565once in the Anaheim .Gazette, a week - ORDINANCE NO. 565 ly newspaper printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF shall take effect immediately upon its ANAHEIM AMENDING SECTION 1 Passage; and the City Council does 5 and SUB -SECTION 74 OF SEC - declare that the above ordinance was TION 10 OF ORDINANCE NO. 5071 passed in an emergency measure upon OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM EN- the following grounds, which facts TITLED "AN ORDINANCE PPO- constitute the emergency: the City is V-IDING FOR THE LICENSING OF confronted with demand from the BUSINESS, PROFESSIONS, SHOWS, i Public that the license fees be payable EXHIBITIONS AND GAMES CON-);emi-annually instead of annually, that DUCTED OR CARRIED ON IN the City Council believes that it is for THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, FIXINGthe best interests of the City of Ana - THE RATE OF LICENSE TI3ERl -) heim that such license be so payable, FOR, PROVIDING FOR COLLEC_ a,nd that the licenses are all, under the TION THEREOF, AND FIXING Present ordinance, payable on the first PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLA- day of July, and that it is impossible TION THEREOF." to amend the ordinance within thirty THE CITY COUNCII. OF TIII CITY OF ANAHEIM DO ORDAIN A2 FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Section 5 an, Subsection 74 of Section 10 of Ordin ante No. 507 of the City of Anahein entitled "An Ordinance Providing Fo The Licensing of Business, Professions Shows, Exhibitions and Games Con ducted or .Carried on in the City o Anaheim, Fixing the Rate of Licens, Therefor, Providing for Collectioi Thereof, and Fixing Penalties for th Violation Thereof," be and the sam, is hereby amended to read as follows Section 5. All licenses shall be paid in advance in the legal cur- rency of the United States, at the office of the Chief of Police;pro- vided however, that the licenses required to be paid by the provi- sions rovisions of this ordinance shall be due and payable from and after the first day of July of each year and a separate license must be obtained for each branch establishment or separate place of business in which the business, profession, show, ex- hibition or game is carried on, and each license- shall authorize the party obtaining it, to carry on pursue or conduct only that busi- ness, profession, show, exhibition or game described in such license, and which is indicated thereby, and all of the Provisions of this ordinance shall apply with equal force to branch establishments. The annual license as in this ordinance provided may be paid in two installments, one-half of the amount of such license to be paid on the first day of July of each and every year, and the remaining one-half to be paid on the first day of January of each and every year. No greater or less amount of money shall be charged or received for any license than is provided in this ordinance, and no license shall be, sold or issued for any period of time other than as provided in this ordinance. The licenses in this ordinance provided, whether monthly, quar- terly, semi-annually or annually, shall be due and payable to the City in advance on the dates here- tofore specified, at the office of the Chief of Police of said City, and a penalty of ten per cent of the amount due shall be added to each license remaining unpaid ten (10) days after it becomes due, provided days to become effective on July 1st, and therefore the City Council declares that emergency exists as above stated. The foregoing ordinance is signed, approved and attested by me this 28th day of June, 1932. (SEAL) FRED KOESEL, a Mayor of the City of Anaheim. Attest: J VN . PRICE, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) CO1_'N9:Y OF ORANGE, ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM. ) I, J. W. 'e'RICE, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoin.a ordinance was in- troduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim j held on the 14th day of June, 1932, and that the same was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 28th day of June, 1932, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Koesel, Mama, and Mai -tenet Jr. NOES: Councilmen none. ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: Coun- cilmen Sheridan and Cook. And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed and ap- proved said ordinance on the 28th day of June, 1932. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 28th day of June, 1932. (SEAL) J. W. PRICE, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. a i C ance No. 507 of the City of Anaheim FRED KO entitled "An Ordinance rovidin providing For Mayor of the The Licensing of Bus "s, Professions, City of Anaheim. Shows, Exhibitions and Games Con- Attest: ducted or Carried on in the City of J W. PRICE, Anaheim, Fixing the Rate of License City Clerk of the Therefor, Providing for Collection City of Anaheim. Thereof, and Fixing Penalties for the STATE, OF CALIFORNIA, ) Violation Thereof," be and the same COUNTY OF ORANGE, ) ss. is hereby amended to read as follows: CITY OF ANAHEIM. ) Section 5. All licenses shall be paid in advance in the legal cur- Clerk rency ok the United States, at the -. City of Anaheim, do hereby certify office of the Chief of Police," pro= ' that the foregoing ordinance was in- vided however, that the licenses __` troduced at a regular meeting of the required to be paid by the provi- City Council of the City of Anaheim sions of this ordinance shall be due held on the 14th day of June, 1932, and and payable from and after the that the same was passed and adopted first day of July of each year and at a regular meeting of said City a separate license must be obtainedCouncil held on the 28th day of June, for each branch establishment or 1932, by the following vote: separate place of business in which AYES: Councilmen Koesel, Mama, the business, profession, show, ex- and Martenet Jr. hibition or game is carried on, and NOES: Councilmen none. i each license- shall authorize the ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: Coun- party obtaining it, to carry on ciluien Sheridan and Cook. pursue or conduct only that busi- And I further certify that the Mayor ness, profession, show, exhibition of the City of Anaheim signed and ap- or game described in such license, proved said ordinance on the 28th day and which is indicated thereby, of June, 1932. and all of the provisions of this IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have ordinance shall apply with equal hereunto set my hand and affixed the force to branch establishments. seal of the City of Anaheim this 28th The annual license as in this day of June, 1932. ordinance provided may be paid in (SEAL) two installments, one-half of the J. W. PRICE, amount of such license to be paid City Clerk of the on the first day of July of each City of Anaheim. and every year, and the remaining a, --- one-half to be paid on the first a day of January of each and every year. No greater or less amount of: money shall be charged or received for any license than is provided in this ordinance, and no license shall be, sold or issued for any period of time other than as provided in this ordinance. The licenses in this ordinance provided, whether monthly, quar- terly, semi-annually or annually, shall be due and payable to the j City in advance on the dates here- tofore specified, at the office of the Chief of Police of said City, and a penalty of ten per cent of the amount due shall be added to each license remaining unpaid ten (10) days after it becomes due, provided however, that the second install- ment of the annual license will not be due until the first day of Janu- ary. On the eleventh day of each the Chief of Police shall re - Imonth turn to the City Clerk all license receipt books and the City Clerk shall add the penalty to all de- linquent licenses. Subsection 74. Of plumbing, or engaged in the business of install- ing plumbing fixtures or plans, as master plumber or journeyman Eighteen ($18,00) per year. SECTION 2, All ordinances am Parts of ordinances in conflict w•itl this ordinanee are bpreby xepealed. SECTION 3, The City Clerk shal 4118e this ordinance to be p#114hol C