MN071006 CITY OF ANAHEIM Planning Commission Action Agenda Monday, July 10, 2006 Council Chamber, City Hall 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California CHAIRMAN: GAIL EASTMAN Commissioners Present : KELLY BUFFA, STEPHEN FAESSEL,CECILIA FLORES, PANKY ROMERO, PAT VELASQUEZ Commissioners Absent : JOSEPH KARAKI Staff Present : Mark Gordon, AssistantCity AttorneyDella Herrick, Associate Planner Greg Hastings, Planning Services ManagerElaine Thienprasiddhi, Planner Greg McCafferty, Principal PlannerRudy Emami, Principal Engineer Dave See, Senior PlannerElly Morris, Senior Secretary Susan Kim, Associate Planner Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at10:00 a.m. onThursday,July 6, 2006, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chambers, and also in the outside display kiosk. Published: Anaheim Bulletin Newspaper on Thursday,June 15,2006 Call To Order Preliminary Plan Review 1:00 P.M. •Staff update to Commission on various City developments and issues (As requested by Planning Commission) •Preliminary Plan Review for items on the July 10, 2006 agenda Recess To Afternoon Public Hearing Session Reconvene To Public Hearing 2:30 P.M. Attendance:20 For record keeping purposes, if you wish to make a statement regarding any item on the agenda, please complete a speaker card in advance and submit it to the secretary. Pledge Of Allegiance: Commissioner Flores Public Comments Consent Calendar Public Hearing Items Adjournment You may leave a message for the Planning Commission using the following e-mail address: planningcommission@anaheim.net H:\TOOLS\PCADMIN\PCMINIACT\2006MINUTES\MN071006.DOC JULY10, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Anaheim Planning CommissionAgenda -2:30P.M. Public Comments: None This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak on any item under the jurisdiction of the Anaheim Planning Commission or public comments on agenda items with the exception of public hearing items. Planning Commission Appointments: Appointment of a Planning Commission Chairman(Motion) Appointment of a Planning Commission Chairman Pro-Tempore(Motion) ACTION:Commissioner Faessel offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Romeroand MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Karaki absent), that the Anaheim Planning Commission does hereby elect to reappoint Chairman Gail Eastman as Commission Chairman for 2006/2007. ACTION:Commissioner Velasquezoffered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Faesseland MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Karaki absent), that the Anaheim Planning Commission does hereby elect Commissioner Kelly Buffa as Commission Chairman Pro-Tempore for 2006/2007. Consent Calendar: The items on the Consent Calendar will be acted on by one roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time of the voting on the motion unless members of the Planning Commission, staff or the public request the item to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Commissioner Romero offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Floresand MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Karaki absent), for approval of Consent Calendar Item1-A as recommended by staff. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED Minutes 1A.Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Commission Continued to Meeting of June 26, 2006.(Motion)July 24, 2006 Consent Calendar Approval VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Karaki absent 07-10-06 Page 2 JULY10, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Public Hearing Items: 2a.CEQANEGATIVE DECLARATION Continued to 2b.WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT August 7,2006 2c.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2006-05083 Motion: Flores/Faessel Owner:Guillermo M. Aguirre, 415 North Sunkist Street, Anaheim, CA 92806 VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Karaki absent Agent:Rob Perez, Parsons, 19752 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 240, Irvine, CA 92612 Location:1920 East Center Street:Property is approximately 0.37- acre, having a frontage of approximately 114 feet on the south side of Center Street and is located approximately 345 feet west of the centerline of State College Boulevard. Request to permit a telecommunications antenna (disguised as a pine tree) with accessory ground-mounted equipment with waiver of maximum permitted fence height. Project Planner: Continued from the May 15, and June 12, 2006, Planning Commission meetings.(dherrick@anaheim.net) Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. _____________ OPPOSITION:None DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed. 07-10-06 Page 3 JULY10, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 3a.CEQANEGATIVE DECLARATION (READVERTISED) Approved Buffa/Velasquez 3b.RECLASSIFICATION NO. 2006-00175 Granted Buffa 3c.WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT Approved Buffa/Velasquez 3d.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2006-05101 Granted Buffa 3e.TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 16972 Approved Buffa/Faessel Owner:Tom Doyle, 700 South Street LLC, 94 Discovery, Irvine, CA CUP 92618 Modified Condition Nos. 33, 34 and 35 Agent:Chris Campbell, The Olson Company, 3020 Old Ranch Parkway, Suite 400, Seal Beach, CA 90740 Condition Nos. 43 and 44 were added to the Location:700 East South Street:Property is approximately 3 acres, conditions of approval. having frontages of 212 feet on the south side of South Street and islocated 150 feet east of the centerline of Dakota Street.VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Karaki absent Reclassification No. 2006-00175 –Request reclassification of the subject property from the I (Industrial) zone to the RM-4 (Multiple-Family Residential) zone, or a less intense zone. ConditionalUse Permit No. 2006-05101 –Request to construct a 63- unit attached condominium complex with affordable units with an incentive for required improvement of private street, and waiver of sound attenuation for residential developments.* Tentative Tract MapNo. 16972 –To establish a 1-lot, 63-unit airspace attached residential condominium subdivision. *Advertised with “and a density bonus with waivers of (a) improvement of private street, and (b) sound attenuation for residential developments”. Continued from the June 26, 2006, Planning Commission meeting. Reclassification Resolution No. PC2006-63 Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2006-64 Project Planner: (dsee@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION:None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 10-day appeal rights for the Tentative Tract Map ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 20, 2006, and presented the 22-day appeal rights for the Reclassification and Conditional Use Permit ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 1, 2006. DISCUSSION TIME:40minutes (2:42-3:22) 07-10-06 Page 4 JULY10, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 4a.CEQA ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 330 Continued to (PREVIOUSLY-CERTIFIED)August 7, 2006 4b.ZONING CODE AMENDMENT NO. 2006-00049 Motion: Flores/Faessel Agent:City of Anaheim, 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, CA, 92805 VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Karaki absent Location:Citywide Requestto amend Chapter 18.52 (Density Bonus) of the Anaheim Municipal Code to reflect current California State Government Code Sections 65915 through 65918, Density Bonuses and Other Incentives, and to request approval of a Density Bonus Implementation Regulations document to be referenced in Chapter 18.52. Project Planner: (tsato@anaheim.net) Zoning Code Amendment Resolution No. _____________ OPPOSITION:None DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed. 07-10-06 Page 5 JULY10, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 5a.CEQANEGATIVE DECLARATION Approved Velasquez/Flores 5b.WAIVER OF CODEREQUIREMENT Approved Velasquez/Faessel 5c.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2006-05084 Granted Velasquez Owner:The Church in Anaheim, 2528 West La Palma Avenue, Replaced verbiage for Anaheim, CA 92801-2611 Condition No. 8 Agent:Michio Miyake, Acaciawood School, Inc., 2530 West La Deleted Condition Nos. 12 Palma Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92801 and 18 Location:2530 West La Palma Avenue:Property is approximately Modified Condition Nos. 16 2.2 acres, having frontages of 180 feet on the south side of and 19 La Palma Avenue and is located676 feet east of the centerline of Magnolia Avenue (Acaciawood School). VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Karaki absent Request to expand and retain an existing private school in conjunction with an existing church to add grades 1 through 7 to an existing school for grades 8 through 12 with waiver ofminimum number of parking spaces. Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2006-65 Project Planner: (dherrick@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION:None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 1, 2006. DISCUSSION TIME:12minutes (3:23-3:35) 07-10-06 Page 6 JULY10, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 6a.CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION Continued to 6bWAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT July 24, 2006 6c.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2005-05055 Motion: Buffa/Faessel Owner:Albert Bahu, 757 Encanto, Corona, CA 92883 VOTE: 6-0 Location:5700 East La Palma Avenue:Property is approximately Commissioner Karaki absent 0.52-acre and is located at the southeastcorner of La Palma Avenue and Imperial Highway. Request to construct a three (3) unit commercial retail center and to permit roof-mounted equipment in the Scenic Corridor (SC) Overlay Zone with waiver of minimum landscape and structural setback. Project Planner: (kwong2@anaheim.net) Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. _____________ OPPOSITION:None DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed. 07-10-06 Page 7 JULY10, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 7a.CEQA ENVIROMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 330 Approved Flores/Faessel (PREVIOUSLY CERTIFIED) Recommended City 7bGENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2005-00431 Flores Council adoption of GPA 7c.AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO THE NORTHEAST AREA Flores Recommended City SPECIFICPLAN NO. 94-1 Council adoption of (TRACKING NO. SPN2006-00035) Amendment No. 3 to the Northeast Area Specifi c Plan No. 94-1 Owner:City-Initiated Location:Citywide and as described in the tables below. VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Karaki absent Request:General Plan Amendment No. 2005-00431 – City -initiated (Planning Department) request to amend the Land Use, Circulation, Green and Growth Management Elements of the General Plan to incorporate various textual refinements and clarifications; to update various maps and tables resulting from General Plan Amendments approved since the 2004 comprehensive update to the General Plan, to revise the Corridor Residential land use designation description to allow for detached single-family residential uses in conjunction with attached single-family residential uses and to remove references to the minimum one acre project size requirement; to amend theGreen Element to include three additional parks and the expansion of an existing park facility; and, to redesignate properties as identified in thetablesbelow: 07-10-06 Page 8 JULY10, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA General Plan Amendment No. 2005-00431 LocationExisting DesignationProposed Designation Broadway/Manchester Ave. ParksRailroad (APN: 03605027) Broadway/Manchester Ave. (APN: General CommercialRailroad none) 853 W. Cottonwood CircleOpen SpaceParks 1280 E Lincoln Ave.SchoolsMedium Density Residential 1710 S Anaheim WayGeneral CommercialParks 1730 S Anaheim WayGeneral CommercialParks Anaheim Way, west of Claudina Way General CommercialParks (APN: 08223078) Anaheim Way, west of Claudina Way General CommercialParks (APN: 08223080) 2748 W Lincoln Ave.Low-Medium Density ResidentialMedium Density Residential 2726 W Lincoln Ave.Low-Medium Density ResidentialMedium Density Residential 2736 W Lincoln Ave.Low-Medium Density ResidentialMedium Density Residential Southwest of Santa Ana St./Olive St. Low-Medium Density ResidentialRailroad (APN: 25108124) 1001 N Harbor Blvd.InstitutionalGeneral Commercial 515 W La Palma Ave.InstitutionalGeneral Commercial 1011 N Harbor Blvd.InstitutionalGeneral Commercial 525 W La Palma Ave.InstitutionalGeneral Commercial 1340 N Red Gum St. General CommercialIndustrial 1330 N Red Gum St.General CommercialIndustrial 1320 N Red Gum St.General CommercialIndustrial 1310 N Red Gum St.General CommercialIndustrial 2985 E Miraloma Ave.General CommercialIndustrial 2983 E Miraloma Ave.General CommercialIndustrial 2926 E Miraloma Ave.General CommercialIndustrial 2940 E Miraloma Ave.General CommercialIndustrial 1260 N Red Gum St.General CommercialIndustrial 8160 E BauerInstitutionalParks *Advertised as Cottonwood Cir./VermontAve. (APN: 03627027) 07-10-06 Page 9 JULY10, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Amendment No. 3 to the Northeast Area Specific Plan No. 94-1 (Tracking No. SPN2006-00035)- To adjust its associated Development Area (DA) boundaries to be consistent with the revised General Plan land use designations proposed as part of GPA2005- 00431, as identified in the following table below. Amendment No. 3 to the Northeast Area Specific Plan No. 94-1 (Tracking No. SPN2006-00035) Current LocationProposed Development Area Development Area 1340 N Red GumSt.DA 5 -CommercialDA 1 -Industrial 1330 N Red Gum St.DA 5 -CommercialDA 1 -Industrial 1320 N Red Gum St.DA 5 -CommercialDA 1 -Industrial 1310 N Red Gum St.DA 5 -CommercialDA 1 -Industrial 2985 E Miraloma Ave.DA 5 -CommercialDA 1 -Industrial 2983 E Miraloma Ave.DA 5 -CommercialDA 1 -Industrial 2926 E Miraloma Ave.DA 5 -CommercialDA 1 -Industrial 2940 E Miraloma Ave.DA 5 -CommercialDA 1 -Industrial 1260 N Red Gum St.DA 5 -CommercialDA 1 -Industrial Project Planner: General Plan Amendment Resolution No. PC2006-66 (ethien@anaheim.net) Specific Plan Amendment Resolution No.PC2006-67 OPPOSITION:None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, stated this item would be set for a public hearing before the City Council. DISCUSSION TIME:7 minutes(3:36-3:43) 07-10-06 Page 10 JULY10, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 8a.CEQA ENVIROMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 330 Recommended City Buffa/Flores (PREVIOUSLY CERTIFIED)Council approval RecommendedCity 8bZONING CODE AMENDMENT NO. 2006-00046 Buffa/Flores Council adoption of the (Tracking Nos. SPN NO. 2006-00037, SPN NO. 2006-00038, SPN NO. 2006-00039, SPN NO. 2006-00040, draft Ordinance SPN NO. 2006-00041) Owner:City-Initiated VOTE: 6-0 Location:Citywide: Commissioner Karaki absent Request:City-initiated request (Planning Department) to amend various sections of Title 18 "Zoning" of the Anaheim Municipal Code to correct various errors and omissions; clarify text; provide consistency with other chapters of the Anaheim Municipal Code including provisions related to bingo games and permitting trailers to be parked in driveways; increase encroachment allowances for patios and canopies in the RS-3 and RS-4 Zones; allow the Planning Director to approve refuse containers fully screened from public view in the front setback; provide more flexible criteria for architecturally enhancing building walls; allow additional commercial uses within the O-H Zone when fully integrated with an office building; provide a process for “Dwelling Unit Transfers” within certain areas of the PTMU (Platinum Triangle Mixed Use) OverlayZone; add "Community and Religious Assembly" to the list ofuses permitted in a residential structure subject to a conditional use permit; modify special event permit requirements; modify setbacks for certain locations along Anaheim Boulevard and Lincoln Avenue to provide consistency with existing building setbacks; change procedures related to the Zoning Administrator; provide an appeal process for Planning Director decisions; provide an administrative review process for "Minor Modifications"; streamline the administrative adjustment public hearing process; modifydevelopment requirements related to the implementation of the General Plan Corridor Residential land use designation; modify requirements for small collection recycling facilities; modify sign standards for the Disneyland Resort Specific No. 92-1 (Adjustment No. 6 -SPN2006-00037); amend the zoning and development standards for the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2 in their entirety to provide consistent formatting with Title 18 (Zoning Code) along with minor modifications and clarifications (Adjustment No. 5 -SPN2006- 00038);modify sign standards for the Hotel Circle SpecificPlan No. 93-1 (Adjustment No. 2 -SPN2006-00039); allow hospitals by conditional use permit in Development Area 4 and fast food and take-out restaurants as primary permitted uses in Development Area 5 of the Northeast Area Specific Plan No. 94-1 (Adjustment No. 10 -SPN2006-00040); and, provide a procedure for fence Project Planner: (skim@anaheim.net) relocation in the Highlands at Anaheim Hills Specific Plan No. 87- 1 (Adjustment No. 1 -SPN2006-00041). 07-10-06 Page 11 JULY10, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA OPPOSITION:None Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 1, 2006. DISCUSSION TIME:11minutes (3:44-3:55) MEETING ADJOURNED AT 3:56P.M. TO MONDAY, JULY24, 2006 AT 1:00 P.M. FOR PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW. 07-10-06 Page 12