505Affidavit of Publication In the Superior Court of the County of Orange State of California — - - ----- q ORDINANCE NO. 506' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC:• TION 14 OF OR NUMBER 476,'ENTITLED: "AAT ORDINANCE CREATING THE PUBLIC SERVICE .- Plaintiff 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF I ANAHEIM, DEFININd W ITS PO- _ ' ERS AND PRESCRIBING ITS VS. DUTIES," CREATING THE OFFICE OF CONTROLLER OF SAID DE'- PARTMENT, 'DEFINING HIS POW- ERS, PRESCRIBING HIS DUTIES AND FIXING HIS COMPENSA- TION- ESTABLISHING RATES. AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC Defendant AND WATER SERVICE AND PRO. VIDING FOR THE COLLECTION STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THEREOF; SPECIFIYING THIL Co ty of Orange, as. MANNER OF MAKING APPLICA> TIONS AND DEPOSITS FOR SUCH SERVICE AND OF HANDLING. DELINQUENT PAYMENTS; PRE- � being first duly President pro -tem of the Board of sworn, deposes and says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned, he was Trustees of the City of Anaheim. a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a restdenr (SEAL) of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, print Atti6st: ed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, 1 EDWARD B. MERRITT, State of California; that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times herein City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dis- semination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general char-' atter, having a bona 8de subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all i COUNTY OF ORATTGE, ss. said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the CITY OF ANAHEIM.' said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mention f i, EDWARD B. MEitRITT, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby cer- tify that the foregoing Ordinance was ed • that the ....�.C� i%v •..... .. �............................. introduced at a meeting of the Board i of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, ,,.held on the 10th day of garch, 1927,t .............. .................................... ....................... `and that the same was passed ande 2 adopted at a meeting of said Board oft ...... .... ........... .. .. . of which the Trustees, held on the 24th day of March, annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said. newspaper at 1927, by the following vote: AYES: Trustees Miller Grafton,; least .......................... ................ times, can n eneing-off4he t Franzen and Case. da of • .......................... .192..., and en in n the NOES: Trustees, None. \ �g ABSENT AND NOT VOTUSTG, Trus - .day of ....... ...........,both days inclusive, tee Leonard. And I further certify that the Fres-,, and as often during said time as said newspaper was regularly issued; that ,.dent pro -tem of the Board of Trustees is to say, on the following dates, to -wit: signed and approved said Ordinance ons / the '24th day df March, 1927. ...../� .. �..... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I `have hereunto set my hand and affixed the,.' seal of said City this 24th' -,'ft y of c Gl March, 1927. (SEAL) �, .......... ............. ............................ EDWARR B. MERRITT, City Clerk,oftthe,City of,.Anaheim. SUBSCRIBED ANDS ORN tox of pazcaogTn-e sam aollpnv Clunoo a before me this _---------__day of ------ -------------------1 92- ............................. .. _ d tor-9raa8e �� ORDINANCE NO. 505 ; of ordinances,, in conflict with the pro- visions of Lthikk Ordinance are hereby AN ORDINANCE AMENDINC-C SEC= ' repealed. 4 TION 14 OF ORDINANCE NU1VtBR� SECTION 3 .If' dry section, subsec- 476, ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE `" tion, sentence, clause or phrase of this CREATING T14E PUBLIC SERVICE ordinance is for any reason held to be DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF unconstitutional, void or invalid, the ANAHEIM, DEFINING ITS POW- validity of the remaining portion of ERS AND PRESCRIBING ITS this ordinance shall not be affected DUTIES; CREATING THE OFFICE thereby, it being the intent of the OF CONTROLLER OF SAID DE- Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- PA.RTMENT, DEFINING HIS POW- heir in adopting this ordinance that ERS, PRESCRIBING HIS DUTIES o portion thereof, or provision or regu- AND FIXING -HIS COMPENSA- contained therein, shall become TION; ESTABLISHING RATES inoperative or fail by reason of any AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC unconstitutionality or invalidity of any AND WATER SERVICE ANIS PRO- other portion, provision or regulation. VIDING FOR THE COLLECTION SECTION 4:. The City Clerk of the THEREOF; SPECIFYING THE City of Anaheim shall certify to the MANNER OF MAKING APPLICA- passage of this ordinance and shall —TONS AND DEPOSITS FOR SUCH cause the same to be printed and pub - SERVICE AND OF HANDLING - lished once in the "Anaheim Gazette," DELINQUENT PAYMENTS; PRE- a newspaper of general circulation, SCRIBING CERTAIN RULES AND printed, published and circulated in REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE said city, and thirty (30) days from and INSTALLATION AND USE OF after its final passage, it shall take ELECTRIC AND WATER SERV- effect, and be in full force. ICES, AND FIXING PENALTIES ' The foregoing ordinance is signed, _ FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF; AND approved and attested by me this 24th ABOLISHING THE OFFICE OF day of March, 1927. RATE COLLECTOR OF SAID CITY." L. E. MILLER, THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES" OF President pro -tem of the Board of THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DO ORDAIN Trustees of the City of Anaheim. AS FOLLOWS: (SEAL)w SECTION 1: That Section 14 of Attest: Ordinance No. 476 be, and the same EDWARD B. MERRITT, is hereby amended to read -as follows: City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. Section 14: The Public Service De- STATE OF CALIFORNIA, partment will- require each consumer, COUNTY OF ORANGE, ss. whether owner, lessee or renter, for CITY OF ANAHEIM. whom a service for the supply of elec- I, EDWARD B. MERRITT, City Clerk tricity or water has been heretofore of the City of Anaheim, do hereby cer- installed or shall hereafter be applied . tify that the foregoing Ordinance was for, to deposit with said Department a introduced at a meeting of the Board sum of money equal to the probable of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, amounts as estimated by said Depart- held on the 10th day of March, 1927, went of two (2) months' bills for the and that the same was passed and commodity to be supplied by such adopted at a meeting of said Board of service, whether electricity or water, Trustees, held on the 24th day of March, and no electricity or water shall be 1927, by the following vote: supplied through any service after this AYES: Trustees Miller Grafton, Ordinance takes effect unless suc]a de- Franzen and Case. posit has been so made and remains NOES: Trustees, None. in the hands of said Public Service De- ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: Trus- partment undiminished; provided, how- tee Leonard. ever, that no deposit for either com- And I further certify that the Pres- modity shall be less than Two and One- ident pro -tem of the Board of Trustees half Dollars ($2.50). If any bill for signed and approved said Ordinance on electricity or water sold, furnished or the 24th day of March, 1927. supplied to such consumer shall not IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have, be paid on or before fifteen (15) days hereunto set my hand and affixed the after the same is due as herein pro- seal of said City this 24th day of vided, the amount of such bill shall be March, 1927. deducated from and paid by the Public (SEAL) Service Department out of the deposit EDWARD B. ME$RITT, so made by such consumer. City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. _ SECTIO.N_2:__All ordinances, or parts ?; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 ORDINANCE �o• SaS-' . 4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 14 OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 476, ENTI'iL:ED:'' "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE P'lBLIC SERVICE DEPARTM Ear T OF THE CITY .i OF ANAHEIM, DEFINING ITS POWE. RS AND PRESCRIBI``G ITS DU IE'`!; 'RE- I THE OFFICE OF COitiTRULIJER OF SAID DEPARTI E��T, DEFINIYG HIS I POWERS, FRES CRIB ING HIS DUTIES AD FIXI'TG HIS C :�PENSATIO',';; ESTAB- LISHIr1G RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC Ai pix L: SERVICE z= D PRO- VIDI �1G FOR THE COLL ECTION THEIREOF; SPECIFYING THE i AN ER OF 1vIAKI1 G APPLICATION'S AND DEPUSITS FOR SUCH SERVICE UND OF HANDLING DELIN- QUENT PAYMOTT S; PRESCRIBING CERTAIN RULES AND R . GULATIOi\TS GtOVER�' � -44 j THE INSTALLATION AND USE OF ELEC'AIC AND �'1A` KR SERVICES, AND FI XIY PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF; AND ABOLI5HI11TG THE OFFICE OF 'I COLLECTOR OF SAID CITY.11 s THE BOARD OF TRUSTE141S OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DO ORDAIN' AS FOLLO��� S: SECTION 1: That Section 14 of Ordinance 476 be, and the same; is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 14: The Public Service DeQartment will require each consumer, whether o-rner, lessee or renter, for ti:nom a service 14 for the supoly of electricity or later has been leretofore in - 15 stalled or shall hereafter be applied for, to deposit with said 16 , Department a sura of money eQual to the probable amount as estimate 17 `i by said De-partment of two (2) months' 'Dills for the com:-i,odity to 18 19 be supplied by such service, 7.hether electricity or tir,ater, and no electricity or :rater sh, 11 be supplied through any service after 20 this Ordinence takes effect unless such deposit has been so made 21 and remains in the hands of said Public Service Deoa.rtment undimin. 22 fished; provided, however, that no deposit for either com_aod_ity si 23 shall be less than Two and One half Dollars ($2.50). If any bill 24for electricity or water sold., furn` shed or sun-glied to such con- . 25 sumer shall not be paid on or before fifteen (15) days after the �i 26 'i same is due as herein provided, the amount of such bill shall be 27 deducted from and -)ai.d by the Public Service Department out of the 28 depo sit so .Wade by such consumer. 29 ? SECTION ?: All ordinances, or darts of ordinances, in con - 30 flict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby re_oealed. 31 If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or 32 '', -phrase of this ordinance is for .--.ny reason held to be unconstitu- -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 tional, void or invalid, the v-D_lidity of the remaining portion of this ordinance shell not be affected thereby, it being the intent of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anahei_n in adoptinc° this ordinance that no po-ction thereof, or provision or regulation con -1 tained therein, shall become inoperative or fail by reason of any unconstitutionality or invalidity of any otter portion, ?orovision or regulation. SECTIO -i: The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall cer- tify to the passage of, this ordinance and shall cause the sane to be printed and puColished once in the "Ana.heir� _azette,l' a nev.s- f paper of general circulation, printed, published I=6 circ -,-,.fated in ,1 -aid city, anc thirty (30) days from, and after its final pas�'age, i shall t e effect, a= .1 be in lull force. The foregoing ordinance is :_.it-�ned, a.-Toroved Zinc. attested by me this 8th day of March, 1927. A�(Wd Presidents --F the Board of Trustees of C the it y of Anahei'-=1. Attest: City Clerk of the City -/f Anaheim. STATE OF CALIF -0 -:Ll , ) COUNTY OF ORANGE) ) SS. CITY OF ANAHEIM. ) I, EDFs,AHD B. IIERaITT, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ci''y of Anahei m , held on the 10th day of March, 1927, and that the same v .,s gassed and2.,4. adopted at a meeting of said. Board of Trustees, held on the �t@rth Clay of March, 1927, by the following vote: Ayes. Trustees 7 c. Z6 c�JiLa.�w+ n ._--- Noes: Trustees •--moi-ov f - Ab sent and not voting: Trustees�y-,oL_ Pio = tom, And. I further certify that the President�of the Board of Trus- tees signed and ap ��roved said Ordinance on thez�3=4th d- .y of ! arch, l 27 IN 7ITNEB3' 7" HE-REOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af-fixed the seal of said City -thiszS41agth d +y of 1a"a.rch, 1927. City Clerk of theCity f Anahei_r, -2-