402 (2)MMAY�` k STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange. 88• of said county, being fir -- a i citizen of the Unite °rn' Sys' that�ihe is a fornia, over. the ' and Of the Bute of Cali - est in, not• 1 a of eig no inter- tha party x►entioned; tglre is the x j?x i210 el^k":tq t 2 ritat, �r the Alalzeilr.1) lir-- er€ld_.. ....... .--. ........... a ..... Cl i7- y_ -- •--newspaWr printed, -� ..published and cir- culated in the said County- said ----------- Anaheim --- 1)ai-1-8 a is a newspaper of general -t1 - subscribers, and is published for' t1li a 'pard local and general news and intelli nation of both acter; that it is not devoted to th interests a general published char - for the entertainment of a particular class , profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it has been printed and published in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the Publication hereto attached; that' the --..-. of which the annexed is a printed copy, published in said newspaper at least-_:.$RO"S�1 commencing on the........ 13thdaJialn$ Y of ____ 19 Z Ind ending on the th... .......... #ay of ..:a' 1923, and #rat°.hiQ. 01 was published en - Jun , ;. - --. .. r -2 Ott ............ 'V - ..-."' �y,� Notary public s a printed copy, r�a�s published in of the construction and completion b '.ire cepartment, such (1.c'o:, to �OiA(, lace cue -°o' ng pieOnc•. ' the City of Anaheim of the following beat interest at a rate of not to� I I r� r a5 nzcl -" --- roan eipal improvement, viz.: a build- i exc< <ct six per centum pe an- � �l +� I:Ic.eLron Precinct c �r cis No. day of. ` �l freges fou orruCit p"Olfieials o �taion�ng o�, pum, payable semi -an ly; etian 5. The following - , .. rmcrpal and interest payable' i :;persons, each of whom is a 0 __L11 ht� - a of "� �� �ficthb bo iof s andottibunals of �t 1 StatesofAnn of the United; pof the consolidated - y g g �eleeto� precinct in for which h pointed, are hereby appointe fool ...... dates Shall the City of Anaheim in -j j of Election in Consolidated City, rooms for the housing and safe I 1; A to --------- --------I..-_�"7 J i.�, ibe�keeused f i, theg of spuepose ofrs of said aC City Jail cof on$cur 50, t o00 foi-and the acgti completion bull , jbonded debt to the amountj1 Precinct herein de ignatedherein asndret( S ----------------- - Land rooms and quarters for. the ho_is --------------------- the Cit- of Anaheim of the fol- j ]ati�*: ' ling of fire apparatus of said City and lowing municipal improvement,' - for the ecce nary accommodation of l Inspector: Charles M. viz.: the acquisition, construe-YE'.Sj head. members of its fire department, the tion and completion of exten- estimated cost of. which improvement cions and improvements to the Judges: Victor W. La Mor p I Percy Rust. is Seventy-five Thousand ($75,000.00 r to before me this. ..-2�" ...... -day of Dollars in gold coin of the United water works of said City, con -I Clerks: Heenan A. Dick( srstin of drilling g a hater well; Daisy C States of America, said sum or Seg- � Cagey and Mrs. Char - 19 eery -five Thousand ($75,000.00) Doi, for said City and the installation) I (;rover. l of caing therein, the acquisition] lars being the amount of the principal The following named persc -------------------------- . _ - of a water pump to be opc : ated —j I -. --- - -- ---- Lr ' j ,of the indebtedness to be incurrec � of whom is a qualified erecta NotaryPublic therein, the acquisition, con- +herefor; the rate of interest to be consolidated election precinct struction and installation of jl aid on said indebtedness will be not for which he is appointed, ai +to exceed six per centum (6rir,) per 'water mains and pipes and the] I appointed Boards of Election IN THE BOARD OF TRUST 'ES OF .tnnum, payable semi-annuaLy; the � `acquisition and installation ofl I j solidated Election .Precinct I T�E GI Sz OF ANAFIEIM. fire hydrants for said city, e ofj �;0 j 1__incipal and interest a said indeb�- i serve in the capacity herein WY debt to bear interest at a tate ofj ed and to conduct said electioi edness to be paid in gold coin of the IN THE MATTER OF INCUR + not to exceed six per centum] as required by law: United States of America; also to RING ONE OR MORE: BONDED (670) per annum, payable submit to the qualified electors of said I semi - Inspector: George M. Ross, DEBTS EY THE CITY OF ANA ' City a proposition to incur a bonded annually; principal and interest' I Judges: Max M. Boege a HEIM FOR THE F'OLLOWING!inde'btedness by the City of Anaheim payable States oAmerica. Clerks: Mrs. Ethel H. C in gold coin of they I Eva H. Boyd. PURPOSES: THE CONSTRUCTION' f Ai Ito the amount of Fifty Thousand l I AND COMPLETION BY SAID CITY! ($50,000-00) Dollars for the purpose! Shall the City of Anaheim in -j lain, Eldon W. Stark and M. F A BUILDING FOR MUNICIPAL of the acquisition, construction and I cur a bonded debt to the amount] M. Steadman. 'SES; THE CONSTRUCTION AND Cit of Anaheim of' $30,000.00 for the construe -j I� COMPLETION BY SAID CITY OF;completion by the y The polling place in and fo tion and completion by the City XTI NSION A.ND IMPROVE- the following municipal improve- i p I I shall 6' Election Precinct ment, viz.: the ac uisition construe- of Anaheim of the following mu- I MENTS TO THE CITY WATER I tion and completion of extensions and i nicipal improvement, viz.: thejYES1 shall arm the store room In acquisition .and construction ofl cific Farm Implement Comp WORDS AND WATER DISTRIBU- improvements to the water works of 201 North Los Angeles Street TION SYSTEM OF SAID CITY; additions to and extensions of'cit} THE" CONSTRUCTION AND COM -said city, consisting of a water sewer system of said City well for said City and the installatio I consisting of the acquisition, The polling place in and fo EXTENSIONS OF ADDITIONS TO AND g q EXTENSI02vS OF THE SEWER of casing therein, the acquisition of a construction and installation of; The Election Precinct SYSTEM OF SAID CITY; AND THE water pump to be operated therein, sewer pipes, man holes flush j shall be at the City Recorder SYSTEM ACQUISITION OF FIRE APPAR- the acquisition, construction and in- I p p ; Room in the Old City Hall bur stallation of water mains and pipes tanks, and all other necessaryi No. 208 East Center Street AT'US FOR SAID CITY. land the acquisition and installation of materials therefor and all nces-I city. + sary appliances th which tol The Cit Clerk is hereby di fire hydrants for said City, the esti- 3?�� ORDINANCE NO. 402 I mated cost of which said improve- l equip and complete said addi- y y AN ORDINANCE CALLING AND tions to and exte#sions of said] procure all supplies that may Iment is Fifty Thousand ($50.000.00) I ewers stem. Such debt to bear) essary to properly and lawf, PROVIDING FOR AND GIVING NO- Dollars in gold coin of the United s y 1 duct said special election. TICE OF A SPECIAL ELECTION said sum of Fifty , interest at a rate .of not to ex -I NO I States of America, ceed six per centum (6%) per] j When the polls are closed ANAHEIM, STATE OF CALIFO TO -13E HELD IN THE CITY R- Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars being annum, payable semi-annually;] cers of election shall count U, ast at such the amount of the principal of the in -I lespecial election NIA, ON TUESDAY, THE 19TH i debtedness to be incurred therefor; principal, and interest payable in 1 votes DAY OF JULY, 1921, THE OBJECT the rate of interest to be paid on said gold coin of the United Staten I ( vacs the t cast respect. BEING TO SUBMIT' TO THE QUAL-i• t of America. � I'and against each proposition indebtedness will be not to exceed six ;stated and make return there IFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITYpercentum (6(/,) per annum payable PROPOSITIONS TO INCUR ONE ; rin-,cur Shall the City of Anaheim in-' j I Board of Trustees of the City OR MORE BONDED DEBT'S By semi-annually; the principal and in- , cur a bonded debt to the amount j ., heim, in time, form and m-, SAID CITY I'OR THE FOLLOWING Merest of „aid indebtedness to be paid I of $5000.00 for the acquisition,i quired for the counting, ca PURPOSES: THE CONSTRUCTION m gold coin of the United States of I by the City of Anaheim of the !YESI I and returning of votes cast AND COMPLETION BY SAID CITY America; also to submit to the quali- Ifollowing municipal improve -I I special municipal elections OFA COMPLETION FOR MUNICIPAL f ied electors of said City a proposition , ment viz: a certain fire appar-1 !said City of Anaheim. USES; THE CONSTRUCTION AND to incur a bonded indebtedness by the I atus for said City, to -wit: al I Section 6. If, at such spe+ COMPLETION BY SAID CITY OF City of Anaheim to the amount of tion it shall. appear that two - Thirty Thousand ($30,000.00) Dollars portable fire pump. Such debt'; „ pp EXTENSIONS AND IMPROVE- I to bear interest at a rate of not l—I all the voters voting at sucY MENTS TO THE CITY WATER I for the purpose of the construction I are in favor of and authoriz and completion by the City of Ana- to exceed six per centum (5%)j WORKS AND WATER DISTRIBU- per annum, payable semi -an -1 j curring of a bonded debt for TION SYSTEM OF SAID CITY; THE l helm of the following municipal im- (Dually; principal and interest] I pose set forth in any of the CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLE-jprovement, viz.: the acquisition and payable in gold coin of thel NO + tions herein stated, then.',such TION OF ADDITIONS TO AND EX -]construction of additions to and exten-j United States of America. j (tion shalt be deemed to have TENSIONS OF THE SEWER SYS- sions of the sewer system of said City ( cepted by the electors and b TEM IO SAID CITY AND THE AC- consisting of the acquisition, constiac-! Section 3. Any qualified elector of be issued to defray the cost c QUISITION OF FIRE APPARATUS tion and installation of sewer pipes, (III the City of Anaheim may vote at said I provement specified in such FOR SAID CITY. man holes, flush tanks, and all other special election for or against any ori tion and to the amount states :necessary materials therefor and all all of the propositions herewith sub -!Such bonds shall be of the : WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees; necessary appliances with which to I mitted. To vote in favor of and au- character. known as "Serial: of the City of Anaheim, at its regular equip and complete said additions to I thorize the incurring of a bonded debt least one -fortieth part of tl _ reeting held in said city on the 12th l and extensions of said sewer spstem, I for the purpose set forth in any of i pal sum of such indebtednes Ithe estimated cost of which im rove- the propositions herein stated, lie;paid each and every year ui q day of May, 1921, by a vote of more ment is Thirty Thousand ($20,000.00) ]shall stamp a cross (X) in the voting: said bonds shall have been p ;than two-thirds of the members, of r I said Board of Trustees did pass and Dollars in gold coin of the United i square to the right of the word I cipal and interest shall be pa adopt a resolution determining that j States of America, said sum of Thirty "YES" printed opposite such proposi-1 coin of the United States of (Thousand ($30,000.00) Dollars being tion, and to vote against and refuse to Section 7. The Board of the public interest and necessity of ; the amount of the principal of the in authorize the incurring of a bonded;' shall meet at their usual said City of Anaheim demand the! , debt for the purpose set forth in any j meeting, to -wit, at Room N construction and completion by the aebtedness to be incurred therefoti , i City of Anaheim of the following mu -'I the rat') of interest to be paid on said ! of said propositions herein stated, oe I sonic Temple Building at No. indebtedness will be not to exceed six I shall stamp a cross (X) in the voting1Center Street in said City on nicipal improvement, viz.: a building' centum (6170) per annum, payable ! square to the right of the word "NO" j day next succeeding said ele for municipal uses, containing office-slper semi-annually; the principal and in-1printed City Officials, room or chamber i' printed opposite such proposition. wit: on Monday, the 25th da; I terest of said indebtedness to be paid l Each cross (X) stamped in the square 11921, at the hour of se, I'orthe ard of holding of and meetings of, othoffice se in gold coin of the United States of ' to the right of the word "YES" shall I o'clock P. M., then and ther boards and tribunals of said City, America; also to submit to the quill- I be counted as a vote in favor of and v ass the returns and ascdrta rooms for the housing and safe keep- +fied electors of said City a proposition I to authorize the incurring of a bond- mine and declare the result rooms of prisoners of said City to be Ito incur a bonded indebtedness by the Ied indebtedness for the purpose set election. ingused for the purpose of a City Jail and City of Anaheim oto the amount of forth in the proposition opposite to Section 8. This ordinance rooms and quarters for the housing of (Five Thousand ($0000.00) Dollars for which said cross (X) is stamped, and published once a clay for the purpose of the acquisition by the each cross (X) stamped in the voting , days in the "Anaheim Daily fire apparatus of said City and for the f members City of Anaheim of the following mu- square to the right of the word "NO"Ia newspaper of general ci necessary accommodation ortai I -­ r __ ,..__,..__ __, �1_ _ ,,..,.4 — .— , nicipal improvement, viz.: a cen I shall be counted as a vote not in fa- I published six days a week in necessary appliances wi'.h which to mrtted. To vote in favor of and au character- knwm as WHLiiEAS the Board of Trustees' equip and complete said additions to C thor ize the incurring of a bonder! debt i least 011-focti' th mart of t of the City of Anaheirn, at its regular and extensions of said sewer systern,ifor the purpose set forth in any of'pal snip of such indebtedne �treetinl rci<i in said city on the 12thjthe estimated cost of which improve -tithe propositions herein stated, he,paid each and every year ti Iday of May, 1921, by a vote of more Iinent is Thirty Thousand ($' 60,000-00) stamp a cross (X) in the voting 1said bonds shall have been than two-thirds of the members, of Dollars in gold coin of the Unxtcd square to the right of the word cipal and interest shall be p said Board of Trustees did pass and States of America, said sum of Thirty "YES" printed opposite such proposi -Icoin of the United States o adopt a resolution dcterrnining that Thousand ($30,000.00) Dollars being tion, and to vote against and refuse to j Section 7. The Board o the public interest and necessity of ;the amount of the principal of the in authorize the incurring of a bonded =; shall meet at their usual said City of Anaheim demand the j debtedness o be incurred therefor debt for the purpose set forth in any, rneeting, to -wit, at Room 7 construction and thef following by the I the ratf of interest to be paid on said j of said propositions herein stated, oe sonic Temple Building at N� City of Anaheim of. the following mu- nicipal improvement, viz.: a building iindebtedness will be not, to exceed sr c shall stamp a cross (X) in the voting I Center Street in said City o ' l per centum (6� ) per annum, payable square to the right of the word "NO" day next succeeding said e �,.jfor municipal uses, containing offices 'emi-annuall,v; the principal and in- pr,.inted opposite such proposition.iNvit: on Monday, the 25th d for City Oi'i' vials, a room or chamber'terest of said indebtedness to be paid Each cross (X) stamped in the square 1921, at the hour o s 'for the holding of meetings of, thein old coin of the United States of to the right of the word "YES" shall o'clock P. M., then and th, Board of Trustees and other officers,, Amrica; also to submit to the quali- j be counted as a vote in favor of and vacs the returns and aster boards and tribunals of said City,, + to authorize the incurring of a bond- mine and declare the resu fieri electors of said City a proposition rooms for the housing and sae keep ed incur a bonded indebtedness by the'ed indebtedness for the purpose set election. mg of prisoners of said City to be forth in ''he proposition opposite to Section 8. This ordinani used for the purpose of a City Jail and, City of Anaheim to the amount of Live Thousand ($5000.00) Dollars for which said cross (X) is stamped, and,published once a clay for j rooms and quarters for the housing of 'the purpose of the acquisition by tho , each cross (X) stamped in the voting l days in the "Anaheim Dai if rre apparatus of said City and for the City of Anaheim of the. following mu square to the right of the word "NO" � a newspaper of general � necessary accommodation of members I nicipal improvement, viz.: a certaini shall be counted as a vote not in fa- j published six days a week i of its fire ck partnrent, the cost of. the. apparatus for said City, town : !, vor of and a refusal to authorize the ! of Anaheim, and this Ordi construction ar_1omcrletion of which (a portable fire pump, the estimated ;incurring of a bonded indebtedness such publication shall be said municipal improvement was esii- I cost of which improvement is Five for the purpose set forth in the prop- � of Election. mated at Seventy -live Thousand ($75,-! Thousand ($5000.00) Dollars in gold 000.00) Dollars, which said cost was j osition opposite to which such cross Section 9. This ordm coin of the United States of America, (X) is stamped. take effect immediately. +and is too great to be paid out of the l said sum of Five Thousand ($5000.00) Section 4. For the purpose of such The above and foregoing t ordinary annual income and revenue (Dollars being the amount of the prin- special election the ten voting pre- No. 402, is signed and a of said City of Anaheim; and also de- tincts heretofore created and estab- ! me this 9th day of June; jterrain n that the Public interest and cipal of the indebtedness to to incur- to red therefor, the rate of interest to lished by the Board of Supervisors, of (SEAL) FRED A. B. necessity demand the acquisition, con- I the County of Orange, as the election President Protein of the' struction and completion by the City be paid on said indebtedness will be st Anaheim of the following e Cit - ; not to exceed six per centum (6 lo) precincts for the'said City of Anaheim Trustees of the City of pal improvement, viz.: the acquisition, per annum, payable semi-annually; and adopted by order of said. Board of and Executive of said N construction and completion of exten- i the principal and interest of said in, Supervisors on the 18th day of No- STATE OF CALIFORNIA :,ions and improvements to the water i debtedness to be paid in gold coin of i vember, 1919, together with that poi- County of Orange, C works of said city, consisting of the ithe United States of America. 'tion of East Anaheim precinct, as the heim. Section 2. The special election boundaries thereof were established I, Edward B. Merritt, Ci land of a seater well for said city, hereby called and ordered to be held, i by order of the Board of Supervisors the City of Anaheim, do and the. installation er casing therein, of said County of Orange, on the 18th tify that the foregoing Or the acquisition of a water pump to be I shall be held and conducted and the I operate(! therein, the acquisition, con- votes, thereat received and canvassed, I day of November, 1919, which was re- 402 was introduced at a structron and installation of water and the returns thereof made and the I cently annexed to said City of Ana- journed meeting of the Bo, mains and pipes and the acquisitionter1results thereof ascertained, determin-(heim, the boundaries of which said tees of said City, held on t and installation of fire hydrants for . ed and declared as herein provided'' portion of East Anaheim precinct of May, 1921, and was fir and according to the laws of the State ( which was so annexed being herein- �by more than a two-thir said city, fire cost of the acquisition, of California, providing for and gov- after, in this section, more particular- said Board of Trustees a construction and completion of which erning elections in the City of Ana- ]y described, shall be and are hereby {meeting of said Board o: said municipal improvement was esti-,heim, and the polls for such election consolidated into two consolidated held on the 9th day of Jun mated at'Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) shall be and remain open during the election precincts, as follows, to -wit: that the vote on the pass Dollars, which . aid cost was and is too said required by said 1aws, and as fol -I All of said election precincts so�Ordinance was'as follows great to be paid out of the ordinaryilows: established by said Board of SuPer-' AYES: Trustees Bac annual income and revenue of said city; From Six (6) o'clock A. M. when visors, lying north of East Center Mann and Gibbs. And also determining that the pub-, said polls shall be opened, and said Street and West Center Street in said l NOES: Truestees, Non lie interest and necessity demand the bolls must ren.ain open until seven City and being numbered 1, 2, 3 and Absent and not votin, constxu,,tian and completion by the,(7 (7) o'clock P. M. of said day, when j 4, in said City of Anaheim, together Stark. City of Anaheirn of sbe following mu—they shall be closed, except a.s pro - ;with that certain portion of East Ana-; IN WITNESS WHERE nicipal inxprovement, viz.: the acquisi-�vided by section 1164 of the Political heim precinct which was recently an -thereunto set my hand and tion and construction of additions to: Code of the State of California. vexed to the City of Anaheim and I seal of the City of Anahe'. and extensions of the sewer system of The ballots to be used at such spe- which is situate in the County of Or- I day of June, 1921.B. said City consisting of the acquisi-jcial election shall be such as may be tinge, State of California, and is de- (SEAL) EDWARD y tion, construction and installation of required by law to be used thereat scribed as follows, to -wit: City Clerk of the City c ewer pipes, man holes, flush tanks, lapel in addition to any other matter Beginning at the point of intersee- June 13 to 20 inclusive, or o ill other necessary e101• acid all necessary ith I,, -'rich to equip and hid additions to and exte Lid sever system, i;he cost of the con - ruction and - completion of which id municipal iniprovernent was esti- ated at Thirty Thousand ($20,- 0.00) $30;0.00) Dollars, which said cost was i.d is too great to be paid out of the d nary annual income and revenue said city; materials required apple n(c., shall ap con -_r cue. nsions of! "To v And also determining that the puha, lie interest and necessity demand the acquisition by the City of Anaheim of the following municipal improve- ment, viz.: a certain fire apparatus for said City, to -wit: a portable fire pump; the cert of the acquisition of which said municipal improvement was estimated at Five Thousand 'was Doll ars,which said eost was and is too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and reven-i?e l of said City. i NOW, THEREFORE, The Board of TiVstees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section,): A special election is hereby called and ordered to be held in the City of Anaheim, State of Cali- fornia, on Tuesday, the 19th day of July, 1921, the object being to submit) to the qualified electors of said city, a propoLition to incur a bonded in -1 debtedness by the City of Anaheim to the amount of Seventy-five Thousand ($75,000.00) Dollars for the purpose of the construction and completion by the City of Anaheim of the following municipal improvement, viz.: a build -1 ing for mupicipai uses, containing of, fives for City Officials, a room or chamber for the holding of meetings Of the Board of Trustees and other of - by law to be printed thereon, Pear the following: MUNICIPAL TICKET" ote on any proposition herein- after set forth, stamp a doss (Y) in the voting square after the wnoid `YES' or after the word `NO.' All marks except the cross (Y) are for- bidden. All distinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot void. If you wrongly starnp, tear or deface this ballot, return it to the Inspector of Election and obtain another. QUESTIONS AND PROPOSITIONS SUBMITTED TO VOTE OF ELECTORS Shall the City of Anaheim in -1 J mr a bonded debt to the amount of $75,000.00 for the construe -i tion and completion by the Cityi I of Anaheim of the followin_- mu -1 nicipal improvement, viz.: al building for municipal uses, con - twining offices for City Official y al- room or chamber for the hold -(YES', ing of meetings of the; Board of Trustees and other officers, oBards and tri- bunals of said City, rooms foi•I the housing and safe keeping off prisoners of said City to be used] for the purpose of a City Jaill and rooms and quarters for they housing of fire apparatus of said] City and for the necessary ac- commodation of members of its, fire department, such debt toy NO bear interest at a rate of not tol exceed six per centum per an -I num, payable semi-aiinually;! principal and interest payabie in gold coin of the United; States of America. fivers, boards and tribunals of said Shale the City o£ Anaheim in -I ;City, rooms for the housing and safe cur a bonded debt to the amount Eg eeping of prisoners of said City to of $a bonded for the acquit amount used for the purpose of a City Jail d rooms and quarters for the bons- construction and completion byl , of fire apparatus of said City and the City u Anaheim of the fol-� for the necessary accommodation of lowing municipal improvement,, viz.: the acquisition, construe'- YE: members of its fire department, the tion and completion of exten-I estimated cost of which improvement cions and improvements to the) Unite is Seventy-five Thousand ($75,nite) water works of said City, con -I Dollars in gold coin of the d States of America, said sum of Sev- listing of drilling a water well enty-five Thousand ($75,000.00) Dol, for said City and the installation tars being the amount of the principal I of caing therein, the acquisition of the indebtedness to be incurred I of a water pump to be operated] — therein, the acquisition, con- aiotherefor; the rate ed interest b be str•uction and installation of aid exceed said indebtedness (611c) per-notwater mains and pipes and they o�, exceed six per centum (6 /o) per acquisition and installation of WAu.m, payable semi-annually; the °,. rinci _ al and interest of said indebt- I fire hydrants for said city, suchl NO principal dness to be paid in gold coin of the debt to bear interest at a rate of Vnited 'States of ,America; also to not to exceed six per centum s ubmit to the qualified electors of said (61/(,) per annum, payable semi - City a proposition to incur a bonded annually; annually; principal and interest) 'indebtedness by the City of Anaheim payable in gold coin of the to the amount of Fifty Thousand I United States of America. ($50,000.00) Dollars for the purpose l Shall the City of Anaheim in - of the acquisition, construction an& cur a bonded debt to the amount ,completion by the City of Anaheim of of $30,000.00 for the construe - he following municipal improve- tion and completion by the City1 ent, viz.: the acquisition, construe- of Anaheim of the following mu -I Lniciion and completion of extensions and pal improvement, viz.: thejYEc movements to the water works of acquisition and construction afi said city, consisting of drilling a water additions to and extensions of� well for said City and the installation the sever system of said City of casing therein, the acquisition of a consisting of the acquisition, Ithe water pump to be operated therein; construction and installation of acquisition, construction and in -sewer pipes, man holes, flush) �stallation of water mains and pipes tanks, and all other necessaryl— and the acquisition and installation opmaterials materials therefor and all aces -1 fire hydrants for said City, the esti- nary appliances h th which to d 1 • tion of the center lines of North Los Angeles Street and the Northerly line �of West North Sheet extended East- erly across said North Los Angeles Street as shown on a snap of Anaheim Extension filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of Los An - I geles County, California; thence 11 "dor-therly along the center line of said North Los Angeles Street 1062.88 feet to the South line of Section Three (3), Township Four (4), Range Ten (10) 1 west, S. B. B. & M., thence West J along said South line to its intersec- t tion with the. center line of the Cali- fornia State Highway;. thence North- erly along said center line to its inter- section with the center line of North Lemon Street extended Northerly across said California State Highway; I thence Southerly along said center line of said North Lemon Street to its intersection with the Northerly line of West North Street extended Westerly across, said North Lemon Street; i thence Easterly along the Northerly 1line of West North Street 611 feet to !the place of beginning, are hereby !consolidated into and shall constitute one voting precinct to be known as Consolidated Election Precinct No. 1. All of said election precincts so es- tablished by said Board of Supervis- ��ors, lying south of East Center Street and West Center Street in said City of Anaheim and being numbered 5, 6, 17, 8, 9 and 10, in said City of Anaheim, ar•e hereby consolidated into and shall constitute one voting precinct, to be ' known as and designated, Consoli- da4 ed Election Precinct No. 2." Section 5. The following named persons, each of whom is a qualified elector of: the consolidated election precinct in and for which he. is ap- pointed, are hereby appointed Boards of Election in Consolidated Election `Precinct No. 1, to serve .in the capac- � i.ty herein designated and to conduct said election therein as required by 1aw: Inspector: Charles M. Hollings - head. Judges: Victor W. La Mont and O. Percy Rust. Clerks: Herrman A. Dickel, Mrs. Daisy Casey and Mrs. Charlotte S. Grover. The following named persons, each of whom is a qualified elector of the consolidated election precinct in and for which he is appointed, are hereby appointed Boards of Election in Con- solidated Election .Precinct No. 2, to sQrve in the capacity herein designat- ed and to conduct said election therein as required by law: Inspector: George M. Ross. Judges: Max M. Boege and Mrs. Eva H. Boyd. Clerks: Mrs. Ethel H. Chamber- lain, Eldon W. Stark and Miss Lela M. Steadman. The polling place in and for "Con- solidated Election Precinct No. I" shall be at the store room of the Pa- cific Farm Implement Company, at 201 North Los Angeles Street in said city. The polling place in and for "Con- solidated Election Precinct No. 2" shall be at the City Recorder's Court Room in the Old City Hall building at No. 208 East Center Street in said city. mated cost of which said improve- equip an comp e e sae a_ i-1 The City Clerk is hereby directed to tions to and ext sions of said ( procure all supplies that may be' nee- ment is Fifty Thousand ($50; Unite) epi I essay * to properly y Dollars in gold coin of the United � sewer system. Such debt to bear! j' y P ' p - " y and lawfully con - interest at a rate .of not to ex -1; NO l duct said special election. States of America, said sum of Fifty teed six per centum 6°' When the polls are closed the offe- ; ousand ($50,000.00) Dollars being( p ( °) pet! vers of election shall count the ballots the amount of the principal of the in annum, payable semi-annually;! ; , principal and interest payable in fleast at such special election and can- - he to be incurred therefor; p p y - Nass the votes cast respective] for ile rate of interest to be paid on said gold coin of the United Statesl 1 I respectively ` ndebtedness will be not to exceed six I of America. and against each proposition herein stated and make return thereof to the Per centum (6A) per annum payable Shall the City of Anaheim in -1 I j Board of Trustees of the City of Ana - spmi-annually; the principal and in -,cur a bonded debt to the amount Beim, in time, form and manner re- terest of said indebtedness to be paid of $5000.00 for the acquisition„ l j quired for the counting, canvassing '. in gold coin of the United States of by the City of Anaheim of theiYESi !and returning of votes cast at other A,,.,. ,....... r.. nen.. r� c.,,r.mir- i'n +i1P (Yll ;l�l- _ _ _ , _.. . _.._ � ♦ i ___ or, a. water 771717,711 crap. TION ANI) CO?i-ell fo girl City aril the in tallation the er tem of said City': The polling place in and for "Con- DDITIONS TO A.ND con is ing of the acquisition,' 1 „ OF' THE; SEWERIef cas b the�vin, the acquisition of a construction and installation ofj 1�solidated Election Precinct ho. 2 ED CITY; AND THE �water pump to be operates therein; shall be at the City Recorder's Court the acquisition, construction and in- sewer pipes, map. holes, £lush' � Room in the Old City Hall building at OF FIRE APPAR- ! stallation of water mains and pipes � tanks, and all other necessaryl I i No. 208 East Center Street in said CITY. ��nd the acquisition and installation of materials therefor' and all noes -1 ! I a;. ar appliances %_ tli which <to city. fire hydrants for said City, the es i- s y PP � The City Clerk is hereby directed to ATG NO. 402mated cost of which said improve- equip and compie e said addi-� I � Y ,CE CALLING AND tions to and exte#sions of said procure all supplies that may be nec- f1ND GItiING NC- IDollarssinigtoldThoin f the con - United ,ewer system. Succi debt to bear) duct rsaid to ppec}allelectionand lawfully con- 'ECIAL ELECTION States of America, said sum of Fifty l interest at a rate of not to ex-� NO Thousand (w50,OJ0.OG) Dollars being C When the polls are closed the offi X THE CITY OF i ` !teed six per centum (6 /�) per ATE` OF CALIFOR annum, payable able semi-annual' kers of election shall count the ballots U amount of the principal of the in- I y ` y' cast at such special election and can - DAY, THE 19TH: to be incurred therefor; principal and interest payable int Nass the votes cast respectively for 1921, TBE OBJECT the rote of interest to be paid on said gold coin o� the United States; I I + "l Y 91T' TO THE QUAL i of America. I land against each proposition herein indebtedness will be not to exceed six stated and make return thereof to the RS OF SAID CITY,,per centum (61/,) per annum payable B TO ItiCUR ONEthe principal and in-) Shall the City of Anaheim in - TO �I Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- IDED DEBTS BY -annually; cur a bonded debt to the amount I-' heim, in time, form and manner re - sen -ii. 7 (terest of said indebtedness to be par ] l of $5000.00 for the acquisition, I quired for the counting, canvassing TI3P FOLLOWING �G lin gold coin of the United States of by the City of Anaheim of the YES 1 and returning of votes cast at other [E CONSTRUCTIONIAmerica; also to submit to the qual.i- ION BY SAID CITY following municipal improve -I special municipal elections held in $ FOR SAID CITY �fied electors of said City a proposition i anent, via: a certain fire appar-1 said City of Anaheim. h1STRUCTION ANI)'to incur a bonded indebtedness by the atus for said City, to -wit: a1 Section 6. If, at such special elec- � City of Anaheim to the amount of tion Section shall appear that two-thirds of e - AND SAID I1I ROVE (Thirty Thousand ($30,000.00) Dollars portable fire pump. Such debt! _( all the voterspvotin • at such election for the purpose of the constructionito bear interest at a rate of rot voting CITY WATER to exceed six per centum (61I,) I j are in favor of and authorize the in- WATER CI DISTRIBU and completion by the City of Ana- I a curring of a bonded debt for the pur- heim of the following municipal ir.1-'per nnum, payable semi -an- I g )F SAID CITY; THE nually principal and interest pose set forth in any of the proposi- Z AND COMPLE !provement, viz.: the acquisition and payable in gold coin of the' NO itions herein stated, then such proposi- construction of additions to and exten- _ _ 1 I tion shall be deemed to have been ac - PIONS TO AND EX-,sions of the sewer system of said City United States of America. THE SEWER SYS -I cepted by the electors and bonds will THE ITY D THE AC- !cons' of the acquisition, construe- Section 3. Any qualified elector oflbe issued to defray the cost of the im- FIRE APPARATUS tion and installation of sewer pipes, the City of Anaheim may vote at said provement specified in such proposi- man holes, flush tanks, and all other special election for or against any or tion and to the amount stated therein. ' (necessary materials therefor and all all of the propositions herewith sub- 1 Such bonds shall be of the form and ie Board of Tr ustees� necessary appliances with which to f mitted. To vote in favor of and au- character- known as "Serials" and at iaheim, at its regular equip and complete said 'additions to I thorize the incurring of a bonded debt least one -fortieth part of the princi- citand extensions of said sewer system, for the purpose set forth in any of pal sum of such indebtedness will be saidy on the 12th 1, t vote o£ more I the estimated cost of which improve- the propositions herein stated, he ( paid each and every year until all of of the members of Iment is Thirty Thousand ($30,000.00) 4shall stamp a cross (X) in the voting said bonds shall have been paid, prin- rustees did pass and Dollars in gold coin of the United square to the right of the word cipal and interest shall be paid in gold )n determiningthat, States of America, said sum of Thirty "YES" printed opposite such proposi- coin of the United States of America. ,st and necessity of : Thousand ($30,000.00) Dollars being tion, and to vote against and refuse io l Section 7. The Board of Trustees aheim demand the; the amount of the principal of the in- authorize the incurring of a bonded': shall meet at their usual place of , Ma - completion by the' the ratfe of interest to be paid onsaidl debt for the purpose set forth in any meeting, to -wit, at Room No: 1, Ma - <of, the following mu- I viz.: a building i . of said propositions herein stated, oe I sonic Temple Building at No. 255 East indebtedness will be not to exceed six I shall stamp a cross (X) in the voting; Center Street in said City on the Mon- "snttrontaiixing offic S.�per centum (61i' per annum, payable' q g s ware to the right of the word ` N0"',day next succeeding said election, to- y, a room or chamber; semi-annually; the principal and in- j pr inted opposite such proposition. wit: on Monday, the 25th day of July, of _meetings of • the'terest of said indebtedness to be paid Each cross (X) stamped in the square 1921, at the hour of seven -thirty !s and other officers, !America; gold coin of the United States of Ito the right of the word "YES" sliallio'clock P. M., then and there to can- ,s of said Cirs,!America; also to submit to the quali- be counted as a vote in favor of and'vass the returns and ascertain, deter- inals and safe keep -to electors of said City a proposition, to authorize the incurring of a bond - Imine and declare the results of said of said City to belto incur a bonded indebtedness by the ed indebtedness for the puapose set election. ose of a City Jail and City of Anaheim rto the amount of forth in the proposition opposite to Section 8. This ordinance shall be ers far the housing of, Five Thousand ($0000.00) Dollars foil ,blob said cross (X) is stamped, and; published once a clay for seven (7) said Cit and for the the purpose of the acquisition by the!each cross (X) stamped in the voting days in the "Anaheim Daily Herald,' City City of Anaheim of the following mu- j s. uare to the right of the word "NO" a newspaper of general circulation, nidation of members nicipal improvement, viz.: a certain !square. g 1' y meat, the cost of the , � shall be counted as a vote not in fa- i published six days a week in said Cit completion of which fire apparatus for said City, to -wit: :vor of and a refusal to authorize tho of Anaheim, and this Ordinance and aprovement was esti- I a Portable fire pump, the estimated ; incurring of a bonded indebtedness ! such publication shall be the Notice -five Thousand ($"r5, -;cost of which improvement is Five! for the purpose set forth in the prop -'of Election. Thousand ($5000.00) Dollars in gold I osition o osite to which such cross I Section 9. This ordinance shall which said cost was PP take effect immediately. I coin of the United States of America,' � is stamped. Y• in be aid out of the (-�) P P said sum of Five Thousand ($5000.00) Section 4. For the purpose of such The above and foregoing Ordinance, income and revenue g P special election the ten voting pre- No. 402, is signed and approved by Dollars being the amount of the rin- g iepuim; and also de- P re public interest andcipal of the indebtedness to be incur- I tincts heretofore created and estab- we this 9th day of June, 1921. l the acquisition, con- red therefor, the rate of interest to lished by the Board of Supervisors, of ( SEAL) FRED A. BACKS, JR., mpletion by :the City be paid on said indebtedness Zell' be I the County of Orange, as the election President Protein of the Board of he follawing munici- 1 not to exceed six per centum (611c)I precincts for the' said City of Anaheim, Trustees of the City of Anaheim viz.: the acquisition, per annum, payable semi-annually • nd adopted by order of said. Board of and Executive of said Municipality. ,completion of exten- the principal and interest of said in ,l Supervisors on the 18Th day of No- STATE OF CALIFORNIA.—SS. ternents to 'the water debtedness to be paid in gold coin of vember, 1919, together with that por- County of Orange, City of Ana- ;nnnsistin of the the United States of America. tion of East Anaheim precinct, as the hemi. Ser well for said city, I Section 2. The special election boundaries thereof were established I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of ion of casing therein, j hereby called and ordered to be held, by order of the Board of Supervisors the City of Anaheim, do hereby cer- a water pump to be shall be held and conducted and the of said County of Orange, on the 18th tify that the foregoing Ordinance No. then acquisition, con-; and t, thereat received canvassed, and the l day of November, 1919, which was re- 402 was introduced at a regular ad- �ta'llation of water cently annexed to said City of Ana- journed meeting of the Board of Trus - 1, and the acquisition I results thereof ascertained, determin- heim, the boundaries of which said tees of said City, held on the 26th day iif"fire hydrants for ed and declared as herein -provided ' portion of East Anaheim precinct of May, 1921, and was finally passed st of the acquisition, and according to the laws of the State which was so annexed being herein- by more than a two-thirds vote of completion of whichVul California, providing for and govt ,after, in this section, more particular- I said Board of Trustees at a regular rprocrement was esti-ng elections in the City of Ana-ly described, shall be and are hereby meeting of said Board of Trustees thdua and ($50,000.00)'heim, and the polls for �sueh election(consolidated into two consolidated held on the 9th day of June, 1921, and d cost was and is too'shall be and remain open during the election precincts, as follows, to -wit: that the vote on the passage of said I dut of the ordinary time required by said laws, and as fol- I All of said election precincts so Ordinance was'as follows: end',Tevenuib of said lows: established by said Board of Super-' AYES: Trustees Backs, Gates, From Six (6) o'clock A. M. when visors, lying north of East Center Mann and Gibbs. Imjning that the pub- said polls shall be opened, and said I Street and West Center Street in said NOES: Truestees, None. d the polls must ren.ain open until seven el sity deman' City* and being numbered 1, 2, 3 and Absent and not voting: Trustee (;pletion by the o'clock P. M. of said day, wbenl prm4, in said City of Anaheim, togetheriStark. o>the following mu- they shall be closed, except as pro -,with that certain portion of East Ana -I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have e t� viz.: the acgi�isi- � vided by section 1164 of the Political heim precinct which was recently an- i hereunto set my hand and affixed the q of additions to Code of the State of California. nexed to the City of Anaheim and seal of the City of Anaheim, this 9th sewe syst©tn of The ballots to be used at such spe- ivhich is situate in the County of Or- dap of June, 1921. ' of t o acgyiisi- tial election shall be such as may be tinge, State of California, and is de- J (SEAL) EDWARD B. MERRITT, d in 41latio of required by law to be used thereat scribed as follows, to -wit: City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. 1,e t ksi of intersect and pi.adc�Z•ti to any ether matter Beginning at the point June 13 to 20 inclusive_ i iTj _HD i -R. �2_1 2, A -'LArlLLjdl,!l 2 1 I"G U i i�Y -'l y C; Ilk U T 10 i,,J L� T iO OR Vi I OL2 j)j Dy �O— T :j� �J2AL Vj�ES. 1�r . :,L 1- U.IA w �,�U 3 �--'A ID 0 ITY C, A 'U i GTiON AND 11) "I'Lly :11 �S L..„....e (j 0 LVID TRU Z2 ox "y -J- L%. -d 1; IY -4111i) 2i -J AC. -U 1�I t0 .1 -2 A '11' C, -AID 11 1 ILY* 6 OR D iilai, j L40. 402 7 i'v i d" uiv A 62E- jAILI,,.� Alr-U .2.L0liDilL'I, 7POR lj X 8 -U D iLA �q., 0 4 :,i2y 1-1 - A 1 6 Djiy y i'-il ilei U"Eil"T 9 2c) 6,�Ll) (ji,2y liv,UR -U I ;;y U L 10 U'1 -Lu U A-,Ij ioi,i Y Ji,� L.Aj J- 1 .0, k! b � -1 i-ul' I- L-ly OF -y , 11 iBu- FO'J , 6.- 12 ii L)11.11) 13 14 � 'H � i :A- k-" 1,5 "I IL,.wr llu a V U.i1i iL e J.N. l. il L; �.i y Z_ oc �'aarL t w 0 - t-1 -LL 2- 'Us moi., e 1 -.ori a: 17 j ard o L y u L e C� 6 ILL Z:L a. tl— L- c l C) pt- C.L L- O1.af, 18 U -L k 1 19 L, -!U �L �L, L.J- U Z�11. L) rl 20 _:.1:: i 3�v erf.-a ,A viz i j 1 L i licz.i u e s 3 11 al il- IiUI I C; C- L; C) <l 22 e t lz s 0 o ax d 11- :cu 'U, a a a o z er s b0 bx ds a lid 23 24 [`U,:cib,ailal2 zf sai a 'Ji y, rooms fox t.-. ii,-; us i 1:i safe h e e 1) i li ; A - i . C� c c I iL C� plU a for the purere a '-� it 25 : Is !!a J 6 26 Al ai-. 3 ::oolL6 allquartersax6 for t- iiz)u�iing of fire ap)aratu8 of ) 27 ki al i 6y aaL' fol �6 C, l'i e 0 e S a C 0 h i L o d t i b e f i t 2 -ti a the 0 0�ft jr a 1, '6 1 -a 0 t iii u1'' 0m. t 0 1'. 'D hi c I X1 t 28 29 iL,�?xcv6Apilzlt e,�L Iq i. -tlted at Severity-five-iousand b 30 e f U-,Ic, OxcliY16'ry Ujilaal 1 101 Sa.1- CL t -Y of31 32 1 2 3 4 7 10 11 12 13 14 15. 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 114- -3-OARID 'LHJ�J22�lj�S 2�_iL _ol Al"Ad IM IL Y 0 P i"� A, 2 1": R u�.21 1 ilkj UH 'I I G 0 B"ULDED BY TJEA�j ARLI-dM 11- 0 YZ 0 T_E),U"'TIOiYl Ai,' v1 ^dilk;TiON BY RAID CITY 0,N" A;Jjj G li .eOR T -Ljl_j i''I2AL UES, J."A402`111 TiO AND L 1c JITY uP 'S Ailii_") Vizi Li&F, '_d�s Ai��u ;i*At2.�" i j" U 0 12) TRU 'ITY; 'IL Td.ai� Joke��'210­ 0-' 2- , I; R S "L' S _L� U x iL I-' i'l 6 I'HE I�DO M V UlLd ._'IO. u.:' E, iU. AlLe. TU �3 �L� �31` I D _'I' LD C LL'Y Ail, J) �j AU _. - 4 12 NO ORi)l_liAiv'vii 1" AN 01WFUI.jE OALLI.L'YCT A'L4.0 Ai�j- idOAVJ.& 6i4l A 62E- 01AL 1'Iw1v Ju ab't'ui) 11' aL� Uil! .4liail-AM, R L�� IV ia TO �L.,& 2D 6: li) �;i�2y I , i� Lj C2 'i "i 201i '21i& u'S; 01 L--'�l.LLjL_u DI!J-1 I)l 6- u 1� A;j i'.LL "A u N ,I '6�� _,_Y �)A_Aj Ji'I'Y vi - A 'X 114 ', - - 0!", _EY 6AID r2y Pj J12AL dlib U '10 14 �l� OL. - L.& "I OF T.I0 �:J. -4,4 D A !BU - 1.116 -) z, A� '- _a : .�iK S A 1. .1Z \JI'2y; i C::_:r. .D U LLI lei 0 111 klw�s l xl_ , I Z✓ 12.gi' i 6 Al. I D ll1.tali u Is j,j:, I oiJ _J'Illz tic' eA_'AA;.'UUri 6 .11 il) J "u- its ze"'ll'U'.]II: lr;�eatlii­ Laeld ii -1 Cl.�' �D.Li ,,.a OJL 1-a", -1 C", my at a Flo'jc_ of 'L.Oc e n two—Ulirds o. -;f ��a e cI- of i o a x a o f.,y u,-; Gees di p a i -AL_" cL a opt a 1'(:: L" 0 lut -*L C, 1-4 C10' te, -1 L-li ii :Brig ;-flat yJ ub i c i L L ai �viiLtLiCti Uig zil cor'l'latu-i Oil bu,lAty Ariahaiin A'r`1i1t ViZ -j CA, U i;illGli7 i u e5, GOii ln- 0 'iC86 f):C lid L, C) 1, 16 a Y JC)Ll 31: cil'LLea: ior t holdi Ji _L a:� i c e r s b o ar ds slid Yieetirigs of twee_­',oaxd Df 0 4� ulf-C.. -, o -1, t-xiblauals of said 4d -'y, rooms for tla a hl. -;using aLcl safe keepi.-,16 f. . iisonexs of �saiu Oita; be uz-s4 for the puyy�cse a 'Uity JAI and rooms aria quarters for tLa housing of fire apparatus of I sa Uity aLd' for -u'-'le aucoh"Odati-la of members c -f its fixE _ej'.)�.ltmexlto the 00st af. c 3li6txuu t 1011 and occip-l.--tion ofwhi cli ' 6al-, MaLicipal im?rov' vqca'2; a-, x _:'a t a d at Seventy-five lhousand o L�xeat o be Dollars,Dollars,116 u u cost t�.as aii, is tot 'id Out- of t 110 02: iinary a I al inu=e al "-_ eveiiue a f s ai d Jit; of - 1 - k 5 iiiuva.,'­Lj. 'U-1I,:.vim 'U- (:;.r vio xka --I :;sick. city O_L a 1e 0' a -.-atey wel- foic said0 ju u ai la J_ C) 11 U 7 t-I.Lerein' ')*_"i0 t�'QTILIblt_LDli' __].' a, vva,,cr jump to be opex- 8 t e,0_ a t h e in -.-C c i � i 'b i Gil, c J i'l -U'- y c t i aii d i i. tat !'-'U- i o 2a o f la 01. iiia-LIi6 a-Ld a.Ld 'u -Le ac-uil-li 610Z. URI'�_ lii_udl 61 10 1: a _4 t,,->, f0l �sai City, t1i­ Co-' o' 11 - 1i1 c o I:L- oil k�L - C' U U_L J.I 'LD16 6 oil v"' �ai Cs 12 VV aI-L au L U6 ail d joi-:0,C)Oo.0c)) 'Dollars, ,- i-- said 13 UOs t VvaL c1i L;:. Leo '1 3aG L C) ba laai 3u' 'U- 13 aC-, JLaa Y y a id.L a a! 14. --Vel:inc C) 6__LU �- - 1 tjf - 15 a'bo - rest a -- And u U., a 16 I SitY du e;-,alld cOiistxuctiofi a!!- completion by -"'-,a (;ity of 17 Ariajlaiiii of -U'--,ie --Coil o-tiv Viz; 6-Uo a cqu i - 18 Ld i i o n a 1/4� (1, c -, i�is- t:L 'a 0 _f-; o 11 a.� _L 01.b� u u U a o3 Yks S tu i 1�' 6, wcCulk� ­I"'np cl_Jia_ 20 ii y o. -L se,,�ve­ n 1- -Iu h 21 t a aild all o ti'l exefox a, -,-.,a all 22 e 68 a]: y I.-,) e(_:uip said add',itioi,,s 23 uCi 6LzIL ex a1161oiio of said 6wtvay s- �3tem, thr-- cc --t of the c:.; iB tur-L 24 -t:­�'ovenerI j Ii C11 L:_ JL, Ieui D f ad aiai�i a! irLiriit 1Yc-;-4's 25 S t,_Mu 4 a -ed atihirty Th_uaax.-,(I ($30sOOD.00) D�Dilars, v;-IIL;.Cd said 26 L�t wa�,L, aiid is t 0 t tuo be �)aid out c..L U.'.'ie oydiiiaa:y aLnual 27 i co I ii:.,c or�e aiL r avei-.Lue o I Said oi ty 28 Ai.LCL a loo G t er hii Ii I ;ag -Iu-iIU " the Ju'',11 3 int a: 0 st a 2ad 29 lae,aessit-­ demamd t.'.L_2 acc:jlaloitloli I'Y- L'Lie l;i'uy o-1, Aiiah aim of 30 31 32 2 Uj IsYiCi -U'- 4:; C:jiiLDtxuc-u­ioii ajad (;uuiplation by u Ae ty o Axiaheiii, O -L- 01 L L folloviii-i�_-; IYfIj?!:C) i -V a L -i c ja t v i z the k 5 iiiuva.,'­Lj. 'U-1I,:.vim 'U- (:;.r vio xka --I :;sick. city O_L a 1e 0' a -.-atey wel- foic said0 ju u ai la J_ C) 11 U 7 t-I.Lerein' ')*_"i0 t�'QTILIblt_LDli' __].' a, vva,,cr jump to be opex- 8 t e,0_ a t h e in -.-C c i � i 'b i Gil, c J i'l -U'- y c t i aii d i i. tat !'-'U- i o 2a o f la 01. iiia-LIi6 a-Ld a.Ld 'u -Le ac-uil-li 610Z. URI'�_ lii_udl 61 10 1: a _4 t,,->, f0l �sai City, t1i­ Co-' o' 11 - 1i1 c o I:L- oil k�L - C' U U_L J.I 'LD16 6 oil v"' �ai Cs 12 VV aI-L au L U6 ail d joi-:0,C)Oo.0c)) 'Dollars, ,- i-- said 13 UOs t VvaL c1i L;:. Leo '1 3aG L C) ba laai 3u' 'U- 13 aC-, JLaa Y y a id.L a a! 14. --Vel:inc C) 6__LU �- - 1 tjf - 15 a'bo - rest a -- And u U., a 16 I SitY du e;-,alld cOiistxuctiofi a!!- completion by -"'-,a (;ity of 17 Ariajlaiiii of -U'--,ie --Coil o-tiv Viz; 6-Uo a cqu i - 18 Ld i i o n a 1/4� (1, c -, i�is- t:L 'a 0 _f-; o 11 a.� _L 01.b� u u U a o3 Yks S tu i 1�' 6, wcCulk� ­I"'np cl_Jia_ 20 ii y o. -L se,,�ve­ n 1- -Iu h 21 t a aild all o ti'l exefox a, -,-.,a all 22 e 68 a]: y I.-,) e(_:uip said add',itioi,,s 23 uCi 6LzIL ex a1161oiio of said 6wtvay s- �3tem, thr-- cc --t of the c:.; iB tur-L 24 -t:­�'ovenerI j Ii C11 L:_ JL, Ieui D f ad aiai�i a! irLiriit 1Yc-;-4's 25 S t,_Mu 4 a -ed atihirty Th_uaax.-,(I ($30sOOD.00) D�Dilars, v;-IIL;.Cd said 26 L�t wa�,L, aiid is t 0 t tuo be �)aid out c..L U.'.'ie oydiiiaa:y aLnual 27 i co I ii:.,c or�e aiL r avei-.Lue o I Said oi ty 28 Ai.LCL a loo G t er hii Ii I ;ag -Iu-iIU " the Ju'',11 3 int a: 0 st a 2ad 29 lae,aessit-­ demamd t.'.L_2 acc:jlaloitloli I'Y- L'Lie l;i'uy o-1, Aiiah aim of 30 31 32 1 �',the following ri--nicipal improvement, viz: a certaii,, fire apparatus 2 'for said jity, to -wit-. a po3:1table fire pump; the cost of the I�ac4uisition of wi ica said muni c -i pal impzovenent vias estimated at 3 said cost Five 25iousand (;5000.00) Dollars, whijhfias and. is too seat to be Ipaid Out of t1he ordinary annuz�l income and revenue of said 5 it NOW MZREIFOREj.."The 13:,and of iTustees of tie Gity of 6 'naheim do ordain as follows: 7 SE021UR 1: A special eleeti,-_,n is hereby called and ordered toj 8 k�e held in the City of A'naheim,, State of California, on Tuesday, !the da.y of July, 1921, the object being to submit to the 10 laualified electors of said city, a proposition to incur a bonded I 11 ii I 12 (indebtedness by the City of Anaheim to the amount of Seventy-five Thousaxid ($75,000,00) Dollars for the purpose of the constructi.,"In 13 and comp]-etion by the 'City of Anaheim of the following municipal 14 ;)improvement, viz: a building for municipal uses, containing offices) 15 I 16 �jfor City Officials, a room or charnber for the holding of meetings !of!the Board of 'Trustees and other officers, bo_--�rds and tribunals 17 1 1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 of said City, rooms for the housing, and safe keeping of prisoners of said city to be used for tue purpose of a city Jail end rooms and .-.uarters for t -tie h_ -using of fire apparatus of said 'Jity and for the necessary accommodation of members of its fire department, the estimated cost of Which Improvement is C`)everity-five thousand -vizi o_ Bile united StateN 31f AL-lerica, Liaill]. sam Of 6eveicity-fiv-­ ti,,oui Lixid, ($75tt)00.00) Doilia,L`s be'ri- U110 amount o5l-.' lu-.i_a 6-' tli" iiide"L�Jtad�zia66 to be iia;ai`i.ed(F-- 1, a 26 iii -iGeyes-6 to ,c ?u id oil 6ai", iiidebgediaess Wil.). .;,be 27 not to exceed six ceatum (6o) p,,ji: aiiilam, i)a,y&_,ie 28 Iliu'-de,Pi ixI_­i3OaI o- 1�-.;d to be -Paic, 1i1 &.,Old 29 Icoin of tile u.-Iiu`ed -Stures o -.L' America; also 110 6,abmit �o ,;.LJ.6 30 31 32 qUaiiyied elect-,,_1� -0 --, -ed 8?,L L;4 ay a lj�, Opo L;IV_IOIa VO ljl(�Ux a 1 U 11�:, �oi c;- Ana' eim. to the aiwiaLt o_� i!' "ty '2aousaziC _L �LebLeCL,.esa �y il ($i)'0t000.00) Dollars I-01 to purpose OIL t_ -i3 acquisition, c -Ii truc- e o i-, -6 e J Ariah e im o 1Gvv Liles 171i�111C1- 2 pal Ll 0 vei, 4- 3 L ai"U. CU., lE t1on 0 4? 1 e L s 1 1--, 6 all10a. 0 -v ei_e� zit 'u t h e vi a U` exox'­ 6, Cay 'aid city,, co 4 i s t til.. 111- Loa a G I 01 .ate Liles u tlel lel, ul'' lv ac0u1L:, u L.y i.L -.Ld irtll l-1-aati- on of V;ater 7 1lIT:ii� 0111, pile aC 4d 1:31 o1011 alI 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 I la t i 0 1 ,1,a_LZ.L8 al.LCL U I 1-0 -.ed c;ort of whi ah I a i d imj?ro vane xit j6 Coill of ti -Le Ul e6 Sum "1 u00. 00) 1)0' 1,-z s beIziZ thLe a- cunt t, -o pli,Ci pc� L U � _L -- 1 0 4` -I-,.L e_ tedhe2s to be ila- CUrl'ed tullere-for; the rate of iiAtul e >t to 'ce j_)alu said illdebted- i � lle'2,8 V'V-ill he zo-� to -_, .c ed _,i- j)er ceiat.um (6 0) �)ea: al:iiluii 'payable 111u'Le7u-te6.11ez;L to be.daid iia Vold coin o" 1-1 ,-d 6ta­es 6f Anae.-ica;also -to aubmi, to the (�uali`ied elect;.ns of said city a to ixlaUr a ;)v_,,ded izoIeb-u`edl,i 6s J'i'.,-Y- of Aiiahei-r,, to -..'.La acnount of T-iirty thou�Larid .Dollars for the OIL 'U'lle struotLoxu _-om,�letio:a by the Joitey Ajaageim of t-cie, fo 11 o vi i �; 1f htl3Cij�Gil iii, c v a Z, 3t1t, v i z c q u i L i t i t r u c t L o n 0 L I a lli� e s S -. � -1, t, 0 - a � - - - - - -- ,-, , - a , ,� o " Z� G'+1. d C i - - - 'i �� J_ �ay Q �j I �LuY U U rui -i'-i _ U n) -)II. 4riicti,,,I arae --*,.a-f- tallatiol'i of sewer pi.)os, mail liolas, tanks, aiid all c),.',`ieY ilecessayy m0erials 'u`rieYeiDa: uc,.d all iieuessary appliaiices ,iJiLth, vvlLiicIi to Equip acid com_iete said add; lub to and 0 said se-Nier s�ySteTi1, ie es a, (i pec c c; -u of v; .-Li"Ll impxove.,:�,ezit is Tair t -T 10-iousai d (y 30, 000. G0) liollars ill of coii-i of x2i e 8t tesof Aid -c- 2: i ca sais sup of lyirc t2ou,arld (Q30v00C).QQ) U_ of tie I? Ior U .L, ess to be incuzrel tfnle_ lClpal c,- La iA a b -, t, e cLLI aid Lui sjixidebtedness will e i.,ot to o-1 u ell'am u (6%) i)cx aziuum, - 4 - 1Yabie sel.-.i-aiijaually; _�Ida principal iiilezest -f said pa i -I ldebted-�, 2 .ness ;o be _Jaid izi 6olca ooiia o tae Uxiied Sta,.es of L2,elica; Also 3 it to 6ubiL'Lt to -t,_tle quaJified electors of said City a pi.,oposition to 4 Laciir a b-zided i ida b to die 3s 'y t i e I,iI1ahe:ijL v u ie a7i Bunt , 1�� Z) 5 of .0'iva ih,)usalid WJG'0,,0'0)j Dollars -fo.-L jur-,,,-,-e cf Sze accuisi- 6 II tion bzy the City of Anaheim of the folloviillg municipal improvement, 7 iviz: a certain fixe apparatus for said City, to -wit: a ?ortable 8 file pump, the estiTnated cost of 1.,111011 11RIOrovemant is I-Pive Tiiou- .---d (46000.0') Doilars fold �)uin o -f tu.'ia te c, wr- 9 sa, s Am 10 I ica, said sum. of 'Uive 2ijusa-L.J (-�boO0.00) Dollars beixg 'U.he ax:Ouiat 11 Io _*' L..Le i)xincipa._11. of tie indebediless -�o be iri-Ju-1'red there-ior, the 12 lxete of ilavel-,st to be pail" oi.-L -�aict iidc-*F5;'Ue,_:L;z�aqs vd-11 be xl-_t to 13 ie!>ceeci siz user cel tum (6f') per ai-Lnum, pay.able semi -aria.- ly; the �O 14 PI i no ip al jad intai:_.st of Said _JLI-'Jebtedi,.ess to be paid in Eol-��L coi 15 16 SEUTIol,' 2: r'he E.,acial election Iaereb, ualled'. and ordered to 17 '!be held, Lliz�ll be Ae]-� c1lildacted t. -.e vogues, ILO-laat le - 18 ;afivassed, t a� Z�GIL c-,- -'a I;XrB thereof made and iD leults �ivad 19 i taareof aaoalt�6iiied, ai-_11,`dieclaxed as ilexein provided 20 u, -,d accoxdiic�e, to tile lavis of 1G.Lie State of California, providing fo 21a polls for errs z4Z a ecti z -s in t.-(,, City of Anaheim, and th. 22 s uc h a !a c t il,D n _-iiialll be aiad ieLain open duriiL�_, lu-d . e time reruired by 23 !saifollows: d ia-�Js, as 24 .From Sig, (6) o'clock A.M, when aid poila- ',--,a opened, an 25 lI said polls mu,t zeri_ain open until seven (7) olciosk 2.M, of said 26 �jlday, v;,.;eja they shall be _;ijc,ed, a ce -,t as A, o-vided by .-action 1164 27 lo f 'Gue Nola tice-L! kl'ode o�f -Uue 6tclta of 28 29 30 31 32 2jjeU '_bjlOtS tL' '10 used at succi special electi ii t,hall be -Uch as may �,.e req,,7.iied b-, law t_ be u;�ed and' Ii -L addition to L, Cr a 0 ap- pear rj�Lttar c -u i 1, a d 'j law tu o ba pi: -1 LL -15 a d -IU- n, s dl�J_ pear lu'l-le following: —5— Tt 2 o V 0 t e Oli ally v 6i 61 1 i* is re _11 a! L Net Zortii at amp Li 3 W-OrO138 (Z) iii :iG voting sri-, are a -i -'t -ay ti -le word 'YES' or after 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -v-io rd I NO All mLkxz1-s eLcep 'L tine c:Loa.9 W are foibidden, All ia_J6ti.-L6:uish_71ig _-&x.11-_ '01 eSa re bs'e lorbiddei-I tAie ballot void. If you wi:oiigly ,-,tamp, tear or d a fZ..ce ballot, return it to 'U -Ile Iii_i:)erjtor o. -L" Election ob'U-,..iii aa o-�her, :L 7,.LIT D 'V �i, CT�,Rs. Shall -�Ila ji�y o f Ailaheim incar a bcLided debt to tie a_-u;it of 475,300.00 nor t-IcLe co:a_i ai:id b; ti -,e Jity of Anaheim U`_�e toll _7Vvii-ill- ", municipal improve- waiit, -viz: a builLiiag for riuzdcipai u-ces, con- tuix",_-1.11j, offices JL71.x Ji -L-4 Officials, a room or t c: for Boar d '1'-custees aila ot-.Llel officer.8., .bi�-�.x ds a.Ld tri- ., 'Ixi- a 01 ,11L ­1,111 2:Z; 01 k9a1d '6 e used -L'o2: the ouipose 0i a laity Jail t.LLU 100M.C.", 1 a cj �Iu,_:cter6 ZQ:L thc� o- ire apparatus 41 1mr Ij _,&id City aad :L`ox tcLe dation oLiEbexs of LL -j ss fire de ar t I e ri t u;_ ­h "Lebt to Lear iii t e _Q t at a late �,f ZlUI; U, exceed 2:,ix per ,gei axkxair., payable pxixicipal axaK jL,,.jejeot payable izi gold coin of tile united States of A4erica* Shall the City of Axianeiiii iLLcua: a bonded debt to the an,,,DurLt 31D $509000.00 for tZle acquisition, oor.z;truction axed completion by k'lha Jity of Anaheim of'uli folloW4 pal ii-iiprovement, viz: -!�-he acqaisjti".;n, ari7_ conidietion jf exten- isions -j;aU-er work.:of said City, consisting of dxilli;:� a -viatcr i'V,ell for said CaE; 4 1- - City aid �jdof le iiistallatioof_L U1 , n, tine of a -datel s)­uiyip to ba operated t1iere, n, t ib 6, 0 ou i s _1 t i 0 rL 9 c o la �t x U c t i L) n a I 1l_'_ tta a t i c) n I -pipe. - ­ -- --d Of 1�Laihs and s lu ' -,e 0! 1-11;_1 ' -di Ull jjj,;tallu-,V- ioxi of lire jiydxa,��ts for -.;LLid auc,fl ced I 11'ebt 6,1) :,ear ilatele-t- - at a 3:ate _,-f I. ' 04 v to 6.L:: per e- jj,,�ajly;yarllllpal U ij-L1eaPmt j)a,able mil -uld c311 ' o oi -u ii U e d vt e U of Aiiaiica. YDS 0 IES RO II li Ii ii 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 00i:-ieu_ debt J -L V0UqJ,C),Cj*,J-J -L'o. h 1e L, vzi JL u A Iei 12aj, IIA 01 W.1-16 -LO Lj?&, _,::p 0 v0:6.u VIZu 1- ; a J. -L -I -- V .l6 6 0 1 -u -e U.L U L evw a ji tu.L d J- J- L U J. w IL Ei r e o I -a ia o e 11 1-' Z�- 6 -Ll 'othQ Ile ca e 6 ark-�ap- p--Lia --L i a k.- - u e ,-, vill- -1, , C) a (i- ip wid cbmpllete auid ad- ditiOLLS t�j anc,_ 0- toinsions �Di, ,-aid sever 6.-i u em lit Et at a to a,-- Suji-I d---bt I'lo bear u — " L/ ceed sit= e u pe -r aiiiium- payable s ern a. - ilitex,est. Payab-ia izi -Old Shall 'U -he L;ity of Aiiaao L in,-ur a bonded debt UO J.�-.L DO for the acquisitioni, �U, "I C. -mlount Of 600) 1- the JA c y c 1 Aiiah e in c pal ijfifj:�0vejerjt, viz: a certtiin fire appa-atus for saiclity, to -wit: a portable -ire .)ump. 310 -ch debt `V -G beai i.,tei--st at a ra-,U-- o -L ric-t to e:.ceed six per centum (6,,,�') per annum, ]pay,:Lbia seni- aLnually; -s JII0 - ,,I-aLL u Ijo-rinci-pi' ai and nerest pa able in gold es coin f -, U '- - * -j., o YI�i S Im YEI 3 no BECTIOV 3-. Any quali-fied elector of 'u - -.-Le CALY OIL .Laaheim iiay voce at i tris -1-ted. T,.) v o t a !I a vo r 0 a 1-1 ala r `u- i � !I Z; , o , - i u C) ;) 0 , i I,i vu u U rinz�) Of a b,nded debt if-c�D� �,-O-e Set JZCI'J`i ifL of u 10116 Aeleil., 6ta,6aUI , lie silali --tamp .- 0-1-oss (X) � ill I 16--iLo word "YES" pririted OPPO- i e V 0 qa a - a t ---, t i i a I i L, a t 0 u Z10 3: 1, 0 v 0 a 6'a i- t 11�1 -r e COt a t "z ite such pi'oj)ositioxit' ai-L7 -L u4:ie irLcv,.rrijj,,� g of a b---,ded debt for etortl in arY I,N- said �o1opo-,-itions ..Le:Ce-411 1Dtom" tec', Cie Shall .;taLp c 01--osss (X) i1i UA -- L! I - votir,g square to t.i'.e lib-Ilt ff tyle Word "NO" Prill,v-ed u sr-uare I -j ii`:ht a (X) iL ,j 10 p o 2 2L t i o n Each c u word `'YES" -C' alio to autla the shall be counted a a vote jjj -aver o -L oxine 1 -i -Le L"-curxin Gy a b '� xid.e d i i -id e b t a Cixle L: s for tree fury—ase ;yet (X) is forth -i- C) U �I 112 4-e I qaxe U - - s tu ainpe d , and e a cross ( X) U' am -p ed in -L, v 0 t 1 3 s � I t 0 - 7 - 1 2 3 4- 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31' 32 r j _, -Lt Cf le . gid 'tNOj y si:i� l e counted a... a vote 1"i(,- u iY-1 fcivor o% and a refusal o` autrlorize t,� l �cti-.:rig,; L e bl ,Ideu i�.0{vbte;lz esS vt V i� ttl %J"ue setfort! l Iiri u10.L t% 5uc c osi W is star ed. ii'or t(le ii;u rose Uf 6,-- cil s )eci,;,i election the, t: 2i votil-16 lecilldts leretolore cleated. �;1 eatz b i. iC d by t civ Board of 8k,jelvis6rs, of t l ..�-url,y 0 all e, as �.1 elec�icii : ecilicts mot U. sa1Ca ..y fl y Anai e7.i: a�;i(:: aa0 ed ,off, 01:ker C)%• ..JU1C Boar oi' Sa erv�sors of t o y;; _ l c�a Dw � i ;y .1'aoaer��i�er, 1:319, �o,�eU��er .:ittl vlat yJvr't a t Aaaalvin' force. lct, as =illy nreof wei e_ o u- ...!_isheii. by orLer of the .i;oaxd v f 7ilA-)er ti 1sor6 f said G'oun..y Of i1C`br1 e, v1 b,'ov ember , 191 , villich was re - I eiitl airiexed 40 s,a.ilf vi o1: Aaaheim, ti -Le i;Uxc�-atlas of t.dich y r l Isaidportlon I f East Atiahe ir.. pr ocinCt w lick so annexed being I _� j11CY"v_i.1ca.'.:: eL li t.1iu .�ectioll ,.�:re � t:w.:t:lcl:il�l�% O.eSGrlbed, s:lall i je arca are '�e: e ;, co12s o� i''.z, ped into twi o consolidated elution yam. e- cincts, ac f cllowe:, to-EIdt; All of said election preci lcts so establiailed i)� said :hoard I ofu;Pervisors, lil�i It i uatit 0e11ter Street an � ,'eui .L'enter I j u i,i G v lit 6c,L:l U�7 all _ :Ju lYig 11 lui'eIed 1, �, 3 and 4, lil s, l.o_ l:lty o: A;aleim, C) e�:l 2. ivJL-6Sl ttlat c31,tL .i gonion of Lat A n,-jh ei m r)re �111Gt wilic.l ";da..` C3cel_Li di ilE._::eCl 'G til_ Of Alla.Cleim aii _ Y._ilcYl 16 situ�_t;e ill t_13 uou2lty of 0r Vnge, State of 0&.,lifos nie arl ' i_ de- scribed as follows, to-vdt; 3eQlnnia at G1ie i)oi2it5 o iL o2:aa 6 tion of ii1e cellter 1127 of 3ortyl- ; An ales Street ai,k to ill ortr_exl,y lillc 0_L 'ie -L i�ort'ri o ureet e«' ;lded �a(;ter�y acwoss sari or i u Lus Ll el ;s ctree t ss srlo�an on a mejD of Anaheim Air_tensio l iileu for record, in the offic of the 0our�ty .Recorder ofosyneies �ourlty, 0allfo nia; tleYlCe I U t aeily eil'11: LPe cei ter line o --Z' said r�oith Lo s An,eles Street 1062.88 feet to t.' --Le South line o Sect_ t=ree (3), Township r'our i i i 4 6ou -613h Ca rige 2eii ( 10 ) w a ---to 6. _6. & M•9 th a I oil g 1 al V u IV h 11rLe tc,, i �U _- ij�j :-'i: se c t i ;1_1 the c el -Au ez _1 iiie ClU I j. 2 a i -g aaid ­ei- U ay U��Iej__Ly &-L3 i lbel: lilie 3 Lo its inter-eation T_ 4 U ..-Lth line 4 ore jeLror� L U__ S Ux a a t II a L d a d i,'O r to, I �, -Y i.4 _. L 21 Inliv.-a.-Yr - _ariue v 6 S� a 'I -lie 1,-y- a 13 ri s ai C E.� I C- y iiiie Of,- kiai"i -L.emor, �;-U'.r _'at to its V.L U U a x 'U, 1"I e i: I y I o ic .1 a 7 et t "i d cl a 6 1,c11a C.L 0 8s a U i lelholl --loet; t-heiice �ast-'�rl.N L) ji - 'j"le it is x t line 19faid i.lvzta street 611 e tlac(: c -E' 9 be'­iz�L_.*.-,g, are L x c b, U 10 a d aa,'itute cm e 11 2--ac-ilict 12 13 All of s-1 elect i y)ireQli:jcts so est bilsded Lk 14 Boaz d "f 6up :;x vi a 0 r s out h -: .1.' Luzi. L, t U a lit a x 3 b r a e t a -,,.d. dest 15 Center 6treet in 6ai U-1 Jit y' of AiaE;,haim be in, numbbred 5, 69 7 16 So 9 a! -,d 10! LL _---aid 't;-Ltuy of zLiiaheim, aie here'L)-i- consolidated 17 iiito aii," shall coii6tibute ;i -ie '70 t 4 n-- jo i a c _T L c U l_o be known as and 18 ij Iasiglnc_-ted Corl� :.;l i date d ..&I a c i o ri 2 1 c zi c t 1�o. 2" 5: t29 -1e i oil tri liai, peit-s-­ns, cacd of *hom is a U� J 0 - ecii t ir a f 20 o-' cct- x e,�)iu�olidi�Lte� election 01 1-0 L c7r 7_10�rd _.' of Bla C �i 0 21 i- app ;-,Jz.­ed, ;Lxe ereby a_ppoixited L, 2 7 ia �:apaci �y 22 23ilei a r". e s L g ii 6, t e d a. tu C L C -i. c t a , d election in as recludx ed 24 25 j!' Ins ,)actor; OLS it les �-iuilii.6si-lead. 26 U 0 JULL t LU 27 La Q 28 r o v _:I: i` ­e -_Lolllo-iiij: iiayed oa',_ is a qualified 2, 30_r �j jji C' -L1 hA a i a t o r �, 41" t-, c - I i 6 1' i ,11 --, t e C_ a .1 C� C; t i it a C' I I P" t i jzi L�iid _L,.� 1 31 is ajjdointeCL, ai e 1-.,:3i:eb--_ appo Li-., ced Boads C) '&iect _L;L i�n Oc)nsoli- 32 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 u .1'4 9 2 L" tee E; 0 'VI Q 0 JL ,A- W k� C;a acity lae de-,L--ab,ted ai:i'- to electio--a thea—iri uS xe,q-a ii ed by law: Inspector 6-e 1" JLA'068* "Al J U C es ;Lax 1",' . "10 eke 'k- Ili Li 1 di- S! u ar I a Y'dat, a 0 ii1Ct iom c, --f 0 " -b L- , S -id laity. L axl a 10E . Li�elea StreeL 4 j3 e G:[:. :,: : _U1:' -- iT G, -j i d�- t e 1-1 1�4' I C, C t I i., P C I C; t ilio 0 a a a, u uy u 1: t 1C 0 0 TL li'4 i t, a u I U � .1 v L Lj V.L u L - 4 U .a,aj--L -1;" '- �6. L,08 a-� 'zi aid. -Iij-y. y tt I -'-L c -, - e -, i e S L�) -', �- 16 - IL .,? -L � I ra - Oe 11ece-sarto 1-vifuL1Y- SZ? a -L Ole 1 t,17. on. 29 30 i 31 32 - I I s a e.(� I - , e d e x s c) - P a 1' a c t lel.,. -, I, I Lt C; � ui-,. t -c� ce, 1,-� L �, C, L -'Q'- 60 a t .,.Gil �1 L; --L -L L � , - .A, L 14 j?eCd--' !(�"e— Joll ax.�i ca.,Ivass t --e Gca66t res:,-eCb.Lve1y f -,-:L' a—,- alai, ea--il 1: 0 :vu ted ai ��, 6. mal e i e -Ua r la I h e i a o, f t o t .':card aa: i d 6-" �u L- e �� C, 1 t U1' �Ie IGY of Alia ileint ii-. u-L.Ief form al -la 1�16X.11C-r XOC2,,-1110a Countiiig, oai,- Vo'U-as ca ;t at ot.,Llez --pecial e- 'Lcc'U- ]-jilb il-i 1-:alldl "f" .8bi.&I'leims .�.t sllaiiappear tnat V'I'tex-- VDtillg at S -a -C'(11 CIE:cV-- 10L 111 1: 1-01 0 f 6 , I d C, - i ie u113 1. I -, I - .4' a de'j'u- icr the purpose OdLt I'Loith iii aid oJ. tvlaa ter oyCOUiti lls ue eel it w Latedt 1;aCh P1%)PObi- ition .,,m;Li-L -c daeired t,v -_avbeel/i acceAuad- b, �LG II 11�-xiC46 viii bo iL--ued �o deifiad, use cost �f !a --e ified iL J -'- J j a;,- -6,3 '-.L-.o arount tLera-In. i�uu h �)ropo��.Lul �! — U4 u b o iid ki .6 Uai! be )l "6 "Serials" all�!- 'Ab vdi.11 be �juid ea--�-L eve.L �i j ::ar ux. i1 all 0 -ezi L) , --L' 2 1ul U 11"U6"6 a a 6 -'1a1-j_ !Lee 'U- 4-1 'U- e -LI: usual 3 'ai id 4 i�i"Oe j 1, US a e Z� t 0 -vi i t '-em - i I, 4 'pl, Aa --ext Sao - 5 -t, a e il :. u- el tux e, a t in a i i 6 6 to—;jit: on koliu"ay tyle 5 da o Uul - 7 .1 9 int 61,le Aum --ev,G� an-ill:ty blulock lullerl cillo -;..-2xe -�,f Said a"--Lec'U*.-;,;-r- OLIU-il th',31a and tliare --aii- u �L i 10 Of election. 811. : "-'his ordinance 21,iall ,j- -,u ` -�- bli&Ied ,Uce a l_cdd iU� (i a iaeSP4 e 12 x of Cxen- 1 !,Y, in G' "Anaheiii- -Vi 13 circulut-ioL, UT) 1 i sl"I ad ::ice.da�is a E�aili iji*'U-y o- Ana - 14 e 14 Cd u, i c e 15 e C 'u Brie I .Le rr,-a di, A- e" y. 16 SBOTION 9: u i, -L, e a" 7,T 02 J --�'ned und 17 �"Dve Ordillance, 140• 18 lia)zc)ved b-. tni921. s June 19 —76or d a— ,�ira- us.. 20 t tees of i0 f Anal -,e im u 21 it r and -xecutive of said Iuxlt-ipal- I ty. 22 1 23 24 ii 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 11 - 32 "OURLY L! 2 C1.L'Y Ci" Ai 3U, 1, Edward B. Dierritt Cib�� ayik U� C;jt� vi �ixi&l_ejM' -b ui u ijo. lt,,2, v; li.tur0- 5 duced at a re6-L-11ar add ouri-.Lad -.,i-eetirL; c)--'bozad -'-f Trustees I o 6cid-leiki �)L 26tli da�� c;f Lay, 19221, aad via -c- fixially 7 -L -ed ---f -zaid �oard o�'-* 111-L�Lz)tees -L e, o 4u- o f u a i d ]bV aa� d 6 1` .LIZ u �5 t e a 6 -"-1 e 1 d. ii tae da,y Of cj-lul�e , 1✓ -I' aLd '.-'dat vote ')I'l 'Ghe 10 II 11 0 1 ia ilk(; a -vi a 6 as o' 11 ow s 12 AYSS: Trustees 13 DOES: Txu�.tees 14 Abseijt arid x.L.-t votii-ig: Tras'u'-ee)( -T jlu 1 "jqESS r.�L "C)e 15 p 1 1-1 a v e 1 - 1 a u ]a -'u- a r-, a nd. a.-L--L,-k' af -.L-i x ed oAria"le in tilis day of juzie, llj;a-* seal C, t.'- 16 17 f t f 18 Anade im, 20 21 22 tF 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 it 32 II