing Inspector shall charge and 8 collect the sum of two dollars and fifty cents 02.50) for the in 7 spection of any connection proposed to be made to a public sewer 8 in said city, and one dollar (*W1.00) for the inspection of any 9 disconnection from the public sewer. If the permit issued is for 10 the installation of gas pipe or gas fitting or for any alteration 11 thereof, as follows, to -wit: tL fee of one dollar (;;1.00) for eac 12 permit and in addition therato, five cents (V.U5) for each openin; 13 including fume vent. Ul moneys so collected by the plumbing 14 inspector shall be accounted for and paid to the city of anaheim 15 in the manner and form and at the time provided by law and by the 18 Ordinances of said Pity. 17 Notwithstanding the provisions herein contained, no inspee- 18 tion sha11 be required nor hermit deemed necessary in the case of 19 repairing and extension of plumbic and gas fitting, in the 20 fol lowins case: 81 she stoppage of leaks in drain, soil waste, service, gas or 22 vent pipes; provided however, that should any trap, drain, soil 23 waste or vent pipe, be, or become defective and it becomes neces- 24 Bary to remove or replace the same with new material in any part 25 or parts, the same shall be considered as new work and a parmif 28 shall be procured and inspaction made as herein required; or if ' 27 28 29 30 31 32 -4- 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 any plumbing fixture be disconnected or removed, a permit must be .secured and inspection made as herein provided; provided further tLiatLua- inspection nor permit shall be required for the work of, making or installing any addition to, extension or repair of any gas pipe or fitting or any alteration or extension of, or addition to any such gas pipe or fitting, which may be necessary for the XO k-) removal or repair of any aas stove, heater, plate or other fi2ture or outlet, provided that in making any such repair of, or extensio or addition to 10 any such gas pipe or fitting rendered necessary 0 in the removal or repair of any such gas stove, heater, plate or other fixture or outlet not more than fifteen feet of new or ad- ditional pipe stall be used, otherwise the work shall be subject to tine provisions for inspection, and the issuance of a perIllit as herein provided; axcePt tilz;.t no Lr,-Sy)ectiOn Or permit shall be required for laying or installing any service pipe. SAUTION 6. The plujribig� inspector shall not issue a permit to any p6rsor, to do any plumbing, drainage or gas fittinc,, wort' an 9� 1_ t said person, firm or corporation has registered his or its name and address in a book kept fd)r that purpose in the office of the Plumbing Lnsl,)ec+uox, and his given satisfactory evidence to the Plumbin,p, I-rapector that said parson seekir.Za parlrit to CIO Liny p 1 arrb i np, drainage or gWs ti-voxlhe's paid all licence fags required by the ordinances of the city, and has complied with the laws of the qtat6 Of California governing the doirip of plumbing 1") wo rk. - b- 11 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .r, 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 II 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ri 7. oz pa z sons , s'i zrr. or corporation dasirin` to r.:l.e one or mora con actions to the public sat_ar of the, Uity of -ir_LLhaim, vit'r: r 1'or himself or tlj :.msalvas, or as con- tractor, agent or Employ ea lox some other parson or persons, firm or corporation, hall belora pzoeurin� a, 1orr,it from the r11,1mbinc, the City � la xj-Y I�l>,.A, actor to rna�:a suet-.,. naposit �~ri -t �i-L Of the City of jai:aim ti_e sum of -i'ifty ( O. UC) dollars, for the pur Cosa of indamnilyiaa tho -aAd Ci%7 of : na,heim against any and all damages that such p6x6on or parsons, firm or corporation 4ay cause to bo done or inflicted to the public saver of tie said City of anuhaim, or to arty other prope rty o1Yned or controlled by the City o f ,na.haim, in makirZ or. att6mptir to make such connections, or in doing anything. partaining thareto. Should any damaae be done to the public sewer of the City of nnahaim, or to any other property of said city by any person or persons, firm, or corporation makin;, or �-lttar.ptina to mare a con- nection with the public sewer.of said city, the amount of such damage shall be deducted from the said sum of Fifty (450.00) dollars, and thereupon the parson or persons, firm or corporation who caused such dan.a,ge to ba done to such public sav ar or other pro -)arty of said city sYiwll upon bairlZ notified b.-,,- the pity Clerk of the Uity of M-naheim by :rrrittan notice doposit With said Clark an amount of money equal to the sum deducted for the paymaxlt of such dama,aa, and in the event that such person or persons, firm of corporation sha.il fail., neglect or refuse to deposit such sum witi the City Clark of said City, no parmit shall thereafter be iss"ed -6- 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 a2 23 24 2b 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 for the mak-inc, of any connection to such public sewer by any such parson or persons, firm: or corporation, until such sum shall have been deposited with the City Clark of said City of "nahaim, as herein provided, and any such person or persons, firm or corpora- tion who shall make or attempt to rpahe any connection with such -public sawar without Navin, made such deposit shal.i be daemad guilty of a violation of this ordinance. S.4U11014 8. rill moneys dapositad with the Cit;l C1ar%. oi` the City of anahaim pursuant to this ordiila ca, shall be deposited v�ith the City Treasurer of the City of Anaheim in the ganex&I fund of said city, and shall rar��ain on deposit with said City iareasurar of swid City of Anaheim for the period of one year after such person or persons, firm or corporation shall have made any connections with the public sever of the City of tix1aheim.,and thereafter the said sum of whatever balance may remain to the credit of any such person or parsons, firm or corporation, de- -positing, the same shall on tie order of the Board of 111rustaes of said city be returned to such parson or t�ersons, firm os corpora- tion, after dedaetin� whatever amount may be necessary to pay said city for andr daaaag,es �vhich may h6:va been done to the public sewer of said city or to any other property owned by the City of as herein provided. -7- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ,l: IGu rill worr dorsa under shall be sub fact to inspection, and. notice must ba sivan in v ritins to tiia Numbing Inspector by the person, firm. or corporation doing said work, or causing the same to be done, immediately after said has been eon--Leted- :-il; �IUid 10. Ot10E ? l��t be iVeYl z0 i']St�vit bot -L, tilerOU �1 CLii�! olio 11ri1 srie d t;dUtr. U t0 elle V1L'.v, 0 1L-`='.�U C'L1011. 0-i tag.O r''r� G.11 work must be uncovered and coiivenieat for the plumbinc inspector,., e:zamination, and eVery faCilit-, mmust be liven the inspector to make a+ thorouch axeminction; th' t is, i ' c,n77 i ')e s czre erlcl.osed or covared Gith flooring, Sidi. r.��' l th, dirt or O t r-o6x ittL:iriUu or cove✓„_ 111 Lal% V-"6Vv I- sOvVGi €tti! 't0 tund to obstruct a t11 r- oug`n iris- ection of the plumbinc , di:ainaoe system or has oi-oa o- fittir,F-s tiiarein, said obstruction must be removed upori notice so to do from the x lumbin�n ifs :actor before he shall be rewired to I fns Sct t1i7 work. In ilisgewcir� z;,i.l plulib n'o and house dtaina�?@ S' -stain's tla'j 1Ium!'C s� l;_ y actor S!1LLL he-' -vv t�'tex tU2t, xill the necessary! tools end labor Ljid a sistariee for sue i test shall be furnished by the nersori, lire: or corporation living control of or in chaise o.L such v:ork . slhen, anon ayamiriation b77 the inspector, if it a:,)naars t i t ply suers vor is; defective, eithi31 in txie construction or, rt:ril tiareoi, the sane shall be re- moved or rapaired to coni`orm to the r,:�Falwtions set forth in this Ordinance. IBM -'-iia contr�-(:�tor Siii�-Lli SaCULIQ :�, finz�,j C6.rti±iCat�j of inspection fioii. the piumbicic, Li6I);.;c'Loi and daiivjr tie s L-zna U0 2 the OVl-aar OX his want. S'L;YIUILi' 12. If a,-- plumbing or s fittinZ wore authorized. by 4 1) Ku� any permit issued under t2liE, ordinance is riot cormianced vVithin 5 nin--ty (90) days froif, the data thereof and completed L-jad a certi- ficate of final i.,asj)action issued thereon within one (1) year fror. 7 the data theiaof, such parmit sW,11 tliaxaupon and theleaftar be 8 void an5 before doinCz, further work at the location designated in such permit, a new parruit mus -U be obtained axed fees gust be paid 10 z.s in -L:lij Casa of the fix st 11 IIOi lb. plum-loirip -e-n,Atu s'l-Jall be re, -,,aired Cihara a 12 fror-,-4hfo � -e sever -r i.,iovino or 0 -11 -her ,�Li-rposas, house is disconnectA 1 -L 13 i -ill oDQr,.in-- in xvjm6Aniac, sawar shall be closed in an approved L 14 Manner and a notice 01 ins -e I- ction filed in the plumbinc inspector 15 o f i C e la 14. I'ha rules u.jd ., raoul-.-ciocis se-- forth in this 11:1 U 17 Ordinance axe hereby ado, -?tad as the standard for the construction 18 a -ad installation of plumbinc airidLousa diaina-e woyl- aff ti rc. I ac fie the 19 sanitary condition o, -*L-' all buildings in the ait7- of ,fiI be i m and fo 20 the LiO,-tzi;j.L6LIU-i011 or a.L'Utjj6,-Uion 01 any 0C -,s pi��z; 01 C;, . -"s litting 01 therein, and such �AO.Yxk must be constructed, i-astallad or altered 22 in accordance tn6rawith before a cartificate of fiiiai inspection 23 wili- be ax:-inted by said plumbing, inspector. 24 25 2a 27 28 29 30 31 32 9- s 1 2 3 4 5 a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 la 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 �ijOlIOF 15. Definition of terms: Unless aciot-h6r riwuning is claarly ti pardnt from file Context, till :i.Oilowinc- yvOr"ds and phrases when ad in this ordineiiica shall have, the me LiCli l s hdrainaftar set out: 1 ez Cy 1 t H sh al 1 ba d 6 a L a u. i. o itla c it and Lii G' 1 ud e a .L' y) i P a tll c rl race ivr Ct t,la di C icrga of ctli fiat Ura 3s Ca :t L9 ataY' CiUSat and CoiivciYS tL6 sulid tO the soil -pipe Or house drain. woil 1)ipa shall be daemecL to mijan "rid inciuda any-1.)ii)a y; rich i conveys the disc'rlarga of water closets with or without other fix- tures to the 1-io use. drain. douse drailfi slaall be deemed to mean wic. include that port of the horizolta.i piping of a house drairizLpa sy'sta,. La _fieri received the discriarga of all soil, waste and other dr�--inag6 pi, pa s inside the ;'all ti of &xy buildrilc- Laad conv6 s tha s6ma to tha house setiyer z feet outside the foundation vJali of such building. Vent Pi1>a be dj, mad to mean include any ipj pro- vicad to ventilate a drainer'-, and plumbir�; s-stam, o - "f and to -nraval.t siY)honFa LLnd bae11.- pra�-Oure. rw-) shall be deamad to :r:,;a .Ind include a fitting so con- structed as to pievant the passage U aiY OY raS eS ti r'OJni1 ak1�r pipe_mithout z7ectiav tela iio-" of say -Naga or is e he term house drain oY drainage pipe `gip_ iias to a ilea used for COrid',LCtlil saVda ,a or L; st rOm any llousr, or Uildin'g-. �lic t at,i. Sdvv;Y UY 11 1.1G jai/eY ,) l.i 66W61 Of trier Uity of L'Il ,beim. -10- nu term house pluriiai i applies to any system of piumbir� 1 within or under any house, buiidinZ or structure. 2 a top fintuxu is defined as one nhose waste inlet at the 3 stao is uppermost on tais vertical line of pipe, and the discnarc, 4 pipe to the inlet w.Lwli be aislusi.ve of any Other '4u s c r� 1: �' Li.VV 0111L rinom,, b at any point otLjr toaL belo� its livei. 6 is term indirect connection or system aypliss to any line of 7 waste pipe t:n«t is not connected parma,nently to the house drain o7 g sewer, but discharjas its �aste into a no psi or other receiver 9 that ha.s a perm,nant conneciion throuch the house drain or serer. 10 is s to J system of v io t- ;. a �u ur i;w. � system t- u m o 1- 1> i p i n� �.1� -� 1, t�, .� - n- s �' � � 'd ld.t7 11 11 iron or steal pips and recessed : iLti io s. !A6 fittinZ must be. 12 recessed sufficQatiy to Willow for the t iichnass bets ejn the inter i 13 nal and axtsina,l C, iamatni of the pips, '.' diced forms a shouluer s0 14 that the fittinZ when aciewed on the pipe should rare up to tills 16 I shouidar in tLu fittinZ, t'h,-� one continuous gore or ,- u.nob-structedloi+ ' ° Z'@Z the V' 4.st a water. 10_ SACTIO1 le. Avery soil pipe or waste ;yips under or inside of 17 ,. 's any building shall be of cast iron, wzo,ht iron or steel, lead or T brass. kil joints in cast iron pipO, v:nath: r insi_da of the build - 19 :iQ line or of erwisc, shall be _cede with moulten load and thor- 20 oulhly caulked. . aan wioupht-iroL, 6va6i, isua or brass Dieu is 21 22 used for toil or .+aot'a, no Zx0a !Qnter than standard shall be used. A vhon; es in direction sholl be made as required in See - 23 /8 ion K ;;0 WHilinnc : , anU. -x.11 .iittlii.t s u 6d ill tn6 t av :rai 24 25 a.nZlas, shall be standard drain"ye fittin1s; UTARa,ry maleabla or cost iron =i:i_cLi1 ; : !AA art; not Loce; sed are prohibited, and ail 28 .fitt.i os used in soca ' oih must 'Oce of tiz-1i-n inteif,,L;l lciri@ter as 27 pipe line upon Y lich it in used. 28 29 30 31 32 -11- 4 5 a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 S_j(;TIO!i 17. ill waste pi and soil pipe shall be of cast- iron, virounjit-ixon, steel, bra., -.is or lead, not less than tha 11.� standar" woicl-nt and of the following sizes: or aacii bath tub, laundry tray, urinal, vva-z-h basin or other smryll fixture not less than one and one-half inches internal d i F -me t a r; for aadh slog sink or s.Lo-n hop.,-),jr wl-.Lara the outlet is X two inches or Smalla.T, not less than I -Iwo inches internal diameter; and if outlet is le;zg40ar LIian tvvo inches, the ova to -L--)ipe shall iaot be sii,iaiior than tlir6e inches i.,ILJrna.L diuraettjr; A for each ti.aiar closet not less than four inches in diamet3i; cast-iron, v, nought -iron 11 or steal pi-na -;Than used as a waste rile for the of one or L-Ior a kitchen sinh -- Z i -i;1-11 1 not be ta-n too inchas intar- nal ('Urwr' to 'q0t; 'Lf101a tf-.cin tvVO fi2turas stall viast J tiirouyh -- one wi'f' one-h-lf itch w st --�) . j- 6 -�f�jlliloli 18. wJIZT ve--Aic�'�l stack, soil puna or V"---,StEA pi -06 su 11 btu y'Zovided vitt': a br;�ss +Llx,--3,.) sere; fe.-rUj'(3 wt - �;-la foot or lower of the s t a c 'h z�nd in ho r i ao nt L:i i JI --L'- S 1,14- W 'ia r a aLis 7r 1 0 - Of access, aaid,not covivaalad or ire any ani la vvh-are ti-ia inspector shall dt;am it Iran scra>v ferrules siiuii be of the same diameter a s wast] s t a c -1- s or I t - r u,.La pipe jiiieN. vvast,,� pipe line intercept or is braric.-ad iiii, o unotlh.aI to A horizontal pi-od line, o-1- both are lying in a horizonta.L position, she Point of intersection shall be &t an ani le of forty-i'ive da'ax,.:�(js, I:OrTfi ric., LL "Y" branch. l;ombi.aa-tion "Ys" grid 1-8 b-,.L-dwra par:rnisblj fJr tiie6a angles but "Ts" or sanite.1y "Ts" are prohibited, except in vertical st aci, S. -.LL- it i:i:`IGIr l�. every water closet, sink, s.Lop hopper, bath tub 1 wash tray or sat of vv&sh trays, or any other vas; -gel or vassals 2 connected diractly or indiractl; to a savyar or cass pool must be 3 separately, independently and effectively trapped, and no trap 4 shall drain more than one f'i2tura, axcapiir that one trap mayy b drain. two laundry trays. The trays must be placed as near the fixe 8 as possible, and in no ease farth.i�r than two feet therefrom. 3 7 tra1�s are prohibited. X11 plunEei, tiyatar closets, zront washout 8 closets, Philadalphia. Lopper closets, or any othar closet whare 9 the supply to the bowl or container is diract from the street 10 service, are prohibited from installation or use in all instances, 11 except as provided for in Section 35 of this Ordinance. 12 20. every water closet bowl. shall ba of tha one pies 13 vitreous Warn, with tap in bowl. 1,4 EG IGu Gl. there sha.Ll be a lead connection at least six lb (6) inchas in le.rnCth between the closet bowl and soil pipe. 18 :very water Glosat bo-vJl where sat on a.n.y rile o2 17 cement .Lour sh 1.1 have heavy brass Las sold d to Bila 18 16ad band or stub and bolted or scraWad to the floor with atLoast 19 four brzi ,s axt;ansion bolts or scrers, or 'JVzit er closet bov is where 20 sat ibn cal.jant or rile floors: may have cast iron closet bands wi*h 21 cast iron closet rings bolted or screwed to the floor with at leas 22 four brass expansion,: bolts or screws. Tio wooden wash trey or tra; 23 sink or sinks, shall be maintained, used or constructed inisida' of 24 any building or porch. .all v�ash trays and sinks mdiml�,Anad, used lhdteria.L 25 constructed in any buildinZ or porch shall be of non-absorbant/ax- 28 cept in the case of kitchen sinks in notals acid rasltaurants, which 27 may be of -�vood provided however, that such sinks shall be over 28 eight inches in depth. 29 30 31 32 -13- Ire s, 'a� 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.4 lb 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 r 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 .-.-J'CIIOTu 23. :vary trajp snail be affactivaly vantad with an air pipe of diameter not lass than that of such trap, axcept in case of a tram larger than two inch.as in diameter, in which case the air pipe shall not be lass than two inches in diameter, pro- ida.d tAit a sirglaipa may be used to verlt two traps through the sane fittinz whan such fitting has effective rueails to revent the drainace from one tran amsts entaring tie other tragi and is made of one piece of m(3taj without loose or attached parts. 11 separate vent :eines within U, radius of twenty feet may converge into one pipe the size of which shall be governed by the provisions of Sections_ 7 and z S of this Ordinance. mese vent pipes sLall ba axi;eridad up to anu foiio��i-lk tn.a angle of the roof ii-i'd oil undar side of s :r.'Ie , a.nd s .a,1i riot be bro.pht to the outer air unti.L the hi)iaast point in roof has been reaciiad. distance of twenty-four inches measured from the to- 'edea of ride to the log°er side of ventpipa ori tha angle of the roof thereof will be deemed sufficient. Ido vent pipe shall tarmiriata gait hin eight feat of any windovv', airshaft, or other opaning in any buil in4, and shall be furthar removed if the irisnector considers it necassary for sanitary reasons. ilorizorita,l vent pipes above the fixture level shall not exceed -Evart-y taet in langth and shall have a fall of not las.ti than one-eighth inch .par foot. -.14- I I 3ASTIOU 44. In order to Prevent, vk LSte avatar ant ar-ins vent 1 pipe, every branch or branck fitting, for a vent pipe shall when 2 leaving a horizontal or vertical line of waste pipe, be taken fro 3 a "Y" branch lying in the direction from which the waste water 4 flows in such waste pipe, thus, formin: an angle of forty-five 5 degraes with the waste pipes; or may leave suK horizontal taste 8 pipe at right anu las pro viae d t hit sash vent pipe shall have a 7 rise of at least forty-five degrees thus permitting the use of a 8 "T". horizontal vent pipes leaving the waste pipe below the fix- 9 c tare line or floor line, shall not exceed six feet in length when 10 it can be shown that a vertical direction could have been made 11 within this distance. All vent pipes, whether horizontal or ver - 12 tical, when converged into a main extension, shall rise varticall NO 1�, - , e - 13 to a point W__ ___e�_ in height above th K before 14 a right angle is made to the branch fitting to which the line of 15 I vent pipe O fl ona 'MI' mora fixtures is made. 1 3 w .&COIGN 25. .every building or structure where a water close �Ar17 or other fixture is installed or used, or an outlet left so that 8 the vertical stack or line of pipe is carried to tLer first floor 19 level, this vartic,l stacr or line of ripe Wall be carried un - 20 diminished in size up to the hihast point in the roof, as go - 21 verned by Saetion-23 of this Ordinance, and every building ha40a 22 water closet shall have at least one main vent pipe not less than 23 four inches, internal diameter. 24 25 28 r 27 28 29 30 31 32 -15- li 1 r 6� UL'IUR 26. 4hen two or more buildin s or structures are connected with the house drain or sewar the drain S- Stam in aaeh 2 and every, building or structure shall conform to the rules and 3 regalations prescribed by this Ordinance; provided, however, that 4 when a v,atar closet is installad or used, or an outlet left for a 6 yard closet excl! sivaly, and th6 ra i s a vent pipe of not less than 6 four inches in diameter throutrh the roof of the building on the 7 lot where such closet is provided, the vent from this wa,tar closet 8 may be two inches in diameter. 9CTIO T 27. 2ha vent pipe of evar;' sir�al.l fixtura shall be 10 the same size as tela trap used for said fixtura, provided, that if 11 more than one tram shall be vented by the same,ipa, the size of 12 such pipa shall boas follows: 13 2or more than one , and not axeaadin two fixtures, not lett^ 14 than one and one-half inch vent pipe; for more than two and not 16 axeaedint aicht fixturas, not less than two inch vent pipa. 16 SiCTION 28. The vent from any water closet, slop hoppar or 17 slop sink shall not be smaller than tv,c inches internal diameter, 18 and where more than one such fixture is vented throe ,h the same 19 pipe, its internal diametar shall be as follows: , 20 Zor mora than one and not axeeadina four closets, or s1o�) 21 hoppars or slop sinks, not lass than a t voo inch vent pipa ; if 22 more than four and not e:scaadinp aight such fixtures, not less tha . 23 a two aid ona-half inch vent pipe. .�.11 vent pipe and fittings 24 thaxC for must ba of aider cz.Lst iro l or standard oalva,ni.zad iron. 26 half union or union coapling of any desoxiptio.n. shall not be used, 26 maintained or allowed in vent or waste pi,pes where the work is 27 covarad or concealed. 28 29 30 31 32 -16- 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 d_1C;210 N ;_'�9. LL. �t ure s connected with the-niumbin of any house or uuiidin- or any portion If the plumbin- o dza,ina-,a sys- tem th"t is covered or convea,led from view and the outlet of soil pine and every opetning into it below tria top, shall be hermetical saUad by the parson, firm or corporation doin- sueri vorr:, and the piioa shall then be i"filled with avatar to the hichest point in the system. _,very lerdi so disclosed must be ropairad, and every de- fective pipe or fittirZ of ,.ny mind must be rene.wad and replaced with sound mLit a r i ul . �ICTIUIN 30. Gas fitters, eamert or ogler compound shall not be used In rapairina datactiv4 i'sittin,s or pipas. nny fitting's or pipes will be considered dei'octive acid unreliable, 'v halt upon ax - amination bar the inspec�:or any split i found, °and any u weh fit tin or fittin-s, or pipe shall be removed irianediately upon notice so to do. var l connection betuy; an laid piping shall be mad by a .'«ipju joint • �v:jl Co 1- i action oattiP.a ;n -oil piype, and le gid.pipe , or batv:ean wroug'ht-iron pilin acid 1J ad pipe,, sriull be made e Z'itn bizi,2:s farrul,�s or br'uss :older ni-I"niea, L.Ind its joi.iinc, shall be `iced. 01taa or co,y r bit, cup or hush joints are prohibited ii X11 casat :o.-nac'io_.e bati jai r ;cu< - -iioli or stag ipa s quid cast ilon fit Lind;S- di = nutur of t!ia fitting is l�::rgart h ,ii t(ie a:xtarnald1 aTfiatto be "on. na ;ted t e pato, either in waste or vent Ripa' con .actions, X11 such connections slit -ii be ::d:_l fie be :;n scrj",e'oil tile, .: roug'ht- iron or steel pipe and before bein- call_6d into tiia hub of the eas iron cOflfl,3ctiorl so a, to :nrevant obsturl?c"Lion i'1 y b-.tiste, or vont pip" . 0 -17- 1 2 3 4 b 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 a.:CTTUid 34. No sc;fe v caste pip a from any fixture shall con - nest with Orly tivasta ripa but such s«fa w�;sta ;ipa .;hull discharge into arvat r -supplied sink- or discharce outside of building. B.I;CTIU 4 33. The vaaata -ipa fr)n-rly zafriL�arator or other racer a.cla iL! ti Ylic� _f,rovisi_ons calm stoma-, F iu,Il slot ba connacte� r+rith a drain, soil ,ila or o-Lh,.;r "�ipa unij s:w; Sitcii waste Jlyla is niovided it h a tr ar) suitably vantilcatad; ani? in avar7T case t la r6 shall be atl opan txzi,y betrdaail such trap and Such refrigarato-rf of 740,7 41;:'C es. :V IUiti 34. No brick, sheet, metal, ea.rthenivara or chimney flue shall be asad as a Sevier va tilator or be used to ventilate any trip, Chain, Soil or vvL;.Sta y ly c'.. :;0 Tali ti"vL,t la icer Or OtClt conduit forrail � ci�al Shall ba cJilrau(, a ii 11 u'1y soil or v14;6S--a pipa. 1ION 3b. No water Closet s hall. be installed or� used in anI house or buildiiiry unla_s it be �Flusrrad tiyith w tar coiji. 1aa in ai ciir hold rlL n0i- less than four Ea.l-Lons of vvatar; .provided, however, that a i'lusho-mater-va.lve iiaZ,7 be used, w-nich would, in the Opinion of the plumbirko inspector, ca_ torr_-: to the re�_uiremants of this Ordin_4ce. 36. ,i fixtLir6 1,novri as a toy-; fixtura on a vertical pipe line which is locatad not more than tv.o feet from the inlet to said pipe line need not have its trap reventad, provided it dohs not discharga into the )ipa ling r:ora than one inch balov the laver of the ae �l ox vent _�iy'na. �-ill traps sir ll be set true to their vJatar seaig- bell trap. are prohibited in all ea Ie w CTIOE 36,.. 12and Trap. there a sand trap is connecstesd to a saver or cesspool it shall be constructed in the foilowin manner; The tiYa11s and bottom shall be at least three (3) inches in t'rlic - ness and built of concrete. The outlet shall be constructed with a combination Y and one-eighth (1' 8) bend or sanitary l with a clean out in the and thereon, and so placed as to permit of a trap seal of at least four t 4) inches. The size of the shah ba not less tiLai. eigntaen (18) ineiies by thirc­-six:6) inches, hila- shall be not 1 ss trlun airltean (18) inches ineptn. d cast iron cover ^hull be pro vided, in the form of a gratineThe cover shall rest on a cast it it angle frame of suflieiant size as to have a one (1) inch baaring oil the concrete yvalls of tree trap. -18- „n.; a;Lar closet, bitri tub, basin or 1 other fixture maintained in any house, procA or bu idinG is re- t r�ovad elle rapl�_ced with another such fixture, or othaIr mixtures, a such new fixture shall have its trap canted. 4 I "OTION 38. Upon the renewal or alteration of any building b . or upon the making of any repairs or additions t:_arato, if any 6 . nave plumbing fixtur�,, is placed in such bui.idinv; either in the 7 original or. in the axtarad, repaired or added part thereof, every 8 such nav, fixture must be proparly connected zith ande. attached to 9 the waste pipes in the oris. part of such buiidin�, and if any 10 fixtures alke to be reset, •either in the old or navy part of such 11 buildinE then both such oria.inal and such additional fixtures, an 12 A/fere d any plumbinG whatever must be nada to corifor°m in all re - 13 soaets to the rules and re�,uiLtions presettbed in this Ordinance. 14 S�UTIOL 39. ovary papa connecting any house or building wit 15 any cess -pool or public sawer of the cit ;_ of arlah i ;+-shall be of 16 first r&de vitrified, salt '.lazed -Lnipe or cast iron pipe of the 17 hub and spigot pattern, and shall be not less than four inches in 18 internal ditcmeter or more tLaa the internal diametor oy taa "Y” 19 at which the connection is recd ;vital the sev.'ar. Iili cuSt-Iron pig a 20 joints s 'i be made grit ri mo.itan lead and thoroug41-,7- c-aulked. 21 !A'ac.h joint between sections of vitrified pipo must be complatal'y 22 and uniformly filled with Portland cement mortar of the propor- 23 tions of one part of sta.rldard grade Portland earl,arit to tvjo parts 24 of clean sharp Mand, arld every joint mint be thorou'h1y, claaaed 25 from the inside so as not to form, any obstruction. wary outside 26 drain must be water tight and have a fall of not lass than one 2,7 fourth of an inch to the foot towards the sewer or the cess-poIDl, 28 and shaJ.l be uniforr.-, from the "Y" in the sa' er to the hon --a plur_nb ina 29 axcapt. `vdhare tr-io saxar i5 mora than saven -fait da<;,,, vrhan the 30 grade may be m.a,da uniform from tha sev,ar to a point four feet be - 31 love tha surzace of the Ground, and ten feet distant from the 32 -19- I 1 2 3 4 b a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 i! sewer and uniform from said point to the house p:iumbinL, but in no case shall the drain pi -pas be laid less than one foot balovv the surface of the ground. the line of the drain pipes shall be straight as far as possible and whanaver naeessa.ry to make bands in the line "Ys" shall be laid at such points in such manner as to Sive a. tcldcall-Out connaction wi.tn the housa ;dumbing SLzl.L ba Ina.da with a "Y" in saci ttancojr aS to zive Wclaan-ou-c! unless a 'clean-out' is otherwise proviaed for The connection to a "Y" in any .public sewer shall be muds with a ona-eighth bend unless the location of the "Y" in the public sewer and the character of thti housa pi.umbine renders the. use of the same iirpractieab .a. Iuo drai pipe shali be laid in such manner as to drain the contents of any cess -pool or open vault into the sewer, and no storm water or surface water shall in any case be drained into the sewer. teach building or apartment whiokj. haw a saparatc system of plumbing shal bd coiiiactdd b' % a sapu,ratd drain pipe v it ti the Sewer, except when necessary to cross lots or parcels of land other than that or, whic such work is being done or is 1oroposed to be done in order to retic the sewer; in which case the Hoard of 7-1rustaes of said city may at its discretion grant parmission for two or Dora buildings or, apartments to cor.P�act b7T a common drain nipa with the public sewer of said city, but in every case a permit shall be granted for the work to be done and connection made for awch 'rouse or apartment proposed to ba so connected, and tris z:�ds resin provided for steal be paid. p ell co-aria,ctions sha2i be made wi ,h the sevvar at a "y" unless the character of tha house drainage and location of said "Y rendais the summa impracticable , and no tap shall be Made in any public sewar of said city by means of a "sleeve" or otherisa, un- less the same is by ra ,son of the location of such "y" and the character and location of such house. draina,ga rendered necessary. - �11 0- 1 2 3 4 b 6 7 .8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 7 28 29 30 31 32 S�CTIWI 40. -.wary house, building or structure whish is ordinarily used or occup$ed by human baing.s within the corpora.ta limits of the Citi of natleim, shall be connected with the public sewer or said city when such sewer is provided on a street, alley I or hie riway within two hundred feet of the lot or p ar ca l of land wYieraon such house, building or structure is situated, except thti*c the provisions of this section shall not apply to a.ny house, building or structure which is connected with a cess pool the walls of which ura conatructed of wood, brick, concrete or pament, provided that the swri'le is in a good saiitary condition; and it shall be unlaw- fu.1 for. any ptir on or Pe isoiis, fiirii or corpoxall-ion to use or oc- cup r oYiy house, building or structure within said 'Jity of n.naheim' unless such hou-ze, building or structure is connected a pub- lic sawar or sLAd cite when Such sav;ar is provided within two hundred feet of the lot or pwrcal of land on which said building is situated, axea-t a.s otLaiiisa hereinbefore provided. ,ind it shall be the duty of the 1.1,11auith Offiear of tLa _aid pity of Naim, upon the complaint of any par'sOn or -persons, or upon iris ow motioli, to inap;ct a.CL piamis.Is 'v'uaia it is claimed there exists cass pool wrlich is not in a good sL,.7itary condition, or the walls of which are riot constructed of wood, brick, concrete or cement a herein provided, or if ho finds that such cess pool is not in a good sanitary condition, �md if the walls tharoof are not construct- ed as herein provided, he shall forthwith deliver to tha ovaner or occupant of such pranises a tivritten notice rae;zirinp the, o4:zer or occupant of s --,id pramisas to' discontinue the use of such ca�i pool, and connect suc4 housa, building, or structura wit1i tiie public Sewer of ;r_id. (;it T of �jnarlaiM, provided tela sura is within t�,o hundred fa et of such I) -re misas; ars! if suci, o .Ler or occu )arrt shall fail for thirty,, days fro- and altar dalivary to hire of such notice, to coi.i.naet such house, building or structura with such 1 2 3 4 6 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 t`h s-uan nubiic sewer as herein nrovided, he shall be deemed cailty of a misderiieanor; and tha dalivary o: such ,vrittan notice to anyisarsorz of suitable a s aria discratior� upon such praiiiisas sha.l1 be aaer:icd a delivery of such notice to the ovynar or occupa.n.t the reo: . -. C;-HOL 41. T O privy pit or vault shall ba rept or mai.n- tu.incd in any piace e-rithir tine City of .Mahaim, wherein an accent puablic sewer exists, upon any public str:;at, a11ey or highway in said cit- within two hu.cidrad feet from the premises on which the surra is situated. 4Z. ilo new Cass poo l she 1 11 ou constructed, or any rapa3rs rlada 111-0 any cess pool withia tha Uitw of bnaht:im where an ucceptad public sower exists upon any public streat, allay dr niohvvay, in said city, vvithicL -LG',o hi:ndied felt from tha p.-amisaS which the same is situatad. �;.IClIO V' 43. Illi s'Ozh of ]nsta,llina + as ?:pipe Or' 'as fittings M in all buil`dinos in the City of Ana,hair: shU,11 conforrl to the: following specifications: (a) : she size of gas pi.pa used mu .t vary with the lanath or the p ipu and the number of burners supplied tiiarabv in conformity to the foIlowinp- tabla, to -4 it: iza of i'i; a Lun`.th -ii log ed Nu;iibar of 3uriiars 3-8 inch 15 feat 2 1- � inch 40 feat 8 3-4- inch 80 feet 25 1 inch 100 fe at 45 1 1-4 ins "i� 150 fa ::t 80 1 1-9 inch 2-00 �a e.; -u 2 inch 400 feat 500 2 1-4 inch 600 feat 900 provided tri t aver;T COOL -stove, izot plata, instna ant haator, hot t`cutur bOilOr 110`.tGr, s`ridil ba aijail ped v�ittl --a outl6t 0 I.-Lotless than trued-fourtI.Ls 0i an inch in liamater, rovi.dod further the t allho .tars in school houses, public halls or other uoiic — 2!;— IIN an 1 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 buildiii�s, shb,ll be wittj. oatlets ii .vin a diL.mater oz not letis t.h n one incn. (b) .each boil -,-,r h,,jater oL.other parmanant heaver anuli lave a tlirea-inch vent which shall ba constructed in such manneras to effectively c=rry off all i"zrnas Un1 odors roe sacci _��,cer, ach vent i. Baa carinact4d with a chimney ilua or throu�ri ti�a tiuoodwori,, of succi hoasa or strrctar , provider t i"t such woodti,�ol _ i be nrotecto:,, vith a yalvai.i.zad ferrule of the thicKne;;s of the wood throu`h which said vent lasses and shalt have an sir space of one inch betyuaen said vant a:ad fariula on ail sides thereof. (c) oll-as pirinr shall ba sacared witli ,zUva-nizad strans or ir'0n iaoo1Fs asid Siiza,l-L be tastad to tan-)Oands c,ix plessure 1-0 t I U i- u 1tiC :1 ctYJd lCi stO0;lll S , Yifl C, fit tOYi s calLant or o ciaa } iiifarior rri4t;ctari--1 srLaii ba usad. ( d) . ,till oats fittinc shall be so constructed t hat the cas riietar sn2�,11 be p1acad on. the outside oz the building, or under such �Lak-Ldinc, , if the sp aca t1lart,,under is vantilL�-ted. ( s) No 4 a,s stiai.l be turned into any as pipe in any build iii in said Gity of dnah6im, until t1-ia final cartificata of irispactio has been issued by tha 1'lumoinZ. Ii1sp Fetor. 4 Gig I 44. X11 domestic water ileatars ok bmilur shall be constructed of Luwtra heavy iiiata~i., supported by a substantial iron staid, and the same shall be tasted 25U pounds per squara incn, having, a vorhinti pressure of 150 pounds per, squar(; irich. - ;-,� 3_ 410. 4valva shall ba inst-,.L-Lad on tile Water Service pipe connlactiaq ttriy such bai.Ldiiic- the vv"t6l s <) 3 mains of said city, which Said verve or stop -cock shall be in- stailad on or qdax tiiar;xoiii-.LQ &�.,Ld sh�_.Li ba az;�,SIT of access 4 il v z;uad shuil be o the curb coc.K. 46. 11ha 7;j"-t6x su­-nly t,3 iixcure, shall ba e,,ni-n- pe d vvit ii z;ai air ciiumbax Cot iIj aSt _L-VvjiVe, 12) inCilu, _2 iL leil-"LILI z; C1 8 no'U iai-7�s L-1 diam(atdx than tha fixture supply. 9 4(. "11Y j)jr30L1, firm 01 Collporatioia h saLL violat 10 any of tae provisions of tLis Ordinance shall be daamod ouilty of a, misdamaz;aiox, and upon conviction tLeiaof zhali be punishable by 11 a -fina Oi not i..oru tntx, one, hundred dollars (2100.00) or by im- 1 is prissonma.at in the Oity JLiij, in t11a UitV of inahaim, for not more 13 tha.i-i fifty(50) days, or bot�i suers fine und, 14 .101i 48. Ordinance ITo. 237 'of the City of anahaim, en - 15 titled "An Ordinance -plovidinc, for the ul-POifltma,it Of a Plumbing 115 Inspector for the City of unahaim, dafinin-, Ili -s dAias and fixing: 17 the construction and irisactionhis compensation, :13 reculatim 18 of plumbing aLO. house dxainu­within said city, aad providinZ for 19 the i SSLUcic� of permits tlhaxaof", �Ijd Ldo,)tad by the BotUCL so 01 'the i'.rustac,s 01- tho Of iliarlE3llll, a -L zi maeti-L-s bald on the 21 ��3t11 bz;;:, of Dacembtji, 1✓11, aad ai.L ozdinancj� am�end,!itory theiaor ss &41d su,-j,­_Lewelat:�ry thereto, and all other ordinances and parts of 23 ordinaxicas i.;, conflict v,-ith the provisions of this ordinance be, 24 and the sbii,j a1:_-' h6xabZ;I la)dzilad. 25 2 1'1011 49. 1he City Clerk of the (;it-,7ty of 4iriahuim shall 26 certify to the pasaaa:,e of this ordinanca, and cause the same to be 27 published once' in "the Orange Coa.L,4L-,y 1111eifi Dealer", a tri -weekly 28 new S,paper Of a1Q, anez-ai circulation printed, pubii8hed and circulated 29 in sc-iu city, and on the 24nd dad, Oi iipcil, 15,3U, the SuL siiall 30 take effect and be, in lull force. 31 32 1 2 3 4 b 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 The forecoina ordinance %o. 374 is sianad, aj»rovad and attested by me this day of Birch, 1920. Attost: City Clerk of the City of ,Linaha im. S2 =nt of the T' and of Lrustees of fila �n it of xahain . 3 4 6 a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 la 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 C;U-jIrLY O.S 3S. GITY O.Lil LII�.,i IIVI, I, Edward .6. Lerritt, Gity Clark c).L-- t1la City 01 Lnahaim, do -" hereby certify that tkia foroc;oixiZ ordii:Iunca 1.'o. 374: -us iii-Liocluced 0 1) at a 111aaticl-I of the doaxd of Trustees of said city held on the kl6th day of Zabruary, 1920, and tLiE�-u the sama was passad and adopted at a re-gular meatia� of said 3o�.Yd of Trustees held on t he I day of Ilarcli, 1920, by the foilowina vote: rya s, 1-11rustees r4oas, xrustaes- .&bsent and not voting, Trustees .and I further Calti:Ly tri -,t the krasidarit of tLa -3oard of Truateas of the, City of -,LriahuiL,.) sionad z;aid a,-).-pxovad s&,id ordinance on the aLLT of 1920. I14 .LT 1 li�ivo haia'o-fito sat my ii�,nd and a-lfffi26d q% the seal of said city this It day of T arch, 1920. City= Clark_ of the City of anaheim,