MN072505 CITY OF ANAHEIM Planning Commission Mini Action Agenda Monday, July 25, 2005 Council Chamber, City Hall 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California CHAIRMAN: GAIL EASTMAN Commissioners Present : KELLY BUFFA, CECILIA FLORES, ED PEREZ, PANKY ROMERO, PAT VELASQUEZ Commissioners Absent : JOSEPH KARAKI Staff Present : Mark Gordon, Deputy City AttorneyTaherJalai, Principal Traffic Engineer Greg Hastings, Planning Services ManagerJames Ling, Associate Civil Engineer Greg McCafferty, Principal PlannerAmy Vazquez, Associate Planner Judy Dadant, Senior PlannerElaine Thienprasiddhi, Planner John Ramirez, Associate PlannerElly Morris, Senior Secretary Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 21, 2005, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chambers, and also in the outside display kiosk. Published: Anaheim Bulletin Newspaper on Thursday, June 30, 2005. Call To Order Preliminary Plan Review 11:30 A.M. • STAFF UPDATE TO COMMISSION ON VARIOUS CITY DEVELOPMENTS AND ISSUES (AS REQUESTED BY PLANNING COMMISSION) • PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW FOR ITEMS ON THE JULY 25, 2005 AGENDA Recess To Afternoon Public Hearing Session Reconvene To Public Hearing 2:30 P.M. For record keeping purposes, if you wish to make a statement regarding any item on the agenda, please complete a speaker card in advance and submit it to the secretary. Pledge Of Allegiance: Commissioner Perez Public Comments Consent Calendar PublicHearing Items Adjournment You may leave a message for the Planning Commission using the following e-mail address: planningcommission@anaheim.net H:\TOOLS\PCADMIN\PCMINIACT\2005MINUTES\MN072505.DOC JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA Anaheim Planning Commission Agenda -2:30P.M. Public Comments: None This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak on any item under the jurisdiction of the Anaheim Planning Commission or public comments on agenda items with the exception of public hearing items. Planning Commission Appointments: Appointment of a Planning Commission Chairman(Motion) ACTION:Commissioner Flores offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Velasquezand MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Karaki absent), that the Anaheim Planning Commission does hereby elect to reappoint ChairmanGail Eastman as Commission Chairmanfor 2005/2006. REQUEST FOR CONSIDERATION OF POTENTIAL APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVES AND ALTERNATES FOR THE FOLLOWING: Anaheim Transportation Network Board of Directors Utilities Underground Conversion Subcommittee (Continued from the June 27, 2005, Planning Commission meeting.) ACTION:Commissioner Flores offered a motion, seconded by ChairmanEastmanand MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Karaki absent), that the Anaheim Planning Commission does hereby appoint Chairman Gail Eastman to serve asthe Planning Commission representative for theAnaheim Transportation Network Board of Directors. ACTION:Commissioner Flores offered a motion, seconded by ChairmanEastmanand MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Karaki absent), that the Anaheim Planning Commission does hereby appoint Commissioner Romero to serve asthe Planning Commission representative for the Utilities Underground ConversionSubcommittee; and does hereby appoint Commissioner Perez to serve asthe Planning Commission alternaterepresentative for the Utilities Underground Conversion Subcommittee. 07-25-05 Page 2 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA Consent Calendar: The items on the Consent Calendar will be acted on by one roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time of the voting on the motion unless members of the Planning Commission, staff or the public request the item to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Commissioner Perezoffered a motion, seconded by CommissionerVelasquezand MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Buffa abstained on Items 1-H and 1-J, Commissioners Flores and Romero abstained on Items 1-F and 1-I, and Commissioner Karaki absent), for approval of Consent Calendar Items 1-A through 1-J) as recommended by staff. UNANIMOUSLYAPPROVED Reports and Recommendations 1A.(a)Conditional Use Permit No. 3471 –Request for Termination Terminated (Tracking No. CUP2005-04995) Agent: Mark Whitehead, Brandywine Homes, 16580 Aston, Irvine, Consent Calendar Approval CA 92606 VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Karaki absent Location: 425 North Magnolia Avenue. Request to terminate Conditional Use Permit No. 3471 (to permit the conversion of an existing 128-unit apartment complex to a 128-unit, 21- lot air-space condominium complex with waiver of the required lot frontage, minimum lot width, minimum floor area, permitted encroachment into required yards, minimum distance between buildings and landscaped setback). Project Planner: (kwong2@anaheim.net) Termination Resolution No. PC2005-100 07-25-05 Page 3 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 1B.(a)CEQA Negative Declaration (Previously-Approved) Approved (b)Conditional Use Permit No. 2004-04831 Approved retroactive () extension of timefor one Tracking No. CUP2005-04996 year (to expire on Agent: John Ward, Stonybrook LLC, P.O. Box 4304, Carson, CA April 9, 2006) 90749 Consent Calendar Approval Location: 736 South Beach Boulevard and 2966 West Stonybrook Drive. VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Karaki absent Request for a retroactive extension of time to comply with conditions of approval for a previously-approved 7-unit detached single-family condominium subdivision. Project Planner: (mnewland@anaheim.net) 07-25-05 Page 4 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 1C.(a)Conditional Use Permit NO. 3650 and 2002-04645 Terminated (Tracking No. CUP2005-05007) Agent: Carol C. Cushing, CDC Properties, 701 Concord Street, Consent Calendar Approval Glendale, CA 91202 VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Karaki absent Location: 3020 West Lincoln Avenue. Request to terminate Conditional Use Permit No. 3650(to permit the installation of automotive accessories in conjunction with a proposed retail establishment) and Conditional Use Permit No. 2002-04645 (to permit and retain a computer rental and internet amusement [arcade] business). Project Planner: (kwong2@anaheim.net) Termination ResolutionNo. PC2005-101 07-25-05 Page 5 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 1D.(a)Conditional Use Permit No. 2000-04277 Terminated (Tracking No. CUP2005-05008) Agent: Jimmy Nguyen, P.O. Box 15751, Newport Beach, CA 92659 Consent Calendar Approval VOTE: 6-0 Location: 420-504 South Brookhurst Street. Commissioner Karaki absent Request to terminate Conditional Use Permit No. 2000-04277 (to retain a banquet hall with service but no sales of alcoholic beverages for on- premises consumption). Project Planner: Termination Resolution No. PC2005-102 (kwong2@anaheim.net) 07-25-05 Page 6 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 1E.(a)CEQA Environmental Impact Report No. 189 –(Previously-Certified) Approved (b)Final Site Plan No. 2005-00007 ApprovedFinal Plans (c)Review and Recommendation of Final Plans for Parcels A1-3, B, & D Recommended Anaheim RedevelopmentAgency Owner: Elisa Stipkovich, Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, 201 Approval South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805 Location: 203 South Anaheim Boulevard, 290 South Lemon Street, Consent Calendar Approval 180 and 435 West Center Street,and 291 West Broadway. VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Karaki absent Request for review and recommendation to the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency of final plans for a mixed-use project on Parcels A1 -A3, B, and D within Downtown Anaheim. Project Planner: (dsee@anaheim.net) 07-25-05 Page 7 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA Minutes 1F.Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Commission Approved Meeting of June 1, 2005(Motion) Continued from the June 13 and 27, 2005, Planning Commission meetings.Consent Calendar Approval VOTE: 4-0 Commissioners Flores and Romero abstainedas they were not present for the meeting;and Commissioner Karaki absent 1G.Receiving and approvingthe Minutes from the Planning Commission Approved Meeting of June 13, 2005(Motion) Continued from the June 27, 2005, Planning Commission meeting.Consent Calendar Approval VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Karaki absent 1H.Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Commission Approved Meeting of June 27, 2005(Motion) Consent Calendar Approval VOTE: 5-0 Commissioner Buffa abstainedas she was not present for the meeting;and Commissioner Karaki absent 1I.Receiving and approving supplemental detailed Minutes for Item No. 2 Approved from the Planning Commission Meeting of June 1, 2005, scheduled to be heard as a public hearing item before City Council on Tuesday, July 26 , 2005 Consent Calendar Approval VOTE: 4-0 ITEM NO. 2 Commissioners Flores and CEQA Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Romero abstainedas they Monitoring Plan No. 129 were not present for the Conditional Use Permit No. 2005-04975 meeting;and Commissioner Tentative Tract Map No. 16825 Karaki absent Development Agreement No. 2005-00005 07-25-05 Page 8 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 1J.Receiving and approving supplemental detailed Minutes for Item No. 4 Approved from the Planning Commission Meeting of June 27, 2005, scheduled to be heard as a public hearing item before City Council on Tuesday, July Consent Calendar Approval 26, 2005. VOTE: 5-0 Commissioner Buffa ITEM NO. 4 abstainedas she was not CEQA Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation present for the meeting;and Monitoring Plan No. 131 Commissioner Karaki absent Tentative Tract Map No. 16826 Development Agreement No. 2005-00006 07-25-05 Page 9 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA Public Hearing Items: 2a.CEQA Negative Declaration(Readvertisment) Approved Buffa/Romero 2b.Reclassification No. 2004-00141 Granted Buffa 2c.Conditional Use Permit No. 2004-04951 Granted Buffa 2d.Tentative Tract Map No. 16833 Approved Buffa/Eastman Owner:Marci Odon, 3117 West Ball Road, Anaheim, CA 92804 CUP Modified Condition Agent:Walter Bowman, Bonanni Development, 5622 Research Nos. 3 and 22 Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Location:3117, 3121 and 3125 West Ball Road.Property is1.4 TTM acres, having a frontage of 198 feet on the north side of Ball Added a condition of Road located 741 feet east of the centerline of Western approvalpertaining to Avenue.the incorporation of CC&R’s. Reclassification No. 2004-00141-Request reclassification of the property from the T (Transition) zone to the RM-3 (Residential, Multiple-Family) zone, or less intense zone. VOTE ON RCL: 5-1 Commissioner Perez voted Conditional Use Permit No. 2004-04951–Request to permit a 16-unit no and Commissioner Karaki attached and detached single-family residential subdivision. absent Tentative Tract Map No. 16833–To establish a 1-lot 16-unit attachedand VOTE ON CUP: 4-2 detached single-family residential subdivision. Commissioners Flores and Perez voted no and Continued from February 7, 23, March 7, April 4, May 2, and June 13, 2005, Commissioner Karaki absent Planning Commission meetings. VOTE ON TTM: 4-2 Reclassification Resolution No. PC2005-103 Commissioners Flores and Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2005-104 Perez voted no and Commissioner Karaki absent Project Planner (avazquez@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION: 7 people spoke in opposition to the subject request. A petition was received with 134signatures in opposition. Mark Gordon, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 10-day appeal rights for the Tentative Tract Map ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 4, 2005, andthe 22-day appeal rights for theReclassification and Conditional Use Permit ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 16, 2005. DISCUSSION TIME: 1 hour and10 minutes (2:46 –3:56) Following this item, Commissioner Perezleft the Council Chambers (3:57 p.m.) 07-25-05 Page 10 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 3a.CEQA Negative Declaration Continued to 3b.Zoning Code Amendment No. 2005-00040 August 8, 2005 Agent:City of Anaheim, Community Services Department, 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805 Motion: Flores/Eastman Location:Citywide. VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Karaki Requestto amend the zoning code pertaining to the establishment of absent buildingand ground-mounted telecommunication facilities on public recreational facilities within the Scenic Corridor Overlay, Open Space and Residential zones, to clarify the definition of certain types of telecommunication facilities, and to add standard conditions of approval to the Telecommunication Antenna Review Permit process. Continued from the June 27, 2005, Planning Commission meeting. Project Planner: Zoning Code Amendment Resolution No. (jpramirez@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION:None DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed. 07-25-05 Page 11 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 4a.CEQA Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Plan No. 130 Flores/Romero Recommended City CouncilApproval 4b.General Plan Amendment No. 2005-00435 Flores Recommended City CouncilApproval 4c.Amendment to Platinum Triangle Master Land Recommended City Council Approval Flores Use Plan (Miscellaneous No. 2005-00113) 4d.Zoning Code Amendment No. 2005-00044 Flores Recommended City Council Approval 4e.Conditional Use Permit No. 2005-04967 Flores Granted 4f.Tentative Tract Map No. 16800 Flores/Romero Approved 4g.Development Agreement No. 2005-00004 Recommended City CouncilApproval Flores Owner:Peter French, Kayco Plaza Partners, L.P., 120 CUP Newport Center Drive, Suite 240, Newport Beach, Modified ConditionNo.18 CA 92660 Agent:Sandy Sanchez, D.R. Horton, 16755 Von Karmen DAG Avenue, Suite 200, Irvine, CA 92606 Modified Condition No. 27of Exhibit “C” Location:2100 and 2110 East Katella Avenue.Property is approximately 3.49* acres, having a frontage of 318 feet on the south side of Katella Avenue located 432 VOTE: 5-0 feet east of the centerline of State College CommissionersKaraki and Perez absent Boulevard. Request to approvea Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation Monitoring Plan prepared for the project and circulated for public agency/ responsible agency review in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State and City of AnaheimCEQA Guidelines. General Plan Amendment No. 2005-00435 -Request to amend the land use element of the General Plan to increase the maximum square footage of commercial uses in the Katella District of the Platinum Triangle. Amendment to Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan (Miscellaneous No. 2005-00113) -Request to amend the Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan to increase the maximum permitted square footage of commercial uses in the Katella District. Zoning Code Amendment No. 2005-00044-Request to amend the PTMU Overlay Zone to increase the maximum permitted square footage of commercial uses in the Katella District. Conditional Use Permit No. 2005-04967-Request to modify setbacks along a proposed private street and Katella Avenue to construct a 251 unit mixed use residential condominium project including a 7,397 square foot restaurant with sales of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption and 2,347 square feet of retail. Tentative Tract Map No. 16800-To establish a 1-lot, 251-unit airspace attached residential condominium subdivision. Development Agreement No. 2005-00004-Request to adopt a Development Agreement between the City of Anaheim and 07-25-05 Page 12 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA Western Pacific Housing for the construction of a 251 unit residential and commercial mixed use project. General Plan Amendment Resolution No. PC2005-105 Miscellaneous Resolution No. PC2005-106 Zoning Code Amendment Resolution No. PC2005-107 Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2005-108 Project Planner: (jdadant@anaheim.net) Development Agreement Resolution No. PC2005-109 *Advertised as 3.39 acres CONCERNS:Aletter from the State of California, Department of Transportation wasreceivedtoday regarding traffic related studies. IN GENERAL:A letter from the Anaheim City School District was received regarding the student generation rate for the project. Mark Gordon, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 10-day appeal rights for the Tentative Tract Map ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 4, 2005; the 22-day appeal rights for the Conditional Use Permit and Zoning Code Amendment ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 16, 2005;and stated the balance of the items are subject to review and approval by the City Council. DISCUSSION TIME:30 minutes (3:57-4:27) A 5-Minute break was taken (4:27-4:32) 07-25-05 Page 13 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 5a.CEQA MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Recommended City Council Buffa/Flores Approval AND MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN NO. 136 Approved 5b.TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 16832 Buffa/Flores Recommended City Council 5c.DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. DAG2005-00007 Buffa Approval Owner:East Katella Partnership, 666 Sherbrook Street, Montreal, Quebec H3A 1E7 TTM Agent:Ian Ellis, 1331 East Katella Development, 1849 Sawtelle Deleted Condition No. 3 Boulevard, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 92707 Location:1221 and 1331 East Katella Avenue.Property is DAG Modified Condition No. 17of approximately 4.88* acres with a frontage of 355 feet on Exhibit “C”. the north side of Katella Avenue,located 966 feet east of the centerline of Lewis Street (Platinum Triangle Added a condition of approval Condominium Development). pertaining to theowner acquiring the necessary Request to approve a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and dedications(previously Mitigated Monitoring Plan prepared for the project and circulated for Condition No. 3 of the Tentative public agency/ responsible agency review in compliance with the Tract Map; modified timing). California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State and City of Anaheim CEQA Guidelines. VOTE: 5-0 Tentative Tract Map No. 16832-To establish a 3-lot, 336-unit airspace CommissionersKaraki and Perez attached residential condominium subdivision. absent Development Agreement No. DAG2005-00007-Request to adopt a Development Agreement between the City of Anaheim and 1331 East Katella Development Company, LLC and East Katella Partnership to construct a 336 unit residential and commercial mixed use project and associated public street. Development Agreement Resolution No. PC2005-110 Project Planner: (ethien@anaheim.net) *Advertised as 5.37 acres OPPOSITION:None Mark Gordon, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 10-day appeal rights for the Tentative Tract Map ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 4, 2005, and stated the Development Agreement is subject to review and approval by the City Council. DISCUSSION TIME:13 minutes (4:32-4:45) 07-25-05 Page 14 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 6a.CEQA Negative Declaration Approved Flores/Velasquez 6b.Waiver of Code Requirement Approved Flores/Velasquez 6c.Conditional Use Permit No. 2005-04997 Granted Flores Owner:Myron Trust, Cotti Foods, 26111 Antonio Parkway, Suite 100, Las Flores, CA 92688 Modified Condition Nos. 15, 36 and 38 Agent:Holly Sandler, 1450 North Tustin Avenue, Suite 105, Santa Ana, CA 92705 Location:100 and 130 North State College Boulevard.Property is VOTE: 5-0 approximately 0.8 acre, located at the northeast corner of CommissionersKaraki Center Street and State College Boulevard. and Perez absent Request to construct a commercial retail center and a fast food restaurant with drive-through and outdoor seating with waivers of (a) minimum landscaped setback adjacent to residential zone boundary, (b) minimum setback for trash enclosure adjacent to residential zone boundary, and (c) minimumnumber of parking spaces. Project Planner: Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2005-111 (avazquez@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION:None Mark Gordon, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 16, 2005. DISCUSSION TIME:24 minutes (4:46-5:10) 07-25-05 Page 15 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 7a.CEQA Negative Declaration Continued to 7b.Reclassification No. 2005-00163 September 7, 2005 7c.Variance No. 2005-04653 7d.Tentative Parcel Map No. 2005-132 Motion: Perez/Romero 7e.Waiver of Council Policy No. 542 Owner:Evart C. Fountain, 1432 Roberta Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92833 VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Karaki Agent:Alan Nguyen, 15401 Firmona Avenue, Lawndale, CA 90260 absent Location:1400 East Burton Street.Property consists of two parcels. Parcel1: Property is an irregularly-shaped parcel having a frontage of 133 feet on the south side of Burton Street and is located 889 feet west of the centerline of Acacia Street. Parcel 2: Property is an irregularly-shaped parcel having a frontage of 26 feet on the south side of Burton Street and is located 1022 feet west of the centerline of Acacia Street. Reclassification No. 2005-00163-Request reclassification of the property from the T (Transition) zone to the RS-2 (Residential, Single-Family) zone, or a less intense zone. Variance No. 2005-04653-Request waivers of (a) minimum lot width and (b) minimum lot area to construct four single-family residences. Tentative Parcel Map -Request to establish a 4-lot, 4-unit detached single family subdivision. Waiver of Council Policy No. 542-Request to waive Council Policy No.542 pertaining to sound attenuation for residential projects. Continued from the June 27, 2005, Planning Commission meeting. Reclassification Resolution No. _____________ Project Planner: (cflores@anaheim.net) Variance Resolution No. _____________ OPPOSITION:None DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed. 07-25-05 Page 16 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 8a.CEQA Categorical Exemption –Class 1 Continued to 8b.Conditional Use Permit No. 2005-05000 August 8, 2005 Owner:American Investments/Chino LLC, 312 Broadway, Suite 204, Motion: Long Beach, CA 92651 Buffa/Velasquez Agent:Serena Elliot, Southern Cal Real Estate, 15901 Red Hill Avenue, Suite 204, Tustin, CA 92780 VOTE: 6-0 Location:464 South Anaheim Hills Road.Property is approximately Commissioner Karaki 10.6 acres, located north and east of the northeast of Nohl absent Ranch Road and Anaheim Hills Road. Request to permit a retail market (fresh vegetables and fruit) within an existing commercial shopping center. Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. _____________ Project Planner: (mnewland@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION:None DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed. 07-25-05 Page 17 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 9a.SUBSEQUENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 332 Continued to AND UPDATED AND MODIFIED MITIGATION MONITORING August 22, 2005 PROGRAM NO. 106A 9b.GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2004-00420 Motion: (Tracking No. GPA 2005-00432) Flores/Eastman 9c.RECISSION IN-PART OF THE RESOLUTION OF INTENT PERTAINING TO THE RECLASSIFICATION OF THE NORTH NET FIRE TRAINING SITE (MISCELLANEOUS CASE NO. 2005-00115) 9d.RECLASSIFICATION NO. 2004-00134 VOTE: 6-0 9e.AMENDMENT TO THE PLATINUM TRIANGLE MASTER LAND USE PLAN Commissioner Karaki (MISCELLANEOUS CASE NO. 2004-00089) absent 9f.ZONING CODE AMENDMENT NO. 2004-00036 9g.AMENDMENT TO THE PLATINUM TRIANGLE STANDARDIZED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (MISCELLANEOUS CASE NO. 2005-00114) Agent:City Initiated, Planning Department, 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Suite 162, Anaheim, CA 92805 Location:The Platinum Triangle.The “Project Area” encompasses approximately 820-acres located at the confluence of the Interstate 5 Freeway and the SR-57 Freeway, in the City of Anaheim in Orange County, California. The Project Area is located generally east of the Interstate 5 Freeway, west of the Santa Ana River channel and SR-57 Freeway, south of the Southern California Edison easement, and north of the Anaheim City limit. CERTIFICATION OF SUBSEQUENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 332 ANDUPDATED AND MODIFIED MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM NO. 106A –Request for Planning Commission to recommend to the City Council certification of Subsequent Environmental Impact Report No. 332, including adoption of a Statement of Findings of Fact, a Statement of Overriding Considerations and the Updated and Modified Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 106A for The Platinum Triangle. SEIR No. 332 has been prepared toserve as the primary environmental document for subsequent actions within the Project Area related to the adopted Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan, The Platinum Triangle Mixed-Use (PTMU) Overlay Zone and The Platinum Triangle Standardized Development Agreement. Implementation is intended to include, but not be limited to, the approval of subdivision maps, grading permits, street improvement plans, final site plans, development agreements and other related actions for properties located within The Platinum Triangle. Future developments that require additional discretionary review will utilize this document for CEQA purposes to the extent possible, consistent with Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines. This SEIR is also intended to provide the additional environmental documentation for proposed city-initiated amendments to the General Plan, The Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan, the PTMU Overlay Zone and the Standardized Platinum Triangle Development Agreement described below. General Plan Amendment No. 2004-00420 (Tracking No. GPA 2005-00432)– Request for Planning Commission to recommend to the City Council adoption of an amendment to the City of Anaheim General Plan Land Use and Circulation Elements to provide for the following: Land Use Element:To (A)redesignate a 3.21-acre property located at the southeast corner of Orangewood Avenue and Rampart Street and further identified as 2400 East Orangewood Avenue (“North Net Fire Training Center”) from the Office-High to the 07-25-05 Page 18 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA Mixed-Use land use designation and (B)to provide for an additional 325 dwelling units and up to 210,100 square feet of additional commercial square footage in The Platinum Triangle Mixed-Use land use designation. This amendment would increase the maximum overall residential density from 9,175 to 9,500 dwelling units and the maximum overall commercial density from 2,044,300 to 2,254,400 square feet. Circulation Element:To (A) redesignate a portion of Cerritos Avenue between State College Boulevard and Douglass Road from a Primary Arterial Highway (six lanes divided with no parking or four lanes divided with left turn pockets and two parking lanes with a typical right-of-way width of 106 feet) to a Secondary Arterial Highway (four undivided lanes with parking on either side with a typical right-of-way width of 90 feet) to be consistent with the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways and respective lane configurations; and (B) to provide for Gene Autry Way between Betmor Lane and State College Boulevard to be up to 170 feet in width to provide for the construction of the “Grand Parkway” (this segment of Gene Autry Way is designated as a Primary Arterial with a current typical width of up to 106 feet). Miscellaneous Case No. 2005-00115 –Request for Planning Commission to rescind in part Resolution No. PC2004-83 and recommend that the City Council rescind in part Resolution No. 2004-180 pertaining to Reclassification No. 2004-00127 in order to rescind resolutions of intent pertaining to the reclassification of a 3.21-acre property located at the southeast corner of Orangewood Avenue and Rampart Street and further identified as 2400 East Orangewood Avenue (“the North Net Fire Training Center”) from the PR (Public Recreational) Zone to the O-H (High Intensity Office) Zone. Reclassification No. 2004-00134 –Request for Planning Commission to reclassify a 3.21-acre property located at the southeast corner of Orangewood Avenue and Rampart Street and further identified as 2400 East Orangewood Avenue (“the North Net Fire Training Center”) from the PR (Public Recreational) Zone to the PR (PTMU) (Public Recreation –Platinum Triangle Mixed-Use Overlay) Zone. Amendment to The Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan (Miscellaneous Case No. 2005-00089) –Request for Planning Commission to recommend to the City Council adoption of an amendment to The Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan to incorporate the following: an adjustment to the boundaries of the mixed-use districts to include the North Net Fire Training Center in the PTMU Overlay Zone Gateway District and add 325 units to said district (321 of said units would be designated for the North Net Fire Training Center); a modification to the PTMU Overlay Zone commercial density to add 210,100 square feet of additional commercial squarefootage (190,000 square feet of this square footage would be designated for future required ground floor commercial uses on Market Street and Gene Autry Way in the Katella and Gene Autry Districts and 20,000 square feet for other commercial uses in the Katella District); and, additional technical refinements and clarifications, including, but not limited to, refinements to street cross-sections and density descriptions to reflect the above-noted changes. Zoning Code Amendment No. 2004-00036 –Request for Planning Commission to recommend to the City Council adoption of an amendment to the PTMU Overlay Zone to incorporate the following: an adjustment to the boundaries of the mixed-use districts to include the North Net Fire Training Center in the PTMU Overlay Zone Gateway District and add 325 units to said district (321 of said units would be designated for the North Net Fire Training Center); a modification to the PTMU Overlay Zone commercial density to add 210,100 square feet of additional commercial squarefootage (190,000 square feet of this square footage would be designated for future required ground floor commercial uses on Market Street and Gene Autry Way in the Katella and Gene Autry Districts and 20,000 square feet for other commercial uses in the Katella District); and, additional technical refinements and clarifications, including, but not 07-25-05 Page 19 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA limited to, refinements to density descriptions to reflect the above-noted changes and other City Code requirements (the proposed changes are set forth in Appendix C to Subsequent EIR No. 332). Amendment to The Platinum Triangle Standardized Development Agreement (Miscellaneous Case No. 2005-00114) –Request for Planning Commission to recommend to the City Council adoption of refinements to The Platinum Triangle Standard Development Agreement to reflect mitigation measure requirements set forth in the Updated and Modified Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 106A, editorial refinements and updated fees. Environmental Impact Report Resolution No. General Plan Amendment Resolution No. _____________ Reclassification Resolution No. Zoning Code Amendment Resolution No. _____________ Miscellaneous Case No. 2005-00115 Resolution No. _____________ Miscellaneous Case No. 2004-00089 Resolution No. _____________Project Planner: (vnorwood@anaheim.net) Miscellaneous Case No. 2005-00114 Resolution No. _____________ OPPOSITION:None DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed. 07-25-05 Page 20 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 10a.CEQA Categorical Exemption –Class 21 Concurred with staff Velasquez/Flores 10b.Conditional Use Permit No. 2005-04960 Approved to revoke Velasquez (Tracking No. CUP2005-05006) CUP Owner:Juan Castro, Victory Outreach, 2230 West Colchester Drive, 1-5, Anaheim, CA 92804 VOTE: 5-0 CommissionersKaraki and Location:2230 West Colchester Drive, Suites 1-5,Property is Perez absent approximately 0.87-acre, located at the southwest corner of Colchester Drive and Colony Street (Victory Outreach Church. A City-initiated request to consider the revocation or modification of Conditional Use Permit No. 2004-04960 (for a previously-approved church in conjunction with a commercial retail center). Project Planner: Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2005-112 (jpramirez@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION:None Mark Gordon, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 16, 2005. DISCUSSION TIME:24 minutes (5:11-5:35) 07-25-05 Page 21 JULY 25, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA Discussion amongst staff and the Commission took placeregarding Planning Commission information/direction on complex projects and controversial items. DISCUSSION TIME:24 minutes (5:36-6:00) MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:00 P.M. TO WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 2005 AT 6:00 P.M.FOR A SPECIAL MEETING ONTHEMOUNTAIN PARKSPECIFIC PLAN TO BE HELD AT THE EL RANCHO MIDDLE SCHOOL, 181 SOUTH DEL GIORGIO ROAD, ANAHEIM. 07-25-05 Page 22