AA062209 City of Anaheim Planning Commission Action Agenda Monday,June 22, 2009 Council Chamber, City Hall 200 South Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, California Commissioners Present :Chairman: Joseph Karaki Peter Agarwal, Kelly Buffa, Gail Eastman, Stephen Faessel, Victoria Ramirez, Panky Romero Commissioners Absent :None Staff Present : CJ Amstrup, Planning Services ManagerElaine Thienprasiddhi, Associate Planner Ted White, Senior PlannerRaul Garcia,Principal CivilEngineer Mark Gordon, Assistant City AttorneyDavid Kennedy, Associate Transportation Planner David See, Senior PlannerGrace Medina, Senior Secretary Della Herrick, Associate Planner Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at1:00 p.m. onWednesday,June 17, 2009, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chamber, and also in the outside display kiosk. Published:Anaheim Bulletin Newspaper onThursday, June 11,2009 Call to Order-2:30 p.m. Attendance: 9 Pledge of AllegiancebyCommissioner Agarwal Appreciation Plaque Presented to Commissioner Gail Eastman Public Comments Consent Calendar Public Hearing Items Adjournment JUNE 22, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Anaheim Planning Commission Agenda -2:30 P.M. Public Comments: None ITEM NO. 1A –May 27, 2009 MeetingMinutesMotionto approve minutes (Eastman/Faessel) Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Approved Commission Meeting of May 27, 2009. These minutes have been provided to the Planning Commission and are available VOTE: 6-1 for review at the Planning Department. Chairman Karaki and Commissioners Agarwal, Buffa, Eastman, Faessel and Romero voted yes. Commissioner Ramirez abstained. 06/22/09 Page 2of 9 JUNE 22, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Public Hearing Items: ITEM NO. 2 AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1322 Resolution No. PC2009-061 (TRACKING NO. CUP2008-05356),Resolution No. PC2009-062 AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4014 (Buffa) (TRACKING NO. CUP2009-05428) AND VARIANCE NO. 2009-04776 Approved Owners: Sidney Bickel 5585 Via Dicha#B CUP No. 1322 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Modified Condition Nos. 3and 15 First Southern Baptist Church 1275 East Broadway Anaheim, CA 92805 VOTE: 6-1 Applicant: Phil SchwartzeChairman Karaki and PRS GroupCommissioners Buffa, 31872 SanJuanCreekCircleEastman, Faessel, Ramirez SanJuanCapistrano,CA92675and Romerovoted yes. Commissioners Agarwal Location:633 South East Street (Quartz Dealer Direct) voted no. 1275 East Broadway (First Southern Baptist Church) The applicant proposes toreinstate a previously-approved Project Planner: Ted White conditional use permit for Quartz Dealer Direct, an automotive twhite@anaheim.net wholesale and retail auction facility with fewer parking spaces than required by Code, and delete a condition of approval which sets an expiration date for the permit; and,amend a previously- approved conditional use permit for the First Southern Baptist Church and private school to permit satellite parking for the Quartz Dealer Direct business with fewer parking spaces than required by Code. Environmental Determination: A Negative Declaration has been determined to serve as the appropriate environmental documentation for this requestin accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This item was continued from the May 27, 2009 Planning Commission meeting. 06/22/09 Page 3of 9 JUNE 22, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA OPPOSITION: One personspoke in opposition to the subject request. Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 14, 2009. DISCUSSION TIME :35minutes (2:38to 3:13) 06/22/09 Page 4of 9 JUNE 22, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2009-05406Resolution No. PC2009-063 (Eastman) Owner: Robert Smith Smith Properties Approved 3500 East La Palma Avenue Anaheim, CA 92806 Applicant:VOTE: 6-1 Phillip Schwartze PRS GroupChairman Karaki and 31872 San Juan Creek CircleCommissioners Agarwal, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675Buffa, Eastman, Faessel, Ramirezvoted yes. Location:1011 North Grove Street CommissionerRomerovoted no. The applicant proposes to operate a towing and impound yard in conjunction with automobile repair and outdoor and indoor vehicular storage on a property developed with a warehouse Project Planner: David See building. dsee@anaheim.net Environmental Determination: The proposed action is categorically exempt from the requirement to prepare environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Class 1(Existing Facilities). OPPOSITION: None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 14, 2009. DISCUSSION TIME :25minutes (3:13to 3:38) 06/22/09 Page 5of 9 JUNE 22, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 4 CONDITIONAL USEPERMIT NO. 2009-05410Resolution No. PC2009-064 (Faessel) Owner: Kazem Khoyloo BP West Coast Products Approved, added condition P.O. Box 5015 pertaining to the installation Buena Park, CA 90622 of right turn only signs on Applicant:the two easterly driveways Fiedler Group Ericka Skeie rd 2322 West 3Street VOTE: 7-0 Los Angeles, CA 90057 Chairman Karaki and Location:2445 East Ball Road Commissioners Agarwal, Buffa, Eastman, Faessel, The applicant proposes to establish a convenience market in Ramirez, Romerovoted yes. conjunction with an existing service station. Environmental Determination: The proposed action is Project Planner: Della Herrick categorically exempt from the requirement to prepare dherrick@anaheim.net environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)Guidelines, Class 1 (Existing Facilities). OPPOSITION: None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00p.m. on Tuesday, July 14, 2009. DISCUSSION TIME :14minutes (3:39to 3:53) 06/22/09 Page 6of 9 JUNE 22, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 5 AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1215Resolution No. PC2009-065 (TRACKING NO. CUP2009-05423) (Faessel) Owner/ Michael Carlston Applicant:Approved Kenney Golf Enterprises, Inc. 3200 East Carpenter Avenue Anaheim, CA 92806 VOTE: 7-0 Location:3200 East Carpenter Avenue Chairman Karaki and Commissioners Agarwal, The applicant proposes to operate a day care center inBuffa, Eastman, Faessel, conjunction with an existing entertainment facility (Camelot Ramirez and Romerovoted Golfland).yes. Environmental Determination: The proposed action is categorically exempt from the requirement to prepare Project Planner: Elaine Thienprasiddhi environmental documentation per California Environmental ethien@anaheim.net Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines,Class 1 (Existing Facilities). OPPOSITION: None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 14, 2009. DISCUSSION TIME :6minutes (3:53to 3:59) 06/22/09 Page 7of 9 JUNE 22, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 6 ZONING CODE AMENDMENT NO. 2009-00079Motion to continue item to July 8, 2009 Applicant: Planning Department(Eastman/Agarwal) City of Anaheim 200 South Anaheim Boulevard VOTE: 7-0 Anaheim, CA 92805 Chairman Karaki and Location:Citywide Commissioners Agarwal, Buffa, Eastman, Faessel, This is a proposal to amendvarious chapters of Title 18 of the Ramirez, Romero voted Anaheim Municipal Codepertaining to Zoning Administrator yes. authority, drought tolerant landscaping provisions, freestanding sign provisions within the Scenic Corridor (SC) Overlay Zone; creation of an off-site parking arrangement process; and, approval, appeal, withdrawal, modification and revocation procedures/timeframes for various zoning actions. The chapters proposed to be amended include: Chapter 1.12 Project Planner: Vanessa Norwood (Procedures); Chapter 14.60 (Transportation Demand); Chapter vnorwood@anaheim.net 17.08 (Subdivisions); Chapter 18.18 (Scenic Corridor (SC) Overlay Zone); Chapter 18.24 (South Anaheim Boulevard Corridor (SABC) Overlay Zone); Chapter 18.30 (Downtown Mixed Use Overlay Zone);Chapter 18.36 (Types of Uses); Chapter 18.38 (Supplemental Use Regulations); Chapter 18.42 (Parking and Loading); Chapter 18.44 (Signs); Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening); Chapter 18.52 (Density Bonuses); Chapter 18.56 (Nonconformities); Chapter 18.60 (Procedures); Chapter 18.62 (Administrative Reviews); Chapter 18.64 (Area Development Plans); Chapter 18.66 (Conditional Use Permits); Chapter 18.74 (Variances);Chapter 18.114(Disneyland Resort Specific Plan No.92-1); Chapter 18.116(Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No.92-2); Chapter 18.118(Hotel Circle Specific Plan No.93- 1); and Chapter 18.120(Northeast Area Specific Plan No. 94-1). Environmental Determination: The proposed action is categorically exempt from the requirement to prepare environmentaldocumentation per Section 21080 of the Public Resources Code. DISCUSSION TIME :This item was not discussed. 06/22/09 Page 8of 9 JUNE 22, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA MEETING ADJOURNED AT 4:10P.M. TO WEDNESDAY,JULY 8, 2009AT 2:30P.M. 06/22/09 Page 9of 9