Public Utilities 2011/02/23CITY OF ANAHEIM ilbr-YPA6 15riw-w-n- TKIVIA February 23, 2011 17W41FITIN 0 1 'Mato oraer - &j Criairperson Zon t-ilntjj NL -5:111 p.m. ► N eanesuay, FeDruffy in the 1 l Floor Large Conference Room, Anaheim West Tower, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, California, I Board Members Present: L. Cahill, J. Brandman, B. Hernandez, J. Machiaverna, D. Morgan, P. Carroll Board Members Absent: C. Peltzer 2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 26,2011.* 10 1 W N D10 I WN KI 0 [610 F- Cahill closed the general 'F 4 S. Sciortino invited the Boards attention to the staff report provided. L. Cahill moved approval of He mentioned that there are two sets of attachments to the staff the Account Management ani i.. - eport, one set for 2008 and one set for 2009. For each year, there Data Certification of AB 32 is one document that attests to the reported emissions for the City' s Cost of Implementation Fee firect ownership of the Kraemer Facility, and another document for Regulation. P. Carroll A board member asked if it is not known entirely what the implementation is going to look like, is this then creating a template or tojust pay for the accounting? M. Edwards replied that this is the mechanism that CARB selected to, in essence, pay for themselves and WIN f- f & � V, A 1 1011 1 11 W 010 01 1 M. Edwards reassured the Board that Department was satisfied with Integrated Technologies at the present time. seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: I (C. Peltzer). 2011-11 vmp�� ?191 take a support if amended position in order to gain a voice in the discussion-largely because we have no voice regardless because have minimal to no leverage. I A member of the Board shared that he supports a support if amended 1 r sition, but is concerned that th A Board member asked for clarification as to how best to address these types of legislative moving targets. Our current process, which is to have City Council approve legislative positions, is in only hours. Rus IT tabled and discussed in the future as how best to manage legislative positions due to the complexities that arise and the rapid rate of change. J. Brandman moved to table the discussion of Senate Bill 23 (Simitian) (California Renewable Energy Resources Act) and Senate Bill X1 2 (Simitian), and a Board recommended position for City Council. B. Hernandez seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 1 (C. Peltzer). MOMMAINIIIJ 1 .A 1 Al R, * y 1 111 liqlriiiii; 0 `! . 0 f February 22, 201 and that the regulations may be finalized in the Fal I. �Oj FAMAM DIL'Fj 10191 Wr#IOJF.'l ' I DI j WM Zj N UO3 RI -woo Department. �he Department looks at enterprise wide risk from a broader perspective than is typically associated with personnel or property related issues. VVIRAMM P"TWET @99IT""MIMM" P violation, while still a violation, was the right thing to do given the totality of the circumstances. Where there is a violation, management is immediately made aware of the violation and the RGE11MI violation is discussed to determine the cause and why it was or was not necessary at that time. This is in reference to violations of Wholesale Marketing policy only. Water Recycling Plan e Lull) 11,14 1[ 1 t4IN LAI I R'j I IN 0 M 11 I ; -& Oj I I. - 4. 1 1 RGIFEW Board is the authority delegated by City Council to hold rate hearings. ©§<»:£ ? notices are currently scheduled to be mailed April 5, 2011 It is planned to as the Public Uties Board at its next meeting to set ad z : 4:a water rate hearing in May 2011, though that may change. Members of «>$ t,4 had questions regarding the City of Anaheim's budget issues and the resulting impact to the Department. M. Edwards responded ?> /> ®/ 4 §< Utilities Department has done as much as it could to support the City, but K" 010 17.11 M Will 9 07.11 N 01030 MI" W 21 Resource Adequacy Plan S. Sciortino invited the Board's attention to the Resource Adequacy Plan Power Project (IPP) Unit I outage that is going to have a six week outage. IPP Unit 2 is out of service for an upgrade. 111111111 1 0107.1 1 640313101 ON N WIM03010 r.1 "too" of W* 1)1 RIMN -MUNI i Legislative Platform Mql�� 90 11 AGEADA ITEM ACTION TAKEN 13. ITEM(S) BY SECRETARY. M. Edwards invited the Board's attention to the Anaheim Public Utilities Legislative Report provided for their review. She to why it may be an improvement to have a legislative working group and a structure of policy statements. the Cold -Fusion dice. S. Sciortino responded that he had not heard about the pending patent. I Machiaverna also shared 7that t Board really must pay attention to current events as they will play] ev out in future decisions. B. Hernandez discussed the proposal by Senator Feinstein in the New York Times this morning indicating that Senator Feinstein is ' po - 14 , Wn w4mQ credits for renewable projects, 11. Morgan asked if there were any updates on the Kings Trofessional basketball team. M. Edwards responded that there were none. -! `! ISO 1014NIUMIMOILIZAN INAIAN Rift Wf.77F =7 req-tesiel al opponInlry ETY to try to get a feel for a balance point so that the minutes are not transcribed verbatim, however at the same time insure that they include pertinent and critical portions of discussions so those are not inadvertently dropped when summarized. KI'lum, Respectfully submitted, Marci! .. . ... . ........ . .............. . Secretary, Public Utilities Board FjjN pla M ILL46 Indicates itern(s) that will be forwarded to City Council for action upon recommendation by the Board, Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Clerk and City Council for informational purposes.