553vs. 4 S ''L,/ Affidavit of Publication In the Superior Court of the County of Orange Plaintiff Defendant State of California STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange, .... �.. .. ......being first duly Cworn, deposes and says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned, he waa a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, print ed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times herein rientioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dis- semination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general char- acter, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mention- ed; that the .............................................................of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least......................................./.d....times, commencing on the .............day �of ............. .............. 192..., and a ding on the (lay ............ . i ..........1 2...Iboth day, nclusive, and as o en during said time as said newspaper was regularly issued; that is to sa01ohe following dates, to -wit: ... . ... ........... .. ... ...................... ...................................................... SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to 010INANCE Na 563 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE KEEPING, COLLECTION AND DIS- POSAL OR GARBAGE, RUBBISH AND WASTE MATERIAL IN THE. CITY OF ANAHEIM. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. DO ORDAIN AS FOL- LOWS: SECTION '1: Whenever in this ordi- { nance the �oliowing terms are used; they shall have the meanings respec- tively ascribed to them in this section, to Citi v at any time enter into a contract there for, and the agents, servants and em } Contractor orsywhile any such contract shall be it force, shall have the exclusive right tc f gather, collect and remove garbage rubbish and -waste material from all F premises in atiid`City; and it shall be unlawful for any person other than those above specified to gather, ooI r y .any garbage, t rubbish or: k or to convey or to trapSONTttnY garbage, rubbish or waste material in, along or over, any Public street, alley or highway in the City of Anaheim, or to take any gar- bage, rubbish- or waste material from any receptacle in which the same may be placed for collection or removal, or to interfere ,,,with or disturb any such receptacle, or to remove any such re- ceptacle from any location where the same is placed by the owner thereof; Provided, however, that nothing in this Section contained shall be deemed to Prohibit the occupant of any dwelling house from..,bimself removing any gar- bage or rubbish accumulated on the Premises occupied by him as a dwelling house, :and disposing of the same in a lawful manner, or to prohibit any per_ son from gathering, collecting and re- moving from the premises occupied by him any waste material .or other ob Jetts or debri's as provided in Section 6 hereof. All vehicles used in collecting a.nd before me this ------------------- day of ----------------------------192---- -- a 92 ---- Notary Public in and for Orange County, Calitornis. -lana lwa -1ng9 A (1111)INaNCE -No. 553 prohibit the occupant of .vty d.walling the collection ,11;1 d_ poral of wase mi- house from himself removing any gar- terial, as defined in Section 1 hereof, AN ORDINAJACE REGUI–kTING THE bage or rubbish accumulated on the from all premises in said City at least Kbli'YING, COLLECTION AND DIS- premises occupied by him as a dhvelling once each calendar month. Such provi- huuse, and disposing of the same in a cion may be made either by lettinga' YOSAI. O� GARBAGE, RUBBISH: lawful manner, or to prohibit any per- contract for such collection and re- AND WASTE MATERIAL IN THE son from gathering, collecting and re , moval, or otherwise. The City Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM. moving from the premises occupied by shall have charge and supervision of him any waste material or other ob- such collection and removal and shall THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY sects or debris as provided in Section G prescribe and establish routes and days hereof. for the collection and removal of gar- F ANAHEIM DO ORDAIN AS FOL- All vehicles used in collecting and : bage, rubbish and waste material from LOWS: conveying garbage in said city shall be the various parts of. the City so as to SECTION I: Whenever in this ordi- provided with metal bodies which shall conform to the provisions of this Ordi- nance the following terms are used, be kept water-tight at all times and nance, and may change the same from they shall have the meanings respec- thoroughly cleansed daily. All vehicles time to time. When such routes or ively ascribed to them in this section, used in collecting and conveying rub- days of collection are established or o-wit: bish and waste material shall be pro- changed, he shall give notice thereof in The word "garbage" shall mean vided with bodies so constructed as to such manner as he deems best. Every and include all animal and vege- prevent the loss of any contents the I person desiring to have the City collect table refuse from kitchens, all of upon the streets, alleys or• hrgnways i and remove garbage, rubbish or waste household waste which has been of said City.material from any premises in said City prepared for food or shall have SECTION 3: No person shall throw shall place and keep the same in such resulted from the preparation of place, scatter or deposit any garbage. receptacles as are hereinbefore required, food, all table refuse or offal, and rubbish or waste material in or upon and provided with suitable handles on every accumulation of animal, any public alley, street or highway in the outside for lifting the receptacle and, vegetable or other matter that at- the City except as herein expressly its contents. When the collection and tends the preparation, consump- authorized, nor throw, place, scatter or removal of suers garbage, rubbish or tion, marketing, packing, canning, deposit any garbage, rubbish or waste waste material is desired, said recepta- storage and decay of meats, fish, I material upon or below the surface of cles shall be placed along the street fowls, vegetables and fruit intend- any premises in such a manner that curb in front of the premises from ed for human consumption; also ;the same is or may become a nuisance � which such garbage, rubbish or waste dead animals and the accumula- or endanger the public health. material is to be removed, or along the tion from restaurant grease traps, SECTION 4: Every person occupy- property line of the alley in the real- earbut butnot dish water nor xv:este -,va- ing or having charge or control of any or at the side thereof, according as ter. premises in the City of Anaheim at, in the route so prescribed by the City The word "rubbish" shall mean or on which any garbage may or does Manager is along such street, or such and include tree and shrubbery accumulate or exist, shall place zutd alley, on the days prescribed by said trimmings, lawn renovatings, keep all such wti bage upon said prem- City Manager for the collection of gar- grass, weeds, leaves, chips, paper, ses and in .<al -_mi:,ed uretal r e;rtacles, � bage, rubbish or waste material, as the pasteboard, magazines, books, c:t h of which _'rr.11 be Nvater ti ht and case may be, on said route. No person rags, rubber, carpets, clothing, shall have a right fitting galvani,-d shall place any receptacle for or con- boots, shoes, hats, straw, packing metal cover and suitable handles on taining garbage, rubbish or waste mate- boxes and cartons, crates, pack- I the outside thereof for lifting the re- Tial in any street, alley or other public ing material, and all other kinds ceptacle and its contents. Such meta.,', highway of the City at any time or of combustible rubbish, trash or cover shall be kept upon each of said place other than as above provided, or, waste material which ordinarily receptacles at all times while any gar- alloy any receptacle for garbage, rub-!� accumulates in the operation of a bage is therein. Not more than one bish or waste material placed by him household or business. Rubbish hundred (100) pounds of garbage shall in any such street, alley or highway o;' shall not be deemed to include be placed, kept or allowed to accuuru_ found standing in any such street, alley manure or waste from any Poul- late in any one receptacle at one time. or highway in front of or at the side try yard or stable. and no substance other than garbage or rear of the premises occupied by him "Waste material" shall mean shall be placed, keut or allowed to re- to be or remain therein for more than. and include broken crockery, main in any rececrtacle in which any four hours after such receptacle has broken glass, ashes, cinders, garbage is placed, kept or contained. been emptied by the agents, servants or shells, bottles, tin cans, metals, Such person shall cause all garbage employees of the City or of any con- and other similar non-combustible receptacles on said premises to be emp- tractor with whom it has made a con- waste materials resulting from tied, and thoroughly washed, cleaned tract for that purpose. the operation of a household, but and dried at least once each calendar SECTION 8: Any person, firm or shall not include discarded auto- week, and all garbage to be removed corporation violating any of the provi- mobile or truck bodies or other from the said premises and disposed of cions of this Ordinance shall be deemed bulky or heavy objects, nor waste in some lawful manner at least once guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- material resulting from any man- each calendar week, except that within viction thereof shall be punishable by ufacturing, building or construe- the business district of said City such a fine of not more than Three Hundred tion operation. removal and disposal of garbage shall Dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment in "Collection." The operation or be accomplished at least twice in each the City Jail of said City for a period gathering together and transport- calendar week. of not more than three (3) months, or ing to the point of disposal, of SECTION 5: Every persons occupy- by both such fine and imprisonment. garbage, rubbish and waste mate- ing" or having charge or control of any SECTION 9: Ordinance No. 283, rial. premises in the City of Anaheim shall i passed December 23, 1914, and all other "Disposal." The complete oper- I provide suitable containers or recepta- ordinances or parts of ordinances to the, ation of treating andlor disposing cies for the accumulation and collection extent that the same conflict herewith of the accumulations of garbage, of rubbish and waste material, each of are to that extent hereby repealed. rubbish and waste material and which containers or receptacles shall SECTION 10: The City Clerk shall the product or residue arising weigh not more than one hundred (100) certify to the passage of this ordinance from such treatment. pounds when filled and set out for col- and cause the same to be published once "City." The incorporated City lection. Separate containers or recep- in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly news- of Anaheim, California, acting tacles shall be provided for rubbish and paper of general circulation printed, through its City Council or its for waste material, and such classes of published and circulated in the City of City Manager. waste shall not be mixed nor placed in Anaheim, and thirty (30) days from and "City Manager." The regularly the same container. after its final passage it shall take effect appointed and qualified City Man- Such person shall cause said contain- and be in full force. ager of the City of Anaheim or ers or receptacles to be emptied and all The foregoing ordinance is approved, his designated representative. rubbish and waste material removed signed and attested this 25th day of The word "person" shall include from said premises and disposed of in I August, 1931. firms, associations and corpora- some lawful manner, such removal and L. E. MILLER, disposal to be accomplished at least "Contractor." The person, per- once each calendar week in the case Mayor of the City of Anaheim.', sons, firm or corporation entering of rubbish and at least once each cal- Attest: EDWARD B. MERRITT, into a contract with the ci�y� or ell month in the case of waste ma- (SEAL) City Clerk. the collection and disposal ru terial, except as provided in Section 6 bish and waste material. 4 SECTION 2: The City of Anaheim hereof. SECTION G: Every person occupy- STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, nd its duly authorized agents, servants Ing or having charge or control of any CITY OF ANAHEIM.—ss. nd, employees, or any contractor or premises in the City of Anaheim shall, I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk oP retractors with whom said City may at least once in each calendar month, the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify; I every accumulation of animal, j vegetable or other matter that at- tends the preparation, consump- tion, marketing, packing, canning, storage and decay of meats, fish, 'i fowls, vegetables and fruit intend- ed for human consumption; also dead animals and the accumula- tion from restaurant grease traps, 1but not dish water not, waste wa- j, ter. i The Nvord "rubbish" shall mean and include tree and shrubbery trimmings, 1 a w n renovatings, grass, weeds, leaves, chips, paper, pasteboard, magazines, books, rags, rubber, carpets, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, straw, jacking boxes and cartons, crates, pack- ing material, and all other kinds of combustible rubbish, trash or waste material which ordinarily accumulates in the operation of a household or business. Rubbish shall not be deemed to include manure or waste from any poul- try yard or stable. "Waste material" shall int -an and include broken crockery, broken glass, ashes, cinders, shells, bottles, tin cans, metals, and other similar non-combustible waste materials resulting from the operation of a household, but shall not include discarded auto- mobile or truck bodies or other bulky or heavy objects, nor waste material resulting from any man- ufacturing, building or construc- tion operation. "Collection." The operation or gathering together and transport- ing to the point of disposal, of garbage, rubbish and waste mate- rial. "Disposal." The complete oper- ation .of treating and or disposing of the accumulations of garbage, rubbish and waste material and the product or residue arising from such treatment. "City." The incorporated City of Anaheim. California, acting through its City Council or its City Manager. "City Manager." The regularly appointed and qualified City Man- ager of the City of Anaheim or his designated representative. The word "person" shall include firths, associations and corpora- tions. "Contractor." The person, per- sons, firm or corporation entering into a contract with the ci4 or the collection and disposal s^ru - bish and waste material. SECTION 2: The City of Anaheim and its duly authorized agents, servants and, employees, or any contractor or contractors with whom said City may at any time enter into a contract there- for, and the agents, servants and em- ployees of such contractor or contract- ors, while any such contract shall be in force, shall have the exclusive right to gather, collect and remove garbage, rubbish and waste material from all premises in said City; and it shall be unlawful for any person other t ha n those above specified to gather, collect or remove any garbage, rubbish or waste material, or to convey or to transport any garbage, rubbish or waste material in, along or over any public street, alley or highway in the City of Anaheim, or to take any gar- bage, rubbish or waste material from tiny receptacle in which the same may be placed for collection or removal, or to interfere with or disturb any such receptacle, or to remove any such re- ceptacle from any location where the same is placed by the owner thereof; provided, however, that nothing in this Section contained shall be deemed to any public alley, street or highway in the City except as herein expressly authorized, nor throw, place, scatter or deposit any garbage, rubbish or waste material upon or below the surface of any premises in such a manner that the same is or may become a nuisance or endanger the public health. SECTION 4: Every person occupy- ing or having charge or control of any premises in the City of Anaheim at, in or on which any garbage may or does i accumulate or exist, shall place and keep all such garbage upon said pren,- :ses and in -dv.inh,,ed meta] receptac;es, ea 'h of which h;.11 be Nvater ti, -ht .and shall have a tight fitting galvani:e'd metal cover and suitable handles on I the outside thereof for lifting the re- ceptacle and its contents. Such metal cover shall be kept upon each of said receptacles at all times while any gar- bage is therein. Not more than one hundred (100) pounds of garbage shall be placed, kept or allowed to accumu- late in any one receptacle at one time, and no substance other than garbage Shall be placed, kept or allowed to re- main in any receptacle in which any garbage is placed, kept or contained. Such person shall cause all garbage i e.:ev tacws on gain premises to oe emp- tied, and thoroughly washed, cleaned' and dried at least once each calendar geek, and all garbage to be removed from the said premises and disposed of in some lawful manner at least once each calendar week, except that within the business district of said City such removal and disposal of garbage shall be accomplished at least twice in each calendar week. SECTION 5: Every persons occupy- ing, or ccupy-ing'or having charge or control of any premises in the City of Anaheirn shall provide suitable containers or recepta- cles for the accumulation and collection of rubbish and waste material, each of which containers or receptacles shall weigh not more than one hundred (100) pounds when filled and set out for col- lection. Separate containers or reeep- tacles shall be provided for rubbish and for waste material, and such classes of waste shall not be mixed nor placed in the same container. Such person shall cause said contain- ers or receptacles to be emptied and all rubbish and waste material removed from said premises and disposed of in some lawful manner, such removal and disposal to be accomplished at least once each calendar week in the case of rubbish and at least once each cal- endar month in the case of waste ma- terial, except as provided in Section 6 hereof. SECTION 6: Every person occupy- ing or having charge or control of any premises in the City of Anaheim shall; at least once in each calendar month, collect and dispose of all waste mate- rial and debris such as discarded auto- mobile bodies and similar heavy or bulky objects, and all other waste not included in the meaning of "waste ma- terial" as defined in Section 1 hereof, which may have accumulated on his premises, provided that building or con- struction waste and debris need be re- moved only upon completion of con- struction operations. All such waste and debris in this Section defined shall be removed to such dump grounds as may be provided or designated by the City. SECTION 7: The City of Anaheim shall provide for the collection and dis- posal of garbage from all premises I within the business district of said City at least twice each calendar week, for the collection and disposal of garbage from all other portions of said City and for the collection and disposal of rub- bish from all premises in said City- at least once each calendar week, and for the outside for lifting the receptacle and its contents. When the collection and removal of such garbage, rubbish or waste material is desired, said recepta- cles shall be placed along the street curb in front of the premises from which such garbage, rubbish or waste material is to be removed, or along the property line of the alley in the rear or at the side thereof, according as the route so prescribed by the City Manager is along such street, or such alley, on the days prescribed by said City Manager for the collection of gar- bage, rubbish or waste material, as the case may be, on said route. No person shall place any receptacle for or con- taining garbage, rubbish or waste mate- rial in any street, alley or other public highway of the City at any time or place other than as above provided, or allow any receptacle for garbage, rub- bish or waste material placed by him in any such street, alley or highway o_- found :found standing in any such street, alleN or highway in front of or at the side or rear of the premises occupied by him to be or remain therein for more than, four hours after such receptacle has been emptied by the agents, servants or employees of the City or of any con- tractor with whom it has made a con- tract for that purpose. SECTION 8: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provi- sions of this Ordinance shall be deemed' guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be punishable by, a fine of,not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment in the City Jail of said City for a period of not more than three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 9: Ordinance No. 283, passed December 23, 1914, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances to the, extent that the same conflict herewith are to that extent hereby repealed. SECTION 10: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly news- paper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in the City of. Anaheim, and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage it shall take effect and be in full force. The foregoing ordinance is approved, signed and attested this 25th day of August, 1931. L. E. MILLER, Mayor of the City of Anaheim. Attest: EDWARD B. MERRITT, (SEAL) City Clerk. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITY OF ANAIIEIM.—ss. 1, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of. Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was intro- duced at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 11th day of August, 1931, and that the same was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council, held on the 25th day of August, 1931, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: Councilmen Miller, Koesel, Martenet Jr., Lakeman and Sheridan. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: Coun- cilmen: None. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim ap- proved and signed said Ordinance on the 25th day of August, 1931. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City this 25th day of August, 1931. (SEAL) EDWARD B. MERRITT. City Clerk of the City of Anaheim ORDINANCE N0. X5.3 All ORDINANCE REGULATING THE KEEPING, COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE, RUBBISH ANVD WASTE MATERIA:, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI?d DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Whenever in this ordinance the following terms are used, they shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section, to -wit: The word "garbage" shall mean and include all animal and vegetable refuse from kitchens, all household waste which has been prepared for Mod or shall have resulted from the preparation of food, all table refuse or offal, and every accum- ulation of animal, vegetable or other matter that attends the preparation, consump- tion, onstion, marketing, packing, canning, storage and decay of meats, fish, fowls, vegetables and fruit intended for human ccrsu-,r�atioa; <17_30 11,31d Finals and the accumulation from restaurant grease traps, but not dish water nor waste water. The word "rubbish" shall mean and include tree and shrubbery trimmings, lawn renovatings, grass, weeds, leaves, chips, paper, pasteboard, magazines, books, rags, rubber, carpets, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, straw, packing boxes and cartons, crates, packing material, and all other kinds of combustible rubbish, trash or waste material which ordinarily accumulates In the operation of a household or business. Rubbish shall not be deemed to include manure or waste from any poultry yard or stable. "Waste material" shall mean and include broken crockery, broken glass, ashes, cinders, shells, bottles, ti cans, metals, and other similar non-combustible waste materials resulting from the 6peration of a household, but shall not include discarded automobile or truck bodies or other bulky or heavy objects, nor waste material resulting from any manufacturing, building or construction operation. "Collection". The operation of gathering together and transporting to the point of disposal, of garbage, rubbish and :paste material. "Disposal". The complete operation of treating and/or disposing of the accumulations of garbage, rubbish and waste material and the product or residue arising from such treatment. "City". The incorporated City of Anaheim, California, acting through its City Council or its C&ty Manager. "City Massager". The regUarly appointed and qualified City Manager of the City of Anaheim or his designated representative. The word "person" shall include firms, associations and corporations, "Contractor". The person, persons, firm or corporation entering into a contract with the city for the collection and disposal of rubbish and waste material. SECTION 2: The City of Anaheim and its duly authorized agents, servants and employees, or any contractor or contractors with wham said City may at any time enter into a contract therefor, and the agents, servants and employees of such contractor or contuactors, while any such contract shall be in force, shall have the exclusive right to gather, collect and remove garbage, rubbish and waste material from all premises in said City: and it shall be unlawful for any person other than those above specified to gather, collect or remove any garbage, rubbish or waste material, or to convey or to transport any garbage, rubbish or waste material in, along or over any public street,alley or highway in the City of Anaheim, or to take any garbage, rubbish or waste material from any receptacle in which the same may be placed for collection or removal, or to interfere with or disturb any such receptacle, or to remove any such receptacle from any location where the same is placed by the owner thereof; provided, however, that nothing in this Section contained shall be deemed to prohibit the occupant of ar_y dwelling house from himself removing any garbage or rubbish accumulated on the premises occupied by him as a dwelling house, and disposing of the same in a lawful manner,or to prohibit any person from gathering, collecting and removing from the premises occupied by him any waste material or other objedts or debris as provided in Section 6 hereof. All vehicles used in collecting and conveying garbage in said city shall be provided with metal bodies which shall be kept water-tight at all times and thoroughly cleansed daily. All vehicles used in collecting and conveying rubbish and waste material shall be provided with bodies so constructed as to prevent the loss of any contents thereof upon the streets, alleys or highways of said City. SECTION 3: No person shall throw, place, scatter or deposit any garbage, rubbish or waste material in or upon any public alley, street or highway in the. City except as herein expressly authorized, nor throw, place, scatter or deposit any garbage, rubbish or waste material upon or below the surface of any premises in such a manner that the same is or may become a nuisance or endanger the public health. SECTION: Every person occupying or having charge or control of any premises in the City of Anaheim at, in or on which any garbage may or does accumulate or exist, shall place and keep all such garbage upon said premises and in galvanized metal receptacles, each of which shall be water tilght and shall have a tight fitting galvanized metal cover and suitable handles on the outside thereof for lifting the receptacle and its coatents. Such metal cover shall be kept upon each of said receptacles at all times while any garbage is therein. Not more than one hundred (100) puunds of garbage shall be placed, kept or allowed to accumulate in any one receptacle at one time, and no substance other than garbage shall be placed, kept or allowed to remain in any receptacle in which any garbage is placed, kept or contained. Such person shall cavae all garbage receptacles on said premises to be emptied, and thoroughly washed, cleaned and dried at least once each calendar week, and all garbage to be removed from the said premises and disposed of in some lawful manner at least once each calendar week, except that within the business Aistrict of said City such removal and disposal of garbage shall be accomplished at least twice in each calendar week. SECTION 5: Every person occupying or having charge or control of any premises in the City of Anaheim shall provide suitable containers or receptacles for the accumulation and collection of rubbish and waste material, each of which containers or receptacles shall w6igh not more than one hundred (100) pounds when filled and set out for collection. Separate containers or receptacles shall be provided for rubbish and for waste material, and such classes of waste shall not be mixed nor placed in the same container. Such person shall cause said containers or receptacles to be emptied and all rubbish and waste material removed from said premises and disposed of in some lawful manner, such removal and disposal to be accomplished at least once each calendar week in the case of rubbish and at least once each calendar month in the case of waste material, except as provided in Section 6 hereof. SECTION 6: Every person occupying or having charge or control of any premises in the City of Anaheim shall, at least once in each calendar month, collect and dispose of all waste material and debris such as discarded automobile bodies and similar heavy or bulky objects, and all other waste not included in the meaning of"waste material" as defined in Section 1 hereof which may have accumulated on his premises, provided that building or construction waste and debris need be removed only upon completion of construction operations. All such waste and debris in this Section defined shall be removed to such dump grounds as may be provided or designated by the City. SECTION 7: The City of Anaheim shall provide for the collection and disposal of garbage from all premises within the business district of said City at least twice each calendar week, for the collection and disposal of garbage from all other portions of said City and for the collection and disposal of rubbish from all premises in said City at least once each calendar week, and for the collection and disposal of waste material, as defined in Section 1 hereof, from all premises in said City at least once each calen&;,,r moz.th., Such provision may be made either by letting a contract for such collection and removal, or otherwise, The City Manager shall have charge and su-oervison of such collection and removal and shall prescribe and establish routes and days for the collection and removal of garbage, rubbish and waste material from the various parts of the City so as to conform to the provisions of this Ordinance, and may change the same from time to time. When such routes or days of collection are established or changed he shall give notice thereof in such manner as he deems best. Every person desiring to have the City collect and remove garbage, rubbish or waste material from any premises in said City shall place and keep the same in such receptacles as are hereinbefore required, and provided with suitable handles on the outside for lifting the receptacle and its contents. When the collection and removal of such garbage, rubbish or waste material is desired,said receptacles shall be placed along the street curb in front of the premises from which such garbage, rubbish or waste material is to be removed, or along the property line of the alley in the rear or at the side thereof, according as the route so prescribed by the City Manager is along such street, or such alley, on the days prescribed by said City Manager for the collection of garbage, rubbish or waste material, as the case m;Whe, on said route. Nojerson shall place any receptacle for or containing garbage, rubbish or waste material in any street, alley or other public highway of the City at any time or place other thah as above provided, or allow any receptacle for garbage, rubbish or waste material placed by him in siV such street, alley or highway or found standing in any such street, alley or highway in front of or at the side os rear of the premises occupied by him to be or remain therein for more than four hours after such receptacle has been emptied by the agents, servants or employees of the City or of any contractor with whom it has made a contralti for that purpose. SECTION 8: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or by im- prisonment in the City Jail of said City for a period of not more than three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 9: Ordinance No. 283 passed December 23, 1914, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances to the extent that the same conflict herewith are to that extent hereby repealed. SECTION 10: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause this same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage it shall take effedt and be in full force. The foregoing ordinance is approved, signed and attested this ZJ- day of 1931. MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ATTEST: CITY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, SS. CITY OF ARTAEEIM. ) I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the llth day of August, 1931, and that the same was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council, held on the 25th day of August, 1931, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: Counci RAS: Co i r NT NOTOTING: Councilmen I F`7UiL OtRTIFY that the 'of the i, s 'Ordinance 'on the 25th day of AbAkstAW ,,WITNESS WIDWOF, I have hereunto t my hiold o' said City this 25th day of Augu 19 t { SEAL) v� of Anaheim approved and signed affixed the cornora.te seal City Clerk of the City of Anahe# I nx-Irl" cz I k3 :az I -A LI FSa I If I ELi Tr; City 0 L-A Lj ,4 I t74 y --4 T7 t.1 � zz u r� 1-0 17i fj nx-Irl" cz I k3 :az I -A LI FSa I If I ELi Tr; City 0