MN020606 CITY OF ANAHEIM Planning Commission Action Agenda Monday, February 6, 2006 Council Chamber, City Hall 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California CHAIRMAN: GAIL EASTMAN Commissioners Present : KELLY BUFFA, CECILIA FLORES, PANKY ROMERO Commissioners Absent : JOSEPH KARAKI, ED PEREZ, PAT VELASQUEZ Staff Present : Mark Gordon, Assistant City AttorneyKimberly Wong, Planning Aide Greg Hastings, Planning Services ManagerMark Lillemoen,Police Officer Master Advanced Greg McCafferty, Principal PlannerMichele Irwin, Sr.Police Services Representative Judy Dadant, Senior PlannerElly Morris, Senior Secretary Della Herrick, Associate Planner Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 2, 2006, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chambers, and also in the outside display kiosk. Published: Anaheim Bulletin Newspaper on Thursday, January 12, 2006 Call To Order Preliminary Plan Review 1:00 P.M. • STAFF UPDATE TO COMMISSION ON VARIOUS CITY DEVELOPMENTS AND ISSUES (AS REQUESTED BY PLANNING COMMISSION) • PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW FOR ITEMS ON THE FEBRUARY 6, 2006 AGENDA Recess To Afternoon Public Hearing Session Reconvene To Public Hearing 2:30 P.M. Attendance: 10 For record keeping purposes, if you wish to make a statement regarding any item on the agenda, please complete a speaker card in advance and submit it to the secretary. Pledge Of Allegiance: CommissionerFlores Public Comments Consent Calendar Public Hearing Items Adjournment You may leave a message for the Planning Commission using the following e-mail address: planningcommission@anaheim.net H:\TOOLS\PCADMIN\PCMINIACT\2006MINUTES\MN020606.DOC FEBRUARY 6, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Anaheim Planning Commission Agenda -2:30 P.M. Public Comments: None This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak on any item under the jurisdiction of the Anaheim Planning Commission or public comments on agenda items with theexception of public hearing items. Consent Calendar: The items on the Consent Calendar will be acted on by one roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time of the voting on the motion unless members of the Planning Commission, staff or the public request the item to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Commissioner Buffaoffered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Romeroand MOTION CARRIED (Commissioners Karaki, Perez and Velasquez absent), for approval of Consent Calendar Items 1-A through 1-D as recommended by staff. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED Reports and Recommendations 1A.(a)CEQA Mitigated Negative Declaration (Previously-Approved)Approved (b)Conditional Use Permit No. 2004-04917 Approved retroactive (Tracking No. CUP2005-0506) 1 extension of time for 2 years (to expire on Agent: Front Porch –Walnut Manor, 303 West Glen Oaks November 1, 2007) Boulevard, Suite 1000, Burbank, CA 91502, Attn: Wendy Cohen Consent Calendar Approval Location:891 South Walnut Street:Property is approximately 7.7 acres located at the northwest corner of Ball Road and VOTE: 4-0 Walnut Street with frontages of 644 feet on the north side Commissioners Karaki, Perez of Ball Road and 600 feet on the west side of Walnut and Velasquez absent Street (Walnut Manor Retirement Community). Request a retroactive time extension for a previously approved 1 to 3- story, 151-unit seniorapartment retirement community including independent living, assisted living, memory impairment and various recreational facilities for senior citizens (Walnut Village) and retain an Project Planner: existing 99-bed skilled nursing facility and chapel with waivers. (dherrick@anaheim.net) 02-06-06 Page 2 FEBRUARY 6, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Minutes 1B.Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Commission Continued to Meeting of December 12, 2005.(Motion)February 22, 2006 Continued from the January 9, 2006, Planning Commission meeting. Consent Calendar Approval VOTE: 4-0 CommissionersKaraki, Perez and Velasquez absent 1C.Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Commission Continued to Meeting of January 9, 2006(Motion)February 22, 2006 Consent Calendar Approval VOTE: 4-0 Commissioners Karaki, Perez and Velasquez absent 1D.Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Commission Continued to Meeting of January 23, 2006(Motion)February 22, 2006 Consent Calendar Approval VOTE: 4-0 Commissioners Karaki, Perez and Velasquez absent 02-06-06 Page 3 FEBRUARY 6, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Public Hearing Items: 2a.CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION Continued to 2b.VARIANCE NO. 2005-04675 February 22, 2006 Owner:The Shops at Stadium Towers, Therese Hotvedt, 1100 Newport Center Drive, Suite 150, Newport Beach, CA Motion: Romero/Flores 92660 Agent:Peter Louis/John Hill, 3195-B Airport Loop Drive, Costa VOTE: 4-0 Mesa, CA 92626 Commissioners Karaki, Perez and Velasquez absent Location:2410 -2420 East Katella Avenue:Property is approximately 2.4 acres, having a frontage of 600 feet on the south side of Katella Avenue and is located 37 feet east of the centerline of Howell Avenue (Stadium Towers Plaza). Request waivers of (a) minimum number of parking spaces, (b) permitted number of tenants on a monument sign, (c) maximum number of monument signs, (d) maximum height of monument sign, (e) permitted number of wall signs, (f) permitted location of wall signs, and (g) maximum height of letters/logos on wall signs to waive minimum number of parking spaces and permitted signs for a previously-approved commercial center. Continued from the January 23, 2006, Planning Commission meeting Project Planner: Variance Resolution No. _____________ (avazquez@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION:None DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed. 02-06-06 Page 4 FEBRUARY 6, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 3a.CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION –CLASS 1 AND 15 Withdrawn 3b.TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 16958 Motion: Flores/Romero Owner:Anaheim Hotel Partnership, LCP, 777 Convention Way, Suite 110, Anaheim, CA 92802 VOTE: 4-0 Agent:Kelly Carlyle, Psomas, 3187 Red Hill, Suite 250, Costa Commissioners Karaki, Mesa, CA 92626 Perez and Velasquez absent Location:777 Convention Way:Property is approximately 8.5 acres, located at the northwest corner of Hotel Way and Convention Way (Anaheim Hilton). Request to establish a 1-lot, airspace hotel subdivision for investment purposes. Continued from the December 12, 2005, January 9, and 23, 2006, Project Planner: Planning Commission meetings.(skim@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION:None DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed. 02-06-06 Page 5 FEBRUARY 6, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 4a.CEQA MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Continued to 4b.VARIANCE NO. 2005-04655 February 22, 2006 4c.TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 2005-157 Motion: Flores/Romero Owner:Gary Calkins Trust, 6263 East Trail Drive, Anaheim, CA 92807 VOTE: 4-0 Agent:Steve Ellis, 4742 Yorba Lane, Yorba Linda, CA 92886 Commissioners Karaki, Perez and Velasquez absent Location:6263 East Trail Drive:Property is approximately 3.2 acres having a frontage of 47 feet at the terminus of Trail Drive and is located 145 feet west of the centerline of Whitestone Drive. Variance No. 2005-04655–Request waivers of (a) maximum structural height, (b) maximum retaining wall height and (c) lot frontage on a public or private street to construct a single-family residence. Tentative Parcel Map No. 2005-157–To establish a 2-lot, 2-unit detached single-family residential subdivision. Continued from the January 9, and January 23, 2006, Planning Commission meetings. Project Planner: Variance Resolution No. _____________ (avazquez@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION:None DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed. 02-06-06 Page 6 FEBRUARY 6, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 5a.CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION Approved, with modifications Flores/Buffa Granted, in part, 5b.VARIANCE NO. 2005-04677 Flores waiver (d) was denied since it has been deleted. Owner:Anaheim Hotel LLC., 600 East Riverpark Lane, Suite 205, Boise, Idaho, 83706 CEQA Added verbiage pertaining to Agent:Bob Suits, Northwest Hospitality Group, 600 East Riverpark Mitigation Monitoring Plan Lane, Suite 205, Boise, Idaho, 83706 No. 72 VAR Location:1855 South Harbor Boulevard:Property is approximately Added a condition of 10.4 acres located at the northwest corner of Harbor approval Boulevard and Convention Way (Sheraton Hotel). Request waivers of (a) minimum number of parking spaces, (b) maximum number of monument signs per street frontage, (c) maximum number of VOTE: 4-0 wall signs and (d) maximum letter height for wall signage to construct a Commissioners Karaki, Perez 8,000 square foot restaurant. and Velasquez absent Variance Resolution No. PC2006-16 Project Planner: (dherrick@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION:None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 28, 2006. DISCUSSION TIME: 10 minutes (2:42-2:52) 02-06-06 Page 7 FEBRUARY 6, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 6a.CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION Continued to 6b.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2005-05060 March20, 2006 6c.DETERMINATION OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE OR NECESSITY NO. 2005-00024 Motion: Buffa/Flores Owner:Pietro T. Trozzi, 9471 Gateshead Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 VOTE: 4-0 Commissioners Karaki, Agent:Rick Solberg, Solberg & Associates, 201 East Center Perez and Velasquez absent Street, Anaheim, CA 92805 Location:3242 West Lincoln Avenue:Property is approximately 1.5 acres, located east and south of the southeast corner of Westchester Drive and Lincoln Avenue, having frontages of 136 feet on the south side of Lincoln Avenue and 187 feet on the east side of Westchester Drive (Maria’s Pizzeria and Billiards). Conditional Use Permit No. 2005-05060 –Request to permit a restaurant and billiard facility with the on-premises sale and consumption of beer and wine withwaiver of minimum number of required parking spaces. Determination of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 2005-00024 – Request to permit sales of beer and wine for on-premises consumption within a restaurant and billiard facility. Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. _____________ Project Planner: Public Convenience or Necessity Resolution No. ___________ (kwong2@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION:2 people representing West Anaheim Neighborhood Development Council(WAND) spoke in opposition to the subject request. A letter was received in opposition to the subject request. DISCUSSION TIME: 1 hour and 30 minutes (2:53-4:23) MEETING ADJOURNED AT 4:25 P.M. TO WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2006 AT 1:00 P.M. FOR PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW. 02-06-06 Page 8