455LEGAL NOTICE i ORDINANCE NO. 455 &N ORDINANCE A-MENDI1 C TION FIFTY OF ORDINANCE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION n CE NTHE i CITY � �°SHE I ICI:NSING OF BUSINESS, PRO- PESSLONS, SHOWS, ENHIBI- STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TIONS AND GAMES CONDUCT - LD UI. CARL II3D ON IN I NL' CO Of Orange s9 (`IT}' OF ANAHEIM. FIXING11 r T1411 RATE OF LICENSE THEREFOR, PF,OI"IDIN(r FUR COLLECTION THEREOF,- AND �� - --- ----- -------- ----- 'FIXIi U PENALTIES P'Oi� THE l'IOLATION THEREOF," PASS- ED ANT) ADOr'TED B1' THE'l of said county, being first duly sworn, says:—that he is h()altl) OF I -J STENS OF SAID a finale citizen of the United States, and of the State of ITV oN THL 28TH DAY OF u�"P�7BEII, ]923. California, over the age of eighteen years; that he has ------ no interest in, nor is a party to the matter herein men- THE, BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF ticned; that he is the PRINTER of the , THE ORANGE THE: CITY OF ANAHEIai ISO OItD:AIN AS FOLLOWS: COUNTY PLAIN DEALER, a daily newspaper printed, SL}('TION 1. Tr.at Section 50 of published and circulated in the said County of Orange; Oidinance No. 442 of the City of EI , that said THE ORANGE COUNTY PLAIN DEALR is Anh aeim, entitled "An Ordinance a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid providing for the Licensing ()I' bas -I u, >5, p, ofess,ons, a1, s, eahibi- subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of Mons and gkilnes conducted or car -1 both local and general news and Intelligence of a gen- 1c d on m the ('i ty of Anaheim, eral character; that it is not devoted to the interests oI Laing thc. rats, of license there - published for the ,entertainment of a particular class, I tot, providing for coilectfon there- of, and fixing- penalties for the profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of I violation tht,reoi," passed and any number thereof; that it has been . printed and pub- adopted on the 28th clay of No- iished in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State Vveni er, 1;923„ be prir1-_&L ;noa jsj Of. s1allud . Tf, zqd of California, for more than one year next preceding the noa as'L''a.;TE r.[lxa s2.�a :OT aaI 42 first day , the licarion hereto attached; that the nQ—'Z C nrnr 'Sa'T6i:)1\IY SO'I 'Pl. S[1HZIO mfta tiv SOT 2111 -------------- --------- --- - - ----------------------------------------------- 1121 of which the acne d is a printed copy, was published 6L`OT9`TZ ................ slaa�ud sorI old o�alQ ttrs 11X1 E9'IZO'I clot in said newspa er at least )0`TE,''Z •.................... pu111311'•0 37S IOL`9 .................... purll.Lo,I /.S ............. LLL'I commencing on the --- -------- day of _ ?;, F.',L'9 '-"" at11T'aS WS - oasloueag urs ase f� 10`001:': 7,$' .Y......... 192/., and ending on the --- v`= -_d; of._ S�JDII2IF1'3Ta ?T11IF1g aq _ of 19211 and that said ----------= 46T`466`0�$ asr2aD -aa ---- ------ --- - F an.tasag '000'663'Ei$ 0s110x5 _.la was published on the following dat [ silsodap 011111 '000'09I'OL$ siq vaaoul slieodap pur.LuaQ '000`3TZ pu, T $ asra.iaul surd I -jiumoY 33n -•------ --rl / �s (100`b15 do(. $ asra-tar.I aA.lasa-t •000`COE$ ')a; -------------------------- ------------ ----------------•- -- raa3111 sl;sodap at"11 000 sl It -99`6T$ asr•taaap slls`dap l,uelu pul P `000`TTL`9T$ Pasl'a•LbiP surol )q< .•_.------------------ i 'eaaA—ZT 'flnr `m lm max pal Zx�u�L4Zs 'S91 n_ _____________.__/---_._--_____----_.__---__.---________-________ �4 ---- ------------------------ '6 CWT 9%T A1alt Subscribed and sworn to before me this �•gpT ST R)T :T'ZJT 970, PaE sl � -T-TOT st/cb PLIE :UE'TOC sT/CT aq day of ---- �[-1-* 1 ~-•---•--• 192 .. di3 '• TUT01 9 YT V "Skil A11001"I a J11£010--ZT Ainf `NITOT AkHMlre q. -------- ----------- •-----------------�-S�ISiI3gIZ Ida: tart' Public. SAV r--: a t_ l c ;" 'aellat; aaout 9101AsaolslAO:tcI aq < ;uao II! •n6 inr the County of Orange, State Of California -an: � _ _ �. rQ�, , vi�r� LrrttraissLOn.- E,.; ;•?£res .,Yov. 2?' 1,92,5 •""..1L..t1 r°�::i..�: LEGAL NO'T'ICE O11D1kA_ CE NO. 455 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC- TION FIFTY OF ORDINANCE NO. 442,_ OF THE CITY OF ANA - 111, 1 M NAHE1b1 ENTITLED "AN ORDI- NANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF BUSINESS, PRO- FEi`SIONS, SHOWS, EXH1E31- TIONS .AND GA:,IES CONDUCT- ED Oi;. CAR.RfED ON IN ThE CITY OF ANAHEIM, FIXING THE RATE OF L (I C E N S E THEREFOR, PROVIDING FOM COLLECTION THEREOF, AND FIXING PENALTIES F'OR THE VIOLATION' THEREOF," PASS- ED AND ADOPTED BY THE I311_ARD OF 'TRUSTEES OF SAID OITY ON THE, 28TH DAY OF �[iCENIBEIt, 1823. TI11'BO_YI D OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF ANAHEEK DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SEC'L`10N 1. That. Section 50 of Ordinance No. 442 of the City of Anaheim, entitled "An Ordinance providing for the Licensing of bus iness, professions;, shows, eNhibi Lions and g'anres conducted or car- ried on in the City of Anaheim,' filing the rate of license there. -I for, providing for collection there_ ! of, and fixing penalties for the violation thereof," passed .and adoptedoilthe 28th day of No-, vembei, 1923, be and the sameis hereby amended to read as ibl-� locus: "Section 50. For every per son who carries on, practices or, professes to practice the business or art astrology, palmistry, phren - 0 fogy, lite -reading, fortune-telling, cartoxnancy, clairvoyance, clair- audience, crystal -gazing, hypno- tisin, ineditin-ship, prophecy, ar- gury, devination, magic or ne- � croinancy, and demands or, receives a lke for the exercise of his art tliereiu, directly, either as a gift, doitat,ion or otherwise, or who gives an exhibition thereof at any place where an admission fee is charged, Nine Hundred ($900.09) Dollars per ! cjnat'Le.l'. Provided that no person shall be 1 required to pay any fee or take out any license for conducting or, participating in any religious sere- I many or service when such person., holds a certificate of ordination or, enauisement as a medium 'healer; ur clairvoyant from any bona fide cnurch or, religious assueiation hav- ing branches of churches in other j states and communities and which has a creed or set of religious principles that is recognized by all of such churches or branches pro -i vided, further, that. the fees, g'ratu- � i ities, emoluments and profits there-, of shall be regularly accounted for and paid soleiy to or for the' benefit of said church 9r religious association." SECTION 2. All Ordinances and! parts of Ordinances conflicting with provisions of this Ordinance! j are hereby repealed. l SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Or- j dinanca and cause the same to be published once in , The Orange I County Plain Dealer and thirty (30) I clays from and after. its final pas -j sage it shall take effect and be in! tuii force. The foregoing ordinance is signed,, approved and attested by me this, 10Th day of July, 1.924. heal) L. H. t1ETCALF, i j President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. Attest: EiiWARD B. MERRITT, City Cierk of the City of Anaheim. Publish July 12, 1924 ST_YTE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITY OF ANA- HEIM—ss: I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certity that the f'oreg'oing Ordi- nance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees i of the City of Anaheim held on the 26th uay of June, 19'24, and that the same was passed and auopLed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, heldon the 10th day VIkU-111V N 1t1L' 1Y,L` t11, 1"Aau E AND :\DOPTED BY THE B(LNRD OF TRIJSTE)^:S of SAID (`I'CY ON THE 28TH DAY OF �0 G1sMBI3,I1, 1933. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITU OF ANAHEIM. DQ OCLDAIN AS FOLLOWS; STICTION 1. That Section 50 of Oi dinance No. 442 of the City of Anaheim, entitled "An Ordinance providing for the Licensing of bus- iness, professions, shows, exhibi- tions and games conducted or car reed on in the City of Anaheim,' fining the rate of license there- to;, providing for collection there -,V of, and fixing penalties "or thel violation thereof," passedand adopted on the 28th day of No - IV embei, o-IVembei, 1923, be and the same is hereby amended to read as fol- I lows: "Section 50. For every per- son who carries on, practices or, professes to practice the business or art astrology, palmistry, phren- olug,}, life-ieading, fortune-telling, cartornancy, clau-voyaince, clair- audience, crystal -gazing, hypno- tism, medium -ship, prophecy, ar- _ g'ury, de. v i nat i oil, magic or ne- cromancy, and demands or receives a 1't.c for the exercise of his art therein, directly, either as a gift, donation or otherwise, or who gives all exhibition thereof at any place where an admission fee is charged, Nine Hundred ($900.00) Dollars per QUarter. Provided that Do person shall be reuuirud to pay any fee or take's out any license for conducting oi- participating in any religious eere- I molly or service when such person., - holds a certificate of ordination or endorsement as a iiiedium, healer; ur clairvoyant from any bona fide cnurch or religious association hav- ing branches of churches in other states and communities and which has a creed or set of religious - principles that is recognized by all of, such churches or branches; pro-, vided, further, that the fees, gratu-i sties, ernoluments and profits there-� of shall be regularly accounted for i and paid soleiy to or for the benefit of said church ,4r religious association." SECTION 2. All Ordinances and parts of ordinances conflicting I with provisions of this Ordinance! j are hereby repealed. i _ SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Or- dinanoe and cause the same to be published once in. The Orange; I County Plain Dealer and thirty (30)' days from and after,.its final pas- I f sage it shall take effect and be in tu;t force. ,Tile foregoing ordinance is signed,, _ approved and attested by me this loth day of July, 1924. tScal) L. H. METCALF, i j President of the Board of Trustees, of the City of Anaheim. Attest: EDWARD B. MERRITT, City Cierk of the City of Anaheim. Publish July 12, 1924 STATE OF CALLL ORNIA, COUNTY OP' ORANGE, CITY of ANA- 1-IEIM—ss: 1, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the. foregoing Ordi- nancu was introduced at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees i of the City of Anaheim held on the 26th day of June, 1924, and that the same was passed and adopted at a regular meetingof said board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 10th day of July, 1924, by the following vote. AYES—Trustees Metcalf, Hasson, i Knipe, Slaback and Stock. NOES—Trustees None. ABSENT AND NOT VOTING— Trustees None. And I further certify that the i llresidcnt of the Board of Trus- tees of the City of Anaheinr signed and approved and attested said f Ordinance on the 10th day of July. 1J21. •1N WITNESS WHEIIEOF, I have hereunto set iny- hand and affixed the seal of said City, this loth day of July, 1924. lScal) EDWARD B. MERRITT, City CLerk of the City o1 Anaheim. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Zo 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDIIIA110E ASO .#SS— AIT ORDINANCE A1.1UTDING SECTION FIFTY OF ORDINANCE NO. 442, OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI.1,11, ENTITLED " AIT ORDINANCE MOVIIZITG FOR THE LICEN ING OF BUSINES3, PROFESSIONS, SHOWS, EXHIBITIONS AND GA123 CONDU ED OR CARRIED ON IN 'IRE CITY CF ANAFTE11-11, FIXING THE IRATE OF LICE THEREFOR, PROVIDING FOR COLTS CTI OIT TMEEOP, AND FIXING PENALTIES FOR TEE VIOLATION THE'OF", PASSED ANDADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF TRMTEES OF SAID CITY OIT THE 28TH DAY OF Novm"IBliz, 1923. THE BOARD OF TRU3TXT,?3 OF THIS CITY OF ANAHEIM DO ORDAIN AS F 3ECTION 1. That Section 50 of Ordinance No. 442 of the City of Anaheim, entitled "An Ordinance providing for the Licens- ing of business, professions, Shows, exhibitions and games conduc�_ ed or carried on in the City of Anaheim, fixing the rate of license therefor, providing for collection thereof, and fixing penalties for the violation thereof", passed and adopted on the 28th day of November, 1923, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 50. For every person who carries on, practices or professes to practice the business or art astrology, palmistry phernolo,Ty, life -reading, fortune-telling cartomancy, clairvoy- ance, Clair -audience, crystal -gazing, hypnotism, medium -ship, prophecy, argary, devination, magic or necromancy, and demands orl receives a fee for the e3lercise of his art therein, directly, either as a gift,donation or otherwise, or who gives an exhibi- tion thereof at any place where an admission fee is charged, Nine Hundred (900.00) Dollars per quarter. Provided that no person shall be required to pay any fee or take out any license for conducting or participating in any religious ceremony or service when such person holds a cert- ificate of ordination or ex-i4orsement as a medium, healer or clair voyant from any bona fide church or religious association having branches of churches in other states and communities and which has a creed or set of religious principles that is recognized by all of such churches or branchei$; provided, further, that the fees, gratuities, emoluments and profits thereof shall be regular (1) ly accounted for and paid solely to or for the benefit of said church or religious association." SECTION 2. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances con- flicting with provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. 4 5 SECTION 3, The City Clerk shall certify to the passage 6 Of this Ordinance and cause the same to be published once in The 7 Orange County Plain Dealer, and thirty (30) days from and after 8 its final passage it shall take effect and be in full force. 9 The foregoing ordinance is signed, approved and attested 10 ii by me this lo day of July, 1924. 12 jV )')/ Gd Pres iden of the Boar djof Trustees 13 of the City of Akaheim. 14 15 Attest: 16 17 18 City 016rk of the City of -,,InFLheim 19 22 23 24 ii 25 26 iI 27 28 i 29 30 1 (2) 31 WZ0 < W a U W Z 21 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 STATE OF CALIFOIUTIA, COMITY OF ORMGE, CITY OF MAHEIM. I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on the :16 tzz- day of Ju -44 1924, and that the same was passed and adopted at a regular meetin;z of said Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the /6 day of July, 1924, by the following vote: ,RYES, Trust ee a NOES, Trustees ABSEI'T.-L AND NOT VOTING, Trustees *.,L— And I further certify that the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim signed and approved and attested said Ordinance on the /0 day of July, 1924. IN WITNE3S ',,,THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and 4 -- affixed the seal of said City, this 10 day of July, 1924. (30 7ity Clerk of the City o! -AnaheiY