482Affidavit of Publication Irl they Superior Court of the County of Orange State of California -� Plaintiff VS. Defendant STATE OF CALIFORNIA, e5 Co ty of Orange, ......................being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned, he waa a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resiaent of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, print ed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dis- semination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general char- acter, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mention- ed; that the. ..... ....................................... ... .......... ................................................ ,of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least ....................... ... times, mmencing on the .....day of ...`.x ...............19 and ending on the ..............day of ....... ...... ..........192...,both days inclusive, (> MIAT AXE REOULATIT,G TH7 , '• a E.ESLINAfii, tit°>Lk:., AND I)I Llii']F�IIY -a OF PETROIlEt5k" A-_Nb`i` ?L (JL.t'' t �I I'k 0iJCT Y ti m*E (PITY 01;,° ATN ..IA ltil, ANIt. PROVII)I-NG 'PEST- ALTIES FOR THE T IOLATION OF; g THIS ORD11fiANCE., «t THE:-r()AIi-FD OF , TRIJ STEES OP K CITY 07 ANAHEIM DO 011DAIN4 'I AS, FOLLOWS SECTION X It hat be }n!AA4 %1 foi 4 3 any 1perpo4;; associ a4 Zt a�; ion fil•rzi tion, to sell, offer fo sa_e, M deliver 1 Jcr of deliveryor c use or permit to [� iN, s. P offercc, fir.&alz-, or delivered in - r e C:, y of R�xaizeti}a wn : �f ;.i1e lls tr ducts of petroleum "gpe..IficalIy t ttP 4nddesc'r1bed iif 8eciloria 2 abd S herr, I' 1^ss such die;r 5i 0in or _horcof shall �form=to the stanc3arde and tests fixed axis - ++,V§hed 'Sections' 2 and 2, e pT'Ocided. SECTION 2 G' - purpose of.tI s q% sold, delivered,° 1' ry in theGlty,.c�' n:ernai ,connbwf- as-(allows: th lietr.leain *! 2'� gass, or a bten a4l ##t�j . ' r; • .� .s to the foilotti (a) It sh rater, suspe t0 li p Zit A9 'a mixture of -_01*lag (b) It Grp#e4 greater th lou Ap sej02 r8*i �iiF'` at a tem' To �� J hen to aha -0g a ' ma7o r3 ethod 8 Ctrs � :arts _ ; � �Atr �4' #ta, Mir, au 17 #t 21-A. od g a,E, p; t a t TaaEt4 $ inter and as often during said time assaid newspaper was regularly issued; that L is to say, on the following dates, to -wit: -......... /� . ... ..� .� .................... ....................... ... h' 111411 t# titD t#A aoftt'{attf` aaut& �� �q uo A t. Yf`��°apu u rt#a#$ a nptntptr 4 tM ftp I - #e +a u��� tr ,Q at 40 t� SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to 147 before me this - ------------ day of -- --,� . ------ ----192-- 1-: .. .. .. ...... Notary Public i-n+Iandafor Orange—county, Cawornt& Ordinance, !Twine distillate sold, rffe:ed doomed guilty of a misdemeanor, ;:BnW ;. upon convictfon thereof, shall be'punish- �•:._ �p�y� ��� � "r.'z= ^ for sale, delivered or offered for delivery, able by a fine of not fere than Fifty Dol- in the City of Anaheim, as fuel for in- Tars, (FSOAO) Tor more than One Hund- AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ternal combustion engines, is deSned as red DoM. rts, ($100i1n) or by imprison- TESTINGIi SALE AND DELIQERY follosys: The liquid distilled from petroleum anent in the city jail fdr a period of not OF PETROLEUM AND P&TBOL- which conforms to the following re-. more than fifty (50) days, or by both EUM PRODUCTS IN THE CITY OF guirements: Ruch fine and imprisonment. ANAHEIM, AND PROVIDING? PEN- (te it Shall be free from mach sarh person, firm or corporation, ALi`IiS lE'0$ THE VIOLATION 4F Irromolad, :luster, su4pended matter and *Tom ad- -shall be deemed guilty of a separate of- fEnse for every day ddring any THIS ORDINANCE. mixture or any detrimental substance. portion of which ary violation of any provision - THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF (b) It shall distill within the follow- ing temperature limits, when tested in of this Ordinance is committed, contin- THE CNY OF ANAHEIM DO ORDAIN ped, or permitted, by such person, firm AS FOLLOWS: o accordance with American Society for or corporation, and shall be puniahebls SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for Testing Materials, Standard D-86-21-T, using the. High Distillation Thermome-. as provided by this Ordinance. SE('TION 8. All Ordinances, or arts p any person, association, firm or corpora- tion, tion, to sell, offer for sale, or deliver or ter. 1. When the first `drop has been re- Ordinances, in conflict with the pro- for delivery, or cause or permit to covered in the receiver, the thernome= visions sions of this Ordinance are hereby rem Pealed.be sold, offered for sale, or delivered in the City of Auahelm, any of the pro- ter shall not read more than 260' F. SECTION 9. If any Section, sub- ducts.-of pett6ieuni specifically del lned 2. When 40ofo has been recovered in the receiver, the thermometer shall not section, -sentence, clause or phrase or, and described in Sections 2 and 3 her€of, read more than 386° F. this Ordinance is, for any reason held to unless such 'petroleum or products. 3. When 5Wc has been recovered ix► be unconstitutional, void or invalid, the validity of the remaining portion of.this thereof shall conform to the standards ancj tests fixed and established in said the receiver, the thermometer shall not Ordinance shall not be affected ther,aby, Sections 2 and 3, except as hereinafter read more than 470° F., nor less than 344-9 B It being the intention of the Board of provided. 4. The end point shall not be higher Trustees of Anaheim iTi adopting !hid Ordinance that no portion thereof, or SECTION GASOLINE. For any purpese of this,orditiance, the gasoline ,than 539° F, nor less than 437 de- provision of regulation contained there- sold, delivered, offered for sale or delfv- grees F. SEC`PION 4. The Sealer of Weights• in, shall become inoperative or fail by reason of any unconstitutionality or in- ery in the City City off Anaheim as fuel for internal c Cen Ines is defined !g and Measures, or any Person authorized by' him, is %er6by validity of any other portion, provision '' as follows: the liquid distilled from petroleum or extracted from natural authorized and em- powered to take such sample or Sam- or regulation. SECTION 10. The City Clerlk' of the gas, "or a blend thereof which 'conforms plea as he may deem necessary of any petroleum or any products thereof when City of Anaheim shall certify to the to the following requirements: ` the same is kept or stored within the passaKe of this Ordinance, and shall cause the same to be printed and (a) It shall be free from undissolved water, suspended matter and from ad- City of Anaheim. It sha}1 be unlawful pub- lashed once. in the Anaheim Gazette, a )#IXtuce of any detrimental substance" for any ..person, firm or corporation ton.•wspaper refuse to permit the Sealer of Weightp of l;eneral circulation, print- ed. Published and circulated in City (b) : It shale have a vapor tension not ' greater tiutn ten pounds per square inch and Measures, or any person authorized by him, to take such sample or samples, said and thirty (30) days from and after its final shall at a teelperature of 190° Irahrenheit, 'teisted, or to prevent or, attempt to prevent Said Passage, it take effect, and be m full force. when in accordance with the method prescribed in the ignited States . Sealer of Weights and Measures; or a The foregoing ordinance is signed, ap• Bureau of Explasives Pamphlet No. person authorized by him, from taking tl%64ame. , proved and attested by me this 28th ddy, 21-A. MOT AM 0.. It ji§ ' :iii j of January, 1926. (SPAL) (c) It shall distill within the folio*r- ' Ing limits, when tested in accordance dn3z-�ie 06i , asa"C4atldli, HrM or corgori, PERRY W. MATHIS, with the American Society for Testing tion to sell, offer for sale, or deliver, or President of the Board of Trustees of 324teriaie, Standard D-86-21-T, using the cause or permit to be sold, offered for the City of Anaheim. Low. Distillation thermometer. sale, or delivery, in the City of An&helm, Attest: a � 1. When the &rat drop has been re- any petroleum products as a fuel for in- EDWARD B. MERRITT, covered in the receiver, the thermome-; ternal combustion engines which does Clerk of the City of Anaheim. 03?'ATA OF ter shall not read more than 131 F. not conform to the requirements-, of tC'ALIFORNiA, 2. When 2DPJo has been recovered in either Section two or three, unless there i the receiver, the thermometer shall not shall be firmly attached or painted at or COUNTY OF ORANG , read more than 22.1.6 F. near the point of outlet of the contain- 3. Wlien`54ofp has been recovered In er from which or into which said petrol- CITY OF ANA:HZIM. j the receiver, the thermometer shall not eum products represented as fuel for in- I, '417"B• Merritt, City Clerk of the read more Man 284° F. ternal combustion engines are drawn or City of Anhelm, do hereby certify that 4. When 90% flits been recovered ilk poured out for sale or delivery, a Sign or the foregoing ordinance was introduced the recelvei, tbt thermometer shall not label, consisting of the following legend at a meeting of the Board of Trustees read more than 292° F. in red letters, not less than one-half inch of the City of Anaheim, held on the 14th 5_ The end' s3isll 1u�t ht 3i3a}t in height, on a white backgtround: "Tills dl?y of January, 1926, and that the -rasps than 434° P. petroleum product does not comply with Wass Pale anti adopted at a meeting of 6. At least 04% shall be"recovered a& the Ordinance Speeiflcatlons of the City axe Board of Trustees held on the 28th distillate in the receiver from the dimK-! of Anaheim for any of the fuels therein ' of January, 1926, by the- following tillation. defined and intended for Internal Com- rote: PROVIDED, that the following rnodi-.: bustion Engines." AYES: Tmstees Mathis, Atiilep, Graf. ftcation' of the methods of test heiein- SECTION 6. It shall be unlawful for soli, Fri!nnn and Stock. , abOVe-presoriboo shall be used: &K person, firm or corporation to din- E0: Trustees None. I. The condenser bath shall be main- May any sign, label or other designating , Ali Ali and nqt voting: TrUbtsep; Nome, twined at 9 temper*ture between 38° and: 40* F:ails mark which describes any petroleum, $ f fUrthir certify,that the Presi- S. The iilot ¢xop shall be recover or petroleum products not actually sols} or offered for sale or delivery at the dent of the Hoard of Trustees signed In the recet Or 0041 five to SiX ininutex' i Dation at which" the Sign or other des- 40 APPrO+ed said Ordinance on the after th4rt 40plied. ignna.ting marks is displpod, or to dlif- 38th $>#F' of 14nunrY, 1926. IN WITNESS ` WHEREOF, (� AAl.T BT. A eleatl lFay'way. label upon any containerwhichl I have MOW et1•fii -Y�ll not hp..tt...,s..,e.v l el names or describes a Petroleum) heZ041)t? Set my hand and alfi;ed the OF P�,TRQi,1 IVK AXIV PST L­ `wh �olat >0 to the vfollowing re- more €non d Im r is men ur uy w�u nty, such fine and imprisonment. , EUX #RODUC" t$ flM CITY OF auirements, »;ach mar•h perm, firm or corporation,. ANA1181 t, AND PROMINO P211- "(a) It shall be free Irom undissoh'e4 ihali be deemed guilty of a separate of- ALTIFS FOR THE vI9111fi601t OF CWftter, suspended matter and *rom ad- fgnse for every day during any portion THIS ORDINANCE. mixture of,any detrimental substance. of which airy violation of any provision,. 'THE BAARA OF TRUSTEES OF (b) It shall distill within the follow- ing temperature limits, when tested in', of this Ordinance is committed, 'contin- ued, or permitted, 'by such person, firm THF C�TY OF ANAHEIM DO ORDAIN, accordance with American Society for or corporation, and shall be punishebie AS FOLLOWS: Testing Materials. Standard D-86-21-T, as provided by this Ordinance. SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for using the. High Distillation Thermome-. .SECTION 8. All Ordinances, or parts any person, association, flrrii or corpora- ter. of Ordinances, in conflict with.the pro- tion, to sell, offer for sale, or deliver or 1. When the first°drop has been re- visions of this Ordinance are hereby. re-, Offer for delivery, or cause or permit to covered in the receiver, the therinomet }sealed. be sold, offered for sale, or delivered -in .,ter shall not read more than 2609 F. SECTION 9. If any Section, Oub- the City o1 Asaahe#m, any of the pro- 2. When 40% has been recovered in section, €sentence, clause or phrase of ducts-. of pet'}�dteum spec#flcaliy detiped the receiver, the thermosmeter shrill not dewribed, a Sections 2 and 3 her€of, , thin Ordinance is, for any reason held to and read more than 38(1° F. be unconstitutional, void or invalid, the unless such, retroleum or products, 3. When 5000 has been recovered ip 'validity of the remaining portion of-this thereof shall conform to the standards the receiver, the thermometer stsall not prdinEncr• shall scot be affected thereby, an4 tests fixed and established in said .read more than 470° F., nor less than It being the intention of the Board Of- Sections 2 and 3, except as hereinafter 374,4 r. Trustees of Anaheim jai adopting this, provided.4. The end point shall not be higher ,Ordinance that no; portion thereof, or SECTION 2. GASOLINE, For any than 539° F., nor less than 437 do- provision of regulation contained there- purpose of this.ordinance, the gasoline grees F'. in, shall Necon a inoperative or fail by, sold, delivered, offered for sale or deity- 'SFC` ION 4, The Sealer of Weights reason of any unconstitutionality or In- ery in the City of Anaheim as fuel for and Measures, or any person authorized Internal combustion engines is detlaed I by' him, is Nooby authorized and em- validity of any other portion, provision as follows: the liquid distilled from powered to take such sample or sam- or regulation, SECTION 10. The City Clerk"of the petroleum or extracted from natural ples as he may deem necessary of any City of Anaheim shall certify to the gas, 'or it blend thereof which ,conforms petroleum or any products thereof when passage of this" Ordinance, and shall to the following requirements: the xttm i4 kept @r stored within the ` cause the same to be printed and pub- (a) It shall be free from undissolved City of Anaheim. It shrill be unlawful lished once in the Anaheim Gazette, a water, suspended" matter and from ad- for any=person, firm or corporation to nt-arsl-aper of general circulation, print- mixtuie of any detrimental substance' refuse fo pernslt the Sealer of Weightp (b) It shall have a iapor:tension not ed. public heS1 and circulated in said City and Measures, or any personauthorized greater thasi ten pounds per square inch and thirty (30) days from and after its by Hirci, to take such sample or samples, final nas:sage, it shall take effect, and be at a temperature of 1000 Fahrenheit,. or to'prevent or. attempt to prevent algid -n full force, when"tested, in accordance with the Sealer ofWeights and Measures', or a The foregoing ordinance is signed, ap- method prescribed in the United States ylerson authoviaed by him, from .taking proved and attested by me this 28th day, Bureau of Explosives Pamphlet No. tlJ�•JlRxi2Q, of January, 1926. 21-A. r I J be MAVW 4C (SRAL) (c) It shall distill within the folio*r al rel? �iei•got;, arc#atloli, ltrai or aorpOrA> PET;RI' W. MATHIS, ing limits, when tested in accordance with the American Society for Testing tion to sell, offer for sale, or deliver, or President of the Board of Trustees of Materials, Standard P-86-21-T, using the cause or permit to be sold, offered for the City of Anaheim. Low Distillation thermometer. sale, or delivery, in the City of Anaheim, for in- Attest: . r; EDWARD B. MERRITT,. 1. When the Jiro( drop has been -re- any petroleum products as a fuel combustion engines which does Clerk of the City of Anaheim, covered in the receiver, the thermome-sternal ter shall not read more than 131° F.TATA "not conform to the requirements, o! OvcAL.I)9'ORNIA, S + i 2. When 2p% has been recovered in either Section two or three, unless there or COUNTY OF ORANGE; ] lll, the receiver, thq thermometer shall not shall be firmly attached or painted at i read more thsn 381° F. near the point of outlet of the contain- CITY OF ANAHEIM. j 3. When '50% has been recovered in er from which or into which said petrol- I. the receiver, the thermometer s#hall -not eum Products represented as fuel for in- Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the recd more tl8ari.284' F. tea nal combustion engines are drawn or City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that 4. 'When 9Q' bite beers recovered poured out,for sale or delivery, a sign or the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at ani tfog the Board of Trustees the recelver, t e, thermometer shall m t label, consisting of the following legend i A of the City of Aniaheim, held on the 14th read more than 8911 ° F. -;',in red letters, not less than one-half inch "This adaY of January, 1926, and that the 5. The eaid;A i�ha12fe!'' in height, .on a white background: slime than 437° F, petroleum product does not comply with was ptteeed and adopted at a meeting of 6. At least Mello shall be ".recovered as the Ordinance Spocifications of the City )laid Ward o1 Trustees held on the 28th distillate in the receiver from the disc'' of Anaheim for any of the fuels therein 64V of January,_ 1929, by the, following vote, tillation. defined and intended for Internal Com- Truastees Mathis, Miller, Graf. PROVIDED, that the following rnodi-• bustion -Engines." to F seem and Stock. ffcastios 01 the methods of test hereixi- , %ICTION 6,. It shall be unlawful for , NOES: Trustees None. above-presorlbe4l shall be used: an person, firm or corporation to dig-_ and not voting: Trusteass; 1. The condenser "bath shall be main- play any sign, label or other designating NAbsent tained at a temper4ture between 36° and, mark which describes any petroleum, A further certify that the Presi- ttl° F. Otis or petroleum products not actually dVat of the Board of Trustees eigped 8. The first drop shall be recover sold op offered for sale or delivery at the a approved said Ordinance on the In the receiver from five to six minutes location at which the sign or other dee- 2nd 8th dw of Jaanugry, 1926. after that heat is applied, (d) CORFRQ$;ON. TEST. A cleary ignating marks is displayed, or to dig- tolay'apy.label upon any container which IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hexeu copper strip tholl not be dlaColorek i 13bel names or describes a petroleum! to set my hand and affixed the seal of the r,g#d City, this the 28th slay when submerged -in the gasoline for,product not actually contained therein, of January, 1826• three bourn %; 1422° F. l>ut offered for pale-or sold as such. 'Q 09-AL) Cit) Mtnr: +FhA color shall not S},c�TIOi\I 7. That any person, Ji''m 1 darker than No. 18 >eaybolt. or corporation violating any of the proe i EDWARD R. 11IEAAITT, RECTION 3. For the purposes-of this,, t'isions of this ordinance shall be' Clerk of the City of . 4091iu . 1 2 3 4 5 6� 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 r ORDINANCE NO. /-/ 9 1 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE T,'+:STING, SAL& AND DELIVERY OF PETROLc;UJE AND PETROMUM PRODUCTS IN TM CITY OF ANAHEIM, AND "ROVIDING PENAL JES FOR TH'� VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. THE 30ARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DO. ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: It shall be unlawful for any person, association, firm or corporation, to sell, offer for sale, or deliver or offer for delivery, or cause or permit to be sold, offered for sale, or delivered in the City of Anaheim, any of the products of petroleum specifically defined and described in Sections 2 and 6 hereof, un- less such petroleum or products thereof shall conform to the stan- dards and tests fixed and established in said Sections 2 and 6, ex- cept as hereinafter provided. SECTION 2: GASOLINE. For any purpose of this ordinance, the gasoline sold, delivered, offered for sale or delivery in the City of Anaheim as fuel for internal combustion engines is defined as follows: the liquid distilled from petorleum or extracted from natural gas, or a blend thereof which conforms to the following requirements: (a) It shall be free from und5.ssolved water, suspended matte. and from admixture of any detrimental substance. (b) It shall have a vapor tension not greater than ten pound per square inch at a temperature of 100`0 Fahrenheit, when tested in accordance with the method prescribed in the United States 3ure u of Explosives Pamphlet No. 21-A. (c) It shall distill within the following limits, vnhen tested in accordance with the American Society for Testing Materials, Sta - dard D -86-21-"T, using the Low Distillation thermometer. 1. ~'Then the first drop has been recovered in the receiver, tie thermometer shall not read more than 1310 F. 2. When 20% has been recovered in the receiver, the thermometer shall not read more than 2210 F. 3. When 50% has been recovered in the receiver, the thermometer -14» 041 21 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 shall not read more than 2840 F. 4. When 90% has been recovered in the receiver, the thermomel shall not read more than 3920 F. 5. The end point shall not be higher than 4370 F. 6. At least 96% shall be recovered as distillate in the re- ceiver from the distillation. PROVIDED, that the following modification of the methods of tE hereinabove prescribed shall be used: 1. The condenser bath shall be maintained at a temperature between 360 and 400 F. 2. The first drop shall be recovered in the receiver from five to six minutes after the heat is applied. (d) CORROSION T33T. A clean copper strip shall not be Dis- colored when submerged in the gasoline for three hours at 1220 F. (e) Color. The color shall not be darker than No. 16 saybol, SECTION 3: For the purposes of this Ordinance, engine distil. late solo., offered for sale, delivered or offered for delivery, in the City of Anaheim, as fuel for internal combustion engines, is defined as follows: The liquid distilled from petroleum which conforms to the following requirements: (a) It shall be free from undissolved water, suspended matte: and from admixture or any detrimental substance. (b) It shall distill within the following temperature limits when tested in accordance with American Society for Testing Mater- ials, Standard D -86-21-T, using the High Distillation Thermometer. 1. When the first drop has been recovered in the receiver, the thermometer shall not read.more than 2600 F. 2. `then 40% has been recovered in the receiver, the thermom- ater shall not read more than 3800 F. 3. Then 50% has been recovered in the receiver, the thermom- eter shall not read more than 4700 F., nor less than 3740 F. ;er :st 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 4. The end point shall not be higher than 5390 F., nor less than 4370 F. SECTION 4: The Sealer of Weights and Measures, or any pars authorized by him, is hereby.authorized and empowered to take such sample or samples as he may deem necessary of any petroleum or any products thereof when the same is kept or stored within the City o Anaheim, It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to refuse to permit the Sealer of Weights and Measures, or any person authorised by him, to take such sample or samples, or to prevent or attempt to prevent said Sealer of Weights and Measures, or a person authorized by him, from taking the same. SECTION 5: It shall be unlawful for any person, association, firm or corporation to sell, offer for sale, or deliver, or cause or permit to be sold, offered for sale, or.delivery, in the City of Anaheim, any petroleum products as a fuel for internal combus- tion engines which does not conform to the requirements ,of either Section two or three, unless there shall be firmly attached or painted at or near the point of outlet of the container from which or into which said petroleum products represented as f7ta1 for in- ternal combustion engines are drawn or poured out for sale or de- livery, a sign or label, consisting of the following legend in red letters, not less than one half inch in height, on a white back- ground: "This petroleum product does not comply with the Ordinane Specifications of the City of Anaheim for any of the fuels therein defined and intended for Internal Combustion Engines." SECTION 6: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration to display any sign, label or other designating mark whic describes any petroleum, oilo or petroleum products not actually sold or offered for sale or delivery at the location at which the sign or other designating marks is displayed, or to display any label upon any container which label names or describes a petrolew product not actually contained therein, but offered for sale or sold as such. -6- 1 2 3 4 5' 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 a 191 20 21. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SECTION 7: That any person, firm or corporation violating an of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a I misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a� fine of not less than Fifty Dollars, (50.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars, (100.00) or by imprisonment in the city jail for a period of not more than fifty (50) days, or oy both such fine anc imprisonment. Each such person, firm or corporation, shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day during any portion of which an violation of any provision of this Ordinance is committed, con- tinued, or permitted, by such person, firm or corporation, and sha. be punishable as provided by this Ordinance. SE'C'TION 8: All Ordinances, or parts of Ordinances, in confli with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 9: If any Section, sub -section, sentence, clause or 1 t phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitu- tional, void.. or invalid, the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby, it being the intenti n of the Board of Trustees of Anaheim in adopting this Ordinance tha no portion thereof, or provision of regulation contained therein, shall become inoperative or fail by reason of any unconstitutionality or invalidity of any other portion, provision or regulation. SECTION 10: The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance, and shall cause the same to be printed and published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in said Cit and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage, it shall take effect, and be in full force. The foregoing Ordinance is signed, approved and attested by me, this 28 day of N. n ' ( SAL) Presiden of the 3oard of Trustee Attest: �.L..�.:,.J'/�- r of ihe City of Anaheim. , Clerk of v the City of Anaheim. -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 i 24 25' 26 271 28 29 30 31 32 STATE OF CALIFORNIA,) SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE , ) City of Anaheim. } I. Edward 3. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced. at a meeting of the 3oard of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the% 4 day of 192 . and that the sane was passed and adopted at a meeting of said 3oard of Trustees held on the z8 day o 1926 , by the following vote: AYES: A33ENT AND NOT VOTING: J�� �-Q• L� And I further certify that the President of the 3oard of Trustees signed and approved said Ordinance on the z8 day of �ct�•,u�� , 1926 . IN 7ITNESS MEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said City, this the ay of�� 192 ( SEAL) Clerk of the City of Anaheim. -5-