APFA2010/11/16ANAHEIM PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING OF N 16, 2010 The Anaheim Public Financing Authority met in regular session and was called to order at 5:19 P.M. for a joint public comment session with the Anaheim City Council, Redevelopment Agency and Housing Authority. Present: Chairman Curt Pringle and Board Members: Lord Galloway, Bob Hernandez, Lucille Kring and Harry Sidhu. Staff Present: City Manager Tom Wood, City Attorney Cristina Talley, and Secretary Linda Andal A copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim Public Financing Authority was posted on November 12, 2010 on the kiosk outside City Hall. ADDITIONS /DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: No remarks offered during the joint public comment session related to the Anaheim Public Financing Authority meeting. AGENDA ITEM: 1. RESOLUTION NO. APFA 2010 -003 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY authorizing the B137.1 issuance of a lease revenue note, providing the terms and conditions for the issuance of said note, and other matters relating thereto (related to Council Public Hearing, Item No. 29). Tom Morton, Executive Director of Convention, Sports & Entertainment, announced this item related to public hearing Item No. 29 on the City Council agenda and was a result of the joint efforts of this City Council, the hotel community, the Resort and Platinum Triangle businesses as well as the Orange County Visitors & Convention Bureau (OCVCB) in creating the Anaheim Tourism Improvement District (ATID) to fund the expansion of the Anaheim Convention Center. In 2006, the Convention Center completed extensive enhancements to the exterior of the Convention Center Arena which became the Arena Plaza, a sought after space for receptions and gatherings associated with events. He remarked there was value placed on open, campus - like space surrounding the Convention Center and walk - ability to adjacent hotels. To build on these strengths and further market the Anaheim Resort to meetings, conventions and trade shows, staff worked with a design architect and appropriate stakeholders to create a new element to the Convention Center campus. This addition, he reported, would be known as the Anaheim Convention Center Ground Plaza and would create a vibrant exterior pedestrian plaza while expanding the exterior space for the center with up to 100,000 square feet of outdoor programmable space. The plaza would feature landscaping, walkways, hardscape and pavers, water features, street furniture, lighting features and associated infrastructure and utilities necessary to support programs and events related to the Convention Center. It would also APFA Minutes of November 16, 2010 Page 2 of 3 provide for pedestrian circulation, vendor and concession opportunities and passive recreational areas. He explained the overall project area would be along Convention Way extending from Hotel Way at the eastern border and then continuing west and curving around to the southeast corner of Exhibit Hall D. The project would also necessitate vehicular street improvements including the construction of a vehicular turnaround and modifications to shuttle pickup and drop off areas. He added the interest and response from the Anaheim OC V &CB tourism improvement district rate payers, the local hospitality community and many of the convention center's long- term key clients who bring large conventions and trade shows to Anaheim had been overwhelmingly positive. Kristine Ridge, Acting Finance Director, announced that since the adoption of the resolution in September which authorized the overall financing plan for the convention center expansion, staff had been working on obtaining needed funding for this element of the expansion. Based on the nature of the project and the completion schedule, it was determined that a short-term borrowing by the Public Financing Authority would be most appropriate. The short term borrowing was structured keeping within the parameters of the Convention Center financing plan including future obligations expected to be incurred for the remainder of the expansion project. The short-term financing would be sufficient to fund the interim improvements such as the Grand Plaza, as well as the design cost in advance of the complete expansion project expected in one to two years. In consultation with the City's financial advisor, she remarked, staff determined that because of the short-term nature of the financing, a private placement would be most cost effective and a lender solicitation was prepared and distributed to four qualified lenders: Bank of America, Wells Fargo, GE Capital and US Bank. The City received two proposals, one from Bank America and the other from Wells Fargo and after review, including discussions with the two proposers, Wells Fargo Bank was selected as their proposal had less restrictive conditions and provided the needed flexibility regarding the payment terms. The key terms of the financing which took the form of a lease revenue note included proceeds of $20 million with a four year term from the closing date which was expected to be next month, at a fixed interest rate of only 1.85 percent. She added such amounts owed under the note could be prepaid at any time and would require prepayment upon execution of the long term financing required for the remainder of the convention center expansion plans. At 6:10 P.M., Board Member Kring moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. APFA 2010 -003 OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY authorizing the issuance of a lease revenue note, providing the terms and conditions for the issuance of said note, and other matters relating thereto; seconded by Board Member Hernandez. Roll Call Vote: Ayes — 5: Chairman Pringle and Board Members: Galloway, Hernandez, Kring and Sidhu. Noes — 0. Motion Carried. APFA Minutes of November 16, 2010 Page 3 of 3 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chairman Pringle adjourned meeting of the Anaheim Public Financing Authority at 6:15 P.M. Re pectf ly sub 'tted, Linda N. Andal, CMC Secretary, Anaheim Public Financing Authority