Golf 2011/01/27GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES January 27, 2011–5:00p.m. Anaheim Hills Golf Course –Clubhouse Boardroom COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Don Heinbuch Vice Chairman John McCulloch Commissioner Patty Gaby Commissioner Bud Schultz COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Skip Keys CITY STAFF PRESENT: Michael Lautenbach, Dave Johansen, and Bob Johns VALLEY CREST PRESENT: Kevin Neal, Regional Golf Course Superintendent CALL TO ORDER Chairman Heinbuchcalled the meeting to order at 5:00p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Joe Dobrik, Mr. Ron Brunswig, and Mr. Dennis Donnelly introduced themselves as representative fromthe Anaheim Hills Golf Club(AHGC). Mr. Dobrik distributed a copy of an email sent earlier to Director of Golf,Bob Johns, requestingadditional benefits for AHGC members includingspecial green fee rates for AHGCmembers during “AHGC official events.” Mr.Dobrik stated a survey taken by AHGCmembersindicated the difference between resident and non-resident rate was the main factor why past members did not renewtheir membership. Mr. Dobrik also stated the majority of current club members are non-residents. Chairman Heinbuch stated the proposals will be reviewed by the Golf Commission and Michael Lautenbach. Michael Lautenbach stated he will report back to Golf Commission regarding the concerns of the Anaheim Hills Golf Club at the next meeting on February 24, 2011. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Commissioner Gabymade a Motion to approve the December 2,2010Minutes. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Schultz. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A.Golf Superintendent Michael Lautenbach presented his report and stated: The OC Junior Golf Championship scheduled for December 19, 2010 at Anaheim Hills Golf Course had to be cancelled at due to the rain. Planning is under way to move this event to the summer months. Golf Commission Minutes January 27, 2011 Page Two B.Golf Course Superintendent Dave Johansen presented his report.No questions were brought up. C.Director of Golf Bob Johns presented his report and answered questions. Commissioner Schultz questioned if having lights at Dad Miller Golf Course helps increase revenue. Bob Johns stated Dad Miller Golf Course has always beenbusier during the evening hours. Bob Johns stated he hired additional instructors for the increasing numbers of Korean golfers taking lessons at Dad Miller in order to bring in classes and also fortheir students to buy range cards to increase business during times that the golf course is not busy. CommissionerSchultz questioned if lights can be installed on the driving range at Anaheim HillsGolf Course. Michael Lautenbach stated it would be very beneficial for driving range business allowing golfers to practice after work. Michael Lautenbach also stated community meetings wouldhave to be held to receive consensus from the neighbors. FINANCIAL REPORT Michael Lautenbach stated rounds and revenues decreased at Anaheim Hills Golf Course and Dad Miller Golf Coursein November and December.Michael Lautenbach stated December was severely impacted by rain-Dad Miller Golf Course flooded and weather had a severe impact during11 daysof December. OLD BUSINESS -None to report. NEW BUSINESS -None to report. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Schultzmade a Motion, seconded by Commissioner McCulloch, to adjourn the meeting to February 24, 2011at 5:00 p.m., at Anaheim Hills Golf Course, Clubhouse Board Room. The Motion passed. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m.