MN082205 CITY OF ANAHEIM Planning Commission Mini Action Agenda Monday, August 22, 2005 Council Chamber, City Hall 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California CHAIRMAN: GAIL EASTMAN Commissioners Present : KELLY BUFFA, CECILIA FLORES, JOSEPH KARAKI, ED PEREZ, PANKY ROMERO Commissioners Absent : PAT VELASQUEZ Staff Present : Mark Gordon, Deputy City AttorneyTaher Jalai, Principal Traffic Engineer Linda Johnson, Principal PlannerJames Ling, Associate Civil Engineer Greg McCafferty, Principal PlannerElly Morris, Senior Secretary Vanessa Norwood, Planner Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, August 18, 2005, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chambers, and also in the outside display kiosk. Published: Anaheim Bulletin Newspaper on Thursday, August 11, 2005 Call To Order Preliminary Plan Review 1:00 P.M. • STAFF UPDATE TO COMMISSION ON VARIOUS CITY DEVELOPMENTS AND ISSUES (AS REQUESTED BY PLANNING COMMISSION) • PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW FOR ITEMS ON THE AUGUST 22, 2005 AGENDA Recess To Afternoon Public Hearing Session Reconvene To Public Hearing 2:30 P.M. For record keeping purposes, if you wish to make a statement regarding any item on the agenda, please complete a speaker card in advance and submit it to the secretary. Pledge Of Allegiance: Commissioner Buffa Public Comments Consent Calendar Public Hearing Items Adjournment You may leave a message for the Planning Commission using the following e-mail address: planningcommission@anaheim.net H:\TOOLS\PCADMIN\PCMINIACT\2005MINUTES\MN082205.DOC AUGUST 22, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA Anaheim Planning Commission Agenda -2:30 P.M. Public Comments: None This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak on any item under the jurisdiction of the Anaheim Planning Commission or public comments on agenda items with the exception of public hearing items. Consent Calendar: The items on the Consent Calendar will be acted on by one roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time of the voting on the motion unless members of the Planning Commission, staff or the public request the item to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Commissioner Flores offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Karaki and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Velasquez absent), for approval of Consent Calendar Item 1-A as recommended by staff. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED Commissioner Buffa offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Flores and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Velasquez absent), for approval of Consent Calendar Items 1-B through 1-D as recommended by staff. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED Reports and Recommendations 1A.(a)Environmental Impact Report No. 189 –Addendum to Koll Approved Anaheim Center (Previously-Certified) (b)Final Plan Review No. 2005-00009 -Request for Review and Approved Final Plans Approval of Final Plans for Construction of a Planned Mixed Use Development on Parcels A1–A3, B and D within the Downtown Mixed Use Overlay Zone (c)Review and Recommendation of Final Plans for Parcels A1–A3,Recommended approval Band D to the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency City Initiated:Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, Elisa Stipkovich, 201 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805 Consent Calendar Approval Location:Downtown Anaheim:Properties are located east of VOTE: 6-0 Harbor Boulevard, south of Lincoln Avenue, west of Commissioner Velasquez Anaheim Boulevard and north of Broadway. absent Requests review and recommendation to the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency of final building colors and materials for the construction of a new Planned Mixed Use Development (Parcels A1 – Project Planner: A3, B and D) in Downtown Anaheim.(dsee@anaheim.net) 08-22-05 Page 2 AUGUST 22, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA Minutes 1B.Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Commission Continued to Meeting of July 25, 2005(Motion)September 7, 2005 Continued from the August 8, 2005, Planning Commission meeting. Motion: Buffa/Flores VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Velasquez absent 1C.Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Commission Continued to Meeting of July 27, 2005(Motion)September 7, 2005 Continued from the August 8, 2005, Planning Commission meeting. Motion: Buffa/Flores VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Velasquez absent 1D.Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Commission Continued to Meeting of August 8, 2005.September 7, 2005 Motion: Buffa/Flores VOTE: 6-0 Commissioner Velasquez absent 08-22-05 Page 3 AUGUST 22, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA Public Hearing Items: 2a.CEQA Categorical Exemption -Class 1 Continued to 2b.Conditional Use Permit No. 2004-04852(READVERTISED)September 7, 2005 (Tracking No. CUP2005-05003) 2c.Determination Of Public Convenience Or Necessity No. 2005-00021 Motion: Flores/Perez Owner:Cedar Mountain, LLC, 110 East Walnut Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92835 VOTE: 6-0 Agent:Leon Alexander, Briggs and Alexander, 558 South Harbor Commissioner Velasquez Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805 absent Location:2916 West Lincoln Avenue.Property is approximately 0.7-acre, having a frontage of 89 feet on the south side of Lincoln Avenue and is located 315 feet east of the centerline of Laxore Street (El Calor Nightclub). Conditional Use Permit No. 2004-04852 -Request for reinstatement of this permit by the modification or deletion of a condition of approval pertaining to a time limitation (approved on July 26, 2004 to expire July 26, 2005) ), hours of operation and the outdoor patio for a previously- approved nightclub. Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity No. 2005-00021 - To permit sales of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption within a previously-approved nightclub. . Continued from the August 8, 2005 Planning Commission meeting Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. _____________ Project Planner: Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity (avazquez@anaheim.net) Resolution No. _____________ OPPOSITION:None DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed. 08-22-05 Page 4 AUGUST 22, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 3a.SUBSEQUENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Recommended City Council Buffa Approval REPORT NO. 332 AND UPDATED AND MODIFIED MITIGATION MONITORINGPROGRAM NO. 106A Recommended City Council 3b.GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2004-00420 Buffa adoption of Exhibit “A”, with (TRACKING NO. GPA 2005-00432) modifications 3c.AMENDMENT TO THE PLATINUM TRIANGLE Buffa Recommended City Council MASTER LAND USE PLAN Approval (MISCELLANEOUS CASE NO. 2004-00089) Recommended City Council 3d.ZONING CODE AMENDMENT NO. 2004-00036 Buffa Approval 3e.AMENDMENT TO THE PLATINUM TRIANGLE Recommended City Council STANDARDIZED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Perez/Buffa Approval (MISCELLANEOUS CASE NO. 2005-00114) 3f.RESCISSION IN-PART OF THE RESOLUTION OF Recommended City Council Buffa Approvalto rescind, in part, City INTENT PERTAINING TO THE RECLASSIFICATION Council Resolution No. 2004- OF THE NORTH NET FIRE TRAINING CENTER 180 (MISCELLANEOUS CASE NO. 2005-00115) 3g.RECLASSIFICATION NO. 2004-00134 Approved Buffa 3h.REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL REVIEW OF ITEM NO. G Perez/Flores Recommended City Council Review Agent:City Initiated, Planning Department, 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Suite 162, Anaheim, CA 92805 VOTE: 6-0 Location:The Platinum Triangle.The “Project Area” encompasses Commissioner Velasquez approximately 820 acres located at the confluence of the absent Interstate 5 Freeway and the SR-57 Freeway, in the City of Anaheim in Orange County, California. The Project Area is located generally east of the Interstate 5 Freeway, west of the Santa Ana River channel and SR-57 Freeway, south of the Southern California Edison easement, and north of the Anaheim City limit. Certification Of Subsequent Environmental Impact Report No. 332 And Updated And Modified Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 106A –Request for Planning Commission to recommend to the City Council certification of Subsequent Environmental Impact Report No. 332, including adoption of a Statement of Findings of Fact, a Statement of Overriding Considerations and the Updated and Modified Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 106A for The Platinum Triangle. SEIR No. 332 has been prepared to serve as the primary environmental document for subsequent actions within the Project Area related to the adopted Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan, The Platinum Triangle Mixed-Use (PTMU) Overlay Zone and The Platinum Triangle Standardized Development Agreement. Implementation is intended to include, but not be limited to, the approval of subdivision maps, grading permits, street improvement plans, final site plans, development agreements and other related actions for properties located within The Platinum Triangle. Future developments that require additional discretionary review will utilize this document for CEQA purposes to the extent possible, consistent with Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines. This SEIR is also intended to provide the additional environmental documentation for proposed city-initiated amendments to the General Plan, The Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan, the PTMU 08-22-05 Page 5 AUGUST 22, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA Overlay Zone and the Standardized Platinum Triangle Development Agreement described below. General Plan Amendment No. 2004-00420 (Tracking No. GPA 2005-00432) –Request for Planning Commission to recommend to the City Council adoption of an amendment to the City of Anaheim General Plan Land Use and Circulation Elements to provide for the following: Land Use Element:To (A)redesignate a 3.21-acre property located at the southeast corner of Orangewood Avenue and Rampart Street and further identified as 2400 East Orangewood Avenue (“North Net Fire Training Center”) from the Office-High to the Mixed-Use land use designation and (B)to provide for an additional 325 dwelling units and up to 210,100 square feet of additional commercial square footage in The Platinum Triangle Mixed-Use land use designation. This amendment would increase the maximum overall residential density from 9,175 to 9,500 dwelling units and the maximum overall commercial density from 2,044,300 to 2,254,400 square feet. Circulation Element:To (A) redesignate a portion of Cerritos Avenue between State College Boulevard and Douglass Road from a Primary Arterial Highway (six lanes divided with no parking or four lanes divided with left turn pockets and two parking lanes with a typical right-of-way width of 106 feet) to a Secondary Arterial Highway (four undivided lanes with parkingon either side with a typical right-of-way width of 90 feet) to be consistent with the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways and respective lane configurations; and (B) to provide for Gene Autry Way between Betmor Lane and State College Boulevardto be up to 170 feet in width to provide for the construction of the “Grand Parkway” (this segment of Gene Autry Way is designated as a Primary Arterial with a current typical width of up to 106 feet). Amendment to The Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan (Miscellaneous Case No. 2004 -00089) –Request for Planning Commission to recommend to the City Council adoption of an amendment to The Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan to incorporate the following: an adjustment to the boundaries of the mixed-use districts to include the North Net Fire Training Center in the PTMU Overlay Zone Gateway District and add 325 units to said district (321 of said units would be designated for the North Net Fire Training Center); a modification to the PTMU Overlay Zone commercial density to add 210,100 square feet of additional commercial square footage (190,100 square feet of this square footage would be designated for future required ground floor commercial uses on Market Street and Gene Autry Way in the Katella and Gene Autry Districts and 20,000 square feet for other commercial uses in the Katella District); and, additional technical refinements and clarifications, including, but not limited to, refinements to street cross-sections and density descriptions to reflect the above-noted changes. Zoning Code Amendment No. 2004-00036 –Request for Planning Commission to recommend to the City Council adoption of an amendment to the PTMU Overlay Zone to incorporate the following: an adjustment to the boundaries of the mixed-use districts to include the North Net Fire Training Center in the PTMU Overlay Zone Gateway District and add 325 units to said district (321 of said units would be designated for the North Net Fire Training Center); a modification to the PTMU Overlay Zone commercial density to add 210,100 square feet of additional commercial square footage (190,100 square feet of this square footage would be designated for future required ground floor commercial uses on Market Street and Gene Autry Way in the Katella and Gene Autry Districts and 20,000 square feet for other commercial uses in the 08-22-05 Page 6 AUGUST 22, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA Katella District); and, additional technical refinements and clarifications, including, but not limited to, refinements to density descriptions to reflect the above-noted changes andother City Code requirements (the proposed changes are set forth in Appendix C to Subsequent EIR No. 332). Amendment to The Platinum Triangle Standardized Development Agreement (Miscellaneous Case No. 2005-00114) –Request for Planning Commission to recommend to the City Council adoption of refinements to The Platinum Triangle Standard Development Agreement to reflect mitigation measure requirements set forth in the Updated and Modified Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 106A, editorial refinements and updated fees. Miscellaneous Case No. 2005-00115 –Request for Planning Commission to rescind in part Resolution No. PC2004-83 and recommend that the City Council rescind in part Resolution No. 2004-180 pertaining to Reclassification No. 2004- 00127 in order to rescind resolutions of intent pertaining to the reclassification of a 3.21-acre property located at the southeast corner of Orangewood Avenue and Rampart Street and further identified as 2400 East Orangewood Avenue (“North Net Fire Training Center”) fromthe PR (Public Recreational) Zone to the O-H (High Intensity Office) Zone. Reclassification No. 2004-00134 –Request for Planning Commission to reclassify a 3.21-acre property located at the southeast corner of Orangewood Avenue and Rampart Street and further identified as 2400 East Orangewood Avenue (“North Net Fire Training Center”) from the PR (Public Recreational) Zone to the PR (PTMU) (Public Recreation –Platinum Triangle Mixed-Use Overlay) Zone. Continued from the July 25, 2005 Planning Commission meeting. Environmental Impact Report Resolution No. PC2005-119 General Plan Amendment Resolution No. PC2005-120 Miscellaneous Case No. 2004-00089 Resolution No. PC2005-121 Project Planner: Zoning Code Amendment Resolution No. PC2005-122 (vnorwood@anaheim.net) Miscellaneous Case No. 2005-00115Resolution No. PC2005-123 Reclassification Resolution No. PC2005-124 OPPOSITION:A person spoke with concerns relating to the subject request and his property. Mark Gordon, Deputy City Attorney, stated the item is subject to review and approval by the City Council. DISCUSSION TIME:53 minutes (2:37-3:10; 3:15-3:35) A 5-minute break was taken (3:10-3:15) 08-22-05 Page 7 AUGUST 22, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA 4a.SUBSEQUENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 332 Continued to AND ADDENDUM AND MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN NO. 138 September 7, 2005 4b.GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2005-00434 4c.AMENDMENT TO THE PLATINUM TRIANGLE MASTER LAND Motion: Flores/Buffa USE PLAN MISCELLANEOUS CASE NO. 2005-00111 4d.RESCISSION IN-PART OF THE RESOLUTION OF INTENT PERTAINING TO THE RECLASSIFICATION OF SITE 2 (MISCELLANEOUS CASE NO. 2005-00116) VOTE: 6-0 4e.RECLASSIFICATION NO. 2005-00164 Commissioner Velasquez 4f.ZONING CODE AMENDMENT NO. 2005-00042 absent 4g.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2005-04999 4h.DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 2005-00008 Agent:Lennar Platinum Triangle LLC, 25 Enterprise, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Location:The Platinum Triangle.The “Lennar Project” encompasses approximate 41.4-acre project site is generally located between Katella Avenue and Gene Autry Way, extending from State College Boulevard to just west of South Betmor Lane in an area of the City of Anaheim known as The Platinum Triangle. The project site is further identified as Sites 1 and 2 on the map below. Site 1encompasses 31 acres located at 1200-1558, 1700, and 1800 East Katella Avenue; 1301-1395 and 1551 Gene Autry Way; 1870, 1871, 1880, 1881, 1890, 1891, 1900, and 1901 South Chris Lane; 1833 and 1841 South State College Boulevard; 1800 and 1801 East Talbot Way. Site 2encompasses 10.4 acres located at 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1870, 1880, 1890, 1900 and 1910 South Betmor Lane and 1100 East Katella Avenue. The project site also encompasses portions ofSouth Chris Lane and South Betmor Lane. SUBSEQUENT EIR NO. 332 AND ADDENDUM AND MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN NO. 138–Determination that Subsequent (SEIR) EIR No. 332 and its Addendum and Mitigation Monitoring Plan No. 138 are adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation for the proposed actions. [The Subsequent EIR has been circulated for a 45-day public review and is currently scheduled to be considered by the Planning Commission on August 22, 2005, followed by City Council consideration in September. This SEIR would need to be certified by the City Council prior to the City Council approving SEIR No. 332 and its Addendum for the proposed project actions described in this notice.] GPA2005-00434–Request to amend the Land Use Element of the City of Anaheim General Plan to redesignate Site 2 from the Office High land use designation to the Mixed Use land use designation. This request would not change the permitted overall intensity for these uses as set forth in the General Plan. MIS2005-00111–Request to amend The Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan to incorporate Site 2 into the Platinum Triangle Mixed Use (PTMU) Overlay Zone, Katella District. MIS2005-00116-Request for Planning Commission to rescind in part Resolution No. PC2004-83 and recommend that the City Council rescind in part 08-22-05 Page 8 AUGUST 22, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINI ACTION AGENDA Resolution No. 2004-180 pertaining to Reclassification No. 2004-00127 in order to rescind resolutions of intent pertaining to the reclassification of Site 2 from the I (Industrial) to the O-H (High Intensity Office) Zone. RCL2005-00164–Request to reclassify Site 2 from the I (Industrial) to the I (PTMU) (Industrial-Platinum Triangle Mixed Use Overlay) Zone. ZCA2005-00042–Request to amend Chapter 18.20 (PTMU Overlay) of Title 18 (Zoning Code) of the Anaheim Municipal Code to add educational institutions and condominium hotels as authorized uses subject to the approval of a conditional use permit, to amend the minimum size of balconies for high-rise towers and to amend the parkland dedication requirements. CUP2005-04999–Request to permit residential tower structures up to 400 feet in height on Site 1 within Development Areas B, D, E, F, M and N of the Master Site Plan. DAG2005-00008–Request to adopt a Development Agreement between the City of Anaheim and Lennar Platinum Triangle, LLC and Sellers (as listed in the Development Agreement) to provide for the development of a Master Site Plan with up to 2,681 residences in a mix of housing types, including high rise residential towers, street townhomes, podium townhomes, and lofts with 150,000 square feet of street-related commercial development adjacent to a new street designated as Market Street. The plan also includes public park space and new connector streets. (INADVERTENTLY ADVERTISED AS 2005- 00164) GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT RESOLUTION NO. MISCELLANEOUS CASE RESOLUTION NO. MISCELLANEOUS CASE RESOLUTION NO. RECLASSIFICATION RESOLUTION NO. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT RESOLUTION NO. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. Project Planner: DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT RESOLUTION NO. (cflores@anaheim.net) OPPOSITION:None DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 3:36 P.M. TO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2005 AT 1:00 P.M. FOR PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW. 08-22-05 Page 9