569ORDINANCE NO. ercise or exhibition. arrests for any violations of these 569 (p) To distribute any handbills �r Rules and Regulations. circulars, or to post, place or erect any A N ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING bills, notice, SECTION 10: It shall be unlaw- lawful paper, or advertising de_ RI?LES AND REGULATIONS FOR vice or matter of any kind. for any person to enter the plunge maintained in the City Park of THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PUB- (q) To sell or offer for sale the City of Anaheim without first hav- any LIC PARKS OF THE CITY OF AN- merchandise, article or thing, whatso- ing a shower bath and complying with AHEIM, AND FIXING THE PEN- ever. all the safety rules and regulations es- ALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE SAME (r) To practise, carry on, conduit tablished by the Board of Health of he or solicit for any trade, occupation, State of California and the County of THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITE' business or profession orto circulate Orange, and it shall be unlawful for OF ANAHEIM DO ORDAIN AS FOL- any petition of whatsoever kind rr character tiny person after being in the plunge LOWS: without permission of the to leave the same and re-enter without SECTION 1. That the rules and reg- City Council. (F) first taking a shower bath; it shall be ulations hereinafter prescribed shall To remain, stay or loiter in any public park between unlawful for any person to wear a pri- vate bathing govern the public parks of the City the hours o t n- thirty (10:30) suit unless the same shall have of Anaheim. Public parks for the pus- o'clock P. M. a0d� . been properly laundered; it shall o'clock A. M. pose of this Ordinance shall include of the following day. SECTION 3. be unlawful for any person having a all dedicated parks and all planted That in and adjacent to any auditorium communicable disease of any kind to parkways, triangles and traffic circles or open air theater within any enter into the said plunge; it shall be maintained by the City of Anaheim, ex- public park, it shall be un- lawful for unlawful for any person inflicted with cept the parkway strips between curb any person or persons to do any of the an infectious disease or suffering from and sidewalk along the several streets acts hereinafter specie fied, to -wit: cough, cold, fever, sores or wearing and highways of said City. (a) To hold anyeting, bands or bandages, to enter into the said plunge. SECTION 2. That within the limits of any of said it srvice, concert, exercise ore exhibition on without SECTION 11: Any person who shall parks, shall be un- lawful for first obtaining permission from the violate any of these Rules and Regu- any person or persons to City Council so to do. lations shall be deemed guilty of a do any of the acts hereinafter specified, (b) To charge any admission fee misdeamor, and upon conviction there- to-vitt (a) To hitch, fasten, lead, drive or or to take up any collection at any such meeting, of shall be punishable by a fine of not less let loose any animal or fowl of any service, concert, exercise or exhibition than Five Dollars ($5.00) nor more kind, provided that this shall not ap- without first obtaining permission from than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) ply to dogs when led by a cord or the City Council so to do. or by imprisonment in the City Jail chain, not more than six feet long. (c) for not less than five (5) days nor mora (b) To ride or drive any horse or To loiter in thea proaches walks adjacent to than three (3) months, or by both other animal, or to propel any vehicle, any such auditoriu��r or open air theater during such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 12: cycle or automobile. the progress of any meeting All ordinances or (c) To carry or discharge any fire- service, concert, exec- vise or exhibition, Parts of ordinances to the extent that arras, firecrackers, rockets, torpedo --s or or to disturb in any manner whatsoever the same conflict with the provisions any other fireworks, or airgun or any such program while the same is in of this ordinance are to that extent hereby repealed. slingshot. (d) To cut, break, injure, deface, progress. The audience must remain in their seats un- til the SECTION 13: The City Clerk of the or disturb conclusion of the program, City of Anaheim shall certify to the any tree, shrub, plant, rock, building, cage, SECTION 4: No company, society passage of this Ordinance, and cause pen, monument, fence, bench or other structure, apparatus or or organization of more than twenty- five persons shall hold the same to be published once in the Anaheim property; or to pluck, pull up, cut, talce or conduct any picnic, celebration, Gazette, a weekly newspaper or remove any shrub, bush, plant or parade, service or exercise in any public park, of general circulation, printed, publislh- ed and circulated in said City of Ana flower; or to mark or write upon, paint or deface in any without first obtaining permission from the - heim, and thirty (30) days from a, ma'irer, any building, monument, fence, bench or other strue- y person to take par in any uncil, E�Plc2ICE,celeb after its final passage this ordinance ture. an r s a e un aivfu shall take effect and be in full force. (e) To ration, para e, servrc r, The foregoing ordinance is approved, cut or remove any wood, turf, grass, soil, rock, sand, gravel or exercise held or conducted contrary to the provisions hereof, signed and attested this 9 day of Aug - fertilizer. (f) To swim, fish in, to bathe, wade SECTION 5: It shall be unlawfu, for any ust, 1932. FRED KOESEL, in, or pollute the water of any four- male person over eight year, of age to enter Mayor of the City tain, pond, lake or stream. or use any water -closet for women in a of Anaheim (g) To make or kindle a fire ex- Public. SECTION 6: It shudl be Attest: J. W. PRICE, cept in picnic stoves provided for that unlawful for any persons to purpose. assemble, collect or gather together in City Clerk. (h) To camp or lodge therein. any walkpa way or thssa;re pathway 1 in STATE OF CALIFORNIA, (i) To cook, prepare, serve or eat y any y park or in any other place set COT'\TY OF ORANGE, SS. any lunch, barbecue or picnic except apart for the travel of persons in or through CITY OF ANAHEIM• 1, 3. W. at the places provided therefor. any park or to occupy the same Price, City Clerk of the City (j) To wash dishes or to empty so that the free pass- sage or use thereof by of Anaheim, do hereby certify that th, salt water or other waste liquids els. - persons passin,; along the same foregoing Ordinance No. 569 was intro - where than in the sink, provided for shall be obstructed in any manner. duced at a regular meeting of the Ciiy such purposes. SECTION Council of the City of Anaheim held on (k) To leave garbage, cans, bet- 7: It shall he unlawful for any person or persons to the 26th day of July, 1932, and that the tles, papers or other refuse elsewhere sell expose for sale or offer to same was passed and adopted at than in the receptacles provided there- sell in or aloe, env public street, lane or thoroughfare a regular meeting of said City Council held the 9th for. ad- joining or on day of August, 1932, (1) To play, or engage in an y gamma, approaching anyby Public Park in the City the following vote: excepting at such place as shall be es- of Anaheim with-.- two hundred (200) feet AYES. Councilman Koesel, Mann, pecially set apart for that purpose. of said park. any goods, wares Ar:irtenet Jr., Cook and Sheridan. (m) To play or bet at or against or merchandise cf any kind whatsoever. NOES, None. any game which is played, conducted, SECTION 8: It shall be unlawful ABSENT AND NOT VOTING, Alone. And I further certify that the I\Tayor dealt or carried on with cards, dice, or other device, for nroney, chips, shells, for any person or persons to stand, keep or of the City of Anaheim signed and ap- credit or any other representative of expose for hire, any wagp�l carriage, automobile proved said Ordinance on the 9th day value, or to maintain or exhibit any or other vehiet.,, in or along any public street, lane of August, 1932. IN WITNI7SS WHEREOF. gambling table or other instrument of or thoroughfare, adjoining or approachin.; I have hereunto set my- hand and affixed the gambling or gaming. (n) To indulge in riotous, boistei - any public park in said city, withi,r seal of the City of Anaheim this 9th t'kvo hundred (200) feet ous, threatening, or indecent conduct, of any entrance to such park. day- of August, 1932. ,J. or abusive, threatening , profane, or irr SECTION 9: Certain employees of W. PRICE, City Clerk of the decent language. (o) To disturb in any manner ani% the park department are hereby given City of Anaheim. picnic, meeting, service, concert, e":- the power and authority of deputy marshals for the purpose of making ORDIIL41?CE 170. 5b9 A11 ORDINANCE PP ,SCTJ.PI'.<G RULES IdT,.), FE -10 'S FOR � � GOV�P� ��T'i OF '� PUBLIC PARKS OF = CI 7E' 01' AYA I1-", A1T) FIXING 'Z-:1 PL ALTY FOR Tr I VIOLr1TIOiT OF Tim SANS . THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEZ CI^1Y OF AIITI.=!M DOES OI?aIIId AS FOLLOWS: SFCTI017 1. That the rules and regulations hereinafter prescribed shall Govern the ^ablic parks of the Cite of Anaheim. Public nar;7s for the -pur-oose of t' -.is Ordinance shall include all dedicated parks and all planted pararays, triangles and traffic circles maintained by the City of Anaheim, ex- ce ;t the -nariniay stri--Ds between curb and sidewalk along the several streets and highways of said City. SECTIO' 2: That within the limits of an -v of said parks, it shall be unlawful for an;- norson or -persons to do any of the acts hereinafter specified, to -wit: (a) To hitch, faster:, lead, drive or let loos; any animal or fowl of any kind, -rovided that this shall not ap-oly to dogs t.rhen led by a cord or chain, not more than six feet long. (b) To ride or drive any horse or other animal, or to propel any vehicle, cycle or autoroDile. (c) To carat or discharge any fire—arms, firecrackers, rockets, torpedoes or an77 other fir wor':;s, or air�,Lu or slip -shot. (d) To cut, break, injure, deface, or disturb any tree, shrub, plant, roc'., building, caF7 -oe':h, monumont, fence, bench or other structure, apparatus or _property; or to -pluck, pull u_„ cut, take or remove any shrub, bus.., plant or flower; or to mark or write upon, pai:lt or deface in an, manner, a?;y building, monument, fence, bench or ogler structure. (e) To cut or re', -.love any wood, turf, grass, soil, roc'_, sand, gravel or fertilizer. (f) To swim, fish in, to bathe, wade in, or :pollute the water of any fountain, pond or lake or stream. (C) To make or kindle a, fire except in picnic stoves provided for that purpose. (h) To camp or lodG;e therein. (i) To cook,-repare, serve or eat any lunch, barbecue or -picnic except at the places 1Drovided therefor. (j) To wash dishes or to empty salt water or other waste liquids elsewhere than in the sinks-)rovided for such -our-poses. (k) To leave 4arba`e, cans, bottles, papers or other refuse else- where than it the receptacles provided therefor. -1- (1) To Play, or er n e in any Fame, excepting at such place as small be especially set apart for that ,sur'_^pose. nduct- (M) TO -crlay or bet ^.t or against a-_ Same 'r1?1ic', is ?laved, co.I-ps, ed, dealt Or c<,rried On with c'' -''ds, dice, Or Other device, for r:Oney, chi - shells, credit or a 7,.- other re} rese ntative of ,value, or to maintain or exhibit any ,-'a-:Zbling t,cle or Ot1,er instrur.]ent Of gaa': clilzg; or garliil�;. (n) To indulge in riotous, boisterous, threate_ in,;, or i-ldecent conduct, Or a'Ojzsive, thrcatcninE-, profane, Or indecent 1,1_L-aaE.M. (o) To disturb in any manner any Picnict Meeting, service, cO<icert, exercise or exhibition. (P) To distribute any handbills or circulars, or to -)Ost, place or erect any bills, r1.Otice, parer, or advertisi-,,L, device or matter of ally kind. (�a) To sell or offer for sale any merchandise, article or thine, whatsoever. (r) To 711ractise, carr,; on, conduct or solicit for any tr>lde, occu-o-- ati 0I1, b11S1'15S Or profession Or t0 circulate any ?etiti o Of w�1atSOeVer �:llld or character without permission. of the City Council. (s) To r-emain, stay or loiter in any rub i-ic park between the hours of ten -thirty (10:30) o' clock P-1,1- and five (5:00) o'clock A.M. of the follow- of day. S CTI011 3: That it and adjacc:` t to aay auditorium or o -en air shall be unlawful for any person or persons theater within. an; rublic it to do an'T Of the acts herein -after specified, to-l.rit: (a) TO hold any McOtin, , Servico, concert, exercise or ezhi.bi.tion without first ;?er'.1ission from the Ci-- Council to do so. (b) To charge any adriission fee or to take -LP a -',--y collection at any such meeti-zE;, service, concert, exercise or exhibition without first obtaining rend ssion fron the City Council so to do. (C) Tln Los Or Vra.1' S adjacent to an Such audi- oloiter in th torium or oper_ air treater during the progress of any Meeting, service, con- cert, exercise or exhibition, or to disturb in any rlanner whatsoever any such pro, ram while the same is' in progress. The audience Must remain in their seats until the conclusion of the prOCram- S7,CTIOY, 4: Sao company, society or or a..,iza.tion of more than twenty- five ,?ersons shall hold or co -.duct any -picnic, celebr tioissi Xad011 onservice Cityr exercise in a.ny rublic Pa.ri., without first obtaiain 1. Council, and it shall be unlawful for any -ersoa to take part in zy �?icl.ic, celebration, parade, service, or exercise held or conducted contrary to the -provisions hereof. SECTION, 5: It s'nall be unlawful for any male person over eight years of aS TI N, 5: or use any water -closet for woven in a public Park. -2- SECTION b: It shall be unl^a;✓ful for any Persons to assemble, collect or Father together in any wall, "sagoway or Pathway in any park or in any of er place set apart for the travel of persons in or through any Park or to occupy the same so that the free Passage or use thereof by ,persons passing a- long the same shall be obstructed in any manner, SECTIO'✓ 7: It shall be unlawful for ary ,person or persons to sell, ex-,)ose for sale or offer to sell in or along; any Public street, lane or thor- ou�;hfaro adjoii-ing, or o.A)- roaching any Public rarL in the City of Anaheim with- in two hundred (2C0) feat of said Park, any Foods, wares or merchandise of any kind whatsoever. SECTION 8: It shall be unlawful for any -person or -ersons to stand, keen or expose for hire, any wagon, carriage, automobile or other vehicle, in or alont_; any public street, lane or thoroughfare, adjoinin£_ or anr�roaching any -oublic -,ark in said city, within two hundred (200) feet of any entrance to such nark. SECTIO1 9: Certain employees of the parl_: department are hereby z_iver. th.e -ower a.d auth�rit of deputy marshals for the -purpose of Making arrests for any violations of these Rules and ReLu.lations. SECTIO'T 10' It shall be unlawful for any _person to enter the Plunge Maintained in the CitjT Par?:1 of the City of Anaheim without first having a shower bat!-, complying, with. all the safety- rules and re[ulations establish- ed by the Board of Health of Vie State of California and the County of Orange, and it shall be unlawful for ar. person after beinC; in the plunge to leave the same and re-enter without first t^'ing a shower bath; it shall be unlawful for any person to wear a _,private ba,thin,-_; suit unless the sane shall have been properly laundered; it shill be unlawful for any person having a comrlunicable disease of any kind to entor into the said plunge; it shall be unlawful for any person inflicted with a: infectious disease or suffering from cough, cold, fever, sores or wcarinC-, bands or bandages, to enter into the said plunge. SECTION 11: Any -person who shall violate any of these Rules and Regulatio s shall be deeded guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction there- of shall be :punishable by a fine of not less than rive Dollars ($5.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($2CO.00) or by im-,,�risonmer_t in the City Jail for not less than five (5) days nor more than three (3) months, or by both such fine and in-prisonmont. SECTION 12.: All ordinances or Parts of ordinances to the extent that the same conflict with the ;provisions of this ordina_zce are to that extent 'iereby repealed. SECTION 13: The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall certify to the -passage of this Ordinance, and cause the same to be ;published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in said Cit7;- of Anaheim, and thirty days (30) from and after its final -,-)assage this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force. The foregoing ordinance is apr-)roved, signed and attested this 9th day of Au,ust, 1932, Attest: J. W. PRICE City Clerk of the City of Anaheim -3- FRED KOESEL Mayor of the City of Anaheim