or under the control of the eame person
adding or deducting such sums as may
who owned and controlled it for such
be necessary to make assessment
preceding year may be assessed at
conform to the true value of the
double its value.
property in money; provided, that no
reduction must be made in the
SECTION 12. The assessor must
tion of property unless the party
prepare an assessment book with
affected thereby or his agent makes
appropriate headings, in which must be
and files with the Board, a written
listed all the property within the city,
application therefor, verified by his
and which shall show under appropri-
oath, showing the facts upon which
ate heads.
it is claimed such reduction should be
1. The name and post office address,
made; and provided further, that
if known, of the person to whom the
before the Board grants the applica-
property is assessed,
tion or makes any reduction applied
for it must first examine, on oath,
SECTION 1. All taxable property
within the corporate limits of the City
of Anaheim must be assessed at its full
cash value. Land and improvements
thereon shall be separately assessed.
Cultivated and uncultivated, improved
and unimproved land of the same qual-
ity and similarly situated, shall be
assessed at the same value.
SECTION 2. The City Assessor must,
between the first day of May and the
first day of August in each year, make
out a true list of all the taxable prop-
erty within the City of Anaheim, and
must assess each property to the per-
son by whom it was owned or claimed
or in whose possession or control it
was at 12 o'clock M. of the first Monday
of March next preceding; but no mis-
take in the name of the owner or sup-
posed owner of real property shall
render the assessment thereof invalid.
SECTION 3. He must exact from
each person a statement, under oath,
setting forth specifically all the real
and personal property owned by such
'Person, or in his possession, or under
his control, on at twelve o'clock M. on
the first Monday in March. Such state-
ment shall be in writing showing
separately the same facts, as far as
the same may be applicable to said,
City, as are required to be stated in
such lists by county assessors, and shall
describe the property assessed and the
value thereof. Said assessor shall
verify said list by his oath and shall
deposit the same with the clerk on or
before the first Monday of August of
each year. Said assessor and his
deputy shall have power to administer
all oaths and affirmations necessary in
the performance of his duty.
SECTION 4. The City Council must
furnish the Assessor with the blank
forms of the statements provided for
in the preceeding section, affixing
thereto an affidavit which must be
subtantially as follows: I,-.....
do swear that I am a resident of the
City of Anaheim, that the above list
contains a full and correct statement
of all property subject to taxation
..14-u T -- o. A -m -f -Ihinh i - a
2. Land by township, range, section
or fractional section; and when such
land is not a congressional division, or
subdivision, by metes and bounds, or
other description sufficient to identify
It, giving an estimate of the number
of acres, locality and the improve-
ments thereon. The improvements to
be assessed against the particular tract
or lot of land upon which they are
located; city lots by naming the num-
ber of the lot and block according to the
system of numbering in the City of
Anaheim and the improvements there-
3. All personal property, showing
the number, kind, amount and quality;
but a failure to enumerate in detail
such personal property does not in-
validate the assessment.
4. The cash value of real estate.
5. The value of improvements on
such real estate.
6. The cash value of improvements
on real estate assessed to persons
other than the owners of the real
7. The actual value of notes, deben-
tures and securities specified in Section
1 hereof.
8. The cash value of all personal
property and money.
9. Taxable improvements owned by
any person, firm, association or cor-
poration located upon land exempt
from taxation shall as to the manner of
assessment, be assessed as other real
estate upon the assessment book. No
value shall, however, be assessed
against the exempt land, nor under
any circumstances shall the land be
charged with or become responsible
for the assessment made against any
taxable improvements located Thereon.
10. The total value of all property.
exclusive of notes, securities, shares of
capital stock, bonds, solvent credits,
deeds of trust, mortgages and any
assgssable legal or equitable interest
11. The Assessor must prepare an
Index to the assessment book which
must show the name of the taxpayer
each page thereon his assessment
SECTION 13: On or before the
first Monday of August of each year,
the Assessor must complete his assess-
ment book. He and his deputies must
take and subscribe an affidavit in the
assessment book, to be substantially
the person or agent making the appli-
cation touching the value of the
property of such person. No reduc-
tion must be made unless such person
or the agent making the application
attends and answers all questions
pertinent to the inquiry.
SECTION 18: In all cases where
the Board either adds to or decreases,
or alters the valuation made by the
assessor the Clerk of the Board must
note down and preserve substantially,
the evidence upon which such addition.
decrease or alteration was based.
SECTION 19: During the session of
the Board, it may direct the assessor
to assess any taxable property that
has escaped assessment, or to add to
the amount of property when a false
or incomplete list has been rendered
and to make and enter new assessment
fat the same time cancelling previous
entries). when any assessment made
by him is deemed by the Board so
incomplete a to render doubtful thn
collection of the tax; but the Clerk
must notify all Persons interested by
letter deposited in the post office or
express. postpaid, and addressed to the
�rs,, in*�rnsted at least tbree days
h,fnre action taken of the day fixed
..-ii-, ^l,- matter will he investigated.
SECTION 20: The Clerk of the
Board must record in a book kept for
the purpose, all changes, corrections
and orders made by the Board, and
during its session, or as soon as
nossible after its adjournment, must
enter upon the assessment book all
changes and corrections made by the
Board, and must affix to said assess-
ment book an affidavit subscribed by
him as follows: "I ............................. -
do swear, that as Clerk of the Board
of Equalization of the City of Anaheim,
I have kept correct minutes of all the
acts of the Board touching alterations
in the assessment book; that all
alterations agreed to or directed to be
made have been made and entered in
the book, and that no changes or
nitPrations have been made therein
-wept those authorized."
SECTION 21: The City Council
must. on the second Tuesday in Sep-
tember of each year, fix the levy or
rate per centum of taxes leviedforall
municipal purposes to carry on the
various departments of the City of
Anaheim for the current year, desig-
nating the number of cents on each
One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of
mmnPrty levied for each fund, not to
first day of August in each year, make
out a true list of all the taxable Prop-
erty within the City of Anaheim, and
must assess each property to the per-
son by whom it was owned or claimed
or in whose possession or control it
was at 12 o'clock M. of the first Monday
of March next preceding; but no mis-
take in the name of the owner or sup-
., pppwrrer of real property shall
each person a statement, under oath,
setting forth specifically all the real
and personal property owned by such
'person, or in his possession, or under
his control, on at twelve o'clock M. on
the first Monday in March. Such state-
ment shall be in writing showing
separately the same facts, as far as
the same may be applicable to said,
City, as are required to be stated in
such lists by county assessors, and shall
describe the property assessed and the
value thereof. Said assessor shall
verify said list by his oath and shall
deposit the same with the clerk on or
before the first Monday of August of
each year. Said assessor and his
deputy shall have power to administer
all oaths and affirmations necessary in
the performance of his duty.
SECTION 4. The City Council must
furnish the Assessor with the blank
forms of the statements provided for
in the preceeding section, affixing
thereto an affidavit which must be
subtantially as follows: L....
do swear that I am a resident of the
City of Anaheim, that the abpve list
contains a full and correct statement
of all property subject to taxation
which I or any firm of which I am a
member or any corporation association
or company of which I am a president,
cashier, secretary or managing agent,
owned, claimed, possessed or controlled
at twelve o'clock M. on the first Mon-
day in March last, and which is not
already assessed in the City this year
and that I have not in any manner
whatsoever transferred or disposed of
any property or placed any property
out of said City or my possession for
the purpose of avoiding any assessment
upon the same or of making thi:
statement, and that the debts hereir
stated as owing by me are owing t(
bona fide residents of this State or t(
firms or dorporations doing business it
this State.
SECTION 5. If any person after de
mand made by the assessor neglects o
refuses to give under oath this state
ment herein provided for, or to compl;
with the other requirements of thi
ordinance, the assessor must note th,
refusal on the assessment book op
posite his name and must make aj
estimate of the value of the property o
,such person and the value 'so fixed b;
the assessor must not be reduced b;
the City Council.
SECTION 6. If the owner or claim
ant of any property not listed b;
another person is absent or unknowi
the assessor must make an estimat
of the value of such property.
3. All personal property, showing 1
;he number, kind, amount and quality;
but a failure to enumerate in detail
such personal property does not in-
validate the assessment.
4. The cash value of real estate.
5. The value of improvements on
such real estate.
6. The cash value of improvements
on real estate assessed to persons
7. The actual value of notes, deben-
tures and securities specified in Section
1 hereof.
8. The cash value of all personal
property and money.
9. Taxable improvements owned by
any person, firm, association or cor-
poration located upon land exempt
from taxation shall as to the manner of
assessment, be assessed as other real
estate upon the assessment book. No
value shall, however, be assessed
against the exempt land, nor under
any circumstances shall the land be
charged with or become responsible
for the assessment made against any
taxable improvements located thereon.
10. The total value of all property.
exclusive of notes, securities, shares of
capital stock, bonds, solvent credite,
deeds of trust, mortgages and any
assgssable legal or equitable interest
11. The Assessor must prepare ar
Index to the assessment book which
must show the name of the taxpayer
each page thereon his assessment
SECTION 13: On or before the
first Monday of August of each year,
the Assessor must complete his assess-
ment book. He and his deputies must
take and subscribe an affidavit in the
assessment book, to be substantially
as follows:
SECTION 19: During the sessien of
the Board, it may direct the assessor
to assess any taxable property that
has escaped assessment, or to add to
the, amount of property when a false
or incomplete list has been rendered
and to make and enter new assessment
(at the same time cancelling previous
entries), when any assessment made
by him is deemed by the Board so
incomplete as to render doubtful tho
,, er
letter deposited in_Tile r,pastth ,�nClk �c k
express. postnaid, and addressed to the
n,,_ iri.rested at least three days
h -fore a -tion taken of the day fixed
y n
+1- ma`t-r will be investigated.
SECTION 20: The Clerk of the
Board must record in a book kept for
the purpose, all changes, corrections
and orders made- by the Board, and
during its session, or as soon an
nossible after its adjournment, must
enter upon the assessment book all
changes and corrections made by the
Board, and must affix to said assess-
ment book an affidavit subscribed by
him as follows: "I . ....................... .---------- -
do swear, that as Clerk of the Board
of Equalization of the City of Anaheim,
I have kept correct minutes of all the
acts of the ,Board touching alterations
in the assessment book; that all
alterations agreed to or directed to be
made have been made and entered in
the book, and that no changes or
,It -rations have been made therein
xc^pt those authorized."
"I ------...-........... ..........-------- assessor (or
deputy assessor, as the case may be)
of the City of Anaheim, do swear that
between the first day of May and the
flmt day of August, nineteen hundred
and ..._..... I have made
diligent inquiry and examination to
ascertain all the property within the
City of Anaheim subject to assessment
by me, and that the same has been
assessed on the assessment book,
equally and uniformly, according to the
best of my judgment, information and
belief, at its full cash value; and that
I have faithfully complied with all the
duties imposed on the assessor under
the revenue laws and ordinances; and
that I have not imposed any unjust
or double assessment through malice or
ill -will, or otherwise; nor allowed
anyone to escape a just and equal
assessment through favor, or reward.
or otherwise." But the failure to take
or subscribe such an affidavit, or any
affidavit, will not in any manner
affect the validity of the assessment.
SECTION 14: As soon as com-
pleted, the assessment book together
with the statements must be delivered
to the City Clerk of the City of Ana-
heim who must immediately give
notice thereof and of the time the City
Council will meet to equalize assess-
ment by publication in a newspaper
printed in the City, and in the mean-
time the assessment book must remain
in his office for the inspection of all
SECTION 21: The City Council
must. on the second Tuesday in Sep-
tember of each year, fix the levy or
rate per centum of taxes levied. -fox all
municipal purposes to carry On the
various departments of the City of
Anaheim for the current year, deMg-
nating the number of cents on each
One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of
property levied for each fund, not to
exceed in the aggregate for such pur-
poses the limit fixed by law.
SECTION 22: The Clerk shall, ns #
soon as the tax rate is fixed, compute
and enter in a separate money column
in the assessment book, the respective J
sums in dollars and cents, rejecting
fractions of a cent, to be paid as a tax
on the property therein enumerated
and foot up the column -showing the
total amount of such taxes, and the
columns of total value of praperty to
the city.
SECTION 2 The Clerk must, on
or before the fourth Monday in Sep-
tember of each year, deliver said
a:-sessment book to the Chief of Police,
and must charge said Chief of Police
with the full amount of the taws
SECTION 24: Within ten days after
the receipt of the assesarnent book, the
Chief of Police must publish a notiCO
1. That the taxes on all pereonsl
property secured by real property, and
one-half of the taxes on all real
property will be due on the lot day
of November, and will be delinquent ,,((
on the 5th day of December, nett
thereafter, at five o'clock P. M:, and
that unless paid prior thereto ten per
cent will be added to the amount
thereof, and that if said one-half be
not paid before the twentieth day in
April next, at five o'clock P. M., an
additional five per cent will be added
thereto. That the remaining one-half
of the taxes on all real property will
be payable on and after the twentieth
a__. ..0 r..n„+ and will be
thereto an affidavit which must be each page thereon hie as --hent
subtantially as follows: I .........................
do swear that I am a resident of the
City of Anaheim, that the above list
contains a full and correct statement
of all property subject to taxation
which I or any firm of which I am a
member or any corporation association
or company of which I am a president,
cashier, secretary or managing agent,
owned, claimed, possessed or controlled
at twelve o'clock M. on the first Mon-
day in March last, and which is not
already assessed in the City this year
and that I have not in any manner
whatsoever transferred or disposed of
any property or placed any property
out of said City or my possession for
the purpose of avoiding any assessment
upon the same or of making this
statement, and that the debts herein
stated as owing by me are owing to
bona fide residents of this State or to
firms or dorporations doing business in
this State..
SECTION 5. If any person after de-
mand made by the assessor neglects or
refuses to give under oath this state-
ment herein provided for, or -to comply
with the other requirements of this
ordinance, the assessor must note the
refusal on the assessment book op-
posite his name and must make an
estimate of the value of the property of
such person and the value*so fixed by
the assessor must not be reduced by
the City Council.
SECTION 6. If the owner or claim-
ant of any property not listed by
another person is absent or unknown
the assessor must make an estimate
of the value of such property.
SECTION 7. If the name of the
absent owner is known to the assessor
the property must be assessed in his
name, if unknown the property must
be assessed to an unknown owner.
SECTION 8. All personal property
consigned for sale to any person within
this city from any place out of this
city, must be assessed in the city as
other property.
SECTION 9. The property of every
firm and corperation must be assessed
in the name of the firm or corporation
and the undistributed and unpartitioned
property of deceased persons may be
assessed to the heirs, guardians, exe-
cutors or administrators.
SECTION 10. Any property wilfully
concealed, removed, transferred or mis
represented by the owner or Uent
thereof, to evade taxation, upon dis-
covery must be assessed at not exceed -
Ing ten times its value and the assess-
ment so made, must not be reduced by
the City Council.
SECTION 11. Any property discov-
ered by the assessor to have esoeped
assessment for the last preceding y®ar,
if such property is in the ownershilk
SECTION 13: On or before the
first Monday of August of each year,
the Assessor must complete his assess-
ment book. He and his deputies must
take and subscribe an affidavit in the
assessment book, to be substantially
as follows:
„I ------.. -__ ------- assessor (or
deputy assessor, as the case may be)
of the City of Anaheim, do swear that
between the first day of May and the
first day of August, nineteen hundred
and .................................. I have made
diligent inquiry and examination to
ascertain all the property within the
City of Anaheim subject to assessment
by me, and that the same has been
assessed on the assessment book,
equally and uniformly, according to the
best of my judgment, information and
belief, at its full cash value; and that
I have faithfully complied with all the
duties imposed on the assessor under
the revenue laws and ordinances; and
that I have not imposed any unjust
or double assessment through malice or
III -will, or otherwise; nor allowed
anyone to escape a just and equal
assessment through favor, or reward.
or otherwise." But the failure to take
or subscribe such an affidavit, or any
affidavit, will not in any manner
affect the validity of the assessment.
SECTION 14: As soon as com-
pleted, the assessment book together
with the statements must be delivered
to the City Clerk of the City of Aria -
helm who must immediately give
notice thereof and of the time the City
Council will meet to equalize assess-
ment by publication in a newspaper
printed in the City, and in the mean-
time the assessment book must remain
in his office for the inspection of all
persons interested.
SECTION 15: Lands once described
in the assessment book need not be
described the second time, but any
person claiming the same and desir-
ing to be assessed therefor, may have
his name inserted with that of the
person to whom such land is assessed.
SECTION 16: The City Council
must meet on the second Monday of
August of each year, at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon of said day, and sit as a
Board of Equalization to examine the
assessment book and equalize the
assessment of property in the City.
It shall continue in session from
time to time until all the returns of
the assessor have been rectified and
the business of equalization is disposed
of, but not Iater than the fourth Mon-
day in August.
SECTION 17: The Board has power
to determine all complaints in regard
to the assessed 1A.luation of property
ADD may, exoe t as prohibited in this
ordinance, 311t any valuation _bli
'm t -,� 5eron
t.ember of each year, fix the levy Or
rate. per centum of taxes levied for all
municipal purposes to carry on the
various departments of the City of
Anaheim for the current year, desig-
nating the number of cents on each
One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of
property levied for each fund, not to
exceed in the aggregate for such pur-
poses the limit fixed by law.
SECTION 22: The Clerk shall, as
soon as the tax rate is fixed, compute
and enter in a separate money column
in the assessment book, the respective
sums in dollars and cents, rejecting
fractions of a cent, to be paid as a tax
on the property therein enumerated
and foot up the column showing the
total amount of such taxes, and the
columns of total value of property in
the city.
SECTIO'_v 22,: The Clerk must, on
or before the fourth Monday in Sep-
tember of each year, deliver said
a::s-ssment book to the Chief of Police,
and must charge said Chief of Police
with the full amount of the taxes
SECTION 24: Within ten days atter
the receipt of the assessment book, the
Chief of Police must publish a notice
1. That the taxes on all persona
property secured by real property, and
one-half of the taxes on all real
property will be due on the 1st day
of November, and will be delinquent
on the 5th day of December, next
thereafter, at five o'clock P. M., and
that unless paid prior thereto ten per
cent will be added to the amount
thereof, and that if said one-half be
not paid before the twentieth day in
April next, at five o'clock P. M., an
additional five per cent will be added
thereto. That the remaining one-half
of the taxes on all real property will
be payable on and after the twentieth
day of January next, and will be
delinquent on the twentieth day in
April next thereafter, at five o'clock
P. M., and that unless paid prior
thereto, five per cent will be added to
the amount thereof.
2. That all taxes may be paid at
the time the first installment, as
herein provided, is due and payable.
3. The times and places at Which
payment of taxes may be made -
The Chief of Police may fix a date in
advance of the due date when pay-
ments may be made.
SECTION 25: The notice in every
case must be published at least once a
week for two weeks in some newspaper
published in the City.
SECTION 26: The Chief of Police
must mark the date of tAe payment of
any tax in the assessment book
opposite the name of the person
SECTION 27: He must give a re-
ceipt to the person paying any tax,
specifying the amount of the assess-
ment and the tax paid with a desMipl
tion of the property assessed.,
(6on'tinued on page 6)'
ig or deducting such sums as maY
necessary to make assessment
irm to the true value of the
,rty in money; provided, that no
,tion must be made in the valua-
of property unless the party
ted thereby or his agent makes
flies with the Board, a written
cation therefor, verified by his
showing the facts upon which
claimed such reduction should be
�; and provided further, that
re the Board grants the applica-
or makes any reduction applied
It must first examine, on oath,
person or agent making the appli-
m touching the value of the
ierty of such person. No reduc-
must be made unless such person
;he agent making the application
nds and answers all questions
inent to the inquiry.
,"CTION 18: In all cases where
Board either adds to or decreases,
Alters the valuation made by the
�ssor the Clerk of the Board must
s down and preserve substantially.
evidence upon which such addition,
-ease or alteration was based.
ECTION 19: During the session of
Board, it may direct the assessor
assess any taxable property that
escaped assessment, or to add to
amount of property when a false
Incomplete list has been rendered
t to make and enter new assessment
the same time cancelling previous
ries), when any assessment made
him is deemed by the Board so
omplete as to render doubtful the
lection of the tax; but the Clerk
st notify all persons interested by
ser deposited in the post office or
wess postnaid, and addressed to the
gin*=rested at least tbr,re days
ore a^tion taken of the day fixed
,„ 1^ ratter will be investigated.
;ECTION 20: The Clerk of the
and must record in a book kept for
purpose, all changes, corrections
d orders made- by the Board, and
rin ; its session, or as soon as
asible after its adjournment, must
ter upon the assessment book 101
(Continued from page 5) I
elapsed from the date of th
said property to the city. N
SECTION 28: On the first Monday
said property will be accepte<
in each month the Chief of Police must
amountof all taxes,.
than the amounon t
settle with the Clerk for all moneys
said proper'.
and costs due
collected for the City and pay the
year the same was Sold to the r -y
same to the City Treasurer and on the
the year 19 -.. for the tam s nC t lc year'
same day must deliver to and file in
19 ) which mints 'um t � units are
the office of the Clerk, a statement
set forth opposite iha descrip��don of
under oath, showing first, an account
each of said properties.
of all his transactions and receipts
In order to ent s11"essful
settlement, second,
since his last settle
bidder to a deed - Cr t'= '
that all moneys collected by him as
chased he i i t, ii-'•-* n co the'
collector or chief of Police have
trd P ii liters t i h' bid tt such
been paid.
price t
sale, within tri irtv llies pay re -
SECTION 29: On the _day of
den.nton a all 1 ;_ 1_ih r ' - inquen�
December of each year, at five o'clocl:
faxes turd _.ts agali) t said
P. M., all taxes then-ur.pa_d, except
property. t ,,th-r �v if h all p analties,
the last installment of real-)rcperty
cost. irtor ,t and accrued
taxes, are delinquent, and thereafter
for the
After a bid has b^en made and ac -
the tax collector must coII-,c-t,
use of the city, an addaicnal ten
I cepted at such sale, the nigh _ of re-!
cent thereon; provided that if they be
demption (except by the p"I'chaser)
paid before the twentieth day of
shall cease. �
April next succeeding, at five o'clock
Dated this _ day of
- - - ..
P. M., he shall collect an additional
five per -cent thereon. On the, twentieth
.................._........-..._.-_., 19_--__.
day of April of each year, at five o'clock
p. M., all the unpaid portion of the
- - ..............- - -------
remaining one-half of the taxes on real
Chief of Pollee of the
property is delinquent, and thereafter
City of Anaheim.
the Chief of Police must collect, for
The Properties to he sold and the
the use of the city, an addi±ior.al five
o£ this notice are situated in
per cent� thereon; provided, that the
e City of Anaheim, Comity of Oran^e,
entire on anv real property may
State of California, and particularly
be paid at the time the first install-
described as follows, to -wit:
ment, as above provided, is due and
payable; and provided, further, that
description of
No. --- ,
the taxes on all per�—nal Prnperty
) assessed
unsecuredby teal property shall ba
i,nr,c-cdately after the
property v ; -
due andI
personal property
to __. «� �r
assessment of said
is made; provided further Lw at upon
Least acceptable
delinquency in a-tdirinn to the other
5-1ie" shall'
charges, the Ci: of of
charge fifty,. -gents ia9G? for each
must appc��
parcel --of real proper t.' separately
Ah the
end each rise. eluent on
fc eth
personal propertY•
�peixdltic •, are P�d the real
11^h such toxes are a
SECTION 30: On or betoi— the last
day of June of each year, the Chief of
Police must deliver to the City Clerk
a complete delinquent list of all per-
sons and property then owl;, r, taxes,
and also the assessment boon, which
list the Clerk must compare ,vith the
liTI be sold.
Th lib on plus'
be made of a
�,c Ao r o, succee-
sive ii
nme ,,aper, of
Puin the
suppl eI
anges and corrections made by the
lard, and must affix to said assess- assessment book and i£ found correct SECTION 35: The publication must
ent book an affidavit subscribed by he must foot up the total amount of
taffies so remainin 7 urraid, credit the designate the day and hour when the
a of Police who acted under it property will by operation of law, be
m as follows: "I, Chis.
r swear, that as Clerk of the Board 1e sold to t11e City, which sale mast no.
therewith, and make fral tett .mens
Equalization of the City of Anaheim, of all taxes char ed aea nst him on be less than twenty -nuc cot m i than
have kept correct minutes of all the the assessment bool., and n ust require twenty-e.ght dans from the time ill
:ts of the Board touching alterations from the Treasurer ryceipt of all the first publication, and the place shall
the assessment book; that all amounts collected. be !on the Chief of Polices offier
iterations agreed to or directed to be r g; 'file Chief of I obc
Af,,,'17 n
yntrietii, whelp any aseemment Made
ry' him` is deemed by the mrd so
ncomplete as to render doubtful thR
,,ollection Of the tax; but the Clerk
atter deposited in the posr amce -
cpress. postpaid, and addressed to the
-G-1 irf-rested at least, throe days
,fnre a^tion taken of the day fixed
b_ 'h^ maftr will be investigated.
SECTION 20: The Clerk of the
:pard must record in a book kept for
ie purpose, all changes, corrections
nd orders made- by the Board, and
uring its session, or as soon an
ossible after its adjournment, must
rater upon the assessment book all
hanges and corrections made by the
toard, and must affix to said assesa-
-lent book an affidavit subscribed by
im as follows: "I .............. ................
o swear, that as Clerk of the Board
f Equalization of the City of Anaheim,
have kept correct minutes of all the
,cts of the Board touching alterations
n the assessment book; that all
Rerations agreed to or directed to be
rade have been made and entered in
he book, and that no changes Or
It -rations have been made therein
„c^pt those authorized."
SECTION 21: The City CounCil
nust. on the second Tuesday in Sep -
ember of each year, fix the levy or
•ate per centum of taxes leviedfor all
nunicipal purposes to carry on the
various departments of the City of
Anaheim for the current year, deslg-
iating the number of cents on each
)ne Hundred ($100.00) Dollars Of
)roperty levied for each fund, not to
exceed in the aggregate for such pur-
poses the limit fixed by law.
;the use Of the city, an additional aye
�vek{hereon provided, that the
I!Lof entire tax,, on any real property may
be paid at the time he first install -
ment, as above provided, is. due and
payable-, and provided, further, that
the taxes on all personal property
unsecured by real property shall be
due and payable immediately after the
assessment of said personal property
is made; provided further ['Fat upon
„o.,,,,7 in a iditinn to the other
SECTION 22: The Clerk shall, as r
;oon as the tax rate is fixed, compute
3.nd enter in a separate money column
In the assessment book, the respective
sums in dollars and cents, rejecting g
fractions of a cent, to be paid as a tax
on the property therein enumerated
and foot up the column showing the
total amount of such taxes, and the
columns of total value of property m
the city.
SECTION 22. The Clerk must, On
or before the fourth Monday in Sep-
tember of each year, deliver said
a-s-ssment book to the Chief of Police,
and must charge said Chief of Police
with the full amount of the taxes
SECTION 24: Within ten days after
the receipt of the assessment book, the
Chief of Police must publish a notice
1. That the taxes on all personal
property secured by real property, and
one-half of the taxes on all real
property will be due on the 1st day
of November, and w=ill be delinquent
on the 5th day of December, next
thereafter, at five o'clock P. M., and
that unless paid prior thereto ten per
cent will be added to the amount
thereof, and that if said one-half be
not paid before the twentieth day in
April next, at five o'clock P. M., an
additional five per cent will be added
thereto. That the remaining one-half
of the taxes on all real property will
be payable on and after the twentieth
cay oY Tanuary next, and will be
charges. the �'c:rr u, --
charge fifty .--- �•��' for eaeh
parcel of real property separately
assessed and each asseucment on
personal property.
SECTION 30: On or betor-I the last
day of June of each year, th, Chief of
Police must deliver to the City Clerk
a complete delinquent list of all per-
sons and property then owi r taxes,
and also the assessmetlt book, which
list the Clerk must compare s^ith the
assessment book and if found correct
hemust foot up the total amount of
taxes so remaining unpaid, credit the
Chief of Police whn acted under it
therewith, and make fir al settl meat
Of all taxes chareed aeeinst him on
the assessment book, and must require
from the Trey surer r; < slot of all
amounts collected.
s bject Yof rthis notice are situated ill
the City of Anaheim, County of Orange,
State of California, and particularly
described as follows, to -wit:
No...--.-- - (description of
`------------_.) assessed
1 >,
Least acceptable, , ;�1-- --
de A the
get Si h the
- a� . a
ptai€ie,, are )'atid; the real
On �Nbi4,h such taxes are a
Ir l'tl be sold. "
SECTION 34 Th , iib ' on .nus' -
be made or a �'i or
ee succes-
sive in mnc aper, or
suppl ent eret pu lii Al in the
SECTION 35: The publication must
designate the day and hour when the
property will by operation of law, be
sold to the City, which sale must not
be less than twenty-one ror more than
twenty-eight da)'s from .fire time of
the first puhlication, and the place shall
I be io the Chief of Police's offer.
SECTION 31: After ti-,e-
hewith the Chief of Police as T,I
in the preceding section the Clerk
must charge the Chief of Police with
the amount of the taxes due on the
delinquent list, with the penalties
added thereto, and with,n three days
thereafter deliver the fist duly certified
to such Chief of Police.
SECTION 32: On or before the
eighth day in June of each year, the
Chief of Police shall publish the
delinquent list, which must contain the
names of persons and a description of
the property delinquent, and an amount
equal to the total amount of all taxes.
assessments, penalties, and costs due,
and which are a lien thereon. When-
ever any property appears in this list,
which was sold to the city five years
previous to the date fixed herein for
the sale to be had under the provisions
of section 38 of this Ordinance, there
shall appear immediately foil owm; the
description ' of such property a notic
which notice shall be in substance, and
may be in form as follows:
"To be sold at public auction __--.-.-.--
19_....... See sale No.
in addenda to this list."
SECTION 36: The Chief of Police•,
as soon as he has made the publication
required in Section .1 of this Ordin-
ance, must file with the rit ° Clerk of
said Cit,' and the Cmmt,Recur d r of
the of Or mire t ere?rat -'� a
cope of tb,, h'icati—I
affidavit 91-+91111d tb`mio that it is a
true copy of the are; that the i,r.blica-
tion was made in a r^;vspaper or
supplement therefn, statim-, .the name
mrd pace of pvhlicatinn and the. date
of eacn apnea-a`e`. tvbiob affidavit is
prin;ary evidence of all the facts stat -
,,d therein.
Notice of sale. In addition to the
publication prescribed in this section,
there shall be appended thereto a
notice of sale, and a list of all prop-
erty which was sold to the city five
years previous to the date fixed herein
for the sale to be, had under the
provisions of section 38 of this
Ordinance, on which the taxes remain
unpaid, or which has not been redeemed
or the sale thereon canceled, and to
which property the city would other-
wise be entitled to a deed thereof after
the lapse of five years from the date of
said previous sale. Such notice shall
state the day and hour and the plat
of sale, which sale must be had not les
than twenty-one or more than twenty-
eight days from the time of the firs
publication, and the place shall be i
the Chief of Police's office, and shal
contain a description of the property
to be sold and the least amount whit
will be accepted as a bid thereon, whit
amount shall be the amount of ELI
taxes, penalties and costs for which th
-_,a n the .city at sal
SECTION 37: On the day and hour
fixed for the sale it accnrdanne with
Section 32 of this Ordinance, all prop-
erty upon which the taxes and assess-
ments rf all kings, pel,a1t1e8 and costa
have not Neon fully raid except as
provided in Srctlnn 6, of this Ordin-
ance, sh�1:, bl; ne4atirn of late surd the
doelarift o n of tb- Chief of Police. be
sold to the rite p ,:1 said Chief of Police
shall n eke in aTmrOP1iatP ceh mns on
the dei'nruent hat. opposite each parcel
Of land so sold an ertiy, "Sold to the
city," the date of sale, and the total.
amount for which such parcel of land
I was sold, and he shall be cred tcrl with
t the amount thereof in h s srtt nent,'
made pursuant to section 36, provid-,
ed, that on the day of sale the owne�
or person in possession of any property;
offered for sale for taxes due tbereon,11
may pay the taxes, penalties and cost.? l
due: and provided, furth l— f hat when
the total amount of to e
merits together with pena..s and costs
thereon amounts to the sun, of three
hundred dollars or more, tice city may
bring It against the owner of said
property for the collection of said tax
or assess,ts, penalties and costs.
SECTION 38: On the day' and hour
e fixed for the sale In accordance with
s Section 32 of this Ordinance, all prop-
- prey which has not been redeemed from
t the sale to the city or the sale thereon
n canceled, shall be sold by the Chief of
I Police at public auction to the highest
v bidder for cash in lawful money of the
h United States; but no bid shall be ac-
-n cepted at. such sale for n sill less than
I the amount of all taxes, penalties and
e costs due as shown m tiie 9(1 Pit
d� list: nio:ided, howeti
SECTION 21: The City Council
must, on the second Tuesday in Sep-
tember of each year, fix the levy or
rate per centum of taxes leviedforall
municipal purposes to carry on the
various departments of the City of
Anaheim for the current year, desig-
nating the number of cents on each
One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of
property levied for each fund, not to
exceed in the aggregate for such pur-
poses the limit fixed by law.
SECTION 22: The Clerk shall, as J
soon as the tax rate is fixed, compute
and enter in a separate money column
in the assessment book, the respective
sums in dollars and cents, rejecting
fractions of a cent, to be paid as a tax 1
on the property therein enumerated
and foot up the column showing the
total amount of such taxes, and the
enlumns of total value of property in
the city.
SECTION 23: The Clerk must, on
or before the fourth Monday in Sep-
tember of each year, deliver said
a:-sassment book to the Chief of Police,
and must charge said Chief of Police
with the full amount of the taxes
SECTION 24: Within ten days atter
the receipt of the assessanent book, the
Chief of Police must publish a notice
1. That the taxes on all personal
property secured by real property, and
one-half of the taxes on all real
property will be due on the 1st day
of November, and w=ill be delinquent
on the 5th day of December, next
thereafter, at five o'clock P. M., and
that unless paid prior thereto ten per
cent will be added to the amount
thereof, and that if said one-half be
not paid before the twentieth day in
April next, at five o'clock P. M., an
additional five per cent will be added
thereto. That the remaining one-half
of the taxes on all real property Will
be payable on and after the twentieth
day of January next, and will be
delinquent on the twentieth day in
April next thereafter, at five o'clock
P. M., and that unless paid prior
thereto, five per cent will be added to
the amount thereof.
2. That all taxes may be paid at
the time the first installment, as
herein provided, is due and payable.
3. The times and places at which
payment of taxes may be made:
The Chief of Police may fix a date in
advance of the due date when pay-
ments may be made.
SECTION 25: The notice in every
case must be published at least once a
week for two weeks in some newspaper
published in the City.
SECTION 26: The Chief of Police
must mark the date of t$e payment of
any tax in the assessment book
opposite the name of the person
SECTION 27: He must give a re-
ceipt to the person paying any tax,
specifying the amount of the assess-
ment and the tax paid with a descrlp-
tion of the property assessed.,
(tiontinued on page 6)'
the✓ amount of the taxes due on the
delinquent list, will' the penaltie9
added thereto, and within three days
thereafter deliver the list duly certified
to such Chief of Police.
SECTION 32: On or before the
eighth day in June of eaeh year, the
Chief of Police shall publish the
delinquent list, which must contain the
names of persons and a description of
the property delinquent, and an amount
equal to the total amount of all taxes.
assessments, penalties, and costs due,
and which are a lien thereon. When-
ever any property appears in this list,
which was sold to the city five years
previous to the date fixed herein for
the sale to be had under the provisions
of section 38 of this Ordinance, there
shall appear immediately followin, the
description 'Of such property a notice,:
which notice shall be in substance, and
may be in form as follows:
"To be sold at public auction_.- --
19 See sale No............. I
in addenda to this list.”
Notice of sale. In addition to the
publication prescribed in this section,
there shall be appended thereto a
notice of sale, and a list of all prop-
erty which was sold to the city five
years previous to the date fixed herein
for the sale to be had under the
provisions of section 38 of this
Ordinance, on which the taxes remain
unpaid, or which has not been redeemed
or the sale thereon canceled, and to
which property the city would other-
wise be entitled to a deed thereof after
the lapse of five years from the date of
said previous sale. Such notice shall
state the day and hour and the place
of sale, which sale must be had not less
than twenty-one or more than twenty-
eight days from the time of the first
publication, and the place shall be in
the Chief of Police's office, and shall
contain a description of the property
to be sold and the least amount which
will be accepted as a bid thereon, which
amount shall be the amount of all
taxes, penalties and costs for which the
property was sold to the city at said
sale. The properties enumerated
each be preceded by a
such sale numbers running in regular
sequence. Said notice herein provided
for shall be in substance, and may be In
form, as follows:
"Addenda to delinquent tax list.
Notice of sale of property
atfor de
lingiient taxes of 19..........
auction. In pursuance of law, Public
notice is hereby given that, comment_
Ing on the .......... day of -----------------
19 ...... _., at the hour of -------- ----------------------
o'clock ... M., of that day, and con
tinuing from day to day thereafter. i
additional time is required to complet
the sale, in the office of the Chief o
Police of the City of Anaheim, Count
of Orange, State of California, th
undersigned Chief of Police, will, un
less the delinquent taxes thereon ar
sooner redeemed, sell or offer for sl
at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash, in lawful money
United States, the several parcels an
lots of property hereinafter describe
upon which date five yaars will hay
Said Cit an(t 1:11,
the Cnunty of Orangn resile" tip _Iv,
copy of the r""hti ntt�n th at
attklavit nttae>,ed tlte-e-in that it iR
true POPS- of the same that th rublica
tion was made in a rewspaper o
snnplemen* there's stating the Darn
a^rl p'aee of puhlicatinn and the dat
of racn appeara, (c -chick affidavit i
primary evidence of all the facts stat
<cl therein.
SECTION 37: On the day and hour;
fixed for the rate aocnrdanee will
Section 32 ,,f this Ordinance, all prop
erty upon which the taxes and assess.
menta of all kinds, penalties and cost
have not lZe.,n fully Haid except a
provided i'� " Clio" 6R Of this Ordin i]
ante, Shall, operation of late and tba'
declaration of tl,c Chef of Fnlice, bes
sold to the cite. and said Chief of Pellc
shall make in appropriate columns of
the della,^Trent list, eppnsite each parcel
of ]and so sold an ea�try, "Sold to th
city," the date of sale, and the tote,
amount for which such parcel of Ian
was sold., and he shall be cro":ted Avit
the amount thereof. in, 141 `r',e»cent
made pursuant to section 30; provid
ed, that on the day of sale the ovine
or person in possession of any propert,
offered for sale for taxes due thereon
may pay the taxes, penalties and cost
due: and provided. fut th-" `hat �Nvbe
the total amount of to r„ -?n
ments together with penal -r', and cost
thereon amounts to the sum or thre
hundred dollars or more, the city ma.,
bring suit against the owner of sal
property for the coilectinn of said to
or asscssme= ts, penalties and costs.
SECTION 38: On the day and hou
fixed for the sale in accordance vcit�
Section 32 of this Ordinance, a] pro
erty which has not been redeemed fro
the sale to the city or the sale tbereo
canceled, shall be sold by the Chief
Police at public auction to the highe
bidder for cash in lawful money of t
United States; but no bid shall be a
cepted at such sale for a stem less thai',
the amount of all taxes, penalties ft
costs due as shown in the advertis
list: provided, however, that. all Ianc>jss.
sold by the City for which the f'
purchase price has not been paid spa
be deeded to the city. =.
Right of redemption. Notice of tai.
sale. After such bid has been maCi
and accepted. the right of redernlatt.o.n.
shall cease. except as to the purrhnser..,.
who shall have thirty daywithins ithin
which to make redemption. as provided'
in Section 44 of this Ordinance. If not
so redeemed, or if no sale is had under
the provisions of this section, then said
property sball be deeded to the city as`
provided in Section 42 of this ordinance:-
provided, that when ary property is to be,
sold at p»bt'--e^.uction as provided in th{g
section, the Chief of Police shall, witlAll
f five days after the first publication Of
e said delinquent list, mail a copy of said,
f list or publication, postage thereon:
y prepaid and registered, to the party ;to-.
e whom the land was last assessed next
- before such sale, at his last known ad;;
e dress, said notice to be, mailed at least
e twenty-one days before the (late of sale
r, or in lieu of mailing the entire printed
e list said Chief of Police may mail to the
Ll part;, to whom the land was assesseo
d next before the sale at his last known
e peat 6141ee Adrlresp, postage ther40A
In pur.,u _.
given that unlessy 5..
the undersigned wYll on the .....
dayof........... ........................ _.•---• 19 ........
commencing at - - --- o'clock
'7 ...... M., and continuing from day to
day thereafter if additional , time is
required to complete the sale,- offer for
eale at public auction to the highest
bidder, all properties which were sold
to the City for -delinquent taxes for the
year. 19 ...... on which the taxes remain
> U."G
or ciatrolled by such person. And SECTION 68: In all ear
y e�,ojcise this por.*er in any real estate has been sold, or-
wliere the persons whom he after be sold, for delinquen
examine may be found, but the City, and the City has n
riaV = no power to require such of the same, the person wl
person tc appe,ir h.^fore him in any has been sold, or may hereaf
other c: n `_.- than that in which the his heirs, executors, adrnini.
A for other successors in interest
subpoena is :��•ed noon them. Every
person `,'r : refuse to furnish the any time. after the same has
to .............. rto the City, and before the
assessment -roll). rr' required in this
sect on. knr ..al ai,d subscribe such have disposed of the same,
h i
and was thereafte* on the ......... . ....
aff,cia,v i, i,
1 s name and place
right to redeem sue rea_
rs J.r
-ippc:ar and testify
paying to the City Clerk, f
day of ...:..... ........ 19 ......... ,duly sold
when nr,
i t-, ,.o so by the assessor,
of taxes; penalties and costs,c
erty was assessed for the year 19..-....
as abov
shall, for each and
at the time of said sale, wi
every I-
�, often as the same
, thereon at the rate of o rn
by -- ...................... Chief of
is r pez.
to the City of Ana-
(1°�:) per month, from the 2
's,�cre, ins= tk
Police -of said. City of Anaheim, Por
ns- i
o . hundred dollars,
ctober, next
nonpayment of delinquent taxes which
in go ,_
nited States, to be
e inquer-cy; and also,all .
sewers evaed in said year
e -,, r., :
�n brought m their,
v6ere `i.� upon said real es
i9 �:..�ee and lien on . said
-a. je b,
_ Court.
time said taxes became <
real property, the ` total amount for
itiNcoonsideratione of and
! priate c ;i ii in 11.e assessment book.
and also all unpaid taxes
unpaid, of which .the following descrb-SEC
acquirpd,.bv -the City, under
"' ` rhe Chief of Police
description assessed against
ed property is a part and which prop-
which the same was sold being.._...._ ..
rIiust a! :. or before the last
erty for each year since tl
came purchaser.
made before or after this act takes
day of :: ch year, attend at
if not so assessed. then upor
erty was assessed for the year 19..-....
---------------> andthe
of', Cit y Clerk with the
of the property as assessed i
Af sale and the total amount for which
WHEREAS, all taxes levied and
dehngl: sa't clerk must
nearest the time of such i
to ..-..,..........-------------------------------------------------
assessed against said property prior to
tl,r'i c<' "jiare the list with
with interest. from the 20th do
propeit_y so3 may be made
to the deed herein provided for.
'assE - persons and prop-
her for each of said years, rest
..... v..............."................"' ..
and described as follows:
the year 19._-..,. have been paid and diff-
erty no pnJd on the assess-
the rate of one per cent (la/,)
sale of the said land by the city, In the
mert be Q h taus have been
to tlae,time of redemption, a
""' .. ..... .. .....
first arty
tithe saidapremsesp
paid m�A>;t i the act in the appro- �
costs and expenses of such r
Itedernption' of the above-described i
itiNcoonsideratione of and
! priate c ;i ii in 11.e assessment book.
The City Clerk shall., on tl
property may be made at any time prior
in pursuance of _ the statute in such
Clerk must account to the City for all
tion of the person desiring
to the acceptance of a bid for such
case made and provided, does hereby
SF CT , The Chief of Police
make an estimate of the am
grant to the said second party that
must th.- e an oath to be written
paid, and shall give him cer
ForJuli 'information as to the amount,
certain real property in the City of
and sal : c d in the delinquent list,
the amount, specifying tl
necessary to•redeem the property, apply
Anaheim, County - of 6rahge, State of
that ev, , person and all property
amounts thereof. The City
to the City Clerk of said City of
California, more particularly described
assessed in tl�e de:inquent list on which
settle for the moneys recei
a$ follows, to -wit:
taxes hr vs- nren paid has been credited
other City moneys. Upon til�,
In witness whereof said first party
on the li:;t kith such payment.
of the money specified fn's
(Signed) ------------.. .....•- ". ••-...
has hereunto set his hand the day ani
nate. and the giving of th
Chief of Police of the
yea first above vi�ritten.
SECTION 60: The Clerk must then
aforesaid by the Clerk, an
,city of Anaheim:' -
foot up the an;ount of taxes remaining
c o sale.that may
,� • -
etron of the
Tax CoTigctor of the
unpaid and credit the Chief of Police.
with the an aunt and have a final settle-
made to the city shall beton
smgn co
id d f r` in 't _
�. ° .,^naheim."
ment v�-'il �,ini and the delinquent 3iet
void and all right. title an
sale p
acquirpd,.bv -the City, under
tion the Chief of must transmit
No other matters need be recited in
to the City Clerk a. report showing in
thesaid deed than those provided for
detail each sale wherein the city bre-
In the above. form, whether the sale -is
came purchaser.
made before or after this act takes
SEC,ZTION 39: The Chief of police
must enter in appropriate columns in
No charge shall be made by the
the delinquent list opposite the descrip-
Chief of Police for the making of any
tion of each parcel of land sold the date
such deed, and the acknowledgement of
Af sale and the total amount for which
all 'such , deeds shall be taken by the
such parcel of land was -sold.
City Clerk free of charge.
collect il:°ni.
The provisions of Section 43 of this
SECTION 46 A- redemption of the
by the
Ordinance are her made applicable
propeit_y so3 may be made
to the deed herein provided for.
ownelf or any party in Interest,. within
linquent taxes pursuant - ti
five years from thtl, date of the sale
SECTION 45: The assessment book,
to the city, or at any time prior to the
or delinquent list, or copy thereof,
sale of the said land by the city, In the
certified by the City Clerk, showing un -
manner provided by section 71 of this
'paid taxes. against anv person or prop -
ordinance. "
erty is prima facie evidence of the
SECTION 41: Redemption must be
assessment, the property assessed, -the
delinquency, the amount of taxes due
made to the City Clerk on an estimate
and unpaid, and that all the forms of
furnished by the City Clerk, In lawful
law in relation to the assessment errs
motley of the, United States, and the
levy of such taxes have been complied
Clerk must account to the City for all
payment shall be made, at
moneys received under such redernp-
tion, i
SECTION 46: The assessor must
the is not
collect the taxes on ,all personal prop -
SECTION 41; If property
erty when in his opinion said taxes are
redeemed within the tuns allowel _ by,
not a 'lien on "real property sufficient
this Ordinance for Its redemption, the
to secure the payment of the taxes.
Chief of Police, or - his successor in
tion 38 of this ordinance bay
office, must make the City a deed of
SECTION 47: In the case provid-
the property, 'reciting in such dead, the
ed,for In the preeeedingg section. at the
name' of the person assessed (when
time of making the assessment or al
acquirpd,.bv -the City, under
must r -- ani in the C'lerk's office.
virtue of the tax sale. shall
SECTIc)N fit: 1t the time mention-
determine. The ren-ints n
ed in S.. -ti," `.,c, tl;e Chief of Police
Cleric may be recorded in t
must makc� an, of&lavit endorsed on the.
Recorder'e office of this Cou
list, that +tie !.ase: not marked paid
hook of deeds, and the reel
Pave not Leen paid, and that he has
shall have the same effect.
not been able to discover any property
a deed of reconveyance of t
belongij,L to or in possession of the
conveyed by such deed or sa
person ''able to pay the same when to
` .
collect il:°ni.
SECTION 69: In all ca
real estate has been sold,
SECTUWN 62: It shall be the duty
hereafter be sold to the c'
of the Chi,4 c:f Police, within thirty
linquent taxes pursuant - ti
days after the sale of any land for
visions of Section 37 of this -
delinquent taxes, to furnish to the City
and where the person whose
Clerk a cump!o list of all such lands
been or may hereafter be
sold, and thereupon the Clerk shall
heirs, executors, administrate
enter upon the assessment of the cur-
.successors in interest sha!
rent year, immodiately after the de-
poranepusly or prior to the
scription of the property, the fact that
hereinafter provided, ai°:o p[
said property has been sold for taxes,
rent city taxes due on sal
and the date of such sale.
for the fiscal year during t
payment shall be made, at
SECTION 0: Any taxes, penalties
his heirs, legal representativ
and costs, paicl more than once, or er-
successors in interest, shall .1
roneously or illegally collected may
after the same has been sold
by order .)f tio, City Council be refund-
pursuant to the provisions]
ed by the City Treasurer. When the
37 .of this ordinance and p
Chief of Police discovers that any
safe -'at 'auction provided f
property has br:r r assessed more than
tion 38 of this ordinance bay
once for the wine year, he must col-
to extend the period during -
lect only the tai: justly due, and make
real estate may be redeetr
return of tho facts, under affidavit I
postpone the date of sale
the City Clerk, >:ho shall, when directed
as provided by Section 38 of
to An c,, by thr. City nnneil- vancel
l - —A +ha itpoiltlon nf,t
cZ i'T il\ , e
T 1 i _ the prnprrty is net
I CnfrPCT me r•t rt, en ani p r.•nn-iI pr.,�>-
arty when m his op°ninn "a d taxes are
eel by the City Treasurer. When the
w ,erg within the time allowed by
not a lien nn rail pin p1,-ty sufnareni
Chief of Police discovers that an y
37 of this ordinance and
rj , Ordmat ce for its, redemption, the
.rale at auction provided
( ig', of Police, or his in
tn secure tho haytnent of the taus'
,'operty has bean assessed more than
tion 38 of this ordinance h
office, must male the City a deed
of SECTTt?N17: 7n thr
nye for the sat ie year. he must col-
to extend the period during
the property, reciting in such deed, the
case p e.-i,l
ed for in til irec sting
act onhr the tax justly due, and make
real estate may be redee
natue: of the person assessed (when
section. at the
time of mikine the assessment or a+
:turn .,f the facts, under affidavit to
the City Clerk, vrlio shall, directed
postpone the date of sale
known) the date of sale, a description
any time before the first day nP
o do su by the
as provided by Section 38 e
of the land sold, the amount for which
.Aunnnst the assessnr may enlloct the
City Council, cancel
"le of said erroneous or double assees-
since and the execution of
it was sold, that it was sold for dello-
y e, iznre nd sale of
tags barimv per-
ncnts by an entry on the margin of the
the city as provided by ;
eluent taxes, giving the assessed value
lona] proncrty owmed t y the person
sessment book, and also on the de-
this ordinance, for additi
and the year of the assessment, the
against Nyhan the tax fs assessed.
uxluerrt list, should such erroneous or
of one year each, by pa
time when the right of redemption had
City Clerk wherein said
expired, and that no person has redeem-
SECTION 4F: The sale must be a±
assessment be carried therein.
may be situated the follow
t ed the property in the time allowed by
puhhc auction and a sufficient amount
If the property assessed under such
for the following periods,
a�.e for its redemption. No charge
of the property to pay the tales, per-
erroneous or double assessment has
( ) for extending the p�
;hail he made by the Chief of Police for
i eentage and costs.
ocen sold, and a certificate of deed
for the first pe
the making of any such deed, and the
therefor has been issued, such facts
yearar,, by
by to the City
of a1] such deeds may
SECTION 49: The sale nnist be
Shall he certified to the City Council
of money equal to the an
by anyent
e taken by any officer authorized by
I made after one week's notice the time
liy the Clerk and the Chief of Police,
taxes, penalties for delini
ato take the acknowledgement of
and place thereof given by publication
and thereupon the City Council shall
costs thereon for which sai
weds. All such deeds shall be record
I in a newspaper in the City or by pnst-
authorize the Clerk to cancel such
was originally sold to the
l in the office of the County- Recorder
ing in three public places in the City.
double assessment, certificate of deed;
for extending the period of
if Oran
Orange County, and the costa of
SECTION i0: For seizing or selling-
provided no cancellation of an errors -
for each additional year If
cording the same shall be paid by the
personal pr op i ty the assessor may
sous or double assessment shall be
made in any case until the taxes,
paying the City Clerk
y. The City shall provide uniform
charge in each case the sum of three
alt h s <utd
money equal to the taxes,
b1 sole deeds upon which all convey
-($3.00) Dollar s and the same mileage
costs upon one of such
a •essments shall have been
delinquency and costs them
I :cess to the City under the provision
. as is allowed by law to the Sheriff of
paid. If
the Chief. of Police discovers before the
of the second, third, four
)f this section shall be made.
the County.
fifth years of delinquency,
ale that on account of irregular
and consecutively, provide
SPCTION 43: Such deed duly ac
SECTION 51: On payment of th<.
as of any other error, any
that if any of the paymen
proved is primary evid-
price hid for am property sold the
d ougnt o
land ought not to be sold, he must not
inabove in subdivisions (1)
^nye that:
delivery thereof, with the Rill of Sale,
o r the same for sale; and the Cit y
this section provided, shall
7, The property was assessed as re-
vests the title thereto to the porch tsar.
Council must cause the assessor to
or after the first day of _.
luired by law.
enter the uncollected taxes upon the
year and the city taxes on s
2. The property was equalized as
SECTION 52: All excess m-er th
:i cssntent book of the next succeeding
for the fiscal year next pre
re.lnired by law.
taxes, percent and ensts of the proceeds
Yc;,r to be collected as other taxes
payment have not theretofol
". The axes were levied in accord -
of any such sale, roust be returnede' to
tiered thereon.
then such person must et
nye ev rth lac-
the ovv der of the proi�ert e sold, and
` I TIO'C 64: When land is sold for
coolly with the payments
4. The tis, s were not paid.
note] clairnad roust ho dap sited in the
taxes correctly imposed as the
provided also
p pay the City t�
5. 1t a ]troper time aald place the
City Tr easury sublet t to the order of
prop -
or ty of a particular
fiscal year next preceding
property was sold as prescribed by Ian-
the mvm,r, heirs or t tg'ns.
person, no
rnrsnorner of the owner, or supposed
rent together with the pf
and by the proper officer.
ION i3: Th, u ..;��r l inrthrn of
owner, or other mistake relating to the
costs due thereon.
G. The property was not redeemed.
any properly may be left at the place
bw'ner-drip thereof, affects the sale or
The City Clerk shall, up
7. The person who executed the
of sale at the risk of the owner.
renders it void or voidable.
issue his certificate in trip]
-deed was the proper officer.
ing the amounts necessary
S. Where the real estate was sold
SECTION 54: The taxes levied upon
SECTION 65: In case property
as hereinabove provided, o
to pay taxes on personal prdl)erty,
personal property for any current tax
assessed for taxes is purchased by the
said certificate shall be delh
that the real estate belonged to the
year where the same is not secured
City, pursuant to the provisions of
r.•ersnn making such paymen
person liable to Pay the tax.
by real estate shall be based u ion the
Section 37 of this Ordinance, it shall be
payment being made a rete
Such deed, duly acknowledged or
tax rate levied upon real property for
assessed each subsequent year for
endorsed upon said certiffc
proved, is (except as against actual
the preceding year. Nothing herein
taxes, until a deed is made to the City
City Clerk evidencing- pa
fraud) conclusive evidence of the regu-
shall prohibit the equalization each
therefor, in the same manner as if it
compensation for the use
l trity- of all other proceedings, from the
year of assessments on personal
had not been purchased. In case an
piney of said real estate t
as,-s<'icnt by the a ee_,or, inclusive.
assessment is made under the pro-
applied as a credit if, whe
tip to tho execution of the deed. Such
visions of this section and the lands
redemption is made, as in
deed tiv _7s conveys to the City the
assessor must on
the first Monday of each month make a
are not redeemed from a previous sale
vision hereinafter provided.
absolut^ title to the property describ_
settlement with the City Treasurer and
under Section 37 of this Ordinance, no
Clerk shall deposit all pa
ed therein, free of all encumbrances
must pay into the City Treasury all
sale shall be had under the assessment
made to the same foal in wh
except v.hen the land is owned by the
authorized by this section.
received u poo rederriptiott a
I"nited States or this State
moneys collected by him for such
SECTION 4-1: When property has
been sold to a purchaser other than the
City of Anaheim at a delinquent tax
Sale, in pursuance of Section 38 of this
Ordinance, the Chief of Police must i
forthwith execute a deed to such pur-
chaser, or his assigns, conveying said i
pr-rerty; provided, no deed shall be SECTION 57: The City Assessoi
delivered in any event until redemp- shall have power:
tion ha t,en made of such property 1. To require any person founo
hand :a l taxes. penalties, interest and, -,ithin the city to make and subscribe
ch,r_;c•s ]:ave been paid which mayl, an affidavit, his naine, place of
havc, accrued by reason of any prev- residence or place of bu u.es5;. and
Jens tax sale or delinquency. Said v,'hether he is the ov7ner of any tax -
deed shall be in substance and may be able property:
An form as follows: To subpoena and examine any
person in relation to any statement
furnished him, or which discloses prop-
erty which _o asses xablr in the city
that may be -torcd <rlrh, in pos9�seion
taxes during the preceeding month.
1 SECTION i6: The City Clerk must
as soon as the assessment book for the
year comes into his hands, note op-
posite the names of each person from
whom taxes have been collected the
amount thereof.
':This indenture, made the_ .................-.
42y of 19,.......,
SEC`T'ION 66: In case property is
sold to the City pursuant to Section 37The City Clerk shall kee
of this Ordinance and is subsequently records of .all paymente m
assessed pursuant to section 65 of this under in a boob kept for th
Ordinance, no person shall be permitted said records to -show the ni
to redeein from such sale, except upon person making said payn
payment of the amount of all taxes, amount or amounts paid, the
costs, lees, penalties and interest then number, if any, and tete yes
due and unpaid ter each and every year of delinquency together with
including the year of the sale, and all tion of the property.
subsequent assessments.
Such payments shall not
a redemption of such real
affect the right, title or inte.
city thereto, but shall poe
the period or periods &for,
time when said real estatf
deeded to or may be disposee
city and the moneys so pal
deemed and considered as
tion for the use and occupar
real e'trtat®'; provided, howev
SECTION 67: Whenever property
sold to the City, pursuant to the pro-
visions of this Ordinance shall be re-
deemed as herein provided, the moneys
received ort account of such redemption,
including the original and subsequent
taxes, and percentages, penalties, cost
snd interest shall be paid .into the
Treasury for the use and benefit of the
or co trolled by such person. And
ray exercise this power in any
where the persons whom ,he
to examine may be found, but
nave no power to require such
1-erson to appear before him in any
other county than that in which the
A for �tibpnena is served upon them. Every
.—n who sha_'1 refuse to furnish the
e rt roll) required in this
-Wt .. or to make and subscribe such
------- respecting his name and place
or to appear and testify
sold to hrn rst cT to do so by the assessor,
above proti _ded, shall, for each and
as often as the same
Chief of s �p f feit to the City of Ana-
=im, for of one hundred dollars,
c; vvhicn ,,, of the United States, to be
Lid year action brought in their
)n said ti-le,.City Court.
urt for
t(l 7 ,f;'- 58: The Chief of Police
1g------- ai1aai'T:, on or before the last
v of of each year, attend at,
,„ (I the City Clerk tv,ith the
ed and nt 'isoarzd raid clerk must
prior t,, c,on:pare the list with
and d{s_� ts of persons and prop-
rty rat marked paid on the assess-
11party ez_i bock, and when taxe, have been
d must note the fact in the appro-
„� !w;ate colurnn in the assessment book.
SECTION 59: The Chief of Police
must then take an oath to be written
and subscribed in the delinquent list,
That every person and all property
assessed in the delinquent list on which
taxes have been paid has been credited
on the list with such payment.
SECTION 60: The Clerk must then
foot up the amount of taxes remaining
unpaid and credit the Chief of Police
with the amount and have a final settle-
ment th lila , and the delinquent list
must remain in the Clerk's office.
SECTTON 61: At the time mention-
ed in Section 58, the Chief of Police
must make art affidavit endorsed on the
list that the taxes not marked paid
have not been paid, and that he has
not bsen able to discover any property
belonging to or in possession of the
person liable to pay the same when to
Anaheim, Calif., Feb. 16, 1936
SECTION 68: In all cases where
redemption shall thereafter be made
real estate has been sold, or may here-
pursuant to the provisions of Section 66
after be sold, for delinquent taxes to I
of this ordinance, the amounts so paid
the City, and the City has not disposed
io (,:,7tcnd said periods of redemption
of the same, the person whose estate'
nd to pos'pono the sale provided for
has been sold, or may hereafter be sold
)y section 67-72 of this ordinance and
his heirs, executors, administrators o
e of the deed provided for
other successors in interest, shah, at
�, g,,caril 43 of this ordinance, to -
any time after the same has been so'.d
L� .tiler with interest thereon at the rate
to the City, and before the City shall
rse—_n 1 lar cent per annum computed
have disposed of the same, have the
_ e dates cf said respective pay -
right to redeem such real estate by
its tc `he date of redemption, shall
paying to the City C:erk, the a-iouLt
-- rea;'t,, on the amnunts to be paid
of taxes, penalties and costs dare thereon
,- suchd,? .ption. The City Cleric is
at the time of said sale, with in es`.
:- horized to receive payments on
thereon at the rate of one per cent
;, _e, in less amounts than the total
(11 per month. from the 20th day of
atoh_er, nextsuccee '�*he` 'a_e c�"
a o, t due and credit such payments
_ _zlitnt due.
ee»rcy; and also a"_ :axes hat
were a Tien upon -a4,-' n, -al e s''-zte at the
SECTION 70: Every tax has the
time (%aid ,axes d''nouent:
-----rlt of a Hent against the per-
acid arse all j nnaid, 'a -,.Ps of eve+
-1 d v 'r,; lien created by the
description assessed against the prop i
cxdl ages has the force and effect of
erty for each year since the sale, or,
a,�. execution levied against all property
if not so assessed. fl en upon the value
f the delinquent; the judgment is not
of the property as assessed in thn ),car
satisfied nor the lien revoked until all
nearest the time of such redemption.
the taxes are paid or the property sold
with interest. from the 20th day o, Oct,-
for the payment thereof. Every tax
her for each of said years respectively at
due upon personal property is, a lien
the rate of one per cent 11%J per month,
upon the real property of the owner
to the time of redemption, and also all
thereof from and after 12 o'clock M. of
costs and expenses of such redemption. I
the first Monday in March in each
The City Clerk shall, on the applica- 1
year. Every tax upon real property is
tion of th^ person desiring to r^deem.
a lien against the property assessed;
make an estimate of the arn,unt to bel
and every tax due upon improvements
paid, and shall give him certifica*.es ,f
on real estate assessed to others than
the amount. specifying the several l
the owners of the real estate, is a lien
amounts thereof. The City Clerk shall
upon the land and improvements; which
settle for the moneys received as for I
several liens attach as of the first Mon -
other City moneys. Upon the navment
day of March in every year.
of the money specified in said certifi-
cate. and the giving of the receipts
SECTION 71: This ordinance' shat:
aforesaid by the Clerk, anv deed or
take effect on and after its passage.
certificate of sale that may have been
SECTION 72: Ommissions, errors or
made to the city shall become null anal
defects on the form of any original
void and all_ right. title and interest
assessment or assessment book, where
acquired bT the City, under and by
it can he ascertained therefrom what
virtue of the tax sale. shall eerie and
was intended, may, on the written
,letermine. The rR^ rots cf tine Cit"
order of the City Council, be supplied
Clerk may be recorded in the County
by the Assessor, at axxy time after the
Recorder's office of this C(,unty. in the
original assessment way, mado and
hook of deeds. and the record thereof I
prior to the sale for delinquent tales,
shall have the same effect as that of I
and when the omission, error, or de -
a deed of reconveyance of the interest
feet has been carried into a delinquent
conveyed by such deed or sale. j
list or any publication thereof, the list
may be published as amended or notice
collrct them. SECTION 69: In all cases where of the correction thereof may be given
real estate has been sold, or may in 4 supplemental publication to be
SECTION 62: It shall be the duty hereafter be sold to the city for de- made in the same manner as the rwigi-
af the Chief of Police. within thirty linquent taxes pursuant to the pro- nal publication and for not less than
days after the sale of any land for visions of Section 37 of this Ordinance one week. But no assessment or act
deHnquent taxes, to furnish to the City and where the person whose estate has relating to assessment or collection of
Clerk a compleie list of all such lands been or may hereafter be sold, his
city taxes is illegal on account of in -
sold, and thereupon the Clerk shall I heirs, executors, administrators or other
eats,- upon the assessment of the cur- formality or because the same was not
i successors in interest shall, contem- completed within the time required by
rent year, immediately after the de- i poraneously or prior to the payments law; nor can the city's right and power
scription of the property, the fact that hereinafter provided, al-) pay the cur- to levy and collect taxes be extinguish -
id property has been sold for taxes, rent city taxes due on said property ed by any irregularity of proceeding
and the date of such sale. { for the fiscal year during which such j whatever.
SECTION 63: An taxes, payment. shall be made, such person,
1 penalties his heirs, legal representatives or other
and costs, paid more than once, or er- i successors in interest, shall at any time
roneously or illegally collected, may i after the same has been sold to the city
by order of the City Council be refund- pursuant to the provisions of Section
ed by the City Treasurer. When the 137 of this ordinance and prior to the
Chief of Police discovers that any sale at auction provided for in Sec-
i_)roperty has berm assessed more than tion 38 of this ordinance have the right
once for the same year, he must col- `, to extend the period during which such
lect only the tax justly due, and make real estate may be redeemed and to
return of the facts, under affidavit to ; postpone the date of sale by auction
the City Clerk, v. -bo shall, when directed as provided by Sectirni 38 of this ordin-'
,o do so by :the City Council, cancel ante and the execution of the deed to
nnc of said erroneous or double assess- the city as provided by section 42 of
•itc ham. n .4.,i, r i kho rr _o_ n4 tt.o
-SECTION 73: The penalty Drovided
for in this ordinance shall be effective
on all taxes becoming delinquent after
December 5, 1932.
SECTION 74: Ordinance number 54
entitled an "Ordinance providing a
system for the assessment, levy and
collection of city taxes for the City of
Anaheim" together with all amend-
ments thereof are hereby repealed.
Provided that. all taxes levied under
the terms of said ordinance, and all
penalties accruing thereunder prior to
ed by the City Treasurer. When the
Chief of Police discovers that any
property has been assessed more than
once for the same year, he. must col-
lect only the tax justly due, and make
return of the facts, under affidavit to
the City Clerk, wbo shall, when directed
to do so by :the City Council, cancel
one of said erroneous or double assess-
ments by an entry on the margin of the
assessment book, and also on the de-
linquent list, should such erroneous or
double assessment be carried therein.
If the property asses4ed under such
erroneous or double assessment has
been sold, and a certificate of deed
therefor has been issued, such facts
shall be certified to the City Council
by the Clerk and the Chief of Police,
and thereupon the City Council shall
authorize the Clerk to cancel such
double assessment, certificate of deed;
provided no cancellation of an erron-
eous or double assessment shall be
made in any case until the taxes, pen-
alties and costs upon one of such
assessments shall have been paid. If
the Chief of Police discovers before the
sale that on account of irregular
assessment, or of any other error, any
land ought not to be sold, he must not
offer the same for sale; and, the City -
Council must cause the assessor to
enter the uncollected taxes upon the
assessment book of the next succeeding
year to be collected as other taxes
entered thereon.
SECTION 64: When land is sold for
taxes correctly imposed as the prop-
erty of a particular person, no
misnomer of the owner, or supposed
owner, or other mistake relating to the
ownership thereof, affects the .sale or
renders it void or voidable.
SECTION 65: In case property
assessed for taxes is purchased by the
City, pursuant to the provisions of
Section 37 of this Ordinance, it shall be
assessed each subsequent year for
taxes, until a deed is made to the City
therefor, in the same manner as if it
had not been purchased. In case an
assessment is made under the pro-
visions of this section and the lands
are not redeemed from a previous sale
under Section 37 of this Ordinance, no
sale shall be had under the assessment
authorized by this section.
SECTION 66: In case property ie
sold to the City pursuant to Section 37
of this Ordinance and is subsequently
assessed pursuant to section 65 of this
Ordinance, no person shall be permitted
to redeem from such sale, except upon
payment of the amount of all taxes,
costs, fees, penalties and interest then
due and unpaid for each and every year
including the year of the sale, and all
subsequent assessments.
SECTION 67: Whenever property'
sold to the City, pursuant to the pro-
visions of this Ordinance shall be re-
deemed as herein provided, the moneys
received on account of such redemption,
including the original and subsequent
taxes, and percentages, penalties, cost
and interest shall be paid into the
Treasury for the use and benefit of the
37 of this ordinance and prior to the
sale at auction provided for in Sec-
tion 38 of this ordinance have the right
to extend the period during which such
real estate may be redeemed and to
postpone the date of sale by auction
as provided by Section 18 of this ordin-
ance and the execution of the deed to
the city as provided by section 42 of
this ordinance, for additional periods
of one year each, by paying to the
City Clerk wherein said real estate
may be situated the following amounts
for the following periods, respectively:
(1) for extending the period of re-
demption for the first period of one
year, by paying to the City Clerk a sum
of money equal to the amount of the
taxes, penalties for delinquency and
costs thereon for which said real estate
was originally sold to the. city. (2)
for extending the period of redemption
for each additional year thereafter, by
paying to the City Clerk a sum of
money equal to the taxes, penalties for
delinquency and costs thereon for each
of the second, third, fourth and --or
fifth years of delinquency, respectively
and consecutively, provided, however,
that if any of the payments, as here-
inabove in subdivisions (1) and (2) of
this 'section provided, shall be made on
or after the first day of July of any
year and the city taxes on said property
for the fiscal year next preceding such
payment have not theretofore been paid,
then such person must contemporan-
eously with the payments hereinabove
provided also pay the city taxes for the
fiscal year next preceding such pay-
ment together with the penalties and I
costs due thereon.
The City Clerk shall, upon request,
issue his certificate in triplicate show-
ing the amounts necessary to be paid
as hereinabove provided, one copy of
said certificate shall be delivered to the
person making such payment and upon
payment being made a receipt shall be
endorsed upon said certificate by the
City Clerk evidencing payments as
compensation for the use and occu-
pancy of said real estate and to lie
applied as a credit if, when and as
redemption is made, as in this subdi-
vision hereinafter provided. The City
Clerk shall deposit all payments so
made to the same fund in which moneys
received upon redemption' are deposit-
The City Clerk shall keep accurate
records of .all payments made here-
under in a boom kept for that purpose,
said records to'show the name of the
person making said payments, the
amount or amounts paid, the certificate
number, if any, and the year or years
of delinquency together with a descrip-
tion of the property.
Such payments shall not be deemed
a redemption of such real estate nor
affect the right, title or interest in the
city thereto, but shall postpone, for
the period or periods aforesaid, the
time when said real estate shall be
deeded to or may be disposed of by the
city and the moneys so paid shall be
deemed and considered as compensa-
tion for the use and occupancy of eald
real Oetate'; provided, howev€4i•, that if
SECTION 74: Ordinance number 54
ntitled an "Ordinance providing a
ystem for the assessment, levy and
ol!eetion of city taxes for the City of
.naheim" together with all amend-
ients thereof are hereby repealed.
'rovided that, all taxes levied under
he terms of said ordinance, and all
enalties accruing thereunder prior to
lecember 5, 1932, and the redemption
f all property sold under the terms of
aid Ordinance to the City of .Anaheim,
hall as to said taxes levied, penalties
nd redemption be governed by the
-rms of said Ordinance Number 54.
SECTION 75: The City Clerk shall
ertify to the passage of this ordinance
nd cause the same to be published once
i the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly
ewspaper printed and published in the
'ity of Anaheim, and after suoh publi-
ation this ordinance shall be in full
SECTION 76: Whereas assessments
nd tax values are determined as of the
rst Monday in March, and the City
'ouncil has determined it for the
ublic interest that this ordinance
hould take effect on March 1, 1939 it
s therefore declared an 'smeirfincy
ieasure to take effect March 1, 1933.
Mayor of the City
of Anaheim.
.ttest :
City Clerk of the
City of Anaheim.
I, J. W. PRICE, City Clerk of the
City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that
the foregoing Ordinance, Number 573,
was introduced at a meeting of the City
Council of the City of Anaheim, held
on the 24th day of January, 1933, and
that the same was passed and adopted
at a regular meeting of said City
Council held on the 14th day of Febru-
ary 1933, by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmsn Mann, Martenet
Jr., Sheridan, Cook and Yungbiuth.
NOES: Councilmen None.
Councilmen None.
And I further certify that the Mayor
of the City of Anaheim signed and ap-
proved the said Ordinance No. 573 on
the 14 day of February, 1933.
(SEAL) City Clerk of the
City of Anaheim.
I hereby certify that the foregoing
Ordinance No. 573, entitled "AN
true and correct copy of an ordinance
of the City of Anaheim and that the
same has been published according to
(SEAL) Ot'y Clerk of the
City of Anaheim: