o y
of said ounty, being first duly sworn, says: ---that he is a male citi-
zen of the United States, and of the State of California, over the
age of eighteen years; that he has no interest in, nor is he a party
to th 7er herein mentioned; that he is the
z.................. of the
... ...... .... :... P/�; LL P
newspaper printed, published and circulated in
the said
Cou ty of Orange; that said
is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid subscribers,
and is published for the dissemination of both local and general
news and intelligence of a general character; that it is not devoted
to the interests or published for the entertainment of a particular
class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any
number thereof; that it has been printed and published in the City
of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California for more than
one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto at-
tached; that the
................:....of which the is a printed copy, was published in said
newspaper at least ...... . ......... .
commencing on the.... ...........day of... ... ..........
192! and endingon the......... 'K
.day of
192 Band that said...... e. `_..r !" ?. L �... .
� ............
was published on the followid(iys,
/ �.......
Subscribed and sworn'' to before me this...... ?".......day of
...........~� �..C......... 192.!'/
Notary Public. `►
The Board of Trustees :of the City
of Anaheim do ordain as follows:
Section 1, it shall be unlawful for
any person; firm or corporation to
erect, place, suspend, attach or
maintain, or to cause or permit to
be erected, placed, suspended, at-
tiched or`maintained, any sign, sign-
board, or sign device of any kind or
character upon any portion of any
fire escape or upon or to any stand-
Section 2. It shall be unlawful for!
any person, firm or corporation to
erect, 'place, suspend, attach or'
maintain, or to cause or permit 'to
be erected, placed, suspended, at-
tached or maintained, any sign,
signboard or sign device of any ldnd
or, character upon or in front of any
building over. twelve feet from Cilia-,
sidewalk, except in such manner
that such sign shall not project
more than forty-eight (48) inches
into any street from any property,
line nor more than forty-eight `(48)
finches from the lace of the build-
ing in front of which such 'sign,'
signboard or sign device is main -
Section 3. It shall be unlawgul for,
any person, firm or corporation to
erect, place, suspend, attach -or
1 maintain, or to cause or permit to
be erected, placed, suspended, at-
tached, or maintained, any sign,
i signboard or sign device 'of, any
I kind or character upon the face 'of
any building, or upon the fire wall
thereof, 'or upon the face 'of any
fire *all"'' that shall extend mot
than three (3) feet abpve the fire)
j wall;' provided, however, that the
1 provisions bf this section, shall` not
a.ppiy to any sign, signboard or sign
device constructed upon a fere wall'
prior. to the adoption of this ordi-
Section 4 It�sWl be unlawful for
iany'lierson firth or.corporatfon to'
erect," place, .'s iis nd, att4eN or
maintain, or 'to cause or, pe,
it, to
be erected, placed, susnd at
tached or' maintained; any cloth or
canvas sign or" sign'deviee upon'any
building withlh,Fire Distridt`Num-
ber 1; provided,. however, that the
provisions of this section shall not
be deemed to prohibit the erecting,
placing, suspending, attaching or
i maintaining• of any sign or sig -ft de-
vice cowitructed'of wood faced with
canvas,whitih ,eras 811631 have
been t§tnetched.taut over such wood
and the entire surface of Such`can-
vas thoroughly painted aftee1, ei'rrg i
attached to such wood, and shaitnot
prohibit signs painted on awnihies. i
j Section 5. It sbail'be'unlawful'' for!
any, person, firm or corporation to
erect, ' place, suspend, attach' or
maintain, or to cause or permit to
be erected, placed, suspended, at-
tached or maintained, ' any sign,
signboard or sign device upon or
above the roof of any building un-
less the same, shall be constructed
and' maintained in accordant?e with
I the following regulations':
j the roof of any building unless the I
same shall lie constructed I and l
maintained in accordance with the
followin • regulations -
Any sign, signboard or sign de
vice erected, placed, suspended, at -I
tached or maintained upon or above
the roof' of any building snail:
(a) Be constructed of incornbust-�
able material if within Fire 'Dis-
trict Nos. 1 and, 2; I
(b) In no hart exceed 38 feet In
vice erected, PI—teed-1; suapen
Cached or maintained upon or above
the roof of any building shall:
(a) Be constructed of incombust-
ible material if within Fire Dis-
trict Nos. 1 and, 2;
(b) In no part exceed 36 feet in
height above the fire wall or other
structure constructed and maintain-
ed in lieu of said firewall, upon any.
(c) At all points be constructed
and maintained not lees than 3 feet
distant in and from the interior face.
of any and all fire walls or other
structure maintained in lieu Oere
of, or the exterior walls of the build-
ing upon which such sign is main
tained, and at all points to be con
istructed and maintained- not lessy
,than 3 feet distfint from the walla.
• of any adjoining building;
(d) At all points to be constructed`.
and maintained not less than 4 feet;
above the fire walls or other strut-'
ture. main;wined in lieu thereof;
(e) Be constructed and maintained:
upon an iron or steel frame work'
securely bolted or riveted to the;
(f) If constructed and maintained
more than 16 feet in height aliov,i'
said fire wall or other structurals
maintained in lieu thereof, that per
tion of such sign exceeding 16 feet.
in height above said fire wall or"
other structure maintained in Revt
thereof, sha*-be of open work con-'
1 struetion ; t
(g) If an electric sign, it shall be
(limited in the voltage used for the,
i illumination thereof, not to exceed' -
220 volts.1
Every electric sign fretted, con
strutted or maintained upon" 4'
above the roof of any building sh iwz
be controlled by a combination
switch and cutout or 'by a remot4
control switch, located upon t4
j Pace of the outer wall of the build-,
'irig at the right of the main eltX,
trance thereof_ and at a height n'
to exceed five feet above the sidi+
{walk level. Said combination switA
,and cut out or said remote control,,
switch shall be lettered or labeidor
with raised letters not: less- than
inches in height, with the inscriptioti;
"R. S.—F. D. and shall be locat4 ti
constructed and maintained to e,
satisfaction of the Building Inspe(*Ir
Section 6. It shall be unlawful f6r
any person, firm or corporation .�o
erect, place, suspend, attach "it
maintain, or to cause or permit to
be erected, placed, suspended, atl
f tached' or maintained, any sigli,
signboard or sign device on, 1lpo3
or above the roof of any buildinik
without first obtaining a permitit
writing so to do from the Buildingt
Inspector and payment of the PoL
as fixed herein.
Section i. It shall be unlawful tot
any person, firm or corporation
advertise or display, or to cause
permit to be advertised or displa
any immoral or unlawful act, bu
mess or purpose, in or upon a
sign, signboard or sign device.
Section S. it shall be unlawful
any person, firm or corporation
use, or to cause or permit to be u
in the operation of an electric aijb,
signboard or sign device, any witgt;
unless the insulation upon evo4R
such wire conforms to the requi
menta of the , National Electx
Section 9. It shall be unlawful
any person, firm or corporation
use, or to cause or permit to bi u
for the purpose of sustaining
connecting any such electric si
signboard or sign device upon 12
above the roof o1 any Abuilding, any
material, unless such material ,b1
ments of the National Electric
Section 9. It shall be unlawful for
any person, firm or corporation to
use, or to cause or permit to be used
for the 'purpose of sustaining or
connecting any such electric sign,
signboard or sign device upon -or
above the roof of any building, any
material, unless such material be
Section 10. Every sign construct-
ed, erected and maintained under
any Perrhit granted pursuant to the;
provisions of t+ is ordinance shall
he built of the best materials and
constructed in a workmanlike man-
ner and shall be located, construct-
ed and maintained to the
Satisfaction of the Building Inspect-
or," and shall at all times be kept
to repair by the person, firm or cor-
-$oration owning, operating or bav-
,ing the care, custody or control of
Jiny such sign, and all such repairs
ishall be made and
to the inspec-
*ion and approval of the Building
Section: 11. The Building Inspect-
rshall In the event of a violation
Or a failure to comply with any of
fhe Provisions of this ordinance or
Y order of said Board in relation
0, have the power to revoke
te permit granted hereunder and
to order any such sign maintained
in violation of the provisions of
tl is ordinance to be. taken down a`nd
removed within thirty days from the
revocation of said permit.
Section. 12. It shall be unlawful for
Any Person, firm or cgrporation to
Erect, place, suspend; attach or
Maintain, or to cause or permit to be
erected, Plaeed, 'suspended, attach=
" or " maintained,: any sign, sign-
board, or sign device .of any kind
.417 character ` upon any portion of
any canvas awning or metal can-
T�iSY extending c, 6r any portion of
=iktry public street, sidewalk, alley
;01t other place; provided, however,
)t the provisions of this section
01ali not be construed to prohibit
the Painting of a sign directly upon!
*hY canvas 'atrning that is con-
S�tructed and maintained in the man-
ner Provided by the ordinances of
:tt1 City of Anaheim and provided,
to ther, ' that ' the Provisions of this
Section shall not be construed to
grohibit the painting or outlining of
OL Sign directly upon any metal can -
that is constructed and main- `
red in the zrranner provided by
ordinances of the City of Ana.-
7-,,R shall be unlawful for any per-.
firm or corporation to place or:'
ntain, or to cause or permit to
Il rplaved or maintained, any light
the illumination of any suchl
!}h painted upon the vertical hang -
A#' border of a canvas awning or
0"n' fhe .vertical hanging border of
6 metal canopy, except such lights
L$ are maintained for the illumina-
116n of the sidewalk beneath such
a`vas awning or metal canopy.
It shall be uZNI ful for any per -
firm or corporation to con-
UUct or maintain, or to cause or
Lnit to be constructed or main -
ed, any box, covering or enclo-
t�e of any kind for the purpose ofI
D", ring or enciceing any light
toped or maintained under or I
bout' any such canvas awning or
ketal canopy, or to construct or i
ktain or to cause or permit to 1
J} *obstructed or maintained, any
fetor or any other appliance
rit. will reflect any light upon or i
iigh any portion of any such
*Ws awning or metal canopy, or 1
9 or through any 'Sign. painted
Ftuned thereupon.
tion 13. It shall be unlawful for i
erson, firm or corporation: to
that will reflect any light upon or 1
through any portion of any such
canvas awning or metal canopy, or
upon or through any sign, paintedf
or outlined thereupon. I
Section 13. It shall be unlawful for
any person, firm or corporation: to
erect, place, suspend, attach, or
maintain, or to cause or permit to
be erected, placed, suspended, at-'
tacked or maintained; any sign, sign-
board' ot'sign
ignboard;ot'sign device of any kind or'.
-� u
-h a.. manner that
jboard or sign device is nearer than:
twelve feet from thesurfaceof the
street or sidewalk over which the >'
same projects.
Section 14. Any sign, signboard or
sign device shall be deemed to be
erected, placed,` suspended, attach-
ed, and maintained upon a'building,
within the meaning of ` this ordi-
nance; if such signboard or'sign de-
vice is attached or fastened directly
to such building or If the same is
attached or fastened tc, any ap-
pliance or apparatus of any kind i
that is attached or fastened to such'.
Section 15. That nothing in this
ordinance contained shall be con-
strued to prohibit any of the follow.
l First: The publisher or proprietor
of any daily newspaper 'in the City
cf Anaheim, from erecting, placing
or maintaining upon the sidewalk in
front of the office of such news-
paper, as near to the -curb as pos-
sible, and not less than ten feet
from the line of an intersecting
-street, not'more than two newspaper
bulled'ft boards,- not.,exceeding seven
feet •intheight;'to be :used exclusively
for posting copies .of th*- issues of
much 'newspaners thereon.
Second: The erecting, placing or
maintaining of any street clock
which has a'dial. not less than thirty
"inches or more than forty Itches in
diameter,'and' which is supported
upon a well painted iron post of ;
ornamental design, not less than
fifteen feet nor more' than twenty
feet in height; nor more than twenty
Inches in diameter, set in the side-
walk of,, any "public street, within
two f lot from the outer edge of the
curb thereof, and not less than twen- I
aty feet from the curb of any inter-
section street; or such clock maybe
suspended from or supported by the
corner of a building at the intersec-
tion of streets at a height not less
than fifteen nor more than twenty
feet In the clear above the streets
Dr sidewalks in a manner which will
not obstruct traffic, if securely fas-
tened or suspended by a construc-
tion sufficient in strength to sus-
tain four times its weight. The
Structure or device in which such
zlocl, so suspended or supported is
3ontained shall not exceed in height
me -tenth the height of the build-
�19 to which it is fastened, nor a
laight of twelve feet; nor shall it
iroject from the face of said build -
ng in any direction more than half I
its height nor more than five. feet.
Third: The Board of Library
trustees of the City of Anaheim
Rrom erecting, placing or maintain -
ng upon the sidewalk in front of
my library in the city, as near the
!urb as possible, and not less than
!en feet from the line of an inter-
secting street, not more than one
petal sign containing the words
'Public Library." Each such sign'
shall be supported by a cast iron
)ost not exceeding seven feet in
Fourth: The owner, -lessee, mana-
ger or proprietor of any theater
from erecting, placing or maintain -
.Ing upon the sidewalk in front of
such theater, and as near the curb
Is possible, and not less than ten
ten Peet from the line of an Inter-
secting street, not more than one
metal sign containing the words
"Public Library." Each such sign'.
shall be supported by a cast Iron
post not exceeding seven feet in
Fourtb: The owner, lessee, mana-
ger cr proprietor of any theater
from erecting, placing or maintain-
ing upon the sidewalk in front of
such theater, and as near the curb
as possible, and not less than ten
feet from the line of an intersecting
street, not more than two theater,
bulletin boards, not exceeding seven
feet in height, to be used exclusively
for announcing or advertising any
performance to' take place in such,
theatet. ` Every such bulletin board
shall be so constructed as not to ob-
struct or 'interfere with ingress to
or egress from such theater.
'Fifth: Thes ,,spension and main-
tenance of a cloth or canvas sign*,
or banner over and across any public
street, in the City of Ariahein, pro"
vided a permit therefor is first obi
twined from the Board of Trustees
of said city. No such permit. shall
be granted for a longer peri t t�.,
one week; provided how
said =ft+ar8 of T�a3ee .+t
�piration of any such per r4it, grant-
an extension or renewal thereof..'
For the purpose of.,t�iis Aepct#on
e'ate~'itlS`dtttntld to be a"room hqlfl
or auditorium where plays, operak::=
spectacles or similar farms: of ea.'
tertafnment are given and during:
ti►e- presentation of which movably°
scenery is used.
"Provided, however, that it shall he
unlawful for any person, firm or
corporation to erect, place or maid-;
twin, or to cause or permit to bet
erected,' placed or maintained, any`
such'^riews}laper bulletin board, b3"
any`sueh theater bulletin board or
any such clock, or to .hang, suspend
or place, or to cause or permit to
be `hung, suspended or placed, any,
sucli ctoth or canvas sign or banner.'
without first obtaining a; permit In
writing so to do from the Board of
Section 16. For the purpose of this
ordinance, the term "face of the.
i building" shalt be construed to meati
the general' outer surface of thy''
main wall of the building facift
the street, except that in the cua
of bay windows projecting beYOp4
such wall, the outer surface of suie4`
window shall be considered the faO
of the building at that point; Mk
term "Street" shall be construed'tO
mean any public street, sidewa,
galley or other public place in "
City of Anaheim; and the term
"sign," "signboard," and "sign
vice" shall include the frame -,f
which such sign, signboard or 0140
device is attached.
Section 17. Before any electric
sign, signboard -or sign device, <'4[
any other sign, signboard or self
device, of more than 5 square Yet
in area, is constructed, written apow
cation for a permit therefor
first be matte to the Buildfng :lam
spector, which. application $hid'
show location, construction mails)
rial, dimensions, place and speedfai
cations'of the proposed sign, sl"
board or sign device. ="
The fee to be paid to -the Bu
Ing Pnspector for such permit ,
be $2:50 for electrical signs, si
boards or sign devices, and $1.00f
pct other signs, signboards or
device's. � �
Section 18. That any person, -
1 or corporation violating any o
provisions of this ordinance sba
deemed guilty of a misdemea
and upon conviction thereof
be punishable by a fine of not
than Five ($5.00) Dollars nor {�
._ _ _.._,a '0'nn nn% TlnrriiGPl
cations of the. proposed sign, sign-
board or sign device.
The fee to be Paid to the Build-
ing Inspector for such permit shall'
be $2:50 for electrical signs, sign-'
boards or sign devices, and $1.00 for
J sil=other signs, signboards or sign
Section 18. That any person, firm
or corporation violating any of the
provision of this ordinance sball be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction thereof shall
be punishable by a fine of not less'
than Five ($6.00) Dollars nor more
than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars,,
or by imprisonment in the city jail;
for a period of not more than fifty,
(50) days, cr by both such, fine andt
I Each sucll Person, firm or cor.•
i poration shall be deemed guilty of !i:•
separate offense for every day dur-.
ing any portion of which any vio-=
lation of any provision of this or_,.
dinance is committed, continued or,
permitted by such person, firm. ot-
corporation, and shall be punishable;:
therefor as provided by this ordi=
Section 19. The provisions of thi#i;
ordinance shall not apply to ate,I
sign, signboard or sign device cont
structed and installed prior to the,
adoption of this ordinance, but ub
such sign, signboard or sign device
constructed or installed prior to the
adoption of this ordinance shall ii .
altered or reconstructed, unless the,
( same, when so altered or recon`
structed, shall comply witfi, the rhr„
gnirements of this ordinance.
Section 20: All ordinances a.
parts of ordinances in conflict w
the provisions of this ordinance a*"
hereby repealed.
Section 21. The City Clerk of t>
City of Anaheim shall certify to,ti! b,
passage of this;ordinance and caua+s
fithe same, to be printed and pub 1
she once in the Anaheim Da
'Hery.ld, a newsPaPer of general
culation, printed, publishes} and i
culated in said 'city, and thirty d
from and after its final' passag: t
shall take effect and be in
i force.
The foregoing ordinance is sign T
approved and attested by me,
27th day of December, 1928
President of the Board } ,
Trustees of the City of
(SEAL) '
Clerk o1 the Citv c1 Anaheim.ti
I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clelfk;
of the City of Anaheim, do heti9
certify that the foregoing Ordi
was introduced at a meeting o 9
Board Of Trustees of the Cit
Anaheim, held on the 22nd __ "
November, 19231 and that the
was passed and adopted at a nit"r,
inn of the said Board of Tru4ft
];old en the 27th da9 cf Decem h
1U23, by the following vote: �t
AYES, Trustees Stark, Sty e
Gates; Mann and Gibbs.
NOES, Trustees None. 1
Trustees None,
And I furth.,er certify that' 'bb$!
President of the Board of Trustb"
of the City of .Anaheim signed
Ordinance, on the, 27th day o1
cember, 1923. °
,hereunto set my hand and al"lf9t:
the official seal of the City of A'-
heim, this 27th day of Decem,
EDWARD B. MERR `'�i a:
Clerk of the City Of Anaheim ,
The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain
as follows:
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm
or corporation to erect, place, suspend, attach or maintain, or
to cause or permit to be erected, placed, suspended, attached or
maintained, any sign, signboard., or sign device of any kind or
character upon any portion of any fire escape or upon or to any
12 Section 2. It shall be unlawful for I any -.person, firm
or corporation to erect, place, suspend, attach or maintain, or
to cause or permit to be erected-, placed, suspended, attached. or
maintained, any sign, signboard or sign device of any kind_ or
character upon or in front of any building over ti,,Telve feet from
the sidewalk, except in such manner that such sign shall not pro -
ject more than forty-eight (48) inches into any street fro-rii any
property line nor more than forty-eight (48) inches from the face
of the building; in front of rI-ich such siEn, signboard or sign
device is r.,iaintained.
Section 3. It shall be unlarful for azy person, firm
or corporation to erect, place, suspend, attach.,er maintain, or
to cause or permit to be erected, placed, susp6t4ed, attached or
maintained, any sign, signboard or sign device of any kind or
character upon the face of any building, or upon the fire wall
thereof, or upon the face of any fire wall, that shall extend
29 more than three (3) feet above the fire wall; p;ovided, however,
that the provisions of this section shall not Wly to any sign,
signboard or sign device constructed u0on a fire wall prior t
the adoption of this ordinance.
Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm
or corporation to erect, place, suspend, attach or maintain, or
to cause or permit to be erected, placed, suspended, attached
4 or .maintained, any cloth or canvas sign or sign device upon any
5 building within Fire District Number 1; provided, however, that
6 the -crovisions of this section shall not be deemed to prohibit
7 the erecting, placing, suspending, attaching; or maintaining of
8 any sign or sign device constructed of wood faced Z*rith canvas,
911 which canvas shall have been stretched taut over such wood and_
10 the entire surface of such canvas thoroughly painted after being
11 attached to such wood, and shall not prohibit signs painted on
12 awnings.
13 Section 5. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm
14 or corporation to erect, place, suspend., attach or maintain, or
15 to cause or permit to be erected, placed, suspended, attached or
16 maintained, any sign, signboard or sign device upon or above the
17 roof of any building unless the same shall be constructed and
18 maintained in accordance with the folloring regulations;
19 Any sign, signboard or sign device erected, placed,
20 suspended, attached or maintained. upon or above the roof of any
21 buidling shall;
22 (a) Be constructed of incombustible materiel, if within
23 Fire District Nos. 1 and 2;
24 (b) In no part exceed 36 feet in height above the fire
25 wall or other structure constructed. and maintained in lieu of
26 said fire wall, upon any building;
27 (e) At all points be constructed and maintained not less
28 than 3 feet distant in and from the interior face of any and all
29 fire walls or other structure maintained in lieu thereof, or
30 the exterior walls of the building: upon which such sign is main -
31 tained, and at all points to be constructed. and maintained. not
32 less than 3 feet distant fro:l tre *--Me of any adjoining building
r 2_
. 141
(d) At all points to be constructed and maintained not
less than 4 feet above the fire walls or other structure inain-
tadned in lieu thereof;
(e) Be constructed and.- maintained upon an iron or steel
frame work securely bolted or riveted to the building;
(f) If constructed and maintained more than 16 feet in
heip7ht above said fire wall or other structure maintained in
lieu thereof, ti --,at portion of such sign exceeding 16 feet in
height above said fire wall or other structure maintained. in
lieu thereof, shall be of open work construction;
it shall
(g) If an electric sign/be limited in t' --.e voltage used for
the illtumination thereof, not to exceed 220 volts.
Every electric eign erected, constructed or maintained
upon or above t -he roof of any build. -Mg shall be controlled by a
combination switch and cut out or by a, remote control switch,
located upon the face of the outer 17,Tall of the building at the
right the of '-he main entrance thereof -2,nd 1-'t a height not to exceed.
five feet above the sidewalk level. Said combination switch
and cut out or said re,,,,,iote control switch ,-,hall be lettered or
labeled with raicec-' letters not less than 3 inches in height,
with the inscription 11R.S.—F-D-11 and. shall be located, con-
structed and ,-,Iai-.-tained to the satisfaction of the Building
section 6. It shall be unlawful for any jerson, firm
or corporation to erect, place, sus-oend)-, attach or maintain, or
to cause or )er,.-.-,it to be erected, Jaceld, suspended, attached or
maintained, any sizon, sig-nboard or sign device on, upon or ;above
o 4
the roof of any 'building r-ithout first obtaining a l)erinit in
,.rriting so -1.-o do -fro;� t`e 'D
�uilci,.— -ns-.-Dector and -,,-aly-menl -' 1hra
fees as fixed herein.
Section 7. It shall "De --7.r1'0--T,-f-ul for anl�J „person, fir -m,
11 or corporation to advertise or display, or to cau,,:,e or permit to
be advertised or displayed, any i-fia-Mloral or unlal,,iful :ct , busi-
nees or purpose, in or u'.)on ':Tly CiPM, si'pri lboa.rd or sign device.
Section B. It shall be unlawfulfor any person, f7i ni-ia
or corporation to use, or to cause or -3erriiit- to be used in t1 -'e
operation of an electric sign, signboard or sign device, any
wire unless the insulation upon every such wire conforms to the
requirements of the National Electric Code.
Section 9. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm
or corporation to use, or to cause or Dermit to be used for the
purpose of sustaining or connecting any such electric sign, sign-
board of sign device upon or above tie roof of any building, any
material, unless such material be fireproof.
Section 10. Every sig -n constructed, erected a? -id
tained under any permit granted _,,)tlrsua:nt to the provisions of
this ordinance shall be built of t -17e beet -.-,-,aterials rind con -
strutted in a 1.n.ro unlike :canner, and shall be located, con-
structed &
structed and mi
aintanee, to 4-U;i satisfaction. of the Building
Inspector, and shall at all times be kept in repair by the person
firm or cor-.-)or&t-Lon 61xrning, ooerE,-,tino, or 'Laving t1ne care, custody
or control of any such and e,.11 suc1-, re.-jairs si-ta"Ll be made
subject to the inspection -rovai of t e BuildinPInspector.
Section 11. The Building Inspector shall il� the event
of a violation or a -failure to co.,.i,:,)I.y Iany of the provisions
of this ordinance or any order of said BoarCl_ in relation thereto,
have the power to revoke the permit granted hereunder and to
order any such sign :-,-aint-ained in violation of the provisions of
this ordinance to he taken dorn and removed within thirty y days
U -ion of said peri -,At
from, the revocation I U.
Section '12�. it -c"llail -oe uniEtzful for any person, firm
or corporatiol-I to arec-15, place, su,-,)end_, attach or maintai-D', or
to cause or .Der,.-qit to be erected, placed, suspended, attached or
ma iatained, any sign, sio,nboard or sign -n device of any kind or
character upon any-portiori Of any canvas awning or �I-iietal canopy
extending over any portior, of any public street, sidetralk, alley
or other place; provided., hoiyrevlr,,r, t-iLat- the provisions of this
section shall not be construed to .,,prohibit the painting of a
,- canvas t'- �,t is coi st a I �
e d
sign directly upon and 'd
-ier city
maintained in the man,, provided by the ordinances of the U
Of Anaheim;'provided, fury, her,U
t:e provisions of t.L-,,. i s
section shall not be construed to prohibit the painting or out-
lining of a sil-,,l Idirectly upon any metal canopy that is con-
structed and ,-iaint-ained in the manner ,provided by the ordinances
of the City of Anaheim.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor-pora-
tion to place or -maintain, or to cause or permit to be placed or
maintained, any light for the illumination of any such cig-
,painted upon the vertical hanE---Jng- border of a canvas awning or
upon the vertical hanging border of a :.re-lu-al canopy, except such
lights as are maintained for the illumination of the sideralk
beneath such. czaivas zxjniliE-- or meta -1 canopy.
It shall be unlawful for any .Terson, firm or corpora-
tion to construct or maintain, or to cause or permit to be con-
structed or ,,iiaintained., any box, covering or enclosure of any
kind. for -'U-."-_e purpose of covering or enclosing any lip -ht placed
or maintained under or about any such canvas awning or metal
canopy, or to construct or maintain, or to cause or oerlliit to be
constructed or maintained, any reflector or any other appliance
that will reflect any -light upon or through any portion of any
such canvas awning or metal canopy, or upon or through any sign
1painted or outlined thereupon.
Section 13. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm
or corporation to erect, place, sus -end, attach or maintain, or
to cause or per-1,11it to be erected, placed, suspended, attached or
maintained, any sign, signboard or sign device of any kind or
character in such a manner that the same shall project more than
six inches into any street from any property line or more than
six inches from the face of the building in front of which such
sign, signboard or sign device is maintained., if the lowest
portion of such sign, signboard or sign device is nearer than
twelve feet from the surface of the street or sidewalk over whic
the sameprojects.
Section 14. Any sign, signboard or sign device shall
be deemed to be erected, placed, suspended, attached) and main-
tained upon a building, within the meaning of this ordinance, if
such signboard or sign device is attached or fastened directly
to such building, or if the same is attached or da.stened to any
appliance or apparatus of any kind that is attached or fastened
to such building.
Section 15. That nothing in this ordinance contained
shall be construed to prohibit any of the following;
First; The publisher or proprietor of any daily newspaper
in the City of Anaheim, from erecting, placing or maintaining
upon the sidewalk in front of the office of such newspaper, as
neary the curb as possible, and not less than ten feet from
the line of an intersecting street, not more than two newspaper
bulletin boards, not exceeding seven feet in height, to be used
exclusively for posting copies of the issues of such newspapers
Second; The erecting, placing or maintaining of any street
clock which has a dial not less than thirty inches nor more than
forty inches in diameter, and which is supported upon a well
painted iron ;Dost of orna ental.design, not less than fifteen
feet nor more than twenty feet in heivnt, nor more than twenty
inches in diameter, set in the sicei,ralk of any public street,
within two feet from the outer edge of the curb thereof, and not
less than twenty feet from the curb of any intersecting ttreet;
or such clock may be suspended from or supported by the corner of
a building at the intersection of streets at a height not less
than fifteen nor more than twenty feet in the clear above the
streets or sidewalks in a manner which will not obstruct traffic,
if securely fastened or suspended by a. construction sufficient
in strength to sustain four times its weight. The structure or
device in which such clock so suspended or supported is contained
shall not exceed in height one-tenth the height of the building
to which it is fastened, nor a height of tr!elve feet; nor ehall
it project from the face of said building in any direction more
than half its height, nor more than five feet.
Third; The Board of/Trustees of the City of Anaheim from
erecting,placing maintaining p g or main ng upon the sidewalk in front of
any library in the city, as near the curb as possible, and not
less than ten feet from the line of an intersecting street, not
more than one metal sign containing; the words "Public Library.,
Each such sign shall be supported. by a cast iron post not exceed -
ding seven feet in height.
Fourth; The owner, lessee, manager or proprietor of any
theater from erecting, placing; or mainta.ininp-• upon the sidewalk
in front of such theater, and as near the curb as possible, and
not less than ten feet from the li_ze of an intersecting street,
Ifiot more than tirro theater bulletin boards, not exceedinEr seven
feet in height, to be used excluui.veltr for announcing or cadvertis-
ink; any performance to take place in such t lea..ter. ;very such
bulletin board shall be so constructed as not to obstruct or inter
!!fere with ingress to or egress from such theater.
I Fifth: The sus-pension and maintenance of a cloth or canvas
2 sign or banner over 4nd scross any Public street, in the City of
3 ,11,nahei-m, provided a, permit t
L therefor is first obtained froth the
4 Board of Trustees of said city. To such per-mitchhall be granted
5 for a loner period than one week; provided., however, the said
6 Board of 111ructees may at the expiration of any sucI,i permit,
7 grant an extension or reneirral thereof.
8 For the -ourpose of this section a. tfeater is defined
9 to be a room, hall or auditorium where plays, operas, spectacles
10 or similar forms of entertainment are given and during the pre-
11 sentation of which provable seenery is used.
12 Provided, however, that it shall be unlawful for any
13 -person, firm or corDor-c-tion to erect, place or maintain, or to
14 cause or peri^.At to be erected, placed or maintained, any such
15 newspaper bulletin board., or any such theater bulletin board, or
16 any such clock, or to hanp- suspend or place, or to cause or
17 permit to be hung,, s-us-pend.ed or placed, any such cloth or canvas
18 sign or banner, without first obtaining a permit in i?!riting so
19 to do from, the Board olc' Tructees.
20 Section 16. For the pur,,pose of lu-1-lis ordinance, the
21 term "face of the building" shall be construed to :!,-rean the Fren-
22 eral outer surface of the main wall of the building facing the
23 street, exce-pt that in the case of bay l,,indol,,vs projecting beyonji
24 such wall, the outer surface of such shall be considered
25 the face of t',I)e building- at 'Q.-Lat point; the term "Street" shall
26 be const,,_�Ued to mean any piiblic street, sidewalk, alley or other
27 public place in the City of s.,nd t"Ile, term ►' sign','" sign-
28 board," and 118icn device" shall include t';-".e frame to lJ.%_Iich such
29 sib 1, si_nbo�:,rd. or device is ttached.
30 Section 17. Be-fore, -:r7- 7 e'Lec-IL-Irical sign, signbo-.,.r� oi-
31 sign f.evice, or any ot'her sign
si.pnbnf�,rd or sign device, of -,-,iore
32 than - 5 square feet ia' creu i C i%rritten aDplication
for a permit therefor shall first be made to the Building In -
sector, which application shall show location, construction,
2 'r
material, dimensions, place and specifications of the proposed
sign, signboard or sign device.
The fee to be paid to the Building Inspec3tor for such
permit shall be $2.50 for electrical signs, signboards or sign
devices, and $1.00 for all other signs, signboards or sign
Section 18. That any person, firm or corporation
9 j
I� violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be
11 I
punishable by a fine of not less than Five ($5.00) Dollars nor
more than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment in
the city jail for a period of not more than fifty (50) days, or
by both such fine and imprisonment.
Each such person, firm or corporation shall be deemed
guilty of a separate offense for every day during any portion of
CI which any violation of any provision of this ordinance is committ,
ed, continued or permitted by such person, firm or corporation,
and shall be punishable therefor as provided by this ordinance.
Section 19. The provisions of this ordinance shall
not apply to any sign, signboard or sign device constructed and
installed prior to the adoption of this ordinance, but no such
sign, signboard or sign device constructed or installed prior to
the adoption of this ordinance shall be altered or reconstructed,
i unless the same, when so altered or reconstructed, shall comply
with the requirements of this ordinance.
Section 20. All ordinances and. parts of ordinances
2) �I in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby
Section 21. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim
31 ; shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same
to be printed and published once in the Anaheim Daily Herald, a
321 newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulat-
ed in said city, and thirty days from and after its final passage
�I it shall take effect and be in full force.
i _g_
The foregoing ordinance is sinned, approved a --rid
attested by -,,e, this 11-7 Ilk Cay Of
ks� r__e
President of the Boar d,_ -of Trustees
OF the City of Li i1C:.�1e1111
I4 -test:
C7erk of the City
Edzard T,--'. !erri t- t t 7 !"1
_erl- of the City off
An&h.eim, do hereby certitfy t. c forego -Ing Ordinance ,� ,z
I . )
introduced at a meet ng of the BoLof.-,rd. oTrustees of 4-�.e ",it -,r of
J;nahei,,,, held. on the 22, da -'v of and that
the same was -:7'assed and adopted at a .:feet ink; of the said Board
of Trustees held on the 1'-7 day of 'by
the following vote:
AYES, Trustees
NOES, Trustees
'IT A,,Ti-, IN10m
A B S"E] T Trustees
And I furtI-Ier certify that- the president of the Board
of Trustees of t'he City of Anaheim sip--ned- aaid Ordinance onthe
,2-7 day of
IY I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the official seal of the City Of Anaheim, this -7-7 day
Clerk of the Clty_DX�heim