The City Council of. the City of Ana-
heim do ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. Definitions, (Intoxi-
cating liquor) When used in this
Ordinance, the phrase "Intoxicating
liquor" shall be construed to include
alcohol, brandy, whiskey, rum, gill,
beer, ale, porter and wine, and in addi-
tion'thereto any spiritous, vinous, malt,
or fremented liquor, liquids and com-
pounds, whether medicated, proprietary,
patented or not, and by whatever name
called, containing more than three and
two-tenths percentum of alcohol by
weight, which are fit for use for bever-
age purposes.
When used in this Ordinance, the
phrase "alcoholic beverage" shall be
construed to include beer, lager beer,
ale, porter, wine and other drinks con-
taining one-half of one percentum, and
not more than three and two tenths
percentum of alcohol by weight, which
are fit for use for beverage purposes.
The term "person," when used in this
Ordinance, shall be construed to include
one or more persons, a partnership, an
association, a joint stock company or a
corporation, and whenever used in this
ordinance prescribing or imposing a
fine, imprisonment, or both, the term
"person" asappliedto partnerships,
associatinns, or joint stock companies,
shall mean the partners or members
thereof, and as applied to corporations
shall mean the officers thereof.
When used in this ordinance, the
phrase "alcoholic beverage dealer" shall
be held to include any person selling,
offering for sale, or keeping with, the
intention of selling, either in bottles or
other containers, any alcoholic bever-
age as -herein defined.
The term "alcoholic beverage distri-
butor"is construed to mean any person
who, as a part of his business, sells,
delivers, ; transports or conveys any
alcoholic beverage for which a consid-
eratiophas been paid or will be paid,
to any alcoholic beverage dealer within
the City of.Anaheim.
The, term "hotel" as' used in this
ordinance is defined to a place consist-
ing of or more rooms or suites for
hire to the public, and which shall
havebeenengaged in such business in
the City of Anaheim for a period of
at least one year.
The'terms `cafe and "restaurant" as ,
used iii this ordinance shall have the
-Y A theitn Any xreon holding a, physician, regularly- practicing hi
r" r' ,��+tai l,oi» therwisc tipali- profession, provided that tht, name o
lied tray tiu,sact tut `14" or "T' thr person applying for I}ie prescrip
business. tion and the name and tddress of the
SECTION 2. in the interpretation
htt,ott Or whose use the prescripttot
Of this ordinance, the words of the
is rnade, shall be inyrteil therein b!
singular number shall be deemed to
tho Physician, issuing the swine at th,
include their plural, and words of a
time the ir', made or i
masculine gender shall be deemed to
and 'nor(,
that not ore than one sale or
include the feminine and neuter gender,
furnishing is rnade upon such pre
as the case may be. The word "person"
scription, and that all such prescrip
whenever used in this ordinance, shall
tions are kept or filed at the place o:
be construed to mean and include
business of said druggist, open
natural persons, firms, co -partnerships,
public inspection, and provided furtheei
clubs, and all associations or companies
that said druggist shall paste upon
of persons, whether acting by them-
or securely fasten to the container
selves or by servant, agent or employee.
holding such liquor, a legibly written
- or printed statement of the prescrip•
SECTION t;. It shall be unlawful
-tion on which such liquor was furnish -
for any person, directly or indirectly,
ed. 'It shall be unlawful for any per -
to manufacture, sell, purchase, barter,
son to remove said copy of said pre -
deliver. furnish, give away or trans-
scription from said container until all
Port any intoxicating liquor within the
of the liquor has been removed there -
City of Anaheim, or to import any such
from; and it shall be unlawful to empty
liquor into, or export any such Iiquor
all, or part of said liquor from said
from, said City, except as provided
container until it has been delivered to
herein, and allprovisioais of this
the address mentioned in said prescrip-
ordinance shall be liberally construed
tion, or to use said liquor for any pur-
to the end that the use of intoxicating
hose other than the medicinal purpose
liquor as a beverage shall bepre-
for which it was furnished.
(f) The sale and deliver I
SECTION 4, it shall be unlawful for
my person, while on any public high-
way or public pard or in any ]and
vehicle, or public conveyance, or air
craft, or other means of transporta-
tion or in any club, hotel, or in any
private or rented room, or suite of
rooms, in any club or hotel, or any
home, theatre store or a building
devoted to public use, or other public,
or semi-public place to have in his
Possession, any intoxicating liquor,
except as provided hereim
SECTION o. It shall be unlawful for
any person, to have, keep or store, any
intoxicating liquor in any public or
semi-public place except as herein
Any person, firm or corporation
carrying on any business or operating
under or within the provisions of the
Volstead. Act or of the laws of the
United States of America, within the
City of Anaheim in the manufacture,
sale, bartering, delivering, furnishing,
prescribing, purchasing, dispensing or
use of intoxicating liquor or alcohol
under Government permit, must file in
the office of the City Clerk of the City
of. Anaheim, a certified copy of such
permit and any permit or permits
thereafter issued covering or regulating
such operations before commencing or
continuing sa u_tr ( r business.
SECTION G. It shall be unlawful
for any person to solicit, take or re-
ceive any order for intoxicating liquors,
or to give information how such liquor
may be obtained, or where such liquors
are, except that persons holding valid
permits to manufacture or sel) intoxi-
cating liquors for non -beverage pur-
poses may accept orders for such
liquors on the premises , where they
may be legally sold, and representatives
of such manufacturers, and all whole-
sale druggists may take orders for such
liquors from persons holding valid
ermits- to purchase the same.
SECTION 7. (a) It shall be unlaw-
.ul for any person to advertise, any-
xhere or by any means or method,
ntoxicating liquor, or the manufacture,
;ale, keeping for sale, or furnishing the
ame, or where, how, from whom, or
what price, the same may be ob-
aln-d_ Nn ono a1-11
I )y any
person holding a valid permit so to
do, of ethyl alcohol to manufacture of
toilet, medicinitl, anitiseptic, culinary,
or other non -beverage preparations,
or to the superintendent or authorized
officcr of a hospital, musemn or
laboratory, or an art, educational or
public institution, provided such t7tanu-
fa.cturer, superintendent, or other per-
son, has valid permit to receive and
Possess such alcohol
Provided any person selling, furn-
ishing or delivering liquor or alcohol
under provisions of subdivisions "C",
"d" and "f" of Section 8 of this
Ordinance, shall keep a record of all
liquor sold, delivered or furnished, in
which shall be entered the date of sale,
delivery or furnishing; the kind of
liquor sold, delivered or furnished; the
quantity of each kind, and the name
and address of the person to whom the
same is sold, delivered or furnished;
such record to be open to public in-
spection, provided, however, that where
liquors are sold and the person selling
the same shall keep such records as are
required by the United States Internal
Revenue Department, such persons
shall be deemed to have complied with
the above provisions required in the
keeping of records upon filing copies
in the office of the City Clerk of the -
City of Anaheim of all records so made
and filed with the said United States
''revenue Department; provided, also,
that the persons so selling, furnishing,
or delivering such liquor shall securely
fasten to the container holding it, a
legibly written or printed statement in
English, signed by said person, and
giving the following information; kind
and quantity of contents; by whom sold
(giving name and address), to whom
sold, (giving name and address), pur-
poscs for which sold, and date of
It shall be unlawful for any person
receiving intoxicating liquor or alcohol
as permitted under paragraphs "c",
"d", and "f" of said Section 8, to remove
any such statement from such con-
tainer until said container and con-
tents have been delivered to the pur-
chaser at the address stated in such
statement, and it shall be unlawful to
empty all, or part of the contents from
said container anywhere except_ at the
addresses stated in the aforesaid state-
taining one -batt' rcf ere nercentum, ane7.
not more than three and two tenths
percentum of alcohol by weight, which
are fit for use for beverage purnoses.
The term "person," when used in this
Ordinance, shall be construed to include
one or more persons, a partnership, an
association, a joint stock company or a
corporation, and whenever used in this
ordinance prescribing or imposing a
fine, imprisonment, or both, the term
"person" as applied to partnerships,
associations, or joint stock companies,
shall mean the partners or members
thereof, and as applied to corporations
shall mean the officers thereof.
When used in this ordinance, the
phrase "alcoholic beverage dealer" shall
be held to include any person selling,
offering for sale, or keeping with the
intention of selling, either in bottles or
other containers, any alcoholic bever-
age as herein defined.
The term "alcoholic beverage distri-
butor"'is construed to mean any person
who, as a part of his business, sells,
delivers, : transports . or conveys any
alcoholic beverage for which a consid-
eratio}i has been paid or will be paid,
to any alcoholic beverage dealer within '
the City of.Anaheim.
Thee term "hotel" as' used in this
ordinance is defined to a place consist-
ing of ten or more rooms or suites for
hire to the public, and which shall
have .been engaged in such business in
the City of Anaheim for a period of
at least one year.
The terms "cafe" a.nd "restaurant" ae
used in this ordinance shall have the
same ,meaning and shall include, a place
conducted for the sole purposes of
servirig meals to the public, having a
serving capacity to ,,cat at tables at
least sixteen (fG) persons, which place
shall ,seat their patrons at a table or
tables -and serve regularly priced meals,
and ,1- h,place shall have been estab--
Any person, firm corporation
carrying on any or operating
under or within the provisions of the
Volstead. Act or of the laws of the
United States of America, within the
City of Anaheim in the manufacture,
sale, bartering, delivering, furnishing,
prescribing, purchasing, dispensing or
use of intoxicating liquor or alcohol
under Government permit, must file in
the office of the City Clerk of the City
of. Anaheim, a certifier] copy of such
Permit and any permit or permits
thereafter issued covering or regulating
such operations before commencing oi-
continuing a:c, , , .,.[iu:,:: (r bu,�ines�.
SECTIO'+ S. A' shall be unlawful
for any person to solicit, take or re-
ceive any order for intoxicating liquors,
or to give information how such liquor
may be obtained, or where such liquors
are, except that persons holding valid
permits to manufacture or sell intoxi-
cating liquors for non -beverage pur-
poses may accept orders for such
liquors on the premises , where they
may be legally sold, and representatives
of such manufacturers, arid all whole-'t
shall be unlawful for any person
sale druggists may take orders for such receiving intoxicating liquor or alcohol
liquors from Persons holding valid as permitted under paragraphs "c",
permits to purchase the same. "d',; and "f" of said Section 8, to remove
any such statement from such con-
tainer until said container and con-
tents have been delivered to the pur-
chaser at the address stated in such
statement, and it shall be unlawful to
empty ..all, or part of the contents from
said container anywhere except at the
addresses stated in the aforesaid state-
ment, and when the contents of any
such package have been emptied from
it, the said statement shall immedi-
ately be removed and destroyed, and
it shall be unlawful to use any liquor
or alcohol sold, furnished or delivered
under Subdivision "d", "e", and_ "f" of
Section 8 hereof, for other than sacra-
mental or medicinal purposes, or the
quantity of each kind, an `
nd address of the person to whom'iti'
same is sold, delivered or _furnished;
such record to be open to public in-
spc coon, provided, however, that where
liquors are sold and the person selling
the same shall keep such records as are
required by the United States Internal
Revenue Department, such person;
shall be deemed to have complied with
the above provisions required inthe
keeping of records upon filing copies
in the office of the City Clerk of _the
City of Anaheim of all records so made
and filed with the said United States
Revenue Department; provided, also,
that the persons so selling, furnishing,
or delivering such liquor shall securely
fasten to the container holding it, a
legibly written or printed statement in
English, signed by said person, and
giving the following information; kind
and quantity of contents; by whom sold
(giving name and address), to whom
sold, (giving name and address), pur-
poses for which sold, and date of
SECTION i. (a) It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person to advertise, any-
where or by any means or method,
intoxicating liquor, or the manufacture,
sale, keeping for sale, or furnishing the
same, or where, how, from whom, or
at what price the same may be ob-
tained. No one shall permit any sign
or billboard containing such advertise-
ment to remain upon his premises, but
nothing herein shall prohibit manu-
facturers and wholesale druggists,
holding valid permits to sell liquor,
from furnishing price lists with descrip-
tion of liquor for sale, to persons law-
fully permitted to purchase liquor, or
lished,as a bona fide cafe or restaurant (
from advertising alcohol in business
for a period of one year.
publications or trade journals
.. The term "club" as used in this
ing generally among manufacturers of
ordinance is hereby defined to mean
lawful alcohol perfumes, toilet prelara-
any benevolent or fraternalsociety or
tions, flavoring extracts, medical pre -
association having a bona fide member-
parations and like articles.
ship of not less than seventy-five (75)-
(b) It shall be unlawful. to adver-
members, which shall be organized for
tise, manufacture, sell, give away, or
some purpose other than serving a,1_co-
to possess for sale, any utensil, cou-
holic beverages, and shall have been in
trivance, machine, preparation, con, -
existence, and shall have had a. chapter,
pound, tablet, substance, formula. direc-
lodge or division holding regular month-
tions or receipt, advertised, designed or
ly meetings in the City of Anaheim
intended for use in the unlawful Manu -
for a period of at least five years.
facture of intoxicating liquors.
"Original package" as used in this
SECTION S. Nothing in this ordiu-
ordinance is defined to mean bottle or
be construed as rendering
other container of alcoholic beverage
ance slrail
sealed and in the same condition as it
I left the manufacturer.
ta) The manufacture of into acat-
The term "wholesale druggist" shall
mean one who sells drugs at wholesale.
and not to the general public.
The term "retail druggist" shall
mean a registered pharmacist, author-
ized to practice in this State, conduct-
ing a regular retail business in drugs
and who sells to the general public.
The word "physician" shall mean a
person who has a license to practice
medicine under the laws of the State
of California.
(Class A J,leense) When used in
this Ordinance, the phrase "Class A
License" shall be construed to mean a
license permitting the holder to sell,
offer for sale, or keep with the inten-
tion of selling; either in bottles or other
containers, alcoholic beverages for con-
sumption ori the premises of the
(Class R License) When used in
(this ordinance, the phrase "Class B
License" shall be construed to mean a
ilicense permitting the holder to sell,
'offer for sale, or keep with the inten-
tion of selling, in original package,
ala l,intir. hevornm-s. but which will not
ing liquor for non -beverage purposes
by any person holding a valid permit
to do so, as herein provided.
(b) The keeping or storage of in-
toxicating liquor on the premises, kvliere
lawfully manufactured, or in any place
where such liquor may legally be sold,
or in cellars, vaults or warehouses
owned or leased by persons holding
valid permits to manufacture, keep or
sell such liquors for non -beverage pur-
poses, or the keeping of wine for
sacramental purposes in any church
or in the residence of the pastor or
priest of any church, or the distribut-
ing and use of wine at any sacramenta.
(c) The sale and delivery of intoxi•
eating liquor by those ]awfully manu-
facturing the same, or by wholesale
druggists holding valid permits so to do
to other manufacturers of such liquor
or to other wholesale druggists, or Ic
retail druggists holding a valid permi
so to do.
(d) The sale or furnishing of will,
for sacramental purposes by the nianu
facturer of the same, or by retai
druggists holding valid permits so t,
_.,.,...:—A __i, -i- a fnrnishe�
mrposes specified in said Subdivision victed of a felony or misdemeanor,
`f", as the case may be. giving full details of any such
facture and sale of charge or conviction.
(g) The mann
inch preparations as flavoring ex-
racts, essences, tinctures, and per-
'umes which do not contain more
i lcohol than is necessary for legiti-
mate purposes of extraction, solution
or preservation, and which do contain
drugs in sufficient quantities to medi-
cate the compound, provided that when
any of the aforesaid preparations are
manufactured in the City of Anaheim,
they shall be manufactured only by
persons holding valid permits to keep
alcohol for non -beverage purposes, and
such preparations, whether made in
the City of Anaheim or imported, shall
be sold only for lawful purposes and
not as beverages; provided, further,
that any person who shall knowingly
sell any liquor, compound, flavoring
extract, whether medicated, proprie-
tary, patented or not, by whatever
named called, containing three and
two tenths (3.2%) per centum of
alcohol by weight or any extract
or syrup for intoxicating beverage
purposes, or who shall sell any
of the same,, under circumstances
from which the seller might reason-
ably deduce the intention of the
purchaser to use them for beverage
purposes or shall sell any beverage
containing one half of one per centum
or more of alcohol by volume, in which
any extract, syrup or other article is
used as an ingredient, shall be subject
to the penalties hereinafter prescrib-
(h) The keeping of any intoxicat-
ing liquor obtained before this Ordin-
ance goes into effect, at a time, when,
and a place where, such liquor could be
legally sold by any person at his home
and the serving of the same to member:
of his family, or to guests as an act
of hospitality, when nothing of value
or representative of value is receive(-
;n r�turn thdrefor, and when suet.
(6) Whether or not applicant
desires to apply for a Class .A, (lass
B, or Class C Liccnso.
(7) The address of the estab-
lishment at which apl,lieabt Pro-
poses to tr217Saet business under
said license, and It encral descrip-
tion of the class of improvements
(8) Applicant ,'hall be riquired
to give at least three references
as to his character and reputation
for lace ob,crvance and of hi, hon-
esty, mcc rity and morality Such
application shall be filed by the
applicant with the City Clerk- and
shall be kept with said City Clerk
as a permaivnt vecord. If.
investigation it shill lac estblish
ed that applicant, has sworn to an
untruth in his application, such act
shall be deemed to ha a violation
of this ordinance and aPplicant-
shall be subject to prosecution
No license shall be issued under
this ordinance. by said City Council
to any applicant who has been
convicted of a. felony or whose
reputation is, or past conduct has
been, such that the City Council,
in its discretion, does not believe
applicant could maintain an estab
`lishment, if granted a license, with
full observance of the provisions
of this ordinance, and the laws of
the City, State, and of the United
States of America. If applicant
has been convicted of a violation of
this ordinance or of any of the
provisions of the national prohibi-
tion act, or any lave of the State of
California relative to the prohibi-
tion or regulation of intoxicating
liquor within one year prioro
filing such application, lio rcens
such evidence to material matterlf,
after hearing the evidence, the City
Council should determine that succi
accused has been guilty of any of the
offenses charged, it shall -evoke the
license, otherwise the proceeding shall
be dismissed.
In the (-vent that a license is revoked
as hereinbefore provided, the licensee in
said license shall never thereafter l,e
a,ntitled to another license under this
ordinance, and the City Comzcil shill
thereafter be without jurisdiction to
;rat t ,r flet nse to such lice see; find all
nioncy pairs for licen e shall be retained
by the city.
he C,1,loN, 1t. Class A I rceuSe. For
c,, -cry person conducting or carrying
on the busnn'ss of alcoholic bevcr ibe
dealer, unacr a Class A license a'
hcrcin:rbove defined, the license fee
shall he the sum of One Hundred
Twenty ($120.00) Dollars per Year,
payable erns -annually in advance
or, the fir f. .11iy of July and January
of each ^ar. Fust payment to b`
prorated i slily 1st, 1933.
Class i 1 le:°use. For every peiser
conductin;; cr carrying on the burnc�>
of alcoholic beverage dealer, under a
Class B License as hereinabove defined
and restricted, the license fee shall be
the sum of One Hundred and Twenty
($120.00) Dollars per year, pay able
semi-annually in advance on the firs'
day of July and January of each Year
First payment to be prorated to July
1st, 1933.
Class C 1,1vense, For every persue
conducting or carrying on the busines
of alcoholic beverage distributor, unde
a Class ( License as hereinbefore do
fined and restricted, the license fee shal
be the ,.uln of Three Hundred ($300.00
Dollars per year, payable annually 11
advance, cornnrencing on the dat
when such license is granted. Firs
payment to be prorated to July is
coni o;ner , alrolu c c—
,,,I ion on tike prcmi,es of the
(Class R Llcensc) When used in
this ordinance, the phrase "Class B
License" shall be construed to mean a
license permitting the holder to sell,
offer for sale, or keep with the inten-
tion of selling, in original package,
alcoholic beverages, but which will not
permit the consumption thereof on the
premises of the licensee.
(Class C License) When used in
this ordinance, the phrase "Class C
License" shall be construed to mean a
license permitting the holder thereof to
deliver, manufacture, transport and
deliver, or convey and deliver alcoholic
beverages, for which a consideration
has been paid, or will be. paid, to any
,person within the city limita of the City
of Anaheim. Any person holding a
"C" license and being otherwise quali-
fied may transact an "A" or
SECTION 2. In the interpretation
of this ordinance, the words of the
singular number shall be deemed to
y include their plural, and words of a
'1' masculine gender shall be deemed to
1R include the feminine and neuter gender,
as the case may be. The word "Person"
IT, whenever used in this ordinance, shall
be construed to mean and include
4i natural persons, firms, co -partnerships,
�1 clubs, and all associations or companies
of persons, whether acting by them-
selves or by servant, agent or employee.
the same, or by wh�lesa. e
3ruggists holding valid permits so to do,
to other mail ufactwren, of such liquor,
or to other wholesale druggists, or to
retail druggists holding a valid permit
so to do.
SECTION 3. It shall be unlawful
for any person, directly or indirectly,
to manufacture, sell, purchase, barter,
deliver, furnish, give away or trans-
port any intoxicating liquor within the
City of Anaheim, or to import any such
liquor into, or export any such liquor
from, said City, except as provided
herein, and all provisions of this
ordinance shall be liberally construed
to the end that the use of intoxicating
liquor as a beverage shall be pre-
SECTION 4. it shall be unlawful for
any person,- while on any public high-
way or public park or yl any land
vehicle, or public conveyance, or air
craft, or other means of transporta-
tion or in any club, hotel, or in any
private or rented room, or suite of
rooms, in any club or hotel, or any
home, theatre store or a. building
devoted to public use, or other public,
.or semi-public place to have in his
possession, any intoxicating liquor,
except as provided herein.
SECTION 5. It shall be unlawful fox
any person, to have, keep or store, ani
intoxicating liquor in any public of
semi-public place except as hereir
Any person, firm or corporatior
carrying on any business or operatint
under or within the provisions of th,
Volstead_ Act or of the laws of th,
United States of America, within th
City of Anaheim in the nianufactur(
sale, bartering, delivering, furnishing
prescribing, purchasing, dispensing d
use of intoxicating liquor or alcolic
under Government permit, must file i
the office of the City Clerk of the Cit
of Anaheim, a certified copy of sue,'
permit and any permit or permit
thereafter issued covering or regulatin
such operations before comrriencing c
continuing gym,_, ;kr-(,; cr busincs
SECTION 6. it sl.all be unlawfi
for any person to solicit, take or r(
ceive any order for intoxicating liquor
or to give information how such liqu(
may be obtained, or cohere such liquor
rare, except that persons holding val
(d) The sale or furnishini; of wine
:)r sacramental purposes by the manu- c
acturer of the same, or by retail
ruggists holding valid permits so to
,o, provided such wine is furnished
,nly to a regularly ordained priest or
ninister, or by a. written order of the
ocal official Board of governing body
if a religious organization regularly
ising the same for sacramental pur-
(e) The dispensing of intoxicating
iquors by retail druggists holding valid
,)ermits so to do, for medicinal pur-
poses only, upon a prescription issued,
signed and da -ted by a duly licensed
physician, regularly practicing his
profession, provided that the name of
the person applying for the prescrip-
tion, and the name and address of the
person for whose use the Prescription
is made, shall be inyrted therein by
the physician, issuing the same at the
gime the. prescription is made or given
and that not more than one sale or
furnishing is made upon such pre-
scription, and that all such prescrip-
tions are kept or filed at the place of
business of said druggist, open to
public inspection, and provided further
that said druggist shall paste uPon,
or securely fasten to the container.
holding such liquor, a legibly written
or printed statement of theprescrip-
tion on which such liquor ryas_ furnish-
ed. 'Tt shall be unlawful for any per-
sonto remove said copy of said pre-
scription from said container until all
of the liquor has been removed there-
from; and it shall be unlawful to empty
all, or part of said liquor from said
container until it has been delivered to
the address mentioned in said prescrip-
tion, or to use said liquor for any pur-
pose other than the medicinal purpose
for which it was furnished.
(f) The sale and delivery by any
person holding a valid permit so to
do, of ethyl alcohol to manufacture of
toilet, medicintil, anitiseptic, culinary,
or other non -beverage preparations,
or to the superintendent or authorized
officer of a hospital, museum or
laboratory, or an art, educational or
public institution, provided such nianu-
facturer, superintendent, or other per-
son, has valid permit to receive and
possess such alcohol.
Provided any person selling, furn-
ishing or delivering liquor or alcoho
under provisions of subdivisions "C"
"d" and "f" of Section 8 of thio
ordinance, shall keep a record of al
liquor sold, delivered or furnished, ii
which shall be entered the date of sale
delivery or furnishing; the kind o
liquor sold, delivered or furnished; rho
quantity of each kind, and the rain,
and address of the person to whom the
same is sold, delivered or furnished
such record to be open to public in
spection, provided, however, that wher
liquors are sold and the person sellin;
the same shall keep such records as ar
required by the United St:i.tos ]uterus
I Revenue Department, such person
I shall be deemed to have complied wit
7 the above provisions required in th
I keeping of records upon tiling collie
s in the office of the City Clerk of .th
City of Anaheim of all records so macl
and filed with the said United Stat(
l{evenue Department; provided, also
] that the persons so selling, furnishin
or delivering such liquor shall secure]
fasten to the container holding it,
legibly written or printed statement '.
r English, signed by said person, ar
d giving the following information; kir
and quantity of contents; by whom so
(h) The keeping of any intoxicat-
ig liquor obtained before this ordin-
nce goes into effect, at a time, when,
nd a place where, such liquor could be
,gaily sold by any person at his home
1-11,"1 e serving of the same to members
f hisfamily, or to guests as an act
f hospitality, when nothing of value
,r representative of value is received
n return thdrefox, and when such
come is not a place of public resort,
w a room or suite of rooms in any
rote] or club.
(i) The transportation out of, or
nto the City of Anaheim of intoxicat-
rig liquor for non -beverage purposes,
;vhen such liquor is shipped or received
by a. person holding a valid permit
obtained as herein provided, to manu-
Facture, sell or receive such liquor, and
provided, there is securely fastened to
the container holding such liquor a
legibly written or printed statement
in English, signed by the shipper and
giving the following information:
[find and quantity of liquor therein;
by whom sold (giving name and ad-
dress), to whom sold, (giving name
and address): purposes for which sold,
and date of sale. It shall be unlawful
to remove aforesaid statement from
said container while in transit within
the City of Anaheim.
SECTION 9. if shall be unlawful
for any person to carry or transport
any intoxicating liquor within, into,
or out of the City of Anaheim, without'
having on the outside of the container'
olding such liquor the written or
printed statement required in various
paragraphs of Section 8 of this ordin-
ance, and said statement must be so
attached that the words thereon may
at all times be easily seen and read.
SECTION 10. It shall be unlawful
for any person, with intent to effect
a sale of intoxicating liquor by him-
self, his employee, servant or agent,
for himself or any person, company or
corporation, to keep or carry, either on
his person or in a vehicle or other
conveyance, whatever, or leave in a
place for another to secure, any in-
ioxieating liquor, or who shall travel
to solicit, or take or accept orders for
the sale, shipment or delivery of in-
toxicating liquors ill violation of this
S1:fTION 1l. It shall be unlawful
for ,tiny person to engage in business
as an alcoholic beverage dealer or an
alcoholic beverage distributor, or tc
sell, furnish, offer for sale or give away..
or deliver or solicit orders for
any alcoholic beverage, without first
obtaining a license, as an "alcoholic
beverage dealer" or an "alcoholi(
beverage distributor," provided how
ever, that no license shall be require<
to serve alcoholic beverages to bon:
fide guests in one's home, provided no
charge is made for such service
either directly or indirectly.
SECTION 12. It shall be unlawfu
to engage in the business of peddlin;
alcoholic beverages within the City o
Anaheim. For the purpose of thi
1 ordinance the term "peddling" shall b
defined as going from house to hous(
i place to place, or in or on the publi
streets of the City of Anaheim, takin
s orders for, or selling and making eithe
e immediate delivery or delivery at
e future time.
SECTION 13. Any person desirin
to enter into the business of an ale(
y holic beverage dealer or an alcohol
a beverage distributor, as defined herei
n shall make application in writing .f(
d a license so to do, which shall confori
d to the requirements of this ordinan(
d and shall be on a form prepared ar
A. 1. i,
ani' ---
5 ates o1' ricx.
has been convicfctl
this ordinance or of
provisions of the n
tion act, or any i_uc
California relative
tion or regulation
liquor within one
filing such applica
shall be granted
At the time of fili_
'or license the appli
the City Clerk t:he su
Dollars, which sum
defray the expense f
connection with suet
shall be a charge i
license fee herein pr
event shall such in
returned to applican
Upon the filin; (
as above provided it
of the City Clerk is
1'y the Chief of Po
The Chief of Polic
notice of such Jilin
the applicant a.md
facts pertaining to
and present such 1
Council, within ten
of such application.
may make such i']
as to it may �e(m
the facts it appe. ❑'r
ell that the app ic<
proper person to r
of an "alcoholic 1
an "alcoholic bever:
that the place Sal(
conducted at is a -
to conduct such
Council shall gran
the payment by t:
license fee provide
wise it shrill be dei
ever, that no lice
business of ail
dealer" shall be gl
nt who has not
business in the (it
period of at least
ceding the date
vided further, 1 (,\N
cant who has Iu
from a, licensee c,r
a license hereuude
furnishes to till' (:
evidence that he
person to conditct
alcoholic beeerag
granted a license,
is granted as
may be reneNcod
without the payn
aboveprovided f
shall have been
Council. Each li(
City of Anaheim
1 express condition
conduct his busi
i strict conformity
and the national t
United States of
laws that are nov
] enacted by the
reference to Prot
f the use of intos
s liquors.
e Any license gr
Anaheim may be
c Council for a vi(
provisions of thi:
r violation of the
a act, or any laws
fornia, by the It(
_ Before any lice
c in provided, shal
City Council, th
rr give notice to ai
n accused of violat
;e this ordinance, or
A tion laws of alt
Amarica. or laws
r1...... Li-.,,
from said Cit.,, e cepl, as provided
herein, and all provisions of this
ordinance shall be liberally construed
to the end that the use of intoxicating
liquor as a beverage shall be pre-
SECTION 4. It shall be uula.wful for
any person, while on any public high-
way or public ,park or in any land
vehicle, or public conveyance, or air
craft, or other means of transporta-
tion or in any club, hotel, or in any
private or rented room, or suite of
rooms, in any club or hotel, or any
home, theatre store or a building
devoted to public use, or other public,
or semi-public place to have in his
possession, any intoxicating liquor,
except as provided herein.
SECTION a. It shall be unlawful for
any person, to have, keep or store, any
intoxicating liquor in any public or
semi-public place except as herein
A, Any person, firm or corporation
carrying on any business or operating
under or within the provisions of the
Volstead. Act or of the laws of the
United States of America, within the
City of Anaheim in the manufacture,
sale, bartering, delivering, furnishing,
prescribing, purchasing, dispensing or
use of intoxicating liquor or alcohol
under Government permit, must file in
the office of the City Clerk of the City
of Anaheim, a certified ropy of such
permit and any permit or permits
thereafter issued covering or regulating
such operations before commencing or
continuing .asi flocs, cr business.
SBCTIOTN G. It si:all be unlawful
.for any person to solicit, take or re -
S ceive any order for intoxicating liquors,
r or to give information how such liquor
may be obtained, or where such liquors
are, .except that persons holding valid
y permits to manufacture or sell intoxi-
cating liquors for non -beverage pur-
poses may accept orders :for such
liquors on the premises , where they
may be legally sold, and representatives
of such manufacturers, and all whole-
sale druggists may take orders for such
liquors from persons holding valid
permits- to purchase the same.
SECTION 7. (a) It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person to advertise, any-
where or by any means or method,
intoxicating liquor, or the manufacture,
sale, keeping for sale, or furnishing the
same, or where, how, from whom, or
at what price the same may be ob-
tained. No one shall permit any sign
or billboard containing such advertise-
ment to remain upon his premises, but
nothing herein shall prohibit manu-
facturers and wholesale druggists,
holding valid permits to sell liquor,
from furnishing price lists with descrip-
tion of liquor for sale, to persons law-
fully permitted to purchase liquor, or
u2tt �rer until it has been delivered to
the address mentioned in said ju e .scrip -
tion, or to use said liquor for riny pur-
pose other than the medicinalpurpose
for which it was furnished.
(f) The sale and delivery by any
person holding a valid permit so to
do, of ethyl alcohol to manufacture of
toilet, medicintrl, arkiseptic, culinary,
or other non -beverage preparations,
or to the superintendent or authorized
officer of a hospital, museum or
laboratory, or an art, educational or
public institution, provided such manu-
facturer, superintendent, or other per-
son, has valid permit to receive and
possess such alcohol.
Provided any person selling, furn-
ishing or delivering liquor or alcohol
under provisions of subdivisions "C",
"d" and "f" of Section 8 of this
Ordinance, shall keep a record of all
liquor sold, delivered or furnished, in
which shall be entered the date of sale,
delivery or furnishing; the kind of
liquor sold, delivered or furnished; the
quantity of each kind, and the name
and address of the person to whom the
same is sold, delivered or furnished;
such record to be open to public in-
spection, provided, however, that where
liquors are sold and the person selling
the same shall keep such records as are
required by the United States Internal
Revenue Department, such persons
shall be deemed to have complied with
the above provisions required iuthe
keeping of records upon filing copies
in the office of the City Clerk of the
City of Anaheim of all records so made
and filed with the said 1.7nited States
Y..evenue Department; provided, also,
that the persons so selling, furnishing,
or delivering such liquor shall securely
fasten to the container holding it, a
legibly written or printed statement in
English, signed by said person, and
giving the following information; kind
and quantity of contents; by whom sold
(giving name and address), to whom
sold, (giving name and address), pur-
poseg for which sold, and date of
It shall be unlawful for any perEon
receiving intoxicating liquor or alcohol
as permitted under paragraphs "c",
M", and "f" of said Section 8, to remove
any such statement from such con-
tainer until said container and con-
tents have been deliveredto the pur-
chaser at the address stated in such
statement, and it shall be unlawful to
empty all, or part of the contents from
said container anywhere except at the
addresses stated in the aforesaid state-
ment, and when the contents of any
such package have been emptied from
it, the said statement shall immedi-
ately be removed and destroyed, and
it shall be unlawful to use any liquor
or alcohol sold, furnished or delivered
under Subdivision "d", "e", arid_ "f" of
Section 8 hereof, for other than sacra-
mental or inediginal purposes, or the
for any person, with intent to Qifect
a sale of intoxicating liquor by him-
self, his employee, servant or agent,
for himself or any person, company or
corporation, to keep or carry, either on
his person or in a vehicle or other
cnnveyance, whatever, or leave in a
place for another to secure, any in-
toxicating liquor, or who shall travel
to solicit, or take or accept orders for
the sale, shipment or delivery of in-
toxicating liquors in violation of this
SE'CTIIIN 11. It shall be unlawful
for any person to engage in business
, an alcoholic beverage dealer or an
alcoholic beverage distributor, or to
sell, furnish, offer for sale or give away,
or deliver or solicit orders for
any alcoholic beverage, without first
obtaining a license, as an "alcoholic
beverage _dealer" or an "alcoholic
beverage distributor," provided how-
ever, that no license shall be required
to serve alcoholic beverages to bona
fide guests in one's home, provided no
charge is made for such service,
either directly or indirectly.
SECTION 12. It shall be unlawful
to engage in the business of peddling
alcoholic beverages within the City of
Anaheim. For the purpose of this
ordinance the term "peddling" shall be
defined as going from house to house,
place to place, or in or on the public
streets of the City of Anaheim, taking
orders for, or selling and making either
immediate delivery or delivery at a
future time.
SECTION 13. Any person desiring
to enter into the business of an alco-
holic beverage dealer or an alcoholic
beverage distributor, as defined herein,
shall make application in writing .for
a license 'so to do, which shall conform
to the requirements of this ordinance
and shall be on 4 form prepared and
furnished by the City of Anaheim.
Such application shall contain the
following questionnaire, which must
,be answered in full by the applicant
and sworn to and acknowledged by the
applicant before a Notary Public or
before the City Clerk of said City. Ing
the event said applicant is a firm or
corporation, then said application shall
he, signed by the President and Secre-
tary, or other duly authorized officers
of said firm or corporation:
(1) The name and residence of
(2) The period during which the
applicant has resided at the resid-
ence given.
(3) Whether or not applicant
is a citizen of the United States.
(4) Applicant's place of birth
and, if a naturalized citizen, the
time and place of naturalization.
(5) Whether; . or not applicant
bas ever been charged with or con -
wise i . -01 01' " c.
ever, llwkt n1i ,,,
bushwcv of au "nlc
dealer" shalt be grout
cant who has not be
business in the City o
period of at least our
ceding the date of :r
vided further, lj,mc\,ci
cant who has pure l,z
from a, licen3oe nr a p
a license hereunder, it
furnishes to the Cil.v
evide;ice that it(, is
person to conduct JI,
alcoholic beverage (
granted a lice Tis(,. lr
is granted as here
may be reriewed fro,
without the payment
above provided for, c
shall have been re\ol
Council. Each licrn�o
City of Anaheim is g
express condition that
conduct his business
strict conformity wit]
and the national prohil
United States of :\,n,
laws that are now or _
enacted by the State
reference to prohibitit
the use of intosicatii
Any license granted
Anaheim may be rev(
Council for a vic11atio
provisions of this ord
violation of theulati
act, or any lava -s of ti
fornix, by the license
Before any license
in provided, shall be
City Council, the Cil
give notice to any lic
accused of violating :--
-this ordinance. i,r the
tion laws of Jie i',
America, or laws of t.
fornia, which notice ,'
section or sections s
accused of violating, a
general terms tl!e act
the part of the livens
tute the violat?.on, or
case might be, which
a date when <<nd pJac
ing will be held by th,
determine whether or
heretofore issued to sa
be revoked. At the
place stated in said
Council shall hold a
matter. The accused
to be present at such
ploy council to repro
council shall first he
against the accusel,
accused to introduce
he shall desire in his
the accused the right.
v.itnrsses he may de:
hc.: giver, having the
11 be unlawful
cry or transport
or within, into,
lnaheini, without
of the container
the written or
.uired in various
8 of this ordin-
aent must be so
reds thereon may
victed of a felony oI. misdemeanor,
giving full details of any such
charge or conviction.
(6) Whether or not :replicant
desires to apply for a Class A, Class
13, or Class C Licelwe. .
(7) The address of the estab-
lishment at which applicaint pro-
poses to transact business under
said license, and a. general descrip-
tion of the class of improvements
(8) Applicant shall be required
to give at least three references
as to his character and reputation
for law observance and of Ilis Hon-
esty, integrity and morality. Suclr
application sliall be, filed by, the
applicant with the City Clerk. and
shall be kept with said City Clerk
as,, a permanent record, If. upon
investigation, it shall be establish-
ed that applicant has Sworn to an
untruth in his application, such act
shall be deemed to he a violation
of this ordinance and applicant'
shall be subject to prosecution
No license sliall be i.; -sued under
this ordinance by said City Council
to any applicant who has been
convicted of a felony or whose
reputation is, or past conduct has
been, such that the City Council.,
in its discretion, docs not believe
applicant could maintain an estab-
lishment, if granted a license, with
full observance of the provisions
of this ordinance, and the laws of
the City, State, and of the United
States of America. If applicant
has been convicted of a -violat.ion of
this ordinance or of any of the
provisions of the national prol'iibi-
tion act, or any lave of the State of
California relative to the prohibi-
tion or regulation of intoxicating
liquor within one year prior to
filing such application, no license
shall be granted by the City
such eviderrce to material matter. If,
after hearing the evidence, the City
Council should determine that such
accused has been guilty of any of the,
offenses charged, it shall revoke the
license, otherwise the proceeding shall
be dismissed.
In the event that a license is revoked
as hereinbefore provided, the licensee in
said license sliall never thereafter be
entitled to another license under this
ordinance, and the City Council shall
thereafter be without jurisdiction to
grant a license to such licensee; and a'_1
money paid for licence shell be retained
by the city.
SECTION 14. Class A License. For
every person conducting or carrying
on the business of alcoholic beverage
dealer, under a Class A license a,
hereinabove defined, the license fee
shall be the sum of one Hundred
Twenty ($120.00) Dollars per year,
payable e emi-annually in advance
of the fir day of July and January
of each car. 1� sst payrlent to b^
prorated i�r- iirly 17,t, 1u33.
At the tine of filing the application
for license the applicant shall pay to
the City Clerk the sun! of Ten ($10.00)
Dollars, which sun, _'Mall be paid to
defray the expense of investigation in
connection with such application, and
shall bea charge in addition to the
license fee herein provided for. In no
event shall such investigating fee be
returned to applicant.
Upon the filing of any :application
as above provided it shall be the fluty
of the City Clerk to irvnuecliately molt-
fy the Chief of Police: of such filing.
The Chief of Police upon receiving
notice of such filing ,;hail investigate
the applicant an,l olytain all relevant
facts pertaining to sueh application,
and present such f.icts to the City
Council, within ten days from the tiling
of such application. The City Council
may make such fill Cher in c5t.iga ion
as to it may icer ) r nl It f"Oul a'1
the facts it ap_u; ;, o ill;
g' (ay ("u]
cil that the a l,plic.r t a fit and
proper person to eon d' c i ti b tsiness
of an "alcoholic he c r r ,e r e. uicr' or
an "alcoholic a vera e d:strilwtor" and
that the place said_ business is to be
conducted at is a fit and proper olrrce
to conduct, such bn nnlsN ud City
i Council s.hnll ,r..tul "Mur 1w, npon
tho Uayracnt by ut .rUl; ii n,, oY u.e
Class ji I,ir Anse. For every person
conducting or carrying on the business
of alcoholic beverage dealer, under a.
Class B License as hereinabove defined,
and restricted, the license fee shall be
the sum of One Hundred and Twenty
($120.011) Dollars per year, payable
semi-annually in advance on the first
day of July and January of each year.
First payment to be prorated to July
1st, 1933.
Class C license. For every person
conducting or carrying on the business
of alcoholic beverage distributor, under
a Class C License as hereinbefore de-
fined and restricted, the license fee shall
be the hum of Three blundred ($300.00)
Dollars per year, payable annually in
advance, connnencing on the date
when such license is granted. First
payment to be prorated to July 1st,
SECTION 22. Each licensee, under
this; ordinance, shall be personallyre-
sponsible ,for the proper operation of
the business which he may be licensed
to conduct hereunder and for the ob-
scrvance of all laws and ordinances
applicable thereto by anyone engaged
in or connected with said business. No
lief shall
be rs g .ed or it tn•aferred tc any other
pci sc:i, nor shall aynsuch license
ti a the rize any p: rs nn ether than the
3_ :nsce uftmcd therein to do business
cr act under such license. Any lic-
er see -1rr shall permlt a. violation of
tl _ City ordinances eu State Laws or
of the laves of th,, United States of
_1�uerica within bi; licc:uaeA establish-
ment :,11x11 be subject to having his
license, su .pended or permanently to-
wner;] 1by the City Council.
3EC"9'WN 23. l.very person having a
license under the provisions of this
ordinance shall keep such license post-
ed and exhibited while in force in some
co^spicuous part of said place of busi-
ness. Every ery person having a liceri8e'
,in the provisions of this Ordinance
:ilial,. produce and exhibit the same
when applying for a renewal thereof,
and whenever required to do so by any
Mol cc officer or by any olticer author-
ized to isFue, inspect or collect licenses.
SECTION 24. No person holding a,
Class A lieensc shall be permitted to do'.
or maintain a street curb business nor
to dispense or serve alcoholic beverages
to any person in any vehicle, and no
alcoholic beverages shall be sold, dis-
pensed or offered for sale excepting
between the hours of 8:00 o'clock A. M.
and 11:00 o'clock P. M.
SEf,'TION Ill-". That should the
State of California enact any lave in
conflict, with the provisions of the sec-
tions herein provided for the payment
of license fee or as to the amount of
license fee to be collected, then the
amounts herein stated shall be disre-
garded, and the license fee collected
shall be that provided by the State
SECTION 1G. No person shall be
issued a. Class �A License exeept cafes
and restaurants doing a, bona fide cafe
or restaurant business, as hereinbefore
defined, and said cafes or restaurants
can only serve alcoholic beverages
under such license with bona fide edible
food costing not less than fifteen cents;
and bona fide hotels which may serve
alcoholic beverages under such license
to their bona fide guests and none
other; and clubs which may serve
a'c,l.olic beverages to their bona fide j
r�c urbcrs
only. Nor shall any Class A
lc! , be slued to anyone where the
bu enc s to be conducted thereunder is
to fitcd within three irunulred (300) feet
of ani se h fol, church, or public park.
In no event shall a. Class A license be
issued to drug stores, grocery stores,
confectionery stones butcher shops,
cj r , ur alar eta, dance hall peal
�I Iunch lemons, `, rect
SECTION 25. Any person violating
any of the provisions of this ordinance'
shall be, deenned guilty of a misde-
meanor, and upon conviction thereof
shall be punishable by a fine of not'
More than Three Hundred ($300.00),
Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City
jail or in the county jail of the County
of Orange for a period of not more,
than three (3) months, or by both such;
fine and imprisonment.
Every such person shall be deemed:.
guilty of a separate offense for every day
during any portion of which any viola-
tion of any provision of this ordinance is,
committed, continued, or permitted by
such person, and shall be punishable - -
therefor as provided by this ordinance.
SECTIOS 26. If any section, sub -
sentence, clause, or phrase of,,
this ordinance is, for any reason; heldl.
to be invalid or unconstitutional, such
decision shall not affect the validity of
the remaining portions of this ordin-
ance. The City Council of the City of;
,�Paheirm Hereby declares that it would
have passed this ordinance and each
section, subsection, sentence, claufle, or,
phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact.:
that anyone or more other sections, -
subsections, sentences, . clauses, or
phrases, be declared invalid or uneon
SECTIO' 27. All ordinances or parts. -
of ordi na,.ees in conflict with the pro
visions hereof are hereby repealed.
SM'TiON 2S. In view of the nodi
he Mimi by federal enactment of the,
dc.:iuniou of an intoxicating liquor to
as to it may seem prop, l•. if from all
the facts it app,�t�q ,o the (,iuy (,itCoun-
cil that the applwl r fit ar d
proper person to eond,i(' l._,Bisincs3
of an "alcoholic or
an "alcoholic bevera distrruul_or" and
that the place said business is to be
conducted at is a fit and proper place
I to conduct such business, said City
Council shall grant such license ulwn
the payment by the applicant of tale
license fee provided for herein, other-
wise it shall be, denied. Provided how-
ever, that no lic, ns , to cuodoct the
business of an "nlcnholic be'�cra?�c
dealer" shail be granted to any apph-
cant who has not been crng•tgcd in
business in the City of _1n>ilicini for a
period of at least one ,year nc,rt pre-
ceding the date of alrplicatinn. Pro-
vided further, howc\'er, that au 1,ph-
cant who has purchased a Busines
from a, licensee or a jwrann untitled fn
a license bereuuder, in good fitilh, anal
furnishes to the Ci(I C,un,•il :,lnttlr•ient
evidence, that he is alit and proper
person to conduct the of a,r
alcoholic beverage scale r. nia;y be
granted a license. In case a license
is granted as herein provided, it
may be reneNecd fruit. year to year
without the payment of the lilin ; fee
above provided for, unless the s.une
shall have been revoked by the City
Council. Each liccn-e granted i>y the
City of Anaheim is granted upon the
express condition that the licensee eihall
conduct his business and hiniseif in
strict conformity with this ordinance,
and the national prohibitionn laws of the
United States of America. and any
laws that are new or .nay hereafter be
enacted by the State of California in
reference to prohibiting or regulating
the use of intoxicating or alcoholic
.Any license granted by the City of
Anaheim may be revoked by the City
Council for a violation of any of the
provisions of this atelia:+.ace or any
violation of the national prohibition
act, or any laws of the State of Cali-
fornia, by the licensee, his agents or
Before any license granted as here-
in provided, shall be revolted by the
City Council, the City Council shall
give notice to any licensed that he is
accused of violating ::ogre provi:;icn of
this ordinance, or the natiornal f,rd',•libi-
tion laws of the t'riitIdi State cf
America, or laws of the State of Cali-
fornia, which notice shall state which
section or sections said licoi :s, ,
accused of violating, and shall state in
general terms the acts or conduct on
the part of the licensee which consti-
tute the violat-on, or vioia,tions, as the
case might be, which notice shall sate
a date when :rnII pia _c '.vbcre a hear- I
ing will be held by the City Council to
determine whether or not the license
heretofore issued to said licensee should
be revoked. At the time and at the
place stated in said notice the City
Council shall hold a hearing in the
matter. The accused shall be cutitled
to be present at such hearing and em-
ploy council to represent Mire The
council shall first hear the evidence
against the accuse11, and then pc+rnut
accused to introduce such evidence as .
he shall desire in his behe.lf, giving to
the accused the right: to=xaniine any
y:itnc�s es he may desire, the council,
h-s,,,r, having the right to confine
,iter holic -bevel ages to their bona fide
nieurbcrs only. Nor shall .ray (lass A
Y,c rs be issued to anyone where the
bn ani ,s to be conducted thereunder is
located within three hundred (300) feet
of in, school, church, or public park.
In no event shall a. Class A license be
issued to drug stores, grocery stores,
confectionery stores, butcher shops,
cigar stands, markets, dance halls, pool
halls, theatres, lunch wagons, btreet
stands, or other businesses which may
operate a light lunch, soda fountain,
c,ld crinh stand or eating' place in
r-ipoiction with such other business.
Clasre 13 licenses may be issued to any
drUP, store, grocery, confectionery store,
or any established retail store in the
City of Anaheim which is not located
Withinr one hundred (100) feet of any
church, school, or public park. It shall
be unlawful ftrr aoy holder of a
13 license to permit the consumption of
alcoholic beverages on his premises, or
on any public street, sidewalk, alley,
'sine or other public place, or to permit
on said preniise.t or place the opcnin
of the original packages.
S 11, ("l'10N It shall be unlawful
for r iy operator of any cafe or restau-
rant iiccnsed hereunder to display the
words "liquor". "bar", or "saloon" on
any part of staid premises. All ap-
paratus connected with dispensing of
he alcoholic beverages by cafes and
restaurants must be partitioned off
from the rooin where the Beverages are
served, and the entrance to the dispens-
ir; icon, is on;y for the use of the
v:litens, the ov✓ner, his servants or
eiiployees. No alcoholic beverages shall
be served except at tables in cafes or
I), rooms of bona fide registered guests
at hotels.
SECTION 16, It shall be unlawful
Cor ally person to sell furnish or give
to any minor under the age of twenty-
one (`11) any alcoholic beverages.
SECTION 17. It shall be unlawful
for any restaurant, hotel or cafe to
serve alcoholic beverages in any closed
booths, and all booths used in said
cafes or restaurants must at all times
be open.
SECTION 18. It shall be unlawful
for any person to have in his posses-
sion any alcoholic heverage not scaled
_r1 1 he original package, on any street,
a11 -!y, park, or premises in the City of
Anaheim, except at his home, or the
home of his bona fide host, o, upon
rhe premises of a person holding a
Class A License.
` _'9C 'ION 19. It shall be unlawful
for any person to have in his possession
anv :ll( ::holie beverage not sealed in
Uic tri:Jrlal package in airy motor
Vehicle, or horse drawn, or other
SECTION 20. It shall be, unlawful
for the holder of any license under this
ordinance to permit the consumption of
intoxicating liquor at his place of busi-
ness, whether the same was lawfully
acquired by the possessor thereof or
SECTION 21. It shall be unlawful
for tl=e holder of any license under
this ordinance, to sell, give to, furnish
or deliver any alcoholic beverages ,o
any intoxicated person.
ubsections, sentences, clauses, or
phi aces, be declared invalid or uncon-
SECTION 27. All ordinances or parts?,
of ordinances in conflict with the pro
visions hereof are hereby repealed.
SECTION 28. In view of the nodi-.'
fication by federal enactment' of the
definition of an intoxicating liquor to'•
permit the possession, use and sale of
beverages containing not more than
three and two tenths percentum of
alcohol by weight and of the repeal
of the Wright Act of the State of Cali-
fornia and of the uncertainty con-
cerning the present status of local'
laws governing the use and sale of
alcoholic and intoxicating liquors, and
for the purpose of definitely prescrib-
ing the duties of police officers in con-
nection with the enforcement of laws
regulating alcoholic liquors and for
other good and sufficient ca.uee, the
immediate passage of this ordinance is
declared to be necessary as an emer-
gency pleasure for the preservation of
the public peace, health and safety.
`Ah,CT10ti 29. The City Clerk shall
cortify to the passage and adoption of
this ordinance by a four-fifths vote of '.
the City Council and cause the same
to be published once in the Anaheim
Gazette, a newspaper of general cir-
culation, printed, published and circu-
lated within the City of Anaheim, and
thenceforth and thereafter the same
shall b in full force and effect.
Adopted and approved this 11th day
of _\pril, 1933.
I, J. W. PRICE, City Clerk of the
City of Anaheim, do hereby,certify that
the foregoing Ordinance No. 575 was '
introduced at a meeting of the City
Council of the City of Anaheimheld on,
the 5th day of April, 1933, and that the
same vv at passed and adopted at a
regular meeting of said City Council
held on the 11th day of April, 1933, by
the following vote:
..YES, Councilmen Alarm, Sheridan,
,1l•irtenA and Yungbluth.
NOES, Councilmen None.
cilman Cook.
And I• further certify that the Mayor
of the City of Anaheim signed and ap-
proved the said Ordinance No. 575 on
the 11th day of April, 1933.
hereuntd set my hand and affixed the
corporate seal of said City this 11th day
of :1priI, 1933.
City Clerk of the
City of Anaheim.