570house where there are iour (4) or more ORDINANCE NO. 970 rooms to rent. The licenses provided by this section shall be payable annually in advance li;; ORDINA L CE OF THE CITY Or, on the first day of July of each and ANl;DEInI ,�, _,ZE.=� )sI� (x SUB9EC• every year, other provisions in this SECTION 10 OF OR- Ordinance to the contrary notwith- TIO�+ 33 OF standing. EI': _%C d ` (P, -.17 OF THE CITY SECTION 2. Trie foregoing Ordin- ( A:"-AllEIFI ENTITLED "AN ante is passed as an emergency ordin- (a,IDs 7,1:01IDING FOR ante for the following reasons: that a I;Cns_ id f`jl IWSINESSESs great deal of confusion has arisen over TsI1J ,= the interpretation of Subsection 33 of IIIWS, EXHIBI- Section 10 of Ordinance No. 507, as to TIONS ' ) ± `I F;. CONDUCTED the definition of the terms used, and OId f °I `i'r cs '� 1': 6`HE CITY OF, considerable protest has been made as °; IIIi I I, THE RATE 1'1 _:.`, to the inequality of the system set forth _I . therein, Therefore, this CowlciI de - OF LICEIvIE T11ERF,FOR, PRO- termines that the public interests re-: VIDIZC- FtCe'i TV!," COLLECTION quire that this Ordinance take immedi- THEREOF A ,D a'INll U PENAL- ate effect upon its final passage. Upon TIES FOR THE VIOLATION its passage this Ordinance shall be retroactive to the first day of July, THEREOF:' _ 1932. SECTION 3. All ordinances and Parts of ordinance in conflict with THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITE this ordinance are hereby repealed. OF ANAI-IETM DO ORDIAN AS SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall FOLLOWS: cause this ordinance to be published SECTION 1. That Subsection 33 of oiree in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly Section 10 of Ordinance No. 507 of the newspaper printed, published and cir- City of Anaheim, entitled "An Ordin- culated in said City of Anaheim, and ance Providing For the Licensing of same shall take effect and be in full Businesses, Professions, Shows, Exhibi- force froin July 1, 1932, tions and Games Conducted or Carried� .. The foregoing ordinance is signed, on in the City of Anaheim, Fixing the approved and attested by me this 23rd Rate of License Therefor, Providing day of August, 1932, for the Collection Thereof and Fixing J (SEAL) Penalties for the Violation Thereof," be x -Zi FRED KOESEIi, and the same is hereby amended to Mayor of the read as follows: - City of Anaheim. Subsection 33. Of a hotel, rooming, q Attest: _ house or lodging house, boarding house' 7S - J. W. PRICE, or apartment house, the license shall be . Z as follows: m City Clerk of the For an apartment house having threes City of Anaheim. apartments, the sum of One and 50-' STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) 100ths ($1.50) Dollars per year and an COUNTY OF ORANGE, )ss. additional charge of Fifty Cents (50c) CITY OF ANAHEIM. ) for each apartment shall be charged for each apartment in excess of three' I, J. W. PRICE, City Clerk of the (3). provided however, that the licenee City of Anaheim, do hereby certify herein shall in no event exceed the sum that the foregoing ordinance was in- of Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. troduced at a regular meeting of the For rooming houses having four (4) City Council of the City of Anaheim ) Dollars per year rooms, Two($2.00) held on tha 9 day of August, 1932, and and an additional sum of Fifty Cents n that the sae was passed and adopted (500 for each and every room in ex- at a regular meeting of said City Coun- cess of four (4) rooms, provided how- til held on the 23rd day of August, ever, that the total charge shall in 1932, by the following vote: Twelve event exceed the sum of Twelve AYES: Councilmen Koesel, Mani, ($12.00) Dollars per year. Martenet Jr., Cook and Sheridan. For hotels, the same rate shall apply NOES: None. as for rooming houses. ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: None. For the purpose of this Ordinance, an And I further certify that the Mayor "Apartment house" is hereby defined to of the City of Anaheim signed and ap- mean and include any house divided proved said ordinance on the 23rd day, into apartments where there are three of August, 1532. (3) or more apartments for rent. The IN WITNI7SS WHEREOF, I have word "apartment' shall also include hereunto set my hand and affixed the courts where there are three (3) or seal of the City of Anaheim this 23 day more houses or units for housekeeping of August, 1932. let, whether or not the said units be 7 (SEAL) under one roof or whether they have individual roofs and are individual J. W. PRICE, buildings, provided that they are oper- City . Clerk of the ated as one unit or one property. j,r. usy,- of 44ahei" "Rooming house" is defined to mean a