407 (2)ORDINANCE NO. 407
August 25, 1921 - Ordinance introduced
September 8, 1921 - Ordinance adopted
Subject - Establishing Building Code for City &
office of Building Inspector
see Minute Book 10, Pages 171 to 176,
both inclusive.
$200-0.00 in value outside of Fire
CE NO. 407
The officer of the City a
Districts, or in all other cases where
— -
deemed of sufficient importance by
O;irT `THE ,CITY Ob' .the
Building Inspector, a complete du-
plicate set of plans and specifications
covering the work to be done and said
plans and specifications shall be pro -
perly stamped, when approved, one set
to remain on file at the office of Build -
ing Inspector for a of five (5)
years after completion or occupancy
of said building, and the other set of
plans and specifications to remain
constantly on the building or structure
during its erection, for reference of
Building Inspector or his deputy, until
the completion of the entire work and
acceptance by Building Inspector. Pro-
viding plans and specifications do not
conform with the provisions of this
Ordinance and State Acts, they shall
be properly corrected by person or
persons applying for permit, before
being approved and stamped by Build-
by fixed and established
ing Inspector and permit issued.
The Board of Trustees of the City
All plans and drawings shall be
drawn to a scale of not less than 1-8 of
of Anah-Im do ordain as follows:
an inch to the foot on paper or cloth,
SECTION 1: This Ordinance is to
ink or some other substance that
be known and cited as the Building
a obliterate. All dfs-
wall not fade
Ox:Iinance, and presumptively it pro-
tatel and dimensions shall be acex-
vides for all matters not already pro-
SECTION 9. It shall be unlawful
viaed for -by Ordinance concerning, af-
plicit and complete.
fecting or relating to the erection, con-
Specifications must describe all ma -
struction, occecupancy, alteration, re-
terials to -be used in proposed building.
pair or tion buildings
structures, or any part thereof, erect.
It shall be unlawful to change, erase
ed or which- may be erected in the
or deface at any manner the drawings
or specifications stamped by the Build -
City of Anaheim.
Ing Department.
SE'CT'ION 2. The office of Building
This stamped set of drawings, or
inspector for the City of Anaheim I$
plans, and specifications must be kept
hereby created and the City Manager
on the work at all times and produced
of the City of Anaheim shall be and
at the demand of the authorized Build -
lie is hereby constituted etc -officio
ing Inspector or his deputy.
Building Inspector of said City and
Thereupon, on payment of the fees
shall hold office at the pleasure of the
hereinafter provided, the said Inspec-
Board of Trustees of said City.
for shall issue a permit for the pro-
He may appoint one or more deputy
posed work.
building inspectors, which office is
When a permit is given, a card shall
hereby created, which deputy building
inspector or inspectors shall hold of-
accompany it showing number of per -
flee at his pleasure and at the pleas-
mit, and this card must be posted in a
conspicuous spot on the building at all
ure of said Board of Trustees; and ap-
times during construction. Upon com-
pointments shall be subject to the ap-
pletion of the building or structure in
,mval and ratification of said .Board
accordance with all the terms or pro-
of Trustees. The Deputy Building In-
visions of this Ordinance and "State
rector shall be -vested with the ,same
Acts," the Building Inspector shall is -
powers and duties as are herein pre-
sue to the owner or his agent a com-
scribed for the Building Inspector.
pletion certificate.
SECTION 3. Itshallbe unlawful for
After a permit has been granted for
any person, firm or corporation to
the construction, alteration, repair or
erect, construct, alter, repair, raise,
demolition of any building, the- plans
build upon, demolish, maintain or use,
thereof shall not be changed without
or to cause, permit or, suffer to be
notice having been given to said In -
erected, constructed, altered, repaired,
spector of such change and the nature
raised built upon, demolished, main-
thereof, and the written assent first
tained or used, within the City of _Ana-
obtained from such Inspector therefor.
heim, any building or structure, or any
If such change increases the cost of
portion thereof, in a manner that shall
proposed work, the said Inspector shall
violate any of the provisions of this
collect an additional fee for such
change, in accordance with the scale
- SE!CTION 4. Unsafe or Dangerous
of fees hereinafter prescribed.
Construction. Whenever the'Building
The stamping of any plan or specifi-
Inspector shall find that any structure,
cation shall not be held to permit or
or any part thereof, is dangerous to
to be an approval of the violation of
persons or property, or is unsafe for
any section of this Ordinance.
tho purpose for which it is used, `or is
SECTION 6. Fees. The fees to be
in danger of fire from any'defect in its
paid to the Building Inspector for the
construction or repair, or that the
issuance of any permit mentioned in
doors, passageways or stairways of
Section 5 hereof shall be as follows:_
;iny; are, relent- far the
Where cost of proposed work ex
escape of -occupants in case of fire,
ceeds $50.00- and does not exceed
panic or accident, or do not conform to
$500.0,0, the fee for said building per -
this this Ordinance, or other Ordinances of
mit shall be $1.50; where the cost o
the City of Anaheim, or violate any of
the proposed work exceeds $500:00
the provisions of the "State Tenement
$2.50 fee shall be paid for the firs
Rouse Act, 1917," "State Hotel and
$1000.00 of cost of the proposed work,
Lodging House Act, 1917," or "State
and $1:50 shall be paid for each addi
Dwelling House Act 1914,", he shall
tional $1000.00, or fraction thereof, o
notify the owner, person in charge, or
the cost of such work above the said
occupant thereof in writfne; specifying
$1000.00, but not exceeding $15,000.00
wherein •such structure is dangerous,
Where cost of proposed work exceed
unsafe or defective, or not in conform-
$15,000.00, a fee of $1:011 per $1000.00
ity with said - Ordinance or provisions,
or fraction thereof, shall be paid fo
and requiring such owner, person in
each additional $1000:00, or fraction
charge or occupant_ forthwith to re-
thereof, above the said $15,00-0.0-0, u
move, demolish or repair the same, or
to $40,000:00, and any amount in excess
to make` such alterations therein as
of $40;000:00 to be paid for at the rat
may be necessary to make such struc-
of fifty cents (5fio.) for each additiona
ture conform to said ordinances or pro
, $1000.00, or fraction thereof.
visions and the person receiving such
The , a.bove mentioned fees do no
having supervision to stop the work; i
The officer of the City a
then, if said violation continues for a
now, or who may hereafter I
period of more than forty-eight (48)
with inspecting and 'overs
hours and no attempt is made to recti-
construction of buildings at
fy or correct same, the owner shall be
forcement of ordinances a
notified in writing that the permit will
tions relating to their insp(
be revoked, and it will then be neces-
construction. shall be d(
sary to pay the same fee for a new per-
"Building Inspector" mentic
mit as is required for original permit.
Ordinance. "Building Insp
Refusal on part of party in direct
herein used, shall include i
charge or supervision of the work to
ized deputy charged with
comply with proper orders of the
and overseeing the const
Building Inspector, regarding viola-
buildings and the eftforcer
tion of ordinance, shall not cause per-
dinances and regulations
mit to be revoked, providing the own-
their inspection and constri
er or his authorized agent is absent,
SECTION 11. Fire Distri
but such portion of the work in viola•
shall be and are hereby c
tion of this ordinance shall be stopped
fire districts within the C'.
until the owner or his authorized agent
heim, and the same shall
can be properly notified. Six (6) days'
hereby designated as "F
time shall be considered ample time
No. 1" and "Fire District
for notification of owner or his author-
and the exterior boundari
ized agent. The Building Inspector
District Number 1" and "F
shall have the right to stop any work
Number 2" shall be and th(
i in the process of erection or installa-
by fixed and established
tion, at any time, that is in conflict
limits of the City of Anahe
with or in violation of the building or-
SECTION 12. That "F'.
dinance and demand proper correction
Number 1" be and the sam
of same, and if same is not corrected.
divided into four -(4) divi(
the building permit may be revoked as
shall be severally known ai
heretofore provided.
ed as divisions of "Fire Di
SECTION 9. It shall be unlawful
her 1" and shall be numbe
for any person in any way to hinder or
utively from one (1) to fo
prevent the Building Inspector, or any
inclusive and that the bo
of his deputies, or any other duly au-
said division of "Fi.re Distr
thorized officer, from entering or in-
1" are hereafter fixed and
specting during business hours any
SECTION 13. That the
building already erected or any
of Division "1" of "Fire Di
building in course of construction, al-
her 1" be and the same at(
teration, repair or demolition; pro-
established as follows:
vided that such officer shall not be au
Commencing at the point
thorized to enter any dwelling house
section of the Center line o
after the same is occupied, without the
ter Street and the Center It
consent of the occupant thereof.
Palm Street; thence Sout
SECTION 10. Definition of Terms.
the Center line of said S
For the purpose of this Ordinance the
Street to the Center lin
following terms shall have the mean-
Street; thence Easterly ale
ings attached to them by this section,
ter line of Oak Street to
unless it is apparent from the context
line of South Clementine St
that they are used with another mean-
Southerly along the Cent
South Clementine Street tc
"Alterations" means any change or
line of Chestnut Street; t
erly along the Center line
"Repairs" means the reconstruction
Street to the Center line of
or renewal of any existing part of a
on Street; thence Southerl
building, or of its fixtures or appurte-
Center line of S(,uth Lem(
the Center line of West
"Party wall" means a wall used or
Street; thence easterly alc
erected to be used in common as a
ter line of West Broadwa
the Center line of South 1
structural wall by two or more ad-
Street; thence Northerly
joining buildings.
",Division wall" mean`S any wall, oth.
Center line of South L
er than an exterior wall or a party
Street to the Center line o
ter Street; thence Wester:
wall, which extends the full height of
Center lige of West Cent.
the building and through the roof.
the place of beginning.
"Curtain wall" means any exterior
SECTION 14. That the
non-bearing wall between columns or
of Division two (2) of fire i
piers, which is not supported by beams
her 1" be and the same
or girders at each story.
"Panel or enclosure wall" means an
fixed and established as
exterior non-bearing wall in a skele-
Commencing at the poi
ton structure built between columns or
section of the Center line c
piers and supported at each story.
Angeles Street and the C(
wall" is a wall carrying a
East Broadway Street; th
portion of -the interior load of a build-
ly along the Center line of
"Exterior wall" means every outer
way Street to the point of
wall or vertical enclosure of a building,
of the Center line of Bas
Street and the extended Co
other than a party wall.
the twenty (20) foot all
"Thickness of a wall" means the
Northerl and Souther;
minimum thickness of s wall -
oo en er ract" as
the floors or between the floors and the
map recorded Book 14, I
ceiling or the roof of a building.
o L
"Masonry" means brick, stone or
County,cellaneCalifornia;Records th
County, Cthenc
along said Center line and
A "Dwelling" means a building in-
line extended to the
tended for the residence of not over
lipoine ai
tion of said Center line a�
two families.
tended Southerly line of
A "Tenement House" is any house
A, Center Tract as shown c
or building, or portion thereof, of more
thence Easterly along sat
than one story, which is designed.
and said Southerly line et
built, rented, leased, let or hired out,
along the Southerly line .
to be occupied or is occupied as the
Block B, Center Trac a.
home or residence of three -(3) fami-
said map t) the Westerly
lies or more living independently of
twenty (20) foot alley rut
each other, and doing their cooking up-
erly and Southerly in sa.
on the premises, or by three families
thence Northerly along_ si
so living and cooking, and having a
line and said Westerly It
common right in the halls, stairways,
Northerly to a point dicta.
1 yards, water closets, or some or any
dred Thirty-five feet Soi
of them.
South property line of I
t An "Apartment House" is a building
i o+ --- 4. +hunnn
of fees hereinafter prescribed.
The stamping of any plan or specifi-
cation shall not be held to permit or
to be an approval of the violation of
any section o_ f this Ordinance.
SECTION 6. Fees, The fees to be
paid to the Building Inspector for the
issuance of any permit mentioned in
Section 5 hereof shall be as follows:_
Where cost of proposed work ex-
ceeds $50.00- and does not exceed
$500.00, the fee for -said building per-
mit shall be $1.50; where the cost of
the proposed work exceeds $500.00 a
$2.50 fee shall be paid for the first
$1000.00 of cost of the proposed work,
and $1:5.0 shall be paid for each addi-
tional $1000.00, or fraction thereof, of
the cost of such work above the said
$1000.00, but not exceeding $15,000.00.
Where cost of proposed work exceeds
$15,000.08, a fee of $1:M per $1000.00,
or fraction thereof, shall be paid for
each additional $1000:00, or fraction
thereof, above the said $15,00-0.00 up
to $40,000.00, and any amount in excess
of $40;000.00 to be paid for at the rate
of fifty cents (500.) for each additional
$10.00.00, or fraction thereof.
The, above mentioned fees do not
include any other work for which a
permit is required by any other ordi-
nance of the City of Anaheim.
In case of moving any building with-
out entering upon any public street.
alley or place in so doing, the cost. of
moving, added to the cost of any re-
pairs, additions or alterations to be
made to such building after the mov-
ing thereof, shall constitute the total
cost for the purpose of determining the
fee to be paid for the permit accord-
ing to the above schedule.
Any person, firm or corporation who
shall commence the erection, construc-
tion, alteration, repair or demolition
of any building, without a permit first
having been obtained from the Build-
ing Inspector as required by this Or-
dinance, shall be required, upon sub-
sequently taking out such permit, to
pay for the same double the amount
of the fee hereinbefore provided for
such permit.
SECTION 7. Account of Fees to be
kept and Monthly Report.
The Building Inspector shall keep in
proper books an accurate account of
all fees received under this Ordinance,
giving the name of the party paying
the same and the name of the owner
upon whose account the same were
paid, and the date and the amount
thereof, together with the house num-
ber of said premises, which books
shall be open for public inspection.
Such Building Inspector shall, on the
first day of each month, file with the
City Clerk a report in full of the num-
ber of building permits issued during
tb e preceding month, which report
shall show amounts collected for the
same, and he shall also deposit with
the City Clerk the amount collected by
him during said month.
SECTION 8. If the work authorized
by a permit is not commenced within
ninety (90") days from the date there.1
of, or if the work authorized by such
permit shall be suspended or abandon-
ed by the owner of said building for
period of ninety (90) days, then such
permit may be renewed by proper ap
plication to Building Inspector an
such renewal shall provide for an ad
ditionaI ninety (90) days within which
time building operations shall be com
menced. Should building operations be
r suspended or abandoned for a period
of time exceeding six (6) months or
renewal permit not obtained at the ex
piration of ninety (90) days from date
of original permit, then said permi
shall become null and void, and th
e same fees as heretofore fixed for ori
e inal permit shall be paid thereto
t for a new permit.
If the work upon any building o
1 structure shall be conducted in viol
, tion of any of the provisions of thi
n Ordinance, the Building Inspector she
2, notify the person in direct charge o
piers and supported at each story.
"Bearing wall" is a wall carrying a 1
portion of -the interior load of a build- 1
Exterior wall" means every outer c
wall or vertical enclosure of a building,
other than a party wall. t
"Thickness of a wall" means the 1
minimum thickness of a wall between 1
the floors or between the floors and the Y
ceiling or the roof of a building.
"Masonry" means brick, stone or
concrete. e
A "Dwelling" means a building in- 1
tended for the residence of not over t
two families.
A "Tenement House" is any house
or building, or portion thereof, of more t
than one story, which is designed. e
built, rented, leased, let or hired out, ,
to be occupied or is occupied as the 1
home or residence of three -(3) fami-
lies or more living independently of
each other, and doing their cooking up-
on the premises, or by three families 1
so living and cooking, and having a
common right in the halls, stairways,
yards, water closets, or some or any
of them.
An "Apartment House" is a building
containing separate apartments for
three or more families and having a
street entrance common to all and not
included within the definition of a
tenement house as herein contained.
A "Flat" is a building of two or more
stories containing independent dwell-
ings, each having its own street en-
An "Of;:ce Building" shall be taken
to mean and include every building
which shall be divided into rooms
above the first story and used or in-
tended to be used for business purpos-
es, and no part of which shall be used
for living purposes, excepting only for
the janitor and his family.
A "Public Hall" is a room for public
assemblages, not including a theater,
having a total seating capacity of one
hundred (100) or more persons.
A "Theater" is a room, hall or audi-
torium having a stage, either with or
without scenery, used or designed to be
used for public entertainment of per-
sons, and adapted to the presentation
of plays, operas, motion pictures or
similar forms of entertainment.
A "Hospital," ..Sanitorium," "Sani-
tarium" or "Asylum" is a building in
which sick, demented, injured, infirm,
aged or -orphaned persons are housed
or.intended to be housed.
A "Warehouse" is a building used
for the storage of goods, wares or mer-
A "Factory" is a building, the whole'
or greater portion of which is used for
manufacturing or assembling goods,
wares or merchandise.
A "Store Building" is a building used
wholly or in part for the purpose of
exhibiting for sale goods, wares or
A "Story and a half Building" shall
be taken to mean "a building that is
more than one story in height and less
than two stories in height, wherein
any portion of the 91)ace above the first
story ceiling is used or intended to be
a used or occupied for storage, living
t or sleeping purposes.
A "Parapet Wall" is that part of a
d masonry or reinforced concrete wall
extending above the roof immediately
adjoining such wall.
A "Basement" is the lower story of
a building, which is Below the level of
the street or streets on which the
a building faces, or below the general
level of the ground and not less than
one-half of its height above the street
t level upon which the principal en -
e trance to the building opens.
g- The "Front" of a building is that
r face thereof which contains the prin-
cipal entrance to said building.
r A "Hotel" is a building used as a
a. place of entertainment of transient
s guests, having more than fifteen (15)
11 sleeping rooms. (See -Cal. Hotel and
r J odging Holise Act, 1917.)
SECTION 4. Unsafe or Dangerous
Construction. Whenever the Building
Insx_;ector shall find that any structure,
or .ny part thereof, is dangerous to
persons or property, or is unsafe for
th', purpose for which it is used, or is
in clanger of fire from any defect in its
co: Ntruetion or repair, or that the
�gdoors, passage ways or stairways of
structure are insufficient for the
escape of -occupants in case of fire,
Painc or accident, or do not conform to
this Ordinance, or other Ordinances of
the City of Anaheim, or violate any of
the provisions of the "State Tenement
House Act, 1917," "State Hotel and
Lod -_ng House Act, 1917," or "State
Dweiling House Act, 1917," he shall
not_fv the owner, person in charge, or
occucunt thereof in writing, specifying
wherein such structure is dangerous,
unsafe or defective, or not in conform-
ity with said, Ordinane or provisions,
a>_id regah1ng such owner, person in
charge or occupant forthwith to re-
move, demolish or repair the same, or
to make such alterations therein as
may be necessary to make such struc-
tune conform to said ordinances or pro-.
virions and the person receiving such
notice shall, within seventy-two (72)
hours after i_ eceiving the same,. com-
Pence the work required by said no-
tice to be done and shall diligently
g o.>;ocute the same to completion. It
s,.all be unlawful for any person to use
or t•, permit the use of any such strue-
t _.re or part thereof, described in said
no lice, unless the work mentioned in
said notice shall .be done, The no-
tion herein specified to be given by the
s2 iC Tnspector may, in case such In-'
s, lector, after diligent search and in-
quiry, 's unable to find, within the City
of Anaheim, any owner, person in
c'!narge or occupani, of such premises,
be seri-ed by posting such written no-
t,^, in a conspicuous place upon the
Cl- - -r miles directed to the owner,
nor -on in charge, or occupant of such
prey rises, and such notice and posting
slmll have the same force and effect as
a personal service of said notice.
SECTION 5. Permit Required. It
s'rsall be unlawful for any person, firm
cr corporation, as principal, agent, offi-
c=r, cle.k or employee, for himself or
itself or for another person, firm or
corporation. to commence or proceed
r,th the erection, construction, altera-
' ion, r -^.pair or demolition exceeding
Vwcnty Dollars ($20.00) in cost (res-
torition of plastering or painting ex-
cepted), of any building or other struc-
ti,,re in tho City of Anaheim (other
Iban structures erected by the United
Mates of America), unless a permit so
to do has been first obtained, as,here-
ir_after provided.
ay person desiring such permit
ti1:all file with the Building Inspector,
on a dank to be furnished by said In-
spector, an application therefor, which
application for such permit shall be
moue by the owner or his agent. Such
application shall srecify the land upon
which the proposed work is to be
done, describe the same by lot and
block, and house number of said lot,
chc general dimensions of the building
to be erected, constructed, altered, re
-aired or demolished, the number and
height of stories, thereof, the name. s
of the owner, architect and contractor
or builder, if there be such architect
contractor or builder, and the total
cost of the proposed work, as nearly
scan be determined, and the purpose
for which such building, alteration o
repair is designed, and such other mat
tens as said Inspector may require.
Ti upon examination of any applica
tion for a permit to do any building
outside of Fire District No. 1 and No
3, the Building Inspector shall find th
in h
co—does not exceed $50.00 value,
nlay issue a permit, but shall no
ch^rge a fee for same.
t `
Every applicant for a permit shal
also furnish the Building Inspector
wb.ere the building exceeds $1000.90 i
V alae in Tire District No. 1 and No.
of fees hereinafter prescribed.
The stamping of any plan or specifi-
cation shall not be held to permit or
to be an approval of the violation of
any section o_ f this Ordinance.
SECTION 6. Fees, The fees to be
paid to the Building Inspector for the
issuance of any permit mentioned in
Section 5 hereof shall be as follows:_
Where cost of proposed work ex-
ceeds $50.00- and does not exceed
$500.00, the fee for -said building per-
mit shall be $1.50; where the cost of
the proposed work exceeds $500.00 a
$2.50 fee shall be paid for the first
$1000.00 of cost of the proposed work,
and $1:5.0 shall be paid for each addi-
tional $1000.00, or fraction thereof, of
the cost of such work above the said
$1000.00, but not exceeding $15,000.00.
Where cost of proposed work exceeds
$15,000.08, a fee of $1:M per $1000.00,
or fraction thereof, shall be paid for
each additional $1000:00, or fraction
thereof, above the said $15,00-0.00 up
to $40,000.00, and any amount in excess
of $40;000.00 to be paid for at the rate
of fifty cents (500.) for each additional
$10.00.00, or fraction thereof.
The, above mentioned fees do not
include any other work for which a
permit is required by any other ordi-
nance of the City of Anaheim.
In case of moving any building with-
out entering upon any public street.
alley or place in so doing, the cost. of
moving, added to the cost of any re-
pairs, additions or alterations to be
made to such building after the mov-
ing thereof, shall constitute the total
cost for the purpose of determining the
fee to be paid for the permit accord-
ing to the above schedule.
Any person, firm or corporation who
shall commence the erection, construc-
tion, alteration, repair or demolition
of any building, without a permit first
having been obtained from the Build-
ing Inspector as required by this Or-
dinance, shall be required, upon sub-
sequently taking out such permit, to
pay for the same double the amount
of the fee hereinbefore provided for
such permit.
SECTION 7. Account of Fees to be
kept and Monthly Report.
The Building Inspector shall keep in
proper books an accurate account of
all fees received under this Ordinance,
giving the name of the party paying
the same and the name of the owner
upon whose account the same were
paid, and the date and the amount
thereof, together with the house num-
ber of said premises, which books
shall be open for public inspection.
Such Building Inspector shall, on the
first day of each month, file with the
City Clerk a report in full of the num-
ber of building permits issued during
tb e preceding month, which report
shall show amounts collected for the
same, and he shall also deposit with
the City Clerk the amount collected by
him during said month.
SECTION 8. If the work authorized
by a permit is not commenced within
ninety (90") days from the date there.1
of, or if the work authorized by such
permit shall be suspended or abandon-
ed by the owner of said building for
period of ninety (90) days, then such
permit may be renewed by proper ap
plication to Building Inspector an
such renewal shall provide for an ad
ditionaI ninety (90) days within which
time building operations shall be com
menced. Should building operations be
r suspended or abandoned for a period
of time exceeding six (6) months or
renewal permit not obtained at the ex
piration of ninety (90) days from date
of original permit, then said permi
shall become null and void, and th
e same fees as heretofore fixed for ori
e inal permit shall be paid thereto
t for a new permit.
If the work upon any building o
1 structure shall be conducted in viol
, tion of any of the provisions of thi
n Ordinance, the Building Inspector she
2, notify the person in direct charge o
piers and supported at each story.
"Bearing wall" is a wall carrying a 1
portion of -the interior load of a build- 1
Exterior wall" means every outer c
wall or vertical enclosure of a building,
other than a party wall. t
"Thickness of a wall" means the 1
minimum thickness of a wall between 1
the floors or between the floors and the Y
ceiling or the roof of a building.
"Masonry" means brick, stone or
concrete. e
A "Dwelling" means a building in- 1
tended for the residence of not over t
two families.
A "Tenement House" is any house
or building, or portion thereof, of more t
than one story, which is designed. e
built, rented, leased, let or hired out, ,
to be occupied or is occupied as the 1
home or residence of three -(3) fami-
lies or more living independently of
each other, and doing their cooking up-
on the premises, or by three families 1
so living and cooking, and having a
common right in the halls, stairways,
yards, water closets, or some or any
of them.
An "Apartment House" is a building
containing separate apartments for
three or more families and having a
street entrance common to all and not
included within the definition of a
tenement house as herein contained.
A "Flat" is a building of two or more
stories containing independent dwell-
ings, each having its own street en-
An "Of;:ce Building" shall be taken
to mean and include every building
which shall be divided into rooms
above the first story and used or in-
tended to be used for business purpos-
es, and no part of which shall be used
for living purposes, excepting only for
the janitor and his family.
A "Public Hall" is a room for public
assemblages, not including a theater,
having a total seating capacity of one
hundred (100) or more persons.
A "Theater" is a room, hall or audi-
torium having a stage, either with or
without scenery, used or designed to be
used for public entertainment of per-
sons, and adapted to the presentation
of plays, operas, motion pictures or
similar forms of entertainment.
A "Hospital," ..Sanitorium," "Sani-
tarium" or "Asylum" is a building in
which sick, demented, injured, infirm,
aged or -orphaned persons are housed
or.intended to be housed.
A "Warehouse" is a building used
for the storage of goods, wares or mer-
A "Factory" is a building, the whole'
or greater portion of which is used for
manufacturing or assembling goods,
wares or merchandise.
A "Store Building" is a building used
wholly or in part for the purpose of
exhibiting for sale goods, wares or
A "Story and a half Building" shall
be taken to mean "a building that is
more than one story in height and less
than two stories in height, wherein
any portion of the 91)ace above the first
story ceiling is used or intended to be
a used or occupied for storage, living
t or sleeping purposes.
A "Parapet Wall" is that part of a
d masonry or reinforced concrete wall
extending above the roof immediately
adjoining such wall.
A "Basement" is the lower story of
a building, which is Below the level of
the street or streets on which the
a building faces, or below the general
level of the ground and not less than
one-half of its height above the street
t level upon which the principal en -
e trance to the building opens.
g- The "Front" of a building is that
r face thereof which contains the prin-
cipal entrance to said building.
r A "Hotel" is a building used as a
a. place of entertainment of transient
s guests, having more than fifteen (15)
11 sleeping rooms. (See -Cal. Hotel and
r J odging Holise Act, 1917.)
the work;
nues for a
-eight (48)
de to recti-
er shall be
permit will
n be neces-
a new per-
iinai permit.
In direct
he work to
yrs of the
ding viola -
t cause per-
ag the own -
t is absent,
€rk in viola.
, be stopped
)rized agent
,ix (6) days'
ample time
his author -
.g Inspector
p any work
or installa-
in conflict
building or -
r correction
t corrected.
:revoked ae
e unlawful
to hinder or
ctor, or any
ier duly au-
ering or in -
hours any
I or any
truction, al-
ition; pro -
11 not be au
:fling house
without the
Son of Terms.
Ordinance the
we the mean -
y this section,
In the context
another mean -
my change or
ing part of a
es or appurte-
t wall used or
ommon as a
or more ad -
any wall, oth-
11 or a party
full height of
the roof.
any exterior
a columns or
fed by beams
11 means an
in a skele-
columns or
h story.
carrying a
of a build
every outer
f a building,
means the
►11- between
3ors and the
stone or
8 building in -
of not over
OG" -is any house
a thereof, of more
ch is designed.
let or hired out,
occupied as the
[`three -(3) fami-
ndependently of
their cooking up -
5y three families
;, and having a
halls, stairways,
or some or any
The officer of the City of Anaheim
now, or who may hereafter be, charged
with inspecting and bverseeing the
construction of buildings and the eu-
forcement of ordinances and regula-
tions relating to their inspection and
construction. shall be deemed the
"Building Inspector" mentioned in this
Ordinance. "Building Inspector," as
herein used, shall include any author-
ized deputy charged with inspecting
and overseeing the construction of
buildings and the enforcement of or-
dinances and regulations relating to
their inspection and construction.
SECTION 11. Fire Districts. There
shall be and are hereby created two
fire districts within the City of Ana-
heim, and the same shall be and are
hereby designated as "Fire District
No. 1" and "Fire District Number 2,"
and the exterior boundaries of "Fire
District Number 1" and "Fire District
Number 2" shall be and they are here-
by fixed and established as the fire
limits of the City of Anaheim.
SECTION 12. That "Fire District
Number 1" be- and the same is hereby
divided into four -(4) divisions which
shall be severally known and designat-
ed as divisions of "Fire District Num-
ber 1" and shall be numbered consec-
utively from one (1) to four (4) both
inclusive and that the boundaries of
said division of "Fire District Number
1" are hereafter fixed and established.
SECTION 13. That the boundaries
of Division "I" of "Fire District Num-
ber 1" be and the same are fixed and
established as follows:
Commencing at the point of inter-
section of the Center line of West Cen-
ter Street and the Center line of South
Palm Street; thence Southerly along
the Center line of said South Palm
Street to the Center line of Oak
Street; thence Easterly along the Cen-
ter line of Oak Street to the Center
line of South Clementine Street;thence
Southerly along the Center line of
South Clementine Street to the Center
line of Chestnut Street; thence East-
erly along the Center Iine of Chestnut
Street to the Center line of South Lem-
on Street; thence Southerly along the
Center line of S(,uth Lemon*Street to
the Center line of West Broadway
Street; thence easterly along the Cen-
ter line of West Broadway Street to
the Center line of South Los Angeles
Street; thence Northerly along the
Center line of South Los Angeles
Street to the Center line of West Cen-
ter Street; thence Westerly along the
Center line of West Center Street to
the place of beginning.
SECTION 14. That the Boundaries
of Division two (2) of fire district num-
ber "1" be and the same are hereby
fixed and established as follows, to -
Commencing at the point of inter-
section of the Center line of South Los
Angeles Street and the Center line of
East Broadway Street; thence Easter-
ly along the Center line of East Broad-
way Street to the point of intersection
of the Center line of East Broadway
Street and the extended Center line of
the twenty (2-0) foot alley running
Northerly and Southerly through
Block "A" Center Tract as shown on a
map recorded in Book 14, page 13, Mis-
cellaneous Records of Los Angeles
County, California; thence Northerly
along said Center line and said Center
line extended to the point of intersec-
tion of said Center line and the ex-
tended Southerly line of Lot 18, Block
A, Center Tract as shown on said map;
thence Easterly along said Southerly
and said Southerly line extended, an4
along the Southerly line of fat 34,
Block B, Center Trac`, as shown on
said map to the Westerly line of the
twenty (20) foot alley running North-
erly and Southerly in said Block B;
thence Northerly along said Westerly
line and said Westerly line extended
Northerly to a point distant One Hun-
dred Thirty-five feet South. of the
South property line of East Center
West Adele Street; thence Westerly
on a map recorded
along the Center line of West Adele
Miiscelianeous M•a
Street to its intersection with the ex-
ange County, Calif
tended Westerly line of Original
erly along the Ei
Building Lot 9 as shown on map re-
Lot 1, and along
corded in Book 4 of Deeds, at Pages
Lot ,2 of said Sui
629.630, Records of Los Angeles Coun-
Northeasterly corp
ty, California; thence Southerly along
thence Westerly ;
the extended Westerly line of Build-
line of said Lot 2 1
ing Lot 13, and said Westerly line ex-
corner of said Lot
tended and along the Westerly
the Northeasterly
line of Building Lot 17 to the North-
said Sunrise Trac
easterly corner of Building Lot
Parallel to the Nc
22, - thence Westerly along
Chartres Street b
the Northerly line of said Building Lot
corner of Lot 12 of
22, and along the Northerly line of
thence Southerly
Building Lots 23-24 to the Northwester-
line -of said Lot IS
ly corner of said Building Lot 24;
of East Chartres
thence Southerly along the Westerly
erly along said N
line ofsaid Building Lot and along
place of beginning
said Westerly line extended to the
Northwesterly corner of Building Lot
of Division "4" of
28, all of aforesaid Building Lots be-
her "2" be and th(
ing shown on said map recorded in
established as foil
Book 4 of Deeds at Pages 629 and 630.
Beginning at a I
Records of Los Angeles County, Calif;
ly line of East Ad
thence Westerly along. ,the extended
Easterly from th
line of said Building Lot 28, and along
North Los Anger
the Northerly line of Lot 7, Block "K"
Northerly parallel
of a sub -division of the said Lot "D-5"
tothe Southerly li
as shown on a map recorded in Book
Street; thence V
17, at page 72. of Miscellaneous Rec-
Southerly line and
ords of Los Angeles County, Califor-
line of West Syc€
nia; to the Northwesterly corner of
point 130.25 feet
said Lot 7; thence Southerly along the
Westerly line of T
Westerly line of said Lot and along
Street; thence So
the Westerly line of Lots 8, 9 and 10 of
said Westerly line
said Block "K" and along said West-
line of West Adele
erly line extended to the Southerly
erly along said I
line of the 16 foot alley running East-
along the Norther]
erly and Westerly through Blocks
Street to the plat,
"K," "I" and "H" as shown on said
SECTION 22. '.
subdivision of Vineyard Lot "D-5;"
of Division "5" of
thence Westerly along'said Southerly
her `2" be and tl
line to the Center line of North Palm
fixed and establie
Street; thence Southerly along said
Center line of North Palm Street to
Beginning at the
the Center line of West Center Street;
Southerly line of I
thence Easterly along the Center line
and the Westerly ]
of West Center Street to the Center
Street; thence So
line of North Los Angeles Street-
Westerly line to t
thence Northerly along the center line
West Chartres Str
of North Los Angeles Street to the
ly along said Nort
place of beginning.Easterly
line of th
SECTION 17. That Fire District
ning Northerly an
Number "2" be and the same is here-
Block "G" of a sub
Lot "D 5" as shows
by divided into six divisions which
in Book 17, Page
shall be severally known and desig-
Records of Los A
nated as divisions of Fire District
ifornia; thence N
Number and shall be numberW1
Easterly line of sa
consecutively from one (1) to six (6)
the Southerly lin
both inclusive; and that the boundar-
ies of the Six Divisions of Fire Dis-
Southerly line to
trict Number are hereinafter fixed
and established.
SECTION 18. That the boundaries
of Division "6" of
of Division "I" of Fire District Num-
her 2" be and ti
ber "2" be and the same are fixed and
fixed and establis
established, as follows, to -wit:
Beginning at the point of intersec-
Beginning at th(
tion of the Southerly line of Chestnut
.Southerly line a
Street and the Easterly line of Lot 4,
Street and the Ea
Chestnut Street subdivision as shown
Clementine Street
on a map recMded in Book 6, Page 35,
along the Souther]
Miscellaneous, Maps, Records of Or-
Chartres Street to
ange County, California; thence South-
the 15.5 foot alley
erly along the Easterly line of said
and Southerly thr
Lot 4, to the Southeasterly corner of
a subdivision of Vi
said Lot; thence Southerly to the
.shown on said ma
Northeasterly corner of Lot 55 of
along the Wester]
Vineyard Lot "E 5" of the Langenber-
foot alley to the b
ger Tract as shown on a map recorded
16 foot alley run:
in Book 1. Pages 551 and 552, Miscel•
Westerly through
laneous Records of Los Angeles Coun-
Westerly along tb
ty, California; thence Southerly along
said 16 foot alley
the Easterly line of said Lot 55 to
of North Clemen
the Northerly line of West Broadway
Northerly along €
Street; thence Easterly along said
the place of begin
Northerly line to the Westerly line of
South Lemon Street; thence Norther-
cornices and roof
ly along said Westerly line to the
Southerly line of Chestnut Street;
Every building 1
thence Westerly along said Southerly
enlarged within I
line of Chestnut Street to the place of
shall be inclosed i
walls constructed
Beginning at the point of intersec-
well burnt brick,
tion of the Southerly line of West
or other equivalen
Broadway Street and the Easterly line
terial; and shall hz
of Building Lot 50 of the Town of
roof top and sides €
Anaheim as the said Lot is shown on
including dormer v
a map,recorded in Book 4, of Deeds, at
ineombustihle mai
sure of a building,
street and the extended Center line of
the twenty (20) foot alley running
wall" means the
Northerly and Southerly through
it a �w llc�° *
and the
Block "A" Center Tract as shown on a
14, 13, Mis-
map recorded in Book page
ta building.
cellaneous Records of Los Angeles
s brick, stone or
County, California; thence Northerly
the Northerly line. of West Broadway
along said Center line and said Center
ans a building in-
line extended to the point of intersec-
deuce of not over
tion of said Center line and the ex -
use" is house
tended Southerly line of Lot 18, Block
A, Center Tract as shown on said map;
thereof, of more
thence Easterly along said Southerly
is designed.
ch is
and said Southerly line extended, an4
let hired out,
along the Southerly line of Lot 34,
` occupied as the
Block B, Center Trac+ as shown on
f three -(3) fami-
said map to the Westerly line of the
ndependently of
twenty (20) foot alley running North -
cooking up-
erly and Southerly in said Block B;
by three families
thence Northerly along said Westerly
g, and having a
line and said Westerly line extended
halls, stairways,
Northerly to a point distant One Hun -
or some or any
dred Thirty-five feet South of the
geles County, California; thence
South property line of East Center
use" is a building
Street; thence Easterly and parallel
apartments for
with East Center Street to the Center
es and having a
line of South Olive Street; thence
on to all and not
Northerly along the Center line of
definition of a
South Olive Street to the Center line
erein contained,
of East Center Street; thence West -
g of two or more
erly along the Center line of East Cen-
dependent dwell-
ter Street to the -Center line of South
s own street en-
Los Angeles Street; thence Southerly
line of South Los Angeles Street;
along the Center line of South Los
g" shall be taken
Angeles Street to the place of begin -
every building
ed into rooms
SECTION 15. That the boundaries
and used or in-
of Division "3" of fire district Number
r business purpos-
"1" be and the same are fixed and es-
ich shall be used
tablished as follows, to -wit:
excepting only for
Commencing at the point of inter-
section of the Center line of East Cen-
a room for public
ter St. and the Center line of North
eluding a theater,
Olive St.; thence Northerly along the
capacity of one
Center line of North Olive Street to a
re persons.
point 135 feet Northerly from the pres-
oom, hall or audi-
ent Northerly line of East Center
ge, either with or
Street; thence Westerly parallel to
ordes.igned to be
said Northerly line of East Center
rtainment of per,
Street to the Center line of Emily
the presentation
Street; thence Northerly along said
tion pictures or
Center line of Emily Street to its inter-
section with the Center line of East
nitorium," "Sani-
Chartres 'Street; thence Westerly
" is a building in
along said Center line of East Char -
Injured, infirm,
tres Street to its intersection with the
jersons are housed
Center line of North Claudius, Street;
thence Northerly along said Center
s a building used
line of North Claudina Street to a
ods, wares or mer-
point 138.75 feet Northerly from the
established as follows, to -wit:
Center line of East Chartres Street;
building, the whole
thence Westerly parallel to said Cen-
f which is used for
ter line of East Chartres Street 146.50
assembling goods,
feet to the Easterly line of Lot 13,
Block "D" of Vineyard Lot. "D-3" as
is a building used
shown on a map recorded in Book 34
or the purpose of
of Deeds, at page 592, Records of Los
goods, wares or
Angeles County, California; thence
erly along said Westerly line to a
Northerly alorg said Easterly line and
alf Building" shall
along the Easterly line of Lots 12, 11,
a building that is
10, 9 and 8 of said Block "D" and said
In height and less
Easterly line extended and along the
in height, wherein
Easterly line of Lots 61. 60, 59, 58, 57,
ace above the first
56, 55 and 54, Block "E" of Heinman
d or intended to be
and George Addition as shown on a
for storage, living
map recorded in Book 2, Page 249 of
Miscellaneous Records of Los Ange-
" is that part of a
les County, California, and along said
reed concrete wall
Easterly line extended to the Center
e roof immediately
line of East Adele Streets; thence
Westerly line of Santa Fe Street;
Westerly along said Center line of
the lower story of
East Adele Street to the Center line of
below the level of
North Los Angeles Street; thence
ts. on which the
Southerly along the Center line of
below the general
North Los Angeles Street to the Cen-
land not less than
ter line of East Center Street; thence
t above the street
Easterly along the Center line of East
the principal en-
Center Street to tha place of begin-
ing opens.
building is that
SECTION 16. That the boundaries
"I contains the grin-
of Division four (4) of Fire District
id building.
Number "1" be and the same are here-
aidng used as a
by fixed and established as follows,
ent 0f transient
to -wit:
than fifteen (15)
Commencing at the point of intersec-
ee `Cal. 1-Idtel and
tion of the Center line of North Los
Augeles Street a1ld the Center line of
said Loi;;
Nn.thoe...+ ■e -...
Vineyard Lot "IF, ' of the Langen err
foot alley to t1ae No,
ger Tract as shown on a map recorded
16 foot alley runni:
in Book 1. Pages 551 and 5.52, Miscel-
Westerly through E
laneous Records of Los Angeles Coun-
Westerly along the
ty, California; thence Southerly along
said 16 foot alley t(
the Easterly line of said Lot 55 to
of North Clementh
the Northerly line. of West Broadway
Northerly along sa
Street; thence Easterly along said
the place of beginni
Northerly line to the Westerly line of
South Lemon Street; thence Norther-
cornices and roofs
ly along said Westerly line to the
Southerly line of Chestnut Street;
Every building he
thence Westerly along said Southerly
enlarged within .Fi.
line of Chestnut Street to the place of
shall be inclosed of
walls constructed i
Beginning at the point of intersec-
well burnt brick, cc
tion of the Southerly line of West
or other equivalent
Broadway Street and the Easterly line
terial; and shall hav
of Building Lot 50 of the Town of
roof top and sides of
Anaheim as the said Lot is shown on
including dormer wi
a map,recorded in Book 4, of Deeds, at
incombustible mate
Pages 629 and 630, Records of Los An-
shall be of incombu;
geles County, California; thence
Southerly along said Easterly line and
along the Easterly line of Building Lot
shall be constructer
54, and said Easterly Iine extended and
crete of the folio,
?long the Easterly line of Building
Lots 58 and 62, and said Easterly line
Stories in Base- 1
extended to a point 198 feet Southerly
Building ment
from the Southerly line West of Santa
1 story 12" 1
Ana Street; thence Easterly parallel
2 stories 16" 1
to said Southerly line to the Easterly
3 stories 16" 1
line of South Los Angeles Street;
4 stories 20" 1
thence Southerly along said Easterly
5 stories 20" 2
line to a point 360.9 feet Southerly
Providing walls ;
from the Southerly line ofEast Santa
0" in length, with(
Ana Street; thence Easterly parallel
same height and tl
to said Southerly line 155 feet; thence
walls shall be incl
Northerly parallel to the Easterly line!
of South Los Angeles Street to the
Providing furthe
Northeasterly corner of Lot 1, Konig
x 20" built out fror
Subdivision, as shown on a map re-
and 4" x 16" pilas
corded in Book 6, Page 20, Miscellan-
12" walls, all havii
eous Maps, Records of Orange County,
same, spaced not b
California, thence Northerly to the
ters, shall be perp
Southeasterly- corner of Lot 3, Block
increase in thickn(
"N" Center Tract, as shown on a map
The maximum s
recorded in Book 14, Page 13, Miscel-
follows: First stoi
laneous Records of Los Angeles Coun-
except 12" walls to
ty, California; thence Northerly along
to bottom of ceilin
the Easterly line of said Lot 3 to the
above first floor t(
Southerly line of East Broadway
except stories of g
Street; thence Westerly along said
be built and constr
Southerly line, and along the Southerly
in the computati(
line of West Broadway Street to the
walls. All buildin,
place of beginning.
in height to be fir
SECTION 19. That the boundaries
having steel or i
of Division "2" of Fire District Num-
skeleton frame, w'
ber "2" be and that same are fixed and
terior walls or par
established as follows, to -wit:
material. All to b(
Beginning at a point on the Easterly
construction, but
line of South Olive Street 135 feet
and doors may be
Southerly from the Southerly line of
All exterior bri(
East Center Street; thence Easterly
walls, except in t,
parallel to said Southerly line of East
to be laid up with
Center Street to the Westerly line of
mortar having at
South Atchison Street; thence South-
ment to eight par
erly along said Westerly line to a
Footing courses, p
point 3-00 feet Southerly from the
parapet walls to b
Southerly line of East Center Street;
tar in the proporti
thence Easterly parallel to said South-
ment to three part
erly line of East Center Street to the
Exterior walls tl
Westerly line of South Vine Street;
than 100' 0" in lent
thence Northerly along said Westerly
thick for both the
line and said Westerly line extended
to a point 198 feet Northerly from the
Exterior walls
Northerly line of East Center Street;
stories high may b
thence Westerly parallel to said North-
ceeding 100' 0" it
erly line of East Center Street; to the
strengthened with
Westerly line of Santa Fe Street;
inforced concrete
thence Southerly along said Westerly
cast iron columns
line to a point 125 feet Northerly from
reinforced concreb
the Northerly line of East Center
size at each floor 1
Street; thence Westerly parallel to
and dead loads of
said Northerly line to the Easterly line
weight, other than
of North Olive Street; thence South-
carried by said i
erly along said Easterly line of South
strength of such
Olive Street to the place of beginning.
walls to be approv
SECTION 20. That the boundaries
spector before per.
of Division "3" of Fire District Num-
ber "2" be and the same are fixed and
Hollow clay tile,
established as follows, to -wit:
similar make, and
Beginning at the Southeasterly cor-
blocks of same thi
nor rof T.nt 1. 9lnnrfmA Tract am shown
walls shall be pert
i a map recorded In Book 3, Page $6, n
iisoellaneous Maps, Records of Or- e
ige,County, California; thence North c
•ly along the Easterly line of said i
Dt 1, and along the Easterly line of fo
at 2 of said Sunrise Tract, to the st
ortheasterly corner of said Lot 2; n
fence Westerly along the Northerly c
ae of said Lot 2 to the Northwesterly h
>rner of said Lot, thence Westerly to 0
ie Northeasterly corner of Lot 11 of a
lid Sunrise Tract; thence Westerly a
3,riliel to the Northerly line of East u
hartres Street to the Northwesterly 1
�rner of Lot 12 of said Sunrise Tract; i
fence Southerly along the Westerly t
ne-of said Lot 12 to a Northerly, line
f East Chartres Street; thence East-
rly along said Northerly line to the i
lace of beginning.
SECTION 21. That the boundaries
f Division "4" of Fire District Num-
er "2" be and the same are fixed and
stablished as follows, A0 -wit:
Beginning at a point on the Norther- t
y line of East Adele Street 111.5 feet
;asterly from the Easterly line of 1
lorth Los Angeles Street; thence
Vortherly parallel to said Easterly line
;o the Southerly line of East Sycamore
Street; thence Westerly along said
Southerly line and along the Southerly
.ine of West Sycamore Street to a
point 130.25 feet Westerly from the
Westerly line of North los Angeles
Street; thence Southerly parallel to
said Westerly line to the Northerly
line of West Adele Street;thence East-
erly along said Northerly line and
along the Northerly line of East Adele
Street to the place of beginning.
SECTION 22. That the boundaries
of Division "5" of -Fire District Num-
ber "2" be and the same are hereby
fixed and established "as follows, to -
Beginning at the intersection of the
Southerly line of West Cypress Street
and the Westerly line of North Lemon
Street; thence Southerly along said
Westerly line to the Northerly line of
West Chartres Street; thence Wester-
ly along said Northerly line to the
Easterly line of the 15.5 foot alley run-
ning Northerly and Southerly through
Block "�G" of a subdivision of Vineyard
Lot "D 5" as shown on a map recorded
in Book 17, Page 7"2, Miscellaneous
Records of Los Angeles County, Cal-
ifornia; thence Northerly along the
Easterly line of said 15.5 foot alley to
the Southerly line of West Cypress
Street; thence Easterly along said
Southerly line to the place of begin-
SECTION 23. That the boundaries
0f Division "6" of Fire District Num-
ber "2" be and the same are hereby
fixed and established as follows, to -
Beginning at the intersection of the
Southerly line of West Chartres
Street and the Easterly line of North
Clementine Street; thence Easterly
along the Southerly line of said West
Chartres Street to the Westerly line of
the 15.5 foot alley running Northerly
and Southerly through Block "K" of
a subdivision. of Vineyard Lot Southerly
shown on said map;
y.. _wasterlp li— —Of -said 16.
foot alley to the Northerly line of th
16 foot alley running Easterly an
Westerly through Block "K"; then
Westerly along the Northerly line o
said 16 foot alley to the Easterly lin
of North Clementine Street; then
iNortherly along said Easterly line t
f the place of beginning.
SECTION 24. Incombustible wall
cornices and roofs required in Sr
s limits.
Every building hereafter erected o
Y enlarged within Fire District No.
I shall be inclosed on all sides wit
walls constructed wholly of ston
well burnt brick, concrete, hollow ti
3t or other equivalent incombustible m
to terial;_ and shall have the roof, also t
of . f tnn and sides of all voof structure
of exceeding three stories in height, " be
ex said hollow tile or concrete or int
ement blocks may be used in build- ere
ngs'of any height, where same is used
r panels in reinforced concrete or ma
eel skeleton structures. Panels shall str
of be less than 8" in thickness ex- me
ept. all buildings over two stories in
eight have ist story walls 12" thick sb
r when used as party walls to have flo
11 walls at least 12" thick and shall be co
nchored to supporting beams and col- ge
mns with galvanized wire ties at al
east 3-16" in diameter extending 6" pl
nto walls and to be securely fastened or
o supports. Ties shall not be spared do
more than 2' 6" apart vertically.
Interior bearing partitions for build- sh
ng not exceeding three stories may be pr
f hollow tile blocks, for one story va
buildings 6" thick; for two story
buildings, 8" for first story and 6" for cl
second story; three story buildings, ea
12" first story, 8" second story and 6" m
hied story. Providing brick is used. li
sande to be 12", 8" and 8" respective- as
y. No load in excess of 100 lbs. per a
sq. inch shall be allowed to bear on ti
such bearing partitions or walls, when
I mortar is used. When cement m
mortar is used, brick bearing parti- w
tions of hard burned brick may be fr
200 lbs. per sq. inch of brick b
work allowed.
Residences, apartment houses, tene- is
ment houses and similar structures
may have 8" walls for top story, 12"
walls for second story and 12" walls s
for first story, with 4" increase for c
basement, providing walls do not ex- F
teed 80' 0" in length and 10' 0" ceil- e
ing heights. Residences, Apartment
houses, Tenement hous*, other simi- s
lar structures one story high not ex- a
ceeding 10' 0" ceiling heights, in 2nd f
fire district and outside of fire dis- t
tricts may be built of masonry either
solid or hollow 8" thick, of brick on t
edge having 1 header to each double 1
stretcher, or to be hollow tile or ce
ment blocks all anchored to each cross
partition with 1-2 bolts, two to each
partition. Wood partitions to be bolt -
with 2 1-2"x7" bolts to_adjoining brick,
tile or concrete walls, and such parti-
tions shall not be spaced more than 20'
0" centers. Residences. apartment
houses, tenement houses and silimar
structures having walls more than 80'
0". in length shall have said walls con-
structed same as provided for in first
paragraph of Section 25. Provided one
story buildings are not plastered and
to be used for storage rooms ,work-
shops or other similar purposes and
the height of story does not exceed
16' 0", exterior wall may be construct-
ed 8" thick, provhied, however, said
wall shall be provided with pilasters at
least 8" x 16" in size, well bonded to
wails, and spaced not to exceed 16' 0"
centers, and there shall be a continu-
ous concrete lintel 12" deep, same
thickness as wall reinforced with two
1-2" sq. twisted steel bars, placed at
ceiling line under ceiling joists. This
lintel to be fastened to rafters and
ceiling joists with W. I. standard an-
chors, spaced not to exceed 5' 4" cen-
ters. Buildings having not over 500
5 sq. ft. area and 12' 0" ceiling may be
e built 8" thick, of brick, concrete or
d hollow tile, without cross walls or pil-
e asters.
f All. buildings, except residences,
e ,shall have parapet walls not less than
e 8" thick. which shall be laid up, from
o bottom of ceiling joists to top of wall,
In lime and cement mortar, mixed in
s, the proportions of one part cement to
e three parte• lime mortar. Parapet walls
more than 6' 0" in height or having
r more than 4' 6" projections above roof
1 line shall be 12" thick or to be provid-
h ed with at least 4" x 16" pilasters
e, spaced not to exceed 16' 0" centers.
le Provided 3-4" W. I. anchors,not exceed-
a- Ing 16' 0" centers, from parapet walls
he to roof, where parapet walls project
s, more than 4' D" above roof. Parapet
least 2' 0" above
wired glass not less than 1-1 of alf "
h` thick set in metal or metal-cov-
d sash and frame.
The room containing the elevator
chinery shall be of the same con,
uction as required for the above
rationed elevator shaft.
Every dumb waiter, chute or other
aft, cutting through from ,floor to
or, shall be'of the same class of
nstruction as required for passen-
r elevator shafts, or may be of met -
or metal -lined' where too small to
aster, and all openings of such shafts
chutes shall be provided with metal
1f a freight elevator is placed in a
aft, the shaft shall be constructed as
ovided for shafts for passenger ele•
In case a freight elevator is not en•
osed.trap doors shall be provided at
ch floor, which doors shall be auto-
atic, or shall be held open by fusible
lin attached thereto and so arranged
to fall shut when the link is fused,
shall be covered with lock jointed
n on the under side and edges.
Private garages and outbuildings
ay be built of corrugated iron on
ood or iron frame and, if on wood
ame, the same shall be at east 10
eet from any other building, and to
e moved or removed, if any building
built within 10 feet of the same.
SECTION 26. All buildings con-
tructed in Fire District No. 2 shall be
onstructed the same as buildings in
ire District No. 1, 'with the following
All exterior walls facing upon any
treet and all other exterior walls, for
distance of net less than 30 feet back
rom the street, shall be constructed
he same as required in Fire District
No. 1, or may be of frame construe -
ion sheathed solid with one inch
umber and covered with metal lath or
composition lath and cement plaster
not less than 1-2 inch thick.
Other exterior walls may be of
frame construction covered with
corrugated iron, or may be of
frame construction sheathed solid with
one inch lumber and covered with met-
al lath or compositfbn lath and cement
plaster not less than 1-2 inch.
Roofs may be covered with corru-
e f
suflicientnstrength to csustain , without ek, but toab live
load of 25 lbs. per sq. ft.
Small garages or outbuildings may
be built same as in Fire District No. 1,
without regard to distance from other
SECTION 27. All masonry build-
ings hereafter constructed in the City
of Anaheim shall conform in all re.
spects to the requIrements for mason-
ry buildings in Fire District No. 1 as
given in this Ordinance, except that
outside of Fire District No. l fire walls
may be omitted and corrugated iron
roofs without decks may, be used, and
excepting that buildings not exceeding
one story in height used or intended
for use as a private dwelling, private
stable, private garage, and the neces-
sary outbuildings used or intended to
be used in connection therewith, may
be erected and constructed of 6" hol-
low clay tile blocks in the City of
Anaheim, except in that portion of
said City included within Fire Districts
Nos. 1 and 2. The exterior walls of any
such buildings constructed of hollow
terra cotta the blocks shall be not less
than 6 inches in thickness; the inter-
ior bearing walls thereof shall be not
less than 4 inches in thickness, and
the interior non-bearing walls thereof
shall be not less than 3 inches in
thickness. No such wall shall exceed
20 feet in length, if unsupported later-
ally, and shall not exceed 10- feet In
height measured from the floor level
to the wall plate, provided that a fire
wall not less than 5 inches in thick-
ness may be constructed above the ad-
joining roof line of any such building
rept subdivision as shown
carded in Book 6, Page 35,
is, Maps, Records of Or-
', California; thence South -
;he Easterly line of said
s Southeasterly corner of
fence Southerly to the
shown on a map recorded
'ages 551 and 552, Miscel-
ords of Los Angeles Coun-
a; thence Southerly along
line of said Lot 55 to
ly line of West Broadway
ice Easterly along said
ie to the Westerly line of
n Street; thence Norther -
d Westerly line to the
ne of Chestnut Street;
;erly along said Southerly
,nut Street to the place of
at the point of intersee.
Southerly line of West
treet and the Easterly line
Lot 50 of the Town of
the said Lot is shown on
led in Book 4, of Deeds, at
id 630, Records of Los An-
ty, California; thence
mg said Easterly line and
,sterly line of Building Lot
Easterly line extended and
asterly line of Building
62, and said Easterly line
a point 198 feet Southerly
itherly line West of Santa
thence Easterly parallel
herly line to the Easterly
th Los Angeles Street;
ierly along said Easterly
int 360.9 feet Southerly
itherly line of East Santa
thence Easterly parallel
zerly line 155 feet; thence
xallel to the Easterly lino
�s Angeles Street to the
y corner of Lot 1, Konig
as shown on a map re-
)ok 6, Page 20, Miscellan-
lecords of Orange County,
thence Northerly to the
ycorner of Lot 3, Block
tract, as shown on a map
Book 14, Page 13, Miscel-
)rds of Los Angeles Conn.
L; thence Northerly along
line of said Lot 3 to the
ine of East Broadway
.ce Westerly along said
e, and along the Southerly
Broadway Street to the
19. That the boundaries
'2" of Fire District Num -
td that same are fixed and
�s follows, to -wit:
at a point on the Easterly
i Olive Street 135 feet
tom the Southerly line of
Street; thence Easterly
tid Southerly line of East
t to the Westerly line of
son Street; thence South -
aid Westerly line to a
A Southerly from the
ie of East Center Street;
:rly parallel to said South -
,last Center Street to the
ie of South Vine Street;
leriy along said Westerly
d Westerly line extended
8 feet Northerly from the
ie of East Center Street;
erly parallel to said North-
Dast Center Street; to the
to of Santa Fe Street;
heriy along said Westerly j
nt 125 feet Northerly from
ly line of East Center
,nee Westerly parallel to
-ly line to the Easterly line
ive Street; thence South -
aid Easterly line of South
to the place of beginning.
20. That the boundaries
"3" of • Fire District Num-
,nd the same. are fixed and
as follows, to -wit:
; at the Southeasterly car -
Clementine Street; thence Easterly
along the Southerly line of said West
Chartres Street to the Westerly line of
the 15.5 foot alley running Northerly
and Southerly through Block "K" of
a subdivision of Vineyard Lot "D 5" as
shown on said map; thence Southerly
--alar--.the _Westerlyline of said: 15.5
foot alley to the Northerly line of the
16 foot alley running Easterly and
Westerly through Block "K"; thence
Westerly along the Northerly line of
said 16 foot alley to the Easterly line
of North Clementine Street; thence
Northerly along said Easterly line to
the place of beginning.
SECTION 24. Incombustible walls,
cornices and roofs required in fire
Every building hereafter erected or
enlarged within Fire District No. 1
shall be inclosed on all sides with
walls constructed wholly of stone,
well burnt brick, concrete, hollow tile
or other equivalent incombustible ma-
terial; and shall have the roof, also the
roof top and sides of all roof structures,
including dormer windows,covered with
incombustible material. All cornices
shall be of incombustible material.
SECTION 25. All exterior walls
shall be constructed of brick or con•
crete of the following height and
Stories in Base 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5tb
Building ment
1 story 12" 12"
2 stories 16" 16" 12"
3 stories 16" 16" 12" 12"
4 stories 20" 16" 16" 12" 12"
5 stories 20" 20" 16" 16" 12" 12"
Providing walls are more than 140'
0" in length, without cross walls of
same height and thickness, then said
walls shall be increased 4" in thick-
Providing further that pilasters 8"
x 20" built out from 16" and 20" walls
and 4" x 16" pilasters built out from
12" walls, all having proper bond to
same, spaced not to exceed 16' 0" cen.
ters, shall be permitted instead of 4"
increase in thickness of wall.
The maximum story heights are as
follows: First story walls 20' 0" high,
except 12" walls to be limited to 16' T'
to bottom of ceiling joists; any story
above first floor to be limited 12' 0",
except stories of greater height may
be built and constructed as two stories
in the computation of thickness of
walls. All buildings over five stories
in height to be fire proof, filler walls
having steel or reinforced concrete
skeleton frame, with exterior and in.
terior walls or partitions of fire proof
material. All to be standard fire proof
construction, but trim, window sash
and doors may be of wood.
All exterior brick or hollow the
walls, except in temporary buildings,
to be laid up with lime and cement
mortar having at least one part ce-
ment to eight parts of lime mortar.
Footing courses, piers or columns and
parapet walls to be laid up with mor-
tar in the proportion of one part ce-
ment to three parts good lime mortar.
Exterior walls that are not more
than 100' 0" in length may be built 12"
thick for -both the first and second
Exterior walls 12" thick, three
stories high may be permitted, not ex-
ceeding 100' 0" in lengih, that are
strengthened with brick pilasters re-
inforced concrete columns, steel or
cast iron columns with beams of wood.
reinforced concrete, or steel of proper
size at each floor line to carry all live
and dead loads of floors so that no
weight, other than its own weight, is
carried by said wall; method and
strength of such reinforcement of
walls to be approved by Building In-
spector before permit for building is
Hollow clay tile, of "Heath" or other
similar make, and concrete or cement
blocks of same thickness as for brick
walls shall be permitted for buildings
thickness as wall reinforced with two
1-2" sq. twisted steel bars, placed at
ceiling line under ceiling joists. This
lintel to be fastened to rafters and
ceiling joists with W. I. standard an-
chors, spaced not to exceed 5' 4" cen-
ters. Buildings having not over 500
--sq. ft. area and 12' 0" ceiling may be
built 8" thick, of brick, concrete or
hollow tile, without cross walls or pil-
All buildings, except residences,
shall have parapet walls not less than
8" thick. which shall be laid up, from
bottom of ceiling joists to top of wall,
in lime and cement mortar, mixed in
the proportions" of one part cement to
three parte, lime mortar. Parapet walls
more than 6' 0" in height or having
more than 4' 6" projections above roof
line shall be 12" thick or to be provid-
ed with at least 4" x 16" pilasters
spaced not to exceed 16' 0" centers.
Provided 34" W. I. anchors,not exceed-
ing 1,6' 0" centers, from parapet walls
to roof, where parapet walls project
more than 4' D" above roof. Parapet
walls to extend at least 2' 0" above
roofs on party lines and 12" above roof
at street or alleys 15' 0" or more in
Footings "shall be seventy-five per
cent (75 per cent) greater in thick-
ness than the walls above the same.
All loads shall be computed, so that
no soil shall sustain more than 1 1-2
tons per sq. ft. Live loads may be com-
puted at one (1) ton per sq. ft. Con-
tinuous concrete footings to be rein-
forced with at least two 1-2" sq. twist-
ed bars for 1.6" footings, two 5-8" sq,
twisted steel bars for 24" footings,
three 5-8" sq. twisted steel bars for
30" footings, and three 34" sq. twist.
ed steel bars for 3,6" footings.
All partitions, except temporary par-
titions, yiall be of studs covered with
plaster not less than 1-2 inch thick.
Studs shall be not, less than 2" x 4"
for bearing partitions in the two top-
most stories, and not less than 2" x 6"
for bearing partitions below the two
topmost stories.
Non-bearing partitions to be of not
less than 2" x 3" studs, not over 12 ft.
Temporary partitions maybe made
of T. & G. floor or ceiling boards, or
similar materials, provided same have
1-4 of their area in glass or 1-4 open.
Temporary partitions are those placed
by tenants and to be removed at the
expiration of lease.
The minimum grade of roof covering
allowed in Fire District No. 1 shall
be, Composition Roofing, Tin. Corru-
gated Iron or Copper over a solid board
deck of not less than 34" thick, sup-
ported by not less than 2" x 4" scant-
ling on 32" centers and the roof struc-
ture to be designed for not less than a
25 Ib. live load.
In all buildings of three stories or
more in height, the upper stories of
which are divided into rooms, all
halls, corridors and the soffits of all
stairs shall be lathed with metal or
composition lath and plastered not
less than 1-2" thick; all wood parti•
tions and ceilings on first floor to be
lathed with metal or composition lath
and plastered at least 1-2" thick.
All passenger elevators shall be
closed in a shaft having a covered top;
said shaft shall extend from basement
floor to at least eighteen feet above
the highest floor reached by the car, or
not less than three feet above the roof.
The walls of such shaft shall be of
brick, tile, concrete or of wood studs
having fire stops the width of studs and
not less than two inches thick at each
floor and once between floors; such
studs shall be metal lathed on both
sides and plastered 3-4 of an inch
thick, or such shaft may be enclosed
with wire glass not less than 1-4 inch
thick set in metal covered frames, and
All doors to such shaft shall be con-
structed of metal covered wood, and
any glass in doors or shaft walls shall
may beemittedand corrugated iron'.
roofs without decks maybe used, and
excepting that buildings not-exceeding-
ot-exceedingone story in height used or intended
for use as a private dwelling, privates
stable, private garage, and the neves.'
sary outbuildings used or intended to
be used in conn -'U
be erected ann-d constructs of
low clay tile blocks in the City o`
Anaheim, except in that portion of.
said City included within Fire Districts..
Nos. 1 and 2. The exterior walls of any
such buildings constructed of hollow
terra cotta tile blocks shall be not less
than 6 inches in thickness; the inter=
for bearing walls thereof shall be not
less than 4 inches in thickness, and
the interior non-bearing walls thereof
shall be not less than 3 inches in
thickness. No such wall shall exceed
20 feet in length, if unsupported later-
ally, and shall not exceed 10, feet in
height measured from the floor level
to the wall plate, provided that a fire
awall not less than 5 inches in thick-
ness may be constructed above the ad-
joining roof line of any such building
not to exceed a -Height of 2 feet 6
inches. Every such wall shall be laid
up in cement mortar containing not
less than one part of Portland Cement
to eight parts of good lime mortar, and
shall be carried directly on founda-
tions of brick or concrete. Every such
foundation wall shall be continuous
and shall be not±,less than 8 inches in
thickness, with a footing not less than
16 inches in width, and shall extend
up to the floor line. Every such foot-
ing shall be not less than 12 inches
below the surface of ill a ground. In
all other respects every building con-
structed of hollow terra.- cotta tile
blocks shall conform to the require,
ments of this ordinance fgr th_e con-
struction of brick buildings.
Skylight frames in Fire 'Districts
Nos. 1 and 2 shall be constructed en-
tirely of metal and such skylights shall
be glazed with wire glass not less than
1-4 inch in thickness and no light
therein shall be more -than 24 inches
by 120 inches.
In all buildings hereafter construct-
ed in Fire Districts Nos. 1 and 2, the
space between the ceiling of the top
story and the roof of building shall be
divided into sections having an area
not to exceed 2500 sq. ft. by light par-
titions of 3-4" matched lumber of good
grade, or by partitions of stud covered
with metal lath or composition lath
and plaster on both sides. All open-
ings in such partitions shall have self-
closing doors made of 3-4" matched
lumber of good grade.
SECTION 28. It shall be unlawful
for any person, firm or corporation, as
principal. agent, officer, clerk or em-
ployee, for himself or itself, or for
another person, firm or corporation, to
erect, maintain or occupy any tent,
canvas house or removable structure
of any kind whatsoever in Fire Dis-
tricts Nos. 1 and 2, except by first ob-
taining special permission from the
City Manager so to do, and except that
in Fire District No. I no permit shall j
be issued for a longer period than ten
(10) days.
SECTION 29. In demolishing any
building, one story shagl be complete-
ly removed before the demolition of
another story is begun. No material
shall be placed upon the floor of any
such building in the 'course of demoli-
tion, but the brick, timbers and other
structural parts of each story shall be
lowered to the ground immediately up-
on displacement. Tye owner, archi-
tect, builder or contrrtor of any build-
ing, structure, premis-s, wall, platform,
staging or flooring t -j be demolished
shall give not less than twenty-four
hours previous notice to the Building
Inspector of such intended demolition,
except that no notice shall be nece's-
sary to remove temporary staging or
SECTION 30, Occupation o