MN101507 City of Anaheim Planning Commission Action Agenda Monday,October 15, 2007 Council Chamber, City Hall 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California Chairman: Kelly Buffa Commissioners Present :Peter Agarwal, Gail Eastman,Stephen Faessel, Joseph Karaki,Panky Romero,Pat Velasquez None Commissioners Absent : Staff Present : Mark Gordon, AssistantCity AttorneyJamie Lai, Principal Civil Engineer Dave See, Senior PlannerDavid Kennedy, Associate Engineer Scott Koehm, Associate PlannerElly Morris, Senior Secretary Kim Wong, PlannerGrace Medina, Senior Secretary Dennis Joe, Planning Aide Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at 2:00 p.m. on October 11, 2007, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chambers, and also in the outside display kiosk. Published: Anaheim Bulletin Newspaper onThursday, October 4, 2007 Call To Order Preliminary Plan Review1:00 P.M. •STAFF UPDATE TO COMMISSION ON VARIOUS CITY DEVELOPMENTS AND ISSUES (AS REQUESTED BY PLANNING COMMISSION) •PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW FOR ITEMS ON THE OCTOBER 15, 2007AGENDA Recess To Public Hearing Reconvene To Public Hearing 2:30 P.M. Attendance: 70 Pledge Of Allegiance: Commissioner Karaki Public Comments Consent Calendar Public Hearing Items Adjournment H:\TOOLS\PCADMIN\PCACTIONAGENDA\2007MINUTES\MN101507.DOC OCTOBER 15, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Anaheim Planning Commission Agenda -2:30 P.M. Public Comments: None Consent Calendar: Commissioner Eastman offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Faessel and MOTION CARRIED, for approval of Consent Calendar Items 1A through 1D as recommended by staff. Reports and Recommendations (a)CEQA SECOND ADDENDUM TO THE POINTE Continued to October 1A. ANAHEIM INITIAL STUDY AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE 29, 2007 DECLARATION (PREVIOUSLY-APPROVED) FINAL SITE PLAN NO. 2007-00009 (b) Consent Calendar Approval Agent: Chris Samuelian Morris Architects 2046 Armacost Avenue VOTE: 7-0 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Location: 500 West Disney Way Continued from the August 20, and the September 17, 2007, Planning Commission meetings. Request review and approval of a final site plan to construct a 400-unit time share within the Anaheim Project Planner: GardenWalk project. (dherrick@anaheim.net) 10-15-07 Page 2of 11 OCTOBER 15, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 1B.CEQA MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (a)Approved (PREVIOUSLY APPROVED) VARIANCE NO. 2004-04626 (b) TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 16545 (c)Consent Calendar Approval (Tracking Nos. VAR2007-04736 and SUB2007-00050) Agent: Jonathan Pearson VOTE: 7-0 California Cove 8105 Irvine Center Drive Suite 800 Irvine, CA 92618 Staff clarified that the staff report should indicate Location: Property is approximately 53-acres, and has a “CEQA Mitigated frontage of 190 feet at the terminus of Avenida de Negative Declaration” Santiago, a maximum depth of 2, 657 feet and is located The agenda has the correct 260 feet from the centerline of Pointe Premier (No language. Address). Request to permit a time extension to comply with conditions of approval for the following applications: Variance No. 2004-04626 –Waiver of required private street standards to construct a private residential street without sidewalks or parkways. Project Planner: (skoehm@anaheim.net) Tentative Tract Map No. 16545 –To establish a 28-lot, 21- unit detached single-family subdivision. 10-15-07 Page 3of 11 OCTOBER 15, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Minutes 1C. Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Approved with Commission Meeting of September 17, 2007.modifications to page 16 Continued from the October 1, 2007 Planning Commission meeting.(Motion) 1D. Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Continued to October Commission Meeting of October 1, 2007.(Motion)29, 2007 Consent Calendar Approval VOTE: 7-0 10-15-07 Page 4of 11 OCTOBER 15, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 2a.CEQAMITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Approved Romero/Eastman (PREVIOUSLY APPROVED) 2b.WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT Approved with 2c.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2003-04816 Romero deletion of time (TRACKING NO. CUP2007-05230) limitation Owner: Southern California Edison 14799 Chestnut Street Westminster, CA 92683 Agent: Anaheim RV Storage 2719 West Lincoln Avenue Anaheim, CA 92801 Location:2719 and2724 West Lincoln Avenue*: Parcel 1: Property is approximately 4-acre, having a frontage of 265 feet on the north side of Lincoln Avenue, and is located 210 feet west of the centerline of La Reina Circle (2719 West Lincoln Avenue). Parcel 2: Property is approximately 1.8 acre, having a frontage of 132 feet on the south side of Lincoln Avenue, and is located 587 feet west of the centerline of Stinson Street (2724 West Lincoln Avenue). Request to delete a condition of approval pertaining to a time limitation for a previously-approved recreational vehicle storage facility and an accessory modular office building approved with waivers of maximum fence height and minimum front yard setback. * Advertised as 2720 and 2721 West Lincoln Avenue. Continued from the October 1, 2007, Planning Commission Meeting. Project Planner: Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2007-119 (djoe@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION: None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 6, 2007. DISCUSSION TIME :9 minutes (4:36-4:45) This item was trailed as the applicant was not present (2:35p.m.) 10-15-07 Page 5of 11 OCTOBER 15, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 3a.CEQANEGATIVE DECLARATION(READVERTISED) Approved Velasquez/Faessel 3b.GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2007-00460 Withdrawn Velasquez/Agarwal 3c.RECLASSIFICATION NO. 2006-00190 Denied Velasquez 3d.WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT Denied Velasquez/Faessel 3e.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2006-05175 Denied Velasquez 3f.TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 17139 Denied / VelasquezFaessel Owner: Natalie Tran Vote on CEQA and 3100 LindacitaLane GPA: 7-0 Anaheim, CA 92804-1715 Vote onRCL, CUP, Quyen Tran Waivers and 237 South BeachBoulevard TTM:4-3 Anaheim, CA 92804-1815 Commissioners Buffa, Eastman and Karaki Agent: Mertco votedno to deny Attn: Roy Ward 2614 Ocean Boulevard Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Location:237 South Beach Boulevard and 3100 West Lindacita Lane: Portion A: This irregularly-shaped 0.27-acre property has a frontage of 47 feet on the southeast side of Lindacita Lane and a maximum depth of 142 feet (3100 West Lindacita Lane). Portion B: This irregularly-shaped 1.68 acres property is a land- locked parcel with a maximum depth of 287 feet and is located north across a flood control channel from 3067 and 3079 West Orange Avenue and is located 175 feet south of the centerline of Grand Avenue (237 South Beach Boulevard). General Plan Amendment No. 2007-00470 – Request withdrawn by applicant. Reclassification No. 2006-00190 – Request reclassification of Portion B from the T (Transition) zone to the RS-4 (Residential, Single-Family) zone,or a less intense zone and to remove the Mobile Home Park Overlay zone. 10-15-07 Page 6of 11 OCTOBER 15, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Conditional Use Permit No. 2006-05175 – Request to construct a 9-unit detached single-family residential subdivision with waiver of improvement of private street for Portions A and B, and waiver of minimum lot area for Portion A. Tentative Tract Map No. 17139 – To establish a 12 numbered and 1 lettered lot, 10-unit detached single-family residential subdivision for Portions A and B. Continued from the June 11, June 25, July 9, August 20, September 5, and the September 17, 2007,Planning Commission Meetings. *Advertised to include Reclassification of Portion A from the RS-2 (Residential, Single-Family) zone to the RS-4 (Residential, Single-Family) zone, or a less intense zone. Reclassification Resolution No. PC2007-117 Project Planner: Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2007-118 (kwong2@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION: 15 people spoke in opposition Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 10-day appeal rights for Tentative Tract Map ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday,October 25, 2007and 22-day appeal rights for the remaining itemsending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday,November 6, 2007. DISCUSSION TIME :57 minutes (2:36-4:30) A 5 minute break was taken (4:30-4:35) (Following this Item, Item No. 2 was heard) 10-15-07 Page 7of 11 OCTOBER 15, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 4a.CEQA MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Approved Karaki/Faessel 4b.GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2007-00457 Recommended City Karaki Council Approval 4c.RECLASSIFICATION NO. 2007-00202 Approved Karaki 4d.WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT Approved Karaki/Faessel 4e.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2007-05216 Granted Karaki Owner: Ellas Properties INC 5395 East La Palma Avenue Vote on CEQA: 7-0 Anaheim, CA 92807 Vote onGPA, RCL, WAIVERSAND Agent: Joseph Marca CUP: 5-2 Caliber Motors Commissioners 5395 East La Palma Avenue Eastman and Romero Anaheim, CA 92807 votedno Location: Property is approximately 1.85-acre, located on the south side of the Riverside Freeway (SR-91) right-of-way with a CUP frontage of 682 feet along the Riverside Freeway, north of Modified Condition Santa Ana Canyon Road, west of SolomonDrive and No. 3 1,357 feet east of the centerline of Via Cortez. Added two conditions General Plan Amendment No. 2007-00457– Request to designate of approval property to the General Commercial land use designation. Conditional Use Permit No. 2007-05216 – Request to permit an outdoor automobile storage and display area in conjunction with an adjacent automobile sales dealership with waiver of landscape setback adjacent to a freeway. Reclassification No. 2007-00202 – Request reclassification of the subject property to the C-G(SC) (General Commercial, Scenic Corridor Overlay) zone. General Plan Amendment Resolution No. PC2007-120 Reclassification Resolution No. PC2007-121 Project Planner: Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2007-122 (skoehm@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION: 2 people spoke with concerns on lighting. Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 6, 2007. DISCUSSION TIME : 1 hour (4:46-5:46) 10-15-07 Page 8of 11 OCTOBER 15, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 5a.CEQAENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTNO. 2007-00337 Recommended ANDMITIGATION MONITORING PLAN NO. 147 City Council Faessel/Velasquez Approval 5b.DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 2007-00003 Recommended Faessel City Council Approval 5c.WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT Approved Faessel/Eastman 5d.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2006-05146 Granted Faessel 5e.SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2007-00048 Recommended Faessel City Council Approval 5f.TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 2007-195 Approved Faessel Owner: Kaiser Foundation 393 East Walnut Street Pasadena. CA 91188 Vote: 7-0 Agent: Duane Luzum DAG Kaiser Permanente Added Condition 1707 Barcelona Circle Nos. 25, 26 and 27 Placentia, CA 92870 Location:3400-3450 East La Palma Avenue: Property is approximately 27 acres, having a frontage of 984 feet on the south side of La Palma Avenue and is located 225 feet east of the centerline of Miller Street. Environmental Impact Report No. 2007-00337 - Request for certification of Environmental Impact Report No. 337, including adoption of a Statement of Findings of Fact, a Statement of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 147 for the Kaiser Hospital project. EIR No. 2007-00337 has been prepared to serve as the primary environmental document for CUP2006-05146, SUBTPM2007-195, DAG2007-00003, and SPN2007-00048 and subsequent actions related to implementation of the project. Implementation is intended to include, but not be limited to, the approval of subdivision maps, grading permits, street improvement plans, final site plans, and other related actions for the Kaiser Hospital project. Future actions related to the Kaiser Hospital project that require additional discretionary review will utilize this document for CEQA purposes to the extent possible, consistent with Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines. 10-15-07 Page 9of 11 OCTOBER 15, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Specific Plan Amendment No. 2007-00048 - Amendment No. 4 to the Northeast Area Specific Plan (SP94-1) to adjust the boundaries of Development Area 4. Conditional Use Permit No. 2006-05146 - To construct a new 1.2 million s.f. Kaiser Hospital campus to include medical office buildings with building heights in excess of 100 feet, a 360 bed hospital, central utility plant, and two parking structures with waivers of (a) minimum landscaped setback abutting La Palma Avenue(withdrawn), and (b) minimum landscaped setback abutting a freeway frontage. Development Agreement No. 2007-00003 – Request to adopt a Development Agreement between the City of Anaheim and Kaiser Foundation to construct a hospital campus in three phases. Tentative Parcel Map No. 2007-195 – To merge 9 parcels into 1 parcel. Environmental Impact Report Resolution No. PC2007-123 Specific Plan Amendment Resolution No. PC2007-124 Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2007-125 Project Planner: Development Agreement Resolution No. PC2007-126 (dsee@anaheim.net) Tentative ParcelMap Resolution No. PC2007-127 OPPOSITION: An email was received prior to the meeting in opposition to the request. Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 10-day appeal rights for Tentative ParcelMap ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday,October 25, 2007and 22-day appeal rightsfortheremaining itemsending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday,November 6, 2007. DISCUSSION TIME :43minutes(5:47-6:30) 10-15-07 Page 10of 11 OCTOBER 15, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 6a.CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION -CLASS 21 Continued to December 6b.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3277 10, 2007 (TRACKING NO. CUP NO. 2007-05251) Owner: Barry Lee Konier Motion: Eastman/Agarwal P.O. Box 2158 Orange, CA 92859 VOTE: 7-0 Agent: City of Anaheim 200 South Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92805 Location:950-970 Tustin Avenue: Property is an irregularly- shaped 2.82-acre property having frontages of 460 feet onthe east side of Tustin Avenue and 665 feet on the south side of the Riverside Freeway (SR-91). City request to initiate the revocation or modification of Conditional Use Permit No. 3277 to permit office uses in an industrial building with waiver of minimum distance between freestanding signs. Project Planner: Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. ____________ (kwong2@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION: None DISCUSSIONTIME :This item was not discussed. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:40 P.M. TO MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2007AT 1:30P.M. FOR PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW. 10-15-07 Page 11of 11