424 (2)Affidavit of Publication In the Superior Court of the County of ( State of California Plaintiff VS. 1 Defendant STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange, ( ss. ............. .. ....... ........... ....being first duly sworn, depos sand says: Th at all times hereinafter mentioned, he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resyaent of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and 1.roprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, print ed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange. Sate of California; that said Anaheim 'Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dis- semination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general char- acter, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year prece 'tag the first publication of the notice herein mention- -6; ; that the .... �. - . ....... ... � •.. ... � � :_ T .............................................................pof 'which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least .......................... • • ............ l ... timeg, commencing on the ..............day of .............................192..., and ending on the .............day of .... ........................ 192...,both days inclusive. :and as often during said time as said newspaper was regularly issued; that is to say, n the following dates, to -wit: .......... ... ..5!'..1.`L. '.... . .....:........ SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ------ J__day of -- ----------.. ---- --192 -:'-- el ............. �K. __ ..... •.... ............ Notary Publange Count ,California. the °city of Anaheim. Attest; EDWARD B. MERRITT, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITY OF ANA- HEIM, SS: I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certi- fy that the foregoing Ordinance, No. 424 was introduced at a regular meet- ing of the Board of Trustees of said City, held on the 27th day of April, A. D. 1922, and was passed .and adopted by the said Board of Trustees at a regular adjourned meeting held on the 19th day of May, 1922, by the follow- ing vote: AYES: Trustees Stark, Gates, Mann and Gibbs. NOES: Trustees, None. Absent and Not Voting: Trustee Stock. And I further certify. that the Pres- ident of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim signed said Ordi- nance No. 424 on the 19th day of May, 1922. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and afiix- ed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 19th day of May, 1922. (SEAL) EDWARD B. MERRITT, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. r imr: 'Every driver of an animal, ORDINANCE NO. 424. the operator of a motor vehicle, the pe on in charge or control of an ani. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC- ,mal ;or motor vehicle. TIONS 1., 2, AND 3, AND RE,Animal: Every horse, pony, don - PEALING SECTION 4 OF ORDI- key, mule, burro or other animal cap- ; NANCE NO. 375 OF THE CITYI. able of being ridden or driven or cap - OF ANAHEIM, ENTITLED AN ;, able of being guided by reins or voice. ORDINANCE R E G U L ATING Drive: To ride, drive, propel -or TRAVEL AND TRAFFIC ON THE operate. STREETS OF THE CITY OF The definition of the word "vehicle" ANAHEIM," PASSED AND as the same is contained in Section 1 '. , ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF of the "Vehicle Act" of the State of TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF ` California; is hereby adopted as the ANAHEIM, ON THE STH DAY definition of the word "vehicle" as the OF APRIL, 1920. ! can.e is used in this ordinance, pro- vided that any animal or anfmals at - The Board of Trustees of the City taehed to any vehicle, shall, with such. of Anaheim do ordain as follows: vehicle, constitute one vehicle." SECTION 1. That Section 1 of Or -,SECTION 2. That Section 2 of said Ordinance Na 375 be, and the same is j dinance No. 375, entitled: "An Ordi- e No. 37 ' hereby amender to read as follows: t Dance g travel and traffic on "SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful I he streets of the City of Anaheim," for the driver of any vehicle to stop passed and: adapted by the Board of the same or to cause the same to be Trustees of the City of Anaheim on the qt -,pped in or upon any street within 8th day of April, 1920,be, and the tre business district ofsaid city, un - same is hereby amended to read as '' less tre front right bard wheel or follows: front right hand portion of said ve- "SECTION 1. The words "streets hicle is not more than eighteen inches within the business district" as the f'''cr_-` the nearest curb and the body sane are used in this ordinance, shall same • an an- of such vehicle is standing to and mean the hereinafter des- gle of not less than thirty degrees nor 'tore than sixty" degrees from .the line ignated portions of the following nam- of said curb, provided, however; that ed streets within the City of Anaheim, the provisioon of this "section, shalhno' to -wit: anply in case of emergency, or when North Los Angeles Street, between °-I s, cli stop is made for the purpose of the intersection of North Los Angeles lowing another vehicle or a pedes - Street, and East Center Street and " +rian tG nass in front of such vehicle West Center Street, and the Southerly .ro ,topped or when congested traffic acerb line lot West Adele Street produc- r^ceders travel unsafe or impractica- ed F'asterly acrosssfaid N. Los Angeles ble." Street; South Los Angeles Street be- '. SFCTION 3. That Section 3 of said tween the intersection of South Los Ordinarce No. 375 be, and the •same is Ange.a;, Street, East Center Street,and hernby .^mended to read as follows: West Center Street, and the Northerly ( "SECTION 3. It shall be unlawful curb lire of East Broadway Street pro- j for any driver of any vehicle to stop duced Westerly across South Los An- the same. or to cause the, same to be geles Street ;West Center Street be- stopped in or upon any -street in said tweer, the intersection of East Center it city, excopt any street within the bus - Street, and North Las Angeles Street i?iess district, unless the wheels or ar.d South Los Angeles Streot, and side of such vehicle nearest the curb the Fasterly curb line of South Olive ars not more than eighteen inches dis- Street, produced Northerly across tant from and parallel to such curb, West Center Street; East Center provided, however, that the provisions Street between the intersection of �. of this section shall not apply in case East Center Street, North Los "Ange- Iof emergency, or when such stop is les Street ,and South Los Angeles iI made for the purpose of allowing an - St eet, and the Westerly property line other- vehicle or a pedestrian to pass of North Olrse Street, produced South- in front of such a vehicle so stopped, e_rly across East Center :Street; West ! or when congested' traffic renders Chartres Street from the West pro travel un ,el safe or impracticable." unON rorty line of North Los Angeles Street el to the East property line of North S 4. That Section 4 of said Lemon Street. Ordinance No. 375 be, and the same is hereby repealed, and all other ordi- The following terms, whenever used nances "and parts of ordinances in ton- in this ordinance, except as otherwise fiict with the provisions of .this ordi- specifically indicated, shall be deemed nance, are hereby repealed. to have and shall be held to include SECTION 5. The City Clerk of the each of the meanings respectively set City of Anaheim shall certify to the forth in this section, and any such passage of this ordinance, and shall terms usedin the singular number ..... -- came to be published once in shall be held to include the plural: the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of Street: Every avenue, boulevard, general circulation, printed, published, highway, square or place used by or and circulated in said city, and thirtli laid out for the use of vehicles and days from and after the date of its dedica±ed to public use, passage it shall take effect and be in Rill force. 'Curb: The lateral boundaries of The foregoing ordinance is signed, that portion of a ,street designed or approved, and attested by me this 19th intended for the use of vehicles, day of May, 1922. whether marked by Curbing Construe- (MEAL) tion of stone, cement, concrete or oth- WM ST ARIr er material, or'not so marked. Presidekt of the Boa -1 of Trustees of the °city of Anaheim. Attest; EDWARD B. MERRITT, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITY OF ANA- HEIM, SS: I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certi- fy that the foregoing Ordinance, No. 424 was introduced at a regular meet- ing of the Board of Trustees of said City, held on the 27th day of April, A. D. 1922, and was passed .and adopted by the said Board of Trustees at a regular adjourned meeting held on the 19th day of May, 1922, by the follow- ing vote: AYES: Trustees Stark, Gates, Mann and Gibbs. NOES: Trustees, None. Absent and Not Voting: Trustee Stock. And I further certify. that the Pres- ident of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim signed said Ordi- nance No. 424 on the 19th day of May, 1922. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and afiix- ed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 19th day of May, 1922. (SEAL) EDWARD B. MERRITT, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. ORDITIZI CTI' YO,. 424, 2 ATI 0 D IIT �`T C-1 :,01.7"1 DIi G C_1?1 , IOITS 1, 2, 2,JTD 3, -4,21D R712= OII7 TG 1�_,!'ECTIOIT, 3 ED ".0 R DTT - 4 OF 01"DIIT&CE NO, 375 OF 71-17 CI'-'Y 02 ?'^ITT, 0 T j 7--., my F Er -T 0 11 CI 0 ARCE REGULATING TIRA= _aTD TRS` 011 T-H- ST I—- AMUIERT," IMSED AND !DOPTEED BY 711"! B011RD OF TRUSTEES OF '_'FE,' C i TY AN!d-117UM, OIT TH"' 8TF DAY C131 ii-PRII-A 1920. 6 The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as 7 f o llows: 8 13ECTION 1, That Section 1 of ordinance Yo. .375, entitled: 9 "An ordinance reaulatina travel and traffic on the streets of the 10 City of Anaheim," passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of 11 the City of Anaheim on the 8th day of April, I920, be, and the 12 same is hereby amended to read as follows: 13 IISECTIOU 1. The words "street within the business district" 14 as the same are used in this ordinance, shall apply to and mean 15 the hereinafter designated portions of the following named streets within the City of Anaheim, to-wit: 17 North Los ,',naeles Street, between the intersection of 7,11orth 18 T East Center Street and ',',Test Center ,os j�npeles Street, and Street, and the Southerly curb line of gest Adele Street produc- 20 ed Easterly across said North Los Angeles Street; South Los 'n- 21 'eles Street between the intersection of South Los Angeles Street 22 East Center Street, and West Center Street, and the 7ortherly 23 curb line of Past Broadway Street produced Westerly across South 24 Jos Angeles Street; West Center Street between the intersection South of East Center Street, and .forth Los Angeles Street and 28 I Los Angeles Street, and the Easterly curb line of South olive 27 Street, -produced Northerly across '..',rest Center Street; East Cen- 28 ter Street between the intersection of East Center Street, ITorth Los _�ngeles Street, and South ?:os Anceles Street, and the Te st e r- ly property line of _IPIorth olive Street, produced Southerly across 31 52 East Center Street; West Chartres Street from the West property 1 2 I 3 4. 5 6 7 8 ' 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 301 31 e)2 line of Korth Los F,noeles 91treet ta the East property line of ''To rth Lemon Street. The following terms, whenever used in this ordinance, except I� as otherwise specifically indicated, shall be deemed to have and I shall be held to include each of the meaninas reLpeotively set forth in this section, and any such terms used in the singular I number shall be held to include the ,Mural. Street: Every avenue, boulevard, hiahwavr, scuare or place I used by or laid out for the use of vehicles and dedicated to pab- lie use. Curb: The lateral boundaries of that portion of a street de- signed or intended for the use of vehicles, whether marked by Curbing Construction of stone, cement, concrete or other material, or not so marked. Driver: Every driver of an animal, the operator of a motor vehicle, the person in charge or control of an animal, or motor vehicle. Animal: Every horse, pony, donkey, mule, burro or other ani- mal capable of being ridden or driven or capable of being auiaed by reins or voice. Drive: To ride, drive, propel or operate. The definition of the word "vehicle" as the came is contained in Section 1 of the "Vehicle riot" of the State of California, is hereby adopted as the definition of the word "vehicle" as the same is used in this ordinance, provided that any animal or ani- mals attached to, any vehicle, shall, with such vehicle, consti- I I tate one vehicle: I SECTIor 2. That Section 2 of said ordinance ro. 375 be, and �i the same is hereby amended to read as follows: �,SEcTIOU 2, It shall be unlawful for the driver of any ve- hicleto stop the same or to c�iuse the same to be stopped in or - 2 - F 1 u�ppon any street -�,�ithir t'he busines�,., district of said citN , Unless I 2 the front rilcht hard wheel or -frort ri,,ht hand ­)ortion Of S�ACCL ve- 3 hicle is, rot mo -re th�.,zn eilzyhteen irc'Iies from the reure`3t ot-�rb and 4 the 'body of sach vehicle is st.--rdin1c, at an angle of not less than 5 j thirty deorees nor mio-re th�ar situ­j- decrees 1'roxn line of ",aid. -Ihe -[,.Yovfsior of t"cJIs section sh�,. 6 curb, -T-)Yovi�,ed 'vh,t 7 noL I y i r, o _` eme i e no y ;%Y iicr such S t0_) de f (-I r the 8 ­'-) U'r-,)o �ile �D f &I!- Jo;"­L?-.,(� �L,,­,o t_ e r ol e o r. i,�i )elestrian to P s in 9 front of such vehicle so sto-!­oed or ,•,,he_n conaested traf'fic renders; 10 i_-ra�,,ej unsafe or impri-io tic able." 11 9_­_]C710T, 3. Mat --ection 13, of s< id OxdirlL,µ_nce '"o. 375 be, and 12 the same is hereby ,.mended to xeud as ±�ol'_IOTS: 13 3, it shall be for ar— ',.river of an -,7- vehicle 14 to stop the same, or to canse tile sLune to be sto-,pped in or upor any 15 Street in said city, ary street ithin the business distrid t, i 16 unless the whet -if or side of sti.ch ve'fiicle re�irest the curb are nol 17 P.Iloyle 411-har, ei,ol,'.teen inches distant from C-;Lrd ,-.rirullel to SLIlch curb, 18 p-,ovided hog,"ever, that the --)rovisions of this section slhL«ll rot al 19 ply ir, case of enier-ency , or when such stop is niude for the spur - 20 -pose of --illowincy anotner vehicle or a pedestrian to pass in front 21 of such z� vehicle so stopped, or v-rhen con ,,-,ested traffic renders 22 travel unsafe or ii,,i-nracticabie," 23 T� C �1 10 11 4. That Section 4 of said ordinance Yo. 375 be, and. the 24 sanie is hereby repealed, and all other o rclinl;ncems. <,�rd parts of 25 ordinances in conflict ­I'ith the -,-,rovisions of this ordinance, are 26 hereby repealed. 27 li Q,"CTIOTT F). The Cit,T Clerh- of JCI'he 1:ityof _­,raheim shall cer- t i fT to the -nassa-e of this ordinance, and sh,a]_I cause the same 28 to be published once in the znaheim f.lazette, a nevuspa!��er of Cen- eral circulation, printed, ,ublished, and ciYoulated. -in said city 29ariLl thirty- _*ClayS from and rafter the date of its -,nassa,ae it shall 30 take " effect wind be it full force. 11he foxegoi.rir, ordinance t signed, a -c)- Y07ed, and. attested by j raee-�F �s C C-U"Y 0 1 -a 19212 31 o ayd of -.rrs�ees of City of of +[ I e 3 2 -an,a 1'eim., Lit t C- 0 oI - �iie City of j, Lihe i rfj. 1TA'?' G 'T�I'0 Ii j 2 COU'ITTV 0 ' 0 ..�IIC� , SS. i' 3 1 CITY Ori A T "UH, 4 i, I, -Edward .3. Tierritt, City Clerk of the City of 1�nahEim, da j hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance _1a. 424 was introduc- 6 i; ed at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of said City, held on the 27th day of ipril, i. D. 1922, an teas pt-issed and � clc�i.V.-•-SLK. adopted by said Board of `Tustees at a reav1a ^ eeting held or, r 9 I 11 the P7 day of Tay, 1922, by the following vote: 10 'ruSteF.S221- 11 r� -,rustees `-�- 12 �BSMNT .ilD Too_ VOTITIG, Trustees �F 13 end I further certify that the .?resident of the Board of Trus - 14 f tees of the City of inaheim signed acid ordinance Yo. 424 on 15 J 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 the �d,-AU of T.Iay, 1922. have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this I� davr of T:Tay, 1922. z� Ci y Cler o� he Ci y o tuna e im. 1 1