AA102609 City of Anaheim Planning Commission Action Agenda Monday,October 26, 2009 Council Chamber, City Hall 200 South Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, California Commissioners Present :Chairman: Panky Romero Todd Ament, Kelly Buffa, Joseph Karaki,Victoria Ramirez Commissioners Absent :Peter Agarwal, Stephen Faessel Staff Present : CJ Amstrup, Planning Services ManagerKevin Clausen, Planning Aide Linda Johnson,Principal PlannerRaul Garcia, Principal Civil Engineer Mark Gordon, Assistant City AttorneyDavid Kennedy, Associate Transportation Planner David See, Senior PlannerMichele Irwin, Senior Police Services Representative Della Herrick, Associate PlannerLuis Torrico, Project Manager I Vanessa Norwood, Associate PlannerGrace Medina, Senior Secretary Scott Koehm, Associate Planner Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at6:00 p.m. onWednesday,October 21, 2009, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chamber, and also in the outside display kiosk. Published:Anaheim Bulletin Newspaper onThursday, October 15,2009 Call to Order-3:30 p.m. Attendance: 29 Pledge of AllegiancebyCommissioner Ramirez Public Comments Consent Calendar Public Hearing Items Adjournment OCTOBER 26, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Anaheim Planning Commission Agenda -2:30 P.M. Public Comments: None Minutes ITEM NO. 1AMotionto approve minutes (Buffa/Ament) Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Approved Commission Meeting of October 12, 2009. VOTE: 4-0 Chairman Romero and Commissioners Ament, Buffa and Ramirez voted yes. Commissioner Karaki abstained. Commissioners Agarwal and Faessel were absent. 10/26/09 Page 2of 12 OCTOBER 26, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Public Hearing Items: ITEM NO. 2 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NOS. 2004-04921AResolution No. 2009-102 AND2009-05454 AND VARIANCE NO. 2009-04794Resolution No. 2009-103 (DEV2009-00024) (Buffa) Owner: Mitchell Bryant Approved Coastal Business Group 16460 Bake Parkway,Suite 100 Irvine, CA92618 VOTE: 5-0 Applicant: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church of AnaheimChairman Romero and 1421 WestBall RoadCommissioners Ament, Buffa, Anaheim, CA92802Karakiand Ramirez voted yes. CommissionersAgarwaland Location:1421 West Ball Road Faessel wereabsent. The applicant proposes to permit a new 50-foot monopine telecommunication facility with less landscaping then required by code at an existing church and to delete a condition of approval pertaining to a time limitation on an existing telecommunication facility (disguised as a cross). Environmental Determination: The proposed action is Project Planner: Della Herrick Categorically Exempt from the requirement to prepare dherrick@anaheim.net additional environmental documentation per California Environmental QualityAct (CEQA) Guidelines, Class 1 (Existing Facilities). OPPOSITION: One piece of correspondence with concerns about the project was submitted. Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 10-dayappeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 5, 2009. DISCUSSION TIME :13minutes (3:32to 3:45) 10/26/09 Page 3of 12 OCTOBER 26, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2009-05446Resolution No. 2009-104 (DEV2009-00003) (Karaki) Owner: Chong Sok Lee/Tong Chun Sin Approved,modified Condition 1919 Rimcrest Drive No. 11, pertaining to hours of Glendale, CA 91207 operation Applicant: Ron Parker Cyber X Café Media Center VOTE: 5-0 7400 Van Nuys Blvd, Suite 100 Van Nuys, CA 91405Chairman Romero and Commissioners Ament, Buffa, Location:2945-2929 West Ball Road Karakiand Ramirez voted yes. Commissioners Agarwal and The applicant proposes to operate an internet café .Faessel were absent. Environmental Determination: The proposed action is Categorically Exempt from the requirement to prepare Project Planner: Vanessa Norwood additional environmental documentation per California vnorwood@anaheim.net Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Class 1 (Existing Facilities). OPPOSITION: None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 10-dayappeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 5, 2009. DISCUSSION TIME :24minutes (3:45to 4:09) 10/26/09 Page 4of 12 OCTOBER 26, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 4 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2009-05448 ANDResolution No. 2009-105 REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF PUBLIC Resolution No. 2009-106 CONVENIENCE OR NECESSITY NO. 2009-00063 (Buffa) (DEV2009-00010) Owner:Approved Marcos Khalil 923 North Main Street Orange, CA 92806 VOTE: 4-0 Applicant: Milad OueijanChairman Romero and Western State Engineering, IncCommissioners Ament, Buffa, and 4887 East La Palma Avenue Suite 707Ramirez voted yes. Anaheim, CA 92807Commissioner Karaki abstained. Commissioners Agarwal and Location:2791 East Lincoln Avenue Faessel were absent. The applicant proposes to expand an existing service station convenience store and requests authorization for the sales of beer and wine for off-site consumption. Environmental Determination: The proposed action is Project Planner: Vanessa Norwood Categorically Exempt from the requirement to prepare vnorwood@anaheim.net additional environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Class 1 (Existing Facilities). OPPOSITION: None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 10-dayappeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 5, 2009. DISCUSSION TIME :7minutes (4:09to 4:16) 10/26/09 Page 5of 12 OCTOBER 26, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 5 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2009-05456Resolution No. 2009-107 AND VARIANCE NO. 2009-04802 (Ramirez) (DEV2009-00030) Owner:Approved East Lincoln, LLC 1841 Oxley Street South Pasadena, CA 91030 VOTE: 5-0 Applicant: Neal CasperChairman Romero and Casper Development Resources, IncCommissioners Ament, Buffa, 5360 Jackson Drive, Suite 114Karakiand Ramirez voted yes. La Mesa, CA 91942Commissioners Agarwal and Faessel were absent. Location:2820 -2830 East Lincoln Avenue The applicant proposes to demolish an existing fast food Project Planner: Vanessa Norwood restaurant and construct a new fast food drive-through vnorwood@anaheim.net restaurant with landscape setbacks that are less than required by code. Environmental Determination: The proposed action is Categorically Exempt from the requirement to prepare additional environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Class 1 (Existing Facilities). *A request to permitfewer parking spaces than required by Code was advertised; however, a revised plan was submitted and the number of parking spaces now complies with Code. OPPOSITION: None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 10-dayappeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 5, 2009. DISCUSSION TIME :7minutes (4:16to 4:23) 10/26/09 Page 6of 12 OCTOBER 26, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 6 VARIANCE NO. 2008-04756Resolution No. 2009-108 (DEV2009-00011) (Karaki) Owner: Murlidhar Yadathi Approvedin part, denied the 8490 EastFoothill Street variance pertaining to the Anaheim, CA92808 setback requirement for the Applicant:south side of the main Chris West residence and the cabana B.C.I. 19296 Beckonridge Lane Huntington Beach, CA92648 VOTE: 4-1 Location:360 South Peralta Hills Drive Chairman Romero and Commissioners Ament, Buffa and The applicant proposes to reduce the minimum side yard Karakivoted yes. Commissioner setback and exceed the maximum structural height to build Ramirez voted no. a new single-family residence with detached garage, maid’sCommissioners Agarwal and quarters and outdoor cabana.Faessel were absent. Environmental Determination: A Negative Declaration has been prepared to evaluate the potential environmental Project Planner: Kevin Clausen impacts of this project in accordance with the provisions of kclausen@anaheim.net the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). OPPOSITION: One piece of correspondencewas receivedin opposition to the subject request. Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 10-dayappeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 5, 2009. DISCUSSION TIME :27minutes (4:23to 4:50) 10/26/09 Page 7of 12 OCTOBER 26, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 RECLASSIFICATION NO. 2009-00231Resolution No. 2009-109 (DEV2009-00028) (Ament) Owner: Cindy Pham Approved 8161 Ingram Circle Westminster, CA 92683 Applicant:VOTE: 5-0 City of Anaheim Planning Department 200 South Anaheim BoulevardChairman Romero and Anaheim, CA 92805CommissionersAment, Buffa, Karakiand Ramirez voted yes. Location:3203 W Ball Road Commissioners Agarwal and Faessel were absent. This is a City-initiated request to reclassify the property from the (T) Transition zone to the C-G (Commercial- General) zone to permit a wider range of commercial uses in a previously converted residential structure. Environmental Determination: A Negative Declaration has Project Planner: Kevin Clausen been prepared to evaluate the potential environmental kclausen@anaheim.net impacts of this project in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). OPPOSITION: None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 10-dayappeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 5, 2009. DISCUSSION TIME :5minutes (4:50to 4:55) 10/26/09 Page 8of 12 OCTOBER 26, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 RECLASSIFICATION NO.2009-00232Resolution to approve the (DEV2009-00051)reclassification (Ramirez) Owner: Larry Cox Failed to pass 11625 Anabel Avenue Garden Grove, CA92843 VOTE: 1-4 Applicant: City of Anaheim Planning DepartmentCommissioner Ramirez voted yes. 200 South Anaheim BoulevardChairman Romero and Anaheim, CA 92805Commissioners Ament, Buffaand Karakivoted no. Commissioners Location:1427 East Lincoln Avenue Agarwal and Faessel were absent. This is a City-initiated request to reclassify the property Motion to deny the reclassification from the (T) Transition zone to the RS-2 (Single Family Residential) zone to permit the future construction of a (Ament/Karaki) single family home. VOTE: 4-1 Environmental Determination: A Negative Declaration Chairman Romero and has been prepared to evaluate the potential Commissioners Ament, Buffa and environmental impacts of this project in accordance Karaki voted yes. Commissioner with the provisions of the California Environmental Ramirez voted no. Commissioners Quality Act (CEQA).Agarwal and Faessel were absent. Project Planner: Kevin Clausen kclausen@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: Onepersonspoke in opposition to the subject request. Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 10-dayappeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 5, 2009. DISCUSSION TIME :20minutes (4:55to 5:15) (A break was taken from 5:15-5:24) 10/26/09 Page 9of 12 OCTOBER 26, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3515AResolution No. 2009-111 (DEV2009-00021) (Ament) Ownerand Jerry Smylie Applicant:Approved Anaheim Central Congregation ofJehovah’s Witnesses 2143 WestLincoln Avenue VOTE: 5-0 Anaheim, CA92801 Chairman Romero and Location:2143 West Lincoln Avenue Commissioners Ament, Buffa, Karakiand Ramirez voted yes. The applicant proposes an amendment to a previously-Commissioners Agarwal and approved conditional use permit for an existing church Faessel were absent. facility to delete a condition of approval pertaining to hours of operation. Environmental Determination: The proposed action is Project Planner: David See Categorically Exempt from the requirement to prepare dsee@anaheim.net additional environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Class 1 (Existing Facilities). *A request to reinstate the permit was advertised, but staff subsequently determined this action was not needed. OPPOSITION: None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 10-dayappeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 5, 2009. DISCUSSION TIME :8minutes (5:24to 5:32) 10/26/09 Page 10of 12 OCTOBER 26, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 10 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 2009-115Resolution No. 2009-113 (DEV2009-00040) (Romero) Owner: Anaheim Redevelopment Agency Approved 201 SouthAnaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA92805 Applicant:VOTE:5-0 Dr. Amit Desai Sadi, LLCChairman Romero and 5939 Monterey RoadCommissioners Ament, Buffa, Los Angeles, CA90042Karaki and Ramirez voted yes. Commissioners Agarwal and Location:2125 South Manchester Avenue Faessel were absent. The applicant proposes to merge four parcels into two parcels to permit the future construction of a 119-unit affordable apartment complex. Environmental Determination: The proposed action is Project Planner: David See Categorically Exempt from the requirement to prepare dsee@anaheim.net additional environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Class 15 (Minor Land Divisions). OPPOSITION: None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 10-dayappeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 5, 2009. DISCUSSION TIME :5minutes (5:32to 5:37) 10/26/09 Page 11of 12 OCTOBER 26, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 11 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2009-05460 AND Resolution No. 2009-115 REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF PUBLIC Resolution No. 2009-116 CONVENIENCE OR NECESSITY NO. 2009-00061 (Ament) (DEV2009-00037) Owner:Approved Jerry Kolbly Noble Ale Works 9911 Irvine Center Drive, Suite150 VOTE: 5-0 Irvine, CA92618 Chairman Romero and Applicant: RREEF America Reit IIPortfolio, L.P.Commissioners Ament, Buffa, 1630 South Sunkist Avenue, SuiteAKaraki and Ramirez voted yes. Anaheim, CA 92806Commissioners Agarwal and Faessel were absent. Location:1621 South Sinclair Street, Unit B The applicant proposes to operate a brewery and tasting Project Planner: Scott Koehm room with retail sales and on premises consumption of skoehm@anaheim.net alcoholic beverages in an existing industrial building. Environmental Determination: The proposed action is Categorically Exempt from the requirement to prepare additional environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Class 1 (Existing Facilities). OPPOSITION: None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 10-dayappeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 5, 2009. DISCUSSION TIME :8minutes (5:37to 5:45) MEETING ADJOURNED AT 5:46P.M. TO MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2009AT3:30P.M. 10/26/09 Page 12of 12