MN061305 CITY OF ANAHEIM Planning Commission Mini Action Agenda Monday, June 13, 2005 Council Chamber, City Hall 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California CHAIRMAN: GAIL EASTMAN Commissioners Present : KELLY BUFFA, CECILIA FLORES, JOSEPH KARAKI, ED PEREZ, PANKY ROMERO, PAT VELASQUEZ Commissioners Absent : NONE Staff Present : Mark Gordon, Deputy City AttorneyMark Asturias, Redevelopment Manager Greg Hastings, Planning Services ManagerAndy Nogal, Project Manager II Greg McCafferty, Principal PlannerElly Morris, Senior Secretary Michele Irwin, Sr.Police Services Representative Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 9, 2005, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chambers, and also in the outside display kiosk. Published: Anaheim Bulletin Newspaper on Thursday, May 19, 2005 Call To Order Preliminary Plan Review 1:00 P.M. •Staff update to Commission on various City developments and issues (As requested by Planning Commission) •Preliminary Plan Review for items on the June 13, 2005 agenda •Conditional Use Permit No. 2005-04960 –to consider initiating revocation proceedings for failure to comply with conditions of approval. •Discussion to consider changing the time of the public hearing. Recess To Afternoon Public Hearing Session Reconvene To Public Hearing 2:00 P.M. For record keeping purposes, if you wish to make a statement regarding any item on the agenda, please complete a speaker card inadvance and submit it to the secretary. Pledge Of Allegiance: Commissioner Velasquez Public Comments Consent Calendar Public Hearing Items Adjournment You may leave a message for the Planning Commission using the following e-mail address: planningcommission@anaheim.net H:\TOOLS\PCADMIN\PCMINIACT\2005MINUTES\MN061305.DOC JUNE 13, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA Anaheim Planning Commission Agenda -2:00 P.M. Items Of Public Interest: Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance: New Planning Commissioner –Panky Romero . Panky Romero was sworn in as Planning Commissioner by Linda Nguyen, DeputyCity Clerk. Public Comments: None This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak on any item under the jurisdiction of the Anaheim Planning Commission or public comments on agenda items with the exception of public hearing items. Consent Calendar: The items on the Consent Calendar will be acted on by one roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time of the voting on the motion unless members of the Planning Commission, staff or the public request the item to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Commissioner Perez offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Velasquez and MOTION CARRIED, for approval of Consent Calendar Items 1-A through 1-C and 1-E as recommended by staff. Consent Calendar Item 1-D was removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED Reports and Recommendations 1A.(a)Conditional Use Permit No. 2056 –Request for Termination Terminated () Tracking No. CUP2005-04993 Consent Calendar Approval Agent: Said Abuqartoumy, The Car Man Auction, INC, 2920 East La Jolla, Anaheim, CA 92806 VOTE: 7-0 Location: 2920 East La Jolla Street. Request to terminate Conditional Use Permit No. 2056 (to permit a contractor’s storage yard). Termination Resolution No. PC2005-91 kwong2@anaheim.net 06-13-05 Page 2 JUNE 13, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 1B.(a)Variance No. 4209 –Request for Termination Terminated (Tracking No. VAR2005-04657) nd Agent: Jack Jakosky, Jakosky Properties, 503 32Street, Suite Consent Calendar Approval 200, Newport Beach, CA 92663 VOTE: 7-0 Location: 5747 East Santa Ana Canyon Road. Requests to terminate Variance No. 4209 (waiver of prohibited roof- mounted equipment to retain a roof-mounted satellite dish antenna in the Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone). kwong2@anaheim.net Termination Resolution No. PC2005-92 06-13-05 Page 3 JUNE 13, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 1C.Conditional Use Permit Nos. 1608, 1727, 1735, 3221 , 2001-04428, Terminated and 2003-04750 -Request for Termination (Tracking No. CUP2005-04994) Consent Calendar Approval nd Owner:Jack Jakosky, Jakosky Properties, 503 32Street, Suite VOTE: 7-0 200, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Location: 5747 East Santa Ana Canyon Road. Request to terminate Conditional Use Permit No. 1608(to permit on- sale beer and wine in a proposed restaurant), Conditional Use Permit No. 1727(to permit sales of (a) beer and wine for on-premises consumption in a proposed restaurant, and (b) alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption in a proposed restaurant, Conditional Use Permit No. 1735(to permit sales of beer and wine for on-premises consumption in a proposed restaurant), Conditional Use Permit No. 3221(to permit a veterinary clinic), Conditional Use Permit No. 2001- 04428(to permit the expansion of an existing full-service restaurant, including outdoor dining areas and the continued sales of alcoholic beverages of on-premises consumption in conjunction with an existing commercial retail center) and Conditional Use Permit No. 2003-04750 (to construct a full service restaurant with on-premises sales and consumption of alcoholic beverages, including outdoor dining, and roof- mounted equipment in the CL (SC) zone with waivers of maximum number of wall signs and minimum front setback adjacent to a scenic highway). Termination Resolution No. PC2005-93 kwong2@anaheim.net 06-13-05 Page 4 JUNE 13, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 1D.(a)CEQA Exemption –Sections 15061(b)(3) & 15262 Concurred with staff Velasquez/Buffa (b)General Plan Amendment No. 2004-00420 Approved initiation of a Velasquez/Buffa (Tracking No. GPA2005-00432) General Plan Amendment Agent: City of Anaheim, Planning Department, 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Suite 162, Anaheim, CA 92805 Consent Calendar Approval VOTE: 7-0 Location: No Address. City-Initiated request to initiate a General Plan Amendment for the following: 1)Amend the City of Anaheim General Plan Circulation Element redesignating a segment of Cerritos Avenue from a Primary Arterial Highway with a typical with a typical right-of-way width of up to 120 feet to a Secondary Arterial Highway with a typical right-of-way width of up to 90 feet in width; and 2)Amend the City of Anaheim General Plan Circulation Element to provide for a segment of Gene Autry Way to be up to 170 feet in width to provide for the construction of the Gene Autry “Grand Parkway”. This segment of Gene Autry Way is designated as a primary arterial with a current typical right-of-way width of up to vnorwood@anaheim.net 120 feet. (This item was removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion.) IN OPPOSITION: Gus Duran, representative forLennar Companyspoke in opposition to the proposed request as the additional right-of-waywould cause a financial burden upon their property. DISCUSSION: 7 minutes (2:20-2:27) 06-13-05 Page 5 JUNE 13, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA Minutes 1E.Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Commission Continued to June 27, 2005 Meeting of June 1, 2005(Motion) Consent Calendar Approval VOTE: 7-0 06-13-05 Page 6 JUNE 13, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA Public Hearing Items: 2a.CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION Approved Flores/Buffa 2b.VARIANCE NO. 2005-04652 Granted Flores 2c.WAIVER OF COUNCIL POLICY NO. 542-Approved Flores/Buffa SOUND ATTENUATION FOR RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS Agent:Elisa Stipkovich, Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, 201 Added a condition of South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805 approval pertaining to complying with the noise Location:802-808 East Broadway, 801 East Santa Ana Street and study report, Title 24 409-421 South Vine Street.Property is approximately 2.3 and the Uniform acres, located on the west side of Vine Street between Building Code. Broadway and Santa Ana Street. Variance No. 2005-04652 -Request for waivers of (a) minimum front yard Modified Condition No.30 setback, (b) maximum and minimum building wall length, (c) improvement of public right-of-way, (d) type of parking spaces, (e) required parking lot landscaping, (f) maximum wall height, (g) minimum number of parking spaces, and (h) minimum interior setback to construct 60-unit, 3-story VOTE:7-0 “affordable” apartment complex. Waiver of Council Policy No. 542-Pertaining to sound attenuation for residential projects to construct 60-unit, 3-story “affordable” apartment complex. Petitioner requests Planning Commission review and recommendation to the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency of basic concept drawings for a 60- unit, “affordable” apartment complex. Variance Resolution No. PC2005-94 dsee@anaheim.net OPPOSITION:None Mark Gordon, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 5, 2005. DISCUSSION TIME:15Minutes (2:28-2:43) 06-13-05 Page 7 JUNE 13, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 3a.CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION Approved (PREVIOUSLY-APPROVED) Velasquez/Buffa 3b.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3732 Approved, in part Velasquez (TRACKING NO. CUP2005-04987) Owner:Vaskin Koshkerian, 10621 Equestrian Drive, Santa Ana, CA (Denying the portion of the request pertaining to the 92705-0000 sales of single bottles and cans of beer and wine.) Agent:Bhupinder S. Mac, 1198 South State College Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805 VOTE:7-0 Andrew Paszterko, Gasoline Retail Facilities Consulting, 2055 North Alvarado Street, Los Angeles, CA 90039 Location:1198 South State College Boulevard.Property is approximately 0.52-acre, located at the northeast corner of Ball Road and State College Boulevard Request to amend or delete conditions of approval pertaining to hours of operation and restrictions on packaging of beer and wine products in conjunction with a previously-approved conversion of a service station repair bay area within an existing service station to a convenience market with off- premises sale and consumption of beer and wine. Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2005-95 jramirez@anaheim.net OPPOSITION:A person representing United Oil Company (Union 76) spoke in opposition to the proposedhours of operation for off-premises sale and consumption of beer and wine for the subject facility. Mark Gordon, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 5, 2005. DISCUSSION TIME: 25 Minutes (2:44-3:09) 06-13-05 Page 8 JUNE 13, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 4a.CEQA MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND MITIGATION Continued to MONITORING PLAN NO. 131*June 27, 2005 4b.TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 16826 4c.DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. DAG2005-00006 Motion: Flores/Perez Owner:Stadium Land Partners, LLC, Brad Redelsperger, c/o Newport Federal, 4425Jamboree, #250, Newport Beach, CA 92660 VOTE: 7-0 Agent:John Stanek, Integral Partners, 160 Newport Center Drive, Suite 240, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Location:2045 South State College Boulevard.Property is approximately 3.8 acres with a frontage of 292 feet on the west side of State College Boulevard and located 337 feet north of the centerline of Orangewood Avenue (Gateway Centre Condominiums). Request to approve a Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project and circulated for public/responsibleagency review in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State and City of Anaheim CEQA Guidelines. The Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration is available for public review (May 19, 2005 until June 7, 2005) and copies of thedocument are available for review at the City of Anaheim Planning Department, 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim CA 92805. Development Agreement No. DAG2005-00006-Request to recommend City Council adoption of Development Agreement between the City of Anaheim and Newport Federal for the Gateway Centre Condominium Project to construct a 266-unit residential condominium project. Tentative Tract Map No. 16826 -To establish a 1-lot, 266-unit airspace attached residential condominium subdivision. jpramirez@anaheim.net Development Agreement Resolution No. _____________ OPPOSITION:None DISCUSSION TIME:This item was not discussed. 06-13-05 Page 9 JUNE 13, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 5a.CEQA Negative Declaration(Readvertisment) Continued to 5b.Reclassification No. 2004-00141 July 11, 2005 5c.Conditional Use Permit No. 2004-04951 5d.Tentative Tract Map No. 16833 Motion: Flores/Eastman Owner:Marci Odon, 3117 West Ball Road, Anaheim, CA 92804 Agent:Walter Bowman, Bonanni Development, 5622 Research VOTE: 7-0 Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Location:3117, 3121 and 3125 West Ball Road.Property is 1.4 acres, having a frontage of 198 feet on the north side of Ball Road located 741 feet east of the centerline of Western Avenue. Reclassification No. 2004-00141-Request reclassification of the property from the T (Transition) zone to the RM-3 (Residential, Multiple- Family) zone, or less intense zone. Conditional Use Permit No. 2004-04951–Request to permit a 16-unit attached and detached single-familyresidential subdivision. Tentative Tract Map No. 16833–To establish a 1-lot 16-unit attached and detached single-family residential subdivision. Continued from February 7, 23, March 7, April 4, and May 2, 2005, Planning Commission meetings. Reclassification Resolution No. _____________ Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. _____________ avazquez@anaheim.net OPPOSITION:None DISCUSSION TIME:This item was not discussed. 06-13-05 Page 10 JUNE 13, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA There was discussion amongst staff and the Planning Commission to agendize the matter pertaining to Conditional Use Permit No. 2005-04960 to the June 27, 2005, Planning Commission Agenda: Conditional Use Permit No. 2005-04960 –to consider revocationormodification proceedings for failure to comply with conditions of approval. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was discussion amongst the Planning Commission regarding changing the time of the public hearing items. MOTION: Commissioner Floresoffered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Buffaand MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim Planning Commission does hereby approve to changethe Planning Commission meeting public hearing start time from 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., in order to allow additional time for the Preliminary Plan Review session. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 3:15 P.M. TO MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2005 AT 10:00 A.M. FOR A TOUR OF THE MOUNTAIN PARK SPECIFIC PLAN AREA AND PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW 06-13-05 Page 11