MN030507 City of Anaheim Planning Commission Action Agenda Monday,March 5, 2007 Council Chamber, City Hall 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California CHAIRMAN: GAIL EASTMAN Commissioners Present : KELLY BUFFA, STEPHEN FAESSEL,CECILIA FLORES, JOSEPH KARAKI, PANKY ROMERO Commissioners Absent : PAT VELASQUEZ Staff Present : Mark Gordon, AssistantCity AttorneyJames Ling, Principal Civil Engineer Greg McCafferty, Principal PlannerJamie Lai,Principal CivilEngineer Judy Dadant, Senior PlannerJessica Nixon, Assistant Planner Della Herrick, Associate PlannerElly Morris, Senior Secretary Michele Irwin, Sr. Police Services Representative Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 1, 2007, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chambers, and also in the outside display kiosk. Published: Anaheim Bulletin Newspaper on Thursday, February 8, 2007 Call To Order Preliminary Plan Review 1:00 P.M. • STAFF UPDATE TO COMMISSION ON VARIOUS CITY DEVELOPMENTS AND ISSUES (AS REQUESTED BY PLANNING COMMISSION) • PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW FOR ITEMS ON THE MARCH 5, 2007AGENDA Recess To Afternoon Public Hearing Session Reconvene To Public Hearing 2:30 P.M. Attendance: 20 For record keeping purposes, if you wish to make a statement regarding any item on the agenda, please complete a speaker card in advance and submit it to the secretary. Pledge Of Allegiance: Commissioner Buffa Public Comments Consent Calendar Public Hearing Items Adjournment You may leave a message for the Planning Commission using the following e-mail address: planningcommission@anaheim.net H:\TOOLS\PCADMIN\PCACTIONAGENDA\2007MINUTES\MN030507.DOC MARCH 5, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Anaheim Planning Commission Agenda -2:30P.M. Public Comments:None This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak on any item under the jurisdiction of the Anaheim Planning Commission or public comments on agenda items with the exception of public hearing items. Consent Calendar: The items on the Consent Calendar will be acted on by one roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time of the voting on the motion unless members of the Planning Commission, staff or the public request the item to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. CommissionerBuffaoffered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Romeroand MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Flores abstained on Items1-Band 1-C,Commissioner Buffa abstained on Item 1-C, Commissioner Velasquezabsent),for approval of Consent Calendar Items1-B and 1-Cas recommended by staff. Consent Calendar Item 1-A was removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED Reports and Recommendations 1A.(a)CEQA MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (PREVIOUSLY- Approved APPROVED) Approved request for (b)VARIANCENO. 2005-04642 determination of substantial (Tracking No. VAR2006-04714) conformance and review of final plans, with modifications Agent: Steve Behrens, Trendwest Resorts, 9805 Willows Road, made at today’s meeting. Redmond, WA 98052 Location: 201 West Katella Avenue:Property is approximately 2.24 Motion: Flores/Faessel acres located at the northwest corner of Katella Avenue and Zeyn Street. VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Velasquez absent Request to determine substantial conformance with exhibits for elevation and roof line modifications for a previously-approved 14- story timeshare resort. Project Planner: (jdadant@anaheim.net) (This item was removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion.) DISCUSSIONTIME:4 minutes (2:35-2:39) 03-05-07 Page 2 MARCH 5, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Minutes 1B.Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Commission Approved Meeting of January 8, 2007.(Motion) Consent Calendar Approval Continued from the January 22, 2007, Planning Commission meeting. VOTE: 5-0 Commissioner Flores abstainedand Commissioner Velasquez absent 1C.Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Commission Approved, with modifications Meeting of January 22, 2007.(Motion) Consent Calendar Approval VOTE: 4-0 Commissioners Buffa and Flores abstained, and Commissioner Velasquez absent 03-05-07 Page 3 MARCH 5, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Public Hearing Items: 2a.CEQANEGATIVE DECLARATION Continued to 2b.WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT March 19, 2007 2c.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2006-05164 Motion: Romero/Faessel Owner:508 North East Street, LLC, 508 North East Street, Anaheim, CA 92807 VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Velasquez absent Agent:Greg Howell, 20561 Suburbia Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 Location:508 North East Street:Property is approximately 1.15 acres and is located at the northeast corner of Sycamore Street and East Street (La Reina Market). Request to permit the expansion of an existing legal non-conforming market with sales of beer and wine for off-premises consumption and to establish land use conformity for an existing legally non-conforming commercial retail center with waiver of minimum number of parking spaces. Continued from the January 8, 2007, Planning Commission meeting. Project Planner: (kwong2@anaheim.net) Conditional Use Permit ResolutionNo. ___________ OPPOSITION:None DISCUSSION TIME:This item was not discussed 03-05-07 Page 4 MARCH 5, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 3a.CEQACATEGORICAL EXEMPTION –CLASS 3 (READVERTISED)Continued to 3b.WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT March 19, 2007 3c.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2005-05030 (TRACKING NO. CUP2006-05180) Motion: Faessel/Buffa Owner:SouthernCalifornia Edison, Frank, 14799 Chestnut Street, Westminster, CA 92683 VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Velasquez absent Agent:Stephanie Li, 14708 Valley Boulevard, City of Industry, CA 91746 Location:1500 South State College Boulevard:Property is approximately 2.1 acres and is located at the southeast corner of State College Boulevard and Cerritos Avenue with frontages of 193 feet on the east side of State College Boulevard and 909 feet on the south side of Cerritos Avenue (Feng Run Gardens). Requestto modify exhibits and conditions of approval for a previously- approved plant nursery with accessory retail sales and to permit a modular unit with waivers of (a) minimum landscape setback and (b) required improvement of right-of-way. Project Planner: Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. _____________ (kwong2@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION:None DISCUSSION TIME:This item was not discussed. 03-05-07 Page 5 MARCH 5, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 4a.CEQANEGATIVE DECLARATION(READVERTISED Approved Faessel/Buffa 4b.WAIVER OF CODE RQUIREMENT Approved Faessel/Buffa 4c.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2006-05137 Granted Faessel Modified Condition No. 19 Owner:Tom S. Hiramatsu Trust, 3030 E. Coronado Street, Anaheim,CA 92806 2602 VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Velasquez Agent:Phillip Schwartze, PRS Group, 31682 Camino Real, absent San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Location: 3040 East Coronado Street:Property is approximately 0.87-acre, having a frontage of 129 feet on the south side of Coronado Street and is located approximately 209 feet west of the centerline of Kraemer Place. Requestto permit an outdoor storage yard in conjunction with a drilling contractor including accessory repair with waivers of (a) minimum number of parking spaces and (b) required fencing abutting a residential use. Continued from the October 16, and November 27, and December 11, 2006, Planning Commission meeting. Project Planner: (dherrick@anaheim.net) Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2007-15 OPPOSITION:None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 27,2007. DISCUSSION TIME:10minutes (2:40-2:50) 03-05-07 Page 6 MARCH 5, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 5a.CEQACATEGORICAL EXEMPTION –CLASS 1 Approved Faessel/Flores (READVERTISED) 5b.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2006-05181 Denied Faessel 5c.DETERMINATION OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE Denied Faessel OR NECESSITY NO. 2007-00032 VOTE: 4-2 Commissioners Flores and Owner:Tokiko Nakamura Trust, 8430 Pebble Beach Ct, Karaki voted no, and Buena Park, CA90621-1054 Commissioner Velasquez absent Agent: Divyesh H. Patel, 98+ Discount Store, 8169 Atlantic Way, Buena Park, CA 90621 Jeannie T. Luong, 34 Brookstone, Irvine, CA 92604 Location: 2629 West Lincoln Avenue:Property is approximately 0.87-acre, having a frontage of 243 feet on the north side of Lincoln Avenue and is located 400 feetwest of the centerline of Magnolia Avenue. Conditional Use Permit No. 2006-05181 -Requestto permit the sales of alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption within a liquor store. Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity No. 2007-00032 - Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity to permit sales of alcoholic beverages for off premises consumption within a liquor store. Conditional Use PermitResolution No. PC2007-16 Project Planner: (jnixon@anaheim.net) Public Convenience orNecessity Resolution No. PC2007-17 OPPOSITION:A person representing West Anaheim Neighborhood Development Council (WAND) spoke in opposition to the subject request. A letter was received,prior to the meeting,in opposition to the subject request Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 27, 2007. DISCUSSION TIME:44minutes (2:51-3:35) 03-05-07 Page 7 MARCH 5, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 6a.CEQACATEGORICAL EXEMPTION –CLASS 1 Approved Karaki/Romero 6b.VARIANCE NO. 2007-04717 Granted Karaki VOTE: 6-0 Owner:Mario Munoz, 115 S. Leola Way, Commissioner Velasquez Anaheim, CA 92807-3514 absent Location:115 South Leola Way:Property is approximately 1.28 acres, having a frontage of 215 feet on the west side of Leola Way and is located 445 feet north of the centerline of Cerro Vista Drive. Requestwaiver of maximum fence height to retain an existing six foot high block wall within the front setback of a single-family home. Project Planner: (jnixon @anaheim.net) Variance Resolution No. PC2007-18 OPPOSITION:None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 27, 2007. DISCUSSION TIME: 17minutes (3:36-3:53) 03-05-07 Page 8 MARCH 5, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 7a.CEQANEGATIVE DECLARATION Approved Karaki/Flores 7b.VARIANCE NO. 2007-04718 Granted Karaki 7c.TENTATIVE PARCELMAP NO. 2006-163 Approved Karaki/Buffa 7d.SPECIMEN TREE REMOVALPERMITNO. 2007-00001 Approved Karaki/Buffa Owner:D&D Autry, LLC, Modified Condition No. 22 17772 Irvine Boulevard. #102, Tustin, CA 92870 VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Velasquez Agent: Rudy Emami, 6435 Shady Valley, absent Anaheim, CA 92807 Location:7730 East Autry Drive:Property isapproximately 3.02 acres, having frontages of 35 feet at the terminus of Autry Drive, a frontage of 204 feet on the south side of Santa Ana Canyon Road and is located 255* feet east of the centerline of Eucalyptus Drive. Variance No. 2007-04718-Request waiver of minimum lot depth adjacent to a Scenic Expressway to construct four single-family detached homes. Tentative Parcel Map No. 2006-163-To establish a 4-lot, 4-unit detached single family subdivision. Specimen TreeRemoval No. 2007-00001-To remove 10 specimen trees. *Advertised as 198 feet. Project Planner: Variance Resolution No.PC2007-19 (dherrick@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION:2peoplespoke in opposition to portions of the subject request. IN GENERAL:A person spoke with some concerns/questions pertaining to the subject request. Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 10-day appeal rights for the Tentative Parcel Map ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 15, 2007; and presented the 22-day appeal rights for the Variance and Specimen Tree Removal Permit ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 27, 2007. DISCUSSION TIME:56minutes (3:54-4:50) (Commissioner Karaki left the Council Chambers at4:51p.m.) 03-05-07 Page 9 MARCH 5, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA A general discussion took place amongst Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney and Commissionerspertaining to rules,regulationsand issuesof residential recovery facilities/group homes. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 5:00P.M. TO MONDAY,MARCH 19, 2007AT 1:00 P.M. FOR PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW. 03-05-07 Page 10